sapphic-agent · 3 hours
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I'm mainly upset about the whole Endeavor arc thing because:
1. Endeavor doesn't deserve the time of day, let alone an entire arc. This arc would've been better suited for someone like Mount Lady, who grows into her role as a pro hero and learns not to be vain and in it for the fame.
2. With all that Horikoshi put into his backstory, Endeavor could've been an example of a corrupt hero being brought to justice and his actions having actual consequences.
3. Endeavor, who seemed so determined to become a better person, never once properly addressed how he screwed up. Not once when he talks to All Might about being the new Symbol of Peace, not once after he saved Natsuo from that nomu, and not once even after Dabi exposed him to the public.
In fact, #3 is very upsetting when you think about it. Endeavor is going on and on about changing, but he never really aired out his dirty laundry first. Be honest. If All Might knew the extent of Endeavor's abuse towards his family, would he really have encouraged Endeavor like that? And what happened with Natsuo is really manipulative. Telling your son that you don't expect forgiveness while people are watching after saving his life? Ew! And those people don't know the context of that sorry, so Natsuo saying that he'll never forgive Endeavor may have made him look like a spoiled, entitled brat in the witnesses' eyes.
It really grinds my gears.
Right, so the problem with Endeavor's arc is that he never had to face the full consequences of his actions. Similarly to Bakugou, plot convenience spared him the entire brunt of what he did.
Someone tried to tell me that people losing faith in heroes because of Dabi's reveal was him facing consequences. And?? No. Not really because a) all the heroes faced backlash, not just him and b) the people's reactions towards what he did specifically were really tame.
And similarly to Bakugou, he has other characters making him look better. We see him and Fuyumi having a nice (almost sweet, even) relationship with no buildup or effort. The plot went out of its way to have Rei praise him for remembering her favorite flower despite the absolute hell he put her through. Even Izuku was conveniently placed to tell Shoto he's ready to forgive Endeavor.
And that's not even mentioning how sympathetic Touya's backstory makes him look. No small part due to the actual retcons in that backstory.
There's also the fact that what he did was never really talked about again until the Endeavor Agency Arc. It was brushed aside until it was barely relevant anymore. That makes it a lot easier for the audience to push aside the severity of it.
Endeavor fan boys, for whatever reason, can't seem to realize this. If Endeavor didn't have all these narrative advantages, his "redemption" wouldn't come off as good as it does. It's the same thing with Bakugou, if it wasn't for plot manipulation neither one of them would be as revered as they are
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sapphic-agent · 15 hours
Results are in!
(I do want to mention quickly that I kind of phrased the villain option wrong. It wasn't necessarily just rehabilitation for people who are already villains, I really meant in addition to the lack of support for kids/people who look villainous of have villainous quirks, including those who haven't actually done anything wrong but are treated differently because they're already being perceived as villains. Like for example Toga's issues should have been treated early on but because of stigma she couldn't get the help she needed. That kind of thing. It's 100% on me, I should have worded that better)
So this is basically what I expected. There's no "right" answer... Except that "All" is the right answer lol. Let me explain.
The corruption of society in MHA, similarly to real life, is systemic. Why do kids with villainous quirks face stigma and lack of support? Quirk discrimination. Why were strong quirks so sought after that Quirk Marriages were arranged? Quirk discrimination. Why are hero students exploited? Corruption in hero society.
Now, corruption in hero society and quirk discrimination kind of go hand in hand here. Quirk discrimination, if we're counting before quirks started becoming common, definitely came first. Somewhere along the way it shifted to shunning the quirkless, but still maintained prejudice towards mutant and villainous quirks. Hero society began to perpetuate quirk discrimination, which is one of (not the only) reasons it became corrupt. So really, you can connect everything in the story to quirk discrimination. It's the bud that needed to be nipped so that everything else could be solved. So technically, it's also the "correct" answer.
Well, they're all right because they're opinions but you get what I mean
With MHA coming to a close, I thought I'd see what you all thought should have been addressed. There's no small amount of missed opportunities in the story, but I want to see what folks were hoping for when they started reading/watching
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sapphic-agent · 16 hours
Happy pride month, everyone! Momo anon here!
Have some slice-of-life, queer romance ideas within the Momo rewrite universe! -Momo and Jiro often hangout in Jiro's room, and a thing they bond over most is most. Momo can play the piano, and many instruments bc of her parents forced her to learn. Momo and Jiro make a rock/classical music piece together. -In this universe, since Toga and Ochako helped Momo realize her own queerness and that she's bisexual, and has a preference for ladies. Also, a reformed Toga is def besties with Ochako and Momo. -Midoriya in this universe realizes they're trans and how much they wish they were "like a girl", and said before, does research on it. In the rewrite, she actually talks to Tomura/Tenko and helps him realize he needs a better path. -She still gets a dumbass haircut but Mina is like "girl we need to fix ur hair" and gives her a tasteful half-shaved head look with having medium hair on the non-shaved side. -Izumi (Midoriya) and Ochako go out and star gaze together, and Ochako opens up about her feelings of how the stars are so pretty and Izumi goes on about the concept of star quirks, and gravity, and how she thinks Ochako's quirk is cool and she's so pretty-- -Also Dekusquad they're just so queer. Momo is bisexual, Ochako is pansexual, Izumi is a trans girl and bi, Shoto is demisexual and demiromantic, and Iida is arospec and acepsec -Also Ochako and Momo definitely had a hand in realizing she was trans
Stop this is so cute🥺
Queer Dekusquad>>>
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sapphic-agent · 17 hours
Writing advice from my uni teachers:
If your dialog feels flat, rewrite the scene pretending the characters cannot at any cost say exactly what they mean. No one says “I’m mad” but they can say it in 100 other ways.
