#★ mal writes!
bruisedboys · 11 months
love drunk — miguel o’hara x reader
summary — while miguel deals with a drunk and clingy you, you accidentally let it slip that you love him. requested here
grumpy x sunshine!! spidergirl!reader, no pronouns used but implied fem!reader, grumpy miguel, kind of ditzy reader, drunk reader, established relationship, first ‘I love you’ trope, miguel being lovesick, fluff. so much fluff
implied fem!reader 1.3k words
Miguel thinks he should never let you drink again in your whole life.
“Y/N,” he says through gritted teeth, irritated now. Actually, he was irritated ten minutes ago but was doing a better job at hiding it. “Come on. Get off me.”
You’re dead weight in his lap. He wouldn’t mind, he likes when you sit on him like this, only you’re in the middle of the bar and there are at least five Peter’s looking his way and smirking, and he can see Hobie Brown laughing at him behind his hand across the room.
“Whyyyyy?” You drawl, your lips slow and your tongue slower. You paw at his chest and give him a glare that’s about as menacing as a puppy. “You’re so mean.”
Miguel sighs heavily. He picks up his hands where they’d been hovering at your sides, unsure whether he should touch you or not when you’re like this, and gets a good grip on your hips.
“C’mon, get up,” he says. He lifts you off his lap with ease, fingers curling around your hips, and deposits you in the booth seat next to him.
To Miguel’s surprise, you don’t flop into his side or try to climb back onto him like he thought you would. Where seconds ago you were like a rag doll, you sit rigid straight.
“What?” He asks you, genuinely confused.
“Sorry,” you say quietly, frowning to yourself. “I didn’t mean that. You’re not mean.”
Miguel blinks at you. “Oh. No, that’s not why I made you get off, sweetheart. I know you don’t actually think I’m mean.”
Slowly, you brighten up like a wind up toy, springing back to life in slow motion with a big smile painting itself across your mouth, all teeth. “Oh, okay. Can I get back on you now?”
Miguel actually laughs. He’s very tempted to say yes, you can sit in his lap as long as you like. He doesn’t, mostly because you’re very obviously past your limit and you need a bed and some water. Neither of which he can get you here.
“You’re funny, cariño,” he tells you, chucking you under the chin with his knuckles. You beam up at him, eyes squinting so much they’re half closed. He indulges himself in a squeezing of your cheek before breaking the news, “No, you can’t get back on me—“ Your face falls, “—But I can take you to bed?”
Your smile comes back so quick it’s alarming, and you nod vehemently. “Yeah, please.”
Miguel manages to get you out of the Spider-Bar (nicknamed by one of the Peter’s, he can’t remember which but Miguel refuses to call it that. It’s just a section off the second floor of Headquarters where Spider-people migrate to drink.) without you tripping over your own feet. He’s discovering you’re a very clumsy, clingy drunk. That, and you really can’t hold your liquor. He’s only had a little less than you and he feels completely fine. Other than the burning in his chest, though he’s pretty sure that has more to do with you and your presence than the alcohol.
He gets you into an elevator and holds you up when you slouch into his side. His arm around your hip and both of your hands clinging like vines to his free arm, tight enough to ache but he can’t bring himself to ask you to loosen your grip a little. He’d be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy your apparent desperation to stick to him like glue.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open. A gaggle of Spider-Women wait on the other side, Jess among them. The younger girls giggle amongst themselves when they see the predicament they’ve caught their haughty boss in.
“Hey, Miguel,” Jess drawls as she sidles past him, Miguel practically dragging you out of the elevator now and out of the way of the girls. “Hey, Y/N.” She grins at your inebriated state, then looks to Miguel, “Early night?”
It’s almost midnight. Miguel can’t tell if she’s teasing or not. She probably is. “Yeah.”
“Miguel’s taking me to bed,” you pipe up, a lustful tone to your sticky, slurry voice that Miguel winces at. He hadn’t meant it like that. Clearly, your drunk mind had taken it that way. He’ll be sure to set the record straight once you’re safe and alone in his room.
Jess laughs loud. “Right. Well, have fun with that.”
She’s still laughing as the elevator doors slide shut. Miguel sighs. He’s not gonna hear the end of that for at least a week. You tug on his arm and smile up at him sweetly, and he forgets all about it.
“What is it, cariño?” He hums.
“Can you carry me? My feet are sore.”
