sefinaa · 2 days
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐮𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞; 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.❞
A message from your inner child
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings | Tarot services (new!!)
This is a tarot card reading. I recommend letting your inner child, that kid's voice of yours, to pick the pile(s) for you.
Normal intuitive readings: @sefinaa
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Pile I
Knight of cups
Dear myself,
Sometimes, I wonder why you allow other people to step on us. I know you have this dream to be the best and to have all the riches in the world. But how can you have those riches if you are a doormat? Do you remember when you told me once that we would travel the world and find all that we could see? Sometimes we would act like pirates so we could find those riches. But we never did it. Instead, we allowed others to step on us and steal our gold. Do you think it’s still worth it for that to happen? I don't want to keep doing this and seeing you hurt each time. I do not deserve it, and you are aware of this, so why keep doing it to yourself? Can we just stop it already and find what we are looking for? Let's make a map again and find our treasure. The treasure you have to find is through healing this time. It’s going to be a long journey, but I think it’s worth the hunt! Maybe you will get lost and feel scared at times, but that’s what a journey is all about, right? To defeat the sea creatures and the stormy nights, to find the gold and the ladies, or maybe a fun time this time.. (I hear your inner child laughing at this stereotypical joke), and to find the best souvenirs and companionship like a parrot! Or maybe this time we have some really good friends that value us.. Because I'm genuinely tired now. So please, if you cannot do it for yourself, please do it for me and let go of these people. Let's find our people for once, because I'm tired. 
Thank you, myself!!!
Seeeeeee you soon! (And I see them smiling so brightly that the sun would be jealous).
Masterlist | Tarot services (new!!)
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Pile II
Reversed nine of wands, and ten of wands
Hi hi hiiiiii,
How are you today? I hope you’re okay.. But I know you’re sad today. Mommy hurt us again, right? Or maybe it was daddy, I am not sure anymore; they’re always hurting us either way, so maybe it doesn't matter. Sometimes we think we don't have any power in this world, but we do. I am so tired of life sometimes, but those are your thoughts, aren’t they? I am not tired of life because I have you in my life. Actually, I am blessed to have someone so strong by my side. It makes me so happy to know that despite the hardship we face, we keep going because we believe there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. But guess what! There is, and I know that everything seems rocky right now. Because I am with you, right around the corner.. Pssst, I am in your heart, protecting you as much as I can. But sometimes it’s hard to keep carrying the boulder over my shoulder, so maybe instead you could protect me? For once, start to protect yourself when others hurt us. We can’t always allow others to hurt us; we have to defend ourselves. And while it may be difficult, if we truly believe in ourselves (channeling a determined face with your inner child), we will be able to beat them! (I see your inner child roaring and acting like they’re going into a war riding a horse, and they’re a commander in a kid's body). But seriously.. we could do it if we wanted to. So dear me.. Keep going forward, keep striving forward, so when we get to that light, we get to see the people who hurt us, crawl, and beg to allow them into our world. But do not let them in because this is our reward for fighting so hard, and I do not want them there, kay? 
We have to be our own warriors, or else we will get stepped over, and I really, really, reallllllyyyyyyy can’t have that, and you know that I can't. We are deserving of the best in the whole wide west, or is it east? Actually, wait, forget that. Let’s just take all the sides like the avatar and defeat them all, because I really want to see you when you make it to the light with a smile on your face!
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Pile III
Reversed ten of pentacles, seven of swords, and reversed ace of wands.
I heard a big sigh from them.
Hello. So we meet again, huh? How many fucking pick a card piles are you going to pick only to ignore those messages because it’s not what you want? Why do you have a stick up your ass? You keep making the same mistakes, and I am so tired of it! (I hear them yelling loudly). Each time there is a problem coming to us, you run away, not because you’re scared but because you don't want to deal with the consequences. You can’t keep being a dick to someone and expect them not to retaliate. You know people nowadays aren’t stupid, so we can’t keep manipulating someone; people will find out the truth eventually. So stop being a dumbass and heal your trauma. And you can say, ‘’hey! Why are you being so mean to me, or she’s being harsh.’’ But at the end of the day, we aren’t a cookie either. We aren’t good people, you know. I don't like your behavior one bit. If you keep acting like a player, we will become fucking bankrupt, and no (more yelling and it’s getting louder), not with money, dumbwit! With people, for god’s sake, with people! I keep telling you not to make a bad choice because it’s gonna fuck you up, but do you listen? NO. START LISTENING TO ME. I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU!
(more sighing, and I hear them screaming to release their anger). 
Look, I'm really trying with you. I am not sure how to get it through your thick skull, but you need to stop acting and playing with other people's emotions. You have to LET GO and be kind to other people with sincerity. Yeah, I know we are fucked in the head; I get it. After all, I am you, but we haven't gained anything from this. Our life has been the same. It’s like reliving the same life, and I'm so sick of it. Let’s just move forward for once and deal with the consequences. You have the green light now, so here is your sign. You like melons, right? Get something with melon flavor, eat it, and tell yourself, "Fuck it, I am going to be myself, and that is all." Don't look back and just fucking do it already. Let me see OURSELVES happy for once.
Your inner child. (They are giving you a cheeky grin and a thumbs up).
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Pile IV
Queen of wands, the magician, (reversed) nine of swords, and the world.
When I look at the stars, I get very excited. I get to see all the little stars out in our world; maybe everyone sees them too.. Or they're too busy with their electronics.. I'm not sure.. But when I look at them, I become really excited, and I feel like the world isn't out to get me anymore. Sometimes.. all the time.. all the time. You're always on your phone, and you won't do anything for us or for me. You won't go hiking or camping like you used to. You won't read, you won't write, and you won't play fun games to reconnect with me anymore. You're always lost on your phone scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook; I'm getting really tired of it. Please stop being so absorbed in the electronic world and become engrossed with me. I miss you, I miss you, and I miss when we did fun things for ourselves and truly valued ourselves. I can't deal with you hurting me and not using your passions to find happiness in this dreadful world. It makes me sad that I am not your top priority anymore.. Why do you pick that phone over me? Why do you focus on other people instead of me? Why don't you—why can’t you just be (your pronoun) again? Please, please, please—all the pleases in the world. I will even wish on a shooting star!
Just be back in the present moment, and please, please.. Just be with me instead. Okay? I need you to focus on us again, and I need you to see the world again and explore. I can't have you hurt me again doing the things YOU don't even like; it's not worth it. Let's go have fun and explore all we can in the world before our time is up. Do you really want to be on your deathbed regretting the hardships and not transforming them into good opportunities for growth and change in our lives? Or would you rather be genuinely okay with doing absolutely nothing, using that phone, and lazing around in bed? Because right now, it sounds okay to you.. But when we get older, we are going to regret it, and I don't want you to do it anymore, okay? I really, really need you to stop. 
Your (name)’s inner child
(Your pile is very rocky. I struggled to channel your energy and kept questioning my deck. And I was struggling to be myself throughout writing your pile. Which means you doubt yourself way too much and put on masks from left to right. Of course, I cannot tell you to stop since it takes time to heal from that, but from my experiences, I have learned some things. People don’t like you based on how fun you are; they like you for your presence. Your presence is lost atm, instead of going further in that direction, learn from your past and what you have to heal with. Right now, you need to heal by loving your authentic self and removing doubts from your mind. Remember, everyone is completely different from one another, and choosing yourself is ideal rather than allowing yourself to be lost as you keep wearing different masks. It’s completely okay to be anxious during social situations, but try to remind yourself that being yourself is okay. Making mistakes is part of growth, and rejection is redirection. When you get rejected, that situation or person isn’t meant to be in your life, and a beautiful opportunity will come along. It has to because it wouldn't make sense if it didn’t).
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Pile V
(Reversed) eight of pentacles, ten of pentacles, and (reversed) ten of wands.
Right off the bat, all I hear is, ‘’why do you ignore me so much for those who fuck with us like a chew toy?”
Hi, hello, hellooo?? Is anyone there? Oh, for fuck sake, as expected, because you always ignore me and don't hear me out. You think other people who treat us fucking badly are good for us, but they aren’t. They aren't worth our time, and yet you keep letting them run you over like you are nothing. Do you honestly think that’s okay? It shouldn't be allowed, because I am not having it. And you shouldn't either. (a lot of sassy and angry energy right now). I have seen you go from the sweetest angel in the entire fucking world to a complete jackass in seconds (exaggeration), because of what exactly? Peer pressure and influence. When did we come to the point and be like, ‘’yeah, this is a good idea? I should FOLLOW ALONG OTHER FUCKING PEOPLE AND NOT OUR OWN? Who said that was a good idea? No one. ’’Fucking hell, you're probably ignoring this, leaving not to see this because it’s too harsh for your ego, or getting mad. Stop that, and just accept the truth. I need you, yeah, you. I need you to listen to me for once and go back to being the real you instead of wearing all of these masks because of peer pressure. I know it’s hard; believe me, I know I am you AFTER ALL, but can't you just imagine I am there with you? And you and I are playing ball; we are playing something that we used to like—can you just imagine that?—and you are taking care of yourself and me because, after all, I am you. Just imagine WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE FOR YOU TO—HEY LISTEN. Thank you. As I was saying, can you just imagine leaving those people who don't serve you well and focusing on us? I know being alone is scary; I get that, but for our growth to heal, we need to let go of those bastards, because how can you heal with toxicity in your face 24/7? And don't fucking smoke and ruin your body. Stop the drugs; it’s not worth it. Yeah, stop thinking about cigarettes like it's a cool aesthetic; you want to fuck your body for that pressure and regret it with tears in your eyes later in life—a fucked and damaged body because of peer pressure? I am not fucking having it. Screw those people that hurt you, screw everything that is fucking with you, and for once, listen to me through this message and heal me so you can feel SAFE ONCE MORE.
(There was a lot of sassy, unappreciated, frustrated, and angry energy. A lot of you are ignoring how you feel and pushing them aside with an alcoholic beverage or in an empty bottle (visualization). A lot of you seem to have forgotten who you once were due to pressure from those around you. Since letting go and cutting ties with those who keep us company can be challenging, I recommend that you learn to enjoy your own presence and figure out what your boundaries and morals are as your own person. Not other people. And, also, learn to appreciate what makes you who you are. So, it's okay to have flaws, but it's important to take accountability for those flaws. For example, y manipulated their friend because they wanted something. Now, it is y's responsibility to apologize to their friend and accept what they did. And then used that past experience for their future when it comes to wanting something without being irrational. And y should also accept what they did and understand who they want to be while forgiving themselves in the process instead of hurting themselves. Because I believe we should heal ourselves and apologize to ourselves for the wrongdoing we do, even if we cannot earn someone's forgiveness. Having peace and respect for ourselves, even for the mistakes we made, is okay, because how can you heal if you keep sabotaging yourself for hurting or causing a mistake? There would be no healing from that). 
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Pile VI
Seven of wands and (reversed) two of pentacles. 
My love!! Hi!!! How are you today?! I hope you are okay. I’m struggling right now, though! :(.
Right now, we are lost in who we are. We went through so much pain and stress, and our justice isn’t coming to us, and we are becoming obsessed with the thought, ‘’when is it coming?’’ and I know the obsession is the only thing keeping you safe, but I need you to realize you’re stressing us out. It’s affecting us, not them. Life is a test, but life is there to help and guide us. We need to be patient for our justice to come, and I know it’s hard, I know. But we need to take care of ourselves for the time being. Can we listen to our comfort songs again? I’m really missing her voice right now. Can we talk to our loved ones again like old times? I don't want to keep pushing them away because I’m hurting. We don't deserve to hurt our friends who care for us; we will regret it. It’s not worth hurting those who care for us. I think it’s important that we prioritize ourselves for the time being, as life gives us the justice we deserve and for the people that hurt us.. Well, I’m sure life will be on our side this time.
