shinahbee · 3 months
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Cloud Strife & Aerith Gainsborough FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (2024) dev. Square Enix
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shinahbee · 5 months
Thanks for all the new followers for 2023! I'll be more diligent in making blog posts, it's been a little busy for me the last few months and I wasn't able to post as much. I'll try to do more of that in the new year so please continue to support me!
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shinahbee · 5 months
Merry Christmas! 🎄
Wishing everyone happy holidays and best wishes for the new year!
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shinahbee · 6 months
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shinahbee · 7 months
I was just wondering what you thought about the ending of pearl boy, along with the overall way the story went.
ooo thanks for asking about pearl boy!
If I'm going to be totally honest, there are some parts of the overall story that could use more explanation as to why these events had to happen and there are some scenes I feel like was thrown in there for fan service and had me questioning if it was even necessary to begin with, I'm not sure if you are finished or if you just starting reading pearl boy so I don't want to spoil anything for you. I still really liked it and I still would recommend it to people.
I still think the characters are really well rounded, I still wish the creator went into dooshik's past in more detail because I feel like that is the missing piece of the puzzle that we never got in the end. I believe it will be explained with side stories I really hope it focuses on dooshik's past and how he became the person he is currently. But I don't know what the author is planning.lol.
but onto what you are really asking, the ending I felt was rushed, she was supposed to finish earlier in the year but had decided to add some more stuff in the end and I think that ultimately screwed her over with the deadlines and made her rush everything. so I was wondering if the ending was supposed to end up with the protagonists ending their life, I don't know what the reasoning was behind the memory loss and then gaining it back in the end...lol.
overall bias aside from it being one of my fist BL reads, I really enjoyed it mainly because of jooha and dooshik's relationship and the bond they formed and grew as the story progressed.
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shinahbee · 8 months
This is BL challenge for you (if you choose to accept them).
1.a) Please write your top 3 or top 5 favorite tropes in BL.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 BL that you love.
(Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them).
2. a) What is the first BL that make you want to know more about and eventually love BL?
b) What is that one BL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
The BL can be in in the form of manga, manhwa, manhua, books, tv series or movies.
Thanks so much if you want to answer this long ask.
1 A) I dont have any particular troupe I gravitate towards but I guess most of the stories I read are strangers to lovers or friends to lovers
B) path to you by sinran, pearl boy by inking, kings maker by haga . These are all webtoons by the way, if you want to know the reasons I like them please read my monthly favorites series it goes into detail with every series I have read and enjoyed so far.
2) both if which is the same, mao do zu shi mdzs. It got me started into reading webtoons in general and has a special place in my heart cause it was my first.
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shinahbee · 8 months
Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Hello. No it's not weird, I feel the same way after I found bl stories I just started reading more of it because of how interesting some of the stories are. I feel like a lot of shoujou manga stories are essentially the same and I dont like any of the female leads enough to continue reading the story.lol I also read GL sometimes too cause some of those stories are more wholesome than shoujou stories
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shinahbee · 10 months
Summer favorites 2023!
Aug 10/ 2023
So it's been 2 months...lol. I have been busy preparing for my first anime convention and I don't know if you want to hear about it, if you don't you can skip this whole intro.
So as this is my first time actually tabling in person I wasn't expecting much, I was able to set up really fast with the help of my best friend who was helping me all weekend.
I did make like a huge stock of things since I don't manufacture anything, I was able to make a good amount even though some things started falling apart a few days before and I had to get rid of them. I was happy that everyone who came to my table was really sweet and kind and I got a lot of encouragement from them saying my things are really cute and really acknowledge the labor and effort I put into all of my handmade things. I was able to make people happy with their purchases and that really made my day. There was this little girl who saw my resin shaker and really wanted it, she looked so happy when her dad bought it for her, it was really cute!
I've had a lot of people ask how long it took for me to learn polymer clay and resin to make these keychains and I said 6 months. lol. they were really shocked cause it would have taken them longer, I guess once you pick up a hobby and learn the ways around it it does not seem that long. You all probably remember my first time making stickers right? I shared a few blog posts about the process and how long it took to get it right.
anyways, overall I didn't get a lot of sales on my resin shakers or clay goods which i had hoped would sell fast considering I made so many. The tings that sold the most were my sticker sheets and single stickers cause I also had a deal on them. without it I don't think I'd get much sales. I was the only person that sold book marks so I'm glad I sold a lot of them. overall I did profit from this convention and seeing as it was my first con and I have seen videos of people saying that sometimes you may not break even, the fact that I did break even on the first day was good enough for me.lol.
now saying all that, there were a few encounters that made it a little weird for me, some people taking pictures when they didn't ask, some people looking and just saying to my face that nothing is popping out at them and walking away...I'm like just go, you don't have to tell me that.lol.
some people shaking my products vigoursly even though I have a huge sign next to them saying that these are handmade please be careful when handling them...I think one of shakers broke because of it. My friend looked really angry when she saw that but we aren't confrontational people, but still I had to tell one of them to be careful with them...and she just left after shaking all of it...I'm like wtf that's all you came to do...?
one person asked if she can bless me....yeah, not weird at all.
anyways, that's all that happened, I have heard people say that they made like 7 G and I'm like how? but I guess its because they were in a good spot, I initially thought being near the front entrance would be a good spot but maybe not cause most people would walk by thier first round and not come back again even though they have expressed being interested in a certain product. Maybe next year If I get in I'll get a better spot.
now onto the actual favorites for the past 2 months!
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none...just in my actual life lol
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I’m just going to put up the ongoing list only. I also eliminated some titles because they are now completed or I dropped them for now
Kings Maker (S3)
Night fragments (hiatus)
The pizza delivery man and the gold palace
the foul
killer crush
Insatiable man (hiatus)
I became a lousy side top
tread lightly on thawing ice (hiatus)
beware of the full moon in march
Love history caused by willful negligence
Updates on ongoing titles:
Okay so some updates
Pearl boy is finally finished so you will not here me talking about it every week, instead I'm just going to dedicate a blog post on the overall story. there is side stories but I don't think the creator is making them anytime soon. Bet you won't miss my Dooshik rant every month right?...lol.
One night mate:
I stopped reading this cause there was some unnecessary drama and I don't know how to feel about it so it is on hold for now.lol
yes! liveta is back and we get a spicy chapter with van taking care of ian when he had a fever. You can honestly see how much van had changed through the story based on his interactions with ian. Van would used to just do whatever he wanted and even if ian pushed him away he'd still think he's playing hard to get, but now if ian is really scared or is bothered by anything he does...he will back off because he really wants ian to look at him in a positive light. Ian has his reasons for rejecting van because of the incident with his friend burning in the fire and van was there at the scene so automatically he assumed van was the one that killed him. But from the progressing chapters Ian seems to have positive feelings towards van from every encounter and actually might start to like him...ahhh my heart! I love them so much!
yohan and victor are on good terms but that has been always the case, I guess the true drama starts when yohan and jin meet and the ordeal with yohan's brother comes to the surface.
there's so much in this story to unfold that I really missed all of it when the author took a long hiatus due to health complications. I'm so excited to see where the story is heading and at least i have this to look forward to now that everything I've read is completing.
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okay this month is really random...I don't want to say these titles are creeping up the list but they definitely are making me feel things and I haven't felt anything after pearl boy was finished.lol. all jokes aside these titles are quite new but is something worth reading if you like a certain topics.
1) I can see your stats
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"An estate to manage, a lover to tame.
Following the gruesome death of his family, mage Eyra inherits the Solath Estate and becomes a lord overnight, only to discover that he can suddenly see the stats of everyone he meets. Enter Yanu, a dashing jack-of-all-trades who seems hell-bent on distracting him from his newfound duties..."
I don't know what it is but there has been a surgance on BL fanatasy webtoons as of late, I guess authors are like I'm tired of seeing " I reincarnated as a villaness in so in so world" for the 138th time now that they decided finally to write some BL fantasy instead.lol.
Can I also point out that the two main characters here has an uncanny resemblance to Lavi and Allen from D.grayman. I had a huge D.grayman phase back in the day and the fact that these two look and act like Allen and Lavi is really making my shipping self scream...cause I shipped those two hard back then. The character that looks like allen is named Eyra and he is a reincarnated into the body of a young wizard from a prestigious family, the family was killed by a dragon and when Eyra returned to his estate he was tasked with taking over for his family. since eira knows that he is "isekai -ed" into this world he knew that he will have to complete some missions, he made this blobby companion named jelly as his "system" and is able to access his stats and those around him at any time.
he was going around town to see what the lives of the villagers were like and get familiar with his hometown, he ran into a pub with a bunch of random people that were overly friendly and drank with them, when he was done he went outside and saw a tall man with a harp playing some music...that's Lavi...I mean Yanu...lol.
oh it's a hot bard...
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Yanu looked hot in Eyra's description and he was intrigued by him upon sight, but made an embarrasing attempt to walk straight after drinking like theres no tommorow, he caught yanu smiling at him and thought nothing of it and scurried away. the next day he took note that the villagers seem friendly and close knit, not so well off but they seem to get by with what they have, he decided to venture out again, he ran into Yanu once again but Yanu's attitude had shifted into being wary of Eyra. He took noticed of this and just presumed that he was a harp player that was just being rude. He offered Yanu some coins to buy better suitable clothing for the cold and he was pulled into his arms. lmao...I need to calm down.
they proceeded to have cute banter before yanu starts questioning why he has not seen Eyra before and he explains that he came back to town after being away from a while and yanu had been living here for 10 years but was not born in the area. erya decided to try and get information out of him so he offered to buy him a meal, they went to a tavern that sells really good buns and began questioning if yanu liked living here, and what made him want to live here, Yanu said he came here to look for a lover...oooo.
Yanu noticed eyra had the jelly creature on his arm like a tattoo and touched his arm, and jelly was moving away from yanu's hand, this made him conclude that Eyra was a mage. now that they have their identities exposed Erya asked if yanu was a swordsman and yanu does do odd jobs when he's short on money so he is basically a mercenary for hire. Erya proposed that he needed a guide and wanted to hire yanu for it.so they began to tour around the city, but more on a hike up the mountains to get a wide veiw of the town. there erya has seen that complete city of solith, the place he is supposed to protect. when yanu and eyra were headed to their next destination he witnessed Erya getting excited seeing a corpse of a dead monster lol and thought he was interesting. Eyra and Yanu spent the next few days together touring and eating around town and yanu was indeed dedicated to that task. When erya was shown the slums he finally realized that this is what needs to be taken care of, he sees that there is another family there by the name alhera and they are preists...I dont know what thier purpose yet is so...
after witnessing the other side of solith, eyra was a little depressed and sullen, yanu suggested they go get some drinks to cheer him up. as they spend more time together up the mountain eyra realizes the charm that Yanu has and is entirely smitten by him and admits that he is drawn towards him from the moment they met. he touched his forehead and noticed how his lips curl into a smile and the smell of him as he gets closer and leans in to kiss him...AHHHHH,,,
it's not over folks....
seems that Yanu thought eyra wanted his time only to seduce him, but Eyra wanted to truly scope the city out to try and learn more about it, this made them back off a little and Yanu seemed disappointed. Eyra went back to the castle to work on the stats of his other fellow retainers and doing missions to get jelly to level up and unlock new features...y'all know...the grind if you play RPGs.