Miguel indulges you. Partly because you’d asked and he’s yet again been tasked with the challenge of saying no to you (which he fails at every time), and partly because you’re slowing him down and he really wants to get to his room before he meets anyone else. He scoops you up easily, one arm hooked beneath your thighs and the other under your back. You giggle dazedly and hook your arms around his neck tight enough that it’d hurt anyone but Miguel, burying your face in his neck, your flyaway hair tickling his skin.
By the time he gets you to his room you’re half asleep in his arms. He’d let you sleep but your suit is constricting. He deposits you on the bed in the dark and switches on the lamp. He only manages to turn on his heels before you’re grabbing his arm, warm hand wrapping around his wrist with a clumsy desperation.
“Don’t go,” you murmur, eyes half closed.
Miguel pries your hand away gently. “I’m not going anywhere. Just getting your pyjamas.”
You allow it but you make a grab for him as soon as he’s back, hands warm at his waist. He stands in front of you and undresses you out of your spidersuit, then redresses you into the pyjamas you keep in his room. You keep quiet other than the occasional hiccup and despite your amorous comment earlier you don’t try anything, even when you’re completely bare-chested and Miguel is standing over you. While he pulls your shirt over you head, your hands find his hips and grip them like somebody’s trying to take him away from you.
He gives you a glass of water which you skull back like you’re about to die of thirst. He refills the glass and when he comes back you’ve turned the light off and buried yourself under the covers. He thinks you’re asleep until he goes to put the glass on the bedside table and your hand sneaks out of the sheets, reaching for him.
“Miguel…” you murmur, fingers brushing his abdomen. You tilt your head up towards him, searching for him in the dark.
“You okay?” He asks, concerned you’re not feeling well. He hopes you’re not the kind of drunk who throws up everything they drank. Though he can’t say he’d mind looking after you even if you were.
“I’m fine,” you say softly. It’s dark and he can barely see your face but he hears your next words just fine. “Thank you for looking after me … I love you.”
Miguel is so shocked he almost drops the glass of water he’s holding. Sure, he knew you had feelings for him. He knew you care for him about as much as he does for you, which is an inordinate amount. To hear you say it is different. His fondness for you multiplies by about a million and the chasm in his chest feels, not for the first time since he met you, a little bit smaller.
He knows you probably won’t remember it in the morning, but it’s been said and his chest is aflame. He sets the cup down and then crouches next to your lovely, tired face, and cups your cheek. He presses a soft kiss to your temple, and then your lips. Your eyelashes flutter as your eyes fall shut and you smile.
Miguel waits til he’s sure you’re asleep to say it back — vulnerability’s never really been his strong suit. He tucks hair away from your face, feeling a bit drunk himself. Just not from anything he drank. “I love you too, mi amor.”
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smuttyfantasyrecs · 11 months
Peter Parker pt.2
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*original Peter Parker post can be found here*
🦋 impact play 🦋 collaring 🦋
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helldustedstories · 11 days
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Stolas was at Ozzie's for fifteen hours when he went to his appointment to ask for an Asmodean crystal for Blitz.
The appointment was set for noon, which meant that Stolas showed up around 11:45, to make sure that he wasn't going to be late. He was still recovering from the injuries he sustained from Striker, something that resulted in slower, more deliberate movements from the prince so that he could hide just how hurt he still was. Stolas had already had to reschedule the appointment for when he got out of the hospital; he wasn't about to push it again or do anything that would jeopardize his chances at obtaining a crystal for Blitz.
He sits outside of Ozzie's office, hat in his hand, trying not to think about all of his injuries and how he's still recovering, trying not to dwell on the fact that, if he gets the crystal from Ozzie…., if he gives it to Blitz, he might lose him. But it's hard not to think about the things that are weighing so heavily on your mind, especially when you're left alone for four hours.
By the time Ozzie steps out of his office to greet him, it's 4:00.
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But he doesn't say a word about it; just greets Asmodeus and heads into his office with him. When Ozzie brings up Blitz, Stolas admits that he has feelings for him, that that's why he's there: to ask Ozzie for a crystal so that Blitz can continue his business without having to rely on Stolas. He wants a clean slate for them, even though he knows it might not end up happening the way he wants, that Blitz might not care about him the same way he does.