And if things become harder, then talk to me through a mediation video. I want to be there to support and love you. I know I’m the kid version of you, and sometimes you think children aren’t intelligent (because of the feminine figure in our lives and their fucked up views), but I promise you, I am very intelligent to help you! I know the struggle you are facing, and you aren’t alone because I am here with you. Right by your side, till death do us part, and you can think of me as your companionship, but can I be a small pig? I love pigs a lot! You can imagine carrying a small pig or a stuffed animal version of the pig—of me! This sounds so exciting (giggles). Off topic now; I have to go back to the topic! (The energy is scattered, so you may be overthinking a lot). I want you to even do ‘’higher self meditation’ and speak with them. They know more than us, and they will be there to guide us—after all, it’s our future selves, right? So why would they harm us? It makes no sense. And please stop overthinking everything; nothing bad can happen to us because we deserve the best! I hope one day you can see that too, and when we get our justice, because we will, I hope that we can finally smile like old times when we ate at the beach with daddy.. I hope we can do that again, but at his grave.. this time. 
(I see them smiling softly and hugging an imaginary version of you. Then they wave goodbye to you and disappear, but a beautiful yellow light surrounds the atmosphere, giving me sunshine and happy vibes).
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sefinaa · 22 days
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐠����𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞.❞
Who is your soul tribe? 🐚
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
This is a tarot card reading. I pulled out 2-3 cards for each pile and a little bit of advice.
18+ readings: @enchantressiren
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Pile I
Knight of cups and nine of swords.
Your soul tribe is mainly focused on forgiveness, love, devotion to yourself, and humanity. I am seeing a group of people wearing stereotypical, spiritual clothing, and they are in a circle together, as there is a fireplace in the middle of them. And one person is playing an acoustic guitar. Some of the other people are slowly clapping their hands or using an instrument to make a sound that is calming for the mind. I see someone with a wooden shaker, and that person is someone who is dear to you. And then I see you sitting on the log as they all do this beautiful relaxing song for you, as now you are part of the tribe, and you will listen and sway your head back and forth, and you’ll feel so much peace within. And my intuition says, “this is the first time I have felt peace. I am finally with my people. Thank you, (whoever higher up you believe in).” My intuition basically explains how you finally found the people who were already fated for you, but at the same time who are there for you to feel the sensation of happiness and accomplishment because they are your soul tribe. This is your fated destiny, as it is meant for your soul to find its right destination and finally feel complete.
With the knight of cups, you were able to follow what your heart wanted instead of what you have been doing for most of your life. You have been someone who was a follower and someone who always used logic instead of focusing on what was in your heart. You have a desire for a journey because everything in your life, as of this moment, is stale and the same. Nothing changes, and you try so hard for change. For a sense of purpose, but nothing happens as you keep chasing. And you are confused about what to do. So stop chasing; don’t even worry about attracting. Just do what your heart wants, and you will get everything you want.
The nine of swords, indicates anxiety and a feeling of despair and hopelessness, and that’s how you feel right now. You are afraid to stop chasing and find your people—your soul tribe because you believe that everything you do comes to a complete failure. But that’s because you focus on logic instead of your heart. You must focus on what your heart wants, and if you cannot figure it out, then take some time alone and figure out what you want. Write them down, talk to yourself, record them, scroll on random websites, and figure out what sounds appealing to you and what makes you happy. And once you do that, and your mindset hits your ideal, you will find your soul tribe since it’s the end of the destination.
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Pile II
Four of swords reversed, ace of wands, and knight of pentacles.
Immediately from your soul tribe, I can feel such enthusiasm, excitement, and screaming of ''AHHHHHH, I LOVEEEE YOUUUU,’’ and ‘’you mean the world to us, keep rockin’!’’ Wow, your soul tribe is made up of very cheerful and loving people who will always praise you for the little things you do in your life. For example, let's say you passed your exam and it wasn't a big deal to you, but to them, it is everything. They will be celebrating everything with such huge smiles on their faces, and all of this is genuine. I can feel your energy, ‘’is this really going to happen?’’ and yes, it will happen. You deserve their love, not because you chose this pile, but because you are a worthy human being who deserves the best love. So, with the four of wands reversed, this card focuses on restlessness, burnout, stress, and this is your overall energy. You guys keep trying to please your parents, those around you, your role models, etc., but you haven't tried to please yourself. You already see no point in rewarding yourself because you aren't getting the validation you deserve from these people, but remember.. You must learn to ask for your own validation because, at the end of the day, we only have ourselves. I know that you guys love the work you do and you guys think it's the best, but you lose your encouragement because of them, so stop going to them for it and find your validation from within.
As I was reading, 11:11 pm appeared on my phone, and this angel number is about the journey of having your manifestation come to you. This shows that you are on the right path and that you shouldn't give up. Keep moving forward and keep striving for what you want, not what others want. All of your manifestations are coming to you; you truly do not have to worry!
Your soul tribe will also be focusing on how you express your power within—basically, how you express how you feel with others and how you can show who is boss. They want to help you understand that everyone is powerful because they're the boss of their reality and that no one should stop them from doing what they love. I hear that a lot of you guys want to focus on the art industry, but the people around you will not support you with it because it's ‘’impossible=ble’’ to make money as an artist, but remember this: whatever you desire, whatever you want, if you keep doing what makes you happy, you will have what you desire because your vibration increases to the right frequency to gain this abundance. In other words, keep doing what makes you happy, and abundance will appear because of the happy energy that is within you. This goes for the rest of you as well. Some of you guys are thinking about majoring in business to have your own business, and you want to have the knowledge to have it, so keep striving for what you believe will work.
With the knight of pentacles, this card speaks about efficiency, hard work, and responsibility, which explains why I mentioned manifestations. Your soul tribes are already master manifestors; whenever they want something, it always comes to them because they have a strong belief system and they have done what they wanted. They will show you the same knowledge they have learned because they know that you are worthy of it and that everyone deserves this knowledge. They go by the motto ‘’knowledge is power.’’ They know it is powerful and can be used in the wrong way. That is why they are selective with the right people because they don't want anyone to harm this knowledge. At the same time, they do it without expecting anything, despite the hard work they put in to show their friends or tribe all about it. They know that no one in it will use it maliciously, and they have a feeling in their heart, or heart chakra, that no one in their tribe will trick them. So, you should stop seeing yourself as a bad person too. How can a ‘’bad’’ person be a part of this welcoming and trustworthy tribe if they believe that those who are good within deserve this knowledge? No, they do not believe that a bad person on the outside isn't worthy of it. They can feel the energy of people and will determine if their hearts are good. For example, my intuition tells me that one of your soul tribe members is a criminal who killed many people but has made amends with their dues. They have changed drastically to the point where they are an advocate for those who have their children killed and will protect anyone.. Does this sound like a bad character? No, it is not—definitely not in my book and surely not in theirs. My intuition also tells me, ‘’my dear, you have a harsh conception of what is wrong and right. You must reduce this negative thinking and understand what it is like.. To be someone who is actually bad, you are a good soul, and you are deserving of love. Change your mindset to meet your tribe.’’
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Pile III
The star, queen of wands (reversed), and king of pentacles (reversed).
Before I explain who your soul tribe is, I want to get in depth with how you feel before I tell you. I feel a huge sense of jealousy, possessiveness, anger, frustration, etc. I want to take control of other people and treat them like puppets. But these are not my thoughts. These are your thoughts, your inner feelings, and how you have been projecting to other people because you deem yourself worthy, but everyone else is incompetent compared to you. You have a stick up your ass. And you can get mad at me if you like to, but I like to keep my readings as honest as I can. So, I want you to fully understand that everyone is intelligent in their own way. People will not have the same hobbies as you and will not understand things the same way you do. If everyone was like that, everything would be boring and monotonous. Do you want a world that is like you for every single thing? That would be like cloning yourself constantly, and you would be sick of it. I know you would be. So reduce your possessive energy because if you don’t, you will not find your soul tribe, and I want you to. I want you to improve yourself as a person and find the people who are going to elevate you to a higher level. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone is deserving of love, no matter what happened in their past, because the past is the past. But you must make that change in your life to have what you desire in it. You must change your thoughts—you wonder why the things that you want aren't coming into your life; you aren’t aligned with what you desire. You are only aligned with negativity because your mindset is negative.
To start off with your soul tribe, who are they? Your soul tribe will give you the hope that you want. I know that a lot of you have had extremely shitty childhoods and that you’re actually projecting that feeling because your father or your grandfather always said that they were better than you, that they are better than other people, and that no one is deserving of anything good except them. I’m hearing a huge God complex. And it is okay to think of yourself as worthy, great, and powerful. To have a mindset like this where you think you are better than everyone and you’re more superior really allows your ego to win, and instead of allowing yourself to fully understand and be like, “ok I’m not better than everyone else, but I’m not worthless either; I’m worthy of things I desire, and that is my truth.” This will help you understand that you don’t have to go all the way into that mindset to be confident. You can be confident and empathetic toward other people.
I’m also feeling that when you do reduce this mindset and find your soul tribe, you are going to be happy and full of abundance in your life. You are going to be able to feel a sense of fulfillment like a phoenix when it dies. Think of the tarot card for death. Death represents a new chapter in her life, like our old shelves have melted away and we are coming to our path, and a stronger version of us is a more healthy, more compassionate part of ourselves that we used to deem unworthy because it showed vulnerability, but vulnerability is okay to have. Vulnerabilities and emotions make us human, and it’s completely normal to have them. When we become more tuned to our vulnerability and emotions, we experience more peace and happiness. You cannot have happiness and peace without understanding your emotions.
With your soul tribe, they will teach you how to release anger and how to release your anxiety. You have this assumption that you are just pure consciousness, that the thoughts that you have in your mind or just pure experiences don’t necessarily exist, and as you breathe in and out, you will allow your mind to let your thoughts pass by, like driving a car. They will teach you how to go into the roots of your trauma, and they will teach you how to use those roots in a positive way instead of allowing them to affect your life in a negative way. They will teach you how to earn abundance in your life without having a greedy mindset. With the king of pentacles reversed, this card focuses on greed, indulgence, and sensuality. Basically, my intuition tells me they will be teaching you how to lift off your spirits into a higher light to achieve your higher self, because my tarot card that has king of pentacles is a man who has veins, trees, and roots covering him and chaining him up. There are animals near him, and in the background there’s a fox, and then his hair is scattered and pulled up, but on top is a white circle. So my intuition tells me this is you; you are the man here. The roots that are around the man are your thoughts and the possessiveness that you have at the moment. The animals surrounding him are your soul tribe. There is a fox, a raccoon, and a badger.
Foxes are known to be highly intuitive, and they are playful and secretive, but they are compassionate to those who are close to them. Raccoons are smart. They have great solutions to their problems, and they think I have a box. They focus on their surroundings, and they’re very present in the moment. Badgers are those who protect others and themselves, and they want to fulfill what they desire, mainly about humanity as well. My intuition tells me that badgers like to help other badgers, they like to help themselves, they like to make a community, and such.
So why am I explaining to the animals that I see you? My intuition tells me that each animal that is in my tarot card is your community or your soul tribe. I hear the leader is the fox, the people in your soul tribe are the raccoons, and you are the badger deep down inside. I know you are the badger. Despite possessing that negativity energy that you had surrounding you before your trauma developed, you were extremely sweet, so damn loving, and so helpful that you were always there for other people. But then things start to happen, and you start chaining up that sweet and loving soul and a fear to protect yourself, but I want you to remember that it’s okay to be a good person to care about other people. Just try to make sure that you know who the good people are and who the bad are, and if you cannot tell, try to use your intuition. And do not tell me that you do not have intuition because you had to find this pile that was right for you. You must learn to trust yourself, because that is how you will find your soul tribe too.
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sefinaa · 1 month
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐚.❞
Who is your future spouse’s role model(s) and why?
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This is a tarot card reading. I pulled out 2-4 cards for each pile and signs were added.
18+ readings @enchantressiren
Pictures I divider
Pile I
King of Wands, the lovers reversed, and the hanged man.