He is now able to see the Relationship status "Rapport" of his followers and wondered what it would be with Yanu...humm...you thinking about that right now? keep this in mind for later.
Eyra went to go look for yanu after that thought and chased him around different areas but he was too fast and eyra had lost him at some point, then the town began to shake and buildings began to fall and collapse from the random earthquake. some towns people tried to get away and was almost crushed by a pile of rubble but eyra used his magic to save them. some more rubble was going to fall on eyra and yanu came to save him. eyra was about to thank him and noticed ...somethings not right with him...he looked so calm for having natural disasters happening in front of him right now. erya backed away but yanu pull him in an embrace to prevent him from falling, this was when erya commanded his stats screen to appear and what do we have here?.......
Rapport...at a 1
the guy who initiated skinship and shows affection towards eyra making him seem like they have a connection...has basically no feelings for him...huh?
that's real wierd...Eyra thought it was weird, also noticed that something is off about his eyes as well. he then pulls up the dialogue options of what he can say to him and all of it leads to a bad ending...lmao. he notices that yanu can sense something there even thought he couldn't see the status screen. He asked what spell eyra has cast on him? angrily, eyra noticed that the person before him may not be human at all and decided to keep his cool and go with an option he thought was best and that is to say
yes i tried to seduce you back then, you got me. I just wanted you to like me back...and thats all it took for Yanu to calm down and pull eyra into a passionate kiss.
after wards yanu accepts Eyras proposal to be lovers and kisses him goodbye cause he has other things to do for the time being. Eyra notices that the earthquake lasted 20 mins and caused a lot of damage to the town but no casualties. he was about to walk away when a screen pops up and announces that in 234 days...solith will be destroyed!
dun dun dun....lol. I'll leave that here for you to continue if you wish, you can read this series on manta. I really am enjoying it so far I don't read much fantasy BL and there seems to be an influx in that genre recently so I hope I can read some more of them before I get bored. This one in particular has really beautiful art and interesting characters, especially Yanu since he is still very mysterious and obviously not human cause of his extraordinary abilities in combat and endurance, my guess is he's one of those monsters in the story...maybe a dragon, that would explain the rapport being non existant at this point even though he has flirted with eyra relentlessly since the both met, you will see a lot of steamy scenes coming up if you continue to read it, I'll let you sit on that for a while.lol.
2) Half of me
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"From 7 AM to 7 PM,
I have to live in someone else’s body for 12 hours…?!
Due to a car accident, Taekin, a teenager in high school, and Heechan have switched souls.
Due to this, Heechan’s vegetable business, to which he’s dedicated his entire life is in trouble!
In order to recover his body, Heechan heads to Taekin’s school…
‘That gym teacher, why is he here…?’
He sees his old classmate, ‘The ultimate nice guy’, working as the school’s gym teacher.
Heechan excitedly tries to ask for help but…
‘Kim Taekin, bend over.’
This… This isn’t it…?!
Will Heechan be able to recover his body through this difficult journey?"
I have been waiting to share this series with all of you a few months back, at the time season 1 just ended and I wasn't sure where the story was going, if you can't tell from the crappy summary I found, it seemed like pedophilia was implicated and I was about to drop it at that point...but nope nothing of the sort as of yet...so that summary is misleading and whom ever wrote that should be punched in the face. This is one of the best stories I have read so far with authentic things to say about life and suicide and overcoming trauma to live the best way you can with what you have. I honestly think this series should be a drama as it really dives into the bullying and the after effects of driving someone to the point of taking their own life. There's no kdrama I know of that has discussed some of these issues and I think it would be a good way to get the message out there, it also has a body swapping mystery that has yet to unfold and i really wish there is novel translations because I'm dying to read what happens next.
I will do my best to summarize everything so bare with me. So the story starts off with a young boy basically describing his last day fom the moment he made the decision to end his life, he felt the weight life off his shoulders, even getting up in the morning and going exiting his room was like going through the gates of hell, omg this first chapter was f*cken heavy so trigger warning to those who have had suicide thoughts or is going through something similar please be wary and remember this is just fiction. the young boy knew from that moment that everything he was ever worried about will end when he decides to go. we have a switch in scenery with a man who was going through several business deals with his work crew, it seems this man is a small business owner looking for vendors to negotiate buying their products, this is kwon heechan out main character, you will know by how he interacts with his colleagues, that is is a no non-sense person and is quite blunt with how he deals with situations, that day for him was supposed to be an ordinary day, after going to meet some vendors the crew ended work later than usual and heechan took the employees home even though he was exhausted himself. he was doing well holding up until a car came out of no where during an intersection and heechan noticed a young boy in the corner before getting into a car crash, to avoid him he swerved out of the way hitting another vehicle and was on his way to lose consciousness but right before he did he made eye contact with the kid who was caught in the intersection.
Then we get a flash back of heechan back in high school ( because the kid that was in the accident was wearing his old high schools uniform) heechan had always been a passive student, all he wanted to do was get his diploma and leave, he was not in a lot of trouble because he wanted to keep a low profile, after his family's divorced he watch his mother spend countless days working long hours to support them both and that made him get his act together.Heechan's uncle saw how much heechan wanted to do something to help out and suggested a summer job helping out at a market, mainly to look out for him so that he does not do anything that could ruin his life. He started working during his first year of high school and had to unload countless boxes of tomatoes from trucks, it was a vigorous task and to a toll on his body he was about to just skip on the work but his uncle came to pick him up everyday, soon after it had been the entire summer break coming to and end and his uncle came to give him his pay, he never said a word about how to spend it, didn't say give it to your mom...he just gave him what he earned, heechan had all sorts of thoughts with the large sum of money but in the end he gave it to his mother and said he wanted to continue working there, it wasn't that he liked the work or the people he worked with he just thought that even someone like him can do something with his life. As he continued working he noticed that a lot of store fronts have left the market each year since it was a highly competitive business, but his uncle stood firmly and unwavering, which was an inspiration to heechan as he took up the mantle and ended up opening his own small business store front years later, with a small loan left to pay off in the end. he looked back on the times before when he was smoking and drinking with others and how he could have ended up like that if his uncle had not dragged him into work every day. after he found reasonable financial stability his mother got remarried and things were looking up for him...until the accident.
heechan woke up hearing a familiar voice next to him, when he got his consciousness back it was his employee that was in the room with him, he was asking what happened to the crazy kid who dove into oncoming traffic like that, and jin young (employee) looked at him like he's crazy, cause in fact...he is the crazy kid.
you guessed it, heechan was in the body of the kid who was in the car accident...except his actual body is laying in another hospital bed still uncoincious, so it's not a body swap really. Heechan made remarks about how he knows things about them to convince them that even with this teenagers body he is in fact thier boss...lol. it was funny cause he started listing things only they would know. They were ,like got get the mirror...and heechan was like who the f*ck is this? lmao. the two employees were skeptical but decided to trust heechan, the only way to leave is to pretend like there is a psych injury as the doctor proposed and the student (kim taekin) was released. The three of them went to heechan's apartment to discuss the matter, the employees think that heechan went into taekin's body as a souls swap but he didn't know where taekin is nor did he really care because he does not know him, the hospital called and said they found the student's belongings, they went back to the hospital to look for clues and found that he had the bare minimum with just notebooks, ID and pens. They found his phone and after unlocking it they discovered that his mother was his only named contact, all other numbers have no identity. they checked everything in his phone and found that he has no images, 3 contacts and no text messages from anyone. heechan noticed something is off and checked his address and found out that taekin was his downstairs neighbor. He wondered if taekin was a stalker and is that why he went and jump in front of him that night, even looking like this he still wanted to get to work cause business is going to go down if he does not run it.
just then heechan felt faint and woke up in his own body as soon as the clock strikes 7 pm. heechan immediately got up and was discharged to take care of other things..i.e. car being repaired and work stuff, so technically he had been asleep for 7 hours but mental awake for 24 hrs due to being also in taekin's body. just as heechan was going to brush the incident off as a freak accident he felt faint again and his sould drifted back into taekin's body. when he woke up, taekin's mother was beside his bedside, she had not known until now that taekin was in a accident since she was busy with work, 7 am in the morning and he's back in taekin's body. so from 7 am to 7 pm he will be in taekin's body and from 7 pm to 7am he will be in his own body, they noticed that this is something really out worldly so they went to go see shamans to try and resolve the issue. ji young knew a shaman he was related to so he took heechan there to seek out some advice. She made some cryptic descriptions about heechan being a tiger and when heechan asked where taekin might be she said that he's hiding behind you and turned himself away from the world, meaning he's rejecting the thought of waking...essentially in deep sleep...that is real Kingdom hearts stuff going on.lol.
the shaman told heechan that his spirit is strong and that he was the one who went into taekin's body when they made eye contact during the accident, and because taekin wanted to end his life leaving his body and and entering heechan's made it comfortable for him. she said that if heechan wants to go back to his body heechan would have to find a way to wake him up. she decided to ask him to close his eyes and over his ears to show him what she means, heechan did so and felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and heard gasping noises within his mind...suddenly something in him is telling him to open his eyes now and there he found the shaman holding a knife close to his throat..lol wow lady you are extreme.
" you felt something strange did you not? there are things that we know even if we can't see or hear them" so in other words taekin felt heechan's desperation to get out and allowed him to leave at that point unconsciously without knowing what it is. so in order to fully recover his body he will have to find the route of the problem that drove taekin to committing suicide and resolve that issue. she told heechan that taekin is a good boy and him not pushing heechan away was his way of asking for help because he might not have had anyone to turn to.
can you physically see the tears in my eyes as I'm writing now...?
