shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Part 2
I'm looking at him so is he, in this gloomy night his look is piercing into mine. Am I the only weirdo that finds drowsy eyes are beady? His eyes are so mysteriously mesmerizing. I don't know him, I don't remember knowing him however, this may become D茅j脿 vu someday. His face says the opposite, he's filled with waves of sadness, it reflects on his face. I just feel he doesn't have the energy to hide it. He's broken and lost, he's all alone lonely, and quiet. At this point, I remembered a quote " Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers ". Doesn't his silence have answers too?
It's been long that we are staring at each other, and the situation is turning awkward. He's still staring cluelessly "why?" What is in his head? Girl you should stop being curious! I turned my gaze to another direction in spite me having goosebumps either from looking at him or from the chill wind.
This park is my favorite place to chill. You can look at people, study their facial reactions, inhale the fresh air, clear your mind, run, exercise, or even scream aloud to vent out. My eyes were scanning for uncle James I don't see him anywhere, he's an amazing artist. Love tagging his canvas board and his supplies with him all day. He sits on the left bench near the small lake and paints for hours. He's a loner gifted with golden hands.
Kids are only afraid of his grumpiness otherwise, he's a lovely Panda. It's been a long time since I have known Uncle James, he is like a father to me, a great mentor, and a teacher who has taught me how to draw and paint. He is the one who awakened many of my hidden talents and skills. Sometimes we talk for hours about books and even review them. My eyes kept searching for him but ended up with disappointment. Many complications going on and I need him at this moment for a hug which he would have welcomed me with open hands and lent an ear for me to grumble out. I really miss him now, wish he was here now.
My mind started wandering again, thinking about the stranger, his grief, and his attractive eyes. Immediately I began to sweat, I woke up from the bench and started walking home without turning back. I reached home within minutes while carrying him in my mind. Who is he? He's an unknown person to me who seemed to be a normal guy, He's in his average height around 5 ft 6, small build dusky skin beardy in his 30s maybe. I turned back to look, and saw him walking towards his house, Is he following me? Is he a threat? It doesn't feel so, I'm feeling a sense of calmness seeing him. I slammed the door and turned off the other lights and left one on. I'm in my "hygge" mode I continued reading, this time with full focus and energy, the story is picking up and I'm living into one of the characters who is experiencing alexithymia. My eyes became tired its almost midnight, it was time to fall in love with my bed. I walked to pull the curtains together and saw him at the window again! I immediately squat down to avoid him..what's this ??? Why is he always by the window? Is he waiting for someone, however, He's looking towards my window. I'm beginning to be nervous but fearless. Is he a stalker? Oh god, my mind is so messed up with this stranger. I crawled all the way to my bedroom and shut it. I made sure I've locked it and stood up shaking my head hard. I'm really exhausted to be thinking about only him and nothing else. Anyone could be questioning me why am I wasting time fussing about this stranger. To be honest I really don't know why I'm attracted and being curious about him. I felt the silence, the neighborhood, my lane, and my home are silent. My mind is complicated my heart is in search of something. I'm investing so much time and effort in impractical issues.
Got refreshed and I jumped on my bed, I realized the only valueless thing I did new today is thinking about the unknown which doesn't make sense at all yet my mind wonders over him urging me to know more about him ." yea " "yea " it can be dangerous, yet life is all about taking chances. I'm exhausted I tried to get some sleep as it's already late, although I'm not working tomorrow I need to wake up early to focus on my pending to-do. Pulled my blanket to my chest and closed my eyes. Warmth! Something that I've not felt in a long time, feels like ages, I'm not saying warmness received by the sun, it's something you get from "the one" comfortable soothing heat that you never wanna let go or have it gone. I remember this warmth, his hand in mine I hold it tight that I don't want to let go., his body odor is pleasant that I could identify him even in my half-sleep. Felt him beside me, I turned over to snuggle close to him, he nuzzled my forehead. "Why were you late B? It felt like forever", "ssshhhuuu...I'm here now never leaving you again. I'm going to protect you baby, I promise".He's hugging me tightly while caressing my hair. " I missed you so much baby" and kissed muah! muah! muah! on my temple, cheeks, and moving down to my neck. I felt his tears rolling, I turn to face him, wiping his tearful eyes, and uttered "I miss you too B' " I missed you lots" my lips pressed on his, smooching him. We broke that and hugged each other tightly. I don't want him to leave, never ever want him to leave again.
