sanusoweek · 2 months
🤥 Preorders Close TODAY! 🤥
Preorders for the Usopp Zine close today!
We are having one last 10% off sale, the code is SALE10! This is your last chance to join God Usopp’s 8,000 followers!
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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nakayoshi indeed (¬‿¬ )
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sanusoweek · 2 months
💙💛Four Colors: A OP Fanzine❤️💚 Project on the works, we are currently looking for a Graphic mod!! https://forms.gle/uSNoKRNvMqRQbS7z9
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sanusoweek · 2 months
Beware the Green-Eyed Monster
Written for the Jealousy prompt for day 5 of @sanusoweek
RELATIONSHIPS: Usopp/Sanji, Sanji & Zoro, Usopp/Female OCs, Usopp/Male OC
TAGS: Jealousy | Feelings Realization | Post-Skypeia | Pre-Water 7 | a classic case of sanji being the last to know about his crush on usopp
SUMMARY: Sanji doesn’t understand why his gut churns uncomfortably whenever someone gives Usopp attention on their adventure on the Grand Line. When he realizes that his discomfort is fuelled by jealousy, he must decide whether to confess to the sniper or keep his overwhelming feelings to himself.
[read on ao3]
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sanusoweek · 2 months
I can't fight this feeling anymore
For (late) @sanusoweek || Day 7: Reunion (posting it late but posting it nevertheless!)
Relationship: Sanji/Usopp
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Post-Enies Lobby Arc / Sanji-centric / Pining Sanji / Fluff / Reunions / Light Angst / Mutual Pining / Not Actually Unrequited Love / Teen Crush (Tagging as such bc this one gives awkward teenagers so much) / Awkward Crush / Internalized Homophobia / Nosebleed / Religious Conflict (Kind of??? Sanji's POV should be studied)
Words: 5,038
Sanji needs to get his shit together. He knows he should. He is being childish. Maybe Sanji is just young. And stupid. And he is a teenager. And being nineteen makes him want and want and want things he should not crave or long for. Like guys. Like Usopp. So it will go away. He tells himself it will, with time. The boiling pot will stop burning and the air will come back to his lungs without needing to have Usopp near. He is back, though. And Sanji can breathe. Just not properly. Never properly when he is near enough to cut his breath away. But he can breathe. He has missed Usopp so much that his body reacts instinctively. Because Usopp is easy to love. Easy to miss. Easy to want. Easy to hold. So, so easy to hold, it seems.
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This fanfic was inspired by @the-orion-inexpirience's art for day 7!!
I tried to write a time travel thing but my brain just couldn't work??? Like at all?? And then I saw this masterpiece and the inspiration hit me so hard in the face I had to start writing!!!! So thank you Orion for this <333
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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@sanusoweek Day 6 - Gods and Demons
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 5
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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@sanusoweek Day 7 Time Travel/Reunion
Based on this amazing thing @camels-pen wrote a while back. I loved it so much that when I saw the time travel prompt it was literally the first thing I made for this week lol
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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for @sanusoweek
Summary: Usopp searches for Sanji at the end of a fight. (sanuso, about 1 k)
Usopp limped with each long stride he took as he tore across the beach. His muscles ached, his heart raced, and every time he pushed off with his left leg, his vision would blur. He needed to wrap his bandages again... but more than needing to tend to his makeshift bandages, he needed to find Sanji.
Usopp had been locked in a battle against his opponent, a sniper who could create small little puppets from bones. Usopp was having to deal with small attacking skeletons, while also dealing with a sniper, who used bullets, with poisoned tips. It had been a rather dangerous match.  But during his fight he's spotted a glimpse of Sanji, fighting someone in the sky of all things.
His opponent had done a spinning kick in the sky that lit Sanji aflame and sent him flying over Usopp's head, towards the ocean, or the other side of the beach. Usopp was not sure which. With no other choice but to finish his own fight, Usopp had not been able to worry about Sanji...
...But his battle was done, and despite any pains, Usopp was going to find Sanji. Find him, and help him if that was what Sanji needed. Even if it meant standing on the side cheering him on, Usopp could do that. He could do anything. Would do anything. But first, he needed to be with Sanji, or at his side.
He slipped against the fine grains of the sand and fell face-first into the fine grains, a wave of white foam and cold water washing over the lower half of his body. It washed over the seeping wound of his leg, and Usopp gasped, and hissed, digging furrows in the sand with his hand as he clenched the ground.
"Usopp!" A concerned voice called out to him.
Usopp sprang up and started running again.
He was sure the person who had called out to him was Nami.