I really like how this scene is portrayed and it really sets up the idea that heechan would have to live in his body and get to feel what he was feeling in order to understand him, Have you all heard the phrase " you can never understand me? " it is true in a sense that you can only empathize with things going on with a person but if you don't experience the exact same things they do you will never understand what they have gone through. That is why when people say that they understand how you are feeling, they only know conceptually how you might feel but never know personally the things you go through.
heechan didn't want to believe everything being said to him, but there are things she said that hit close to home and that made him feel melancholic as he thought of the possible ways that they have in common, one of which is their mothers are single parents raising a kid by themselves working long shifts until their hands and feet were visibly sore. that's when heechan knew that there was a connection with how similar taekin had been living was close to how he was when he was in high school. As heechan didn't really know much about taekin he didn't really know how to help him and suddenly remembered that taekin had messages on his whatsapp...shout out.lol. and decided to check them.
as he opened them the three were shocked at the Ludacris messages that this boy had received, stuff like...what aren't you dead? didn't you kill yourself? you cant even die right, what a loser... clearly some dramatic bullying going on, heechan was sort of use to the fact that this stuff does go on in high school and thought nothing of it until a particular message caught his eye
" don't come to the bathroom, do I have to tell everyone your secret?"
heechan thought this might be it, this person who had found out something they shouldn't and sent taekin over the edge. So the time has come to find that out as heechan went to high school again while being in his 30's ...literally my worst nightmare so i can sympathize.
the whole point of this operation is not to solve taekins problem as heechan but to get taekin to react to something so that he can solve that on his own. he noticed the student affairs teacher outside disciplining the students for being tardy and recognized him right away, he took a look at his documents and told him to see his home room teacher in the office. hechan noticed the kids on the floor gossiping at how taekin looked fine even though he tried to die....ugh I hate kids.
taekin's mother had been taking him to see neuro-specialists and psych doctors in order to recover his memory from the accident. the homeroom teacher was informed as well and at first it seemed like she was trying to help and is kind to him, but in reality she was just scared of a person with psychological problems causing trouble for the school...teachers are sh*t I see...
heechan was starting to understand that maybe this was the reason teakin had no one to turn to is because there was no one he could have trust in this school. He was about to leave for class when suddenly he felt his heart beat speed up and felt faint, breaking out into cold sweat....I wonder why? that was only because a certain teacher walked passed him...oh boy
heechan just thought it was cardiac arrest lol. omg you silly boy. if you couldn't guess yes taekin has a crush on the mysterious teacher that we are only shown the backside of ...but you can tell that he's hot right? as heechan went to class he was dreading the fact that he has to try and make nice with a bunch of teenagers ...lmao word, I have never felt so much of a connection to that statement, cause i to had to make friends with 20 year olds in my vet tech class and I am in my 30s so literally didn't happen. anyways, taekin noticed that the class room was silent as he walked in and knew that whoever was sending him those messages was amongst this crowd.
he asked a person next to an empty desk if that was his seat and the kid ignored him and started typing on their phones, so all the group messages were people in the class talking about taekin, they were all trying to ostracize him and heechan of course like every 30 year old thinks it's immature but the fact that they don't openly bully him means that there are ring leaders setting up this ordeal and everyone in the class is afraid of them.
heechan just does what he does best ignore and sleep, he was tired from actively being awake for 24 hrs on a daily anyways so it was all he wanted to do right now, he was listening in and found one person who had a lot of authority which made him one of the ringleaders...so there's 1
and number 2 and 3 may have been the ones throwing erasers at him, of course distrupting kwon heechans nap time mean you eat his fits so as much as he wanted to smack the living sh*t out of these kids Taekin's body didn't have the strength to. He noticed that taekin was trembling as the others threw things at his back and that made heechan a little annoyed that he just had to act passive in that situation, heechan made a point about if he can't handle this minor situation then he will never be able handle situations being a working adult, I think personally heechan handled it the best way he could by just ignoring and eventually they got bored because they could not get a reaction out of him and moved on.
I would like to point out that it's not that heechan is apathetic, it's just that he had to grow up really quickly and didn't have time for people's bullshit, which to someone like taekin and even ji young who had to endure being bullied, it's hard to stand up for yourself in that moment. heechan is an adult now and has forgotten that minor problems from and adults point of view are major problems to a growing teenager, it's not that a point of right or wrong it's just a different view point depending on the person. In order for heechan to be able to reach taekin, heechan would need to learn to be compassionate towards him. Taekin's mother is worried about him and asked the next day if he wanted to stay home, indicating that she might know whats going on with him at school and wanted to be of help, heechan didn't want the mom to worry so he said he would go, even knowing that there might not be someone to open his heart he was determined to change taekin's perspective so he can survive independantly. But I think heechan is missing the point that taekin's mother is there for her son and if he told her everything thats going on she would be able to help him, he's looking for someone to get taekin to wake up but I think his mother may be the key to do that, it' s just my opinion.
at school heechan was able to manage going about the day as a regular high school kid, he seems to have a connection with the student affairs teacher in the earlier chapters and it really feels like the miscreant kid talking back to his favorite teacher, it really gave taekin some personality since we don't know what this kid was like before. His punishment every morning for being late or being disruptive was to do "push ups" I use that term lightly because they just say down on all fours and they just stay like that for 20 mins. so I'm just going to use "push ups"
as the term. heechan could not lift a soon after that to eat, but he was determined to put so much food in the kids body so his body wont be so small.LMAO the effort you put in is like no other heechan!
after he got back from puking the extra food out of his system, it was time for gym glass...now this is the point where every person in the class made a comment about how he must be excited that it's gym , and that he's a little pervert...which insinuates that something might have happened in gym class that contributed to taekin wanting to commit suicide. He was trying to figure out which locker was his and deduced that the one with the biggest lock was it courtesy of his so called classmates for locking it up. heechan noticed the messages from his bully again and actually responded with " who are you?"
the bully was like " who said you can talk back retard..."
in which heechan replies " retards the name I call your mom what's yours? "
Lmao...and the bully was non other than the class prez, and he really wanted to throw a swing at heechan after hearing that. luckily before a fight could break out they just left. Heechan noticed how the lock was super big, but it was nothing that he couldn't pick and so he found something to teach taekin when he wakes up. its kind of cute how heechan through out this was like after taekin wakes up I'll take him to the gym, or like I'll teach him all these things like an older brother figure even though he hated the situation at this point. As he approaches the track area outside the gym teacher was checking attendance and heechan noticed that his heart rate was speeding up again and he was breaking out into cold sweat like the earlier chapter in the office...can you guess why?
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he took a look at the mysterious figure and found the hot gym teacher was non other than his old class mate in which he only knew his nick name as " the dog buddha" the peanut gallery was making comments like eww...look at that perv, he's already drooling...which makes me think the gym teacher has something to do with this whole situation. Heechan then gets a flash back as to how he knew of the dog buddha despite him trying to live a passive lifestyle and he was a loner through out high school.
heechan always took naps in class so there was only one person that made an impression on him that was memorable. from what he remembered woo minjae (hot teacher) always had a smile on his face and that they only made eye contact that one time...oooo really? you can tell by the way those panels were drawn that they had something going on, whatever it was at the time...it was cute that they both turned away as soon as their eyes met. But the point is that the school had a bunch rich kids from the neighborhood attending that school and that minjae was from one of those wealthy families, they didn't have to bully others to flex their wealth and power, instead these boys spend their time bar hoping and driving fancy cars to insinuate power. It was that time when the class prez had beef with the group minjae was a part of and wanted to start something. everyone was expecting minjae to fight him but instead he gave him a few words that seemed like a threat and smiled like ti was no big deal. the prez's name was gae-sounds like dog in korean and so he got the nickname "dog buddha " from that situation. I dont really get what happened I think minjae threatened that he would get better scores and prez would have to step down or something...and he did. Now knowing that his old classmate is now the gym teacher of this school he might be able to recruit his help in figuring out what happened to taekin.
Heechan noticed that he was not the same person as he was in high school, he looked like a dead pan-cynical person and wondered what could of happened to him all these years. I think my favorite part was heechan explaining to his employees that taekin might have a heart condition that they don't know about cause of what happened with minjae earlier. lol. his employee are like are you for real? you've never had the hots for someone before ? LMAO and he has not cause very girl that hits on him thinking he's fine as hell, the thought goes over his head and he does not get it. its so funny cause he's always drawn with sparkles beside him to indicate that he is a handsome dude to whomever sees him, but he's like...not interested! I only want my buisness to got well. I love heechan, he so precious
so now that we have established the fact that taekin may have a crush on minjae, would that be a reason for his suicide though? it might have ha something to do with it but not entirely, so everyone thought it was best to contact minjae and ask him for his assistance to look after taekin.
I'm skipping the part about his gay friend cause i don't know how relevant he is at this point.lol.
the next day heechan was asleep on his desk and over heard the class prez and his possy talk about going to a club tonight and to keep that a secret. this was the perfect time to get those students expelled, minjae walked into class as soon as everyone left and warned taekin to leave cause he can't clock out until every student evacuates. this was when heechan decided to test him, if minjae was a good teacher and doing what teachers are supposed to do, he wont ignore the underage hooligans going to bars. so heechan did his best to look at minjae and told him what he over heard...except he forgot the name of the club.lol.
he thought it might be bad after all cause he used to be those people partying all night at bars so why would he expose them? heechan decided that maybe he should go instead and do it himself and that is the end of season 1, we just get heechan and jiyuong heading to the designated club the possy was meeting at. I will stop here but if you want to continue the series is licensed on lezhin.
I love this story sorry for how long it got but I wanted to be thorough enough since I really think its a good story and I really want it to get more attention, if you have read Pay back or know of that series...it is written by the same person, but this to me is way better. I'm enjoying reading season 2 so far and i love the banter between heechan and minjae.
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a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals.
to those who consider quitting series, if it bothers you then just stop! no one is forcing this down your throat you can quit whenever, but don't harass the creator on social media if you dislike their story it's disrespectful. Again, I say these are trash but they are for a certain demographic/target audience...I'm just not one of those people.
Trash List:
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Kiss damnation
Cherry blossoms after the winter
Chasing Mr. CEO
Who’s a sweet cheater?
Another sequence
Love is a fantasy
Missing love/married man
My reason to die
I'm back to trash titles again lol. I'm glad I got that out of my system last favorites post.