- Retrouvailles...Retrouvailles- the happiness of meeting again after a long time
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Part 1
My eyes are wide open, immediately my brain got activated sensing the temperature in the room. It's ice cold. I heard the thunder roaring " What made him blow up? And why is he furious today?" It's cats and dogs again.
I made my bed and open the curtains, It was pouring. I'm a real Pluviophile! I love and enjoy the wonderful smell of the air after the rain. I tilted my head to view the skies. Sky oh sky! you're a stunning bonny artist of your own who creates magic with colors and today, " Why are you sad? Or Is it joy that you cry?"
I broke up from my jouska mode and grabbed my towel to freshen up. I came out with wet hair and found my way to the kitchen, I toweled my hair and turned on the coffee machine. I need that little rush you get after your first sip of strong coffee. They said you can be anything so I decided to be caffeinated.
I walked towards the radio, turned it on and volumed it, I've become Lisztomania recently and it's another way to relax your mind. Melodies on the air ..hmm right song selection for a rainy day, I swiftly shook my body and moved towards the fridge door to look at the menu list. I grinned "geez it's my favorite breakfast" scrambled eggs, sausages, and bread toast.
Turned off the stove, sipped my coffee, and took my plate to the dining, as I was about to sit I noticed radiant from my phone screen," oh shit I must have forgotten to charge it again !" Plucked the charger and left it on its stand.
Said my prayers and am grateful for being here for another day in my chapter called life.
Breakfast is the most enjoyable meal of the day. Someone quoted "Literature and breakfast are both slow " so I have no rush having it, especially today when it's my off day. The view out of the window was so beautiful, no vehicles on the road
It was peaceful from ear pollution..my eyes caught up with the beautiful curtains hanging on the opposite apartment window
"96" movie song was airing in the background, "perfect timing," my heart said. Current trending song, an Indian music director composed it spicing with the noise of the whale reminding us of a fantasy fairy tale " whale and the bird". To my way of thought, I wonder if anyone has or has composed music with the rhythm of rain? Anyways what's the gender of the sky?
Girl! Girl! break up from your thoughts, the day has just begun.
My Morning routine is completed. I feel relaxed now. Daily routines are common to do in their everyday lives and some forget to add them to their list as a basic routine. It's time and energy ladies. I walked towards the window to see the updates on the cats and dogs forecast, the rain stopped but we are still surrounded by dark clouds. My eyes got locked to a pair of eyes opposite of my apartment..a guy looking at me as I was ..our gaze locked..is he a pluviophile like me? But, he's looking sad, I wonder why. The apartment opposite mine was vacant for such a long time, didn't realize there was a new tenant till I noticed the beautiful curtains early morning. Does he live alone or with a family?? " Oh, girl...stop it don't be a busybody." My mind voice broke me up from my curiosity. We r still looking at each other and that ran a chill in my back spine. I got nervous. I walked back to my couch, sat, and pick my novel which took me ages to complete. I am recovering from a reading slump. Hopeful I can finish it without any excuses..I've challenged myself to read 1 chapter a day. I started from the page I left weeks before, my mind wondering about the guy at the window, his eyes " why was he looking lost could say sad in a way. he's upset because of the rain?
A loud knock at my door woke me ...I fell asleep on the couch! Great job girl! I rushed to the door as if the person might just make a hole in my door by knocking. I peep through the hole as I was asking " who is it? ", It's the delivery guy. I received it with my sleepy face, it's my crystal ink pen set ..got it at last after a long wait. I jumped on the couch again and tried to be focused on the same page I started, I dozed off again and that made me skip lunch "Was the story that much lagging, or am I lacking sleep"? I looked at the clock on the wall it will be dusk soon. I walked towards the fridge where I have my meal planner for this week, and I forgot the menu for tonight "it's ramen". " Easy-peasy" so I decided to shower first. I want to have a long hot shower but it will be late for dinner then, my mind was again wondering about that pair of eyes ... Those eyes just attracted my attention, and I shook the thoughts off.
I walked toward the hall and turn on the lights as it was dark, wow! I love the ambiance of my living room, purple, blue n red are cool colors that give an incredible vibe on a chill day. I lit up the candle, its butter vanilla flavor. One of my favorite and has an amazing smell. I turned on the radio and went to my kitchen to prep my dinner. I added sausages, green spinach, and egg to it. Ramen is best served with kimchi. After having my dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen washed the dishes, and tied up the rubbish to be taken out, its already 20:00, so I'll throw the rubbish and just go for a walk to the nearest park to digest my food and also get my steps goal for the day achieved. I followed the pathway to the park, spotlights are lighting the place as the moonlight isn't bright enough today. I was looking for a bench to rest my legs and I got one that was not occupied. I touch it to see if it was wet, but it wasn't. The wind was blowing in my direction, and my hairs are happy and dancing to the rhythm of the wind, I tried to hold them in a tag and tie them up as its covering most of my face. I looked around and there were those eyes again staring at me from my opposite bench. I froze...
