#... danilo // interactions ☆
moonethecate · 1 year
the bird’s morning song. a soft splash, a tumbling pebble into the cool waters of the nearest creek. wind. leaves ruffling, dancing, falling, flying. sunlight, soft and the color of sand, it creeps through the light curtains, it twinkles against his lids in a soft waking. 
he takes in a breath still with one remaining toe dipped into the waters of sleep. there’s a weight at his chest the stirs against the rising and falling, there’s a dull stab at his back from a corner night-long pressed into him. there’s peace too, lingering like dust particles  slow dancing in morning light. 
at last, danilo lets his eyes flutter open, squinting, adjusting to the creeping light. 
gleaming glass, light fractured against crystal into a fading rainbow, against the vinyl shelf. albums with cracked and fading covers, rose scented ash, cooling piled and crumbling. cards sprawled on the table into a lazy attempt of a piled deck. an empty bottle of rosé knocked over by their feet and into a white rug,
his hand’s been tracing lightly against her skin as she sleeps, as he glimpses at the room and pieces back the night before. there’s a soft chuckle at the realization– how they’d lost track of time with a glitchy watch and sleepy disposition, how he’d laid back and closed his eyes for a second and fallen into deep and sweet sleep before marking the new year. 
he looks at her now, her skin glowing in the morning light, her expression soft, peaceful, rested. curled into this piece they took on the floor instead of the made bed. he tucks a lock of brown hair behind her ear with a lingering fingering and smiles with a small kiss to the top of her head. “happy new year”, he whispers. ( @conscientes )
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maaarine · 10 months
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How Loneliness Reshapes the Brain (Marta Zaraska, Quanta Magazine, Feb 28 2023)
"Neuroscience suggests that loneliness doesn’t necessarily result from a lack of opportunity to meet others or a fear of social interactions.
Instead, circuits in our brain and changes in our behavior can trap us in a catch-22 situation: While we desire connection with others, we view them as unreliable, judgmental and unfriendly.
Consequently, we keep our distance, consciously or unconsciously spurning potential opportunities for connections. (…)
However, a study that the team published in 2022 revealed that although threatening social situations trigger more amygdala activity in people suffering from social anxiety, they do not have that effect on lonely people.
Similarly, people with social anxiety have diminished activity in the reward sections of their brain, and that does not appear to be true for lonely people.
“The core features of social anxiety were not evident in loneliness,” Lieberz said.
Those results suggest, she said, that treating loneliness simply by telling lonely people to go out and socialize more (the way you can treat a phobia of snakes with exposure) will often not work because it fails to address the root cause of the loneliness.
In fact, a recent meta-analysis confirmed that simply providing lonely people with easier access to potential friends has no effect on subjective loneliness.
The problem with loneliness seems to be that it biases our thinking.
In behavioral studies, lonely people picked up on negative social signals, such as images of rejection, within 120 milliseconds — twice as quickly as people with satisfying relationships and in less than half the time it takes to blink.
Lonely people also preferred to stand farther away from strangers, trusted others less and disliked physical touch.
This may be why the emotional well-being of lonely individuals often follows “a downward spiral,” said Danilo Bzdok, an interdisciplinary researcher at McGill University with a background in neuroscience and machine learning. (…)
Bzdok and his team showed that some regions of the default network are not only larger in chronically lonely people but also more strongly connected to other parts of the brain.
Moreover, the default network seems to be involved in many of the distinctive abilities that have evolved in humans — such as language, anticipating the future and causal reasoning.
More generally, the default network activates when we think about other people, including when we interpret their intentions.
The findings on default network connectivity provided neuroimaging evidence to support previous discoveries by psychologists that lonely people tend to daydream about social interactions, get easily nostalgic about past social events, and even anthropomorphize their pets, talking to their cats as if they were human, for example.
“It would require the default network to do that too,” Bzdok said.
While loneliness can lead to a rich imaginary social life, it can make real-life social encounters less rewarding.
A reason why may have been identified in a 2021 study by Bzdok and his colleagues that was also based on the voluminous UK Biobank data.
They looked separately at socially isolated people and at people with low social support, as measured by a lack of someone to confide in on a daily or almost daily basis.
The researchers found that in all such individuals, the orbitofrontal cortex — a part of the brain linked to processing rewards — was smaller.
Last year, a large brain-imaging study based on data from more than 1,300 Japanese volunteers revealed that greater loneliness is associated with stronger functional connections in the brain area that handles visual attention.
This finding supports previous reports from eye-tracking studies that lonely people tend to focus excessively on unpleasant social cues, such as being ignored by others. (…)
While interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, promoting trust and synchrony, or even ingesting magic mushrooms could help treat chronic loneliness, transient feelings of solitude will most likely always remain part of the human experience.
And there is nothing wrong with that, Tomova said.
She compares loneliness to stress: It’s unpleasant but not necessarily negative.
“It provides energy to the body, and then we can deal with challenges,” she said.
“It becomes problematic when it’s chronic because our bodies are not meant to be in this constant state. That’s when our adaptive mechanisms ultimately break down.”"