With the king of wands, your future spouse adores and looks up to their father and their grandparents, because they were able to help your future spouse rise above their insecurities, and allow them to express who they are. I hear that the mother was not in the picture. They were not there for them when they needed them, when they were hurting, and if they were there, it wasn’t a loving one. They were neglected harshly and were used like toys. Think of a toxic relationship you see portrayed in the media. Your future spouse feels very comfortable with their grandparents and their father, because they are able to express their childish dreams as well. I hear that other people used to laugh at them when they spoke about the career they wanted. For example, in society, you are expected to work a 9 to 5 job, have a family, have children, etc. But your future spouse has a different idea. It is completely different from making your own business, too. They really want to prioritize helping children find peace in this world because the generation keeps worsening. There are some children who feel extremely stressed out with the expectations of their parents, or there is a struggle about how to express their feelings to other people because people around their age, focus on drugs, or lack empathy. For these kids, your future spouse wants to teach them that it’s okay to be completely different from other people and not to follow along with the crowd at this age, and then it’s good to follow your path and focus on who you truly are. For my card, the king of wands has a male fairy on it with beautiful flowers behind him as he is sitting on a cut mushroom, and there is a beetle on the swirly ground. This is the perfect example of how your future spouse sees the world despite its flaws. I hear my intuition tell me that the beetle is those who follow the path of others, and they do not seek to find who they are, which indicates this swirl is continuous. As for the flowers behind, those who do not follow will blossom into their higher selves, even though they are behind and life to others in general. They know what they seek, what they desire, and eventually they will have what they want. Sitting on the mushroom is standing their ground, and that is the same energy. Which is your future spouse. And because of their grandparents and their father, they were able to incorporate that feeling within the heart to expand it instead of keeping it on guard. And they want to do the same for children because they believe that if they were able to get that blessing in life, they would want to move it forward and give it to others.
Your future spouse is a very grateful person, but they don’t express their kindness in a direct way. They mainly focus on how to show their love and compassion to the world in an anonymous way. So instead of allowing people to redirect that same kindness that they give out, they will make sacrifices and allow people to find them to be shallow, mean, etc. And those closest to your future spouse will actually know how selfless they are, and how loving they are. This is very similar to Medusa in Greek mythology. Because people were afraid of her snake hair and of what happened without hearing her story, they would treat her differently, and many people would fear her. And a lot of people actually fear your future spouse because of their resting face, the way they speak to people, and the way that they are perceived. In terms of kindness, it is pushed aside, because other people perceive them in a low light. And with the reversed lover cards, people sometimes find them to be unhinged, or someone to be completely off the right path. I hear the people around your future spouse are very judgmental, and that they only really prioritize how they feel because a lot of them are very wealthy, but instead of donating to charities and helping other people in their own way, they seek more riches and more riches, and they get lost in the mindset of luxury, and actually forget who they are. And this fits along with how I spoke about those who do not forward their own path, and they just follow along. So your future spouse has made their own path, but at the same time, they don’t really allow the negativity around them to catch up to them or let them sink into it.
Channeled song:
The hanging tree - James Newton Howard
Pile II
Nine of swords, five of pentacles, ten of pentacles reversed, and two of cups.
Your future spouse has a lot of trauma from their grandparents, especially their grandfather. During their childhood, their parents weren’t home due to demanding jobs, but they were taken under the care of their grandparents, and they were getting along with their grandma, but she was killed by a drunk driver. And this caused a hole in their hearts because they were close to her, but the grandfather struggled with her death and would beat them constantly. If they were in pain, then the grandfather wouldn’t feel it, and they would also constantly drink liquor as your future lover was being harmed mentally.
My intuition tells me, that your lover’s role models are their parents. Despite their parents not being there for them with their job, they were and still are understanding of it, and they were able to have their siblings to find happiness and joy with. I hear that they’re adopted, and the grandfather has hatred for them despite their son, who is their father, saying otherwise. Think of the butterfly effect.
Moving on, how are their family's role models? Because when they were struggling with insecurities, hurt, and pain, they were able to express their pain to their parents, and they were heard. Their parents were there for them and didn’t allow their grandfather to ever take care of them again. They even cut ties with him to protect their child. And your lover admires their courage and determination so much that when they want to have children with you, and you will, they will be there to help and support them, even if it means cutting ties with family.
With the two cups, it’s about unity, partnership, and connection. Your future spouse has a sense of peace and happiness and a special connection with their role models. They can still come to them when they’re struggling with their issues or when they want to be heard as they ramble on about anything that makes them happy. And instead of being told they are useless or worthless like their grandfather, they are told how creative and unique they are by their family and friends.. and now because of you. When you both meet, the two of cups will amplify a personal connection and a sense of unity. You will be the missing piece of their puzzle and their happiness to keep moving and find more connections that they were afraid to seek despite the moral support they had. My tarot card for the two of cups has two merpeople who are reaching for some type of trophy without any envy or anger. They both have vines around them for protection and secretion. There is a broken building behind them in the water, and there are some marine animals like a stingray, fishes, a crab and a starfish. My intuition tells me that this is both of you. You guys will be each other's lights as you both reach for your goals without having to sacrifice anything because you are connected and are the same. The marine animals are connected to your children; perhaps they will want to focus their lives on marine animals, like them, have a favorite stuffed animal about them, or be engrossed in them for fun. Perhaps you will read a bedtime story about them. And when you do see it again, this pile will come to you again. As for the broken building, my intuition tells me that it’s the both of you letting go of the hardships that you have dealt with, moving forward into the light, and seeking your desired life. Despite the building being broken, the merpeople don’t seem bothered, and that’s the same with both of you. You both are at peace with your past and have moved on from it. As the saying goes, “what happened in the past stays in the past.” And you both have lived by the saying for a long time. The vines indicate people from your past trying to grab you into their lives, bringing you to be like them. You already know they are on the right path and that being stuck in the path won’t help you achieve your dreams, so instead of stalling or allowing them to come back, you keep moving forward because you know that’s what you want and so does your future spouse.
Marine biology, astrophysics, fishes, marine, starfish, fireflies, bunny, rascals, money and flesh, “see? It’s funny!”, “trick ya!”, moon, walking, and flowers
Pile III
Eight of pentacles and three of pentacles
Right off the bat, your future spouse literally looks up to you as their own role model or worships you in a non-obsessive way. You have the energy of a powerful communicator, helping people grow and create with a lack of resources. My intuition tells me you are able to be creative with other people, and you’re able to help them strive for a better life while not having the same resources you had in your childhood. You have gone through a lot of obstacles in your life, but instead of allowing them to become attached to your soul, you make the most of them, and I hear that you have a special connection to stars and the solar planet, especially Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. Of course, they don’t say that Pluto is a planet, but it is completely different for you. And some of you guys are into astrology, and others are into astronomy, either way, the planets and the stars are connected, and for you, it is your safe spot and your comfort. Your future spouse is aware of this, and they do things to support you and give you the resources to be creative that you never had before. Because you like to help people grow and help them achieve their dreams, you have this security that you can give other people, especially your future spouse. And you are able to communicate with other people, and they look up to you like a motivational speaker who is very honest, and because you have this love that you get from other people, it increases your vibration and gives you more prosperity in your life. And your future spouse sees that you are able to do things without thinking, but it is not a negative trait. It’s more like a blessing because you do some things spontaneously but you plan them out—my intuition tells me it is from your inner heart and your inner desire unconsciously to help guide these people, and you do it without thinking because this is what you truly want and your future spouse can see that. You have become the right person for them, but someone to strive forward and be similar to you, but not in a way that destroys their personality. With the eight of pentacles, my intuition tells me you strive for greater good, but despite all these good qualities, you have high standards for yourself. But for some reason, you’re able to use these high standards to achieve your ambitious goals without allowing them to affect your subconscious mind and make you overthink and lose focus on what you’re looking for. It’s a great balance with yourself, and it’s very admirable. You like to praise yourself and you like to do the same thing with other people, and this helps increase your vibration as well with other people because they are becoming influenced by you with your loving energy, which is why you are like a role model to other people, especially your future spouse.
On my tarot card for the three of pentacles, the drawing shows an elf who is an older man who is using a big paintbrush to paint on paper, and he is using little resources to make stars, while there is a candle next to him and buttons behind him with a rolled-up sew inserted into a pin needle. My intuition tells me you are the hard-working elf that is trying to make stars on the paper, even though there are some smudges, but he keeps going. This is your energy. He keeps driving forward for what he desires, even though there are struggles in his daily life. And the three buttons I see, my intuition tells me, “there are small pebbles in our lives that are hard to find, and these pebbles may look like misfits, but in reality, they are our desire.” So this quote means the thing that we desire, and the things that we want may have benefited us in finding our desired life, and the small things that look useless and that we do not want are the actual things that will lead us to our goal. So when you have a struggle in your life and you get something that makes you feel sad, remember that it is there to help you have the right mindset to manifest your desired reality.
I finished writing this at 5:55 PM. 555 is focused on good changes, our lives, and freedom. I am channeling that you’re going to have two favorable opportunities in your life to help you grow further into the person you desire, while at the same time giving you a better chance to meet your future spouse. I spoke about how there’s a lot of growth in your pile, and my intuition says the same thing with 555. It also focuses on our mental and physical growth and how we interact with other people, so keep in mind to go with the flow, focus on your happiness, and not worry about what other people think about you because you are worthy of all the good things in the world. 
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sefinaa · 2 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤. 𝐌𝐲 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬. 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.❞
Are you balanced with your emotions and intuition?
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition. I added advice and solutions.
18+ readings @enchantressiren
Pictures | divider
Pile 1
I see you questioning if you have intuition or not; you question many things, and you’re a skeptical person. You don’t believe intuition is even a thing, and yet you read intuitive and tarot card readings for fun or to see if they are legit and work with your current life. I see that you are starting to believe it because you’re getting some signs and it is freaking you out. Some supernatural situations are happening to you, and some people mention things you said to others who do not know the person or that you thought about. You are having visions in your dreams as well, and if not, your dreams have signs you see in your waking life. I also see you having great intuition, but you brush it off, and when your intuition is right, it truly freaks you out.
Everyone has intuition or a gut feeling, but it’s our choice if we want to be in tune with it or brush it off. I believe intuition can be a scary thing because we are forced to believe certain things when they're not true. For example, we are taught to believe that psychics or mediums are crazy people; they lie, they’re frauds, and/or they’re out for money. And though some people may be doing it, not all of them. Because society has shaped us into something different, Intuition and gut feelings are unfamiliar and can feel frightening. You don’t need to brush it off, but you should learn to be in tune with it because it can also help you understand your emotions.
I can see that you aren’t inclined with your emotions either; you brush them off as well. I see you focusing on your logical mind the most because that’s how you survived as a child growing up. I see toxic relationships and environments in which you grew up. I see some of you are actually orphans or have grandparents or uncles as guardians. Bad relationships with your parents if you weren’t an orphan. I see most of you struggle with your father figure, and some of you deal/dealt with an alcoholic guardian, but father is what I see the most. Some of you don’t even have a father figure. I also see abusive and sexual abuse.
So with all of these types of traumas, trusting yourself is already hard enough, and now you’re trying to understand whether or not you have psychic abilities or not. I see some of you are actually getting visions of the future, even if it’s those small ones—where you take another path in a hallway and you brush it off as if it’s a daydream or nothing. But an hour later, you actually do it and change the routine.
What my intuition tells me is.. “you must follow your intuition, your gut feelings, and your psychic abilities. The more aligned you are with them, the more powerful you will become and get out of the hellhole or environmental space you are in. We don’t need to be stuck in one place, questioning who we are or if we are good enough. We can rise above it and realize how strong our potential is as people. I’m aware of how strong your psychic abilities are, but are you?”
