sunkeji · 6 days
This is my greatest masterpiece and my peak 🙏🏻 sadly I peaked and then dipped 😔🤗
a/n: Adding on to highschool delulu Gojo based off a tiktok I saw. Check my masterlist post for any updates to the series
Check my masterlist for further updates on the series: immature
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After a tiring day of exorcising curses, you, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko are on the train back to Jujutsu Tech. All of you are exhausted and are sitting in comfortable silence side by side.
Gojo's on your right, seated at the very end of the seats with you beside him; Shoko is on your left, followed by Geto. Gojo and Shoko are on their phones while you and Geto are asleep. When the train comes to a halt, your head sways a bit before laying on Shoko's shoulder, and soon after, a flood of passengers board the train. Mostly students and adults who are just done with club activities or work.
Gojo sees your head laying comfortably on Shoko's shoulder and immediately gets jealous, so he quickly shifts you from her shoulder to his. You wake up a bit, but Gojo quickly pats you with his arm that's slung around you in a comforting manner and tells you in a sweet voice to go back to sleep.
Shoko looks up from her phone and rolls her eyes, telling him how childish he is. Gojo squints his eyes and sticks his tongue out at her before hugging you closer to him and continuing to scroll on his phone.
A group of high schoolers sees this and giggle to themselves at Gojo's behavior. Shoko chuckles to herself and wonders if only they really knew how much more he's truly obsessed with you.
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sunkeji · 21 days
Rip to my fav emo boys 🙏🏻
we lost the whole emo band dawg. rip :((
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sunkeji · 21 days
Bro go finish your assignments 💀
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sunkeji · 27 days
I've got 26 Incomplete drafts sitting around and collecting dust because I either do not know how to proceed with the rest of the story, too lazy to complete it/tag it or I have absolutely no idea how to phrase that one idea nicely 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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sunkeji · 27 days
Things Highschool Satoru does during the talking stage(?) of your relationship
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a/n: yes I base whatever I write off of my own experiences 🤭
synopsis: self explanatory from the title
tags: none! Except not proofread?
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Sends you tik toks of date ideas to do with you. And it really does happen unlike some of your friendships 🤨. Going on dates to try new cafés/restaurants, hangout/study spots or doing whatever new trend pops up on tik tok. He may be a bit shy to go on a date with you alone so he calls it a group date or whatever and invites Suguru and Ieiri to join.
New café opening at the mall? He's got it written on his date ideas with you. Insists you all buy a different meal each and share it with each other to try a bit of everything. If you're down for dessert, he makes Ieiri and Suguru buy their own ice cream/acai and share it between themselves while the two of you share one together. (Of course they made Gojo pay)
Although he got a spoon for each of you, he actually really wants to feed you but he's too shy. Suguru and Ieiri gotta prompt him sometimes. Since they got a different set of flavours then you, they ask you and Gojo to try some of theirs. The two of them are smiling at Satoru and teasing him by saying "Go on Satoru, feed y/n some of our acai. I'm sure they're veryyy curious as to what our flavour is 😏😏"
Satoru feels like strangling the two of them because they're being so obvious but he can't say shit right now cause he gotta be cute in front of you so he tries to act all smooth and feed you anyways. "Come on y/n say ahh, I'll feed you some of their acai" he's all bushy after that and the teasing duo at the back are snickering at him.
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Satoru invites you over to his house to study or play and the rest of your friend group like Suguru, Ieiri, Kento and Yu. Everyone knows he likes you because of the clear difference in treatment he gives you compared to others.
Y'all could be playing any multiplayer game and he always goes easy on you. Playing Uno and your next? He saves his +4 card for Ieiri. Playing Monopoly and he's somehow a landlord tycoon with several owned properties? He gives you special discounts if you do something cute for him. (If you ask why he doesn't give any discounts to the others, Satoru just gives you this look: 😶)
Never played with a PlayStation/nintendo before? Good. Satoru is brimming with joy because he gets to teach you how to play one on one with the device. Every time you come over, he offers you either one of his devices so the two of you can play together.
Satoru also insists on sharing his netflix account with you (and the others if they pester him enough) both him and you got your own profiles. Yours has a cute heart beside your name while the other losers get to share one profile named; for the extras.
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sunkeji · 27 days
hii pookie ! i saw ur last post and i hope life's been going well for u. i started tumblr today and one of ur friends @/suguriin mentioned that u would be an amazing person 2 start tumblr with, so im here !! im romi n id luv 2 get 2 know u <3
HIII ROMI! life's been going great for me, I've had lots of fun lately but sadly not much progress in my studying so I gotta tone down the playing and up the studying 💀.
HOW SWEET OF HER, and welcome to Tumblr 🤗🤗 I'd love to get to you know too!! Definitely don't be shy to talk to me because while I love talking to others and making new friends, I'm kinda awkward at reaching out first so 😅🥹
Feel free to talk to me here on Tumblr at any time, I dabble in a lot of random things and I love yapping <3 I also love the monochrome theme, it's cute!
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sunkeji · 27 days
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sunkeji · 2 months
Hi pookies 😁 if it wasn't obvious, I'll be taking some time off Tumblr to focus on my life. I've felt kind of distant with the people in my life and I want to focus more on my studies atm.
I'll be continuing to work on my drafts and when I get back I hope to post them!
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sunkeji · 2 months
The “aid” the us sent is expired, not Halal and low quality garbage
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sunkeji · 2 months
slight theme change?👀
Yeahh slight theme change 🔥🔥I've been really wanting a new theme but because I can't commit to it right now, this will have to do 😔😔
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sunkeji · 2 months
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sunkeji · 2 months
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sunkeji · 3 months
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Free Free Palestine!
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sunkeji · 3 months
I'm so late but???? Have you all seen this???
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OH MY GOD??? 😭😭😭 The housewardens posing at Ramshackle??? Auuuhgaughuhhaugahgugh THEY'RE ALL SO PRETTY
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sunkeji · 3 months
I'm scared to apply for jobs 😔 like what do you mean I need to submit a resume for a FnB job?? IM ONLY 17, ITS MY FIRST TIME WORKING 😭😭
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sunkeji · 3 months
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sunkeji · 3 months
we should interact more ajghajhgishghed i wanna get to know u more
You're so right bbg. I've been fasting so I've been tired and spend my time sleeping and studying 😴 but if you want, we could be friends on Instagram or tik tok if you're okay with that?? Since I'm more active there
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