steeloblige · 2 years
Pokedex: Sleepy (risingxglory)
@risingxglory | Pokedex! Accepting Finn had to sigh, his forehead on his desk as he thinks about how to say this without upsetting his student. "He's... unique. Strong in battle as well, even with the strategies that he thinks of on his own.... He also seems to really care about you and I can respect that as well." Leaning back, he sips from his matcha as he tries to think of anything else nice he could possibly say. The little bastard made it hard. "He's cute too I guess."
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steeloblige · 2 years
Send in “Pokédex!” plus a Pokémon to see how my muse would describe that Pokémon!
Bonus, send in a Digimon, or any other (fictional) creature instead! That’ll still count for the meme!
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steeloblige · 2 years
Send 👕✍ for me to draw my muse in your muse’s outfit!
Multimuse blogs, please specify muse!
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steeloblige · 2 years
Finn stood over the field with Duchess and Shiloh by his side, the tank and the striker holding firm against the few kartana that were in the area.Though It wasn’t a common thing for interpol to request his aid with the UB invasions at this point in his life he wasn’t particularly keen on leaving the situation to fester on its own. Thankfully he had already captured one of the five in the area, and the others shouldn’t take much more work to contain. What hadn’t been expected was the charizard and it’s shockingly small companion, obviously a younger trainer who instantly threw out an incineroar, He should help but... He could watch for a moment. Not many children would rush into a UB infested area guns blazing like this and Finn was nothing but a curious man. The duo made short work of the remaining four, though one seemed to have managed to land a hit on the kid. Always another reason to keep carrying his first aid supplies, despite his wishes to put the damn thing away. Flinching away from the sound of the steel type beasts in the grass, Finn watched as they too were captured. Four beasts in such a short time was a hell of a feat, but this kid needed some help regardless. His boots crunched over the burnt grass as he made his way over to the other two, Duchess and Shiloh following closely behind. He slipped the ultra ball of the Kartana he had caught into his pocket as he walked. “Don’t think I need to evac when I was called in to help, but you look like you need some help yourself kid.” He gave a pause, looking the other over carefully. “Didn’t expect to run into you though Elio, what are ya doing out here fighting these things.”
He got the alert on his pager and was flying towards the scene as soon as he could. There was an outbreak of UB-04 Blade in the Ula’ula Meadows - no casualties noted yet, but with how dangerous Kartana could be he had to act fast. They may have flimsy defenses - the main reason he had his Incineroar with him - but they also hit fast and hard. He needed to be on his toes.
Dropping in from the back of his Ride Charizard, he threw out Fluffy’s pokeball before his feet even hit the ground. From what he could see, all the civilians had evacuated the area - good. That makes this a whole lot easier.
The Kartana spotted him almost immediately, immediately rushing him and his partner ready to attack. With a snap of his finger, Fluffy hit the closest one with a Flame Charge. The Ultra Beast of course tumbled to the ground almost instantly at this, to which Elio rapidly pulled out a Beast Ball and chucked it at the downed Pokemon. Though, unfortunately, he’d let his awareness of his surroundings slip just a slight bit - and that’s all one of them needed to lunge at him.
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Dodging as fast as he could, he managed to avoid the full brunt of the Kartana’s attack - but not without it slicing his upper arm. He was vaguely aware of it, and the rapid feeling of a wetness collecting on the torn sleeve of his shirt - but that was irrelevant. Taking the opportunity to catch the Ultra Beast off guard, he pulled out a Beast Ball and hit it with a back strike. Two down, two to go.
The other two Kartanas seemingly had come running at Fluffy - though they seemed close enough to the ground that it gave Elio an idea. 
“Fluffy, use Flamethrower - on the flowers!”
Almost immediately the area the beasts were in caught ablaze - and so did the Kartanas themselves. They flailed about, letting out inhumane screeches as they did - but eventually clattered to the ground and were finally captured.