The flower blooming in my hand:
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okay another one of these idol-sponsor crap stories and it is as you may have guessed trashy and full of people making bad decisions, the main character is a rich dude who happens to see his cousin getting a BJ from this other guy while he was going to see him in his office and reconizes the guy as someone he came across once at church or something. the cousin explains that he is the guy's sponsor in exchange for favors he will give his idol group promotions, the main guy was like well since he's your toy, guess you don't mind sharing...and started to make offers for an acting job for the guy. as you can guess he was cold and wanted sexual favors at first but then they started to catch feelings for each other...but of course the cousin is a little c*nt and does what ever to separate them and blackmails the guy into coming back to being his sexual slave..and that's where I stopped cause If I have read anymore of this garbage I might start having a stroke.
I don't know about other people but the whole sponsorship trope is old and reused so many times that it has zero effect on me, like I just do not feel sorry for someone who chooses to be engaged with a person that abuses them, I'm like you should know when someone is not right when you meet them and that's when you tell them to f*ck off and leave you alone.
it's just one bad decision after another and I'm sick of reading crap like this, it's just bad writing at this point.
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by the way don't let the cover fool you cause that's not the person he ends up with...at least from what I've read before i dropped it...disappointing.
the main guy is a webtoon author who is really tardy and does not want to change his life style even if his sex partner really wants to be official with him, nothing is wrong with the characters, they are tropey but the problem I have is that the direction the story I though was going was he met this new guy at the convenience store and they started to get to know each other and he cooks him proper meals and shows him how to take care of himself....and then he's like...oh I want to get back with my old boyfriend....I'm like WTF...why??? ex boyfriend (sex partner) broke it off with you cause he cant date you until you get your act together, then you meet this other guy who you seem to have feelings for, takes care of you and all you do is try to get back with your old sex partner...I'm like omg....what are game is this author playing? your story is so deceiving. I'm also disappointed in the sex partner cause this dude has no boundaries, he's like give me space and then next chapter is like oh your here lets have sex...wtf...am I even reading?
so I called it quits cause I don't like where its going, i'm so annoyed with the guy I can't do this anymore....lol.
these titles....TRASH.
also down the same rabbit hole there are certain types of stories for certain people and I understand that but it's not like what the author writes is original in anyway so it makes it less enjoyable in my opinion. some authors took a long break and you forget that story existed until they come back and give you the same crap, I'm like why do continue reading this? it's not new from the time you stopped reading...the angry boy with a bad past is such a dumb trope, it needs to stop cause it's getting tiring reading the same type of character over and over...sorry just a rant from recent things that are resurfacing...you can feel the eye rolling through the screen I'm sure.
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ruroni kenshin! can't believe they remade this series, I mean it was really old to begin with but I haven't seen it for so long.
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none again, thinking of dropping this section .lol.
Ending note:
hello glad you made it through the storm, I hope you enjoyed reading what you have been missing for 2 months and I hope that you will read some of the suggested titles.
I will be tabling at a local market this week and maybe another one in September, I really want to get into as much as possible before market season is over until Christmas time.
so wish me luck with in person sales!
I also have a website to which you can buy my handmade accessories and art prints
please adopt some stuff I made! I will be eternally grateful.
I will be back for the next favorites and hopefully it wont be two months late.lol.
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0 notes
shinahbee · 11 months
New BL/shounen ai webtoon tier list
it’s been a while, I’m still working on the monthly favorites for june and july but I wont have it done anytime soon because I’m preparing for a convention this week. Instead, you are going to get the new BL tier list with some new titles 
I have mentioned in my last monthly favorites that I wanted to do a new one because it has been a long time since then and I have read more.
You will see some new stuff and some rankings change from the old ones, I included titles that I have read/ remembered from reading and discarded the ones I no longer have any connection to.
alright, here it is:
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Spicy tier - the top tier in my eyes...
most of these stories I’ve read more than once and have left a lasting impression on me, these are ones that if anyone asks me for recommendations, they would be the ones that come to mind.
this could change in the future depending if the next tier makes their way up a rank.
Crash into you
Its just a dream right?
kings maker
pearl boy
hold me tight
the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
path to you
Love history caused by willful negligence 
The foul
The third ending
Good so far, let’s see where it goes- ongoing/ current reads
it wouldn’t be fair to put them in the spicy tier when I’m not fully committed, these still need more time, but I'm enjoying where the plot is heading so far, there are some that I can potentially see in the spicy tier later when they finish
something like liveta and define the relationship, and one that isn’t on here cause I couldn’t find pictures for it...called Half of me, this one is really good so far and I can definitely put it on the spicy tier if it continues going in the right direction.
Beware of the full moon in march
Define the relationship
killer crush
Midnight men
The ghost’s nocturne
(no pic ) half of me 
Not bad but not great either- meh overall
most I have finished but found it under whelming, lack of character development, plot moving very slowly, not really anything spectacular.
not to say that these aren’t good in their own way but there has to be a line that separates the good stories from the ones that are okay right? some I have in my favorites are in this tier because I’m trying to be really critical when I think about the story overall now that its done...
i’ll list the series and tell you why I feel that way in case you are wondering
Painter from the window - I don’t remember much about this, the end didn’t really make sense to me and I don’t think I finished the entire story, I might have lost some interest in between
insecret - I liked the side story better than the mains story, if it was based on that this would have been higher 
Dangerous convenient store- basic story overall not a lot of interesting plot other than near the end, the pacing is okay in terms of relationship development 
Lucky paradise - pacing is slow and not a lot of development from chunwoo, which I don’t really get why he does the things he does, he really needed character development a lot sooner for me to be interested 
Secret relationships - 90% flashbacks 10 % story lol. i’m sure all bimsa fans will agree that the story took a while to move forward cause all we got was one flash back after another and no expansion on the characters in the current timeline.
Dear door - I just got bored in the middle 
My suha - season1, 2 were great in terms of plot, the last season moved really slowly and made a lot of people lose interest, there’s also a ton of misunderstanding, but that’s nothing new in BL
Hide and seek- I would put this higher if it wasn’t for the conflict being miniscule, it really does not pair well with the whole mystery behind the story. I also have not read this again after the second time so it was not very memorable. 
omega complex - good characters and development, no dumb love triangles..lol. which is the best part cause I hate those, the main guy yoonwoo was like I only like 1 person if you aren’t him don’t talk to me...lmao I appreciate it. overall it’s a short story but that’s all it is. 
MDZS - this may surprise you cause this is what got me to read BL and took over my life, but in terms of manhwa the pacing is slow and I liked the drama better than the actual webtoon
Seeing double - twins and love triangle....uh nope...I just wish there was more explanation is to how ohn ended up liking seowoo...I’m happy cause that’s my ship, but I felt there was a disconnect there when he realized his feelings...I’m like wtf ...how?
oki doki... the I don’t give a sh*t tier
some famous titles that other people are in love with and I have no interest in reading at all...
Anti PT
Heaven’s official blessing
Banana sandal season 2 (I have read season 1)
Lost in the cloud
Honey trouble
and also can corelate with the next tier,
already knows the story through osmosis...
I literally can read some twitter tweets and already know the story based on how much people put out there in terms of spoilers. Which is why I don’t have to read it lol.
Blind play
mad place 
wet sand
limited run
though I do appreciate it if I want to avoid certain types of stories...like the ones in the last tier 
never touch again-  I dodged a bullet with some of these...
Again like the tier above I already know the story through osmosis, the only one I finished reading was BJ alex and that was a dark time in my life that I want to just erase.
BJ alex
full volume 
even if you don’t love me
Love or hate
yours to claim
married man/missing love
some of these just have no plot just smut scenes, some of which does have a plot but not good enough for me to enjoy because of subject matter (incest) and most are abuse from all angles...so I try to avoid those, which is why I basically dropped all of it.
real talk though, I have one thing to ask...why have Ugly old men in your stories?..yeah they are creepy but who would look at that and be like yeah I want that dude to touch me...like who is ugly ass 70 year old rotting dick appealing to? like what audience?
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omg this is the one trope in BL I cannot stand...I also cannot escape from  it cause its in lots of stories, if some one knows please explain it to me ...LOL.
okay well there it is for new tier list rankings, I’ll be back after the convention and finished the monthly favorites I was planning on doing. hope you enjoyed reading and I have the old tier list in the link below:
if you would like to see more stuff I write about please follow me cause I have a lot of BL criticism content.lol. 
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shinahbee · 1 year
Draw with me : Chun Li from street fighter 6
Video on the process of drawing my fanart of Chung li, aka my queen! It only took me 20+ years but I finally made one for her
Leave a like if you want to see more videos
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shinahbee · 1 year
Shop Update
Hello just want to pop in and let you know that I have a shop update!
There are some handmade keyrings and resin keychains up for sale, a digital calendar for june and more. Please check it out!
Still shipping to Canada and USA only for the time being, tracking is available now for parcels please see the options on etsy and read the full description before buying.
Here is the website:
Thanks for all the support!
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shinahbee · 1 year
Spring favorites 2023!
------------------------------------------ GREETINGS ------------------------------------------ May 27/ 2023
Hello, it's been 3 months now, but I’ve been busy with other things, mainly shop prep and convention prep since I will be attending my local anime convention as a vendor this year! I was so happy I got accepted because let me say the job hunting has not been going well and I thought that I was cursed or something.
I'm like well at least one thing turned out well for me this year so far... I have updated my shop content and would very much appreciate the support!
thank you so much for the support if you purchase anything, and now on to the long blog post because there is a theme of trash people this month...lol.
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waiting for my friend to come back from vacation to finally finish the last of us, this is the problem when you watch something with another person and they leave for a while...lmao I watched the game play so I'm good in terms of plot but imagine if you never did.
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I’ve been out of the drama loop for a while but I have been watching boys plant, which s the rebranding of the produce series...its still the same in my opinion, the way they focus only on people that are popular because they are trying to make you pick them, while others have zero screen time at all.
ugh...I watched it but felt nothing, not like when I really was invested in X1, they had so much potential as a group to grow but Mnet did them dirty and I'm still pissed off at that. I had no favorites anyways, these boys don't really know what they are getting into. The only one that surprised me was pentagon's leader Hui came onto the show as a contestant and how he got there was because he didn’t get that much work after coming back from the army and noticed that his group had become irrelevant, which is really sad cause I remember he wrote songs for the last produce series and now he’s on the show not as a mentor but as a contestant to compete with other younger singers who cater towards the new k-pop fans.
sigh...I hope everything goes well for him even if he doesn’t make it into this group.
