starjxsung · 20 days
can you suggest a song to me before you leave? I’ll miss you 😢
goodbye captain lee- m83 ⭐️
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starjxsung · 20 days
and if I don’t say it enough, I love you guys a lot
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starjxsung · 20 days
Signing off !
I’m taking an indefinite break from here. I will make my return when I have real fic content to post again- the timeline remains unclear to me, and regardless, I don’t feel comfortable publishing anything with the current state of things. You’ll likely catch me on main blog™️ before you see me here again.
Stop reading here if you don’t care for the gory details of human emotion!
I’ve spoken a lot about feeling this very heavy burden of being human, on a blog made to churn out sexually gratifying content and to respond with the likeness of some AI meta assistant. I write corporate emails all day long for a living- please forgive me for seeking the thrill of human connection on occasion.
Simply put, the internet evidently doesn’t like when I bear my most human traits. Moral stances, personal anecdotes, the complexities of mental slumps and religious guilt and political ideologies. They’re a little too human to handle on here- they’re gentle reminders that there’s a person behind the content you came here from. (Yes, I am a person !!!!)
I’m taking some time to reconnect with myself first and foremost, but I apologize for the uncomfortable reminder that I am a human being with thoughts and feelings and emotions at the end of the day. That fact will never change (unless of course the techno-fascist takeover of AI is successful before I make my return)
But upon my re-integration to main blog™️ I will do my best to mirror the “November me” many cling to so dearly. AKA more content and less of everything else. Please note, however, that side blog™️ serves an entirely different purpose- and if I’m too human to tolerate on here, there is no obligation to hate-follow.
My inbox will remain open if you need to drop a message, and I will catch up on any and all messages when I return. In fact, I’d love to catch up with the details of your lives when I’m back, so feel free to spam all you want!
Please take care of yourselves, do whatever you can to be a voice for Palestine as many of us are doing, and know that even if we don’t see eye to eye, I really have tried my best to foster a safe space for you all. My love for you guys and skz has not changed in the slightest.
Until next time,
- ⭐️
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starjxsung · 20 days
I love you star! Take care my love!
❤️ I love you so much ! Take care !
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starjxsung · 20 days
We will love you no matter what, Star!! ❤️❤️❤️
❤️ I love you so dearly! My main squeeze forever
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starjxsung · 20 days
I'll miss you
I’ll miss you too ❤️
my inbox will still be open if you need to send anything and I promise to catch up when I get back !
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starjxsung · 20 days
I just wanna say before you leave for a bit I wanna just say a big fact thank you for everything you have done, I’ve met so many amazing people on here and talk daily to same and hearing and seeing that I’m not alone in my feelings in all this is very validating and not like I’m alone.
If it wasn’t for you and this blog and all the anons I think I would have lost my mind being by myself in all this. You also allowed me to express myself without being judged and for that I am grateful. So thank you Star for creating this amazing safe space for a lot of us. Hopefully you can come back and everything will be better
- 🧡anon
❤️ I love you so very much. I hope I never seem like I’m taking your friendship for granted and I hope you know how much I care for you and wish you all the best. You have changed this blog for the better and I can’t even fathom what it even was before you!
I’m glad to have had any incremental form of impact on your life and I hope you know that you’ll always have a safe space with me and a very special place in my heart. It’s so remarkable to be reminded of how beautiful our little community can be through people like you. Until next time my first spouse and love of my life, may you always find happiness wherever you go 👼🫶
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starjxsung · 20 days
hi star! it’s ☁️
i’ve been ia cause life yk (not really, i’m on vacation in florida so i’ve been offline to enjoy the sun and waves). i see you have a side blog now! i like the organization of it cause imo it keeps ask’s/answers separate from your writing blog. how have you been doing? i see it’s been a bit difficult cause there’s so much going on with you, i can’t keep up 😵‍💫
i definitely believe taking a break, like i see you’re already planning to do, will do you some good! recharge on some good vibes and go do something fun!
sending you lots of positivity and hoping all the best comes your way! remember to drink plenty of water and take care of you wellbeing first and foremost <3
Hi my lovely ☁️ ! Been a minute! I’ve missed you 🫶🩷
Florida sounds lovely this time of year ! I hope you enjoy your trip and I’m jealous of all the warm weather and beach outings you’ll be getting out there ☀️ send some over to California (although it’s practically sweltering here already)
I do indeed have a side blog now ! It’s much easier for ask purposes. It’s unfortunate you caught me right before a break, but my inbox will still be open if you need anything at all! I hope you take care of yourself and I promise I’ll be back in a better headspace ❤️
Sending you all the love in the world and I hope you’re taking care of yourself! 👼 catch you when I get back and I can’t wait to hear all about Florida 💕
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starjxsung · 20 days
Thank you so much star!!