If Nami caught up to him she would stop him from running, and make him go to Chopper, or drag him off somewhere so he could rest while she found Chopper. And he couldn't focus on her or even himself right now. Sanji first-Sanji first!
He pushed on, running through the pain, running past downed enemies, and scattered weapons like beach trash.
"Sanji!" Usopp shouted, stepping wrong in his stride, and almost fell for a second time. He stopped running just a moment, and righted himself, breathing hard as he fought off the suddenly dizzy sick feeling he had. As he blinked his blurry vision away, he could hear the sound of someone running from behind him, far enough so they wouldn't catch him, but he was being followed.
Based on the blood in his footprints, Usopp had a feeling it was Nami. She had probably seen the blood in the heel of each of his footprints in the sand, or just the bright crimson blood against the bright yellow pant leg.
If she caught him, Usopp wouldn't be allowed to continue his search. The thought of stopping made a lump form in Usopp's throat, and he felt sick. Sick with worry.
"Oi! Usopp!" Zoro's gruff voice came from nearby.
He looked up and saw Zoro standing crooked, using the armor of his felled opponent as a crutch as he leaned against it. He was bloody, but his eyes were alert. And they were staring at Usopp's left leg. Usopp took in a shaky breath, and when Zoro's eyes flicked up to Usopp's with worry, Usopp took off.
"Usopp! Get back here!" Zoro shouted, worry and surprise etched into his call.
But Usopp was pushing harder now. And with sheer determination, and channeling all his fears as the motivation behind each step, Usopp outpaces Zoro and Nami. his leg hurt with each step, and all he could hear was this terrible ringing and the sound of his own ragged breath. But his heartbeat was alive, and beating faster and faster, and each beat was Sanji's name.
Sanji. Sanji. Sanji. Sanji.
He had to find Sanji!
And then... there he was.
Sanji was in front of him, dirty, covered in soot and grime, with his suit still smoking from the furious fire-fight he'd been through. But the man he had been battling with in the sky was crumpled behind him, barely moving. He was standing, but his head was bowed, and he was soaked from head to toe. Perhaps he'd been on fire, and had jumped in the water... or maybe his enemy had kicked him into it. Not that that mattered. None of it mattered. All that mattered, was that Sanji was in front of Usopp.
"S-SANJI!" Usopp shouted, running towards him as fast as he could.
Sanji lifted his hand, his thin fingers pushing his soaked blonde hair out of his face. His shoulder was bleeding pretty badly, but other than that, Usopp couldn't see any other injuries. Sanji's beautiful blue eyes widened, and he started running for Usopp, limping as he did so, but even with a limp he was much faster than Usopp.
Usopp leaped, and Sanji dove, and the two came together in a great crash. Like a wave against another wave, their bodies mingled and mixed until they were molded around each other, and indistinguishable from the other, until they settled in each other's arms as one. Sanji's hands expertly guided Usopp up against his hips, and Usopp wrapped his legs firmly around Sanji's waist, clinging tight. Usopp hooked his arms around Sanji's shoulders and Sanji smoothed a hand over Usopp's face until all of Usopp's dark curls were out of the way.
"You're hurt!" Sanji admonished as if Usopp had done it to himself.
"I'm fine! I was worried about you!"
"Usopp... your leg! Usopp... you damned fool!" Sanji growled, but he was arching up, and his hand was against Usopp's neck guiding him down.
Usopp sank into Sanji's mouth and kissed Sanji opening his mouth so that his lover's tongue could invade him. And invade him it did. Sanji kissed Usopp as if he was leading the charge against Usopp's mouth. He attacked him with his love and desperate need, and Usopp returned it back, with equal measure.
"Sanji!" Usopp whined.
"Usopp," Sanji panted, surging up to seal their lips again as Usopp tried to speak to him.
Now that he knew Sanji was okay, Usopp shook and felt his dear and relief mingle in an ugly mix. He choked on a sob, and Sanji swallowed that sob with a heated kiss before he shushed him gently.
"It's alright Usopp... It's alright. I'm here. I'm here..."
"I'm here!" Usopp hiccuped, squeezing Sanji tight, "I'm here! And y-you're here! You're here! We made it!"
"Usopp... of course we did. Of course..." Sanji whispered into Usopp's space, "We'll always make it. I'll always come back to you. I love you."
"I love you too!" Usopp hiccuped and kissed Sanji again, and Sanji returned it. The love, affection, and fervor were there, but the desperate cloying fear was gone. They were okay, both of them, and they were back together again. Another adventure was closed, and they were back together. It was perfect. They could both finally relax.