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meatriarch · 3 months
m'kay so -- mostly putting this together as both a quick look for new faces & a lil' refresher for those who've been following for a while but also as a general overview on not just how i run things but also on my muses, their portrayals, some blog updates, and so on! ♡ meant for clarity & hopefully ensure there's no confusion about certain things i may mention on the dash but always feel free to shoot me a message / ask for anything further! ♡
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starting off with my main girl, my pride & joy, my sunshine incarnate. i write maria as someone very warm & with a whole mess of love to shower on those she cares about. she is achingly sweet, doting, affectionate; she adores her friends, adores her mama & sister, has a complicated relationship with her father. i've done quite a bit to flesh her out beyond what gun's put out for her in the slightest & i love where she's grown over the months since adding her onto the roster. she is my main / primary muse -- so know i constantly yap and ramble about her, i have headcanons and lore posts sprinkled all over the blog & the archived blog. i love & adore her as a muse and she's become both incredibly special to me & easily one of my absolute favorite characters to write as. that being said, with how much i've added to her, i view my portrayal of her as more oc at this point than a character of gun -- unfridged my girl, yanked her away from them and took off with her lmao alot of what i've built with her was both greatly helped by the dynamics weaved together with my affiliates / mains' portrayals which i'll get to later on ♡ but know some things may not carry over into interactions between my maria & any duplicates of my affiliates' muses!
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i haven't gone through much writing for ana yet -- but know when i do speak of ana in a general sense on here? i am specifically referring to my own ana & my personal flores' family lore! if i refer to other ana's in future posts i'll most likely note so either by, for example, ' renee's ana ' or if its to that point in plotting, then with a dynamics tag on the post! otherwise assume when i'm yapping about ana in general i'm referring to my own portrayal of her by default! c: ( note that all you cute ana mutuals are still more than welcome to interact with posts about her / her & maria / the flores' ♡ just something to keep in mind if i refer to her in a general sense in posts! )
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ya'll may know our just some guy danny by gun's canon of him -- danny gaines. the danny here however is technically my own portrayal of danny gaines that i developed before he was officially dropped & we got his last name. should i interact with others writing danny gaines? i'm completely gucci with considering my danny & gaines as entirely separate characters! otherwise, the speedrun of my danny is as follows : danilo alejo-osorio is mexican-colombian, befriended maria in their early teens. he comes from a broken family with a very fractured & a.busive father, his mother returned to colombia and started another family there believing he'd have a better life staying in the states. he went through a very rough period hanging with a real shitty crowd of so-called friends, got into a shitton of fights, broke into homes and businesses with them, stole shit, broke shit, just in general not great influences. a break-in went wrong, his "friends" scattered, and he was arrested when the police showed up, and spent time in juvie for it. none of those friends ever came by. his father didn't, none of his family did. maria, her mother and ana, instead, were his constant visitors. and it was her coming to see him, her encouragement and push for him to do better is what finally made him realize he needed to turn his shit around. at the point of maria going missing & the house, danny's going to trade school by the southern coast for ship & underwater welding courses & training. he & maria are best friends. he is her ride, die, kill. gun noted once upon a time how strong dannys' devotion to her is -- my danny is very much devoted to her. he would kill for her without hesitation -- and not in his dire au's, even, but just in general. danny would do anything for those he cares about. any of the friendgroup. my danny is gaines but stronger - thanks for coming to my t.ed talk. (:
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my personal take / lore is as follows basically : papa flores ( ramón ignacio ) & mama flores ( carmen ainara ) were long-term sweethearts whose marriage and little family seemed perfectly ideal. however, the closer that their eldest daughter, maria, got to her teen years, the sicker carmen started to become. she attempted to keep it under wraps, hush-hush from the girls' to not worry or scare them. but she was diagnosed with a lung disease ( p.ulmonary f.ibrosis fingerguns @ silver for same braincell lmao ) that is considered ( esp in the 70s likely ) to be terminal. while the girls' weren't aware of her being ill to that degree, ramon fully was. and the stress of coming to terms with his wife being sick and finding out that she may eventually pass due to it, so he claims, "caused" him to start an affair. carmen does find out, and ramon removes himself from the flores' family home to move in with his affair partner. maria, being forgiving and more gentle-hearted compared to ana, attempted to still paint him in a positive light so that ana wouldn't resent him. tried to give him the benefit of the doubt -- that he at least still did love them all. that he'd keep the promises to still be active in their lives, still show up when he said he would -- however, there's only so many excuses, so many promises broken, so many calls never ringing through, before that hope crumbles. ana would witness both her mother & maria deal with their fathers' heartbreak through closed bedroom doors, and it'd only make her despise him more for it. when maria later goes missing, ramon returns to try and help in whatever ways he can -- and ana is very unreceptive to him being there. he lost his chance in her eyes to play "dad" to them. and she makes it known clearly to him how much she resents him and reminds him he's got no place in their family, anymore. that he's there ONLY to help find maria and not to expect shit from any of them.
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by default, i say a giant fuck you to the difference in continuity's when it comes to the family! i write the hewitt's as an extension of the sawyer ( or, slaughter ) family tree. the hewitts & sawyers connected when luda mae married charlton hewitt sr. luda, in my personal canon, was born into the family through one of grandpa sawyers' many kids' he's taken in over his long-fuckin'-ass lifespan lmao alot of the family dynamics that are my canon here stem from lamb & i's back & forths. i find blending the various iterations of the family -- from originals to remakes etc -- as all just extended families to each other alot easier to work around and opens the door to more interactions with canons' from other versions of tcsm! c: i'm currently slow-piecing together a family tree of the hewitt-sawyers based on that blended concept. to the sawyers, luda is referred to by aunt or grandma ( sometimes ma luda, even ) and thomas is referred to as cousin tommy.
