shinyladykingdom · 1 month
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Elon Musk is now Brazil hero
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
as a kid i thought i would graduate from kid problems like cleaning my room to adult problems like jobs and taxes. but instead i have a job and taxes and still have to clean my room. cleaning my room is a lifetime problem. i will never stop having to put my markers away before bedtime. this is a rude way for aging to work.
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
My mom vame to visit me in College. I feel bad because its been tão mouths since i saw her because i Live far away but... my rotine dude!!!! I am strugling here
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
when the autism is being an actual mental health problem instead of making me obsess over fictional characters again:
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
Dcxdp #13
People thinking Danny is older than he actually is misunderstanding. the common Trope of Ellie and Dan calling Danny mom and trans Danny. 
I want a misunderstanding that he's from the medieval era. where it was normal for people to have kids young. There are jokes about Him technically being royalty thrown in so it makes it seem like he was medieval royalty. They think he died in childbirth. If Danny or Ellie mentions her being an attempt for the perfect son it can be misinterpreted as just needing an heir or a son because of misogyny. Danny mentions the rest of the Clones, they could think that they were miscarriages due to being too young. Both Dan and Ellie make jokes about almost killing Danny all the time and they think that is because of childbirth. I never see what era people think Danny's from when this misunderstanding is in place, so I think this would be funny.
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
Dead Dad or God?
It's been a handful of years and Ellie has joined the YJL
The YJL has the misunderstanding that her dad is dead
Which you know not exactly wrong but why do they think this?
Cuz Ellie and Danny are both little gremlin shits that found out they could speak to each other and hear each other no matter the distance or dimension,
So like I said little shits TM that they are decides to make it look like a prayer while speaking
So every time she says
"Oh yea let me just go tell my dad"
and then proceeds to put her hands together very obviously in a prayer.
This only somewhat stops when the heroes are in a rather tight spot and need some help, and Ellie goes "let me call my dad" in her usual prayer form and then the air beside her gets ripped open and this twink of a man who barely looks any older than her pops out like
" Yo I'm here to help!"
Now they think Ellie is a demi-human and Danny some sort of God.
" Oops? "
Just an Idea
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 25, 1935
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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Tim: good cop
Damian: bad cop
Dick: you better fucking be interrogated by my brothers
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
I lowkey like how Peter kept doing dumb shit even after the whole "with great powers comes great responsibilities" because it's peak teenage behavior. Like he is genuinely trying but the lack of commons sense will get him in trouble you know?
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
reverse gaslighting where i pretend to know exactly what you are talking about
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
How does the phisics of this work tho? The what are boxes of Coke resting on in like the arms of the cross???
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I'll give this much to Americans: we really are impossible to satirize.
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
Maybe CPS isn't called on Batman because everyone is too afraid of Robin.
Some out of towner: "And you're saying he just let's a child run around in short shorts to get shot at?" *scandalous gasp as they clutch their chest*
Gothamite: "Have you met Robin?"
OoT: "Well, no-"
Gothamite: "That ankle-biter giggles at the sight of teeth flying out of someone's mouth. He screeches for joy jumping off buildings, and he can pummel a 300 pound man with ease. I've seen him sass Joker to the point the clown cried."
OoT: "That's no reason to allow the chil-"
Gothamite: "Are you going to tell Robin he's not allowed to snap goon bones like glowsticks? Are you going to place bedtime restrictions on the sprite that can disappear while you're looking right at 'im?"
OoT: "Maybe I can't, but surely that Dark Knight man could-"
Gothamite: *sighs as they pour themselves a shot and proceed to empty their cup* "You think Batman hasn't tried?"
OoT: *splutters* "That's a child! Surely Batman could parent the y-"
Gothamite: *stares forlorn at the bottom of their cup* "That's no child. That's a demon critter from the dregs of death's realm."
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
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shinyladykingdom · 2 months
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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