sunday-ruby · 3 hours
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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sunday-ruby · 3 hours
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DOCTOR WHO | 6.04 ✧ The Doctor’s Wife
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sunday-ruby · 5 hours
the thing is streaming services will say poob has it for you. pay poob a monthly subscription. but you know who else has it for me? my friend 0123movie has it for me. and there are beautiful women asking to meet me there
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sunday-ruby · 5 hours
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Peter Capaldi as THE TWELFTH DOCTOR Doctor Who, 8.06 "The Caretaker"
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sunday-ruby · 5 hours
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sunday-ruby · 5 hours
quick little tribute for my new favourite tardis team :)
8: Charley! Come and see some magic! CHARLEY: Magic? C’RIZZ: Humour him. 8: Dear lady, allow me to introduce you to a polychromatic person of variegated vividness, a man of multiple and motley hue, the eutermesan of everchanging epidermis, I give you C’rizz the Colourful Chameleon! 8: Hello, I’m the Doctor, this is Charley. CHARLEY: Hello :) CHARLEY: I was led to expect an exhibition of effortless exhange- CHARLEY: Travelling with him is like ‘See 10 Monsters in 4 Days, Discount Rates Available’. CHARLEY: -to be transfixed by a tremendous tumult of transformation. 8: Sshh! C’RIZZ: That doesn’t sound healthy. 8: And the sickly looking chap is C’rizz. 8: C’rizz? Oh he’s just a Eutermesan. C’RIZZ: “Just a Eutermesan”? I can see it on my tombstone. BORDINAN: He matches my furnishings! C’RIZZ: Looks very comfortable. CHARLEY: Doesn’t he? C’RIZZ: I think he’s dreaming. CHARLEY: I expect so. KROKA: CEASE YOUR PRATTLE! C’RIZZ: Are you still here? CHARLEY: So what’s the game? 8: …3, 4… C’RIZZ: Have you ever flown one of these before, Doctor? 8: What sort of a question is that to ask in a moment like this? Ready everyone, brace yourselves! CHARLEY: Shame they didn’t give you X-ray vision to go with your super-duper hearing. C’RIZZ: Shame they didn’t give you a map instead of a mouth. 8: This way children, follow me. CHARLEY: Yes, Doctor. C’RIZZ: Right away, Doctor. C’RIZZ: Is it going to be like this from now on? 8: Sometimes in a situation like this you have to climb into the belly of the beast. CHARLEY: I’ve got three humbugs, one pear drop and two gobstoppers already in the sling! CHARLEY: C’rizz, will you please just call me Charley? C’RIZZ: Charley? CHARLEY: It’s my name! How many times have I told you, my friends call me- 8: Charley. 8: Charley! 8: Charley wouldn’t betray me. She wouldn’t betray me like- C’RIZZ: Like an Obelat. CHARLEY: Rotten analogy, C’rizz. C’RIZZ: Love’s always dangerous. BORDINAN: It’s a recurring miracle! 8: An intermittent fault. 8: If you’re experiencing mental strain, the last thing you need is someone giving you a god complex. CHARLEY: He gets all protective. KROKA: You go too far, Doctor. 8: I’ve got miles in me yet. 8: You made the decision for both of us. L’da: Kill me! CHARLEY: Be honest with me. C’RIZZ: You care a lot about each other. 8: YOu’ve known me long enough, nothing is beyond repair. CHARLEY: (laughs) The Tardis? 8: (laughs too) Yes, alright. 8: The Tardis has been stolen… by an ice cream man?! CHARLEY: Didn’t you once say you had a Tardis locator? 8: Um. 8: We’re in a bit of a fix here. CHARLEY: You don’t say. KROKA: You are at my feet. 8: You don’t have feet. C’RIZZ: How could that have fitted into his pocket? CHARLEY: He gets vague when I ask. 8: So in year 50 at the Academy- 8: No it’s not the behaviour that puzzles me, it’s the rabbit itself! What’s it doing here? 8: I may talk like a fool… 8: But I’m back! I’m home! And I’m me, again! CHARLEY: That’s impossible. 8: You should be used to the impossible by now. 8: We’re very experienced irresponsible fools. CHARLEY: Yes but I still like to point it out. It helps me keep track of things. 8: Haha! I’m a Time Lord! And I finally have some time. CHARLEY: Then what are we waiting for? Tele-trans-whatsit out of here and be done with it. C’RIZZ: You’ve just got a Thing for Time Lords. CHARLEY: I have NOT! C’RIZZ: Charley, would you please do me a favour? CHARLEY: WHat? C’RIZZ: Trust me. C’RIZZ: I’m on your side. CHARLEY: Do you think that’s safe? 8: I havent the faintest idea. BUt i’m curious. 8: And, Charley? CHARLEY: Yes, Doctor? 8: Look after C’rizz. Crizz? C’RIZZ: I know. Look after CHarlotte. 8: Not my best day, Charley. Not my best.
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sunday-ruby · 13 hours
perhaps ripping this one little piece of skin off my lips will at last render them plump and moisturized
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sunday-ruby · 13 hours
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
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If you'll turn away, ladies. Before you're contaminated. Look, you will die! Out there! And I can save your lives! Now let me!
DOCTOR WHO Dot and Bubble
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
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about to throw hands with l*ndy pepper bean
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
found out apparently if you want to consume content of your own original characters and stories you usually have to make that content? fucked up if true
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
I love your new layout! 💜
thank you so much :D 🩷
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
As a black doctor who fan I’m actually so glad we got racism in a episode, like genuine racism that isn’t glossed over or shoved to the side and not sugar coated (cough cough I’m looking in your soul tenth “well they can’t be racist Martha because I’m an alien and no one has said anything to me” doctor.) don’t get me wrong I understand doctor who has very much covered racism before but this feels much more impactful
I was terrified they were just going to do some sort of explanation as to why the doctor is able to go everywhere so they didn’t have to tackle anything more than light racism. But no we got head on full racism (without people actually saying things that could trigger ppl. I really appreciated that the script didn’t go too far with it to prove their actually racist (apologies if this makes no sense it’s 3in the morning and my brain is soup) that the doctor is now going to have to work through
Ncuti absolutely killed that reaction. And it hits so hard bc the doctor truly can help and just because he’s a different skin colour they don’t trust him, it really is something that makes you want to laugh at the absurdity of it then scream at the idiocy
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
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do they bleed in classic who? well, yes <3
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
I need new music that I already know
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sunday-ruby · 15 hours
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snudies (refs x x)
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sunday-ruby · 17 hours
personally i kinda of enjoy it even though i dont use they/them because it kinda implies someone has looked at me and assumed i'm not cis lol. and at least in my social circle it's more polite to go with they/them if you aren't sure
please reblog for sample size :] its research
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