solar-eclippse · 9 hours
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Watched Blue Eye Samurai this weekend. Highly recommend!
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solar-eclippse · 1 day
people need to be more chill about shipping i think. i don't mean like, less hostility (altho that too), but people need to step outside their comfort zone more! ship multiple pairings. ship things that contradict each other! ship things no one else has thought of! we're all so rigid now. what happened?
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solar-eclippse · 2 days
let me just say ONE LAST THING is it would be so mwah if Miku and Azumi got together. In addition to the absolute fucking power couple they'd make it would also make for THE most tragic storyline too. Ofc we luv happy lesbians in this house but angst is what a bitch thrives on. Like no matter what Akemi is gonna choose her nobility over Mizu in the grand scheme of things, but they could be together but unofficially. I'm gonna be frank and idk shit about Japanese culture in the 1600's but on the show it appears that if done behind close doors sexuality can be a very fluid and openly expressed deal (again behind closed doors). I could just see Akemi and Mizu together in an unofficial capacity while still reciprocating a deep love and understanding for each other because they come from such different backgrounds yet have such a great opportunity to understand one another.
There's also so much opportunity for angst in that Mizu is able to live a life of freedom (although plagued by personal misfortune and misery) while Akemi has chosen to remain a noble and therefore shackled by the standards set forth for women of the era. There would always be the question of "What if I did choose to go to that farm Seki told me about and have a happy life with Mizu?" but the point would be so moot because Akemi has pretty much made her bed at this point and -----
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
Halfbreed Mizu born to a selkie woman, whose coat was stolen by an abusive human man. Her background has made her violently suspicious of humans, rejecting the supposed symbiosis between their species, having seen it for what it is: captivity.
Abijah recognizes her for what she is the moment he sees her. He's grown up on these myths, after all, and he knows seals aren't supposed to have blue eyes.
Mizu is tricked to give up her coat, and then she's stuck with this human who calls himself her husband. But she's not some damsel in distress, and she's gonna make herself his problem until she figures out where he's hidden her damn coat.
Just. Folkloric themes, oceanic imagery, and a Mizu that's more animal than human at times. I'm far too into this idea now.
Fuckin'. Selkie AU Fowzu.
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
Fuckin'. Selkie AU Fowzu.
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
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oh you guys... we are NOT gonna survive season 2
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
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I thought the roughhousing one needed a lil sequel!
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
Forced Comfort
Because who doesn't like a little bit of intimate whumper vibes?
[Prompt Masterpost]
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Whumpee wrapped up in a blanket. The soft fabric hides the fact that their hands are still bound behind their back.
Gentle fingers brushing the hair from Whumpee’s face - carefully peeling it back through the sheen of sweat that’s left.
“Shhh…you’re okay. I’m not gonna hurt you anymore..”
Kissing tears from the corners of Whumpee’s eyes.
Whumper keeping Whumpee sedated between sessions to 'help them cope'.
“Hold still- hold still or I’ll start again.”
Pinning a squirming Whumpee in an embrace. Grip tightening the more they struggle. 
Whumpee being so tired. So so so very tired. They can’t help but lean into the gentle touch. 
Whumper ignoring every shiver and twitch that accompanies the gentle pets they give their broken toy.
“Nnnnono-sst…d-on’ t ouchme-!”
Whumpee thrashing to the point of hyperventilation as Whumper wraps them up in blankets. The panic in their eyes ever so slowly fading as they realize they’re not being hurt anymore.
Whumpee desperately not trying to lean into it or accept the comfort. They don’t want it from them - don’t want to melt into the hands that ripped screams from them just a few minute before. But they need something. And Whumper knows it.
“Look at you. Pathetic little thing~”
Shoving Whumpee into a bath to trigger some kind of calming response. Whumpee just thinks they’re going to be drowned. …….maybe they will be. Just a little bit.
Whumper combing a hand through Whumpee’s hair - soft and rhythmic and sweet - as they carve into Whumpee.
“Shhh..just focus on me. Don’t look at  it- just look at me. Listen to my voice. You’re doing so good, little one.”
Kisses peppering over Whumpee’s cheeks, lips, forehead, brows, jaw, etc as their face puckers up, trying to twist away. 
A hug that looks gentle until you notice Whumper’s hand fisted in Whumpee’s hair. Keeping them exactly in place.
“Don’ don t t-ouch me- STOP-”
Drugging Whumpee to ‘help with the nerves’. Watching their panicked sobs slowly peter out into nothing as they stare miserably at their captor. 
“Make the most of this. We start again in the morning.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35 @scribbelle)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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solar-eclippse · 5 days
[Ball AU] Locker Rooms
Whatever happens in the locker rooms stays in the locker rooms 🫢 Don’t mind them the girlies are fighting again 😅 Just a normal Monday maybe-
Credit: @lillydrawsmizu for ball au
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Without the sparkles
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
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Push me
and then just
touch me
till I can get my
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Thought it was time to also give the other pairing a little bit of attention 👍🏻 I really enjoy both pairings for their different dynamics tho.
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
I don't see enough people talk about how pretty Ringo is. His eyes. The shape of his face. He's one gorgeous young man and more people should acknowledge that.
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
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Stolen from a friend who stole it from Twitter. A god tier dynamic
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
Is platonic marriage a thing cuz like-
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
Okay but what about social battery whump, hear me out.
Whumpee is perhaps an espionage agent, or a captive pet, or a hostage, or some other scenario--
they're forced into a situation where they have to act and act and act, and smile and smile and smile without giving any hint that they're tired, or upset, or stressed, or in danger, and they have to do it for so long.
They have to smile, and shake hands and make small talk, and laugh and act like a human being while they're coming apart internally, and if they mess up and falter for a second, if they show cracks in their facade then bad case they're caught, and worse case whumper will be very, very upset with them.
On the surface it looks like they're having a blast. They're completely dying inside.
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solar-eclippse · 6 days
my favorite thing about Mizu is that she's playful at heart and is unintentionally goofy
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solar-eclippse · 7 days
im a blorbo apologist but also they did every bad thing they did and i will get mad if u ignore that. complexities
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solar-eclippse · 7 days
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One of my fave ship dynamics tbh
Even tastier when the older one is in a mentor type role
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