sentinens · 14 days
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sentinens · 2 years
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sentinens · 2 years
Full stop, I hate how disabled people are ripped off when it comes to buying basic items. Why the fuck is an electric wheelchair $4000, ableds can buy a used car cheaper than that. Ableds get everything catered to them yet I’m trying to get a new wheelchair and can’t afford it. That’s my fucking legs. This also applies to things that disabled people want, like I shouldn’t have to pay $1000 for an adapted guitar. You’re ripping one of the poorest population in the world.
There needs to be a cap on how much vendors can charge for equipment rentals and items that are needed or wanted by disabled people but y’all not ready to talk about that.
Ableds, stop monopolizing off disabled people. (Ableds can reblog this - actually it’s encouraged - but don’t comment!)
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sentinens · 2 years
reblog to show that vocal stimming is valid and not childish or weird !!
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sentinens · 2 years
serious post. start combating any misinformation you find. monkeypox is not an sti. monkeypox spreads through *any form of contact*. it is not exclusive to gay people, and it is *not* gay people's fault. we can not let history repeat itself. don't let flashy headlines take the place of medical facts and information.
conservatives are already itching to start a witchhunt against LGBT people and monkeypox is something they are going to latch onto.
don't let them. don't let this turn into a repeat of the AIDS crisis.
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sentinens · 2 years
Oh good god it's gotten worse
Okay, so I just saw a tiktok saying "hey, ao3 is not tiktok. Do not censor words, especially in the tags." I stg people are losing brain cells. The tiktoker then proceeded to show an example of the tag they saw which was:
"s..cidal ideation"
I don't know who needs to, once again, hear this, but you are stopping the tagging system, and filtration system from working.
People censor words on platforms like tiktok to stop the algorithm from picking up their video and automatically taking it down or restricting it.
A tagging system works so that other people can easily filter the content they do and don't want to see. So if some had "suicidal ideation" in their filtered tags so that they won't see things containing that subject matter, by censoring the word suicidal, you have now stopped the tagging/filtration system from working and now the individual is going to see content that they had made sure to filter out.
Please stop censoring words and/or phrases. Especially in tags. You are literally stopping the system from working and doing its job. Ao3 (and Tumblr) is not tiktok. The tags are there for a reason. Don't censor them.
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sentinens · 2 years
Reminder to all cane users, check the bottom of your cane for wear and tear! The metal can wear through the bottom of the rubber foot with extensive use, which will make your cane unstable to use and potentially dangerous!
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sentinens · 2 years
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
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sentinens · 2 years
Tumblr and the No Good, Very Bad Idea
So. You might have heard the news that, as of July 12, Tumblr is testing out converting GIFs into looping MP4 videos to help pages load faster:
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This is bad. Tumblr is the only mainstream site left where you can post GIFs and they’ll continue to be GIFs - well, sort of, as Tumblr previously tested and implemented turning GIF into GIFV with the same purpose, and it decreases the quality of the original GIF file. Turning them into MP4 videos is even worse.
GIFs are GIFs. They’re not videos. Creators spend hours making a GIF that will look good as a GIF, not as a video.
I hope I don’t need to explain to anyone why continuing to screw over creators is bad for a site like Tumblr, whose continued existence depends on creators not giving up on it, and why gif-making is important to fandom existence.
I for one will not continue to make any more gifsets if I know they’ll just be turned into MP4 files. It’s disappointing to spend my time making something and watch it become ugly once it’s uploaded - and that’s what is already happening without the MP4 conversion.
Don’t bother sending a support ticket! They will tell you to do what I’m about to tell you:
Send an ask or submission to @wip​ - the official “work in progress” blog of Tumblr where people can send in suggestions.
Their ask box is open every Monday from 6AM to 6PM EST.
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The conversation isn’t over, guys, but it’s important to be a part of it. If you’re a creator or support creators (and you should), then set an alarm on Monday and go send them a message.