So to summarize my intuition message, you have a lot of potential to get where you want. That dream life you crave so dearly but don’t know where to start. Sometimes you start, but then you automatically give up, like it’s too challenging. You cannot have the life you want if you aren’t aligned with your emotions, especially your intuition. Our intuition leads us to answers we didn’t think were possible. Of course, second-guessing yourself is bound to happen, but you shouldn't. Trust yourself. I know it is easier said than done, but that’s what I’m hearing. You should trust your intuition, and your emotions. Instead of relying on your logic, when you do that, you will go far in life.
Pile 2
Rocky middle.
I see you’re in tune with your emotions but not your intuition. It’s not that you don’t trust it, per se, it’s more like you mistake your emotions for your intuition and vice versa. Sometimes you have anxiety for no reason; you cannot figure out the reason why. Sometimes you will bite your nail, rip the skin off your nails, pluck your eyelashes, remove a scab, etc. because you cannot tell the difference. Random anxiety without reason, even when you cannot figure it out, is intuition. Your intuition is telling you something, but because you aren’t in tune with it, you don’t understand what’s going on, thus the anxiety.
Anxiety is a silly emotion, not because it's irrelevant, but because it blocks out your intuition perfectly. It is a very sneaky disorder, and sometimes people will get diagnosed with it, but they actually have intuition. And intuition can hide in the form of anxiety. Understood? Anxiety can be intuition, what you think intuition is can be anxiety.
The only way to figure out if it is your emotions or intuition is based on how you perceive things. For example, I am channeling your message for you; all of this is written based on my intuition. But at times, I want to write more channeled messages but cannot because it’s not meant to be and I’m just bored. I can’t work it out, because I base it on my feelings. In that moment, I want to do that because I feel bored. But when I'm bored, the messages are short and miss a lot of details. Whereas, I do it based on my intuition, you get a lot of things in your messages and a detailed one at it to get you on the path you desire.
This example is like your situation right now. You need to figure out how to balance your emotions for certain things and your gut feelings or intuition for others. Intuition for me is, I just know and I go along with it. Emotion, for me, has some doubts about it. You can try it like that or use inspiration from the way I do, but, I do have a message from my intuition. It should help.
“When you talk to the people you like, you start to feel anxious sometimes and zone out from the conversation. Of course, this is unintentional, but they don’t know that. You get lost in your own world when it’s really your anxiety or emotions eating you alive. Remove those thoughts and tell yourself you can control them because you can. You are the creator of your reality. Your intuition is your friend, even though you don’t want to hear things, it is there to help you. Don’t ridicule it and keep it in touch like a friend. You like to socialize at times, so why not do it with yourself? Are you not close to yourself, or do you prefer to surround yourself with others to block out all those messy feelings and emotions eating you alive? Why don’t you try to journal about your feelings, daydream, throw it out of a window, burn it in your daydream, or meditate? It surely should align you with your future goals and make you successful!”
Summary and explanation of my intuition thoughts, sometimes you zone out and you think you’re daydreaming, perhaps it’s to bury your feelings into a bottle, ignore them, or such, but by doing that, you're making it harder to understand your intuition and align yourself with your higher self or future self. Sometimes people get annoyed that you zone out and that they want your attention on them, and sometimes you tell them, but they don’t understand it, so you get frustrated and brush it off to keep the peace of the friendship. Either you feel bad, guilty, or act like you don’t care, but you do. Intuition tells me, “tell them you don’t like it and explain it to them in the way they do understand. If it fails, set a boundary and take social breaks with them. If they do not accept, they are not meant to be in your life.”
When it comes to anxiety eating you alive, change your thoughts into the way you want to be. For example, if you desire to have a positive mindset, change it to that. When a negative thought pops up, instead of ignoring it, suck it up with a vacuum in your mind and change it to “this won’t happen because they truly care about me, and i know it’s true because they always show it.”
Sometimes you hear negative things from your intuition, and you don’t like them, so you brush them off. Don’t. It’s a warning, and you must accustom yourself to it. It is there for your benefit and your benefit only.
I see some of you want to have your own business or be successful, but how can you be if you aren’t aligned with that part of you that wants YOU to succeed? How can you brush it off just because it doesn’t make sense to you per se or because it gives you information you don’t like when you know it’s true? How else did you find this pile and know it was right for you?
You can find techniques that help you learn to balance your spirituality and emotions; you can even talk to yourself if you don’t want to do the things my intuition suggests. All of this is up to you, but take my guidance the way you see fit.
Pile 3
Yes :).
You guys are fully connected to your emotions and your intuition. You guys see your emotions as something to be taken care of, like a fragile antique doll, whereas most people would just push them away and distract themselves, but when you see that happen with other people, you feel bothered. You feel bothered because you take care of your emotions, and you wonder why they don’t. I feel that the majority of you guys had a somewhat great childhood, and the rest of you guys had to pick yourself up, so then you also question why other people aren’t like you. But you must remember that human minds are complicated, and those people are not you; therefore, they don’t have the same luxury as you. It is the same with your intuition. You have come to terms with the fact that intuition is real and that every human being has it, but they must practice for it like you have. I am proud of you guys for coming to terms with intuition because I know that a lot of you struggled to believe in it or that you now trust yourself more than you have before. I’m getting a lot of competitive energy from you guys, but it’s not from other people. It’s with your past self. You want to prove to your past self that you were able to come to terms with both your emotions and your intuition, and you have done that now. So instead of competing with your past self, start to show gratitude to them, because without them, you wouldn’t have been here today with this. I know you guys are very in tune with your emotions, but I do want to point out that you must forgive yourself for your past and show more appreciation to them. I’m just getting this pain in my chest and stomach; it’s a pit feeling, like something is missing. There is something that you have been meaning to do, but you have not done it out of frustration, anger, blame, and fear. And because of this, you are starting to doubt your intuition and emotions because you cannot figure out what this thing is. But the thing is right in front of your face, but you guys have been distracted by wanting to go into the past and fix the situation. Don’t go into the past. Keep moving forward. We do things in our lives because, in that moment, we think it’s the right thing to do, and maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t, but what is done is done. And now you have to come to terms with the fact that it has been done because, let’s say you were to do the other thing you had in mind. How do you know that was the best choice for you? How do you know that it is going to give you what you desire as of now? You don’t know. Now, all you can do is strive forward and enjoy life as it is.
I’m getting some doubts right now about this pile. Some of you guys are wondering why I put yes, as in, you have balanced your intuition and your emotions. Well, my intuition told me you had mastered it to a high degree, but human emotions came into play. If I were to say yes, somewhat, you have mastered your emotions and intuition. I would be lying to you. People have doubts; I have doubts, and I do readings for you guys, but that does not mean I have not mastered my intuition; it just means it takes time to find out the solution to something. And that’s okay. And that’s also okay if you have doubts; it’s normal, and that does not mean you guys have not mastered it. It just means you need to take some time to think about what you were missing or what is a fact about you and to deal with it.
How can I deal with this? Well, my intuition tells me, “the thing you want to deal with is within you. You already know the answer to the outcome, but you push it away out of fear and anger. Anger is there to protect you. It is showing your inner child is hurting. Your fear is there to show you what it is that triggers you. You have guilt in your heart when it’s not necessary. It’s okay to show boundaries; you must accept that. You cannot be everyone’s best friend and make sure that they’re always secure with themselves when you cannot feel that way as of right now. Move along with them. They are not worth your time. If you believe that they will leave your life because you do not speak to them, you must fix your thoughts. You have mastered both your intuition and your emotions. Masters of different forms of art or science doubt their abilities. No one truly knows what the answer is until we get feedback, so why the heck are you doubting yourself? You cannot improve yourself as a person and grow even further, if you doubt yourself. I know the situation right now is very confusing, and you do not know what happened. But listen to it—listen to your intuition and your emotions. You already know the answer. You already figured out the answer, you have it with you, so why are you procrastinating?”
So what my intuition is saying is that fear is what is keeping you away from the solution. Fear can be hard to deal with, but sometimes it is important for us to go after that fear, and let it get away from our hearts. Fear comes in different forms, and right now, for you guys, it’s with your friends or connections that you are becoming attached to. It’s okay to be attached to things; it's human nature. I’m getting the feeling that you guys are feeling embarrassed to be attached to some people in your life because it has never happened for you or because you’re trying to heal from your last relationships. But intuition tells me that these are good people. These people are there to help you grow as a person, and you finally found your people who except you for you. Even when you make mistakes in your life or something embarrassing happens, they genuinely care for you, and that is hard to come by. If the feeling is still there, speak to them about it and explain how you feel, and they will help you with that fear. You know, it truly is okay to realize these people mean a lot to you, and you don’t want to ruin their friendship with your worries, but you’re not going to ruin anything. You’re actually going to make the friendship stronger. I know that sometimes when people have communicated with their friends about their feelings, their relationship has gone sour. But these people are like sweet candy; they look sweet on the outside and are sweet on the inside. You guys are so blessed to have good people in your life, and I am very glad to see so.
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sefinaa · 3 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐰.❞
What do you need to hear?
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
18+ readings
Pile 1
You must understand that the reason why everything isn’t going your way isn’t due to the fact you’re not a good person. It is not about your good deeds, or your bad deeds. It is not about who you harm inadvertently, this stems from you as a person. What are you looking for or in your case, whom are you looking for? Are you looking for something that satisfies you for the time being or for the longer term? Ask yourself this. Are you deserving of good luck? Am I deserving of the best?
If you think to yourself that every small detail of your life isn’t going well then you stimulate your mindset in the wrong light. Small simple bad things are normal for us all. One paper cut, a fight occurring, a friendship ending, these things are much smaller than you know.
A paper cut, you were careless and you lack patience.
A fight occurring teaches you patience, resilience, and knowledge. You learn from their behavior, are they a hot headed, calm, how do they react? It heightens your sense, awareness and analytical skills.
A friendship ending is a lesson for us all, it makes us grow as a person and it teaches us how to make ourselves the priority because friendships always end no matter, positive or not. Happy memories are the things one can hold on but to reminisce about the past makes us a prisoner. Do you want to be a prisoner? Does that sound ideal to you? If so, why?
So to ask once more, who are you looking for?
Think about this for a bit and speak to yourself about it until you realize you already know the answer.
The answer is within you.
Pile 2
When you see fire near you, you instantly run or perhaps freeze due to fear, and yet here we stand in the midst of it excited by it. Why is that? Why do you think you seek the adventure of danger? Do you think it plays the factor of being the person you desire or perhaps you’re hiding away once more under a facade of dread and hatred?
Do you believe that the burning flame within you is seeking to go upward or downwards? Do you believe that the same burning flame is you or perhaps it's merely the people around you, your environment?
Why all these questions? What is this reading, you may ask, the truth is, your mind is rather clustered of useless thoughts surrounding you like a snowstorm where you cannot escape, only to shelter oneself. Learn to let go of the thoughts that do not benefit you, and take in the ones that makes you happy. Let go of your worries to whom you believe or what you believe in, and let them take those worries away. Come back anew and make yourself whole once more. Your life is in your hands, not them, not the community nor your family, simply just you and you alone. Obstacles surely are a pain, are they not? But then again, obstacles make us whole so, will you be the person who stops midway through the obstacle or will you go forth with it and leap over it, perhaps even swim around it? The choice is yours and it lies within your grasp. You choose.
Pile 3
When you see the moon hiding the sun, you find it to be mesmerizing. The moon shines its beauty for us so we can enjoy the stars, perhaps to stargaze, maybe to feel like ourselves, who knows. But then again it’s just a normal cycle, a factual tradition, I suppose. But then we look at society and how it teaches us that our flaws are significant and that we must be perfect like Barbie and Ken. But then again, one cannot achieve such perfection, it’s simply impossible. Right?
Why do you believe that you must be perfect at everything? You must achieve everything and that if you do not, you’re unworthy? Not good enough and such. What are you gaining from that? Would you preferably say that to a child, let alone your child? No.
Would you find an infant, barely born and tell them, “you’re doing this wrong. What is wrong with you?! You cannot do anything right!” No. So why do you do it to yourself?
