ryulvrs · 28 days
missing my girlfriend rn… 😖
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ryulvrs · 1 month
Hiiii!! Can you do a minnie x fem reader where you’re both at an event and you’re cold so she give you her jacket but then she spends the rest of the event thinking about fucking you in it☺️ thank you!!🫶
jacket (minnie, smut)
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summary: at an event, minnie gives you her jacket to keep you cold but it leads to an indirect confession of feelings
warnings: dom!minnie x sub!f!reader, gidle 6th member, exhibitionism, teasing
word count: 572
a/n: i might make a part two, this is just a short drabble of some thoughts 😭 sorry its lowkeyyy ass
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being in the same group as someone as attractive as minnie was getting difficult to manage. you've always had a mini crush on her, but you didn't realize until recently how strong it was.
it also wasn't clear to you that minnie felt the same way for you. the tension of your mutual feelings was extremely present at your group's recent modeling event.
as the limousine pulled to a stop, the security took a hold of extras and you and your member's held your purses.
the flashes of paparazzi lights instantaneously everyone of you. you notice how minnie winced, even if she wouldn't normally since you were all somewhat desensitized.
you try to catch her eye contact and comfort her, but she didn't seem to notice. the security guided you to your seat, and you would routinely chat with people around you.
"did you notice the breeze?" a celebrity asked from behind you.
"yeah, its a bit cold," you laugh, and bond with them as you rub up and down your arms. the moment doesn't last long before you turn back around to face the stage.
"is it just you two?" the celebrity questioned again.
"no, the rest of my group members are coming back soon." you and miyeon happened to be the only members of gidle actually present in gidle's seats. the rest followed soyeon to a specific booth that had to do with album promotions.
the bright lights of the event would shine as the rest of the open seating areas filled up. you swallow a yawn, as you turn your head to see miyeon sliding closer to you.
she smiles at you and says, "they should be back soon, don't worry too much about minnie, 'kay?" she winks and grabs your hand to give warmth to you both.
"w-what do you mean?" but before she could respond to your question, security returned with the rest of gidle.
miyeon slides over to make room for them, and coincidentally minnie sits next to you. she smirks, but you can tell her mind straight away went to how you were holding yourself because of the cold.
without a second's notice, her arms slip out of the dark, black jacket and her bare hands find their way to placing it on you.
minnie was so nonchalant about this too, she just faced forward as if it meant nothing. your body warmed up quickly, but so did your heart. it wasn't much of a mini crush anymore.
the lights on the crowd dim, and focus the attention on the stage where models begin to enter in order.
their wasn't really any cameras on your section anymore, so minnie found this a perfect time for her fingertips to wander to the hem of your dress, laying so peacefully on your thighs.
you both knew exactly what going through each other's minds. desperation was circling you both, and if you could leave right then and there you would.
her hand drew closer into your thighs, with her thumb playing with the end of your dress. neediness almost pulsated through your body.
whilst, minnie's eyes were seemlessly on the stage. she could fool anyone about the situation if wanted to.
sensation pushed on the lining of your panties, her finger was rubbing onto your clit. "i've wanted you for so long," she whispers. it felt as if she was the only girl to ever exist right there.
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ryulvrs · 1 month
⠀⠀⺀  ˚  ༝  ◌  ⌒⌒  ୨୧  ꒱
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➳ open message from @miffydollie !!
dear lovely reader,
rockstar yunjin & nerdy fem reader ೃ࿐
rating : 18 +
warnings : mentions of moaning , calling yunjin mommy , please tell me if there's more !!
authors note : this is a old story i found in my notes .. so sorry that i couldn't write a proper story ! anyways, i hope you like this !!
click 'read more' to read this story . .
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: sleepless nights - huh yunjin .𖥔 ݁ ˖
you were meant to be asleep hours ago, but your classmate yunjin had different plans.
yunjin always stayed in her dorm playing guitar. every night, every day. you could never fall asleep because of her. the moment you close your eyes, you hear the sound of an electric guitar playing in the room next to you, and you have to witness this every single day. and to you, it's getting a bit annoying. (sorry jen) not even just a bit, but A LOT. so this time, you decide to shut her up.
you knock on yunjin's door, waiting there annoyed. but, it doesn't take a while for someone to answer it.
'what do you want, y/n?' she says in an annoyed tone. you give her a dirty look, and you instantly reply. 'yunjin.. i'm sick of your stupid guitar playing every single night and it is SO annoying.' you state sternly, giving her a death stare now. 'jeez, calm down.' yunjin scoffs, 'and don't call me yunjin. call me jennifer, because you're not a stranger to me. but, you can moan mommy in bed and i won't really care..'
'what the.. moan? mommy?' you thought. you needed a quick and short reply and you had the perfect one.
'shut up.' you argued, 'can you just please lower your stupid guitar down? i haven't slept in about a week because of you, or even longer.'
'mmm.. fine. but only on one condition.' the red-head replied back, giggling afterwards.
'what is it..'
'you'll find out. later.'
'you're such a bitch, jennifer' you groan.
thursday, 4:20am read on your clock.
knock knock. who's that? you quickly go to answer the door, and you find yunjin standing there.
'it's you, isn't it.' you complained, trying to close the door on her.
'yeah, it is.' 'but this is what i want, and you promised me that you would do it, no matter what.'
'oh my gosh fine..' you hissed, and let her into your dorm.