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sentinens · 2 years
do you have any advice for writing klavier? your characterization of him is so strong and interesting and I have an idea for a fic I want to write but I can't quite figure out his like.. voice? if that makes sense?
putting everything under a cut because i wrote like 1.6k LOL
thank you, first of all!! im happy you like the way i write him :] and i had some trouble getting into his voice at first too! i think its because hes Not Like Other Prosecutors, within the feeling of the games, since he is immediately in your corner with no downsides and almost consistently nice to you.
one important thing about his characterization/voice i think is that "almost," though. approximately once per trial, klavier says something balls to the wall insane, rude, and tactless.
transcript from turnabout corner:
Klavier: ...How ironic that you would kill the one man capable of helping you. You're almost as careless as he was! ...Ah ha ha ha. Wocky: …… Apollo: …… Klavier: Well, now that the place is hopping… Let's get this gig started!
turnabout serenade:
Ema: You... You jerk! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!? Trucy: Yeah! Apologize! Klavier: Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
turnabout succession:
Brushel: Actually, I did notice something when I visited the studio. I'd heard of poison that "takes its sweet time", see! Klavier: ...But not what I've been saying for the last few minutes, apparently.
those are just some favorites off the top of my head. my point is that it's important to not get caught up in the nice guy thing klavier has going on. i actually think he veers more toward "kind but not nice"! he absolutely is a good guy, he's there with you to find the truth and he will weather any storm his fucked up social circle brings him if that means finding the right killer, but he is also very frequently kind of a bitch.
his speaking voice specifically gave me grief at first. writing miles and phoenix into scenes together is easier, because phoenix talks like a normal guy who was born in the 90s, while miles is a lot more posh (although miles is also plenty rude, but that's a rant for another time). klavier is a prosecutor, famous, and evidently rich, but he doesn't necessarily sound like that. a lot of his Cool Rock Star Lingo however sounds stilted, too. he's kind of suspended between two worlds and doesn't seem to neatly fit into either of them. i don't think that's a problem that needs solving when writing him though! i think in essence klavier attempts to bring the cool, chill vibe of rock'n'roll into the seriousness of law to loosen things up, and he also brings the pedantic perfectionism of law into music to shape it to his will.
the german gimmick is part of that too, for me. this isn't supported by canon since we never see him off work there, but i just like to headcanon that his go-to german phrases (ie herr/fräulein, achtung, etc) are very much part of a deliberately constructed persona. if he isnt on a stage (and a courtroom counts as one) he has no need for those, so i leave them out. since i personally still write him as a native german speaker, occasionally he'll still slip into real german or struggle with translations for things, but all those little pleasantries he throws around for show fall away when it's just him alone.
back to his character, i know we all lament how little screentime he got and how the writers seem to have forgotten about him. and so maybe this was entirely by accident, but just from the way he is presented in aa4, i think klavier presents a very rich character with a lot of seeming contradictions, which of course just serves to make him more complex. here's some facts i just think say a lot about him.
his shoes look like biker boots, so he's wearing proper footwear to ride his literal harley davidson, but he is also wearing the suit he wears to court.
the glimpse we catch of his music sounds like classic hard rock to me, with his and daryan's looks supporting a glam rock edge to it. he says he likes poetry, which makes sense given the fact that he writes lyrics (this is also something the brothers have in common, so it's likely that they grew up with it).
when romein letouse's body goes missing and they have to go look for it, klavier says that he is having fun.
lamiroir's music is nothing like his own, yet klavier clearly appreciates her to the point where he felt it was an honor to perform with her.
when his trial against phoenix comes closer and closer to the point of no return, klavier repeatedly tries to give him an out. i guess this could be construed instead as him baiting phoenix into presenting the diary page, but i dont really know about that. klavier was cheeky with him and kept talking about the old versus the young, but that still implies a knowledge of just who phoenix wright is, who he was up against, and what phoenix stood for. klavier, assuming that phoenix knew that the evidence was forged, told him that he does not have to present it, that now is the time to give up and back out, and then he would have let him get away with it. it's only when the page was actually in the open that he fully succumbed to the belief that phoenix wright was crooked beyond repair, and that he had to be removed from the courts.