Those surrounding lights made his eyes so attractive in mine ..- limerence
Limerence- the state of being infatuated with another person
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
I think you'd like this story: "Unexpected" by sreelita1504 on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/149192706?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=sreelita1504&wp_originator=Tj5lP7oZ6eFmDQU1iT3431B2oUGgdqICW82oqAQ7fBOT4N6bL2fNzM4zhKiQoLhqUwaQqY4k6Yo8KU0wE4PT1WXqgZ4WIctWQF%2Ff9Mk20jpAnrxSwll8DQDowoF94GHM
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Park! Park! Park??. So many questions running through my head. My blood rushes making me feel the heat on my cheeks. I'm so clueless, all these aren't making any sense. Reality kicks me often, why am I letting this ruin my peace? I understand that something isn't right with whatever is happening. Some sound ridiculous and certain others seem foolish. My headaches together with my body, these two days I noticed I'm having horrible aches around my neck shoulders, and waist. I feel uncomfortable added with delassation. I'm looking for my couch or bed to rest in. I had to pause my routines or to-do adding to all this I invited new issues to settle down in my mind.
'I need to meet him for answers' I said loud talking to myself. My mind voice is slowly creeping me out, warning me. He can be dangerous or it's possible to be some kinda trap. My heart says the opposite, There are verbal communications between my head and heart about right and wrongs causing stress to my body. I can't ignore the fact that curiosity is building in me to know who this person is. Either he is someone close to my circle and that's the reason he knows my name and routine. Why am I not recognizing him? Is he a stalker? Again doubts and questions? The lifestyle of a loner will be similar and many can relate to my living style. This very minute I miss my mom and friends. I checked my phone and Wifi connections, the signals are still not available. I really need someone to talk to and get this willingly invited mess out of my head. Who is available other than myself? I'm tired of fussing, Roxette's "LISTEN TO YOUR HEART" was on the air, I increased the volume and began singing along. Once it ended I felt it was a message from the universe, I choose to follow my heart! I'll meet him and get answers to all that is running through my mind. Final!
I rested myself on the couch staring blankly at the ceiling.
'B' tomorrow is our bronze year (8th) anniversary. What do you plan to do baby? uhmmm... I paused, "I'll bake our most addicted butter cake and make lunch for us, what do you think?" 'That's awesome baby' he said with a wide grin. "Let's reserve a table in your favorite restaurant for dinner baby ." I can cook dinner too B" " No! No!, I don't want my baby to be exhausted on our first celebration at home" being firm as he picked up his mobile. I walked in my sexist way toward him and sat on his lap, taking his phone away. Looking at him my eyes got drawn to his lips I whispered ' Love You 'and kissed him softly. My stomach felt haywire filled with flipping butterflies. My heart raced as I leaned closer. He hugged my waist tight weighing it down from above my shirt. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck. Our kisses became deeper and fervent. Hot airs were steaming from both our noses. He carried me little, I change my position to face him. Our kisses were brief but didn't break. Our actions became more intense and passionate. My hands cupped his beardy face while I felt his hand on my back pulling my shirt up. Chill air hit my bare skin, Cringggg...Cringggg... The house phone rang. We both looked at each other, silently figuring out what to do. I broke into laughter and gave him a sign to answer.
Booooomm, there was a loud crack. I open my eyes, and that was the sharp noise of the thunder. Cats and dogs again? I woke up and sat feeling grumpy, and looked out from my window. Dark clouds are tagging into large teams being strong and concrete. I sat appositely, my heart raised, it's silent now, I remembered the dream. Is it called ' Day Dream'? My physique is frail and functions poorly. My bodywork is being completely different, I get dreams often as I sleep off on those days. I am not a dreamer or have the habit to fantasize which I conceive into my sleep to become dreams. I contemplate these couples and I barely get a glimpse of their faces. Visions that I don't remember because I get flashes of frames hither and thither.Designs that I have to figure out from bits and pieces and complete a puzzle. What a mystery?