And when Ozzie says that Fizz hates Blitz, so he can't give Stolas a crystal, Stolas accepts Ozzie at his word, and is about to be on his way when Ozzie checks the message he received (seemingly from Fizz).
Stolas could have used that moment to try to bargain, to suggest "I'll stay and help you with this if you give me the crystal I asked for," but instead, he stays with Ozzie without any hesitation. And when the lawyer arrives and gives Ozzie the bogus contract, he reads over it, to make sure that Asmodeus doesn't sign anything that would be detrimental to him.
He stays with Ozzie even as the lawyer deliberately takes his time to look over everything once more, through the night. Despite being in a great deal of pain himself. Stolas put that aside in favour of helping Asmodeus instead; he doesn't know Fizzarolli at all, except as part of the duo that taunted him and Blitz when they were in the club, and he has no idea at all that Blitz was involved. He stayed to help without a moment's hesitation because he cared, because it was the right thing to do.
For eleven hours. By the time the lawyer is almost through looking over the contract again, when Ozzie checks his watch before Fizzarolli shows back up, the time shows as 3:00.
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Which means that Stolas was there for fifteen hours that day, most of which was spent trying to help Ozzie get his "business partner" back safely, without any expectation of any sort of thanks or repayment.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
Because I chicken out and never actually send my GL characters to anyone unless I know they're familiar with the source material, would you like this post if you're chill with interacting with them in their RWBY-verses?
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ch-4-eri · 3 months
i need more claire redfield fics 😩😩😩
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mcntsee · 4 months
— ★ works in progress!
↳ these are not in any specific order!
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— my wife
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: This marriage was not an act of love, just pure convenience. Kaz thirsting for revenge, and her itching for a way out.
Snippet: Perhaps, in this alternate life, they might have fallen in love. In that scenario, Kaz speculated he would have invested genuine effort into getting to know her. Truly know her. And just maybe, their wedding would have been a celebration of love, not a calculated ruse.
— crimson smoke - 3.1K words
↳ (Kaz Brekker x sister! reader)
Summary: Stealing the Neshyenyer
Snippet: Her eyes widened in fear as she tried to step away from him. Her father's grip was relentless. She managed to break free but found herself unable to step back further. She whispered, "Da..."
— routine
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Snippet: But maybe routine was meant to be broken every now and then.
Still, he waited and waited, but she never came.
— what’s your name?
↳ (Kaz Brekker x civilian! reader)
Snippet: Initially, a person’s name holds little to no significance to us. However, as we build a relationship with them and feelings arise, their name acquires a new meaning. Someone's name signifies the feelings it evokes in you.
— breaking my heart
↳ (from jesper’s pov + slight platonic!crows)
Summary: Jesper’s heart breaks at the sight of Kaz Brekker, his boss and the coldest person in Katterdam, on his knees.
Snippet: His breath caught in his throat as he watched Kaz’s usually steady form falter. He watched as his knees gave way, and sank to the ground, pressing his forehead against the cold earth.
— the problem
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Snippet: “I fell in love with you.”
“Say it again.”
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— my angel
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Epilogue for Fires of passion, ashes of hate from Kaz’s point of view. (Can also be read as a standalone or first part to my devil)
Snippet: She remained the sole divine thing he believed in— the one enduring belief he still clung to.
— my devil
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Epilogue for Fires of passion, ashes of hate from reader’s point of view. (Can also be read as a standalone or second part to my angel)
Snippet: He was the forbidden fruit she couldn’t resist—the captivating rebel who stole and kept her heart.
— my dearly detested
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Summary: Enemies to lovers
Snippet: "I've known you for a while now, Rietveld. Although my family wasn't much into Lij festivities, I remember you and Jordie being part of it, just like me."
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— old friend (request by: lottle-is-little)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x civilian! reader)
Request: I was wondering if you could write Kaz x reader (female) where the girl is from Lij and was best friends with Kaz (like Alina and Mal) and Kaz finds photos of them and Jordie together before they moved to Ketterdam (she stayed behind when they went and lost contact) and he misses her a bunch and him and the Crows go to Lij and meet her and super fluffy and happy
— the waves (request by: @lottle-is-little)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x grisha! reader)
Request: Reader is a part of the Counsel of Tides and Kaz doesn't know and something happens where the Counsel threatens the city because of something that happened and the reader comes back to the Slat exhausted from using their power too much at once and passes out and Kaz takes care of them.