As the relief settled in, Sanji fell back into the sand and took Usopp with him. The impact into the ground finally broke apart their kiss, and lying battered and bloodied the two looked at each other through half-lidded eyes. Sanji smiled first, but Usopp started the laughter, and with their hands cupping each other's faces, and the brows bowed together in reverence, they kept laughing.
Even as Zoro and Nami arrived, with Chopper tucked under Zoro's arm, while all three raged furiously, Sanji and Usopp just kept laughing and holding on to each other's faces.
Another marvelous end, to a typical adventure.
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sanusoweek · 2 months
Who else other than you?
For @sanusoweek || Day 6: Parents (pretend this was posted on time) (yes. I am again late) (again) (I have, not even once, posted a day on time)
Relationship: Sanji/Usopp
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Transfem Sanji / Transmasc Usopp / Tooth-Rotting Fluff / Established Relationship / Talks about Parenthood / Talks about Pregnancy / Marriage proposal (my hand slipped that wasn't supposed to happen) / They're like in their 30s btw
Words: 4,909
“Do you want to?” Usopp stops speaking the instant he hears her voice and lets go of her bangs to caress her cheeks, frowning and quietly asking what she means. “Have kids.” It seems like Usopp is going through different stages of realization and processing of her words in only a split second because now he is suddenly blushing and the hand he uses to hold the sketchbook is shaking so much it falls on the floor. He doesn’t even check if it’s alright. He keeps staring at Sanji with wide-opened eyes. Sanji wishes she could say she is in a better state, but she feels herself about to throw up. “With–” He stutters. “With you.” “Of course it’d be with me, shitty longnose!” She pulls him by the nose once, ignoring his complaining and curses. “Who else would I be talking about?!” Idiot. Idiot.
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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Day 7: Time Travel 🕜 (aka meeting 40s sanuso)
Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7
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sanusoweek · 2 months
Transmasc Usopp x Transfem Sanji having bio children save me. T4T Sanuso save me.
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sanusoweek · 2 months
As we are all still entrenched in the last day of SanUso week, two reminders:
1. Don't forget to add fics to the collection
2. YES we will still reblog late works for about a month! It's NOT TOO LATE if you just heard about the event♡
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sanusoweek · 2 months
Ivankov's Drag Race
I watch a lot of RuPaul's Drag Race 'cause I love drag and reality TV and I'm queer as fuck. So here's the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written for day 4 of @sanusoweek, presented 100% on-time :P
Welcome to season 12 of Ivankov's Drag Race; a reality show where a group of drag artists compete to snatch the crown and win a prize of $150,000!
JUDGES: Ivankov (Host & Main Judge), Bon Clay, and Inazuma. Every week they are joined by famous drag artists, fashion icons, musicians, and queer allies, who share their opinions and provide feedback.
COMPETITORS: Sanji, Usopp, Brook, Doll, Caesar Clown, Pudding, Chuu, Helmeppo, Izo, Bartolomeo, Buggy the Clown, Catarina, and Perona.
WEEK ONE: The first episodes of the season are a double premiere where the performers show off their talents, personalities, and personal styles. No eliminations.
WEEK TWO: This week the competitors are participating in a scripted acting challenge. As the top two performers during the talent show, Brook and Izo are appointed team captains and choose their teams.
Team Brook includes Sanji, Usopp, Pudding, Bartolomeo, and Perona. Team Izo has Buggy, Caesar, Helmeppo, Doll, Catarina, and Chuu. The winner of the week is Usopp!
The audience gets their first glimpse of the Sanji-Pudding-Usopp love triangle as both Usopp and Pudding bond with Sanji during the challenge.
Chuu and Doll are in the bottom and lip sync for their lives, ultimately resulting in Chuu being eliminated.
WEEK THREE: This week, the contestants are challenged to design and create a runway outfit that represents their drag persona. Sanji is stressed because he wears pretty looks, he doesn't sew them. He sidles over to his new friend Usopp and doesn't hesitate to flirt with him in hopes of getting some help creating his look. Usopp flirts back and is more than happy to provide some assistance. In the confessionals, Pudding reveals that she isn't happy that Sanji went to Usopp for help when her style is so much better than his.
Perona wins the challenge and Bartolomeo absolutely demolishes Helmeppo in the lip sync and sends him home.
WEEK FOUR: The contestants are split into teams to pitch a television show of their creation. (Sanji & Pudding, Buggy & Usopp, Izo & Catarina, Barto & Perona, and Doll, Brook, & Caesar).
