soulless-angel25 · 12 hours
New chapter is out!
Coming in at a little over 8,300 words it's part one of the empty child/the doctor dances!
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soulless-angel25 · 13 hours
As a fic writer, i need every reader to know that:
I don’t care if your comment is coherent. I know what you mean and i love you
I don’t care if you ramble. I read every word and i love you
I don’t care if you leave a comment on a fic from four years ago or leave comments/kudos on like ten of my fics in one go. This isn’t IG, pls stalk my AO3. I love you
I don’t care if you mention the same thing in your comment that four other people have already mentioned. It’s actually really useful to know what resonated with people and I love everyone who takes the time to tell me they liked a particular turn of phrase
I don’t mind if your comment is super long or just a couple of sentences, i love them all
I love you
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soulless-angel25 · 16 hours
Forced to learn how tumblr works because quotev has officially killed itself ☹️ (please tell me terms and stuff i should know) (and explain it like youre talking to your mom about your favorite media)
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soulless-angel25 · 17 hours
we have shoved one body into a bag of holding, cut off another person's hand that is now in a small bag and shoves the rest of the body into a handy haversack
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soulless-angel25 · 18 hours
something really fun- in my NWWNW fics I refer to V with multiple pronouns (she/they/he) and V is very much a self-insert of myself just altered some, and so when people comment about V and use the different pronouns I just get soooo giddy
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soulless-angel25 · 1 day
As someone who has actually studied the English language there's a common phrase about English that kinda annoys me because while it makes for a funny haha line it's such a gross oversimplification that it actually ceases to be funny. It's the one that goes "The English language is just three languages stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat" or something to that effect.
I'm not going to go into detail as to why that sentence is inaccurate, just take my word for it as a person with a master's in English. I suggest we withdraw this expression from usage and replace it with the much more accurate "The English language is a dirty little slut that loves it when other languages cum big loads in it"
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soulless-angel25 · 2 days
When the episode looked like it was just a “kids these days with their tinktonks” and then suddenly the protagonist kills harry styles and then reveals she’s been racist this whole time
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soulless-angel25 · 2 days
Had a dream this morning that Archive of our Own had a Random button which would simply take you to a random fanfic, like Wikipedia has. (AO3 does not appear to really have this, I checked and couldn't find one, but I kinda wish they did.) Someone had started a game where whatever fic you got, that was your new fandom, which is very fun! I would love this meme in real life.
The problem came in where so many people used the button that it broke and just started sending everyone to Stealing Harry, and like...I have fond memories of Stealing Harry but it's not my best work and nobody should be assigned to be a Harry Potter fan in this day and age.
So I decide to go off and find Astolat and demand she fix this but when I finally did (there was a whole quest) she turned to me like the baddie in a horror flick and said, "But that's the most random story there is" in a dark voice and I was terrified and woke up.
In the cold light of day I know there are more random stories by me on the archive, let alone by others, but I'm not going to try to get back there to argue my case. Pretty sure whatever I spoke to was actually the demon specifically assigned to plague fandom and not Astolat at all.
I'd say "get thee behind me, demon" but I know just how many porny fics on AO3 begin with that premise. (I've written some.) Begone foul spirit, and take your Satanic Panic with you!
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soulless-angel25 · 2 days
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soulless-angel25 · 2 days
Ghost's Romance May, Day 31 Prompt- Future @ghostsfanficevents
It wasn't unusual for Sally and Paul to watch Estelle for them since neither of them were able to be home all the time. Paul because he was a teacher and Sally because of her writing and having to do meetings to help with improving the environment.
And so, when they had asked Percy and Annabeth if they could please watch her today because they'd like to go on a date they had agreed easily. After all, they loved the little girl who beamed so happily, who should never have to worry about her future or the fear of being eaten by monsters so long as she had them to protect her.
So when Estelle had asked if they could go on a walk, they had no reason to say no to her. Percy simply gave her a piggy-back ride as he and Annabeth walked through the city, towards an ice-cream shop that was nice, especially since summer was right around the corner and it had begun to heat up in the city. This was a normal thing for them, whenver Percy and Annabeth had to watch Estelle. Depending on the time of the year they would go out to get ice-cream or go to an aquariam or soemthing else. It was normal.
What was not normal was being stopped by and older lady who remarked on how adorable Estelle was, actually-no, that wasn't the strange part. What was the strange part was her saying "Oh, what a cute daughter you have! Best you treasure these days when they're young. The grow up so quickly, you know?" before walking away. Leaving both Percy and Annabeth a bright shade of red as they looked at each other.
They both tried to brush it off, and they did for a time until on their way back to the apartment after getting ice-cream a man with a camera was offering to take pictures of families, and he called out to them, "You there! Family of three, how would you like to get a picture with your daughter? Immortalize this time?"
The blush came back in full force this time as Percy explained that she wasn't their daughter but his younger sister and they were watching her for the day, the man had remarked on how much they looked like a family but still offered them a picture, "You're still family, aren't you? Parents and child, siblings. Family all the same. Now come, I will give you a picture."
At the insistence they agreed and after being handed the picture made their way back home quick. Paul and Sally were back by then but Percy and Annabeth didn't really acknowledge that outside of handing Estelle back to them before going to sit on the couch.
Neither of them were quite sure how to begin the conversation so Percy just went straight into it, "Do you, ever want to have kids with me, Wise Girl?"
The blush had seemingly become a permanent fixture on both their faces as Annabeth linked their hands together, "One day. I think I'd like to have kids with you. Not now though, not while everything is just beginning to stabilize once more."