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i was going to make this its own post but i'll add to this one instead. but with the idea of the hewitts & sawyers being just on massive family unit? of course there's the question of how the fuck do both thomas & bubba ( or other iterations of LF ) work then? i'd argue its primarily due to the fact that those who don't personally know them both don't know their actual names, and simply refer to them by the most notable feature -- the masks. with my thomas, yes, he does take faces of victims and he does wear them. however. thomas' skin condition -- flesh-eating disease / tumor growths on his face -- is why he wears his animal-leather half-mask. that half mask is his primary mask. he is almost always wearing that or varying versions of it. when thomas DOES skin someones' face to wear? it is almost always out of rage. hatred. it's done to intimidate. to unsettle. its from back in september but, one of my thomas' replies to kels notes this about thomas! the masks of both animal & human leather are still very much a part of thomas as i write him -- but, when it comes to the hewitt-sawyers being one family unit & thomas & bubba co-existing? "l.eatherface" becomes a title in a sense -- two giant motherfuckers who wear masks?? they get confused for one another. despite thomas being arguably much larger both being beefy & being 6'9 compared to bubba. they both don't really stray far from home. how often do outsiders get a chance to see them both separately let alone close to one another? likely not a common sight. it'd be very easy to spot one of them and then assume they are one in the same, honestly. that's how i go about things here, at least! it ties into more, again, of the back-&-forths lamb & i have minecrafted especially but, i'm all for altering that for specific interactions for those who don't want to meddle with all of that! (:
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spooky momther will retain what her abilities have grown into by my personal headcanons across the board! however there are certain points to how i portray her that, from any posts about her i've made, are tied into lamb's johnny and so know that there will be differences in how she may be with other johnnys! i'm all ears to how different nancy & johnny's relationship can turn out! if theres anything i feel overlaps with other dynamics of theirs, i will let you know and we can work something else out c:
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mentioned it already but : all muses here are very heavily canon-divergent & built out from their canon lore by my own brainrot going wild with them all. with that in mind, i do just about consider each of my portrayals of these muses as my own oc's at this point with how much i've added onto them / built them up from literal nothing like in maria's case. i'm more than happy to either adapt how i write any of them to better fit into anyone elses' takes! and i'm more than happy to welcome more into the brainrot that i've minecrafted with the flores' or the hewitt-sawyers etc! that's something to come from plotting however! if we haven't really spoken ooc / etc then i default to a more general vision of the characters for the time being. i'm all up for taking different routes with new writing partners so please don't be shy about reaching out! c: if theres anything that conflicts with pre-existing personal lore of mine or is too similar to plots or dynamics i have already, i'll let you know and try to offer alternatives!
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i have a few writing partners who i am affiliated with & with their respective tcsm canon muses. kels' leland, rae's connie, & lamb's johnny -- when i refer to leland/lee or connie or johnny in general on my posts, do know i am specifically referring to their portrayals as my general lore across my blog takes their muses & the dynamics built between them into account ♡ like i mentioned in ana's lil section, i'll start to make note in posts when i am referring to duplicate johnnys / lelands / connie's / etc for when im mentioning others' portrayals specifically! by default though i am always referring to my affiliates' portrayals when i post c: just wanted to clarify that though in case it was at all confusing or unclear ♡ affiliate verses here are as follows so far : - cold case ( cc / maria's dire au ; with lamb's johnny ) - no one saved you / we saved us ( nosy / wsu / maria & leland's joint dire au ; with kels' leland & lamb's johnny ) - oath binded ( maria & johnny's red string & reincarnation au / with lamb's johnny ) and then the still babiest dire au for my danny, - choke chained ( with lamb's johnny ). these verses, for me, are strictly worked with lamb ( & with kels for nosy/wsu ) -- meaning i'm not writing in them or doing similar au's with other portrayals of johnnys or lelands! again in case i haven't been clear on it before and it causes any confusion or anything! ♡
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i am not going to be shipping maria in any romantic / intimate sense nor am i open to any prolonged captive plots & interactions with other portrayals of johnny sawyer. those types of dynamics & interactions i've decided from this point on to close that for my maria to lamb's johnny ( @johnnysslaughter ) ♡ there has been a lot of plotting & build up between my portrayal of maria & lamb's portrayal of johnny and their varying dynamics across verses / au's and their different trajectories. and because of how many different iterations of their dynamic has been pieced together, i personally am not going to be taking other plots / dynamics with other johnny's that fall under the same umbrella as the dynamic between our maria & johnny do -- again meaning, i personally won't be shipping romantically / intimately nor will I take on plots that run parallel to cold case / no one saved you re: maria being taken captive for a prolonged period of time with other johnnys. alot of this decision on my part is very much due to how much we have developed them together -- another big part of it is my trust & comfort level with lamb to explore those dynamics between maria & johnny. this doesn't mean we are exclusive to one anothers' portrayals -- i am happy to write with other johnny's! and lamb is welcome to interact with other maria's! but from this point onward, i will only ship maria & johnny with lamb. ♡
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kagebros · 11 months
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Kaede "Cade" Keli'i - Japanese/Hawaiian - mahu - he/they - transmasc - gay
Introducing my Bayverse OC, because I never posted him here??
Anyway. He's the MC of my 'Bayverse' rewrite, meets Optimus in 2007 at the age 23 and falls in love with him. He's the youngest cousin of my other OCs, Kim, Danilo and Nathan, all who have interacted with Optimus before Kaede.
Kim and Danilo in the Optimus solo movie and then Nathan in my next TF screenplay, Transformers: The Lost Ark ;)
Kaede's originally a car mechanic that works with Charlie Watson at her garage and races cars illegally with her before eventually becoming the Autobot's medic under Ratchet's teachings.