he personally comes to the wright anything agency the morning after the turnabout serenade concert, to give apollo the news that machi requests him as his counsel. why did he do this?? phoenix could have been there. klavier didn't have to deliver this message himself. he apologizes for how that evening went, while also fearlessly standing in the lion's den of the guy whose life he (ARGUABLY.) ruined
i think one of the most important things for writing klavier is that whatever facet of his life youre writing, he is feeling everything very deeply. he fits right into the artist trope for that. only his art goes further than music, and extends into law.
whatever klavier gavin does, he wants to do it perfectly, and he makes it his very personal responsibility if that doesn't work out. he took it upon himself to register daryan as a witness before apollo could request it. when apollo starts accusing kristoph in succession, he says he wants concrete proof, or he is "off this case." why would he stay on the case with concrete proof? that's his brother. he doesn't have to prosecute his brother. if being "off the case" is an option, then he can and should walk, but he doesn't. klavier sticks things out until the very, very bitter end, because he feels that no one else can, and that makes it his responsibility. and he does not run away from responsibility.
and he's genuine. that's one point i feel like people tend to forget when writing him. the whole rock star thing and the shiny smile can lead you into thinking that everything he does is an act, but i don't think it is. klavier cares very deeply and he shows you this openly. he doesn't fully break down while he's at work, but that only means that he is an adult with a good grasp on his self-control.
which brings me to one more point, and that is the fact that he was a professional at age 17. and not just in law, but also in music. i'm sure we've all heard music industry horror stories, now imagine you're 17 years old and deep in there through over-night fame. klavier was then already a lawyer, already had his band together, stood tall with his degree and his creativity and knew exactly where he wanted to go. but he was fucking seventeen. somewhere out there, klavier grew up really, really fast.
he evidently knows a lot about music, he is fully in charge of that concert, he writes his own songs, he potentially even mixes it himself instead of having staff to do that. he is an extremely good investigator and prosecutor, figuring out cases before anyone else does and then playing his cards so meticulously correct that he essentially puts work into his own loss. once he realizes that apollo's clients are innocent, klavier has to figure out moves to convince the entire court that he's wrong, all while keeping up appearances, and he manages.
klavier is extremely good at everything he does, because he has to be. because he was seventeen.
and after all that.... bro....... i think it's important to let him be happy.
i put him through a lot in exorcism. canon already puts him through a lot, and then i put him through more. i think he's complex and tragic, but he can't be only that. he plays air guitar in court! there's a still of his concert in canon where he passionately dips his microphone stand like they're dancing. he loves what he does!!! hes having fun!
he clearly has hobbies and interests and it's important to give them space between all the angst. doesn't he even say something about it being time to bury the teenage angst in the past? i think klavier actively wants to be good. he's had a turbulent life with fabulous ups and devastating downs, but he deliberately wants to come out okay.
and i think he puts in the work. because it's what he does.
so you're writing a young adult who has been a young adult for a little too long, who faces hardships with grim determination because he knows that he's strong enough to come out on top, and who makes morbid jokes and laughs about them while everybody else stares on in horror. hope this.... helps :')
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sentinens · 2 years
trans friends— this has been circulating a lot on the internet already but PLEASE stop ordering from gc2b. their quality has massively declined, they send the wrong size binders correctly marked, the stitching is extremely poor and rips often times when first putting it on. do not waste your money on them!
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sentinens · 2 years
high support needs disabled people are loved and valued
if you need help using the bathroom you arent gross whatsoever and you aren't disgusting and you are loved
if you need help cooking or eating you aren't a burden you aren't talentless you aren't bland and you are loved
if you need help bathing you aren't alone you aren't lazy you aren't a baby and you are loved
if you need help that any "normal" person can do i love you and i hope you will receive the care you need if you aren't getting it already
high support needs disabled people are loved and beautiful and not broken
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sentinens · 2 years
okay some of yall are just ignoring natives at this point where is the outcry??? how loud do we have to scream? how many of us have to go missing or be found dead before you start screaming with us?
please sign the petition to let us keep our children! and educate yourself on the true history of turtle island: hint, you gotta talk to real natives to get the true story. history is written by the victors.