He nodded, "I'd like to have kids with you one day too. But before that, I agree. Right now is still too unstable."
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soulless-angel25 · 3 days
I'm sorry.... WHAT??????
I’m so tired of manhwas where the female lead “falling for” the male lead is actually just her pitying him and vice versa
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soulless-angel25 · 3 days
Ghost's Romance May, Day 30 Prompt- Parenting @ghostsfanficevents
When Kendra and Ronodin's future daughter had shown up on the doorstep of Fablehaven, everyone was very confused. Of course, more so because it was a child and they didn't know who her parents were. That was, until she had spotted Kendra and her eyes had lit up before running to her.
Barreling into her, more like. Arms wrapped around Kendra's leg as tears slipped out of her eyes as she desperately cried "Mama! Mama!"
That was when Stan had noticed something that the little girl had been holding. The Chronometer... his eyes darted back to the little girl clinging onto his eighteen year old granddaughter. A little girl who looked maybe six years of age? With Kendra's hair but... he looks at her eyes.
Those aren't Kendra's green eyes, and they certainly aren't Bracken's icy blue eyes, no, they look more like... the realization slowly dawns on him. They look like Ronodin's eyes. And if he forces himself to he can vaguely see the magic presence around her, a mixture of light and dark.
The realization dawns on him, sometimes in the future his granddaughter will have... relations (god he does not want to think about that) with Ronodin. Which will result in the little girl in front of them.
His brow furrows though, the future can only go into the past if the oldest person using the Chronometer already exists... the realization hits him like a truck. What should he say? What can he say? ("Oh, Kendra. Did you have sex with Ronodin?" No! He can't say that it'd be too awkward..)
And while Stan is having his internal crisis the other are looking at the little girl clinging to Kendra's leg and saying that she's her mother. With nervous laughter Kendra leans down to the little girl, "Sweetheart, why do you think I'm your mother?"
Internally though, Kendra is freaking out as her eyes land on the Chronometer and flicks in between it and the little girl.
"Because your my Mama! You look like Mama when she was younger and you have the same magi-magi-kal? magikal! presence as Mama!"
The first thing Kendra says is, "Do you mean magical, sweetie?"
The little girl nods her head, "Mhm! That word!"
Seth who has been alternating between laughing and staring in an odd fascination because what the hell? Finally breaks down and laughs out loud making the little girl look at him.
"Uncy Seth!" she releases Kendra and runs over to wrap her arms around Seth's legs, pure joy in her expression.
As the shock finally wears off Ruth she poses a question, "What's your name?"
The little girl looks up at Ruth, "Vesta! My name is Vesta Sorenson!" the girl's-Vesta's- eyebrows furrow as she looks between Stan and Ruth. Her next question is innocent, "Are you my great-grandparents? You look like you do in the photos!"
The question makes all in the room freeze because of the simple implications of that statement, that Vesta does not know the Sorenson's because of the fact that they are dead. It would make sense after all, the two of them are already quite old.
Kendra breathes in through her nose shakily, "Vesta? Can you come over here?"
The little girl beams as she runs back over to Kendra who shakily lifts her up into her arms. She's chewing on her lip as she looks at her grandfather, both of them know who Vesta looks like. But only one of them is 100% certain, and that person is Kendra who takes the Chronometer as she walks past and into the yard.
She walks as the others stare after her, she walks until she's in the garden. The Fairy Queen's island in the center of the pond as Vesta perks up and points. A happy smile on her face as she says, "Auntie! Auntie!"
The call makes Kendra suck in air through her teeth as she lets out a breath, "Ronodin." her voice is soft when calling out his name. The tone of contempt just an undercurrent.
He appears in a few minutes, a smirk on his face as he looks at her, the one that appears when he's going to tease her before he realizes that there is a child in her arms. "Whose is that?"
She moves closer to him and passes Vesta to him, not allowing him the chance to deny it. "From what I've gathered, she's our child from the future."
The look on Ronodin's face is priceless, as his cheeks begin to glow he glowers at her. Before looking back at the sleeping child in his arms. "What are we supposed to do?"
Kendra rolls her eyes, "Look after her. She's... our daughter after all," Kendra's hands unconsciously trace over her stomach as his eyes widen at the gesture.
He adjusts so that Vesta is being held in one of his arms as he pulls Kendra closer to him, resting his head atop hers. "Well then, I suppose we'll just have to keep her safe till she returns to the future."
Kendra nods, her face flush with embarrassment.
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soulless-angel25 · 4 days
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soulless-angel25 · 4 days
No nuance/other option
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soulless-angel25 · 4 days
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my piece for @blackbutlerfanzine zine, featuring Elizabeth Midford!
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soulless-angel25 · 4 days
Ghost's Romance May, Day 29 Prompt- Wedding @ghostsfanficevents
Himemiko is vaguely aware of the people surrounding her, but the only one she's focused on is the man waiting for her at the altar. With his glasses set neatly on his face, and a giddy smile spread across it... oh how lucky she is, to marry the one who she loves.
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soulless-angel25 · 5 days
(first, thanks for saying it should be a drawing! Two, you people get to see how I draw 10 ((horribly))
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Its honestly super messy but I don't ever draw in panels like you would for a webcomic so. I think I did an okay job. (Also sorry for poor image quality)
The Doctor, talking about how much he loves Rose and River and really hopes that they'll get along. Whoever he's talking to just points behind him and the camera pans over to show River pinning Rose to the wall while the two are making out.
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