starinitalian · 6 years
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How CNN manipulates its audience/narrative by cropping images.
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starinitalian · 6 years
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“Do you wanna die?” [Twitter]
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
bring out the t posing hobbits
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
remember fic writers everywhere, self-insert is self-indulgent and it’s for your entertainment. if someone gives you shit about it points them to cirque du freak by darren shan whose main character is a boy named darren shan who ends up writing a book about darren shan
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
Things Disaster Movies Always Get Wrong
We all love disaster movies! The cool special effects, the underdog stories, the underlying themes of hope. As cool as they are, they do tend to use misconceptions about natural disasters. This normally wouldn’t be an issue since Hollywood will always embellish but it’s important to know the true science behind these phenomena should you ever encounter them.
1) Pyroclastic flows will kill you almost instantly, you cannot survive a direct hit
Movies guilty of this: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Dante’s Peak
Pyroclastic flows exceed 100km/h and reach temperatures over 1,000°C. You definitely cannot outrun it in either car or on foot. The boiling hot toxic gas, ash, and lava in the flow will kill you instantly and pummel your smoking corpse into oblivion. Sorry, Chris Pratt.
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2) Tsunamis do not crest, they are more like a sudden flood than a wave
Movies guilty of this: Literally any movie with a tsunami ever
Tsunamis are massive and sudden floods caused by the displacement of ocean water due to earthquakes or massive landslides. They’re not tidal waves and thus do not crest. It’s poetic, but inaccurate.
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3) Hail is always spherical and doesn’t fall in big cinder blocks of ice
Movies guilty of this: The Day After Tomorrow
Hail can get quite large and can definitely be fatal, but they are exclusively spherical. Hail is formed by water droplets cycling through the updrafts of a thunderstorm and the rotational movements make the resulting hail a ball.
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Looks more like a stage hand is throwing the remains of an ice swan than a hail storm
4) You cannot freeze instantaneously. Not even in space.
Movies guilty of this: The Day After Tomorrow, Geostorm, The Cloverfield Paradox, Sunshine
Space, and certain places on Earth, can get exceedingly cold. The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was −89.2 °C. That’s damn cold. But you still wouldn’t flash freeze into a peoplesicle within mere seconds. Intense cold can kill you quickly if you’re completely exposed but it would still take time before your body would be a thoroughly frozen chunk of meat. As for space, it can get quite cold, but it’s also an empty vacuum. There’s nothing around you but empty void, which means there’s also nothing to transfer your body heat away from you. Without convection, your body heat would be lost via radiation and that can take a long time.
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5) Earthquakes over 10 on the Richter scale are physically impossible on Earth.
Movies guilty of this: 10.5
You would need a massive fault line to carry that sort of energy. Something on the scale of going through the earth’s core. Which does not exist . Even then, if such an earthquake would occur, the planet would literally explode.A 15 magnitude earthquake would release energy on the magnitude of 1x10^32 joules. That, coincidentally, is the same amount of energy contained in the gravitational binding of the Earth. Simply put, anything greater than 9.9 on the Richter scale is impossible and would cause the Earth to explode.
6) California will and can not sink into the Pacific like a big slab, and it can’t break away from the rest of the US.
Movies guilty of this: 2012, 10.5
Most movies cite the San Andreas fault as the reason for the cleavage, but even this isn’t enough. The San Andreas fault is a transform fault, meaning the North American plate and the Pacific Plate are slowly horizontally grinding past each other, not pushing away. As California is a part of the greater Pacific plate, it literally could not snap free from it to “sink into the sea”. Because if the entire tectonic plate underneath California where to flip over and sink then the entire ocean would drain away into the mantle.
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7) You can’t sink in lava. You also can’t stand near it without being burned.
Movies guilty of this: Volcano, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Lava is molten rock, and is incredibly dense. In fact, it’s three times as dense as humans, who are mostly water. If you were to cannonball into a lava pit, you would dip in a bit before bouncing to the top and floating. You would also burn up and die super quickly. Because fresh lava can exceed 1,200°C! Even standing a couple feet away from a lava flow, you would feel the intense heat radiation. You would lose your eyebrows and probably the top layer of your skin if you stood too close. There’s a reason why volcanologists wear protective suits. Sam and Frodo would have been roasted.
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starinitalian · 6 years
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Elena Deligioz
A Russian girl who has actually been mistaken by some people as a female Russian soldier. In reality she is a model and somewhat odd cosplayer because she prefers military equipment and uniforms over video game characters. Most of the guns appear to be airsoft, but it’s made her quite the celebrity among the Russian airsoft community. Her passion for guns and surplus gear, now paired with her internet popularity has allowed her to open up her own surplus shop to feed her hobby/addiction. (GRH)
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
Fujoshis aren’t allowed to touch any mlm media ever again forever.
Not after In A Heartbeat y'all are banned(y'all have been banned tbh)
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starinitalian · 6 years
I Might Get Heat for this but….
I don’t think the migrant caravan should come to the U.S. and I think they should all be turned away.
And I think the people that are saying they’ll support them and have guns to stop people from taking them should be arrested. This country can’t have a fucking open border, we never had one in the history of this country being established up until now. Some report 14,000 people WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO HERE?!?!