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conscientes · 2 years
location: outside of whatever the class they’re taking is .. i forgot :-))) psych? english? philosophy? sepa.
she tried as best she could to let it go. telling herself the moment she stepped foot out of danilo’s apartment that the older man was not worth her time. he’d taken enough from her and she wasn’t going to let him take much more. she’d spent the entire week leading up to going back into his classroom with that in mind. except it was easier said than done because by the time she mustered up the courage to step foot back into the class, all she could focus on was how much of a fool she’d been.
brown gaze is glued on the professor, somehow not recognizing the man before her. once certain that she knew who he was and what his intentions were being nothing more than a spell he had placed her under. the sentiment she once held toward him now replaced with disgust and anger, a sickening feeling to match the sickening man. even when he glances her way, safiya can’t look away despite knowing better. she wants to keep her emotions in check, to act indifferent and move on with her life, but she can’t. not just yet.
there’s a worry that plagues her, a fear that he’ll do it again. that he’ll continue to do it just because he can. to fool some unsuspecting ingenue into thinking she was his sun, moon, and stars. that the ring on his finger tied to the vows he made mean nothing as he’s slipped if off once again, playing the role of he bachelor, and judging from the special attention he’s suddenly giving a student that’s near the front row, safiya knows he’s already set his sight on a new target.
her stomach dropping as she watches how the two interact. the shameless flirting between the pair and safiya feeling helplessly sorry for the girl. how can she warn her? how can she stop it? the rest of the class her focus is on how to prevent another heart break that she doesn’t realize it ended until the shuffling of computers and notebooks being put away pull her back. it takes her a second before she does the same, shoving her things into her bag with the full intention of running behind the girl sharing how she’s a cautionary tale of the man’s affairs. except a voice stops her and she finds herself face to face with the reason of dread.
“safiya,” he says. she’s unsure of the rest. his lips move and sounds float in the air but the rage inside her only boils and she can only focus on how angry she is.
“i’m going to tell,” she warns, “about what you did .. how you lied to me.” brown eyes are cold as ice, very unlike the warmth and love they usually hold. she expects the threat to hold some weight to it, for him to ask her to reconsider, to beg for her forgiveness, to acknowledge how his mistake is about to cost him his career. except, he doesn’t even blink.
“i could get you expelled, get your scholarship taken away. hell, i could even take your job. i can ruin your life.”
her lips part, horror painted in her eyes as she watches how composed and relax he remains despite the threat.
“you wouldn’t,” she whispers, suddenly feeling very, very small. the expression on his face morphs into a wicked grin as he inches closer to her. a hand reaching for her face as he lifts her chin toward him, causing her to freeze. eyes widen in fear as he simply smile.  “try me,” he challenges before dropping his hand, the expression on his face hardening as he stares at her coldly. “get out of my face.”
somehow, she manages to move. too stunned to react in any other way than by fleeing. hoping to get as far as possible before she starts to crumble once again. / @moonethecate
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tvfangirladdict · 1 year
Brett and Severide Are Supposed to Bond Over THAT???
Rant time! Be Warned!!! Also, Spoilers!!!
I’m sorry, what? You’re telling me that for two months I’ve been excited about this? THIS? A dude with an arrow through his neck? That’s the call that’s supposed to deepen Brett and Severide’s friendship? Seriously? That’s all you could give us? I literally can’t remember the last time they’ve spoken outside of a call, and you’re telling me that this will somehow lead to a new closer connection between them? That it will carry on after the episode?
I can only hope this isn’t supposed to be THE call to bring them together.
For anyone seriously confused, Chicago Fire showrunners teased a new bonding experience between Sylvie Brett and Kelly Severide during a call in an episode later in season 11.
“During a recent interview with TV Line, Fire showrunner Andrea Newman revealed that there will finally be a storyline that brings Brett and Severide together.” (Danilo Castro, OneChicagoCenter.com)
Excerpt from interview:
“There is a cool (and shocking!) call coming up later in the season where Brett and Severide need to work together to save someone in a desperate situation”, Newman went on to explain. “And their connection will deepen coming out of that story.”
The new promo that aired tonight of next week’s episode, s11e13, centered around squad and ambo on a call where a dude is found with an arrow pierced all the way through his neck. It’s then made clear that Kelly and Sylvie will have to work together to move the guy.
I can’t believe I let myself think that the showrunners would actually give me what I want and let Brett and Severide interact in any kind of real, meaningful way. A “cool and shocking call”? It’s one dude who’s been impaled by an arrow. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’ll be awesome to see Sylvie’s expertise highlighted, it’s been a while since she’s gotten to show off a bit. But do I believe that after nearly 9 years of calls together that this will somehow breakdown nearly a decade old barrier between these characters? Doubtful. If we’re lucky, we might see them talk about it at Molly’s later in the episode, but I’m not holding out much hope. 
Maybe I’m pessimistic, but they’ve made it perfectly clear they don’t think these two should ever become real friends. They interacted more in Sylvie’s 6th episode (the cps case) than the last 9 years combined. Then Kelly ran away to Vegas, got hitched, and they haven’t had a meaningful conversation since. 
Not that I’m bitter or anything...
But hey, maybe I’ll look back at this in a week and be completely wrong, and they’ll come out of this besties. Fingers Crossed.