If I were to yell at you right now, how would you react? Would you reciprocate it? Would you let it bury inside and create resentment towards me? Maybe you might slap me as well. Or I suppose, you will laugh it off like it’s nothing, or maybe it truly isn’t anything because you became numb to it because you justified it.
Even so, it’s not justified to act so harsh on yourself, high expectations won’t lead you anywhere, well, I suppose it would leave you in a dump. That doesn’t sound enjoyable, does it? No.
Maybe next time, let’s try being easier on ourselves and show gratitude to oneself for achieving a small accomplishment and giving ourselves a reward. Shouldn’t be hard if you actually care for yourself, now would it? You tell me. Decide it for yourself.
Pile 4
When I think of your pile, I see a child, presumably someone who looks pale, but isn’t. I see an image of someone wearing nothing, but not in a perverted fashion. I see them staring into my eyes with such sadness, such hatred in their heart and eyes. So much anger, and yet there is a “help me” feeling of the way they are gazing into my eyes.
What I’m saying is, those reading this pile feels .. a sense of emptiness and apathy. This pile gave me anxiety for 3 hours straight and I ruined my nails by biting them (which I never do), I wish I was exaggerating, but I am not. Your pile is very rocky, lots of anxiety and frustration, and so much resentment. I can feel my heart beating so incredibly fast, I feel suffocated, I feel like I am drowning, but it’s not the same as you expect someone to drown. I feel as I am dying and that is what you feel right now.
I hear depression, anxiety, BPD, and “I’m going to kill you.” Everyone here feels so much anger, it’s going to explode on the next person. Sometimes you feel like no one understands you and they treat you as a joke, at times you feel as if you aren’t important enough to be apart of your social group, even your family as well. At times, you want to.. jump off a cliff but the thought scares you very much, not because you're a coward, but because you have this small shred of hope that you may have a better life, and you will.
I see a hill, someone's child is holding a book or perhaps a diary, they are holding it tightly, close to their heart. Despite if you don’t read or write journals/diaries, something you have within you is what you hold very close to you and you must cherish that. Keep it close, I’m not speaking of your negativity (some of you, stop it), I’m speaking of the thing you want so badly but you believe it is impossible to achieve and yet it is not. How could it be impossible? You found the right pile for you, so what is the issue of you believing it will come to you even when you do nothing? Anything is possible, that’s very obvious, understand this. If you put your mindset on something, in this case, what you want, you think of it or perhaps daydream about it, then it’s yours. That’s all.
Here is what you must hear.
When a shooting star shoots across the night sky, we all become hypnotized by it due to it being such a rarity, correct? We stargaze because stars are so mesmerizing, so enchanting. When you think of what you desire, that lost hope, you become hypnotized about it, don’t you? If shooting stars are possible, then how dare you say what you desire, that shred of hope isn’t possible?
Getting lost in a world of possibilities is such an exciting experience, isn’t it? But when you realize it’s not real, it hurts even more. Perhaps using that small shred of happiness can amplify what you want. Ever think of that? So just daydream or think of the things you want, even if it’s a “silly” daydream about being a knight saving a princess in a castle with dragons and such, and then think of what you want for a split second even and go back to that “silly” daydream. You’ll manifest what you want without even realizing.
My intuition is telling me is that you can get what you desire if you change your approach in life. If you can do that, then that small shred of hope in your life can bypass the hopelessness that you feel as of this moment. It will twist your mind and make it assume that what you want is so incredibly easy to reach and achieve.
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sefinaa · 4 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫.❞
What are some things that your fs/lover adore about you?
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Subliminal channel | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
18+ intuitive readings
Authors note,
Pile 2 has one bullet point that is a little 18+. If you’re uncomfortable, skip the second bullet point.
Pile 1:
🦋 Your eyes and the way you light up at the smallest things. Perhaps when a butterfly flies near you or when you do well on a test, you become very happy.
🦋 The way you cook something. At times it doesn’t come out as you hope, you don’t let it affect you—you keep at it until the next day or the next time you cook something hoping to do better than before and you actually do much better. They absolutely fricken love this about you.
🦋 You don’t compete with anyone but yourself, you don’t have an ego and you focus on improving yourself all the time.
🦋 The small kisses you give them, small gestures like kissing their cheeks or eyes, even eyebrows. Not to tease them, but a small gesture of your appreciation for them.
🦋 (This is a cute one). The way you caress their cheeks when they try to express their feelings but they cannot. In a way you reassure them as their ex lover couldn’t, I’m feeling as if this small gesture is what made them fall in love with you.
🦋 When you bake them a dessert and wait patiently for them to try, and at times you wish you could tell them, “I’m your dessert” and wink at them, but you’re too shy. They can tell and they love that part of you. Your shyness is the cutest thing for them and they would want that instead of you trying to be someone you’re not. (“So don’t change your personality and stop being ashamed of that part of yourself. But if you don’t like that part of yourself, then change, but don’t be harsh on yourself.” From my intuition).
Pile 2:
🌈 Your whole personality give me rainbow vibes, happy sunshine vibes but gloomy and grumpy when raining—so your person loves those mood swing because they feel needed when you want to cuddle or show love to them.
🌈 They like it when you twirl your hair or play with your hair when you’re in the mood, makes them tight and excited.
🌈 They absolutely adore it when you draw them something small, even if you aren’t the best artist, the way you think about drawing them makes their heart do backflips
🌈 They like that you’re a thinker, that you think deeply and a lot; you have so many ideas in that head of yours and you always share it with them. At times you don’t think they’re listening, but they are.
🌈 They love and absolutely adore it when you ask them for a high five, it’s a cute gesture for them and when you first asked them, they were shocked. Like what? I think now it has become a habit for the both of you when you do something you’re proud of because you blush when you get praise so this is another way you for to earn your praise without being a blushing mess.
Pile 3:
🎈 They love that you enjoy horror movies and gore (for some of you for the gore part). So I see them liking this because they used to be a horror lover but they were shame for it so they pushed it away and decided to go with the crowd. You seem to help them open that part of their life they closed.
🎈 This is a cute one, but I hear they like when you smile at them. Even if you assume you don’t have a cute smile and such, they completely disagree. If they were going through a bad time, smile for them and they will be happy for that whole day. “Your smile is contagious.”
🎈 They like that you take care of yourself as a hobby and that you prioritize yourself above others. For them, this is the hottest thing ever and I hear some of you feel slightly insecure about it, you shouldn’t, it’s natural and a good thing:).
🎈 I also see they like that you’re this troupe “I hate everyone but you.” You seem to show a lot of love for them despite not enjoying other people presence and sometimes it melts their heart because you chose them. You could’ve chosen anyone but it was them. It’s a slight ego thing, but at the same time it makes them very happy !!
Pile 4:
🦖 I see them enjoying when you speak about dinosaurs, Star Wars, colossals (I’m guessing something to do with aot), space and technology, the stereotypes of a “nerd”, but anyways they love it and I hear (if you haven’t met them yet) they will tease you about being a nerd but it’s not in a malicious nature
🦖 I see the both of you watching television and cuddling together on your couch with a huge blanket that is draped over the both of you, with popcorn on the coffee table. They love when the both of you spend quality time together, which is your love language or at least one of them. Anyways, they love it when you snuggle with them or put your head on their lap/shoulder, they love taking care of you and it makes them feel loved.
🦖 They like it when you ask them for help even when it’s the smallest things. They don’t think you are someone who’s stupid (some of you feel that way when you ask for help hence here is the reassurance), they love it because their love language is acts of service. They feel needed and wanted, as well as it makes them happy. Actually, I’m getting their whole vibe might Sanji from One piece, if you haven’t seen it, pretty much he is a hopeless romantic who is a chef on a pirate ship. He is always helping around but also ogling at other girls and giving them special treatment. Now, your lover won’t ogle at others, my intuition is aiming at them just giving you special treatment more than others even before you started to date.
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sefinaa · 4 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: “𝐈 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭.”❞
What do you need to let go? 🍃
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YouTube | Masterlist | Tips | Paid Readings
—18+ readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
Pile 1:
Why do you need to let go of yourself? What made you come to this decision? Is it because you do not love yourself? Are you insecure of yourself? Do you assume that people will find you more attractive if you were social? What made you come to the decision, honestly.
Honestly, I don’t know why you would be insecure of yourself. I don’t know why you don’t even like yourself. The energy I feel about you is fantastic. I would love to be your friend. You have this type of energy where you include everyone but at the same time, you take care of yourself. That is a worthy quality, that does not make you selfish, and it certainly as heck does not make you rude or cruel.
Some of you have people in your life who called you a d//ck because you didn’t want to do something that they ask for. You’re not one, and you certainly deserve to be selfish. We are human beings. We have emotions, and we must take care of ourselves before others or else we will crumble into pieces and let ourselves drown.
I want you to let go of the things that do not define you; I want you to let go of the negativity people have associated you with that is not true. And I truly want you to understand that everyone is completely different, no one is the same, and you must cut off people who have said things like that, and expected things from you.
I hear that some of you might have been people pleasers because of trauma that happened during your childhood with a family member, especially a parent. I see an imagery of a young child, who is doing something they truly love, they’re drawing with crayons on a piece of paper, and though it doesn’t look the best, they decided to show their parent. But their parent reaction wasn’t what the child expected and the parent was harsh towards them, so the child felt like they weren’t worth it and their piece of work is pathetic. The child is running back into their room and I see ripped up pieces of paper of their artwork on the ground and I see them their face buried in their arms on the desk. They think about what the parents said to them and their energy is hurting, but they don’t cry.
My intuition says that this is basically how you feel, but this is also your inner child. Intuition tells me that you must heal your inner child. You must do the things that you like when you were a child before the stigma of people’s expectations attacked you. If you are able to divert what they have said to and about you that hurt your feelings and if you’re able to exchange that negativity into positivity, then you will endless opportunities for yourself and be able to heal your inner child and yourself in the process.
Pile 2:
Your job.
You need to let go of the job that you are currently working with because it is draining you. I feel such stressful energy coming from this pile. I can see that you’re working incredibly hard at this job but it’s not taking you anywhere, it is not growing you as a person. I see an imagery of you, typing very fast on a computer as it’s very dark outside with a blue hue (4-5 am), very stressed out, and trying to get the deadline.
One thing my intuition is telling me is that these people don’t even care about you. They want you to work and that is how they get paid. Also my intuition says, “you already have the idea of what you want to have as your occupation. You have these dreams and these aspirations that you want to take forth with, but you do not, out of fear. The fear that we have is something that we should not let it control us, it should not be a reminder to us that we cannot do something, it should be there so we can become more determined to fulfill our dreams and aspirations. You already know that you can do this, there is no need for you to worry and stress out so much.”
I hear from my intuition that you should not quit your job right now however, you should take into consideration that this is not what you want to do. Because you know what you want to do and I can feel that you know as well. You also have this vision, idea, and visualization of what you want to do—keep at it and I kid you not, you will have what you desire and you’ll have to work that draining job anymore.
Pile 3:
Your mom.
I’m hearing that this pile has a narcissistic mother and the person who is reading this has this feeling to forgive. I can feel that your mother makes you feel guilty for leaving her behind, not talking to her, and mostly, manipulating you into thinking she’s a good mother. She is not. The energy I’m feeling is making me anxious, it’s something that no one deserves and it is awful. The energy I channeled is how you feel with her.
My intuition says, “this is your mother, yes, however she is not an actual mother figure of yours. You have a family member in your life that you see as a mother, you have always seen them as a mother, even as a child when you think of questions associate with a mother, or you think of mothers, in general, you always think about this person. This person is good. This person has great energy. This person is very loving and they love you very much. Don’t go back to your mother, the toxicity that she has around you is.. it feels like drowning. She believes that she is the most important person in the whole world, that your feelings are irrelevant, that everything that you have done well is because of her, but not because of yourself. That is not true. All the good things that you have done is because of you, remember that.”
