satisfactory-days · 4 minutes
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satisfactory-days · 5 minutes
happy june everybody i hope you get fucked and/or sucked this month
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satisfactory-days · 5 minutes
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One by one, we are forced into a truck. Someone who is not moving lands on my lap. I fear that a soldier has thrown a corpse onto me, as a form of torture, but I am scared to speak. I whisper, “Are you alive?” “Yes, man,” the person says, and I sigh with relief. When the truck stops, we hear what sound like gunshots. I no longer feel my body. The soldiers give off a smell that reminds me of coffins. I find myself wishing that a heart attack would kill me. At our next stop, we kneel outside again. I start to wonder whether the Israeli military is showing us off. When a young man next to me cries, “No Hamas, no Hamas!,” I hear kicks until he falls silent. Another man, maybe talking to himself, says quietly, “I need to be with my daughter and pregnant wife. Please.” My eyes fill with tears. I imagine Maram and our kids on the other side of the checkpoint. They don’t have blankets or even enough clothes. I can hear female soldiers, chatting and laughing. Suddenly, someone kicks me in the stomach. I fly back and hit the ground, breathless. I cry out in Arabic for my mother. I am forced back onto my knees. There is no time to feel scared. A boot kicks me in the nose and mouth. I feel that I am almost finished, but the nightmare is not over. Back in the truck, my body hurts so much that I wish I had no hands or shoulders. After what feels like ninety minutes of driving, we are taken off the truck and shoved down some stairs. A soldier cuts my plastic handcuffs. “Both hands on the fence,” he says. This time, the soldier ties my hands in the front. A sigh of relief. I am escorted about fifteen metres. Finally, someone speaks to me in what sounds like native Palestinian Arabic. He seems to be my father’s age. At first, I hate this man. I think he is a collaborator. But later I hear him described as a shawish—a detainee like us, with little choice but to work for his jailers. “Let me help you,” he says. The shawish dresses me in new clothes and walks me inside the fence. When I raise my blindfolded head, I get blurry glimpses of a corrugated metal roof. We are in some kind of detention center; soldiers walk around, watching us. The shawish unrolls what looks like a yoga mat and covers me with a thin blanket. I place my bound hands behind my head, as a pillow. My arms sear with pain, but my body slowly warms. This is the end of day one.
Read the rest of Mosab's harrowing tale in here (if you don't have a New Yorker subscription)
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satisfactory-days · 7 minutes
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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satisfactory-days · 7 minutes
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satisfactory-days · 7 minutes
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And who enforces this? Is it just a few bad apples, or is it all cops?
How hard is it for them to find cops willing to enforce this? Do they have to sift through hundreds of heroic cops who refuse until they find the one cop who's monstrous enough to enforce this, or do they easily find cops willing to enforce this because monstrous cops are everywhere and being a monster is part of the job?
"All cops are bad" is not a stereotype. It's literally a requirement for the job that every single one knew about.
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satisfactory-days · 7 minutes
Blackout poetry exists on a dual axis from "banal" to "insightful" on the input side and "kind of deep" to "incredibly fucking dumb" on the output side, and while taking something banal and producing something kind of deep is well and fine, for my money taking something insightful and rendering it incredibly fucking dumb is where the real art is.
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satisfactory-days · 8 minutes
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satisfactory-days · 9 minutes
My prof was like 'yeah there was this experiment where they like made a casino for rats with mini slot machines n everything and made those rats into gambling addicts it was so cool' n i looked up the article n hes the lead fucking researcher
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satisfactory-days · 10 minutes
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satisfactory-days · 11 minutes
if you can’t talk about sex w/o calling it “seggs” or “spicy time” i thimk maybw you should be quiet & keep it to your self .
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satisfactory-days · 10 hours
scream the video of them kissing is crazy. if richie and fak fuck in the bear s3 i'll finally catch up on it
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satisfactory-days · 11 hours
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The situation is getting more serious, please help. My children wish for a happy life, nothing more. They want to play like the .children of the world
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satisfactory-days · 12 hours
I don’t even need social media or tv or books or movies for entertainment I’m just making this ai generate episode summaries for ‘a pride month episode of breaking bad’ over and over and hysterically laughing every time
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satisfactory-days · 13 hours
*infested with reggaeton spirit* i want to party with girls world wide
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satisfactory-days · 14 hours
how to make movies good again:
put some fucking puppets in that thang!!!
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satisfactory-days · 14 hours
It's pride month... time to slay the dragons dick
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