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MANHWA/MANGA/WEBTOONS --------------------------------------------
I’m just going to put up the ongoing list only. I also eliminated some titles because they are now completed or I dropped them for now Ongoing
Liveta (hiatus)
Pearl boy
Kings Maker (S3)
One night mate (hiatus)
Night fragments (hiatus)
The pizza delivery man and the gold palace
the foul
killer crush
Instatiable man (hiatus)
I became a lousy side top
tread lightly on thawing ice
Updates on ongoing titles:
Okay so some updates are happening I'll save the most controversial for last.
the pizza delivery man and the gold palace:
it's been on hiatus since January but it's finally back with some steamy scenes between woowon and seoan, they are both really precious and I really like how thier relationship developed over the course of the story so far. I have never really realted to another character before woowon and I'm hoping to see more of how he will overcome his life struggles, because right now I'm also going through some sh*t and it's really important to have support from people you care about, like seoan.
wowoon has not dated for 6 years and is a little overwhelmed by the affection seon has been showing him with and they are so cute....I'm going to present you with a spicy screenshot and they way they look at each other is...chef's kiss perfection. lol.
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kings maker S3:
kings maker is back finally with wolf gang and shin's daughter, well I guess it's wofgang's baby by blood cause of the ritual in which they used his blood or something...I don't remember the details, but he got a cute baby girl and she's so adorable, I might draw fanart of her soon cause I can't resisit.lol.
so far it is through her point of view as she is went from small baby with incredible strength to a little toddler wanting to be queen soon and the fastest possible way is to get her dads to retire and married off lol.
look at her, she's so cute!
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so far we just follow her around the palace and see what shenanigan's she's up to but there’s not actual plot as of yet, but it honestly just come back a while ago so it's really too early to say. all I'm hoping for is to see some more sys and randolph content, i’ve been deprived of that for a good while so that would be cute to see.
sigh ...now for the most controversial...Pearl boy
of course this would bring all sorts of people to the threads with it's recent chapters, I think the last time I left off was when dooshik was in the middle of saving jooha from the captives..the porn crew. In the end a human is a human and dooshik was brought down by the daehwi the twin with the long hair, with a gun...my man was shot and was lieing there getting beaten by ugly ass thugs. Jooha in this situation had realized that dooshik was the one who saved him from the same thing that happened 4 years ago and you get to see a bit of backstory behind that and how that interaction went. dooshik also had  a flash back to when his mother was around and how his life had fallen apart when his mother essentially only cared of herself and possibly put dooshik through a lot of things..ie. growing up fast and having to take care of a grown ass adult, possibly getting him to quit judo, the way that he looks at his jacket made it seem like it was something important to him that he had to give up.
I can't imagine everything that he went through and still believed that life is essentially still worth living, especially when he told jooha the best way to take revenge was to live a happy life. Ideally yes that would be the right way to go, but in this situation they are dealing with  a person with power, reporting him to the police is not going to do any good cause we all know one thing...police suck! they only speak money, they care more about getting a higher rank in the field than actually helping people in trouble, just reporting pilwon would only put him in jail for 1 day and then he's free cause bail money...
so it's not going to do any good, dooshik realizes this and after a heartwarming moment between jooha and himself while in the hospital bed recovering, he finally lost all his senses and became enraged. Let's just say that he used almost the same method the porn people used on jooha but with the twin that he captured " the short haired one -daekwang" who I honestly don't get why people like...you don't even know his character well yet. now this was the most controversial chapter that made people really hate dooshik, morally yes it was inhumane and nobody wants to see it because it's unsettling.
but  people seem to have forgotten this daekwang guy is involved with kidnapping young men with his porn filming crew since a long time ago, years ago when jaeil was almost involved with these people...but managed to get out of it. they drug these boys ( dooshik's ex boyfriend was drugged and ended up dying from overdose) and make them film porn to sell to old rich creepy men...this was their "business" and suddenly there are people defending his ass...I'm like what are you on about? dooshik should not give them a taste of thier own medicine because it's wrong...did you forget what he did not only to jooha but other people? some people were like he should have just killed pilwon and it would be fine, yeah pilwon should die, but these people are also doing his dirty work for him, that man never needed to lift a finger to get what he wanted cause he had subordinates that were desperate enough to follow him.
Don't know if you are aware but there are so much manhwa/manga/webtoons with a similar plot where the bad guys never suffered their repercussions and get off Scott free, I'm glad that at least in this webtoon people do suffer for their actions. Most manga that focuses on revenge in the end never follow through with it.
if your boyfriend decided to get revenge for you for being r*ped by having his men to do the same to one of your assailants ...how do you really feel? most people put their morals before what they actually would do and say things like yeah it's wrong, It's not going to change anything...yeah it won't change the fact that I was a victim, but I won't think that it's wrong...cause in a way what goes around comes around and instead of waiting for a higher power to deal with it, if you want something done do it yourself....am I against it? no...that's because i'm petty and to have my assailant feel what I felt in that moment, it would make me feel better, even if what happened would not change anything...I hope that makes sense.
me though...I would have chopped off his dick...
but some people...they keep saying he's turning into pilwon and that is so not true, that a-hole can and will probably die a mundane death after his lackeys aren’t around anymore. Dooshik cannot process the pain that he's in so he became a person using interrogation as an act of revenge and committed himself into torturing and murdering to get what he wants, which is to get rid of all of jooha's demons. Does he find this enjoyable? NOPE look at his face, he looks like someone who witnessed his loved one die. People started making sh*t up saying that he was enjoying watching someone get r*ped...and that caused others who can't read korean look at the raw images and deduce the same thing without reading the actual chapter and understanding the dialogue exchanged and looking at character expressions.
I can't with this fandom, I know every fandom sh*tty people but this one in particular has a bunch of them, I don't interact with anyone for the very reason that if you say one thing another person will be quick to bring you down.
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sigh....it's honestly really sad to see someone whose so strong really lose his sh*t and mentally suffering after being with him for 80 chapters...I want to see this part of him even if is ugly since I have been saying since the early chapters of pearl boy that dooshik's character is one of a kind. this boy made me cry....I don't cry for any fictional being. lol
anyways i'll let you decide on what you think of him with that, the story is far from over so there’s lots to unfold still, so I wish people would honestly just f*cken wait till the story is done to start spewing non sense and making up false theories
see trash segment for examples of some dumb sh*t....
I swear these people are all minors or something, y'all should not be reading this at all if you think this is going to follow a shounen anime plot..eww. go watch your anime and stick to that.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to some spicy reads (21+) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- okie dokie onto some trash titles, lol. not really I have another segment for that, this months theme is " trash semes ...but are they really?" the answer is yes they are trash humans that do inhumane things but I can't completely hate them. in contrast to dooshik and what he was doing...the first two are literally absolute a-holes, they let you know that from chapter 1 onwards
because it's been three months and I had to narrow it down for once and just stick with a theme. forgive me if I forget some of the plot cause its been that long and I don't want to revisit these stories to get every detail since they are so long.
1)Beware of the full moon in march
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"Ex-convict Park Mokhwa wants nothing more than to keep his head low and stay out of anything that has to do with his past. However, his new-found tranquility as a florist is shattered by the appearance of Kim Nakwon, corrupt cop and unabashed hedonist. Nakwon is sure that Mokhwa’s the key to cracking an important case, and he’ll do anything to get the taciturn man to talk. The best way to make someone confess is to cause them pain, and Nakwon thinks he knows just what’ll hurt Mokhwa the most. But despite Nakwon’s best efforts, Mokhwa continues to stay silent. It’s not often that life doesn’t go the way Nakwon wants it to, so his obsession with Mokhwa only grows stronger..."
Yeah the summary pretty much says it all, mokhwa is an ex convict that was wrongfully put into jail for killing his step sister's boyfriend and after his release was shunned by his aunt and uncle and is now just working a a local flower shop as a florist. he was approached one day by a cop named nakwon and was accused of still being involved with his ex mafia boss, whom nakwon is looking for.
nakwaon forces himself onto mokhwa and assaults him to really strike fear and embarrassment within mokhwa so that he will cooperate and tell him what he needs to know. Yeah ladies and gents this guy is a big duche from chapter one onwards, he's a corrupted cop and uses force and humiliation on suspects in order to get them to admit their wrongdoings and arrest them, but he's a dick for the assault part cause that was unnecessary, he just thought because mokhwa is technically bigger and a criminal that that's what he gets. I'm like sir..where is your proof? another reason for hating the police... nakwon will not take no for an answer and so he begins to do monitoring on mokhwa and even told his boss that he is under suspicion.
his boss is a nice lady who treated mokhwa like a little brother and so he calls her noona (sister) even if they aren’t related. nakwon came to visit mokhwa everyday and noticed little things about him that usually people will leave in their thoughts but he was just complaining about everything this man was doing form his customer service skills to the way that he dresses...
but because they visit each other everyday, mokhwa started to get accustomed to nakwon's company, even if he is unlikable. mokhwa had been shunned by his actual family and had always been alone so having this person come and see him every day, made him feel a little better. nakwon really wanted to get info out of him and so spends most of his time watching nakwon do work and sometimes providing help when his customer service skills were lacking. one day when nakwon came to visit there were a bunch of other men in the flower shop with mokhwa and it turns out they were mokhwas men when he was still in the mafia, the guys heard that he was out of prison and works here so they came to see him, it turns out his men have been doing other things since he was in jail and they became a moving service and does deliveries...this part I don’t really remember, think they are still in the mafia but doing other things.
mokhwa had to prepare some flower baskets for parents day and so there were a bunch of orders to fulfill which then his men helped out and nakwon reluctantly took charge since non of them knew how to do it. even if mokhwas men knew that nakwon was a detective they think he wasn’t a bad person and so treated him like a "friend of the boss" they even went to eat bbq and drink all night. nakwon at this time had started to have weird feelings towards mokhwa, it seems like he's just confused as to why he's so interested in him? they spent some time together in a small hotel and nakwon felt weird that mokhwa was the most exposed he's ever been in a bath robe and it made him want to tough him. mokhwa was so shocked that he just let him do it and so they just toughed each other and instantly regretted it after. nakwon took some time away from mokhwa and some news of the mafia boss visiting him made him doubt that mokhwa had nothing to do with the mafia anymore and so he felt enraged/betrayed by that and went to assault mokhwa again....f*cken dumbass, I hate characters that take their anger out on others because they can't understand their own feelings...its so stupid.
well anyways, he kind of felt bad after he saw the condition he was in and tended to his wounds...which makes zero sense after what he just did. mokhwa easily accepts the offer reluctantly, that is when nakwon realizes that even if he’s treated like utter sh*t you treat him a little well and he will forgive you...which made him feel terrible, well at least he has somewhat of a conscience..