— stalker (request by: @tayrae515)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: Reader having a stalker. Maybe it starts out as creepy notes the reader hides but ends up with the stalker approaching her (kidnapping or not.) and Kaz saving the reader by dealing with the stalker. Maybe it even ends with Kaz's attempt at admitting he cares about the reader.
— my head, my heart (request by: @nicole198205)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: kaz brekker x reader where the reader has been struggling with like migraines or something and attempting to hide it from kaz but he eventually finds out?
— pull me closer (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: maybe they are sleeping together for the first time, but not in a sexual way. like, they are cuddling for the first time after working on his touch aversion for so long?
— stay with me (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader)
Request: reader is from The Menagerie, and Kaz is paying her in debts, as well as Inej's, and she's one of the crows, she's in love with Kaz, he's in love with her, but the something happens and she's afraid that Tante is gonna take her back to The Menagerie, and she decides to run away but then Kaz says the famous "Stay. Stay in Ketterdam. Stay with me." to her.
— my demons, your fears (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x grisha! reader)
Request: kaz brekker x reader oneshot where they grew up together as neighbors but then the reader's parents died and Kaz'a family took her in and she went with him the Jordie to Ketterdam and was with Kaz helped Kaz swim out of the Reaper's Barge because she's a tidemaker. Anyway, her and Kaz used to be together but they broke up and then the reader had a nightmare about Jordie and woke up screaming and crying and Kaz comforted her and brought her to his bed to sleep for the night and in the morning she was confused why he helped her and they get back together or something, you can choose the ending.
— those eyes (request by: @yhaywhwvsh)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x reader + slight platonic! crows)
Request: Reader finishes what she wanted to do in Ketterdam (her goal) and she only stayed because of Kaz, but after that argument "You would be nothing without me, Brekker", "I saved you. Don't forget that." she leaves. She comes back to Ketterdam after the Ice court heist and all that shit and the new Crows met her?
— don’t panic, love (anon request)
↳ (Kaz Brekker x gn! reader)
Request: i was wondering if you could do a fic where Kaz or Freddy can tell the reader(gn if that's okay) is going to have a panic attack before they knew due to Kaz/Freddy seeing the signs and provides the reader with comfort and helps them calm down
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— long live (anon request)
↳ (slight Kaz Brekker x reader + platonic! crows)
Request: six of crows x reader (platonic)/slight Kaz x reader based on the song "Long Live" by Taylor Swift?
— you shot me! (anon request)
↳ (platonic! crows x reader)
Request: 31. "You shot me!" "Oh, don't pretend to be surprised. It's unbecoming." So maybe some sort of just heist gone wrong but with comedic elements. Of course someone got shot but its funny right
— I’ll take care of you (anon request)
↳ (freddy carter x reader)
Request: fluffy one shot of Freddy Carter taking care of the reader when she’s sick, Thank you so much ILYSM!!!
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— the aftermath (trojan horse pt.2)
↳ (ghost x reader + platonic TF141)
Summary: Zero is dealing with the aftermath of their London mission. Luckily she has Simon by her side. And of course, the rest of her team.
Snippet: He grappled with disbelief. A lifetime of enduring pushbacks, hits, and abuse had etched a belief of being unlovable. Yet, here she was, loving him effortlessly, as if it were as natural as breathing.”
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— bygone (series!)
↳ (human! alastor x fem! reader)
Summary: it’s fascinating how different people can be in hell from how they were back when they were alive, which is exactly why charlie decided to visit the hotel guests in their heydays.
— angelic prey (anon request)
↳ (alastor x angel! reader)
Request: We can have a yandere Alastor with an angel reader... After Charlie went to heaven, the angel reader was moved by his proposal to save the demons... So to help Charlie the reader went to the hazbin hotel... What no one counted on is that Alastor fell in love with the angel reader... Now what would happen?
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— come back to me (anon request)
↳ (spencer x reader)
Request: spencer reid x reader (preferably non bau reader) where reader goes missing and they are gone so long that they are presumed dead. And they are never found (at least not found alive)???
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theautisticwriter · 1 year
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Shadow And Bone Masterlist!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
DISCLAIMER- I have not read the books yet, as of writing this I have just begun reading shadow and bone book 1 so please keep that in mind when requesting. I have spoilers for the books, so I can try my best, but my knowledge on what isn’t in the show is limited currently.