I gape at the clock, it's almost 1900 hours, I chose not to dwell on the dream, woke up with weakness to get refreshed. I turned on the tap and felt the warm water hitting my head sooner the water became hotter. I kept standing under it with closed eyes feeling the steam evaporates the whole bathroom. I'm feeling better now I grabbed the shower gel, squeezed it and nothing came out. Oh God!!!! I placed it under the running water, filled it a little, and shook it. I poured the liquid onto my body and scrubbed it with my bare hand. I took time to shower, my aches are reducing and I'm feeling better.
I made a quick bread sandwich, cleared the kitchen, and took the rubbish out. I dump it and rushed my steps toward the park that where in a second I remembered I didn't lock my door. 'Holly Cow' I made a quick u-turn to my house. I turned the knob open rushed in picked up my keys and looked for my phone. I need to find out if there signal outside my home. Double checked the door, turned to find my moccasins and I notice I was wearing unmatched sets. Gal !!! I cursed myself picked the right match and kicked off fleeting.
It was dawn, the spotlights are on, I looked around for him. walked further from my usual sitting spot, couldn't see him in sight. I checked the time on my phone its 15 minutes to 9. While waiting I tried to look for a signal or nearby WiFi coverage. Lack of success, I sat on my favorite bench waiting and my eyes were searching for him. Why is he late?? Isn't he coming? Annoyance rose in me, sudden aromatic made me recall the perfume my nose is accustomed to. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and it was him ' Sam' behind me. He's looking stunning and to my amazement, we are wearing an identical designed T-shirt, even the colors are alike. My head took a spin- Arcane
Arcane- secret, mysterious, understood only by few
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Chapter 4 - COFFEE
He just sat comfortably on the couch, looked around and smiled. He seems more sociable, calm, and joyful. I was still standing awkwardly looking at him with my dumb smile. "I'm Samuel, you can call me Sam'. I heard him say "Sam"? that sounded familiar. Ohhhh right!!! the book I'm reading. My favorite character's name is SAM !!!. I smiled to myself dreaming on the character while looking at the floor and realized I have a visitor. Looking up I covered up my silliness.
I said '' Oh! I mean nice name and I'm...''. He smiled and ''I know'' he said. I'm speechless now, my smile paused. I'm baffled, however, forced my legs to move forward to sit. Immediately heard him say "Coffee". I turned, and my steps became clumsy that I forgot my way to the kitchen. 'Miss google' (inside my head), please refresh my twisted and workaholic brain cells for me if I ever knew him before? He seems so comfortable as a stranger being in my home, sitting on my couch and demanding his coffee which I invited for WAHHH!!
Turned on the coffee machine, and took out milk and sugar. I went to take the cups, and my eyes widen, locked on a black gold engraved ceramic cup looking new on my shelf. I turned the cup fully towards me assuming it might be some logo and, it's written "SAM". With a shaky hand, I took the cup and confirmed what I witnessed.
My legs refused to move, I wanted to confront him on why is his cup in my shelf, but I couldn't move clueless about how to begin. I just kept staring. I made coffee in that cup to see his reaction and took it to the living table, He took the cup from my hand with a grin said ''Thanks" and sipped.
"Mmm, that's yummy as usual ". As Usual ?? I'm feeling perplexed. What kinda illusions are these? My mind is so confused I couldn't find so many answers to my own questions.
I sat calmly watching him close, do I know this person?? I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in and out pinched myself, It's not even like D茅j脿 vu. I shoot my first question intending to get answers. So, when did you shift here? Your curtains caught my attention, good selection. Sam said "we shifted here because this is where we were before. That home gives us lots of memories." His voice started to quaver. He looked at me straight into my eyes .." That's why we are back and those curtains are my wife's selection". " How have you been ?" He asked straight away with concern, his expression seems curious but waited patiently for me to pour out my filled thoughts as he enjoyed his coffee and gazed at the cup
I frown "Where is your wife? I've only been seeing you around?" I shoot my next question. She's around, kinda busy with her work. He gave a hintful smirk to indicate yeah !. She's all over doing her stuff and I'm doing mine". " You haven't answered me, oh what? He responded, "How have you been ?" I instantly said 'I'm awesome !' He was giggling, "Yeah yeah I know what your awesome" means. This time I got annoyed and my inner devil just peaked out of me "What do you mean?? That was not even funny Sam !" " I'm sorry", he said "I didn't mean to offend you gal " He was serious about being sorry, it calmed me but I still asked him for an explanation. That's usually a women's way of indicating "I'm not OK " Sam said, reverse psychology of most women, trying to show his smartness, ' I'm really awesome Sam ' I gave him a sense of surety of it.
That's great! he said.