I hear some of you lost your father at a young age, and with your mother, it has gone worse because of that. I hear that she blames you for his death, even though it is not your fault. I also feel this sensation that you always have to take care of her even as a child. You were the mother figure for her, when she should have been your mother—now you have this tendency to take care of other people when it’s not necessary, not like people pleaser, but more as in like I will give you so much but I don’t expect anything at all because I don’t deserve it; it is not true at all. The way I see it, and the way that I see it, your energy is beautiful. I can see that you deserve so much more so you must stop prioritizing other people and your mother and you need to let go of them both and work on yourself.
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sefinaa · 5 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: “𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠?”❞
How will the love of your life affect you?
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YouTube | Masterlist | Tips | Paid Readings
—18+ readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
This person will expand your horizons, open you up to new opportunities that you believe were not possible. They will grab your hand and pull you up, they don’t care for your whines and complaints, they want to see you happy. Their happiness stems from you improving yourself and seeking a higher version of yourself. They want you to believe that you can have a better life and they want you to seek it in improvement.
“Because, I have been on the same road you have been, seeking adventures and a better life, but assuming I cannot do it. You already know you can do it, so why assume otherwise? I don’t understand why or what makes you afraid.”
As I channeled this message, the same imagery popped up in my head many times.
Imagine yourself on a tall rocky landscape, and the only way to escape is on a very thin line, not even a rope, a thin line to escape and walk on to make it to the other side. I can see and feel your fear upon this and you keep telling yourself, “I am scared,” or “I cannot do it.” Of course not, how will you do it if you have these assumptions? You cannot.
So what is the point of this imagery? Because this is how your lover’s feels, your lover is someone who will always pick up their feet when things go wrong and this will influence you to do the same. This person will make you whole once more and this person will make your life complete. They gave you advice and you change your life. Thank them, thank anyone, sure, but thank yourself the most.
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Pile 2:
This is a rocky pile. Is anyone dealing with a lover who treats them like crap but they keep going back to?
Why are you going back? You have this angel looking around for you, to marry, to love, to have kids, whatever, and you have the audacity to disrespect yourself, for what? To make them happy? To control you? To manipulate you? What are you doing with your life? Sweetheart, you have an angel waiting for you, to love and adore, to caress you when you’re sobbing and to make you feel safe. Why are you going back to that person?!
This person is going to change your whole existence!! I mean it, I feel such amazing an energy radiating from this person, I can feel it in my whole being as I type your reading. This person is going to love you so much where you cannot even fathom how the heck you went back to this so called lover. This person will make you believe that you can become a billionaire, that you are worthy, that you deserve so much better. They will change your mindset to the point where you will be financially stable. You want to have kids, right? So do they. They want children who will be treated with so much love, dignity and respect. How can you have children like that if you don’t show the same to yourself? You cannot.
Know your worth and leave them, heal yourself and your angel will come to you. You’ll see.
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sefinaa · 5 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭—𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮.❞
A love letter from your current lover
18+ readings
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Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
The moon
When the moon shines beneath us as we stargaze and think of us,
My heart starts to become frenzy as one must say,
My eye shifts to your gaze only missing it by a breeze—surely you must be aware of how awe I am of you.
Or perhaps we are still playing the I don’t know game,
Where we both act like we don’t love each other the same, though I doubt I’m the crazy one..
I look into your eyes, and I see the same love, passion, and lust for me as I do with you,
Surely you must admit you love me first—
You do know, how shy of a person, I can be, so please..
Be the first.
I do love you so, I am just a shy lover..
My dear.
Pile 2:
The sun
A breeze in the midst of the air, the beautiful and bright sun shining onto your glorious beauty, for I am sucker, for you my dearest.
The way the sun says hello on the beautiful day, or when we ride down on our motor gears, the small smile you hide within the stoic expression,
You must think of me as a fool, that I cannot see the beautiful smile, but you, my love is mistaken.
Do not hide it from me anymore, show it to me, it is not a sign of weakness, as it shows true bravery and vulnerability..
Oh.. how lovely that is.. to see the real you beneath me and in my arms, as I caress your hair and whisper sweet nothings into your ears.. as you drift off into a restful slumber..
Oh.. how I wish, I could be with you all of the time as the sun is during the day.. and when the moon comes upon us, we are off to sleep.. missing one another in our soft slumber..
But do not fret, I shall be with you in every step of the way, as for I am, a hopeless romantic and have helplessly fallen in love with you.
Pile 3:
Running in the woods
When one runs in the woods, it is often a sign of danger and despair, but with you, it is not.
I imagine us running in a beautiful field, tailoring us into the misty woods upon us as I hold your hand and caress it, soothing the fear out of you and cooing you to show that it is safe..
As you believe me and we run inside, only to be fascinated by the beauty of it..
A magical picnic I made out of love for the both of us..
A lovely river, with swans moving into a heart shape to symbolize our love,
The wind breezing on us gently to show my gratitude to you as I cannot get mad at someone as lovely as you,
The food being freshly cooked and lay out in an organized fashion to explain that ill do anything for you,
And lastly, the smile on my lips as my cheeks are tinted with the roses I give you..
My love for you is stronger than gravity itself.. it is stronger than the earth itself..
It is something one cannot describe, as I couldn’t describe it even if this picnic happened itself.
Pile 4:
The stars
When we look upon the stars, we often make wishes hoping it comes true,
When I was going through hardship, and I was begging for someone or something to make me feel whole once more,
I begged the stars and begged for all the nights I cried, and I surely lost hope, until we met, and I cried.. though you did not see those tears.. I did cry.
I knew from the moment we crossed paths that my wish came true as you’re the wish I wanted, the wish I cried for and hopelessly begged for..
That someone, something, even the stars made it come true.
The amount of gratitude in my eyes for you, you surely would not believe it as I’m not best expressing my words, but
That doesn’t mean, all is lost, I want to show you, I love you with all my deepest heart, but every time I do, I fail miserably..
My heart has grown because of you, you have shown me, what it truly is like, to love,
As I use to be quite emotionless, and never really found anything to feel emotion for, but you are the different story people wish for you,
You are my savior and I hope you know, you dig out of a hole, I once wanted to be buried into.
You saved me from my death, the one that felt so warm yet was so cold,
You breezed me away from hopelessness and despair, surely you must understand what a blessing you have been,
As I cannot go any longer with you, I wanted to know if one day you will be mine?
Though I know we are dating, surely that is a fact, but I was thinking, a ring instead?
Would you do me the honor of saying yes when I do, for I shall be the luckiest of them all.
Pile 5:
Empty stars
Stars are so hollow and lonely; they shine brightly for us.. for you and me..
But as the night falls and the sun comes above and forms its protective gear,
The both of us become hollow,
No more sparks are between us as we once were when we met, but, I think to myself,
Perhaps you’re better off with a shooting star and nowt a hollow star like me,
Perhaps you want a blazing star and not a distant star like me,
Maybe as time went on, my stars for you decreased as your affections disappeared..
Times are lonely as we are no longer the stars we once were..
The emptiness inside is truly a decaying feeling of despair,
I hope one day we can mingle as we once were on our anniversary,
But I have lost hope on who we were once more..
No more stars, and surely enough—no more love as it once.. were.
This is my goodbye to you as you have lost the touch of my heart once more, as this is my goodbye, my dear one, there is no more.. love between…, us.. no more.
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sefinaa · 6 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞, 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮.❞
Your future lover message to you.
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
My patience for you
my dearest, please take care of your needs and heal your inner child. I cannot see you go forth without you caring for yourself.. please, if you cannot for yourself, at least for me.. take care of yourself.. because I love you too dearly for you to waste your time doing nothing that shall help you in the near future.. and I cannot let you do that; I want to see you—I want to kiss you and whisper sweet nothing into your ears after we make love.. I want to see you smile every time I say something silly, in reality those stories are real, but I make it stupid just to see you smile.. so please for me and to see each other quicker, please take care of yourself.
I shall be waiting for you,
Your prince charming –
Pile 2:
Proud of you baby
Pile 3:
I won’t give up on you
I can see you changing your life and I see that you met someone you don’t trust.. and that’s okay, I know you struggle with trust issues, but please know—that’s me. Its okay not to trust me now, and please don’t until you feel comfortable enough to open yourself up to me. I know youre an introverted person and that’s okay. Ill be the boat you will sail on and find that treasure on your map. I will be your rock when you play .. rock, paper, scissors.. ill be your armor when youre sobbing and ill be the one saving you when you start drowning in your trust issues once more.. and I’ll fight for you when you try to push me away again.
So go ahead and try but you cannot get rid of me because we are meant to be and that’s final.
Pile 4:
You’re the reason why I became so romantic
When the moon shines onto the river, we see a beautiful reflection shining, letting the people see the beauty and that is what I see within you, my love.. youre one dashing love and I cannot get enough of you especially during love making, but this isn’t a love letter I suppose.. this is my message to you and you shall receive it after I say what I love about you.
Youre one beautiful lover, the way you smile at me as I write and do my homework, waiting for me to be finished so we can cuddle and watch your favorite, us both laughing as it gets to the funny scene and then both saying we wont watch that same Disney movie once more, but we do. An endless loop of laughter.
From those to when we take a shower together but there is never any thoughts of doing the deed, only thinking of making sure the other is okay and properly cleaned, your innocence is the most beautiful as this world is truly a mess, but I shall never ever take advantage of your pureness as it floats my heart anew when I think of you and wishing I could give you flowers for all of eternity.. that is the love we shall cherished as this is what our love shall be.
So my message to you my dearest is, please keep being the most beautiful that you are and keep your pureness as it is the most beautiful of them all. As you are the most tantalizing flower one can pick and cherish, let it grow and feed it with water and sunlight as you watch it grow into the magic you wished you had seen the first time you lay your eyes on.. and that is you. you are my flowers and you are the magic within that I truly didn’t know I deserved or needed, so thank you my dearest and thank you for accepting me for who I am.
- Your dearest.
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sefinaa · 6 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟, 𝐈’𝐦 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.❞
Your higher self, love letter to you
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
Stop being lazy
It has been a while since you took care of yourself, correct? Why do you keep scrolling on useless videos using social media? Do you honestly think this is the life you deserve? Get off you’re a*ss and do something with your life. get to the life I am in at the moment, because I don’t wanna deal with your sh*t. Listen, princess, I don’t care that you’re lazy right now, I was the same and I got where I am at, so do the same because I AM YOU.
Get off that phone right now, hell you can stop reading the message, I don’t care, but go do something with your life. I know you wanted to start that job that you keep procrastinating to sign, go sign it for the love of christ. Off you go and sign it, I can’t deal with your moping cr*ap right now.
Sure, sure, you might think I’m being a d*ck about it, but guess what? I wish I had the same energy that I am giving to you right now because it was a lot harder for me than it is for you right now. I went through all that sweat, all those pains to get where I am so STOP WISHING FOR IT AND GET YOU’RE A*SS OFF THE BLOODY PHONE AND FIX YOUR LIFE.
Now that I have your attention and have reduced all that bent up anger, let's start off with the real letter. This will be short and simple, pure honesty and bluntness. I don’t care if you’re complaining about me, so suck it up and listen to me.
You can’t let other people’s opinion affect you like it affected me and stalled my process. If you truly think about it, at the end of the day, we all die, time is short, yes it feels long and depressing at times, but in a blink of an eye, and you will be old. Can you truly keep up with being lazy and doing nothing in your life? that feels like the best choice doesn’t it because it is easier, but it is not. It is hurting you tremendously.
Start being yourself because you need to. This is no buts, start now, please.. at least for me if you can’t do it. I want to see you thrive and find the happiness you are getting. Start it now so you get it faster than me, don’t you want to see yourself smiling genuinely again without faking your personality for the likes of others? Don’t you want to have a picnic like when we were a kid without a care in the world, don’t you want to go back to being the same free spirited kid we once were? How about reading out in the grass and looking at the clouds past us and how we were always so fascinated? Let’s go back to that because this is the life we deserve and.. you know what? Spoiler alert! You get the desired best friend you have been manifesting for.. so, change now, come and see me and be happy. Okay? Okay.. see you then and I love love love love.. (x2) you so much..!