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sentinens · 2 years
“After learning my flight was detained 4 hours, I heard the announcement: if anyone in the vicinity of gate 4-A understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately. Well—one pauses these days. Gate 4-A was my own gate. I went there. An older woman in full traditional Palestinian dress, just like my grandma wore, was crumpled to the floor, wailing loudly. Help, said the flight service person. Talk to her. What is her problem? We told her the flight was going to be four hours late and she did this. I put my arm around her and spoke to her haltingly. Shu dow-a, shu-biduck habibti, stani stani schway, min fadlick, sho bit se-wee? The minute she heard any words she knew—however poorly used—she stopped crying. She thought our flight had been canceled entirely. She needed to be in El Paso for some major medical treatment the following day. I said no, no, we’re fine, you’ll get there, just late. Who is picking you up? Let’s call him and tell him. We called her son and I spoke with him in English. I told him I would stay with his mother until we got on the plane and would ride next to her—Southwest. She talked to him. Then we called her other sons just for the fun of it. Then we called my dad and he and she spoke for a while in Arabic and found out, of course, they had ten shared friends. Then I thought just for the heck of it why not call some Palestinian poets I know and let them chat with her. This all took up about 2 hours. She was laughing a lot by then. Telling about her life. Answering questions. She had pulled a sack of homemade mamool cookies—little powdered sugar crumbly mounds stuffed with dates and nuts—out of her bag—and was offering them to all the women at the gate. To my amazement, not a single woman declined one. It was like a sacrament. The traveler from Argentina, the traveler from California, the lovely woman from Laredo—we were all covered with the same powdered sugar. And smiling. There are no better cookies. And then the airline broke out the free beverages from huge coolers—non-alcoholic—and the two little girls from our flight, one African American, one Mexican American—ran around serving us all apple juice and lemonade, and they were covered with powdered sugar, too. And I noticed my new best friend—by now we were holding hands—had a potted plant poking out of her bag, some medicinal thing with green furry leaves. Such an old country traveling tradition. Always carry a plant. Always stay rooted to somewhere. And I looked around that gate of late and weary ones and thought, this is the world I want to live in. The shared world. Not a single person in this gate—once the crying of confusion stopped—has seemed apprehensive about any other person. They took the cookies. I wanted to hug all those other women, too. This can still happen anywhere. Not everything is lost.”
— Naomi Shihab Nye (b. 1952), “Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal.”
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sentinens · 2 years
boris johnson resignation and public humiliation. shinzo abe shot. here's how bongbong marcos can still be killed
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sentinens · 2 years
It is truly heartbreaking that Klavier Gavin is one of the few, if not the only characters in current canon who has no meaningful bond with any of the other characters. He loses his brother, twice. He loses his best friend and with him the band that was his entire life for 7 years. And if that wasn't enough, the writers go out of their way to even kill his mentor in AA5. His entire supoort system is gone and he does not get a new one. Sure you could say "What about Apollo?" but in their brief exchange in Turnabout Academy they're not even on a first name basis. Hell, the text implies that they haven't talked to each other since Turnabout Succesion.
Klavier is truly alone but all of the other characters aren't. The defense attorneys obviously have many friendships and bonds with other charachters but so do the prosecutors. Edgeworth has Phoenix, Kay, Sebastian and Franziska. Franziska has Edgeworth. Hell, even Blackquill who is portrayed as abrasive and a loner, who has spent 7 years in jail is shown to not only have Athena but also friends like Bucky Whet. Nahyuta, portrayed as emotionless and resigned to his fate for most of the game not only comes out of it with a mother, uncle and two siblings but also finds a friend in Ema.
But Klavier? Charming, beautiful, legal prodigy, rockstar? He has no one. He is completely alone when he walks into the courtroom. And he is truly alone when he performs on stage. There, in the blinding limelight, surrounded by this crowd of adoring fans who worship the ground he walks on, he finds the lonliest place on earth.
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sentinens · 2 years
people have definitely talked about this before, but it’s worth reiterating:
not all stimming is harmless. some people have stims that hurt themselves or others. some people have stims that end up breaking things. some people have stims that are dangerous or scary.
people who have harmful stims still deserve respect, and they still deserve to have their stims acknowledged as stims.
so I hope anyone who has a harmful stim is having a good day, and that you’re able to find a less dangerous replacement stim that works for you
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