nakwon was busy trying to put this case to rest and actually met with the former boss of the mafia but under a different name at a social gathering, turns out this gut had a lot of money and was starting a new business, but of course like all mafia is doing shady things under ground. nakwon got informed by one of mokhwas men that one of the old subordinates has turned on them and was going after mokhwa. mokhwa was then captured and drugged along with his noona and to spare her he open the door to the car and pushed her out before they knocked him unconscious.
the florist noona was brought to the hospital for treatment and someone witnessed her pushed  out of a car. Nakwon was dealing with finally arresting someone involved the mafia he wasn’t supposed to do anything with mokhwa's case but hearing that he knew about the kidnapping and risked a big shot getting let go and went to essentially track down mokhwa.
he finally was able to locate the warehouse where mokhwa was taken but during that time mokhwas was being torutured by one of his old followers which turned his back on mokhwa during his time in jail. when nakwon arrived he saw that person next to a beaten and bloody mokhwa and literally went feral...lol
if you kill/injure a person you will have to step down from your position but he didn’t care one bit...he made sure that mofo was dead! so in a way i'm glad he's committed. after he finally processed his feelings and loss, he bawled his eyes out wanting mokhwa to come back to him alive and broke his own had as an act of repayment for the time he injured mokhwa's hand out of anger...this guy is dramatic as hell. if you can't guess it, mokhwa is okay, he was barely breathing but he was able to be taken to the hospital in time when the other police officers got there. Nakwon had to return the gun a step down for the time being while this whole thing is being investigated and he was okay with that, after accepting the fact that mokhwa became his world he broke off prior engagements with his ex-girlfriend and began working at the floral shop while mokhwa was in the hospital at the time. When mokhwa was released from the hospital he was wondering why nakwon acted that way, he was half unconscious but still heard him pleading for mokhwa to wake up, he was sure that he was someone who will be alone forever but after seeing nakwon wait for him to return back to the flower shop he was glad that he still had a home to go back to.
and that is the end of season one, there is still many things unanswered like the issue with the ex mafia boss and mokhwa and how they knew each other, why mokhwa is not saying anything pertaining to his ex-boss and finally will we see nakwon in his true form..lol. I mean expressing his feelings for mokhwa now that he knows he's in love with him.
2)Love history caused by willful negligence
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"The only flaw of actor Lee Wooyeon, who is on the road to success without facing a single slump, is that his manager never lasts. With a time period of three months to observe him as a manager. Choi Inseop becomes Lee Wooyeon’s manager in search for revenge. He was not the Lee Wooyeon who was loved by people, but another Lee Wooyeon. Inseop had to uncover the truth. Because he had made a promise."
Firstly, I just wanted you all to know that wooyeon let's you know what kind of dick he is right in chapter one, he does not get any better than this so don't expect much. He is the kind of person that knows how to manipulate a social situation in his favor without letting anyone discover his true nature. When I mean true nature, it just means that he has a lot of inner thoughts about people...I would compare him to the protagonist in the netflix series "you" the guy stalks a woman he's interested in and has this whole narrative of how she is supposed to be in his eyes. Woo yeon just has disturbing thoughts about people and sometimes when people push him over the edge they get their asses kicked.lol.
to be honest, I can't hate the guy,I mean how many times have you thought a person deserves to get their asses handed to them? or in my case how many entitled a-holes you had to deal with on a daily basis at work.lol. some times you just want to kill them and wooyeon does that...with a brick  in an alley way...
he's like i'll see you in the alleyway later my friend ...
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His company ceo and his company manager were worried that they will not be able to cover his ass any longer so they decided to go look for the perfect candidate to become wooyeon’s personal manager. wooyeon had a knack for switching managers every few weeks because they keep quitting, it turns out they cant handle the pressure of dealing with wooyeon and he manages to get them to quit on their own accord. The new manager showed up pristine and on time, his name is inseop and he is a self proclaimed fan of lee woo yeon...this is going to go well, like any celerity this automatically does not sit well with wooyeon cause he could be a "sasang fan" - extreme stalker fans and so he was on guard and will eventually get inseop to quit on his own soon.
But as time goes by wooyeon notices that inseop knew exactly what he preferred in terms of music and expectations of a manager and it made him curious as to how he knew everything. Inseop claims he is a fan of his but sometimes it seems like wooyeon suspects that it wasn't the case because he didn’t get that feeling form him.
inseop was in fact somewhat of an acquaintance of wooyeon back in their college days and this whole scheme to become his manager was to really avenge his friend that was treated badly by his possy of friends in college. So inseop was planning on exposing wooyeon’s affairs to the public through a news article but it wasn't enough to change public opinion so he needed his " weakness" in order to expose the fraud celebrity. Okay just a little tid bit...i don't think public opinion matters that much, celebs do dumb shit on a daily, exposing someone isn’t going to stop people from liking them. they might be cancelled for that one thing but It won't really ruin their career unfortunately.
but this matter was a lot more complex than on the surface as inseop's friend jennie was already suffering from mental health issues and that whatever happened in college lead to her passing and inseop cannot let her death be in vain.
after getting involved with wooyeon’s life he just wanted the necessary info for his exposure and just go back to America like nothing happened, but he found out that the more involved he was with wooyeon the more he began to see certain good aspects of him, sure he was a dick, but wooyeon had saved him from a couple of sexual assaulters he had encountered in a quick stop bathroom. Due to some past traumatic experiences with a past attempt at assault he was reminded of the time when jennie has saved him then. Inseop didn’t want to be grateful because he was going to essentially backstab him when the time comes, but internally he was very grateful. Then these a-holes came back later and attacked wooyeon and he almost drowned, but inseop dived into the lake to save him, this made wooyeon even more curious cause in his mind he was like " isn't this what you wanted? you wanted me to die didn’t you?"
I'll mention this now but it's explained later on that wooyeon is a sociopath, so he does not understand the feelings of other people, he does not understand what is considered right from wrong in a social context and how to deal with people. so he does not get why inseop would save him even though he clearly does not like him.
I guess this was the starting point of them starting to be interested in each other, not romantically but you can tell it was some sort of attraction. Inseop had saved him again when wooyeon's horse for a drama was scared to death by something and started to swing wooyeon off, inseop injured his hand trying to stop the horse, he didn’t have to but he essentially took his role as manager really seriously.
This is when it was explained how inseop knew about wooyeon and their encounter, so jennie was in love with woo yeon, or phillip as he was known in America, he was a quarterback who played football and was famous for his looks and dated some cheerleader...ya'll have seen american shows right? but jennie like other people who liked wooyeon dreamed of communicating with him and essentially gathered info about him to present to her friends...lol as you do, that friend is inseop..or peter which is his American name. Peter had a frail heart which made it difficult for him to go to school and so daily activities, he would offent have to get check ups so that his heart failure will not worsen and was he was spending most of his time bed ridden. Jennie came to visit him and they became best friends, she would often tell him about phillip and what he looked like and make up scenarios about thier encounters. Inseop was curious as to what this "prince" looked liked since he can't go to school often he has no idea who that is.
this part is so cute to me...when peter's mom asked him to get oranges for her marmalade, he went to the local market and grabbed a bag of oranges and saw a bunch of boys play basketball across the street near the market, there was a guy who stood out amongst them and somehow...he knew that was phillip I don't remember if the ball almost hit him and he ran off and almost got hit by a car or something but phillip saved him and inseop tossed him an orange as thanks.
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he quickly got home and headed to his room cause he felt weird after that encounter. lmao inseop silly...it's called falling in love. I really liked that scene cause it was such an innocent and cute encounter, like how a novel would be written. he them met phillip again when he was able to go to school, his father wanted inseop(peter) to be apart of the korean association  that meets every Saturday, mainly to be in touch with his heritage as a korean-american.
lol. can relate cause I had to go to chinese school on Saturdays. he then realized that Philip was part of the korean association as well and was in his class...and sat beside him...okay raise you hands...how many of you sat beside your crush in class?..like a seat away or in front or behind them...he was called by the teacher to read a poem and peter could not get those words out of him head, he memorized the sound of his voice to his handwriting and would steal glances of him when he wasn't looking, he didn’t tell jennie any of this because he wanted this moment to be in his memory.
if you can't tell by now, inseop despite whatever happened between them in college liked and have always liked wooyeon (Phillip). This of course is still prevalent in the current time line as he admits that he has thought about being in a romantic situation with him and dreamed of kissing him but he decided to but his feelings down for the sake of avenging his friend, which is a terrible thing to do considering what happened to jennie was not wooyeon's fault at all. She became delusional in believing that letters she exchanged with someone was phillip, but in fact it was a bunch of the petty mean girls that were apart of his clique that got a hold of that letter and decided to bully her by writing to her back adding to that delusion. When inseop pointed out that he doenot think its phillip cause he knows what his writing looks like jennie didn’t believe him, that added to the mental instability she currently has made her depression worse and she began to have mood swings. inseop didn’t know how to deal with her sudden change in temper all the time that it made him anxious..
okay PSA time, please get professional help if you are struggling, there are a lot of phone services you can use to talk to someone, if you don’t want to do that, write it out...write whatever comes to mind and don't leave it all inside, you will honestly feel a lot better. But unfortunately for jennie her mother was abusive and not even seeing a therapist was going to stop the abuse, she only had peter as her friend and it was hard for him to bare all of her suffering when he isn't doing well himself, I can't imagine how inseop must feel knowing his friend was suffering and there was nothing he could do about it. But blaming wooyeon is not the answer, so i'm guessing he's only doing this so that he can put an end to his feelings for both wooyeon and jennie, I think he knows in his heart that wooyeon is awful but he’s not a bad person and revenge is pointless when the person you want to avengee is no longer in the world you live in. So we are at the point where inseop finally got the " weakness " he was looking for and now he is planning to give that to the reporter and go back to America.
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sigh...but its really just hurting him cause he's been in love with wooyeon for so long, even saying to himself that he's an sh*t person when he does not believe that. ugh...someone needs to protect this boy, I have read the novel and it has it's ups and downs, but i still think the ending was worth reading so I really hope this novel gets published in English, cause those original book covers are so beautiful, I want the whole set.
I will leave it a this for now cause season 2 just got started and we are in for a ride.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Trash segment (21+) ---------------------------------------------------------------- a.k.a the part of the series where I shit on your favorite manhwa/manga/webtoon etc. Joking but not really, you have been warned.
This is the new section where you’re going to find titles that I dropped and the reasons why I discontinued the series all together, fair warning if you triggered by people criticizing your favorite series then you may want to skip this section all together. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not every series that is “popular” or well liked by others will be like by all...therefore if there is content that makes a person uncomfortable enough to stop the series, that is on them and please don’t judge them for their morals. to those who consider quitting series, if it bothers you then just stop! no one is forcing this down your throat you can quit whenever, but don't harass the creator on social media if you dislike their story it's disrespectful.