It’s hard for me to talk with my mom about my love life also because she’s known to tell everyone about my life and I personally don’t like my relatives knowing about my life unless I myself speak about it yk
No I so get this LOL parents can be veryyy talkative 😭 I’m lucky that mine don’t care to indulge the family in all my failed relationships but I think we’re approaching that period tbh
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starjxsung · 20 days
I hardcore agree that art and music has always been connected with politics!!!
I made a piece that I was a bit nervous to post but I think I am going to post it later today it was a skzoo characters in a watermelon 🍉 popsicle but I feel like it clashed with what’s happening with myself internally holding off posting skz on my art blog but I feel as since the watermelon represents 🇵🇸 I feel like it’s okay to post?
I think you should post whatever it is that you feel compelled to create during this confusing time ❤️ If you feel inspired enough to take pen to paper and create, then by all means put it out there! We think and we love to the point of creation. There’s such a beauty in that. There’s such power in that
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starjxsung · 20 days
My star,
You are a dream personified, how easy it is to get lost on conversation with you.
I feel like a 1930s housewife writing to her husband in war LOL, but I like typing like this, it feels like a letter.
How bold of you to assume that we're not married already, as I’m sitting out in the hallway of our shared home right now staring at the marriage certificate we hung on the wall next to our wedding photos.
I’m sorry to hear that all of this is causing stress to you, among other things as well. I completely understand, as I am feeling the same way. But remember, you are only human, and can only do so much for something. Try not to be too hard on yourself because of the stuff that you can’t do. There are a lot of good people that are doing their best to help Palestine and you my dear are one of them! All the things you are doing — talking about it, donating, creating a safe platform on here — those are more than enough and things that contribute to a goal of helping them. And to whoever is feeling like you’re not doing enough — this goes to you too! You’re doing the best you can, and we see it, just like you everyone else. Thank you for all that you do, and all that you will continue to do.
Don’t forget to take breaks every now and again from Social Media and Kpop. As important as these matters are, your mental health matters as well. You can’t be helpful if your mental health and your health overall isn’t good. That’s like going to war and you’re severely sick. Take care of yourself, take time that you need, and go back into things when you’re ready. You’re only one person, but we hear you and we see you.
I love you star, don’t forget that you need saving too sometimes.
— Cutie Anon 💌
My absolute dream of a woman,
It’s a pleasure to know you, and even more so to be graced by your presence in virtual letter format. How lucky I am. The moon has gotten sick of how often I tell her about you !
(I love you we are literally married rn)
Thank you for the kind words my angel 🫶 I’m trying my hardest and it’s such a daunting feeling that I’m either not doing enough or that people are somehow angered by my moral beliefs. I really do think a good break is in order for me. Just sucks considering I’m on a break from main blog™️ and now somehow we’ve swayed side blog™️ into the same fate. I wish people didn’t feel the need to keep me under a microscope. It’s very suffocating !
I promise I’ll be back in a better headspace. With more love letters and wisdom and definitely some 7/11 donuts. I love you, take care of yourself and know that I’ll be thinking of you so dearly while I’m gone ❤️🫶
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starjxsung · 20 days
ily so much star! thank you did such carefully curated responses as well. i couldn’t agree more with the points that you’re making <3 stray kids need to be held accountable. i hate the type of environment this is creating but im glad that it’s motivating people to donate and speak up about palestine.
i wish they’d also make a donation (i’m hoping they have even if it’s anonymous) to show us that in some way they do care. because ofc they have to know, some members, their families and friends are on social media chronically. i just hope they’re not terrible people at the end of the day, because i’ve spent so much energy and money on them that i could’ve spent on a better cause that it’s </333 i really wanted to get a skz tattoo earlier this year but i had a hunch and was like “nah these ppl are humans and they can def disappoint me someday” and im glad it didn’t rn. imma stick to my cartoon tattoos😂
anyways thank you so much for your words always. i love the passionate discourses as well. i’m sad to hear about you wanting to leave but i support you 100% because everything is so insane. please take your time to heal and work on yourself <3 ilysm bb and if you decide to leave know that i always think of you when i see the moon <33
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more cat pics to diffuse the tension (this is olive, my bf’s cat and our first actual kitty. she thicc and got the biggest disney eyes <3)
Hi baby !!