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Pile 2:
I am so proud of you! ❤️❤️
Hello, hi, love, I hope you’re doing, please be okay. I am very happy at where we are right now, thank you so much for improving yourself for me and getting where we are right now. You and I have been through such a journey, and I find it amazing because we have been through so much.. too much. Too much pain from our toxic childhood.. but I want you to know that I love you dearly and I am so incredibly proud of you and us, thank you for working hard and being there for us when no one else was and thank you for not ridiculing our past self anymore. You’re doing an amazing job and soon we will meet..
Till then, I am watching you with the biggest smile and cheering you on because in reality.. we aren’t broken souls anymore.. we have many people surrounding us and love us for us.. so no more faking it, it’s.. It’s just so beautiful and I’m just so happy to see us smiling for real this time.
- Your lovely you in the future, my sweets <3
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Pile 3:
You are worthy, we are strong. Ily.
Please don't go back to them, they aren't worth your time. You care about yourself .. right? You always say you love yourself but then have the audacity to go back to the ONE PERSON, who f*cks you over until you sob your heart out so please stop. You know they aren't worth it, sweetpea so you can't go back. Would you let them be near our younger self? Hell, you wouldn't nor would you even have them as a lover, i know why you're doing this—and it wasn't your fault. That trauma they put us through WASN'T OUR FAULT. We didn't deserve to be beaten all the time, and we don't deserve someone who does that to us in a relationship.
I can't see you do this anymore to us, we deserve the world, we deserve to have everything blossom for us.. We deserve happiness, sunshine following us and letting us know we are the prettiest and so worthy. We deserve someone who treats us with respect and respects our boundaries.. Not someone who uses us for their pleasure.. You know you wouldn't let them do that to us when we were teenagers again until it happened.. We never deserved what they did to us.. So leave them at once.. It is not worth it and their manipulation.. Don't you want to see us smiling like an idiot over something simple again? Being our goofy self because why not? Being that class clown that we used to be, making others smile, yeah sure, BUT MAKING ourselves happy was really the goal. We all know that.
You know I used to think like you as you are right now, that what we had done to us was a lesson and it had to happen because god said so but.. No.. we didnt deserve that sh//t. We weren't their toy to be used for pleasure and we didn't need to protect them because people told us it won't ruin their future.. f//ck their future, okay? It ruined us but not anymore.. I got stronger and more amazing and so will you. All we have to do is know it wasn't our fault and we didn't deserve what happened to us. We are a beautiful soul and we are no longer under their shadow. We are amazing.. Absolutely amazing.. Do you understand? Please know I am here watching you and fighting for you, and you will always have me to be there for you.. My pretty angel.
It wasn't your fault, it was THEIRS. I am with you, you're a fighter and so am I. We will fight this together, just you and I. From you.
(This pile crushed my absolute heart into pieces, I had tears channeling this. Your higher self is there for you but so am I, my dms are open for you to vent. I am here for you, my sweets. And I'll kick their bottom too).
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sefinaa · 7 months
Something you need to know about yourself that is blocking your manifestations + advice (PART 2)
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
Author’s note,
Remember, no one can take away our manifestations that rightfully belong to us. You are worthy of your manifestations and deserve to blossom in your desired way.
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Pile 4:
Intuition is your key
This is a vague pile as everyone who is reading this pile is confused not on manifestation as a whole, but on the piles they are reading or seeing. I hear some of you watch many tarot card readings on YouTube, some of you, use Tumblr and Instagram for them, some of you use TikTok and the rest are either Facebook, twitter or WhatsApp (from a friend).
I am hearing some of the piles you are reading aren’t aligning with your higher self and the manifestation you want, as my intuition says, “the piles you are picking isn’t something you need, if they are not aligned with your desires, then you are not following your intuition when choosing.’’
The path we follow can stem from our heart, mind, or intuition, which path will you take?
My intuition tells me you need to pick all three piles, a majority of you either listen to your heart and some of you are very logical people who could not care enough for emotions. And yet all of you are not listening to your intuition. Yes, you chose this pile, and you got a reading fit for you, but that’s not all what intuition is focused on.
Our intuition is what saves us in the end and makes the best decisions for us. without your intuition, how can you know what works best for you? Everyone has intuition, so do not complain and make excuses that you don’t have it, you do, and it is your choice whether or not you want to follow it or listen to it. And some of you don’t even believe in it.. or even believe you have it.
Here is the best advice I can give. For the people who always follow their heart, expand your horizon and open your heart to that inner voice who means well and is always right at the end. Yes, you know exactly what voice I am speaking of, that you always shoo away.
Now for the logical ones, understand not everything can be logical. Manifestation isn’t even based on logic; it is more of a spiritual thing. If you focus on logic your whole life, you will lose the experience of your life and lose the excitement, passion and fun that this life has to offer. I hear a few of you think this world sucks and what I am saying is baloney, but that is not true. The world only sucks in your perspective because you believe it so. If you felt connected to pile 5, read that as well as it is similar to my advice for you. If you start to believe that life is good then it will be good, but this is based on emotions and your feelings, so stop blocking them out because you don’t want to be hurt. Everyone always gets hurt but they learn a lesson from it, that’s how life is at the end of the day. Attuning that fear won’t help you achieve your goal and you’re only making it worse for yourself. Start to believe in a positive belief system to go back on the right path of your manifestations.
Now for all of you, focus on your intuition on your journey, this isn’t advice, it is a must. I hear it will save one of your lives and for the rest of you, it will make everything on your journey easier.
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Pile 5:
Self sabotage
Why are you self sabotaging yourself from your manifestations you deserve? What can you seek from this outcome? Do you honestly think you’re not worthy of the things you deserve? Do you honestly think this is okay? Because it is not. We are all worthy of our desires and I truly believe those who have done bad in the past and learned to be better deserve them the same. Even those who are bad, and they manifest for something that is good, it can truly change them for the better, that’s how life works. So, who’s to say you don’t deserve it?!
Some of you don’t even realize you’re sabotaging yourself and then you’re complaining about it to whomever you believe.. when in reality you need to fix the inner issue.
How do I fix this? You deal with your inner thoughts instead of pushing them away. You can meditate on this issue and if you have trouble with it then look on YouTube for guided meditations that suit your taste. Some of you are questioning why meditation and I’ll tell you why. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools you can do for yourself for improvement or to calm the mind, so why wouldn’t you want to do this and help yourself?
Another thing you can do is notice the small things you do to sabotage yourself. For example, not being able to control your impulsive thoughts and acting on it. That’s a sabotage move. Yes, you calmed the thought, sure, but then what? More comes to you and you’re letting those thoughts win. Have you heard of the quote, ‘’your thoughts create your reality.’’ This is true. If you focus on a mindset that revolves on sabotaging yourself, then you’re creating a reality for yourself around that mindset thus causing a stall in your manifestations.
If you’re struggling to change your mindset, then start saying affirmations to yourself. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe them at that moment, you say them daily and it will change your mindset. And if you don’t want to do it daily each day, then you can say that one affirmation so much in one sitting until you believe it and then let it go, and act on it. Act on that affirmation you started to believe, and your 3D will alter into the 4D.
Sweetheart, manifestation is that incredibly easy. You can think of it as those easy games you play. You want something? You got it. You come from a mindset of negativity? No problem, work a little bit on it and then bam, you got that mindset.
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Pile 6:
Our childhood shaped us
Who told you, you cannot have doubts when manifesting and affirming? Whoever said that was not educated on manifestation. You can have doubts, everyone has it, even those who were starting the journey. Our doubts come from our childhood, how our environment shaped us and made us the person we are today. 95% of you dealt with a hard childhood, parents splitting apart, constantly fighting, many of you are orphans, and some of you dealt with a parent death.. all of this painful occurrence shapes up and our mind, but.. it is our responsibility to shape us into someone we want.
Now, let me ask you two questions. Do you want to understand how to fix the issue and take responsibility for what they have done to you, or do you want to blame everything in the world for your issues, and sulk into depression and/or your anxiety?
If you want to fix this, then keep reading, and if you’re annoyed with my bluntness, then leave, fix the issue, and come back, because you will be needing this either way.
I want you every night to say these affirmations, these are based on my intuition.
“I am the person I want to be; I am the person who deserves all of the best in the world. I do not deserve any negativity in my life, and I truly believe I deserve good as love, abundance, wealth and my manifestations ARE my birthright and no one can change my mind. No one can change my belief because I decided I will have an easy life and thus I do have an easy life. it is done, thank you.’’
I want you to say this every night when you go to bed because this is when your subconscious mind is opening a doorway to you with easy access, and your conscious mind is ‘’going to bed.’’
You will not allow yourself to have any doubts and you will ignore these, do you understand? They’re a waste of your time and your beautiful energy, and you truly deserve the best for being an amazing soul.
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sefinaa · 7 months
Something you need to know about yourself that is blocking your manifestations + Advice
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
Author’s note,
Remember, no one can take away our manifestations that rightfully belong to us. You are worthy of your manifestations and deserve to blossom in your desired way.
PART 2: 4-6. Everything was too chaotic and harder to read because i channeled so much!
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Pile 1:
Protect your energy.
I hear right off the bat.. someone has a cheating ex who they keep going back to..(this pile energy is making me so depressed). You must cut them out immediately, I understand you think this person is going to change but they won’t, and they won’t in the future. I see in the future, if you do decide to stay, they will mentally kill you and drain you to the point where you want to end it.. please leave. This relationship isn’t worth it, and it is certainly not worth your precious heart. Stop manifesting for them to change because they won’t, and they aren’t worth it at all. Not even one dot. They don’t deserve your energy nor your prayers. Everything about them isn’t good, baby, just leave, okay?
Now, my intuition is screaming at me to say this message before I give you some advice. ‘’My dearest, you no longer need a vampire like such. They are no good and don’t deserve the passion and the love you put into them. seek comfort and delicacy elsewhere. Find it through your passions, loved ones, and in oneself. Seek an adventure elsewhere and vouch for yourself instead of them. scream their name on top of the hill and leave it there.. forget them as for they are the wicked of the dams. You must not be weak for them as your heart is the purest, find yourself once more and surely you will find a worthy lover. Mark my words as this is the truth and know you are the most trusted and powerful one of the current situation.’’
My advice is to leave, yes, but that may be hard from what I channeled for you, so I will recommend something that may help. I hear that they’re clingy and draining and I hear you’re the type to message back even though you don’t want to because you feel bad. So, I want you to distance yourself each day, they message you? message at night. The next day, they message again? Message after 3 days. Keep at this and remove your attachments, you can remove this through meditation, affirmations, or a desired technique you prefer.
If you’re truly up for it, you can block them immediately and not entertain the thoughts about them because at the end of the day, are they worth being in your mind? No. intuition says they gave you a big apology and you’re debating whether or not to go back, don’t. just don’t.
I’m going to give you a surprise you deserve to know. When you block them, unfriend them, etc., your life will become better, and I don’t mean to be kind. I mean that you’re going to find the right person for yourself after a year of transforming your life for the better. Whatever you thought about using to improve yourself, do it!!! That’s the key and then bam, you get what you desire!!!
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Pile 2:
Accept your manifestations
Your manifestations arrived to you so why wont you accept? Why are you waiting for the right time or diving timing? What are you doing, sweetheart? Accept your manifestations already.
There is no such as you do not deserve them, if they came to YOU, then you DESERVE it. It is that simple.
Your pile is very simple and less complicated than the right, you’re on the right past so why did you decide to yourself that you don’t need it or want it? Just take the offer that you were given, yes, I am speaking to the majority of you who decline your offer with getting a promotion or a job proposal, and I know some of you are scared, some think they will think you are not qualified, but you know those are you fears, don’t let them manifest. Tell yourself this, ‘’why am I no longer scared? Why did I get the offer?’’ this will trick your logical mind and your logical mind will find the solutions for this to manifest.