Turning around, he sees someone in the distance, watching him. He wasn’t quite close enough to recognize them - but they seemed to be coming towards him. He waved at them, his signature smile ever-present upon his face.
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“Hello there! I’m sorry that I didn’t see you - if I noticed you sooner I would have had you evacuate! You aren’t injured, are you?”
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steeloblige · 2 years
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A Roark headcanon? In this economy? Considering his muse has come thundering back to me, yes. Yes indeed.
Roark has a crippling fear of Steel Types, this fear being stronger with the Shieldon line more than any other type of Pokemon for obvious reasons. It’s not that any steel type has done anything to him, really - it’s purely the association with his father that makes him so terrified. Seeing any sort of steel type is enough to send him into fight or flight and immediately bolt off without another word, fearing that if there’s a steel type nearby, his father might also be around, therefore he should get the fuck out of dodge.
A line of thinking that really doesn’t make a whole lot of logical sense, but hey - the traumatized brain is not known for being rational 100% of the time.
The only exceptions to this fear are Mothy’s team ( @steeloblige​ ) purely because of two reasons. One, he’s known a good amount of them for years, and knows they would never hurt him, and two - they belong to the person he trusts more than anyone else on this green earth. He is completely comfortable around pretty much any member of Mothy’s team for this reason.
Any other steel type though… would likely be a huge problem.
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steeloblige · 2 years
Platonic Touch Meme
send touch + a number
Shoulder Clasp
Across the Shoulder hug
Hair Ruffle
Gentle headlock
Full body lean
Feet in lap
Head in lap
Hair petting
Ambush hug
Not so ambush hug
Pulling mine into their lap
Cheek kiss
Forehead kiss
Brushing hair out of mine’s face
Fixing shirt collar
Fixing shirt cuffs
Fixing a clothing tag
Tying shoes
Taking off shoes
Carrying while half asleep
Hand holding
Leaning their head on mine’s shoulder tiredly
Absently tracing patterns on the nearest exposed skin
Pushing glasses into place
Offering their drink
Offering their snack
Kissing the back of mine’s hand
Looping their arm around mine’s waist and leaning against mine’s back
Crawling into bed with
Using shoulder as a pillow
Pulling mine’s arm around their shoulder
Hair brushing
Brushing lint off of
Giving a foot massage
Giving a back massage
Giving a scalp massage
Rubbing circles on mine’s back
Sharing a secret smile
Booping the nose
Touching noses together
Resting foreheads together
Resting cheeks together
Sharing a blanket
Taking over mine’s seat while they’re in it
Poking with fingers/toes
Painting mine’s nails
Putting jewelry on mine
Doing mine’s hair
Pinkie promise
High five
Fist bump
Secret handshake
Pulling mine into a dance
Initiate a tickle fight
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steeloblige · 2 years
❦ It wasn’t often Milo roped a battle up. Though he was fond of it and rather enjoyed the prospect of just having fun with an altercation, he was often muddled with responsibilities which made leisurely battling an impossibility.
One look at Mothy and his now alert Lucario let Milo know today would be an exception to the rule.
“Alright then! I’ll take you over to the gym in a tad. First things first…” Turning to the field where he’d left the Wooloo, Milo let out a shrill whistle, catching the attention of a distant fellow. One wave of his hand over head and a motion to the broken fence delivered the desired message and he was free to depart from the farm for the time being.
Down the beaten path Milo lead his guest once more, this time further towards the center of the idle community and the formidable stadium nestled at the pit of Turffield’s hills. “Stadium’s like to be empty as it’s the off-season, so it’ll do just as well.” He reassured Mothy, though perhaps that was also meant for the skittish Shiloh. The farmer held the doors open for the man as they went through, once more guiding through the gym’s wide hallways for a back entrance to the battle field. “Say, you’ve done any challenges before? You mentioned mega-evolution and your Lucario seems right tough, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions.”