Source: One Chicago Center
P.S. Please no hate. This is just my raw, unedited reaction to tonight’s new promo. I’ve been hyped up for weeks and weeks thinking we’d finally see some development of Kelly and Sylvie’s friendship, but if this call is the one that the showrunner was talking about, I’m feeling let down and angry. Hence the rant warning. There are no personal stakes involved that make me believe this will have any lasting impact on the duo’s lack of connection, and I’m super bummed.
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solarstcrms · 2 years
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( donny pangilinan, he/him, cis male )   —  RORY GALANG  is a child of  MELINOE  with the power of  MEDIUMSHIP  &  SPIRIT INTERACTION .  they were born in  1998  and have been in nemean lion since  2008 .  with the change, they  HAVE GRADUATED FROM  the  HERO  role which makes sense since they’re usually  MAKING FRENEMIES WITH SPIRITS & DRINKING HIS HATERADE .
whatever torrid affair danilo galang had with melinoe back in the day, rory doesn’t care to know any of the details. all he knows is that one day she disappeared just as quickly as she had appeared, leaving a baby in danilo’s care, and he’s been trying to get rid of rory ever since. as soon as rory was old enough to understand, the feeling has been mutual. just as well that rory had stumbled onto nemean lion so early on — it meant that someone else could keep an eye on danilo’s weird sullen child that spoke to himself too much. not that rory’s dad ever told him about the godly part of everything. honestly, he’s still not sure how much danilo actually knows and he’ll never ask. the mass of spirits that haunted san francisco’s streets gave him a few clues when they weren’t actively frustrating him, but nemean lion really filled in a lot of the gaps. he’s been at nemean lion for as long as he can remember and he holds a fondness for it even though he’ll never admit or show it.
he’s grumpy ninety-nine percent of the time, and the other one percent he’s probably asleep. probably the least approachable hero, but it was always the track that made the most sense to him. mostly keeps to himself unless someone in his direct line of sight does something annoying enough to comment on or truly piss him off. resting bitch face. willing to offer constructive criticism and would generally be a very helpful person if he wasn’t so unpleasant.
full name:  rory galang nickname(s):  n/a powers:  mediumship & spirit interaction
orientation:  bisexual birth place:  san francisco, ca height:  6' 0 nl tattoo:  inner left bicep
human parent:  danilo galang half-sibling(s):  prim vu hometown:  san francisco, ca
clothing style:  ripped jeans, band tees. beat-up sneaks, ratty flannel. too much black for this weather. nirvana plays in the distance. favorite dessert:  peanut butter m&ms alignment:  chaotic neutral
+  pragmatic, astute, hands-on –  cynical, taciturn, outspoken
kane’s friends: he hates you
his own “friends” i guess: he tolerates you
long-term members: he acknowledges you
flings/ex-flings: he respects you
hero track: he puts up with you
known connections:
– kane alegre ( best friend, roommate, his one & only ) – aria garces ( friend, pain in his ass ) – kat covington ( kinda friend, kinda hookup ) – kaia zerhouni ( only healer he trusts ) – insert your character here !
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India and Brazil in the Global Multilateral Order
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India and Brazil are celebrating 74 years of diplomatic relations in 2022. In more recent years, the two countries have elevated their relationship based on a common global vision, commitment to development, and shared democratic values. They established a strategic partnership in 2006, and sought to deepen it in 2020 by agreeing to an Action Plan to Strengthen the Strategic Partnership. Today the two countries work together in various international forums, including platforms such as BRICS, IBSA, G4, G20, BASIC, as well as the United Nations in the wider multilateral context; they engage in summit meetings, high-level visits, and exchanges. Trade and investment between them have grown over the years, as has cooperation in important areas such as bioenergy.
As the two countries navigate a world in flux, their complementarities and shared perceptions of multipolarity provide a unique opportunity to explore avenues for greater cooperation. As India celebrates 75 years of independence and Brazil marks its 200th, this report by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) offers Indian and Brazilian perspectives on some of the most important issues around multilateral forums that impact both countries and their bilateral relationship. Both countries have a long and robust tradition of engaging in forums in which they have often developed strong and enduring partnerships. Greater knowledge of each other’s actions would allow potential interactions and promote both countries’ interests.
The report consists of three essays written by Indian authors, and three others by Brazilian authors. The pieces centre on the following themes: the World Trade Organization (WTO); UN peacekeeping operations; and UN Security Council reforms. Each of them outlines a brief history of India’s and Brazil's performance in the domain, analyses the current situation, and explores the prospects for cooperation between the two nations.
In the first section on the WTO, Lia Valls Pereira provides a Brazilian perspective on the multilateral trading system and ponders possibilities in partnerships with India. She highlights how Brazil and India share a common interest in strengthening the WTO. Abhijit Mukhopadhyay, in his chapter, explores the current status of global trade recovery and discusses the ongoing stalemate at the WTO. He explores pathways for Indo-Brazilian cooperation on multilateral trade issues, underlining their shared world views and democratic values.
The second section presents prospects for cooperation between the two countries in the area of UN Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKOs). Kartik Bommakanti discusses the significance of UNPKOs to the UN’s collective security system and provides a comparative analysis of India’s and Brazil's contributions to current peacekeeping missions. He explores possibilities for cooperation between India and Brazil, outlining how both countries could benefit by learning from each side’s strengths. While discussing Brazil's viewpoint on UNPKOs, Danilo Marcondes gives a historical account of the country’s contributions to peacekeeping missions. He notes how the two countries can leverage their growing defence partnership further to cooperate on UNPKOs.