Real talk how many speak English? How many have actual job skills? How many will pay taxes? How many won’t send all their damn money home and take the money from a country?
Real talk some are going on live fucking t.v. boldly saying they’re coming you can’t stop us and they’re waving the flags of their country.
This isn’t about they’re brown, quite frankly stop fucking saying that and what’s ironic is when Hatians and Jamaicans have to go through fucking hell and got blasted off the boats for trying to come over because their countries are genuinely more fucked up than Hondurus(Haiti especially because they’ve been fucked up for decades), it’s because they’re boldly refusing to go through the process.
These people don’t even have plans when they come here. Literally what are they gonna do? Who’s gonna work and help the economy? They aren’t citizens and shouldn’t be entitled to our rights and they keep trying to use sympathy when we know damn well if they were Jamaican, Haitian, or anywhere else from the islands( St.Martin, Trinidad, etc) they wouldn’t see the light of day and y'all could care less.
There’s a second one coming too and the biggest issue is we don’t know who’s coming and with those numbers do you think none of them are drug mules? None of the children are sex slaves? Literally statistically that’s severely impossible and you know deep down not everything is right. You know damn well if you went to one of those countries they’d vet you out in a heartbeat. Yet since we’re America we should let them in.
They aren’t coming and intending to go home when the problem is over like an actual fucking refugee like the Syrians and Venezuelans. They’re intending to stay and plant their flags and everyone is supporting it cause fuck Trump.
Y'all are even about to elect CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS THAT WILL TAKE BRIBES ( AKA BOB MENENDEZ) because FUCK TRUMP. Use your fucking brains and stop using your feelings to make decisions.
And before I get any of those far right motherfuckers that scream white genocide because of this bitch this isn’t for you. You think that I as a black man give a flying fuck if white people or any race becomes the majority, maybe instead of bitching online get a white girl and go full Duggar family and have 20 kids a wife, so long as you can take care of them tho.
This isn’t about race, class, any of that shit it’s about the fact people are blatantly disregarding American law and will refuse to assimilate into American culture which surprise is actually harming the black community. When black people go for jobs they have to not only compete with those people they may be unable to even get a job because they don’t speak spanish and speaking spanish is becoming a REQUIREMENT for some jobs.
Y'all refuse to use the last two brain cells in your brain and actually think about the situation and impact this will have on us. This is to everyone left and right you are the reason we’re having these problems. This is because y'all are making each other extreme instead of coming together and trying to solve the problem as a nation like true Americans you would rather bitch about non issues and grow complacent enough for an actual issue that will cause problems now and in the future. When you bitch about being so broke and having to work to make ends meet note you’re letting people in that will actually get you fired because they’re gonna work for less than you.
Even as a teenager it’s hard to get a job in general because jobs contrary to some of what people say on tumblr, do pay minimum wage to minors and we have restrictions on our hours. Why have someone that will work for 8.64 when they can get someone cheaper to work less than half of that.
Big corporations will take advantage of this and this will harm our economy if they’re allowed to continue onward.
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
why you should build a treehouse in minecraft
they’re cool
they keep the monsters out
you can build them on jungle trees out of pretty jungle wood
they look fucking epic
good view
they’re cool
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starinitalian · 6 years
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starinitalian · 6 years
The epidemic began on September 13, 2005, when Blizzard introduced a new raid called Zul’Gurub into the game as part of a new update. Its end boss, Hakkar, could affect players by using a debuff called Corrupted Blood, a disease that damages players over time, this one specifically doing significant damage. The disease could be passed on between any nearby characters, and would kill characters with lower levels in a few seconds, while higher level characters could keep themselves alive. It would disappear as time passed or when the character died. Due to a programming error, players’ pets and minions carried the disease out of the raid.
Non-player characters could contract the disease but were asymptomatic to it and could spread it to others.[2] At least three of the game’s servers were affected. The difficulty in killing Hakkar may have limited the spread of the disease. Discussion forum posters described seeing hundreds of bodies lying in the streets of the towns and cities. Deaths in World of Warcraft are not permanent, as characters are resurrected shortly afterward.[3] However, dying in such a way is disadvantageous to the player’s character and incurs inconvenience.[4]
During the epidemic, normal gameplay was disrupted. Player responses varied but resembled real-world behaviors. Some characters with healing abilities volunteered their services, some lower-level characters who could not help would direct people away from infected areas, some characters would flee to uninfected areas, and some characters attempted to spread the disease to others.[2] Players in the game reacted to the disease as if there was real risk to their well-being.[5] Blizzard Entertainment attempted to institute a voluntary quarantine to stem the disease, but it failed, as some players didn’t take it seriously, while others took advantage of the pandemonium.[2] Despite certain security measures, players overcame them by giving the disease to summonable pets.[6] Blizzard was forced to fix the problem by instituting hard resets of the servers and applying quick fixes.[3]
The major towns and cities were abandoned by the population as panic set in and players rushed to evacuate to the relative safety of the countryside, leaving urban areas filled to the brim with corpses, and the city streets literally white with the bones of the dead.[7]
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