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@ miffydollie © 2024 | do not copy, repost or translate any of the works without author's extensive permission
dt : my princess lala < 3 ( @cheriewony )
part two here !!
tags :
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ryulvrs · 1 month
hii everyone! just a little notice and update abt my life for anyone interested! feel free to pass by this
as my school year is almost over, ive been spending most of my time focused on exams 😭 but, once theyre over im gonna catch up on asks and writing!! dont worry, ive seen the requests, and i know im a bit behind however theyre coming!! just be patient pls :')
otherwise ive been okay, and im hoping you all are aswell!! please take care of yourselves these days <3
sending love! <33
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ryulvrs · 1 month
hiii can i req a yeji fluff where she picks you up at the bar since you drank with your friends then you didn't recognize her, thinking she's a random girl flirting with you trying to take you home so you refuse telling her you have a girlfriend and how your girlfriend will kick her ass and such. and yeji and your friends are very amused and she's coaxing you reassuring you and everything until you recognize her, and you tell her how a girl flirted with you and such and she's just going with your flow finding you cute when drunk hwhwhw thank uuu
tbh I’ve had this thought before and now I have an excuse to write it cuz this is so frickin cute!! enjoy!
yeji x drunk!fem!reader
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You don’t usually get drunk. You don’t drink very often, and you know your limits. However, you make exceptions on certain occasions, this one being your best friend’s birthday.
She had arranged an open bar at a club, and you and your closest friends were all invited. Yeji, knowing you were in good company, bid you off and told you to have a good time.
The moment you arrive at the club, a drink is immediately shoved into your hands. Not wanting to be rude, you drink it and go over to the dance floor with your friends. You sway to the time of the booming music and sing along to the songs you knew.
After some time, you get the uncomfortable feeling of being watched. You turn around and see a man looking at you from the bar. You shake it off and ignore it, thinking it’s nothing, until, a few moments later, he taps you on the shoulder.
You face him, immediately repulsed by the smouldering face he’s trying to pull off.
“Hey,” he says, leaning uncomfortably close to your ear. “You look beautiful tonight. What’s your name?”
You make a face and back up.
“I’m taken, sorry.”
That doesn’t deter him, however, and he soldiers on, making a show of looking around the club.
“I don’t see your man anywhere.”
You raise a brow, unimpressed.
“That’s because I have a girlfriend. Anything else?”
He at least has the decency to look embarrassed, and he leaves you alone after that.
A few songs (and drinks) later, you stumble off the dance floor, needing some fresh air. You ask the bartender for some water, and as he passes a glass to you, someone slides in beside you at the bar.
It’s a woman, dressed in a short (too short, you think, a little distastefully) black mini dress.
“Hi,” she greets you with a charming smile, and you nod awkwardly. “You’re stunning. Can I buy you a drink?”
“Thank you,” you say, wanting nothing else but to exit the conversation. “But I have a girlfriend.”
The woman shrugs, and leans closer. What was it with these people and their lack of respect for personal space?
“That’s alright. It’s just a drink.” She cocks her head. “She doesn’t have to know.”
You frown at her implication and stand up, taking your glass of water with you.
“No thanks. I’m not drinking anyway.”
You walk away, deflating as soon as you slide into the booth your friend is sitting in.
“Woah,” she says, laughing. “You don’t look too good. What’s up?”
“Why does everyone keep trying to hit on me?” You whine, making her laugh harder.
“You’re complaining about people trying to pick you up? You should be flattered, if anything.”
“I don’t like it if it’s not Yeji.” You grumble, burying your face in your hands, and your friend chuckles.
“You guys are so cute.” She snaps her fingers, as if in a eureka moment. “I know what will make you feel better.” She grins, and you get a bit nervous. “Shots!”
Your friend orders a round of shots, and calls everyone from your group to join.
You play rock paper scissors, and whoever loses has to take a shot. You’re terrifyingly awful at rock paper scissors, and, to no one’s surprise, you keep on losing.
You’re on your fourth shot when you begin to slur your words and struggle to sit up straight. Your friend calls for an end to the game and asks you if you’re okay.
“I miss Yeji,” you pout, your eyes watering as you thought of your girlfriend, probably alone at home. “I miss herrrr,”
“Okay, you’ve definitely had too much to drink.” Your friend plucks the shot glass from your hand and dials Yeji on her phone.
She’s at home, getting ready to go to bed, as she knows you’ll probably be back late. So she’s surprised to see your friend’s caller id light up her phone, and she picks up at once, worried something might have happened to you.
“Hello? Is everything okay? Is Y/N okay?” She asks, already pulling on her coat and shoes.
“Yeah, yeah, she’s fine,” your friend reassures her. “She’s just very drunk, and I think she wants you to come get her.”
“I’m on my way,” Yeji says, halfway out the door.
She starts up her car and drives to the address of the club you had sent her. Luckily, it’s not too far from your place, so she gets there really quickly.
Your friend had passed her an invitation, which she shows to the bouncer, who lets her in, though a little confused at her attire, a simple hoodie and sweatpants, topped off with a cap.
She speed walks through the crowd, sidestepping people as she makes her way to you. When she finally sees you, she breathes out a sigh of relief, and approaches you with a smile.
“Hey, baby!” She chirps as soon as she’s in earshot. “You ready to go home—”
“Don’t call me baby!” You interrupt her without even looking at her, holding up a finger. She stops, surprised. Were you mad at her? For what?“I’m not yourrrr baby. I,” you point at yourself, swaying a little in your seat, “have a girlfriend. So I am not going home with you, understand?”
Yeji gapes, her mouth opening and closing several times.