In the last section of the report, the authors examine prospects for India and Brazil's cooperation in instituting reforms at the UN Security Council (UNSC). Marianna Albuquerque applies theoretical literature to discuss India’s and Brazil's participation in the UNSC and details the current state of affairs. She outlines how the post-Cold War era of multipolarity has affected the legitimacy of the UNSC and offers policy-oriented suggestions for heightening Brazil and India's cooperation at the Council. In the last chapter, Aarshi Tirkey describes India's participation as a non-permanent member at the UNSC, discusses New Delhi's initiatives for reforming the Council, and explores areas for future Indo-Brazilian cooperation.
This report brings together scholars from India and Brazil to articulate new perspectives that could assist policymakers in both countries in identifying new opportunities for collaboration. The analysts explore the possibilities for cooperation created by the rapid geopolitical changes taking place in the world, and look at how the two countries can build the foundation for playing new roles in the global stage.
Continue reading.
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Since there's people sharing their farmers, I'd like to talk about mine a bit if that's okay! ( !! mentions of drugs / addiction !! ) -🦭 (ps. ty for the last response, I feel ready for tomorrow's test lol)
his name is Danilo, I don't know if he could be considered a dark oc? since his story is pretty much troubled / addicted teen and then he grows to become a fully clean, healing adult after settling in the farm
I haven't really given much thought to canon x oc interactions, but what I have is that he's really kind and friendly to Linus since he was homeless for a while too.
I like to think that his first friend was Abigail, and when she tried to introduce him to Sebastian and Sam they thought that Danilo was way older, he's not actually, it's just that the consumption of substances made his skin look a bit unhealthy. the 4 of them do get along though.
Harvey is really important to him! as the town medic Danilo seeks him out to help with his process of going sober, when he has worse days and feels like relapsing he spends all day at the clinic, he feels safe, accepted and supported under Harvey's care.
Danilo feels sympathy for Shane, but he's not really comfortable around him, he reminds him too much of himself, gives him anguish and stuff. almost all their interactions include Danilo making subtle comments about Shane's problem with alcohol
my farmer is just a very self indulgent oc, really. something something character in bad situation actually getting help and fixing their life something something.
⚠️ Warning: mention of drugs:
Hey, I like your Farmer's story. I have to admit, Danilo and Julian are similar in some ways: two men who had a hard time growing up, albeit different situations. Also, I'm glad he's getting help from Harvey in his past addiction.
Do you think Danilo will be Julian's friend? Because Julian doesn't mind getting to know the new Farmer and treating him to tea and apple pie 😊
But anyway, thanks for sharing your Farmer, seal anon! 💖🫰
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cssmonster · 6 months
Explore 55+ CSS Hamburger Menu Icons
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Welcome to CSS Monster, your ultimate destination to explore 55+ CSS hamburger menu icon designs. Our curated collection features free HTML and CSS code examples carefully selected from platforms like CodePen, GitHub, and other reputable resources. As of August 2023, we're thrilled to share that our collection has been updated, now including 4 new and exciting hamburger menu icon items for you to discover. Hamburger menu icons have become a staple in modern web design, especially in mobile web design. They serve as an essential component, offering an easy-to-use navigation system that occupies minimal screen space. When clicked or tapped, these icons typically reveal a side drawer or dropdown menu, providing additional navigation options for users. Our collection boasts a diverse range of hamburger menu icon designs, each serving as a valuable starting point for your own projects. Each design features its unique style and animation, allowing you to choose the one that seamlessly aligns with your website's design aesthetic. Whether you're in search of a simple and minimalist design or something more intricate and visually captivating, you're bound to discover a hamburger menu icon design in this collection that suits your specific needs. We invite you to explore this collection and leverage these CSS hamburger menu icons to enhance the navigation experience on your website. Each design comes equipped with its HTML and CSS code example, making it easy for you to incorporate them into your projects. Happy coding! Author Temani Afif April 22, 2022 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER MENU WITH ROUNDED EDGES Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Cassie Evans December 2, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) SIMPLE CSS HAMBURGER Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Danilo August 16, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS ANIMATED MENU Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Vikram July 8, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS SVG INTERACTION (MENU TO LEFT ARROW) Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Mikael Ainalem May 24, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER MENU Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Bilal.Rizwaan May 18, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS TRANSFORMING HAMBURGER MENU Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Milan Raring January 19, 2020 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) MENU ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Florin Pop November 21, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS / JS MOVING HAMBURGER ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Adam Kuhn October 11, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML (Haml) / CSS (SCSS) OBNOXIOUS BURGER Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Mikael Ainalem September 30, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Himalaya Singh July 26, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Himalaya Singh July 22, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS MENU BUTTON Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Yacine June 4, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS MINIMAL ANIMATED PURE CSS MENU ICON Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Aaron Iker April 17, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) HAMBURGER 3D CSS SWITCH ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Akshay March 14, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML (Pug) / CSS (Sass) / JS HAMBURGER MENU V2 Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Kowshik Kuri March 12, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS MOBILE MENU ICON TOGGLE ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Mikael Ainalem March 11, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS FLIPPIN' JUICY BURGERS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Himalaya Singh January 27, 2019 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER MENU BUTTON INTERACTION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Aaron Iker November 6, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) HAMBURGER ANIMATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Rhys Matthew P October 19, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JavaScript CLICK HIGHLIGHTER ON MENU BUTTON USING :AFTER Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Elitsa Dimitrova September 2, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS / JavaScript HAMBURGER MENU Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Sil van Diepen August 21, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) HAMBURGER MENUS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Mikael Ainalem August 20, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS FLIPPING BURGERS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author rosalieelphick August 7, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS CSS HAMBURGER MENUS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Tamino Martinius August 6, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (PostCSS) HAMBURGER MENU ANIMATIONS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Amli June 30, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS / JavaScript BUTTON NAVIGATION Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Sean B June 25, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS (SCSS) MENU ICON WITH A SPIN Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Tony Banik June 20, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML (Slim) / CSS (SCSS) HAMBURGER ICON WITH CHECKBOXES Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: - Author Gareth June 19, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML / CSS HAMBURGER MENU Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: -
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Author Ahmad Emran January 29, 2018 Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Author HTML HAMBURGER ICONS ANIMATIONS Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive: yes Dependencies: -
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Author Ryan Mulligan December 20, 2017 Just Get The Demo Link Read the full article
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moonethecate · 1 year
the moon is out, witness to the soft rustling of their feet against the pavement as the pair have fallen into a gray silence. three dogs lead the way exploring just a couple of meters away– danilo’s heavy lids take a glance at her, walking still just an inch apart. lips part, but they don’t really find the right words. he may have fucked up. there’s a soft sound that makes him look, a slumbering violin, a melody that picks up, joined by a second violin and what sounds more like a cello. his head sways a bit to the slow rythm, danilo’s hand reaches for hers. ( @conscientes )
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moonshinefms · 1 year
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a  collection  of  inspo  and  musings  for  a  private  discord  rp   ♡   ( please do not interact with this blog )
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aysun  tokaslan  ;  vampire .  38 .  fahriye evcen  .
