slithymomerath · 2 hours
trans people who are anti t4t make me so sad. because beyond just not knowing what being t4t means, the fact that they believe that t4t is just being a chaser is indicative of a deeper issue, being that cis people have ingrained the idea that we are unfuckable and unloveable, disgusting by nature, and that anybody who would voice attraction to us, a step further, ONLY CHOOSE TO DATE TRANS PEOPLE, would be a pervert with a disgusting fetish who wont see them as equal.
thats not what t4t is.
t4t is the rejection of the idea that we are inherently disgusting, just because we are in the eyes of a cisnormative society.
t4t is the understanding that we are safer and stronger together as a community than apart.
t4t is seeing your trans boyfriend try on clothes from your old boy wardrobe that you hated growing up but now your least favorite shirt is your favorite because its the perfect shade of red that brings out his eyes.
t4t is teaching your trans girlfriend that has been scared to do her own makeup how youve learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women, who learned from other trans women.
t4t is doing your testosterone shots together and kissing each others sticks after you put the bandaid on.
t4t is holding the door for your trans girlfriend and showing her the chivalry she didn't get from her dad growing up, but its ok because you can show her now.
t4t is being on the phone with your partner who just came out as trans/nonbinary after seeing you, YOU, live your truth, and them asking you to help them find a new name, the perfect name for them, and you hope theyll carry that part of you forever.
you are trans and that is beautiful. your transness is beautiful. trans love is beautiful. dont let ANYBODY make you feel unworthy of sex or love. THATS what being t4t means.
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slithymomerath · 2 hours
honestly people are way more ignorant about the welfare of the animals than they think they are
animal rights activists are even worse regarding that, because instead of actually learning about what an animal needs and how it behaves they rely solely on how they *think* animals feel and need
and it's the reason why the public views feeding and interacting with wild animals as "being good and kindhearted :) " and keeping animals in zoos as "poor animals suffering in cramped cages >:( "
and it kills animals
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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Hey guys I made a pride flag for when your gender is nobody else's fucking business! Check it out!
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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A true story of vehicular queer solidarity. Happy Pride.
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slithymomerath · 1 day
the pride montage we’ve all been waiting for
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slithymomerath · 1 day
The midjourney stuff just reminds of when we were trying to find a new platform to host the ao3 donation form, and companies kept trying to tell me about all their "ai" features that would track donor engagement, and figure out the optimal pattern to email individual donors asking for follow up donations, and all the ways they suggest we manipulate people into staying on our websites. It was a great way to filter out who either wasn't listening to us when we described our ethics and donor base, or just didn't believe us.
Now granted ao3 is a unique case based on a) the amount of page views we get in any given time period and b) the fact that most donors absolutely do Not want to be identified as such anywhere, (the default "list of recent donors" module got nuked Immediately) but it surprised me some that the concept of "donors who value their privacy and would be furious at even the whiff of AI" is unique. Some of us really are just existing in different worlds.
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slithymomerath · 1 day
sorry not to complain but some of y'all really cannot stand gnc people, huh?
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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🏳️‍🌈 Wishing everyone a very happy, and safe, Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
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slithymomerath · 1 day
happy pride
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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Recycled metal sculpture by Mohsen Yeganeh
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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had a therapy assignment to tell teen ira what i think teen ira needed, or what i wish teen ira could have heard. did this top to bottom with no sketching or prewriting. bawled through the last three pages, which is Processing, i guess
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slithymomerath · 1 day
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revisiting the "comics as a self-love exercise" thing i did a few years ago. (u can read the first one here, cw for discussions of death + suicide.)
thank u for hanging in there. u did really good.
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slithymomerath · 1 day
Before you hit send on that ask, reblog, or reply, remember to stop and PROOFREAD!
am I Pissing on the Poor?
did I Read the post in bad faith?
could I be Overexaggerating?
am I Out of line for saying this?
is it kind of Fucked up to say that to a total stranger?
is what I said Rude?
am I being Egotistical?
am I Angry at words that weren't in the post?
did I Dream up a pretend person to get mad at?
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slithymomerath · 1 day
energy policy would be much better if we still had a tradition of animal sacrifice I think. people would be way more chill about nuclear energy if they could see a large and proud bull being ritually sacrificed every month or so at the base of the cooling towers to keep the plant safe
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slithymomerath · 1 day
I finally made the meme I've had in my head for over a year
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slithymomerath · 1 day
A long time ago I was in a typography class and I had an assignment to draw a word out of its material. Like writing "Rock" and drawing it to make it look like it's carved from stone. I chose "Hair" and I was proud enough of the result that I ended up posting it online to Twitter. Whoever I showed it to online, I got a weird reaction like "Oh...cool." which was strange cuz I was expecting to get complimented on it. It turned out that no one thought it was a drawing. For months, everyone I showed it to thought that I was playing with wet hair clippings in my spare time like some nasty little freak.
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