As he followed Milo into the building and took a look around Mothy became certain of one thing, the gym was a much grander affair than the ones they had in Sinnoh. Sinnoh gym battles were a private test of skill and more of a meeting with an experienced mentor, each there to teach you a little something about battling along the way. Galar was different and at least that much he knew before coming to the region. A spectator sport, televised to the entire region and sometimes the world. Still teaching, still learning, but all in the direct eye of the public. Novel. Shiloh walked ahead of him now, steps audible as he trotted into the building. Taking stock of the building and buzzing with excitement. This was something familiar, something he knew. Something he took pride in. The comment was one that Mothy was used to, but he always had to give a nervous chuckle when it was brought up. Traveling to other regions was an odd experience sometimes. Most people in Sinnoh just. Knew. “Well, actually it’s funny you ask. I’ve done a few gym challenges yes, but I am also the Sinnoh champion for now.” Rustling his hand under the neck of his shirt for a moment he pulls out a ribbon on a necklace, Mothy’s real name engraved onto the back as well as a fairly recent date just below it.  “A lot of people kind of doubt it so. Here’s the proof.” He just had to hope that he didn’t ask about Cynthia, though they usually did.
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steeloblige · 2 years
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    “I like the way ya think! Always good to learn how other people battle, says a lot about a person, y’know?” 
       Teapot had followed the other Luxray’s lead, pretending to ignore it while holding it’s head high and proud. Something the stubborn thing did often, always having a sort of stand off with other Pokémon.
   “So, you gonna battle with this cutie or someone else? I know Teapot’s been itching for a battle since we got out of our last one… kind of a battle hog if I’m honest.”
     “Exactly, Exactly! Analytical, Methodical, Passionate, Bombastic... Everyone has a style and it’s the most honest tell of who you are.” Mothy was speaking with his hands, exaggerated flourishes and gestures with every other word.      Ornstein strode smoothly at his side, choosing to continue to ignore Teapot until he was forced to pay attention to the other at some point. Though he did bristle his fur as he took notice of the other doing the same. Insolent.      “Well, on the topic of that... I suppose that could be up to you! Any of my team are happy to battle at a moments notice and I’m more than happy to ingulge them. Though it does sound interesting to see these two battle. Always interesting to see two of a kind and how they themselves use their strengths.” Tapping his chin, he continues, “ On the topic though, What kind of food does this battle cafe have? I’ve been to a few and none seem to carry the same options.”
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steeloblige · 2 years
- ̗̀   —-  𝖍𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖞  𝖉𝖆𝖞  ask  ideas  !
character  development .
what is your best physical feature?
what are some things you fear?
what are some of your guilty pleasures?
what’s your biggest pet peeve?
an ambition for the future?
what is usually your first thought when you wake up?
what do you think about the most?
what do you think your best quality is?
what is your favorite color?
what’s your favorite animal?
what age did you lose your virginity?
do you prefer to be loved or respected?
do you prefer beauty or intelligence?
do you lie?
do you believe in love?
do you believe in yourself?
do you want someone?
do you ever think about leaving … (your home/town/family/significant other)?
have you ever … ?
have you ever killed someone?
have you ever lost someone close to you?
have you ever traveled out of your hometown?
have you ever hosted a party?
have you ever lied to someone you love?
have you ever been trapped in a tough situation?
have you ever gotten arrested?
have you ever cheated in a relationship?
have you ever broken a bone?
finish the sentence .
I love …
I feel …
I hide …
I miss …
I wish …
I hate …
I want …
I can’t …
would you rather .
be admired by all or loved by few?
have power or money?
never get angry or never be envious?
be poor but help people or become incredibly rich by hurting people?
die young with no regrets or die old with many regrets?
this or that .
fame or fortune
love or power
cats or dogs
tea or coffee
music or poetry
parties or chill nights
fruits or vegetables
sweet or savory
day or night
summer or winter
rain or snow
reading or writing
singing or dancing
true or false . * tweak these as necessary
you love  ____  .
you hate  ____ .
you want _____ .
you can’t live without ____ .
you wish ____ .
