roki-x · 3 years
Mona Alkurd , one of the Palestinians Israel is trying to kick along with 28 families out of their decades long homes in Sheikh Al Jarrah , the last Palestinian block in Al Quds ( Jerusalem ), to complete the restriction of the area to Israeli Jews .. simply an Apartheid by settlers.
“ Your posts and tweets are treasures to us “
Here a rough translation of what she said:
“ It falls on us and Palestinians and the honorable people supporting us with posts and tweets. You have no idea how much that means to us. Everyone who shares even one short post or tweet. Don’t feel like you’re doing nothing. Those posts and tweets are treasures to us. Help us get our cause heard. We are 28 families. 500 individuals. If we are removed, then there will be no Palestinians in Al Quds. And in the end, Allah is our hope. And it falls on us. And we will remain here to our last breath defending our lands and homes”
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roki-x · 3 years
this is your not so friendly reminder that Gal Gadot has openly supported the IDF and posted a picture with the hashtags “we are right” and “I love the IDF” following a bombing of Gaza that left innocent Palestinians - including children - dead.
She directly and openly supports a genocidal state that oppresses and strips rights away from Palestinians on a daily basis.
So fuck her, fuck her “I want my neighbors to be safe” narrative that is simply untrue based on her past actions, and fuck white feminists for trying to paint her as this “girlboss!!!!!!” because she plays Wonder Woman.
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roki-x · 3 years
Many outsiders view “Zionist” as a scary word, thanks entirely to Israeli propaganda. Many people refuse to engage in discussions that explicitly call out Zionism out of fear of being labeled an anti-semite.
As is the case with “It’s a very complicated situation!!”, this is simply not the case here either.
Israel could not exist without Zionism
Israel was established through ethnic cleansing
Zionism will often be framed as nothing but the “idea that the Jewish people have the right to their own nation”. Nothing wrong with that inherently whatsoever - all people have a right to self-determination, period.
But that self-determination, in this case, manifested in the ethnic cleansing of my people. Israel, in all of its forms from 1948 to this day, is the ultimate realization of Zionism. You simply CANNOT separate the two.
Theodor Herzl himself, the man behind the Zionist movement, wrote about how the natives [Palestinians] “must be expelled”, going on to further write “Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.“
Those “this isn’t what Zionism means to me!!” people/posts do.not.matter.
Why does it matter what Zionism means to any given individual? Boo the fuck hoo.
Israel is a settler-colonial entity brought into existence by the Zionist movement, and upheld by the Zionist ideology.
It really, REALLY is as simple as that, and do not let ANYONE try to scare you into being too afraid to speak about it.
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roki-x · 3 years
The number of children murdered by Is*ael increased to 16 and more innocent Palestinians are being targeted. The IDF is also protecting the settlers as they go out to attack random Palestinians citizens in the streets. The Western media is fabricating all of this by saying it's a "clash". It's not a clash. Innocent Palestinians are being brutality attacked. Palestinian houses are being bombed. Governmental buildings (Ministries, Police departments, banks,..etc.) are being bombed. The Is*aeli air forces targeted a KINDERGARTEN as well.
The number of victims so far is
-65 dead including 16 children, 5 women (Including a 4 months pregnant woman, her 2 children and her husband.), and one elder.
-So far the number of injured Palestinians is 365 (and increasing due to random attacks).
Is this the peace the zionists claim they want ? Will peace be achieved by ethnic cleansing, genocide, and stealing land ? Think again.
Every single reblog counts. Spread awareness. Don't be silent!
I will stand with Palestine until it's free!
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roki-x · 3 years
Israeli forces are throwing grenades at ambulances trying to reach the injured in Jerusalem.
This is beyond evil and a war crime under international law.
Share and reshare this video to ensure the world is aware of the crimes against humanity being committed by apartheid Israel.
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roki-x · 3 years
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it really is as simple as this. it's not a complex issue. we shouldn't be perplexed by this. it's ethnic cleansing happening right before our eyes.
here's a thread with books to read to try and get a better understanding of what is happening in Palestine.