Hey! I need to hurry now, he stood up placing the cup on the table. We shall meet up in the park later tonight. To my dismay, I had to replay his words in my mind .' pppparkk!' Tonight?? Why? I staggered. "That's your favorite place, right? I scowled " I'll see you there tonight. He came closer without even waiting for my confirmation, I stood up, his hands on my shoulders looking right into my eyes sparkling," I felt his breath tender and in his deep voice he uttered "Be there as usual " I was dumbfounded I shooked my head signing OK. He caressed my hair and left with great haste. His touch, his eyes feels like night and day, someone I've known- OPIA
Opia- the intensity of looking someone in the eye which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Chapter 3 - WIND CHIME
The brisk sound of the wind chime confirmed that my mind is half asleep my eyes are adamant to open, but my mind is active wondering if my alarm is ill today. Am I awake before the ..cringggggggggggggggggggggggg... oh goddddd!!! horrifying scream when you're half-awake jerks your body telling you to get off bed I tried looking for my alarm clock and ended its blaring scream. I rolled both directions first and without a choice pushed myself to wake up, grabbed my water bottle finished drinking and got refreshed. Everyone should feel grateful to be breathing and being healthy which is a positive habit to be practiced however for me I Start off doubting, questioning, hoping- last but not the least believing. After refreshing I prayed with a sense of hope and grace I say:-
" Thank you to be alive, thank you for surprise adventures and thriller, joy and happiness, sorrows and tears, positive and negatives any roller coaster ride which will be spearing or showering me from all directions guided by the universe. "
Another day with routined chores, I have decided I shouldn't be procrastinating about what I "couldn't' or "didn't " do yesterday as I chose to think about a stranger. Checked my first meal menu for today and went into my kitchen to prep my breakfast. I turned on the radio and swiftly shook my waist, my mood is impressive this morning. I pulled away all the curtains opened the windows in the living room and scanned the sky. Serene it was with white spots of cotton here and there. Fresh air caresses me I closed my eyes to feel aviothic. He's there again looking different with his glasses on with a bright look Our eyes meet each other, once I opened them I choose to ignore it today, I don't want to be curious about him anymore. I took a step and wait '' did he just smile at me ??" Should I double confirm it ? Girl ! Walking straight to complete my kitchen chores. As I washed my dishes a question struck "why hasn't anyone contacted me since yesterday", I left the dished and hurried to look for my mobile. No one has left a message or call in the last 24 hours this made me worried and little hurt I dial my mom's number and the connection wasn't going through. I redial again and it didn't go through again, I tried my dad's and the result was the same, I checked my phone and to my surprise, there weren't any bars.
No wonder there weren't any calls. Maybe because of the weather yesterday. I live in a Hilly area network connections are usually unstable most days. I tried to check my wifi connection it was weak I opened my laptop and typed an email to my parents so that they won't be much worried I clicked sent it got delivered and I was in relief. I kept my lappy and continued to do my dishes. I'm a homely one, I love being home. I go out to work run errands and walk. Once a month my small circle of old friends who is Janice, Shrine, and Merely comes over and hangouts here a night or two. That's how I keep my existence simple. I'm flowed and flooded with lots of ideas and my active brain makes me to be occupied with something all time, I don't like naming it as an illness or consulting a doctor for it, I'm a normal person who is by birth love to learn something new and keeps my hands full with creation. Some days I will just be lazy and live the moments my ways I create my own happiness. This is the girl I am resilient, for the most part, vespine, and who feels freedom in her body.
I need to get stimulated so made another fresh cup of coffee after completing my to-do for the morning, sat in the living and ticked off my list, I need to finish the book and start reviewing it. I heard a knock at my door. I walked forward to know who is it as I'm not expecting a visitor. I peeked through the door hole and to my surprise no one was there, I waited and slowly opened the locked door.
" Hi," he said I went dumb for a while and just stood there hearing the echo of his hi. His voice! It took me a while to reply, he smiled seems to be an affectionate one where my eyes got chilled. Is it a Reverie? I got back to earth, my mind begins to ponder on how was i looking "messy"???! Yea I'll be in this dark fog mode when I meet unexpected people. He's the guy next door. what's he doing here? I'm filled with questions and forgotten he's waiting for my further action. I begin to ramble in my head but ended up with what's up!. He said he just moved opposite and came by to say hi.