Trash List:
So to recap, the series that I mentioned dropping so far are
Love or Hate
Yours to claim
Wistful summer
The sound of fire
Kiss damnation
Cherry blossoms after the winter
Chasing Mr. CEO
Who’s a sweet cheater?
Another sequence
Love is a fantasy
Missing love/married man
My reason to die
This month there is no trash manhwa to present only trash people...insert every possible eyerolling meme here...
yes, I'm calling out some people on their dumb comments that literally are just there to start something and they clearly have zero knowledge on the plot but saw a bunch of people commenting on certain screen shots and decided to jump on the bandwagon of hate.... I was going to blur their names but nah whatever...lol.
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this person clearly does not read the manhwa, just saw some screen shots and made their own theory and spat nonsense....this is what I'm getting because if you actually read the webtoon you wouldn’t be telling dooshik to die...lmao I can't... it's so stupid...I hate it the most when people just call him "the seme" I'm like he has a name and if you don't know it t clearly means you don’t read it.
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this person says it s a terrible plot, and goes on with really bad grammar that i have no Idea what on earth they are saying...using terms like the top and bottom..instead of their names when you are trying to prove a point... I literally have never seen these people before in any pearl boy thread it's like they came out the ashes one day just to cause trouble...I'm literally like...who are you?
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this person just needs to leave...they have been tweeting dumb comments for the past two weeks I'm honestly sick of seeing this troll every time I use the hashtags, ended up having to block them cause the tweets were annoying me.lol.
but nothing tops the comments that are like...and this is why I don’t read it anymore and still provide screen shots of the recent chapter...well clearly you did cause you bought the chapter. LMAO. I'm like no one cares if you stopped reading or not...just stop, why are you still here? I had to mute some people on twitter because they started going on about it and it really pissed me off.
that's like waiting in line for 2 hours to tell an actor you hate them...you waited in line and spent money on this...you know when your teacher use to say there is no such thing as a dumb question? that maybe true but there are such things as dumb comments.
Please don't be one of these people, if you have a problem with the story and don't enjoy it anymore just leave, do not go on the writers/creators social media and cause trouble just cause you don't like their story...ugh.at the end of the day this is all just fiction...
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Oshi no ko and skip to loafer currently watching these two only and so far really enjoying them, I will review it when I finish but that’s all I have to update so far. though I will say one thing, I did not expect things to turn out the way it did at the end of episode 1 of oshi no ko, that surprised me and I can see why people are hyping this up, but we shall see as it continues.
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my friend had been listening to NCT's new unit's new song perfume...so that’s all I hear when we hang out together lol. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Ending note:
Omg sorry for the 3-4 month wait, I'm seriously burnt out on writing anything, to be honest I could have finished this sooner but I have been leaving it on the back burner until I felt like writing again.
  I've been preparing for a shop update and also a convention coming up...It’s my first time as a vendor! didn't think that I'd get in cause the selection is supposed to be a lottery, but I did and so now I have to make a good stock ready for that event in july. I doubt any of you are know of it, cause its a local convention for me, but i'll announce it on my social media closer to the date.
anyways, I'll try to be on time but can't make promises please let me know if you are reading this by liking the post, cause I feel like I'm writing into a void lol.
thanks, Sheena
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shinahbee · 1 year
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I made a jooha charm from pearl boy a while ago and decided to turn it into a keychain.
I loved the way I turned out and it gave me an idea to possibly do custom orders one day on my shop, not many time soon since I'm still very new to polymer clay.
I just wanted to make A character charm and see how it turned out! The official pin and my charm will look good together on one of my many bags.lol
That's all for now. Let me know if I should consider custom orders!
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shinahbee · 1 year
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BL Uke Tier list
Alright, here we go with the BL “Uke/Bottoms” tier list ranking, there was a lot of them but again I picked out the ones that I know of and read and uh...didn’t realize that a lot of them were tsundares.lol.
I don’t know about you but a guy tsundares is more tolerable than girl tsundares just my opinion of course, but to me they seem more tame versus the girls get really violent for no reason in particular and that is annoying. This is just years of phycological damage from anime exposure to that type of girl.
anyways again trigger warning if you hate people ranking and talking sh*t about your favorite character don’t read.
Okay so lets start off with the “bottom tier” first this time
Put me in the hospital:
Cha on -Shadow realm
Jooin- yours to claim
Seonwoo -punch drunk love
Dan- Jinx
Mokhwa - beware of the full moon in march
put me in the hospital is literally that because some of these boys don’t seem to care about their mental and physical wellbeing, not that they are bad characters but they let people do sh*t to them without retaliating and that does not sit well with me, most of these are due to traumatic experiences but they should not be treated like a doormat.
Basically I want these boys to realize what self worth is 
Pretty but zero personality:
joo...something I forgot at this point - turn off the camera
Beom - Full volume
Chunwoo- Lucky paradise
Jiho - insatiable man
yeonju - steel under silk
Ian- ...omg blanking on the name... wet sand 
yeah they are pretty but they have that type of dry personality that does not really attract me, this personal preference of course cause there are people that think its cute..i’m not one of them...
does not feel one way or another:
Suha - My suha
Nakyum - Painter of the night
kyungjoon - Dear door
Yeonwoon - Omega complex
Youngjin - The origin of species
hmm...not really sure how I feel about them in general, they haven’t left a strong impression on me to really categorize them so I guess I’m neutral.
well suha started off really bold but then literally dies down near the end so that was a disappointment, same with kyungjoon.
Tsundare tier...let’s go.lol.
there’s a alot of them
Jooha- pearl boy
Wonyoung- secondo piatto
Iru...omg that’s wrong isn’t it? - Don’t get me wrong boss
Byeol- between the stars
Nok- The ghosts nocturne
Taeui - Passion
Felix - hold me tight
Ohn - seeing double
Shin - Kings maker
ibeom- what’s with this strange dream?
Victor - Liveta
Seohyun- Runway hit
Yian - Butler
Jungseo - 100% Mr. perfect
lee won-  Roses and Champaign
Yoohan - Payback
I swear I’m entering my aujima era cause literally yesterday I was able to remember their names and today writing this, I was struggling so hard lmao.
What can I say I like the male tsundares...lol. even though they can be annoying at times and would be 10x intolerable irl. I think they deserve their own list because the list will continue to grow somehow, and if you are one of those people who think they are not you are in denial.
and lastly everyone favorite topic to discuss...the must protect at all costs characters...lmao
Must protect at all costs
Neil- Path to you
Sungyul- willow love story
Seoan- the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
Euijoon - Dangerous convenient store 
Yoonshin - no moral
Joon - the third ending 
Inseop - Love history of willful negligence
Dawol- insecret
I love these boys they are so kind and smart and all round characters that suffer a lot because that is what their creators like to do to them. but luckily their partners are compatible with them and it makes their dynamic interesting to explore. They are often treated really bad, emotionally damaged to some degree and don’t deserve any of it so the must protect at all costs category suits them.
alright that’s my tier list and I would share this on my twitter but I don’t like how people are just a pain in the a** when they don’t agree with anything. actually seeing what other people ranked and their categories made me a little angry cause talk about sh*t takes. yikes...
 anyways, hope you enjoyed and I’ll work on my monthly favorites and get back you when that time comes 
follow me if this is the type of content you like
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shinahbee · 1 year
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BL Semes Tier list
Okay this is inspired by my last post on un popular opinions on BL characters and some one decided to make a tier list for ranking the “Semes/ Tops” lol. I decided to rank mine with only ones that I have read, there are ones that I know the character through osmosis but I haven’t read it at all so I won’t be including those.
there is also a Uke tier list so I might rank those too!
again if you are offended by people talking crap about your favorite character maybe not read any of my posts cause that can’t be avoided here.
but let’s be real for a sec...the actual challenge is me remembering all these people’s names LMAO.
so how I ranked my list was red flag to green....lol not really but it turned out that way. the highest tier is the spicy-nice tier and if you have followed me for a long time I have named my favorites “ spicy- nice “ because they are neither bad boys or good boys entirely and they have that extra something that makes you go...huh? 
Spicy-nice tier:
dooshik -Pearl boy
hyunwook- Secondo piatto
taekyeom- Omega complex
wolfgang- kings maker
Giovanni - Hold me tight
hyorung- don’t get me wrong boss
yoonseul - the third ending
Like I said they all have that extra something that separates them from the next ranking of just being the “nice guy” they have parts of them that are imperfect but does not let that affect the relationship with their partners.
Good personality but need more development:
woowon- the pizza delivery man and the gold palace
sunyul - Love tractor
jinseng - path to you
seheon- No moral
woon - between the stars
yohan - liveta
jekwon- butler
sunghyun- the origin of species
Dahyeok- killer crush
Hoin- Lucky paradise
Taejun- Unintentional love story
inhyun - insatiable man
reok- willow love story
seowoo- seeing double
holy crap I forgot some of these characters names and even the title, lol its been so long since then. but hopefully these are all right. But these character are great in personality but I feel as though they don’t have a lot of character development yet or was not expanded, which is what disconnects me from them and if that is explored later on they might moved up in rank since I would know them a lot better.
Don’t feel one way or another:
Howon - runway hit
byeol’s brother...lol. I dont know his name I think its hesung..- Between the stars
Jaeyoung - semantic error
jiwoon - my suha
seongho- painter of the night
Jaeshin- the ghosts nocturne
tsukiyama... lol. I’m kidding but I forgot his name for real - Dine with a vampire 
cain- your to claim
taekung..I think lol- Love or hate
Jaewoo -seeing double
so as you can see I don’t feel one way or another, this is due to the fact that I either prefer one character over the other in the same series or in most cases I dropped the entire series and I don’t care about any of the characters. If I don’t know thier names I usually give them nicknames lol. 
looks better than their personality:
wooyeon - Love history of willful negligence
Ilay - passion
Nakwon - beware of the full moon in march
Jaehyuk - limited run
sehan- shadow realm
ajusshi - dangerous convenient store
like I said 10/10 for looks 4/10 for personality. some of these protags are really shitty and I’ll talk about some of them in my monthly favorites but they just have that personality that I hate (ajusshi is an exception, I just don’t prefer his personality, he isn’t bad ) even though they are good looking fellas.
juwon- Love or hate
yoojin - Turn off the camera
Yawhi- Yours to claim
sungyeon - even if I don’t love you...forgot the title
Jaekyung- jinx
ilmo - blind play
jiwon- BJ alex
seoreok - Chess piece ( not that he is bad, I just don’t find him attractive lol)
I don’t think I need to explain really but no means no and sometimes these characters would not take no for an answer and sometimes do despicable things, physical and mentally assault either their partner or people in general...yeah not the most ideal type, but some people love them like their lives depend on it and I worry for them.lol.
the thing that separates the not so good personalities from the nope tier is that there is something about those characters that motivate them to do the things they do..even if it makes them despicable eg. wooyeon is a good example of a sociopath that does not understand peoples actions and feelings towards him which makes him able to get away with punching someone in the face with a smile on and just walking away like nothing just happened. some of the people they do that to are worse than scum...so who is bad person here? 
anyways, that was fun, I need to do an updated BL tier list soon cause I have read more since that time and let me tell you...rankings have changed.
hope you enjoyed and if you feel the same let me know. 