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steeloblige · 2 years
New Verse: Monster Hunter
Species: Wyvernian. Name: ‘Mothy’ Occupation: Researcher, specializing in elder dragons and variant monsters. Age: ???
Living in the mountains on his own, Mothy is seldom seen by Wyvernians and even more rarely by humans. His most constant companions being his seething Bazelgeuse Goose and the teostra that lives on the nearest volcano. His modest home perched on the side of a cliff overlooking the plains. His life until now was boring for one of his kind, growing up plainly and fed tales of the powerful monsters that lived outside of their village. Once grown he left the comforts of home to scour the landscape of their island for the so called phantom beast, chasing thunderstorms and arching lightning across mountains and deserts. He has yet to catch a glimpse of this creature. Mothy is well known to more experience hunters and riders alike as a man to answer questions on the most dangerous beasts the world has to offer. He might not have found the phantom beast itself yet, but he has seen many others. The vile val hazak, the elegant mizutsune, the voracious deviljo. He can tell a hunter what parts of the monster are weak, what elements they command or are weak to. A living field guide to everything a hunter needs to know. Despite his notorious hermit nature, he is more than willing to entertain guests. Especially those that seek to exchange knowledge and even more those that might have information of the beast he is so fixated on.
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steeloblige · 2 years
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                                               ♦ Rules ♦ Muse information ♦ Ask ♦
                                I ask that you read the rules provided before interacting.
                                                    Art used by: Momoji on pixiv.
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steeloblige · 2 years
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'𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙼𝚈 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳’ @britishpokechap​
[ REASSURANCE ] : noticing the receiver is upset, sender gently takes their hand to reassure them and provide them with a sense of comfort.
     He always felt guilty when he came to Victor like this, soul on a thin wire and mind cracking around him. The stress of... everything crashing down on him all at once. His hands shaking as Finn sinks into the familiar warmth of the couch, the friendly scratch of the wool afghan slung over the back. The sounds of Victor brewing tea fading from his mind as his thoughts spiral again.     Suddenly, clarity. His mind snapping back to reality as Victors kettle warm hands fell to his, He had said something, Finn was sure of that much. What had been said was lost. Looking up into his face he knew. He was safe here. It was OK.
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steeloblige · 2 years
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'𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙼𝚈 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳’ @fossilforged​
[ COLD ] : after the receiver complains of the cold, sender takes both of their hands in theirs and holds them gently under the guise of warming them up.
     Finn had to chuckle a bit as Roark took his hands, obviously nervous in doing so but more than eager to do it anyways. The warmth of his gloved hands sunk slowly into his aching fingers as he let his hands be cradled softly between Roarks. “Thanks Sugar, You always know just what I need don’t you?” Smiling up at him, his expression relaxed and warm, a look reserved just for these times.
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steeloblige · 2 years
i got mushy and started thinking about like. touches?? but in particular the meaning behind holding hands. so here we are! as always, sender is the person sending the meme, receiver is the person receiving it, and you can just add "+ REVERSE" to switch the roles about! as always, let me know if i've missed any good ones!
[ LEAD ] : sender takes receiver by the hand to guide them to a specific location.
[ PULL ] : sender takes receiver by the hand to help them to their feet after they've fallen or been knocked over.
[ HASTE ] : in order to move quickly through dangerous territory, sender grabs receiver's hand to bring them to safety.
[ SAVE ] : saving their life in the process, sender grabs receiver's hands to either yank them out of immediate danger, or to pull them to safety.
[ REASSURANCE ] : noticing the receiver is upset, sender gently takes their hand to reassure them and provide them with a sense of comfort.
[ JUST BECAUSE ] : sender holds receiver's hand, just because they can.
[ STOP ] : sender takes receiver's hand to stop them from walking away from them.
[ ATTENTION ] : to get receiver's attention, or to guide it elsewhere, sender hastily takes their hand.
[ FEAR ] : sender, out of instinctive fear, grabs receiver's hand for comfort.