“But, babe, I have the car outside—”
“Stop insisting!” You cross your arms with a huff. “My girlfriend is beautiful, and kind, and selfless, and she’s the best person in my life. She’s strong too, and she’ll kick your ass if she sees you taking to me this way. And I love her a lot, so don’t even try to win me over, because it’s not going to work.”
Yeji’s face splits into a wide smile, and she shakes her head fondly before tucking a finger under your chin and making you look at her.
You go from confused to elated in a split second.
“Yeji!” You throw your arms over her shoulders and pull her into a tight embrace. “When did you get here?”
“I just got here. I was trying to—”
“Well thank god you’re here. There was this girl that was flirting with me and trying to take me home, can you believe that?”
Yeji swallowed down a laugh and bit back her smile.
“Really? It’s good I got here on time then. Can’t have anyone that isn’t me taking my girl home, can I?”
You interlace your hands and try to stand up, but stumble a bit. Luckily, Yeji catches you and holds you up. You both say goodbye and wish a happy birthday to your friend and she leads you out of the club, a strong arm around your waist.
She helps you into the car and buckles you in, and you unexpectedly kiss her as she’s leaning over you, checking your seatbelt.
She smiles and pecks your lips a couple more times, and you trace her jawline with your finger. She truly is beautiful. The perfect balance of her handsome and pretty features makes your heart skip a beat.
“You okay?” She asks you, and you realise you’ve been staring into space. You nod and stretch in your seat, your tiredness catching up to you.
You yawn and grab her free hand as she pulls out of the driveway of the club and starts on the road home.
“A lot of people tried to flirt with me tonight, Yeddeong.” Well, perhaps ‘a lot’ is an exaggeration, but you’re drunk and sleepy.
Yeji’s hand tightens momentarily on the wheel.
“Yeah?” You nod and tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear.
“But nobody was as pretty as you.”
She blushes, and relaxes her grip on the wheel. She doesn’t say anything, but you smile at the knowledge that you flustered her.
“I love you, Yeji.”
She looks at you, her eyes crinkling as she smiles.
“I love you too, baby.”
When you get home, she helps you out of your uncomfortable clothes and into some pyjamas, and wipes off your makeup too. She tucks you into bed and curls up beside you, her arms wrapping around your waist as she kisses your shoulder. You start snoring the moment your head hits the pillow.
She definitely teases you about it in the morning, how you were so drunk you couldn’t recognise her, and you flush red with embarrassment, on top of the pounding headache you have.
She doesn’t torture you about it though, and presses a warm kiss to your temple as she slides a bowl of heajangguk across the table for your hangover.
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ryulvrs · 2 months
hiii how are you??
hiii!! im doing good!! thank you <3 and how are you??
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ryulvrs · 2 months
my gf made a tumblr !!
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- - jae, 18, she/they, lesbian, very in love with @ryulvrs
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i'm literally just here to support my girlfriend in her writing endeavors ^__^ my ults are svt and itzy (hoshi and lia biased) and i also love love love deltarune and undertale and will post about all of these frequently!! thats all <3
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ryulvrs · 2 months
can you write a gidle yuqi smut? where yuqi igets jealous because y/n is to “close” with Soyeon and Minnie??
too close (song yuqi, smut)
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summary: your girlfriend, yuqi, gets jealous after hanging out with your friends and you fuck to prove otherwise to her
warnings: soft!dom!yuqi x bottom!f!reader, couch sex, jealousy, slight hair pulling, eating out (reader receiving)
word count: 671
a/n: i tried to do something different with this but idk 😭
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turning to face your girlfriend and instead of seeing a face with a big smile, but seeing an angry expression is unsettling.
you don’t know what you did. all you can think of is that you shut the door after saying goodbye to your friends just now. maybe the door was too loud? but she wouldn’t be that upset.
“huh?” you ask stepping closer to her. she just scoffed and turned her head away from you.
“what, yuqi?” using her name when talking to her wasn’t something you normally did, but her whole attitude was serious so you tried to match that.
"i hate how close you are to them," she states.
taken aback, you let out a breathy sound trying to speak. "what?" you say.
"you're always right next to them when they visit," she made sure to emphasize 'right.'
you thought everything she was saying was profound and kind of dumb as these are your friends she's talking about.
"yeah, i sit next to them? but it's nothing more than that. yuqi are you jealous?" you ask tilting your head.
"no, i just-" she cuts herself off. "i want you to be like that with me," she whispers.
you giggle, you thought her neediness for attention was adorable. "yuqi, you're my girlfriend. soyeon and minnie are my friends, i can be more than like that with you," you say attempting to reassure her.
she looks down, with a face that only could read of dissatisfaction. closer, you move to reach out to her face and comfortingly kiss her. "i promise you. i'm sorry i made you feel that way."
she takes your hand and kisses you back, this time more eagerly. "how much more than that?" she pulls back for a second to say. you smirk, stomaching her flirtatious joke.
both of your lips find their way to each other's once more attaching desperately. her hands slip down your pants, she's moving quickly. little foreplay, just two needy girlfriends.
following this, you remove her outfit as well. you both stumble back onto the same couch soyeon and minnie were sat on minutes prior.
her hands grab onto your thighs gently and she pushes you up the couch so you could lie in a comfortable yet easy way for her to access your cunt.
"tell me if its too much," she groans with that raspy, deep voice she has. you nod, watching as her eyes disappear by what you could see of your lower half.
all you can feel now is the tip of her tongue flicking at the most sensitive outlines of your pink pussy. her motions catch you off guard, and you let whimpers slip out. "more," you whine.
she sticks her tongue farther into you, and you feel every curl she makes. you find your hand slipping to grip onto her hair, wishing for her to go even deeper.
her mouth sucks onto your folds, and you see her look up at you with the same amorous aura in her eyes. she's no longer being light with you, she just as horny to have you as you are to have her.
she gives you small breaks to breathe from your constant moaning by kissing your thighs. "feels okay?" she asks.