♡Kaz Brekker♡
♡Inej Ghafa♡
♡Jesper Fahey♡
♡Wylan Van Eck♡
♡Nina Zenik♡
♡Matthias Helvar♡
♡Aleksander Kirigan♡
♡Alina Starkov♡
♡Malyen “Mal” Oretsev♡
♡David Kostyk♡
♡Tolya Yul-Bataar♡
♡Nikolai Lantsov♡
♡Yandere Crows Series♡
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honeyfeed · 7 months
Congratulations to the 10 Finalist Novels of the MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023!
These talented authors have showcased their creativity, and dedication to the art of storytelling, and they've captured the hearts and imaginations of our readers and judges.
★"With a Love Sorceress I'll Make My Romance Last!" ★"The Songstress of Avalon" ★"That Time I Was Reincarnated as the Villainess's Stat Menu and Tried to Get Her Attention" ★"Telling the Bees" ★"VISUAL SHOCK" ★"Vibrancy x Vibrancy" ★"The Sound of Love" ★"Some random girl wants to make me her familiar" ★"A Study on the Stand-In Love Interest" ★"Jasmine-scent Dreaming"
Read MAL's finalist featured article here
Access the MAL mobile app and start casting your votes!
A huge thank you to all participants who shared their stories on Honeyfeed. Your contributions have enriched our literary community, and we look forward to seeing more of your incredible work in the future.
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bruisedboys · 6 months
jealous finnick?
jealous finnick will be the death of me!!!!!!
finnick odair x fem!reader
Breakfast in District 13 is an unusual affair. Nothing like you’re used to, being from District 4. It’s the same every morning — boring grey oatmeal with either honey or berries, depending on the day. It’s only as you take your seat next to Finnick that you realise you’ve forgotten the very crucial toppings.
“Oh no, I forgot to get berries,” you bemoan. They’re definitely all gone by now, seeing as they’re in popular demand — the oatmeal served in 13 tastes like cardboard without them.
“Here, have mine,” Gale says from across the table. You open your mouth to protest but he’s already spooning a big heap of berries into your bowl. They bleed red and purple into your otherwise plain oatmeal. “I don’t like ‘em, anyway. Too sour.”
“Oh.” You smile at him, flattered. Gale’s been nothing but kind to you since you arrived in District 13. You haven’t put it down to anything other than friendliness. Though it’s possible you’re too enamoured with the blonde next to you that you’re completely oblivious to other men’s advances. “Thanks, Gale.”
Gales smiles back and shrugs. “No problem, Y/N.”
Next to you and unbeknownst to you, Finnick scowls. He hates that Gale’s so nice to you. Loathes it. He knows it’s because you’re a ray of sunshine who draws even the coldest of people in (believe him, he’s experienced it), but the fact that Gale gave you his berries before Finnick could even offer his makes his blood boil. 
Who does he think he is? Everyone knows you’re Finnick’s girl, he’s made it very clear. It’s the whole reason you’re here, after all — Finnick specifically requested you be picked up from home before the Quarter Quell ended, to prevent anything from happening to you.
Breakfast passes without further incident. If you notice Finnick’s sour mood, you don’t mention it. You’re leaving the canteen with everyone else when Finnick grabs your waist and pulls you to the side, into an empty hallway. He peers over your shoulder to make sure Gale’s good and gone, watching the back of his head with a glare that could kill, before turning his attention to you.
“Finnick,” you say, clearly confused at his sudden manhandling. “What’s the matter with you? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Finnick says shortly.
“You look mad.”
“I’m not.”
You squint at him. “You’re definitely mad. Why are you—?”
Finnick forgoes restraint and yanks you forward, pressing his mouth to yours before you can say anything else. His chest burns with molten hot jealousy, it climbs up his throat and pours into the kiss, hot and sticky. The heat ebbs though, when you kiss him back just as fervently, replaced by a fuzzy warmth only you can make him feel. It buzzes in his chest and down his arms, flares out his palm as he takes your face into one hot hand.
He pulls back just as suddenly as he’d drawn in. “You know Gale’s flirting with you, right?” He says abruptly, thumb pressed to your cheekbone.
You blink up at him, still dazed from his kissing. “What?” You ask, half laughing. “No, he’s not.”
“He is. He gave you his berries. I was going to give you mine.”
You raise both eyebrows. “He was just being nice to me.”