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shinahbee · 1 year
Unpopular opinions on characters
so I came across this on someone's twitter thread and I thought I would write a post on the " unpopular opinions of these characters" of some of the characters in BL webtoons based on what they have listed. If you have read some of these you may have some opinions of your own, but if you haven’t read any this is just my personal opinion on them as characters, and what other people say about them are vastly different from how I personally feel about them.
you may not get it if you don't read these webtoons but it's fun entertainment if you just want to read about me complaining about some of the things people say..lol. I have a lot to say and a tweet would not be able to hold all of these thoughts so i brought it all here instead.
this is all in good fun, if you are one of those people who hate hearing about how much your favorite character sucks...you might not want to read this. I for one am not the creator or author of any of these so I don't really care what other people think about these characters even if I really like some of them.
Warning 21+ only (age restriction) 
if you are offended by anything anyone says about your favorite character, this may be triggering for you and you should just not read it. These are just fictional characters and I don’t have to be considerate of their feelings so i'm just going t go all out. This is just for shits and giggles only so don't let what I'm saying go to your head cause these are just my thoughts alone and what bothers me in particular.
okay let's begin, I'll give you their name and what webtoon they are from, this is in no particular order... but let's start off strong...
1) Choi Pilwon - Pearl boy
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if you have seen any of my monthly favorites, I have mentioned many times how much I hate this dude, I wrote in detail about all the things that he has done that made his despicable. I hate to say this but he got those reactions out of me because he is a well written character and that's what makes all the horrible things he's done triggering to people enough to want to physically hurt him. I once watched a drama in which one of the characters made me feel horrible and I hated that person and I would vocalize it to my dad that I hated her, and he would ask " why do you feel that way? " it was because the actor was really good in portraying the character that made me react that way, and now I know that even if a character/ actor does despicable things, they are in fact written well/good actor if they get emotional responses out of you. cause if they did not you would not care, it would suspend your disbelief. lol. So pilwon is a well written character despite being absolute shit...I feel like it will make his downfall the more enjoyable, and hopefully we will see that in the future.
2) Ilay riegrow - Passion
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popular belief written by other people...he's hot that's all that matters...lmao yeah sure. my unpopular opinion, everyone like this character and sure he isn't as bad as other ones in the webtoon, but this dude cannot handle his emotions and gets violent and does incomprehensible things throughout the manhwa and I really don't understand his thought process in why he makes these choices.lol. Apparently he will remain the same throughout the whole novel according to someone whose read the entire thing, and that is concerning but I guess it plays well with how he was introduced, so I can't say that I expected more. Any ways, he does some really despicable things that does not sit well with me so I don't really like him
3) Jeong Taehui - Passion
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the other main character, I don't know what other people say about him but I feel like they'd say things like " must protect at all costs" despite him being capable of protecting himself. I had to warm up to him at first cause he's one of those characters who make weird decisions based on what he sees, like when he saw xinlu for the first time and immediately falls in love with him cause he looks like a soft boy...lmao it was only his image, not going to lie that dynamic would be interesting since I would have not expected xinlu to be a "seme". So I guess the way he let's his views get in the way of his judgment is a little annoying. Especially that one particular scene that really almost made me drop this webtoon..ugh I was like why are you just going to take it and walk away? punch that guy in the face!...I was mad for him, he let him off easy...if it was me, blood will be spilled.lol. of course despite me hating ilay, he and taehui have that dynamic that works well with each other's personality. eventually taehui's personality really grew on me and he makes mistakes like everyone else and has low self esteem, and I also have those qualities so i can relate.
4) Ahn Jiwon - BJ alex
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classic story at this point and one of my first reads so of course my opinion on it has changed a lot. I think most people like the dynamic between jiwon and dongyun after they shared the same feelings but I think people tend to forget that jiwon was a rude ass prick that was abusive in the earlier chapters, I did not forget that and when people say that he was a great character through out the story I will call them out on it cause he was not and I don't understand why you chose to blank that out of your memory. sorry not sorry...lol.
5) Choi Juwon- Love or hate
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popular belief from people...he's husband material, great throughout the story, gave up everything for his " brother " lmao...I mean if you like incest, this might be romantic to you...but its an eww for me.
my opinion of this dude has been very negative since the beginning, I have mentioned I dropped this story a really long time ago in my monthly favorites, as for reasons why please refer to that post cause it's really long to explain. I just don't understand the appeal of incest stories, like out of 7 billion people on this earth you don't want anyone but your brother...hmm. I know they aren't blood related but there are stories that dodge the incest trope really well and I applaud them cause every time there is a story involving two half siblings it always goes to that route, at this point it's boring. The story would have been fine if they were just childhood friends, I think I would have maybe liked it better. not to say that this dude's character would have been any better cause he's really boring from what I remember. I think some people are really pushing this character to be the best bl character out there and I completely disagree.
I remember seeing a post on twitter from someone, who claims the actor from wednesday...jenny ortega i think her name is, said in an interview that she liked this character and he is her ideal type..okay first where is the source? ( by the way if you do find it please let me read it ...) cause I don't think any popular celebrity would flat out say that they read yaoi in public and second even if that’s true to have this guy be her ideal type would make believe that this is the only story she's read, because even people who have read this and liked the story back then have said that they read better ones since then. lol. and I agree. I don't know if that ordeal is true but if it is her tastes' are questionable. needless to say don't like him, never have...again sorry not sorry.
6) Taesoo - Lucky paradise
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  I think when I first saw him...immediate red flag, but later on when his backstory was revealed I kind of understood where he came from, there are people that cling onto a relationship that isn't working mainly because it's familiar or because they are afraid to start over, so he basically didn't want a relationship that was either definite or nothing and that is really frustrating for the other person who wants something more. I'm glad chunwoo was able to finally let him go and move on with someone who can give him everything and more. Taesoo will need to find that person for himself now, so I didn’t hate him or anything I think I understood him after knowing all of his troubles, but even if I didn’t see his backstory I think I still would have figured out what was bothering him eventually, the writing for lucky paradise is really detailed and really gives a lot of good character development. so...didn't like him at first but changed my opinion of him in the end.
7) kwon Jaehyuk - Limited run
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Hah...how should I put this 10/10 for looks but 4/10 for personality.lol. I just don't really like the character portrayal, I have mentioned before that I don't gravitate towards stories that have blackmail and sponsorships involving the main character, it usually leads to some sort of abuse in the end. Jaehyuk's personality is very stoic and I don't tend to like characters with that type of personality so it's just a personal preference but there is also the aspect of him not being able to understand his emotions towards yeonho that makes him do irrational things, and ended up making him a unlikable. There is more to this story so i wouldn’t say he is trash, but I just don't like this character trope in general.
8) Bum geonwoo - Dangerous convenience store
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  ajusshi...lmao he and I are close to the same age so I really shouldn't call him that. he can call me aujima and I'll gladly accept it. again looks 10/10 but that personality is a little not my taste...I'd say 7/10 he is a little better that jaehyuk cause he knows how he feels about euijoon and acts on his feelings unlike other people. I still prefer a more silly personality versus stoic, but I understand why people like him and I honestly do too.
9) Jung Daon- Secret relationships
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peoples opinion...hate him, deserves to be used, slut, dumb y'all are harsh towards doan, I don't understand why he gets so much hate, yes he can be frustrating at times because he does not know what he wants, but he's been used emotionally and physically by bad people over the course of 10 + years...that's literally damaging to a person and no one can recover from that trauma. I liked how doan was introduced and how he just min-maxes his life choices and wants to live the life of luxury because he had been poor his entire life while having terrible parents taking money from him and having to take care of his siblings while working and going to school all at the same time, I can understand why he became the way he did. I honestly related to not having the best relationship with my parents and still want nothing to do with them sometimes, he also has low self esteem and makes uncertain choices which is honestly the most relatable character out there. People who hate him obviously is not for his personality but for who he chooses in the end to be with...omg people grow up, daon is realistic and well written in my opinion and he does not deserve all the hate he gets.
10) Kang Dooshik- Pearl boy
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  love the guy, love him and his personality wholeheartedly I don't have a husbando but it became him as soon as I realized I spent 3 years with him to this date. I agree with all the popular opinions out there about him, the only ones I don’t are the ones that claim that he is the most perfect man out there... dooshik is far from perfect, ever since chapter one he had only cared about himself, it was only after getting to know jooha and the situation he was in that he became involved in his life voluntarily, he even said in the earlier chapters that he shouldn't get involved cause it isn't his problem, he was only looking for a place to stay for a while it didn't matter where or with who. He had been running away from his problems and wears his heart on his sleeve and does not express his concerns freely and it makes people forget that, people only liked him from when he had his glow up and didn't actually read the whole story of pearl boy from the beginning, claiming that he's perfect is not true, as much as I like him and want to believe it I like the fact that he's imperfect and flawed but slowly changing while keeping his core personality consistent is just good writing on the authors part. I can go on..but you know too much about me just by reading my dooshik commentary every month lol.
okay, there you have it another blog post of my un wanted opinions, these are honestly really fun to do because it gets me to look back on some of the things i’ve read and remember the reasons why I did or didn’t like certain aspects of a character. I think the most frustrating thing is that people who don't agree with you will defend their opinions by insulting yours and that's just rude. Just because you read and interpreted the story differently than I did does not give you the right to bully other people, so to each their own. if you want to see the original post from the person on twitter I'll link their thread below:
if you would like to see more hot takes please check out some of my other posts where I talk about my BL 3x3's and tier list ( which will need to be updated soon) and other trashy opinionated things for enjoyment.lol.
thanks for reading
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shinahbee · 1 year
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