"Would you like to come in? " I'm about to make coffee". Damn, that lie just flowed out without a second thought. I know I'm blushing without a reason and I grinned ear to ear which I felt awkward about. He walked past me with a cool smile I am exhilarating not knowing why. I closed the door and walked behind him - Yuanfen
Yuanfen- two people meant to be together, destiny
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Chapter 2 - UNKNOWN
I'm looking at him so is he, in this gloomy night his look is piercing into mine. Am I the only weirdo that finds drowsy eyes are beady? His eyes are so mysteriously mesmerizing. I don't know him, I don't remember knowing him however this may become D茅j脿 vu someday. His face says the opposite, he's filled with waves of sadness, it reflects on his face. I just feel he doesn't have the energy to hide it. He's broken and lost, He's all alone lonely, and quiet. At this point, I remembered a quote " Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers ". Doesn't his silence have answers too? It's been long that we are staring at each other situation is turning awkward. He's still staring cluelessly "why?" What is in his head? Girl you should stop being curious!
I turned my gaze to another direction in spite me having goosebumps either from looking at him or from the chill wind. My mind keeps wondering about him, his grief and attractive eyes. I am beginning to sweat, I woke up from the bench and started walking home without turning back. I reached home within minutes while carrying him in my mind. Who is he? He's an unknown person to me who seemed to be a normal guy, He's in his average height around 5 ft 6, small build dusky skin beardy in his 30s maybe. I turned back to look, and saw him walking towards his house, Is he following me? Is he a threat? It doesn't feel so, I'm feeling a sense of calmness seeing him.
I slammed the door and turned off the other lights and left one on. I'm in my "hygge" mode I continued reading, this time with full focus and energy, the story is picking up and I'm living into one of the characters who is experiencing alexithymia. My eyes became tired its almost midnight, it was time to fall in love with my bed. I walked to pull the curtains together and saw him at the window again! I immediately squat down to avoid him..what's this ??? Why is he always by the window? Is he waiting for someone, however, He's looking towards my window. I'm beginning to be nervous but fearless. Is he a stalker? Oh god, my mind is so messed up with this stranger. I crawled all the way to my bedroom, opened and shut it. I made sure I've locked it and stood up shaking my head hard. I'm really exhausted to be thinking about only him and nothing else. Anyone could be questioning me why am I wasting time fussing about this stranger. To be honest I really don't know why I'm attracted and being curious about him.
Got refreshed and I jumped on my bed, I realized the only productive thing I did new today is thinking about the unknown which doesn't make sense at all yet my mind wonders over him urging me to know more about him ." yea " "yea " it can be dangerous, yet life is all about taking chances. I'm exhausted I tried to get some sleep as it's already late, although I'm not working tomorrow I need to wake up early to focus on my pending to-do. Pulled my blanket to my chest and closed my eyes.
Warmth! Something that I've not felt in a long time, feels like ages, I'm not saying warmness received by the sun its something you get from "the one" comfortable soothing heat that you never wanna let go or have it gone. I remember this warmth, his hand in mine I hold it tight that I don't want to let go., his body odor is pleasant that I could identify him even in my half-sleep. Felt him beside me, I turned over to snuggle close to him, he nuzzled my forehead. He's hugging me tightly while caressing my hair. " I missed you so much baby" and kissed muah! muah! muah! on my forehead. I utter "I miss you too B' " I missed you lots" and hugged him tightly back like I don't want him to leave anymore. - Retrouvailles...
Retrouvailles- the happiness of meeting again after a long time
0 notes
shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Chapter 1- HIS EYES
My eyes are wide open, immediately my brain got activated sensing the temperature in the room. It's ice cold. I heard the thunder roaring " What made him blow up? And why is he furious today?" It's cats and dogs again.
I made my bed and open the curtains, It was pouring. I'm a real Pluviophile! I love and enjoy the wonderful smell of the air after the rain. I tilted my head to view the skies. Sky oh sky! you're a stunning bonny artist of your own who creates magic with colors and today, " Why are you sad? Or Is it joy that you cry?"
I broke up from my jouska mode and grabbed my towel to freshen up. I came out with wet hair and found my way to the kitchen, I toweled my hair and turned on the coffee machine. I need that little rush you get after your first sip of strong coffee. They said you can be anything so I decided to be caffeinated.
I walked towards the radio, turned it on and volumed it, I've become Lisztomania recently and it's another way to relax your mind. Melodies on the air ..hmm right song selection for a rainy day, I swiftly shook my body and moved towards the fridge door to look at the menu list. I grinned "geez it's my favorite breakfast" scrambled eggs, sausages, and bread toast.