"it feels really good," you whimper. she smirks, bringing her mouth back to your folds to continue giving you pleasure.
the feeling of her sucking down onto you makes you moan nosily. you have to grip onto the sofa to resist from shaking. "please," you moan wretchedly.
she gives you what you want, and she quickens the pace of her tongue, feeling little drops of your liquids soak into her mouth.
yuqi groans into the sensation, not letting anything leak out of her mouth and go to waste. "you taste beautiful, y/n," she smiles licking a little off her lips.
you smile back instinctively, and sit up so you can pull her closer to kiss her. "you can always do more to me than they can."
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ryulvrs · 2 months
your take on some soft dom g!p ryu pleaase! preferably with praise if that's okay, but if it leads to something rougher, thats your choice, the floor is yours 🫶
- jsj
two at a time (shin ryujin, smut)
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summary: ryujin fucks you from the back
warnings: dom!gp!ryujin x f!reader, toys, porn w/o plot, blowjobs, doggystyle, praise, spanking
word count: 1k
a/n: briefly proofread im sorry!! i needed to post !! 🫶 also !! first anon hii!
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“hi pretty girl,” she smiles looking into your eyes. all you could do was giggle, as your stomach was tied up. she notices, and rubs her fingertips on your waist area. “so nervous,” she says.
she raises her hand to cup your face and she gently moves her thumb on your cheek. “do you want to feel good, y/n?”
“yes,” you stutter.
“yes…?” she trails off.
“yes.” her lips curl at the end, allowing her to smirk at you. she moves her hand off your cheek and down to your body, placing you onto the bed.
“just be easy for me, k?” she does that thing where her head is still tilted down a bit, but her eyes are locked with yours, and her tongue is being bit down by her teeth.
she roams your body again, so every inch of you knows the feeling of her hands. her pointer finger tugs at the stitching of your pants, hinting that she wants you to strip.
you do as she clues, and she follows right as you do leaving you both naked quickly. her dick is standing up, as expected.
you’ve been teasing each other all day and you know how hard she gets from the smallest bits of flirting.
she removes her concentration from you, and you watch as she walks to your dresser where she pulls open the drawer, revealing a dildo hidden under some clothes. “just to prep, you know?” she winks. “it’ll be slow, don’t worry baby.”
she draws the toy closer to your clit, which is practically crying for the touch of anything, even if it isn’t her dick.
the tip of it rubs on the lips of pussy, as she turns it on one notch to its gentlest setting. “you can take this, yeah?” she says as she pulls your face up. you nod and whimper a yes for her.
“good girl.” she lays herself down next to you, and moves it softly in and out of your glistening, liquid covered pussy.
you’re normally pretty quiet, its a mix of being shy and just needing a lot to satisfy you. “more?” you try and nod to signal a yes, but she holds onto your chin and says, “words, y/n.”
“yes please,” you beg, purposely trying to clench onto the dildo out of desperation. click, click. you hear her turn it up two notches so it feels more pleasurable but not too quick.
“like that?” she says, yearning to make you feel good.
“yes baby,” you groan, followed by more light moans from the pleasure.
“see, not too hard to use your words,” she smirks, “i’m sure your mouth can be good in other ways, yeah?” she asks, moving her right leg to place herself on top of you.
she moves to a spot where she’d be comfortable laying her dick in your mouth but also being able to shove the dildo far enough in you that you could hold it for her.
she grips her long, girthy length, slapping it on your glossy lips. “such a pretty girl,” she looks straight down at you. hearing such praise only makes you whine louder, with her cock just rubbing against your face.
you wrap your hands around it, moving gently up and down before taking the tip into your mouth. it was pretty and pink, just like the color of her blush covering her face.
“push it as far as you want, baby, i’ll take it,” you groan, with your eyes fluttering at her.
“needy girl,” she whispers with her intense smirk covering her whole face. she pushes it in, and your tongue holds it like its one of a kind.
in and out, your mouth sucks on her full dick. you watch as her head throws itself back, she’s already leaking in you.
her cock felt so good in your mouth you couldn’t even think about the dildo pulsating inside you. “need some more?” she sees this neediness and pulls out of you.
she grabs your hips and flips you over, spanking your ass once to let you know what she wanted. she flicks at the dildo again, making it go up several notches licking your vagina.
“both?” she asks cautiously.
“i can take both,” you respond with confidence.
“so cute,” she takes a moment to just giggle and smile at you before pushing into your ass. “oh- fuck, you’re as tight as ever,” she groans.
you can’t control any sounds you make anymore. she knows this, and she picks up her pace to match the dildo’s.
hands grasping on your ass, slapping it every few seconds leaving a sweet yet stinging sensation. “taking me so well,” she moans, plunging once more.
as the pleasure builds up within you, your hole grips onto involuntarily. the feeling is overwhelming, yet you can’t help but love it as you feel your climax coming.
“im gonna cum in your ass, is that okay baby?” she grips your hair to hear a response from you.
“yes,” you mutter, choking back air. you feel a surge coursing through your entire body, and your body responds by tensing up and releasing onto the bedsheets and squirting around the dildo.
ecstasy fills the room, going from your body into hers. ryujin gets more urgent with her hip thrusts. pushing at a desperate pace like she wants to get every last second of your hole.
she slaps your ass once more, before her hot cum fills you up. she gasps and moans in pleasure with her hands tightened on your ass.