“Yeah, well, that’s my job.”
Finnick supposes he sounds quite pathetic. He doesn’t really care, not when your eyes go all gooey and you reach up on your tiptoes to push a curl from his forehead.
“Are you jealous?” You ask him softly, tucking his hair behind his ear. Your breath fans over his mouth and your hand lingers at his throat. “You sound jealous.”
Finnick rolls his eyes. “So what if I am? Just— have mine next time, okay?”
You smile at him, pretty as starlight. “Okay. But you don’t have to be jealous, you know? I only want you.”
Woah, Finnick thinks. “I know,” he says, too quick, his voice a notch too high.
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Do you though?” You ask, definitely teasing now. He supposes he got off lucky, you could’ve done much worse finding out he’s so sickeningly jealous over Gale, of all people.
Still, Finnick narrows his eyes at you. “Alright, that’s enough.”
Your answering giggle is smothered as Finnick swoops in to kiss you again.
thank you for reading! please consider reblogging if u enjoyed 🤍
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agena87 · 9 months
BOLD THE FACT (one more time!)
I got tagged by the very cool @helltrait (thank you sm!)
Since I have already done Al and Mal+Wolfie, let's go with my sweet Jeb (because I feel like I don't give him enough love around here).
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The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned/ raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working (he has four jobs AND he takes time to write and take care of his brother) / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced (and doesn't want to be) / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
I don't tag anyone except YOU! (so yeah, anyone who sees this)
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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@fizzarollitm asked: " Do you really love him ? " (Fizz @ Stolas)
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At the Sin's request, Stolas had been dropping by Ozzie's occasionally to help out with paperwork. Apparently, whoever had been supposed to stay on top of this sort of thing had gotten behind, and Asmodeus wanted to fix that as soon as possible. While Stolas wasn't exactly a lawyer, he'd read quite a lot on the subject, and he was perfectly capable of scanning through papers and sorting them, for someone more qualified to deal with, if it came right down to it.
He'd been more than happy to agree; even if Ozzie's club had been the site of a rather unfortunate evening, it got him out of the house and kept his mind busy. Usually, he could count on his own duties for that, but so much had reminded him of Blitz lately that he'd had a hard time concentrating.
Of course, being at the club reminded him of Blitz, too, but being in the office instead of on the floor, with piles of paperwork in front of him helped keep his mind on the task at hand.
Ozzie had popped his head in a couple of times, to make sure he didn't need anything, and when Stolas heard footsteps, he expected it to be the Sin once more. But the gait on the other side of the door was not Ozzie's; it was much smaller, much lighter.
The door opened to admit none other than Fizzarolli himself, who seemed to be sizing Stolas up.
But before he could rise to greet the jester, he had asked Stolas a question.
"Do you really love him?" Fizzarolli asked, and Stolas froze.
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He could only be asking about Blitz; the two of them had been childhood friends, once upon a time. Stolas had seen them both when he'd gone to the circus on his birthday, but even then, Blitz had far outshone anyone else there, in his eyes.
Stolas wasn't sure why Fizzarolli would be asking him such a thing; as far as he knew, he and Blitz were still at odds with one another. But even if this is some sort of test, there's only one answer he can give, because it's the truth.
"Yes," he responds, his voice soft, "More than I can put into words." He would do almost anything for Blitz…, even if it meant breaking his own heart. Because when it came right down to it, Blitz's happiness was far more important than his own.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
I know I've said before that I am willing and able to write dark themes, but I haven't really done much with that. I have a couple of threads with Missa, Herami, and Ryn that are going to feature dark themes, and they will likely be potentially triggering. I'm going to keep doing my best to tag these but if there's something I haven't tagged that you need, please let me know!
And if we ever write anything that explores some of the darker aspects of things, whether that's the darker parts of a muse or exploring some of the darker themes, I will absolutely be in communication with you 100% of the time. Just because I can enjoy exploring something that might throw x character into a really dark headspace does not mean that someone else will, and it is always more important that you are safe and comfortable writing with me.
Like I've said to my D&D group before, we're building a story together; it's not just me. You are important, and your health and well-being means more to me than any story.
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jeviensdevoir · 1 year
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Tromperie, Arnaud Desplechin, 2021
Un écrivain se sert de relations adultérines pour écrire son livre. Les acteurs sont pas mal mais ça se la raconte un peu.