Turned off the stove, sipped my coffee, and took my plate to the dining, as I was about to sit I noticed radiant from my phone screen," oh shit I must have forgotten to charge it again !" Plucked the charger and left it on its stand.
Said my prayers and am grateful for being here for another day in my chapter called life.
Breakfast is the most enjoyable meal of the day. Someone quoted "Literature and breakfast are both slow " so I have no rush having it, especially today when it's my off day. The view out of the window was so beautiful, no vehicles on the road
It was peaceful from ear pollution..my eyes caught up with the beautiful curtains hanging on the opposite apartment window
"96" movie song was airing in the background, "perfect timing," my heart said. Current trending song, an Indian music director composed it spicing with the noise of the whale reminding us of a fantasy fairy tale " whale and the bird". To my way of thought, I wonder if anyone has or has composed music with the rhythm of rain? Anyways what's the gender of the sky?
Girl! Girl! break up from your thoughts, the day has just begun.
My Morning routine is completed. I feel relaxed now. Daily routines are common to do in their everyday lives and some forget to add them to their list as a basic routine. It's time and energy ladies. I walked towards the window to see the updates on the cats and dogs forecast, the rain stopped but we are still surrounded by dark clouds. My eyes got locked to a pair of eyes opposite of my apartment..a guy looking at me as I was ..our gaze locked..is he a pluviophile like me? But, he's looking sad, I wonder why. The apartment opposite mine was vacant for such a long time, didn't realize there was a new tenant till I noticed the beautiful curtains early morning. Does he live alone or with a family?? " Oh, girl...stop it don't be a busybody." My mind voice broke me up from my curiosity. We r still looking at each other and that ran a chill in my back spine. I got nervous. I walked back to my couch, sat, and pick my novel which took me ages to complete. I am recovering from a reading slump. Hopeful I can finish it without any excuses..I've challenged myself to read 1 chapter a day. I started from the page I left weeks before, my mind wondering about the guy at the window, his eyes " why was he looking lost could say sad in a way. he's upset because of the rain?
A loud knock at my door woke me ...I fell asleep on the couch! Great job girl! I rushed to the door as if the person might just make a hole in my door by knocking. I peep through the hole as I was asking " who is it? ", It's the delivery guy. I received it with my sleepy face, it's my crystal ink pen set ..got it at last after a long wait. I jumped on the couch again and tried to be focused on the same page I started, I dozed off again and that made me skip lunch "Was the story that much lagging, or am I lacking sleep"? I looked at the clock on the wall it will be dusk soon. I walked towards the fridge where I have my meal planner for this week, and I forgot the menu for tonight "it's ramen". " Easy-peasy" so I decided to shower first. I want to have a long hot shower but it will be late for dinner then, my mind was again wondering about that pair of eyes ... Those eyes just attracted my attention, and I shook the thoughts off.
I walked toward the hall and turn on the lights as it was dark, wow! I love the ambiance of my living room, purple, blue n red are cool colors that give an incredible vibe on a chill day. I lit up the candle, its butter vanilla flavor. One of my favorite and has an amazing smell. I turned on the radio and went to my kitchen to prep my dinner. I added sausages, green spinach, and egg to it. Ramen is best served with kimchi. After having my dinner, I cleaned up the kitchen washed the dishes, and tied up the rubbish to be taken out, its already 20:00, so I'll throw the rubbish and just go for a walk to the nearest park to digest my food and also get my steps goal for the day achieved. I followed the pathway to the park, spotlights are lighting the place as the moonlight isn't bright enough today. I was looking for a bench to rest my legs and I got one that was not occupied. I touch it to see if it was wet, but it wasn't. The wind was blowing in my direction, and my hairs are happy and dancing to the rhythm of the wind, I tried to hold them in a tag and tie them up as its covering most of my face. I looked around and there were those eyes again staring at me from my opposite bench. I froze...
Those surrounding lights made his eyes so attractive in mine ..- limerence
Limerence- the state of being infatuated with another person
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
Completed chapter 5
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
My first project
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shadesofrainbowsblog 2 years
My eyes are wide open , immediately my brain got activated sensing the temperature in the room. It's ice cold. I heard the thunder roaring " What made him blow up ? And why is he furious today?" It's cats and dogs again.
I made my bed and open the curtains, It's pouring. I'm a real Pluviophile! I love and enjoy the wonderful smell of the air after rain. I tilted up my head to view the skies. Sky oh sky! you're a stunning bonny artist of your own who creates magic with colors and today, " Why are you sad? Or Is it joy that you cry?"