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roki-x · 3 years
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roki-x · 3 years
"Israel has the right to defend themselves" by any means please explain to me how bombing civilians and the homes they live in is defending yourself
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roki-x · 3 years
Are we stil tolerating gal gadot? Cancel her and boycott her like liu yifei was canceled for hongkong police support. This woman is not wonder woman.
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roki-x · 3 years
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Palestinian woman: “You know this is not your house. This is my house!”
Israeli settler: “Yes, but if I don’t steal it, somebody else will steal it. (x)
- It is becoming harder to deny that Israel is an apartheid state (x)
- Israel settlers Mobs organized Militia set fire to tens of Palestine farmland in Burin /Nablus city. (x)
- An israeli soldier pressing his knee on a Omar’s neck, a Palestinian man from Jerusalem, and he screams saying "I can’t breath, you [to the IOF] are suffocating me” (x)
- An Israeli settler started shooting  at Palestinian youths after burning a car for Israeli settler in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. (x)
Organizations you can donate to:
X - BDS movement
X - Save the Children UK
X - US Campaign for Palestinain Rights
X - Adala Justice Project
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roki-x · 3 years
How would you feel if your neighbour just marched up to your door and said “get out”
or you found your neighbour in your backyard and you ask him what he’s doing and he says “well if i dont take it someone else will. this house is mine now”
and while this was happening to you, someone deletes your social media accounts, making it difficult for you to reach out to the world for help…
Well. Its actually happening. This very moment.
look up Sheikh Jarrah, Palestine.
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roki-x · 3 years
Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem are facing imminent displacement. In May, four families will be expelled from their homes as a result of Israel’s continued illegal settlement activities.
Private American-backed Israeli settler orgs and the Israeli govt are collaborating to build illegal settlements and kick Palestinians out of Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
In the Silwan neighborhood of Al-Bustan, 105 houses, representing 1550 Palestinians, are facing home demolition as soon as May 11th to make way for King David Park tourist site.
TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition to demand an end to dispossession and call your elected representative to demand an end to Israel’s real-time illegal settlement expansion activities in Jerusalem:
We call on the international community to stop Israel's colonial policies that displace Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah and neighborhoods of occupied Jerusalem.
See this linktree for more info:
feel free to DM me for sample posts and questions or follow my twitter (@linap0p)
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roki-x · 3 years
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*In 2 days.
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roki-x · 3 years
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28 Palestinian families are threatened with displacement from their homes in  Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem, 550 people will soon be homeless.
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roki-x · 3 years
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Yonatan Yosaf, the ‘spokesperson’ for the Israeli settlers who are trying to take over Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. 
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roki-x · 3 years
hey man i haven’t seen a single similar post (concerning???) so i feel like it’s important to make this.
tomorrow is ramadan. your eating disorder will not magically disappear in ramadan.
allah will not hate you if you relapse in ramadan. be it that you faint or you binge, if you need to break your fast because of your eating disorder THEN YOU BREAK YOUR FAST.
You are not supposed to fast when you are sick. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FAST WHEN YOU ARE SICK. IT IS HARAM TO FAST IF YOU ARE SICK BECAUSE IT BRINGS HARM TO YOUR BODY. If you start feeling horribly sick and you know, you haven’t had sufficient suhoor or iftar for a few days or anything of the sort, it is okay to break your fast and even go to the hospital if you need to.
habaybi that have eating disorders, PLEASE take care of yourself during ramadan. It is a month of cleansing and forgiveness, so forgive yourself if you relapse. You can always redo your fast after ramadan.
Jazakallah please reblog this post and ramadan mubarak to you all! ♡
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roki-x · 3 years
Ramadan Mubarak to all my Muslim friends! i know ramadan this year is going to be different than the others, there will be empty seats at dinner tables during iftar, familiar faces missing at the masjid, some numbers we won’t dial anymore on Eid. i ask Allah to heal us, protect us. may we all have a safe & healthy month, may this ramadan bring us peace ❤
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