A writer uses his cheating relationships to write his new book. Actors are pretty good but it revolves too much around the famous writer cliché.
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wehavebooksathome · 1 year
Vergangenheit mal 2
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Title: Vergangenheit mal 2 Original title: The Mindwarpers (US) / With A Strange Device (UK) Author: Eric Frank Russell ISBN: 3-548-03055-6 Publishing year: 1965 (Translation: 1974)
I got this book at a book flea market a couple of years ago. The pervious owner didn't simply write his name in it as people sometimes do, he used a professional stamp, including his entire address and profession – and I'm very glad he did:
A few pages in, the book talks about how a lot of the issues going on in this story could have been solved by asking a psychologist, and one Mr. Herbert K. was* a certified psychologist himself. I hope he found this as amusing as I did.
*I assume, considering his name and the fact that the stamp is using the pre!1989 zipcode system, though I'm pretty sure I did find a training he was giving in 2011, so who knows.
That aside, the story is about Richard Bransome, who, in the middle of the Cold War, works in a heavily protected government research center. There, a lot of people have been leaving lately, some under rather strange circumstances, which originally doesn't really bother him – until he suddenly remembers how he murdered a woman 20 years ago, and he ends up more or less on the run, too, as well as questioning his own memory.
I was actually surprised how much of the story would still work today. Assuming everyone who doesn't want to be tracked/found will get rid of their phone and all other devices as soon as possible, even all forms of communication would probably be similar.
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piercing-fragen · 1 year
★Piercing & Schmuck HAUL★ Verrückte Fabrik
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smuttyfantasyrecs · 3 years
Peter Parker
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🦋 dom pete 🦋
🦋 doughnuts 🦋
🦋 clumsy 🦋
🦋 oblivious 🦋 red light/green light 🦋
🦋 tasty when you sleep pt.2 🦋
🦋 dry humping 🦋
🦋 it's not all roses (tom) 🦋 rendezvous 🦋
🦋 like boyfriend and girlfriend? 🦋
🦋 ghosts 🦋 on his desk 🦋
🦋 movie shenanigans 🦋
🦋 phone sex 🦋
🦋 long week 🦋
🦋 is this what heaven feels like? 🦋 the stars are still up 🦋
🦋 kitty 🦋 anatomy 🦋 touch tank 🦋 late night talkin 🦋
🦋 lovelorn 🦋
🦋 tom holland masterlist 🦋 mouth full (tom) 🦋 tongue twister pt.2 🦋 turn off your camera 🦋
🦋 tipsy 🦋 touch tank (tom) 🦋 breaking the bed 🦋
🦋 relax for me 🦋 praise you like I should 🦋
🦋 boobs 🦋
🦋 spider on the wall 🦋
🦋 interested 🦋
🦋 biology project partner 🦋
🦋 in your own time 🦋
🦋 new web fluid 🦋
🦋 don't tell your mom (tom) 🦋
🦋 yes he does 🦋 it takes two 🦋
🦋 wisdom tooth 🦋
🦋 I'm just saying you could do better 🦋
🦋 the baby assignment 🦋
🦋 wet dreams 🦋
🦋 her perfumes holding me ransom 🦋
🦋 heaven isn't as beautiful as you 🦋 touch 🦋
🦋 hold you here, my loveliest friend 🦋 and when her edges soften 🦋
🦋 sweet dreams 🦋
🦋 what a pretty little thing 🦋
🦋 i need you 🦋
🦋 drive you mad 🦋
🦋 unsubtle 🦋
🦋 video games 🦋 rough night 🦋
🦋 dog days 🦋 masterlist 🦋
🦋 needy 🦋
🦋 you're such a brat 🦋
🦋 all over me 🦋
🦋 cherry red 🦋
🦋 terrible thing 🦋
🦋 it's always the quiet ones 🦋
🦋 wanna be adored 🦋
🦋 tie (andrew) 🦋 christmas dress 🦋
*I’ve reached tumblr’s 50 mentions a post quota so from now on all fics for Peter won’t be tagged but the @ will still be linked*
🦋 ride it 🦋
🦋 award (andrew) 🦋
🦋 ruined 🦋
🦋 filling you (andrew) 🦋 coworkers should not kiss 🦋
🦋 peter....parker... 🦋
🦋 rings, rings, rings 🦋
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