“fuck, you did so well.” she pulls her cock out of you with her hand gripped on it. she makes sure to take the vibrating dildo out of you as well. panting, exhausted from making love to eachother.
“you okay?” you turn to her and ask.
“yup, are you, y/n?” you smile and nod, planting a kiss on her cheek. you hug her tightly, naked bodies in love with each other.
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ryulvrs · 2 months
i know i havent posted in a litttleee but i have a few things in the works so i promise theyre coming!! just need a little time 😭
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ryulvrs · 2 months
Idk how to request os it doesn't sound rude😭 (i'm sorry) but can you do miyeon g!p x fem!reader (like jealous miyeon bc reader was flirting with yuqi and talking dirty with minnie, then miyeon heard and just putted her in her place iygwim) if you don't wanna do this just ignore it please
just mine (miyeon, smut)
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summary: miyeon takes your flirtatious jokes with her friends seriously and puts you in your place
warnings: dom!gp!miyeon, sub!f!reader, praise, breeding kink, jealousy, degradation, mirror sex, slight choking kink, a lot of dirty talk
word count: 1.3k
a/n: not much to say, just a lot of filthy miyeon 😭
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“you did well today,” your lips temptingly released, with the lipgloss sticking them together.
“hm? with the stage?” yuqi turned her head at you, and almost instantaneously her air felt heated and her breath hitched. you nod, awaiting her response.
“thank you, y/n,” she smirked with just the corners of her lips.
“no need,” you conciously moved your hand to rest on her shoulder for just enough time that she’d think about it. long enough that she’d think about you.
“is miyeon still here?” she asks you, and you both can guess why.
“shes in the next room, are you going home soon?” this is true, miyeon is in the next room. actually, in the next room with the door open giving her a loud and clear audio of everything happening.
“who knows, you could come,” she smirks but laughs it off. as you open your mouth to respond, your head follows minnie who just came out of another connecting entrance.
“hi y/n,” she says, smiling all cutesy.
“hii minnie,” your voice does that thing where it lingers for an unnecessary amount of time. you look her up and down, noticing her obvious pulchritude immediately.
she chuckles, noticing your silence. “cat got your tongue?” she teases. your initial instinct is to make some corny joke about her tongue but you resist in attempt to look cool.
its obvious to everyone in the room that theres some sort of tension, even if its awkward and slightly cliche at times.
“you both look too good, if miyeon wasn’t a room over who knows what i’d be doing right now,” you remark with a devilish smile plastered on your face. you earn a laugh out of them both, but you can tell they undoubtedly agree.
“probably us,” yuqi says under her breath, but you catch it and just giggle. the laughs wouldn’t last much longer although, because the feeling of an unrecognized hand inching onto your waist shuts you up quickly.
your body jinks, to be met by your girlfriend’s uptight stature. “hey miyeon! ready to-“ she cuts you off my taking your hand and urging you to the car.
no words left her mouth the entire car ride, just silence between the both of you. you know what you did though, you were fully aware she would hear all of it too. even better, you loved how jealous she got.
it felt as if your arm was going to fall off when she forcefully dragged you into your shared apartment. she locked eyes with you, with her aggressive yet charming demeanor taking over her completely.
“anything to say?” she spits. there is nothing to say, you just flirted with her friends and did it to make her jealous, because shes beyond hot like this. so, you just shake your head.
“do you want to fuck them, y/n?” she outright states. obviously, taken aback, you stutter over yourself at the claim made.
“what- what the fuck miyeon?” you can’t help but slightly shout at her, even if you know theres reason behind her anger. she scoffs and laughs to control the situation. “i wasn’t actually flirting, baby, i thought you could tell that?” you say.
“oh yeah?” she looks down but she was still very upset.
“yes,” you practically beg. she steps a bit closer to you, but her face doesnt change or drop.
“you’re such a slut, y/n,” she looks you up and down, finally focusing her eyes on yours with her head tilted a little. you wince a little, in pain from biting down on your tongue.
she places her hands on the back of your head, rubbing on your hair adding to the tension between you. her lips pressed just on the edges of yours. you lean, falling deeper into the temptation. her tongue sliding just enough out that you would feel it.
“you’re mine, okay?” she pulls away. “im gonna make you feel it.” her kiss travels you both into a utopia even if you could feel her anger traveling through her bites.
her arms moving from your head to your hands, pulling you whilst holding the kiss into your room. the romantic gestures don’t last long however, as she practically throws you onto the bed.
“strip for me,” she hisses. you do as she asks, and reveal your curved body to her. she undos her clothes along with you, and lets only a second pass before pouncing onto you.
“im gonna fuck you better than they ever could” she grunts. she slaps her cock against the folds of your entrance, exposed to her touch and the air.
you feel her hands spread your legs just a bit farther apart, enough for her to pound into you. the tip of it pushes your edges, coating itself in your liquids.
“so wet? aren’t you easy,” she smirks at you pushing into your pussy. with a wicked grin, she leans forward rubbing your bodies together. her free hand flicks at your cunt putting your wetness on the head of her dick.
youre core cries out for her touch, and she thrusts her length in to please you. you grip onto her, almost as if you’re pulling her in from desperation.
“you’re going to take it, princess, ‘kay?” with a firm hand, she moves your face up to look at her, like shes trying to ingrain her words into you. “come on, tell me,” her grasp on your chin drags lower, as she tightens it around your neck.