Echoing you on the skz tattoo thing LOL my left arm has been thoroughly covered for the past week while the fandom is in shambles
I don’t think skz are terrible people at all and it’s just a wish I have for people to do more, the same way I’m wishing most celebrities would right now. I saw somebody describe it as “having a moral obligation to do something when you have a platform that lesser-known people wish they had” and I 1000% agree.
I will absolutely take some time to heal and just take a breather from here and I’m continuing to do all that I can in the meanwhile! I hope you’re doing the same and I can’t wait to hear all my updates from you when I get back (though you’re always free to spam my inbox with them until I can respond) ❤️🫶
I don’t have any momo pics from today but I was reminded that it’s been a year since my other cat’s best pic in her dinosaur hat 😭 her name is miffy and she stays at my parents’ house because she and momo don’t get along at all but she’s still the og loml and I see her whenever I get the chance to
(I love you baby!!! Take such good care of yourself and I’ll be back in better spirits 💕)
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starjxsung · 20 days
I’m kinda glad that my parents don’t really ask me about my love life since I don’t openly talk about it to my parents. They’ve tried to talk to me but I just give them short answers and I don’t really go into detail and they do ask if I talk to the guy here and there and I just answer with a yes I don’t go in conversation.
I feel this too !
I occasionally speak about my male relationships to my mom, but I keep my female relationships very private from her and I’m lucky that my parents really don’t ask me about my love life too much. Although I do believe she was somehow made aware of my last wlw situationship because I heard her asking my sister about it on the phone last week hahaha
It’s difficult to be transparent about relationships with parents. But I hope you have all the support you need regardless and I’m always here for you if you’re feeling pressure ❤️
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starjxsung · 20 days
I am a firm believer of Stray Kids ending their contract with JYP and I will die on this hill. I don’t mean it in a mean way ofc, bc I love them so much, but I mean in a Fuck JYP way. What the fuck has JYP done for them besides put money in their pocket? All he has done is given them problems with their personal image (body, face), harsh restrictions as well as has gone out of his way to make not only himself look bad but his group. Why should SKZ continue to work with someone like him? I mean he has silenced them SO many times, like the Chan’s room situation where he made Chan APOLOGIZE for something other people took out of context. And don’t even get me started on when Hyunjin was forced to say that he was fine in Italy without any bodyguards when we all know as a fandom that you can.not.send.your.idols.anywhere.ALONE. Hyunjin is a very attractive and popular man and people are CRAZY, something could’ve happened to him there. JYP sucks and I hope that not only Stray Kids but the other groups see this as well. Personally, I would not want someone like him over me. I want Stray Kids to be an independent group because honestly a lot of kpop groups nowadays are just trash and untrustworthy, and I stand by that. JYP should not have a platform the way that he does and anyone can honestly fight me over it because I will rot on this hill!!!!!!! He’s not a good person AND he’s not a good manager whatever the fuck he is. Also fuck all the JYP staff idc I don’t like them either bc why is Minho dressed in the same white shirt, black tie combo every time for every fucking thing? A NYC Fashion student has more dress sense than they do sometimes. AND HOLY FUCK can they lay off the bleach for Felix’s hair, I’m not being a hater but DAMNN I just want to see his hair some other color and nobody can’t tell me he doesn’t want it either cos if I were him I’d grow so tired of being blonde. If he likes it then I’ll take it back but there’s no way he likes being blonde all the DAMN time.