Wrote a chapter but you dislike it? Rewrite it again from memory. That way you’re only remembering the main parts and can fill in extra details. My teacher who was a playwright literally writes every single script twice because of this.
Don’t overuse metaphors, or they lose their potency. Limit yourself.
Before you write your novel, write a page of anything from your characters POV so you can get their voice right. Do this for every main character introduced.
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sapphic-agent · 22 hours
Since today is June 1st, I thought I'd share some of my favorite bisexual ladies with you guys because... I'm bi and I'm a lady😊
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Happy Pride Month, everyone!
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sapphic-agent · 22 hours
the whole “ppl don’t care about female characters bc writers don’t make them as complex” argument holds no weight. boba fett was a hugely popular star wars character for decades when all he did in the original trilogy was say 4 lines then die.
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sapphic-agent · 22 hours
Yup, whenever I hear about Zutaraang (or even Zukaang sometimes and Zukka often times) it's always a "solution" for the ship war or an alternative for Zutara. Like, ship what you ship but don't push a "rare" ship just because you don't like the popular ship. It comes off as trying to shut down other shippers, which is the intent a lot of the time.
Like, I ship Harutara, not because I dislike Zutara; I think Zutara is a fine ship. I just like Harutara... Because I like Harutara. I like their chemistry in the show. It's not an agenda I push to steer from Zutara. Or Kataang for that matter. I hate Kataang but my dislike of Kataang has nothing to do with my love of Harutara, it has to do with how Kataang negatively impacted Katara
Hi! I don't know if you noticed, but the "neutral" OP from yesterday either blocked us or deleted our comments. And the issue could have been fixed from simply fixing their tags. So much for not being toxic🤷🏾‍♀️ It's always the people who claim to be neutral and try to be "peacekeepers" that do things like this
It's because so many people who post about the "ship war" are actually KA shippers who think the existence of zutara (or just people not liking KA) is a declaration of war.
That's why the zutara tag is always flooded with this "omg, have you considered multishipping/poly ships," nonsense. Sure, multishipping is great! So are OT3s! But not engaging in ship wars also means respecting people's right NOT to ship something.
I actually love zutaraang but I have a hard time with how a lot of people present it as a "solution" to the ship war when what they actually mean is that they can't let zutara exist without Aang. Or they'll let Zuko play as long as he doesn't threaten Aang's conception that Katara gets to be "his" at the end of the day. And often those sorts of interpretations of the ship also buy into the misogynistic conception of Aang and KA as the "wholesome" option to dirty, "shallow" zutara that the creators also encouraged. Which is also a stigmatizing way to engage in poly ships in general.
That's also the problem with the people who say they like both but make very obvious moral judgments about how they think KA is more wholesome and zutara is just about sex. Because of the way the show's male creators framed female desire itself as shallow.
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sapphic-agent · 1 day
I'm just gonna come out and say it, I hate how bitchy Vaggie is towards everyone who isn't Charlie.
Now it wouldn't be so bad at the beginning if it was meant to set her up for some character development, like how Husk called her out on hating everyone because she hates herself the most... but nothing came of it.
Like would it kill you to show at least a little bit of kindness and decency to those staying at the Hotel? Sometimes a little kindness can go a long way Vaggie!
Now if it was just reserved to those that deserves it (Like people being assholes to them or Alastor for example) But it's literally towards everyone she interacts with.
And a character that's basically mean to everyone is not someone I wanna root for.
Honestly, if she had any depth or any kind of interest to her character, I could forgive her being an asshole. But she doesn't, she's so centered around Charlie that it really just plays into the "mean lesbian" trope that's been done since Glee. It's so boring and overused and it feels like they tried to shove Vaggie into that box while stripping her of any other aspects of her character.
Her being an Exterminator doesn't help this either. All it does is make her mistrust of others hypocritical and make her character look inconsistent.
I actually like her pilot personality a lot better. She, at least to me, seemed more prone to lashing out because of being anxious. Like when she was scolding Angel in the car, she was tapping her foot and she was extremely nervous for Charlie's interview trying to make sure she sticks to the plan. It was something I could relate to since there have been so many times I lash out because I'm getting anxious and don't always think about what I'm saying in the moment so I come off as abrasive. I could see pilot Vaggie being the same way.
But a lot of her little tidbits and quirks the show got rid of. Even her ranting in Spanish got minimized a lot. Vaggie's character was simplified to fit an archetype and that's kind of sad
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sapphic-agent · 1 day
To actually talk about something positive for once, allow me to go into why Poison is my favorite song in Hazbin Hotel.