Buggy and Usopp share a win after they deliver a hilarious performance. Doll and Caesar have a massive disagreement which affects their performance in the challenge and lands them in the bottom. Their argument in Untucked goes down in Drag Race herstory. Doll is sent home after lipsyncing against Caesar.
WEEK FIVE: This week is the much-anticipated girl group challenge! Sanji, Usopp, Barto, Perona, and Izo perform a high-energy pop number while Buggy, Brook, Catarina, Caesar, and Pudding dance to sultry, seductive choreo.
Sanji is this week's winner and after battling Buggy, Caesar is sent home.
WEEK SIX: In the second of the season's design challenge, the contestants must create a runway look worthy of royalty. Once again, Sanji finds his way over to Usopp for assistance and a round of flirting. A jealous Pudding comments that Sanji should ask for help from someone who actually has a good sense of style since Usopp's taste level has come into question in the past. Cue passive-aggressive comments from both of them throughout the rest of the episode.
Izo is this week's winner and Catarina is sent home after losing to Buggy in the lip sync.
WEEK SEVEN: At the halfway point of the competition, the girls do celebrity impersonations for the infamous Snatch Game challenge.
Usopp's amazing impersonations gain him another challenge win. There is a sweet moment between him and Sanji in Untucked when he encourages a stressed-out Sanji who landed in the bottom three.
Izo is sent home after an emotional lip sync with Sanji.
WEEK EIGHT: This week, the remaining competitors perform in a musical! As last week's winner, Usopp is given the power to assign roles, which doesn't bode well for Pudding, who has been planting seeds of doubt in the mind of an anxious Usopp.
Brook wins the challenge after his spectacular performance as the lead in the musical. Pudding wins against Perona in a lipsync that many fans think should've been a double shantay.
WEEK NINE: The competitors show off three runway looks for the Grand Line Ball! The first look is Marine Madness and the second is Pirate Couture, both brought from home. The third look, Devil Fruitiness, must be created in the workroom and to no one's surprise, Sanji is over by Usopp's workstation. He seems to have learned a lot from his lessons from Usopp though, so they spend their time laughing and flirting as they create their looks.
Pudding wins the challenge and Buggy wins his lipsync over Bartolomeo.
WEEK TEN: The top five queens give makeovers to young queers, putting them in drag and creating a family resemblance between them.
After getting negative critiques, Pudding has a bit of a breakdown in Untucked this week, taking her frustrations out on Usopp and resulting in a heated argument. Brook calms down Usopp and Sanji reels in Pudding.
Sanji wins his second challenge and Buggy is sent home after an intense lipsync against Pudding.
WEEK ELEVEN: In the last challenge before the finale, the remaining four competitors are prompted to write, record, and perform a verse to Ivankov's original song, Revolution.
Brook wins the challenge with one of the best verses and performances in Drag Race herstory. Usopp and Pudding land in the bottom and perform an iconic lipsync that ultimately sends Pudding home.
WEEK TWELVE: Before the finale, all of the competitors return for a reunion episode hosted by Ivankov going over all of the season's drama. Pudding is called out by Perona and Bartolomeo for being two-faced and treating Usopp poorly. Ivankov puts the spotlight on Sanji, who is in the middle of the drama between Pudding and Usopp. The Doll vs. Caesar altercation is also re-hashed and goes unresolved.
WEEK THIRTEEN: In front of a live audience, the top three competitors Sanji, Brook, and Usopp do a performance of their choice in a final bid for the crown, which ultimately goes to............ BROOK!!!!!!
To the delight of audiences everywhere, Sanji and Usopp enter into a romantic relationship after the show had finished filming (so by the time the season aired, they'd been dating for about a year!). The fanfiction that is written about them is insane and Sanji is begging Usopp to stop reading it, damn it! They have also resolved the issue between themselves and Pudding and are now very close friends.
Sanji and Usopp go on to star in several other reality shows, their popularity growing with each appearance they make. They become one of the most iconic couples in television history and go down as queer icons.
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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I forgot to upload Friday for @sanusoweek but better late than never with the sci-fi prompt
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sanusoweek · 2 months
Keep Me Warm in Your Embrace
For the Reunion prompt for Day 7 of @sanusoweek!
TAGS: Post-WCI Arc | Established Relationship | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Reunion | Reunion Sex |
SUMMARY: Sanji and Usopp reunite in Wano.
[read on ao3!]
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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@sanusoweek sanuso week day 5 : sci-fi..!!
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sanusoweek · 2 months
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Day 5: Jealousy
And with that I'm caught up on prompts! 💪✨🔥
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