I broke up from my jouska mode , grabbed my towel to freshen up. I came out with wet hairs and found my way to the kitchen, I toweled my hairs and turned on the coffee machine . I need that little rush you get after your first sip of strong coffee. They said you can be anything so I decided to be cafinated.
I walked towards the radio, turned it on and volumed it , I've become Lisztomania recently and it's another way to relax your mind. Melodies on the air ..hmm right song selection for a rainy day, I swiftly shaked my body and moved towards the fridge door to look at the menu list. I grinned "geez it's my favorite breakfast" scrambled eggs, sausages and bread toast.
Turned off the stove , sipped my coffee and took my plate to the dinning, as I was about to sit I noticed radiant from my phone screen ," oh shit I must have for gotten to charge it again !" Plucked the charger and left it on its stand .
Said my prayers and grateful for being here for another day in my chapter called life.
Breakfast is the most enjoyable meal of the day . Someone quoted "Literature and breakfast are both slow " so I have no rush having it especially today when it's my off day. The view out of the window was so beautiful, no vehicles in the road
It was peaceful from ear pollutions..my eyes caught up with the beautiful curtains hanging on the opposite apartment window
"96" movie song was airing in the background, "perfect timing" my heart said. Current trending song , an Indian music director composed it spicying with the noise of the whale reminding us on a fantasy fairly tale " whale and the bird". To my way of thoughts I wonder if anyone has or have composed a music with the rhythm of rain? Anyways what's the gender of the sky?
Girl ! Girl Girl break up with your thoughts, the day has just begun.
My Morning routine completed.. I feel relaxed now.Daily routines are common to- do in their everyday life's where some forgets to add in their list as it a basic routine. Its time and energy ladies ..I walked towards the window to see the updates on the cat's and dogs forecast , rain stopped but we are still surrounded by dark clouds . My eyes got locked to a pair of eyes opposite of my apartment..a guy looking at me as I was ..our gazed locked..is he a pluviophile like me? But, he's looking sad , I wonder why. The apartment opposite mine was vacant for such a long time , didn't realize there was a new tenant till I noticed the beautiful curtains early morning . Does he live alone or with a family?? " Oh girl...stop it don't be a busybody." My mind voice broke me up from my curiosity. We r still looking at each other and that ran a chill in my back spine ..I got nervous.I walked backwards to my couch , sat and pick my novel which took me like ages to complete. I am recovering from a reading slump.. Hopeful I can finish it without any excuses..I've challenged myself to read 1 chapter a day.I started from the page I left weeks before, my mind wonder to the guy at the window, his eyes " why was he looking lost could say sad in a way . he's upset because of the rain?
Loud knock at my door woke me ...I felt asleep on the couch ! Great job girl ! I rushed to the door as the person might just make a hole on my door from knocking.. I peep through the hole as I was asking " who is it? ", It's the delivery guy. I received it with my sleepy face , its my crystal ink pen set ..got it at last after a long wait . I jumped on the couch again and tried to be focus on the same page I started , i dozed off again and that made me skipped lunch "Was the story that much lagging or I'm lack of sleep"? I looked at the clock on the wall it will be dawn soon ..I walked towards the fridge where I have my meal planner for this week , and i forgot the menu for tonight "its ramen"". Easy-peasy so I decided to shower first . I want to have a long hot shower but it will be late for dinner then , my mind was again wondering to that pair of eyes ... Those eyes just attracted my attention , I shook the thoughts off .
I walked toward the hall and turn on the lights as it was dark , wow! I love the ambience of my living room ...purple , blue n red cool colors which gives an incredible vibes on a chill day .I lit up the candle ..its butter vanilla flavor.. One of my favourite and has an amazing smell ..I turned on the radio on and went to my kitchen to prep my dinner . I added sausages, green spinach and egg in it. Ramen is best served with kimchi . After having my dinner , I cleaned up the kitchen washed the dishes and tied up the rubbish to be taken out , its already 20:00 , I'll throw the rubbish and just go for a walk to the nearest park to digest my food and also get my steps goal for the day achieved.I followed the pathway to the park , spotlights are lighting the place as the moonlight isn't bright enough today , I was looking for a bench to rest my legs , I got one which was not occupied, I touch to see if its wet , it wasn't. the wind was blowing in my direction, my hairs are happy and dancing to the rhythme of the wind , I tried to hold them in tag and tie them up as its covering most of my face . I looked around and there's those eyes again staring at me from my opposite bench ..I froze ..
Those surrounding lights made his eyes so attractive in mine ..- limerence
Limerence- the state of being infatuated with another person
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