“i promise, i’ll take it,” you squeeze your eyes shut and your lower body quivers, dragging her in farther. “please,” you whisper, digging your nails farther into her back.
she writes her smirk into her hip movement, and she rams her dick into you. this time, she moves in and out of you at a consistent pace.
every hit on your pussy leads your cum to squirt out. she quickens her pace, noticing this, and dips her finger into your sweet nectar, licking it off.
“what a pretty pussy, im gonna breed you y/n,” she sucks the end of her fingers before slapping them gently on your clit, pushing them in the little space next to her cock.
“take it, suck me in, pretty girl,” her praise causes you to moan loudly, unlike anything miyeon has heard from you before.
this only makes her needier to cum inside of you, so she takes your hips and steadies you, and picks you up to have you facing the mirror beside your bed. your ass towards her, and her cock still pushing into you, as you both look at your body in the mirror.
“see, you are so slutty, look at you,” she pounds into you with her fingertips roaming your legs and hips. “i’ll breed your pussy so you really know you’re mine,” she moans into your ear.
miyeon leans back, making you do all the work of riding her length. the sound of skin clapping against each other, bouncing on her, liquids meshing and moans filling the room.
“my good girl,” she grunts into your ear, stabilizing your body once more.
“n-need your cum,” you moan for her. she smirks and you can feel the increasing heat down your neck.
both of your bodies tense up, and the movements become more erratic. you breathing hitches, and miyeon swallows down groans. the sensation between you two is intense and overwhelming yet a type of pleasure only she could make you feel.
her liquids spill into you, making you truly hers. “mmm so good,” she sighs, pulling out of you gently treating your body as her temple. her lips make their way down your neck and back lovingly, as a way of showing gratitude.
“im yours, miyeon, i promise,” you turn around to her, and lay one more kiss for her, and she returns it with a smile.
“just mine.”
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ryulvrs · 2 months
oo i just saw your hard no is g!p, im so sorry i misread! skip that one out by all mean i dont wanna make you uncomfy
apologies i read the rules wrong 🙏
awhdish nono dont worry at all!! i write g!p !! you read it right dont worry 😭 and !! i would love to do your request too so its coming soon jsj :))
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ryulvrs · 2 months
i love selene
i love maeve!!!!
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ryulvrs · 2 months
switch ryujin first time with female reader please? and can you include lots of praise. thank you!!!
a first time (shin ryujin, smut)
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summary: a night with your girlfriend trails off to a shared first experience
warnings: switch!ryujin, switch!f!reader, nipple play, praise, hair pulling, eating out (ryujin receiving)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: thank you for requesting anon!! and happy wednesday everyone! half way through the week :’)
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you and your girlfriend have been dating for two years now, and you loved her very dearly. not for a second would you wish for it to be otherwise.
you’ve both talked about having sex for a bit now, but the mutually agreed upon idea is that “when the moment is right.” however, with ryujin, your girlfriend, being so busy due to work, the time was never right. she’d get home late from schedules, or would be overseas for a week at a time. however, you got to giggle over your girlfriend with all the videos posted of her online.
“baby!” you hear a voice calling out to you from the other side of the wall. you turn immediately and follow the sound to be greeted by the beautiful ryujin.
“you’re home!” you smiled warmly and hugged her tightly like you would never let go. “how did it go? did you win?” you ask. she was going to a music show today, and her group was projected to win the certain round. ryujin’s lips curl up quickly and you knew that look of hers. “im so proud of you!” you pull her in for a hug once more, squeezing her.
as you let go, you kiss her cheek softly, which only makes her smile grow bigger. “thank you,” she says with her voice full of endearment. she takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen of your house.
confused, you ask, “hm, baby?” she puts a finger on your lip to politely shush you and continues stringing you along.
“how about we make dinner together?” she suggests and leans back on the counter. you nod and smile and she immediately opens the fridge to find something for you two to make.
she pulls out what look to be a form of a cinnamon roll, and playfully tosses it to you. you take it, and begin cooking to her instructions.
ryujin was cute like this. she had her hair tied up messily, and her sweatshirt gracefully falling my off her left shoulder revealing a bit of her shoulder and striking collarbone. she could come home from the longest day of activities yet still look so effortlessly perfect.
“im so lucky to be your girlfriend, you know?” you say to her with your heart practically beating out of your chest in admiration. she turns to you and her face was lit up. she would never admit it, but her face was pretty red too.
“heyy, shush,” she joke’s turning back to the food. you nudge her arm and continue the preparation steps.
“really, i mean it.” slyly, she slips her arm around your waist, with her face turned into your neck.
“i love you,” she whispers, kissing your neck. your heartbeat only got faster. as you finish laying the cinnamon rolls out, you both put them in the oven and start it.
she backs up the counter and sits on it, with her hands overlapped in the spot between her legs. she looked at you with her amorous yet doe eyes. you loved it when she sat like this.
she takes your hand in hers, wrapping each of your fingers like strings tied together. her other hand follows up your face and gently pulls you closer for a kiss.
her lips were as soft as ever, they felt like honey. every time you parted lips, you desperately wished to kiss her again. she sees this, and kisses you once more gently. this time, smiling ever so slightly into the kiss, like a sly fox.
the oven dings twice signaling that they were finished. you couldn’t let go though from ryujin’s kiss. her lips entranced you so deeply that the world felt as if if stopped every time. “the cinnamon rolls can wait, yeah?” she asks giving you her sarcastic, playful face.
you smirk, pulling her in once more, this time letting your hands explore her lower back and waist. she wasn’t expecting your touch, so she slightly winced from the sudden feeling of cold fingers.