[ TOGETHER ] : in a gesture intended to prove to the receiver that they're no longer alone, sender takes their hand and holds it firmly.
[ LOVE ] : while out together in a romantic setting, sender quietly holds receiver's hand as they're standing together.
[ DISPLAY ] : during the process of an undercover mission/a situation where their identities need to be protected, sender holds receiver's hand to give the impression that they're in a romantic relationship.
[ SUPPORT ] : following a massive emotional blow, sender takes receiver's hand and holds it in an effort to provide emotional support.
[ STEADY ] : noticing the receiver stumbling or losing their balance, sender takes their hand in an effort to physically steady them.
[ NOT ALONE ] : during a moment of intense distress for the sender, they wordlessly reaches out and takes receiver's hand, both as a gesture of gratitude for being with them, and a gesture of self-comfort.
[ COLD ] : after the receiver complains of the cold, sender takes both of their hands in theirs and holds them gently under the guise of warming them up.
[ STILL ] : following a massive shock/stress/trauma, receiver's hands are trembling from the distress of it all. sender, seeing this, gently reaches out to cover and hold their hands, both as a comfort and as a way of calming them with their presence.
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steeloblige · 2 years
Guys please reply to this with what your url means or references I’m really curious
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steeloblige · 2 years
❦ With that settled, Milo began guiding the stranger further through Turffield’s beaten paths, further from the town itself and closer to the verdant hills dotted with the occasional white puff of wool. He had taken notice of the Lucario’s strange behavior, though understood that not all Pokémon were entirely comfortable in such unfamiliar environment. Milo preferred to leave the poor thing have some space until he felt more comfortable with the surroundings.
“Well, lots of reasons for which that might’ve not worked.” The gym leader began, carefully changing the arm under which his Wooloo was held as the lamb began trying to trot in midair. It served to calm the sheep… momentarily. “Dynamaxing only works on certain places like dens and gyms, where there’s a powerspot. Not only that, you’d need a band fixed with a wishing star to let channel the energy to your Pokémon.”
A bit further along and they’d finally reached a length of sturdy fence, though one plank seemed to have been broken in half as a result of some very insistent tackling. Gingerly, the farmer rested his little charge on the other side of the damaged fence. “Go on now, but if I get you wandering out again you’ll be in the barn pen tomorrow.” He scolded lightly, though the runaway Wooloo merely pouted in exchange. His responsibility taken care of, Milo sighed softly and removed his hat, running a hand through his peach hair to fix the otherwise unruly cowlicks. The gym leader finally fixed his full attention to Mothy, his smile impossibly friendly.
“If you’d really like to give Dynamaxing a try, I’d be glad to walk you over to the gym and lend you a band for a battle! I’m not so sure it’ll be much use in a strategy out of Galar though.”
Following Milo past the rolling hills and wool dotted landscape, Mothy focused his attention on Milo’s words. Shiloh trotting along behind the two and stopping every now and again to stare over the fences at the fields. He had to giggle a bit as the wooloo uselessly swung his little hooves through the air. His Lucario huffed at the little ball of wool, seemingly telling him to calm down. He stood back as the gym leader delivered his package to its destination, the Wooloo looking up at him as Milo continued to talk. His hair might have been a light pink but the resemblance to the Wooloos fluff was uncanny. “I had known about the criteria yes, but who am I to deny the chance to try again. Maybe we miscalculated and the powerspot we found was too weak to allow it to work properly, or maybe the band he gave me wasn’t of high enough quality...” Shiloh perked up then, the mention of a battle seemingly pulling him out of his shell as he turned his gaze to Milo with his fur slightly bristled. ”I’d be more than happy to battle you! No better way to learn than to simply try new things, and no better way to get to know someone new than to see their strategies!”
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steeloblige · 2 years
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A little kindness goes a long way…
Indie Pokémon RP Blog for Milo from SwSh.              Mun and Muse are 18+                         Check the Rules and About pages before interacting.
Lovely promo banner courtesy of @unrival  ♡
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