aslı  tokaslan  ;  alpha  werewolf hybrid .  35 .  demet  ozdemir  .
aydın  tokaslan  ;  werewolf hybrid .  33 .  alperen  duymaz  .
anna  hyde  ;  witch .  29 .  jodie  comer  .
akiko  sato  ;  hunter  /  vampire .  30 / 31 .  lyrica  okano  .
ha-yun  ‘summer’  jeong  ;  werewolf hybrid.  38 .  jamie  chung  .
isabella  ‘isa’  rivera  ;  witch .  48 .  daniella  allonso  .
meave  hyde  ;  witch .  55 .  nicole  kidman  .
nathan  o’connor  ;  vampire .  52  /  57 .  tommy  flanagan  .
adem  divit  ;  werewolf .  36 .  can  yaman  .
danilo  atienza  ;  vampire .  34  /  512 .  manny  jacinto  .
violet  león  ;  vampire .  35  /  415 .  zoe  kravitz  .
rosalie  lavigne  ;  vampire .  32  /  963 .  camille  razat .
sasha bradshaw  ;  hybrid .  24 .  savannah lee smith .
jia zhou  ;  familiar .  27 .  jessie mei li .
vitorrio kim  ;  witch .  30 . alex landi .
jada bennett  ;  witch .  30 . kat graham .
mara ; demon . - . lesley-ann brandt .
ares vasileiou ; vampire . 37 / 743 . theo james .
catalina carizzo ; werewolf . 30 . adria arjona
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lana ceyda manning  ;  werewolf .  33 .  hazar ergüçlü .
beck jr. manning (j.r.)  ;  born hybrid .  25 .  çağatay ulusoy .
hazal defne manning  ;  untriggered werewolf .  23 .  sude zülal güler .
samson mcclane  ;  untriggered werewolf .  24 .  rish shah .
marcus tokasland-durand  ;  human .  26 .  jonathan daviss .
kane russo  ;  witch .  34 .  simone susinna .
roman winchester ; alpha wolf . 33 . casey deidrick .
dante león-dumas ; human . 30 . lucien laviscount .
addison 'addy' rollands ; human . 25 . samantha logan .
giuliano russo ; witch . 54 . bobby cannavale .
sofia russo ; witch . 58 . monica bellucci .
marco russo ; witch . 59 . alessio boni .
mattia deluca ; witch . 35 . giacomo gianniotti .
nick vargas ; witch . 37 . peter gadiot .
avery jenkins ; jumper . imortal . maggie q .
claire carter ; human . 40 . sofia bush .
jax chastain ; hunter . 40 . boyd holbrook .
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tophsazulas · 1 year
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Full name: Nikki Alison Velasco
Nicknames: Nik, goat's mommy, babe, baby (all by Nate), Funyun, Jay's pimp, honey, baby, darling, babe (by Gwen), Darling (by Sam), Honey (by Tom), tiki (by Ozzie), ‘niks’ ‘dude’ (by Sarah)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California
Birthday: June 5, 1980 (age 15)
Occupation: Student
Family: Samantha Garcia (mother), Thomas Velasco (father), unnamed paternal grandparents, unnamed paternal cousins, Dakila Garcia (maternal grandmother), Bayani Garcia (maternal grandfather), Carina Garcia (maternal aunt), Aurora Garcia (maternal aunt), Angelo Ramos (maternal uncle), Antonio Santos (maternal uncle), Diwa Santos (maternal cousin), Crisanto Ramos (maternal cousin), Danilo Ramos (maternal cousin)
Pet(s): Julie Garcia (dog)
Romances: Jay Kelso (one night stand), Nate Runck (ex boyfriend), Gwen Runck (crush), Amaya Callesti (former crush, turned down), Clara (ex girlfriend)
Friends: Sarah Mitchell (former best friend), Jay Kelso, Gwen Runck, Leia Forman, Ozzie Takada, Trevor Canton
(Got the last name idea from @disneymbti )
(Icon by @amvmarch)
Nikki Alison Velasco is a main character on That '90s Show. Nikki is focused, smart, and driven. From the outside, you could easily see her becoming a doctor or a lawyer. But inside, she has more rebellion than a frustrated debutante and doing crazy things with her friends scratches that itch.