For the rest of you, stop complaining. I hear some of you are complaining your manifestations didn’t come in the way you wanted. Things happen for a reason first, so perhaps you need this to learn a lesson, that is what you’re thinking, right? No. manifestations come in all different forms to us, and we don’t even realize that is the best way for us until the end.
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Pile 3:
Be your own person
You need to stop watching a lot of videos associated with manifestations, stop searching and looking up the best way to manifest. Stop doing other people’s techniques. Start making your own techniques. You keep doing everyone’s technique and then you question why it doesn't work. I can see that you are restless and agitated by your results and you are trying to understand why nothing is coming to you. ‘’Why aren’t my manifestations coming to me??’’ My love, manifestations are all about persistence and belief. If you assume that they aren't coming to you and you tell yourself, ‘’okay I’m going to try this technique, I hope this work.’’ How are you supposed to elevate yourself in the right frequency to get your desires?
My advice is to make your own technique and assume that is what will work. Because as I mentioned before, manifestation is all about belief and persistence. If you believe that your manifestation technique will work, then it will work. So, stop killing yourself over it and start to ignore the 3D, because that is merely a mirror and it’s not important. Assume the 4D is yours and that’s all you need to worry about it.
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sefinaa · 7 months
Who is your future best friend? + Animal representation
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
Golden retriever
This person embodies a golden retriever. They are a cheerful type of person, expect them to always be smiling. Not this type, “fake smiles.” This is sincere. I don’t see anything about them having a potential crush on you either, and they may be apart of the LGBQT+ community. They are harsh with people who are racist, against the community, prejudice, etc. You should expect them to fight for their rights, and I’m seeing “modern family” pop up in my head, so spirits tells me, this is their favorite show. They favor Mitchell, Jay and Phil..? (I have only seen one episode, but anyways these are their favorite).
Moving on, one thing I recommend to watch out for, is, they sometimes can be aggressive with you if you don’t agree with their decisions because they’re stubborn. Not aggressive as in hurting you, it’s.. passive aggressive. Sometimes snarky comments when agitated or mad. They will always feel calm when they hear a favorite song, have their favorite dessert or something small they enjoy. It is the little things that count for this person.
As for you, I don’t see much aggression when speaking to you, so it would seem that you calm this person down. I am getting that you are this person’s favorite. I am seeing them smiling a lot when you answer the text or when you initiate a call with them. Think of it like when your favorite ship sails, and you have this giggly or giddy type of feeling. I also see them being genuinely happy for you when you have an accomplishment done. There is just something so beautiful about this person. You can think of them as a shining star. You see stars at night when you need them the most, that is what the person will be for you.
This person will make you truly happy. They are like a happy pill. I hear that some of you are dealing with depression and anxiety. Sometimes you question whether or not you will find a friend who won’t treat you as something that you’re not. This person will treat you like you’re an angel. This person is going to light up your world so badly that when you think about this person and what they have done for you, you may cry about it. You’re definitely going to be very grateful for them and this will amplify so much beauty into your world.
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Pile 2:
A raven
Your future, best friend shares many characteristics of a raven. Not only are they the silent and calm type, They are also a strong type. I am seeing a beautiful adult raven flying in a slight clouded sky, its wings fluttering out and it’s not alone. There is a crow with them. The crow is the indication of you. I am sensing that you both will be together always. Do you know how birds flock together to migrate? That is what you and your future friend will be like.
You both will be each other’s companion, hardship and all. This person is very loyal to their friendships. I feel as they are more loyal to friendships than relationships. I am honestly picking up that they put their friendship over the relationships. Honestly, I don’t think that’s a good mentality, but my intuition says they have a good reason for it. “I have been hurt so many times for being a hopeless romantic, I tried to hard and never go there same energy. Please don’t define me as a player, I swear to you I am not, I just.. I just have friends who cherished me so much during it that now.. I’m beyond scared to be in a relationship and will always put my friendship first.”
My intuition tells me that they have struggled a lot mentally and physically and with this circumstance, they sort of developed having a raven as their protected animal spirit. Spirit tells me if you see a raven constantly then it is the sign for you that they are coming. I’m getting a cheerful feeling thinking about them, so there isn’t much to say. However, as mentioned, they do struggle with trust so please be gentle with your companion and show love and gratitude to them as they truly deserve it.
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Pile 3:
If you have seen the anime “komi can’t communicate” think of Kaede Otori. In a way, they have slight similarities. I would say this person does communicate slow, as in they are the type to listen then communicate. They think about it and when they do speak, it usually means much more. I believe the way they emphasize it, is what does it. Anyways, you will enjoy the conversations you have because they’re truthful and cannot lie well. You can pick it up hence a bad liar. A lot of deep conversations.
You will know who they are when you meet. Your intuition will go chaotic about it. Even if you don’t follow your intuition, you will know. I am seeing this scenery where it’s a bar, slightly darken, but the light bulbs are only noticeable on your future best friend. They’re talking to someone but that person is darken out within the booth. This is what I’m getting at, you will just know. “Who talks to someone they don’t know off with a deep conversation and pulls it off?”
I cannot read much on this person, they’re a mystery. My mind is blank, completely blank. So I’d say they may also be perceptive of their surrounding and intelligent as well. I believe people always assume they have no intelligence, nothing around that sort because they way they communicate is one you don’t dare to find in this generation. Similar to a warrior princess. You also may blush when you first meet them. They have a soft tone and intellect like no other.
Now why sloth? My intuition tells me the reason for this is, “though sloths are known to be lazy and slow, that merely isn’t true. Think of the story with the hare and turtle. The turtle wins at the end, yes? The turtle is slow, I agree, but in this world patience is your best friend. This person is beyond patience and grateful thus creating a beautiful world for them. Your future best friend will teach you how to be patience and control your anger issues. Do you honestly think you can push this person away and get mad? No. They have seen this—this person is the reason why in the future, you learn to be better, to trust and know that someone gives a damn about you without you questioning it like always.”
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151 notes · View notes
sefinaa · 7 months
Is your crush your future love? + Advice
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Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
Author’s note,
This isn’t based on your celebrity crush, this reading is based on the person you know or see and cannot speak to.
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Pile 1:
The person you are crushing on, is not your future, they would not be classified as your lover either. There is just a toxic feeling that I feel, however, it’s not associate with you, but it may be associated with the person you’re crushing on or something around their for family. I also hear a third party. This third party I believe is apart of the family.
Your crush also has very odd qualities, not quirky qualities that is, “Oh wow or you’re so cute.” These qualities are more like.. ⚠️. (That is the emoji I was channeling). I’m sure they are a nice person in your eyes and you may be the type of person to say, “you don’t know them, they’re so kind,” however there’s something really weird about your crush and it’s truly bothering me because it’s something like.. you need to leave type of energy. (It is also slightly freaky and I say this because I’m literally getting anxiety).
You need to be careful with this person and leave. They are also feeding off from your energy—similar to an energy, sucking vampire. It is something you don’t want to associate yourself with because your energy is very important and that is how you function as a person, so if you are having a hard time trying to leave because you cannot, and you still have a desire for this person then I recommend you to at least try to distance yourself from the person. So you can think for yourself and understand why you have this obsession on the wrong person or this crush on this person who isn’t good for you.
Also, I feel like you are having a breakthrough with something. It is definitely towards self improvement. I believe this crush is, in a way for you to be, I don’t want to say different, but similar to that. I’m picking up that you even know that this person may or not be a red flag, but overall, I’m seeing and feeling you want to move away from that type of person and surround yourself with good energy and positive vibes.
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Pile 2:
Why are you crushing on someone who is already in a relationship? Honey, you need to pick better choices and not fall for someone who’s currently in a loving relationship. I understand the situation can happen inadvertently, but spirits tells me that you already know that they are in that relationship. I hear that you know both of them and there is jealousy lingering on. That jealousy is stem on you. You have a lot of envious energy.
I recommend you start to learn how to love yourself properly, instead of focusing on the negativity and trying to be a home wrecker. Because the person you’re crushing on, is very loyal as well, and it is really not fair to all three of you. Not only are you hurting them, but the reality is, you’re truly hurting yourself. This could be a form of self sabotage, being a narcissist, or you believe that you deserve to be with that person, and whoever is in your way, “screw them I get whatever I want.” That’s not a good mentality.
I see an image of a cat stuck on a tree branch, scared to jump down because no one is there, until after awhile, someone comes with delicacy and helps. The cat is your inner child, and the person helping is you, your higher self. Your inner child is hurting awfully because of yourself, of the way you are treating the situation and yourself. Heal yourself, show love to yourself, be kind to yourself!! and things will change in your favor and you will not have that same toxic mentality.
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Pile 3:
Maybe. This wary on you.
I am sensing your crush is a long distance type of situation. A majority of you feel as if you were to be in the relationship with this person it may not work out. And the rest of you, you feel as if you were to be in this relationship, how do you know if they’re loyal to you? How do you know that they truly love you for you? Each party has many questions and some of you are obsessing over it. Stop obsessing over it—the more you obsess over it, the worse it gets, and you will get stuck in a rabbit hole. You are stuck in this rabbit hole and you are watching YouTube videos associated with this. Some of you are constantly reading pick a card reading on Tumblr, Instagram, or TikTok spiritual readings that come on your feed. A majority of you are starting to believe every single one of them because of this crush. But the ones on TikTok and Instagram are telling you something different than the one on Tumblr. And because you keep reading them, you’re feeding your mind and your obsessive thoughts useless information when you are supposed to ask yourself these questions.
The main thing that you must stop, is constantly feeding your obsession with things that do not benefit you. You are entertaining your anxiety. Our anxiety is a killer when it comes to these type of situations because you do not know how the other person necessarily reacts than in person, and you also don’t know if they are being there, authentic self as well.
My advice is something that you do not want to hear. I advise you to completely distance yourself from these type of videos and readings as much as you can. The next thing I recommend is, meditating. I want you to understand your thoughts, let it flow to your brain and then let it go. Don’t entertain them, they don’t deserve it, but you deserve a free and calm mind. The third advice, my intuition says to take a long nice shower. It does not matter if you want to make it warm, cold or hot, but I recommend a cold shower because it will calm your nerves. Another piece of advice is to delete those saved videos and readings that you have about them. Delete them now. And don’t self sabotage yourself when you are in the middle of the process of removing these thoughts because these obsessions may be the reason why the relationship does not work out if you do further the situation.
Does the person have a crush on you? Absolutely. Will it be loyal? Yes to an extent. What do I mean by an extent? They will be loyal to you only if you are loyal to them. Will it be a loving relationship? Only if you remove these thoughts! This all depends on you!!
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Pile 4:
Yup. Lucky pile :)
Your crush will be your future, and if you wanted to get married to them, expect a beautiful marriage. This person, their energy is so beautiful. I can feel the sense of wanting to run on a field filled with high grass, running with whom I desire, both of us laughing. The wind is breezing and the sun is a beautiful fiery color that shines on us. A picnic is near us and behind a big tree symbolizing our love. This description is what I feel about your crush.
I cannot channel much about your crush because the imagery I describe and channeled for you is the gist of your life with them. It’s a healthy and fulfilling relationship, you both won’t have that much fights, I’d say it is barely, more so silly fights. Like fighting during playing uno or who washes the dishes. This is definitely a calm relationship, you both will feel satisfied together and will experience many things you thought were not possible.
Although, I have one advice for you. Do not, I repeat, do not assume they will cheat on you. Because I hear some of you had an ex who cheated on you and now you have these negative thoughts clawing at you. Remove them at once, this person is so loyal. They are the reassurance type as well, they will be with you in sickness and in health. That’s the beautiful energy I’m feeling.
For those who don’t have these thoughts, then I recommend you to enjoy and let loose in this relationship. A majority of you are tense, and most likely are clenching your jaw. Stop. Let loose with them, they make you happy, let it be. No one is trying to hurt you in this relationship. You will be okay.
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