But I’ll always be with skz until the very last step out. It’s a blessing and a curse, a blurse if you will. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
The “Ugh!” that prefaces this message is everything to me. I love you and I love this ted talk
I would be fascinated to see skz under an independent label as well. There’s been such a rise in cases of it happening likely since the CBX departure of EXO and I really appreciate all of the freedom and creative liberty that comes along with if. I honestly don’t think I know enough about JYPE to say that one decision would be better than another one, but I definitely understand the concern with the current state of things and the want for them to depart from the current label. I think aside from skz they also seem to be struggling a fair bit right now, stocks fell 11.52% within the last quarter at almost twice of what Hybe’s fell. Which is really saying something considering the sheer decline Hybe is currently facing
I think all your reasons are very valid and your concerns make total sense. And I would especially be interested to see Minho in something other than white shirt/black tie combo !!
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starjxsung · 20 days
“music should be kept as music and fashion events should be kept as fashion events” as if art hasnt always been used for political things……???? like political views going hand in hand with art, music, fashion etc is not a new thing why are people acting as if it is and putting it above their morals 😭 like i’m sorry but if you enjoy music from someone who’s clearly a known horrible person and you dont care abt artists you like collabing with them, maybe you should check yourself and your morals
being disappointed in a group you like because of how your morals align is NOTTTTT using them as a punching bag !!!!!!!! you’d be disappointed in a friend too if they put something else above morals, would you not? it’s not any different from being disappointed in a celebrity aside from the fact you don’t *really* know them, like you know your friend, but it can still hurt and be upsetting - puppy anon
This ! We cannot ignore the relationship that politics have to music and art alike. Let’s not act as though some of the most famous art pieces are not politically-motivated, or like we don’t have political influence within the sphere of music. BTS have attended and spoken at the United Nations I think twice now, their group leader is literally an ambassador for the Ministry of National Defense in Korea. They also met with US political leaders during AAPI heritage month. Kpop companies have shown a clear desire to want to penetrate into political spheres because they know the impact that their idols have. It makes more sense to ask musicians to take a stance rather than your average social media influencer, but unfortunately with the way the kpop industry is designed, people feel this need to protect them from the real world and keep them confined to their bubble of ignorance. Newsflash: your idols vote ! They are full grown adult men and they know what politics are !
The fact that me voicing my wish for more people to make use of the insane amounts of money they’re raking in from working with 8 different designer brands and collaborating with somebody so polarizing- has somehow turned into people concluding I’m using my favorite band in the world as a “punching bag” is beyond me. I know people want me to shut up and post fanfiction so they can also retreat to their comfortable little bubble and forget that all of this is happening, but my point stands- as it pertains to musicians, AND influencers, AND politicians alike.
You guys can say whatever you want but you don’t get to dictate how “big of a fan I am” based off my moral beliefs. The two have zero correlation. And if that bothers you, I would urge you not to follow the blog that was created to be an extension of my personal thoughts and not just the easily digestible pornographic content most people followed me for.
( love u and 10000% agree 🫶❤️)
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starjxsung · 20 days
Are you taking a break from this blog or just skz in general? Or both? 😭
Either way you know I support you wifey and am here for you if you need anyone and don’t blame you at all
- 🧡anon
likely a short break from current skz content, and maybe a break from this blog until further notice !
side blog™️ just isn’t fulfilling what it was supposed to. I feel just as discouraged on here and I feel shitty that so many people are still taking issue with asks and topics. It was supposed to be an open book for healthy discussion, but maybe side blog™️ wasn’t the issue all along and I just need to step away for a bit
I love you very dearly and I will keep u all posted. we will remain married even if I take a break !
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starjxsung · 20 days
For the anon who asked about pleasure acts (asking that is brave and I'm glad you reached out to star)
If you want I can give you some pointers. (It's abit detailed tho- sorry if that makes anyone uncomfortable but.....I wanna make sure everyone is able to get information because it's important to know how to do things)
FOREPLAY is really, really important. It will hurt if you're not wet. (If you have to use the Vibration of the toy and just keep it pressed against you)
Using toys is a major key factor but after you get one using them make sure you clean them with warm water and soap. (Only use toys.)
Yes please wash your toys everyone !!!
Exactly what this anon said about keeping it pressed against you (in the case that you have V anatomy)
I definitely suggest more than just your fingers. Toys are great but if you can’t get a toy, research some other things you can use that are equally stimulating. Also spit is a great lube. Don’t think you have to get all fancy with your assortment !
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