It perfectly captures Angel Dust as a character and the conflict he's facing, the lyrics expressing his true feelings and how he kind of blames himself for even getting into this mess in the first place, watching the scene itself just amplifies the song a bunch! And the ending to the song being a representation of Anthony talking and not Angel Dust...
Gets me right in the feels, and perfectly shows why Angel is my second favorite character next to Alastor.
Poison is great! It's my 4th favorite. People who say it's "romanticizing abuse" are wrong.
Though my favorite has to be More Than Anything. Maybe because I can somewhat relate to having an emotionally absent father (very different from Lucifer, but kind of similar too). It's just very sweet for me to see an estranged father and daughter reconnect. I also love Loser Baby because, well, Keith David's voice paired with Anthony's>>>
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
Bryke confirming that Katara loves Aang like a "babysitter" or a "younger brother" is fucking killing me. Kataang shippers are always screaming about how if you think Kataang have a sibling-like dynamic then you are delusional but even the creators viewed their bond like that.
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
I hate that I laughed at this🤦🏾‍♀️
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"I'll get you, my pretty! And your little Quirk, too!"
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
Might be controversial but like why are Kataang shippers some of the saltiest people I have ever met on the internet. Like chill, my bros, you WON the ship war. Why are you still obsessed w the Zutara shippers. They're not trying to steal ur first borns I swear. It's ok, ur the prettiest girl at the party.
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
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For people who don't seem to get it, this is what a proper apology looks like. It includes both acknowledging the wrongdoing and stating what will change going forward to make amends for the wrong done. It doesn't blame the victim or involve a laundry list of excuses. The purpose of the apology is to alleviate the wronged person rather than relieving the conscience of the transgressor.
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
That last paragraph hit a little too hard
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"It doesn't have to be U.A...I'll go wherever! Because I'm gonna be a hero!" Whelp, there's the Rogue Arc foreshadowing.
And the narrative emphasized Kota's hatred of quirks and heroes again. Partially to hammer in those Shigaraki parallels but also to start this idea of Izuku wanting to be a hero for people who don't necessarily believe in heroes at all.
Also, that "I know I'm still a pain..." line explains a lot about Izuku's perspective of his relationship with his mother. Izuku largely views himself as a burden to her, so he mostly shuts her out emotionally. And this hurts Inko because Izuku is her world. But since she mostly expresses her distress with more worry, that only leads to Izuku further withdrawing, creating a vicious cycle.
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
You could definitely see it that way! I would argue, though, that Quirk Marriages don't necessarily connect to corrupt hero society. They can for sure overlap, but rich assholes could want a quirk marriage for a bunch of different reasons. It's hard to tell exactly since we only get the case of Endeavor, but I'm sure not everyone wants to make a powerful hero kid
With MHA coming to a close, I thought I'd see what you all thought should have been addressed. There's no small amount of missed opportunities in the story, but I want to see what folks were hoping for when they started reading/watching
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
With MHA coming to a close, I thought I'd see what you all thought should have been addressed. There's no small amount of missed opportunities in the story, but I want to see what folks were hoping for when they started reading/watching
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sapphic-agent · 2 days
I know we're gonna have the epilogues but I have no faith in them.
Horikoshi's writings fell off, but NVER to this extent. I will still read just to see what happens and get over this. And yes, while MHA is still going on, we're in the epilogue. Midoriya's ugly ass hair cut is where things end. Like that's how THAT ends. I understand we'll be getting a long ass epilogue, but I'm guessing that's where something will be addressed? I don't know but my standards for this manga at this point is like fucking gone. It's just that one video where it's like "Nothing new, nothing changed. Same old shit. Same old fucking shit." Which is WEIRD because in Horikoshi's Tenko manga short thing, Tenko IS saved and the protag doesn't condone what he doesn't, but doesn't ignore his pain of what society has brought to him. I guess he just said fuck it. Midoriya has been so OOC for these past chapters it's WEIRD. Why isn't he saying anything? Why is he barely reacting to ANYTHING?? I swear to God Horikoshi just DOES NOT like Midoriya. I didn't really believe those claims, but now I fully do. Good Lord. What a waste of time. "Let Hori cook!!" He's been cooking for 8 years and the food's burnt.
No but for real, from what I've seen of Izuku's character lately, he's been written so oddly. But I actually think it's an escalation of the way Horikoshi's written him in some of the worse arcs *cough* Endeavor Agency *cough*
Basically the arcs where he's basically all "🧍" while shit happens around him. It started some time after Overhaul. I guess saving Eri maxed out Izu's reaction stat guys gg💀
My point is, Izuku's been so stagnant for so long, of course he's so OOC now. Horikoshi was too busy tending to his Bakuboner to make a well-rounde protagonist.
I agree that Horikoshi doesn't like Izuku. It literally shows in his writing, especially compared to how he writes Bakugou. And that wouldn't even be a bad thing, plenty of mangaka don't like their MCs (*glares at a certain cat*), but they still put some type of effort into them. Horikoshi couldn't care less about our main character. I'm honestly surprised he even left him alive
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