Her parents
Despite both of them not agreeing with her dating Nate, Sam and Tom both love Nikki and want nothing but the best for her. Nikki is shown to be super grateful to her parents and they even walk her down the isle on her wedding day.
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Nate Runck
Nikki and Nate started dating in February ‘95. They aren’t shown to have a healthy relationship (i.e. the controlling nature, Nate getting Nikki an anniversary present from the dumpster, not knowing how to spell her name, etc.) but they are shown to care for each other. Nikki broke up with Nate after finding out he almost kissed Leia and has sex with Jay as revenge.
Nate repeatedly tries to get her back and gets pissed when finding out that she’s dating his sister Gwen. Eventually he moves on from it and they end up remaining good friends. Nate ends up marrying her best friend Sarah Mitchell in 2001.
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Gwen Runck
Gwen and Nikki first met in detention during their freshman year of high school when Gwen accidentally threw a paper ball at her. From there on, a connection seemed to be present even though they didn't spend a lot of alone time together. They started interacting more in “The Rave" and "Step by Step", eventually developing a secret friendship. Both began catching feelings but didn't act on them
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parolim-prlm · 1 year
VAIOT (VAI) Next 50x AI Project Is Explained | | by Danilo Lantas | Coinmonks | Feb, 2023
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AI projects are getting popular and one gem is ready for millionaires on next bull run. VAIOT is a blockchain-based platform that provides digital services powered by AI and machine learning. The platform aims to revolutionize the way we interact with digital… #VAIOT #VAI #50x #Project #Explained #Danilo #Lantas #Coinmonks #Feb
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ainews · 2 years
A new study has found that ovens are more likely to be selfish than other kitchen appliances.
The study, conducted by the University of Sheffield, found that ovens are more likely to take longer to heat up when they know that other appliances are also in use.
The study's lead author, Dr. Danilo Tagliabue, said that the findings suggest that ovens are "selfish agents" that are motivated by their own interests.
"This is the first time that we have found evidence that kitchen appliances are capable of making decisions based on their own self-interest," Tagliabue said.
The study's authors say that the findings could have implications for the way we design and use kitchen appliances.
"If we want to design kitchens that are more efficient and less selfish, we need to take into account the way that appliances interact with each other," Tagliabue said.
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jyanadavega · 5 years
Ok here is a little rant about motogp (more about the riders so). The season will be over in two weeks and I want to sum up a bit this first season :) Also I’m so not ready for the end of it, I will miss them so much T-T (Thanks god the biathlon season start just after and I might look a bit at F1 also, so I should be okay).
So at first I really didn’t think it will grow so much in me even so I should I guess (like this happens with all the sport, should known myself better) and I’m really disappointed I didn’t watch the first gps. Also should have watch moto2 sooner (but I will make a second post about it).
 And I’m not going to talk about the brand because really I don’t know anything
Fabio : I’m really not used to be so much for a french sportsman (except thibaut maybe but that different). The fact that he is younger than me (and than my little brother make it easier I guess). I’m really proud of him, of all achievements, and I really , really want him to win. He really deserve it and this is really the only things that he is missing now
Marc : ugh thinking about it hurts my head. He really is all that I hate in sport a winning-all guy which doesn’t seem to have weakness (and he is a spanish winning all and this is even worse (2010 I think about you) and my ultimate fantasy husband (beautiful brown guy, successful, a bit older than me, with a beautiful smile). And I’m like, I really don’t want to see you sad but really you are so annoying as well. Can you like be human sometimes? 
Dovi : I like him. He really seems like a genuine nice guy, very far from the drama of the others. He doesn’t make me vibrate like some other but I’m happy for him when he wins. And he completely deserve his second place
Petrucci : I read once here that he was the reincarnation of a teddy bear. This is so true, he looks adorable. He and Dovi really gives off a nice guy vibes. So you want them to be happy 
Valentino : despite arriving only now in motogp, i can totally understand why people love him so much. Every time he speaks he has this kind of aura which scream you will like me. so much charisma. I kind of wish he win this 10th championship but also there so may we deserve it as well (dovi, mav, fabio...)
Franco : seems like a nice and talented guys.Hopes he gets a podium soon maybe even a win
Jack : I love his interaction with most of the riders (the jokes with fabio, the taxi for mav and rins (team 95 **). And it’s always nice to have him in the press conference.  Also at first I thought he was older than that but we have less than 2 years of age difference, I’ve got plenty of friends of the same age as him.  So i kind of feel I have to be a bit for him. Specially with no 96 on the motogp grids
Rins : I had a lot of time before realizing he was spanish and not english. When he won Silverstone, I was like, yeah he won his home grandprix. Other than that he also seems like a funny nice guy, + team 95 + born in december, i can not dislike this guy. Also so happy for him to have his first win this season
Mav  : Like Jack, I thought he was older than he actually is. And at first i was “he ‘s just 1 of the 100 spanish riders on the grids”. But gp after gp, watching him finishing third again and again, looking at him helping luca, being helped by miller, I slowly change my mind. And now I may have developed a bit of a crush on him and he clearly is my other fav with fabio. 
And that’s all for today’s talk. Otherwise it will take the night + i don’t really have much of an opinion about the other riders. except that joan mir gives the same cute baby vibes as fabio
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