she didn’t mind it though, because she watched as your hands dragged farther down her, tugging ever so slightly at her sweatshirt.
her legs rub gently on your legs, and she wraps them around your waist so you’re practically holding her up.
kiss after kiss after kiss, you were lost in the romantic air of ryujin. you didn’t even fully realize you brought her into your shared bedroom.
she jumps down carefully from your arms, and kisses your lips once more before trailing them down to your neck.
she searched to find the spot that’d get the loudest reaction out of you. her tongue would barely breeze against your neck when she kissed you. sucking down onto you, you tilt your head back to make it easier for her.
maybe too easy though, because it took only a matter of seconds for her to earn a whimper from you. “you like that?” her lips pulled away briefly to smirk and look at you, but she didn’t have any haste from getting back to leaving love marks on you.
she’d suck down or lightly bite and that’s all it really took to get you to moan. she loved hearing you, it turned her on to know she was doing so well.
her kisses would go lower, to the point that she was bordering the rim of your bra. “can i?” she asks holding the hem of your shirt.
“yes,” you respond quietly but lovingly. you lift your arms up to make it easier for her to take your shirt off. she smiles endearingly looking at you in just your bra.
“you’re so beautiful,” she comments. your smile lingers a little longer than it normally does.
she places her lips on your boobs gently, making sure that you’re comfortable in the process. you reach to unclip your bra, and she pulls away awaiting you.
ryujin knows how to mix her sweeter side with her passionate side perfectly. she’s truly a lovergirl.
your hands wrap around her lower waist once more, with the tips of your fingers trailing a bit farther down her back. she takes one hand, and instead of holding you, she lightly sets it on your boob.
massaging ever so slightly, you have to bite down on your tongue from letting more noise out. “i want to hear you, y/n, you sound pretty,” she vocalizes.
your teeth slowly let go of your tongue, allowing yourself to fully be in her comforting handling. her finger tips playing with your nipple ever so carefully. instinctively, you whine from the unfamiliar touch. “good girl,” she smirks.
even if you’re not used to the feeling of someone holding and doing these things to you, you feel safe with ryujin.
she sucks down onto your other nipple whilst continuing to use her hand and play with the other one. “mmm.. ryu-“ you cut yourself off by a moan slipping out from ryujin’s tongue pressing onto you.
you tighten your grasp onto her to keep your balance, but she moves you to the bed to put you more at ease. you reach to unzip her sweatshirt which leaves her bare skin cold to the air with just a bra to cover.
she undoes it, and follows it up by pulling your shorts off swiftly as you remain on the bed. you remove her pants as well, and she smiles looking at your body up and down. “so pretty,” she says, taking your hand once more.
she sits down next to you, wrapping her hands around your head to make out with you once more. “ryu,” you whine.
“mhm, baby?” she backs her face up to look you in the eyes.
“can i uh,” you stutter looking down at her waist area. she smirks, moving your head down and forcing you to get on your knees for her.
“good girl,” she says, pulling you close to her core. she was practically dripping, but you were fucking soaked in comparison.
you’ve never been so exposed yet so comfortable in your life. even if your body was unclothed, you felt safe because it was with ryujin.
you hold her thighs, as your tongue touches the edges of her folds. it felt weird at first, the texture and sensation were unfamiliar to you. you continued although, brushing your tongue against her.
“mmph,” she whined out. the feeling was new for you both. further, you pushed your tongue into her pretty pussy, moving it at a slow pace to begin.
“oh fuck- keep going baby,” she groans. her grasp on your hair tightens, moving you closer to her clit. you go a little quicker, with only your girlfriend’s content in mind.
“mhm, you’re doing well, y/n,” she says, followed by a string of low moans. the sound of her pretty moans just made you want to do better.
so, you sucked on her pussy as best as you could for having no experience. ryujin throws her head back, and her finger tips pull on your hair more.
you took her fluids in gracefully, your lips pressed on her folds, completely taken in by her. ryujin’s moans sink right into your heart, making it beat even faster at the new situations.
“y/n- i’m close, i think,” she whines. you briefly pull away and say,
“you can cum ryu, whenever,” you say in attempt to make her feel comfortable. you continue although, and you feel her pussy clench around your tongue.
“mmph!” she whines, and you go slower for ease. only a moment later and her fluids spilled into your mouth.
out of breath, you both sit back and look at eachother. the same thought to just giggle at eachother lingered with you both.
“come here, princess,” she says placing both hands on the sides of your face. “you have uh,” she pauses, laughing a little before rubbing off a bit of her cum from your lip.
her lips plant on yours, fitting perfectly like they were made for eachothers. “i love you, y/n.” she smiles.
“i love you ryujin.” minutes of just pure love and hugging between you follows and it feels almost as if you could stay like this forever.
“isn’t it my turn to make you feel good now?” ryujin asks, smiling at you.
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ryulvrs · 3 months
more than a game (hwang yeji, smut)
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summary: you have a thing for yeji’s thighs as she rides an arcade motorcycle
warnings: dom!yeji, sub!f!reader, degradation, thigh riding (yeji receiving), finger fucking, overuse of “baby” petname
word count: 964
a/n: a little short and not my best since its been a bit! but omg yeji 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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you weren’t sure why exactly you had a thing for the lower part of your girlfriend’s body. more specifically, her thighs. something about the way her clothes would tug on her skin differently or how she knew just how to use them had you in a complete frenzy.
however, combining your lustful kink and an arcade game that especially drew your eyes even more to them was a dangerous combination.
you thought your date that day with your girlfriend, yeji, would be innocent and playful. but after she sat on top of the motorcycle for the game, you couldn’t help but watch as she rode it according to the race she played.
“are you okay, baby?” she turns her head briefly midgame to look at you. you have been silent the whole round, completely taken in by her body.
“of course, have you won yet?” you respond as calmly as you could fake. you should’ve known though, that yeji could read right through your act.
the machine dings a few times before flashing the word ‘winner’ on the screen. “good job!” you say going up to her to hug her while she was still sat on the motorcycle, with your hand laying at about her waist.
her hand slowly leaves the steering wheel and trails up to your hand. she rubs her thumb sensually onto you. “why so quiet?” she says, and you can practically feel her lips curl into a smirk.
without letting you answer, she gets off the motorcycle and her face finally meets yours. she leans closer to you, and for a brief second, you felt a rush of hot air surrounding you.
she plants a kiss on your cheek, and whispers just loudly enough that you could hear, “did you like that, y/n?”
you didn’t know how to respond, or more realistically, you couldn’t respond. she saw how red your face got so quickly and took that as her answer. in one motion, she takes your hand and leads you out the arcade. as fast as you left, you were swiftly in her car again.
“go ahead baby, touch my thigh,” she says confidently at you.
despite how nervous you were inside, you’ve been wanting this for a while. so, you swallowed the anxiousness down and moved your hand closer to her. you softly place it closer to her knee. “is this okay?” you ask.
“you can go farther,” she says, putting her hand ontop of yours to move both hands closer to her waist instead of her knee. you allowed yourself to hold the inner part just a few inches away from her panties.
“this okay?” you ask once more. she nods and reaches to start the car but based off the needy look you had written all over your face, she pulls away and turns her attention fully to you.
instead of reaching to your hand to guide it, she grasps it and swiftly pulls you into the back of your car.
without a second thought, yeji wraps her arms around you, with her hands landing on your uncovered waist. the mutual desperation between you both fills the car.
she tugs on your pants’ waistband and pull away from the kiss to make sure its okay for her to continue. you nod, and she slips them off along with your panties.
“ride my thigh, baby,” she groans out and positions you onto her thigh. your core was practically dripping onto her. you push the rim of her skirt up and hold her back for support.
you slowly begin to move your hips up and down her thigh at a steady pace. you watch as her head falls back slowly against the car window. yeji moves her hands so that one finger brushes against your fold.
“don’t stop, keep going for me,” she says with her hand positioned so that every bit you moved would rub her fingers on your clit. you needed her to push them further in you, but yet the teasing turned you on.
“i need more…” you whimper out looking at her desperately. she smirks at you, and guides your body to laying back on the seat.
“be good for me,” she says as she suddenly pushes a finger into you. you moan almost instantaneously and you can tell she enjoys hearing you. her thumb guides her finger to go in and out of you at a decent pace.
whilst maintaining this, she kisses down your neck leaving pretty lipstick marks. she could tell you were needy for more, so she puts another finger in and increases the speed.
your whimpers become strong moans from her fingers curling inside of you. she’d pull her fingers just far enough out that she would get that needy whine out of you, so she could slam back in just to hear your cries.
your fluids coat her fingers as your stomach feels even more tight. the windows in the car steam up as you moan from your beautiful girlfriend. her fingers get faster once more, and you feel your lower body practically shaking.
“look how slutty you are just from my thighs, hm?” she degrades you lovingly. that was all you needed for the knot in you to fully wind up.
she fingers you as you reach your climax, and you feel your whole body release at once. she slaps your pretty pussy and kisses your exhausted face.
she can’t help but just pull you so close to her immediately. “you’re okay, baby?” she asks and kisses your face all over. you nod, smile at her, and lay your head in the crook of her neck.
she plants a kiss on your forehead and tightly hugs you once more. what crazy things thighs can do to you.
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ryulvrs · 3 months
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- - selene, 19, she/her, bi w/ a fem lean @hoshliaz <3
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i write mostly gg nsfw drabbles/fics/hcs! i am open to bgs occasionally though. im new to tumblr, so help/critiques are welcomed! however im not too new to fic writing. please read my rules before requesting! . men & minors DNI.
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- - rules : i write typically itzy, aespa, le sserafim, or my favs (full list of idols i write for is below!) but im very open to writing others with requests. i do not write about minors (nsfw or sfw). i write a lot of f!reader, x idol, and g!p. i dont write x m!reader, although. im open to kinks! but if they make me uncomfortable i wont do it. some heavy no’s are non-con, age regression, extreme bdsm, and somnophilia.
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masterlist here ! ! !
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- - idols i write for ! 🐼
- itzy
- aespa
- le sserafim (no eunchae)
- gidle
- loona
- ive (no leeseo)
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@ryulvrs . 🪩
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ryulvrs · 3 months
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- - Masterlist ! !
fluff marked by “f,” and angst marked by “a,” non marked are smut.
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itzy :
yeji -
more than a game
lia -
ryujin -
a first time
two at a time
chaeryeong -
yuna -
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aespa :
karina -
giselle -
winter -
ningning -
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le sserafim :
sakura -
chaewon -
yunjin -
kazuha -
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ive :
gaeul -
yujin -
rei -
wonyoung -
liz -
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g idle :
miyeon -
just mine
minnie -
soyeon -
yuqi -
too close
shuhua -
and soojin -
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loona :
vivi -
yves -
jinsoul -
haseul -
kim lip -
chuu -
heejin -
hyunjin -
gowon -
choerry -
olivia hye -
yeojin -
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and more <3
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