Behold! No Tree Left Behind’s storyboards in one convenient location.
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Behold! Homesick’s storyboards in one convenient location.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 4 hours
Annnnd now they're stuck together, lol.
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I think I committed more fully to consistently drawing that twig in Phillip's hair than I did to drawing his backpack
Witch Switch part 4.4
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Transcript under the cut
[Phillip runs, while Evelyn chases]
Evelyn: Give it back!
Phillip: No way, witch! I’m not letting you back into my world! This key is coming with me; I’m going home and telling Caleb everything, and you’re going to be trapped here forever.
E: Just let me explain!
P: No! You’ve probably been feeding Caleb love potions and planning to harvest his heart for your spells!
E: Okay, first of all, that’s incredibly offensive, and secondly—
[Flapjack flies in front of Phillip’s face, chirping loudly. Phillip skids to a halt, and Evelyn catches up, snatching for the key. Zoom out to show that they’re at the edge of a cliff.]
E: Gotcha!
[Phillip pushes at Evelyn’s face while she grabs for the key. Flapjack flutters around them, trying to peck at Phillip’s fingers]
E: Phillip—just— give me—
P: Stay—away—from—
[Phillip fumbles the key, and it falls. Evelyn and Phillip stop fighting, peering over the cliff, Flapjack in Evelyn’s hair]
[The key falls into the boiling ocean. Evelyn and Flapjack stare in shock, Phillip next to them, also shocked and guilty]
P: … [glancing at Evelyn] That was your fault.
[Evelyn and Flapjack glare]
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No Tree Left Behind
I can’t tell what order they should be in… Tbh, I’m not sure if it even matters? I’m shocked they did storyboards for other episodes beyond the pilot, how does this show keep giving??!?
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rockymountainqueen2 · 14 days
Woo hoo! Now we're finally getting some action!
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Witch Switch part 4.2
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Transcript under the cut
[Evelyn holds Phillip’s arms, frantic and confused]
Evelyn: Phillip?! What are you doing here?! Is Caleb with you? How did you even…?
[Cut to Phillip pointing at her ears, shaken]
Phillip: Ah—ah—you’re—you’re
E: [disembodied] Ohhhhh titan, Phillip, don’t freak out, please don’t—
[Cut to Evelyn, who is half-amused, half-offended]
E: Witch. I’m a witch. Elves are a whole different creature. You wouldn’t want to run into one, trust me. Phillip, what happened?! Why are you here?
P: Why am I here? I was just following you! Why are you here?!
E: Well—
Disembodied voice: HEY! YOU! CARDINAL CRIMINAL!
[Cut to a guard, pointing at Evelyn]
P: [disembodied] Who’s that?
Guard: You’re under arrest! And your little co-conspirator!
[Evelyn’s stand disappears, and she grabs Phillip’s hand, pulling him onto her staff]
P: Wha-?
E: Time to go!
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rockymountainqueen2 · 17 days
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people wanted me to draw more of these guys together, so here ye be
i call them the Wilter Brothers
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rockymountainqueen2 · 17 days
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It's that time of the year again! Dadrius Week will start 1 month from now on Father's Day. Prompts are:
Day 1: Puppet Day 2: Sewing Day 3: Secrets Day 4: Separated/Free Space Day 5: Grimwalker Day 6: Tag-Team Day 7: Relax
Some ground rules:
Any sort of media is welcome. Fanfic, fanart, edits, playlists, moodboards, whatever form your art takes, we're happy to have it!
As always, prompts don't have to be done in order, and there is no pressure to finish within the week, or even finish all the prompts at all. Whenever and whatever you feel like completing is incredible, and we're happy to have it!
NO content shipping Hunter with Darius
In terms of content, pretty much anything goes except for rule 3, but PLEASE be sure to thoroughly tag your work for heavier/potentially upsetting topics. If you have specific questions/aren't sure if something is permitted, please contact me
Be sure to tag everything "dadrius week 2024" and @ me!
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rockymountainqueen2 · 20 days
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rockymountainqueen2 · 21 days
Snickering over the look on Evelyn's face in the last panel.
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Witch Switch Part 4.1
Eyyyy we're back, launching into episode 2 with "Phillip and the adventures of really needing to look where he's going"!
Transcript under the cut
[Phillip wanders through the Isles]
Phillip: Okay, there’s gotta be a reasonable explanation for this. Probably she mists some kind of—of hallucinogenic drug in that house in case someone wanders in. Yeah, that’s gotta be it, that’s gotta—
[He bumps into a demon]
P: Uh-huh, what are you, like, a wall or something, probably?
Demon: [enraged] A wall?! I’ll have you know I’ve been dieting!
[Phillip jumps back as the demon swipes at him]
P: [small voice] Uh-oh
[Phillip runs]
P: This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t—
[slams into Evelyn]
[Phillip holds his head, squinting up]
P: Ah—ow—oh! Evelyn! Thank goodness! I don’t even care that it’s you! I’m just happy to finally find another…
[Cut to Evelyn, focusing on her ears]
P: …human.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 22 days
More like snackable, lol.
I apologize profusely to any and all Raine Whispers fans.
do you guys ever think about raine whispers. five foot nothing insanely competent bard with stage fright. divorced nonbinary wifeguy lesbian committing treason against the throne. they even had a gay little earring
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rockymountainqueen2 · 23 days
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I just remembered this art I did of Luz and Hunter’s pilot designs in this image almost exactly a year ago, I wonder why they look so scared 🤔
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I don’t like the lighting and the hands are disgusting, but otherwise it’s pretty ok. Maybe I’ll redraw it sometime.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 25 days
The Boiling Isles as a Teenage Wasteland?
Let's goooooo!
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rockymountainqueen2 · 25 days
Admittedly, the "I am going to kill all of the Witches!!!!" aspect of Belos' character is heavily implied to be of a personal nature. It's definitely religiously motivated (Which TOH admittedly danced around until, like, the very last episode), but that's not the only thing driving Belos to do it. Spite in of itself is potent motivator.
XD I was also mostly joking about Belos himself becoming "tolerant". I don't believe for one minute that he himself actually became accepting, just implying that he learned how to hide his bigotry behind a kindly public persona because he realized that he couldn't get very far in being open about his prejudices.
Plus, you know, he likely believed that all of Witch and Demonkind were Hellbound anyway. So there's no real "point" in trying to "save" them, then. So why shouldn't he pretend to be alright with the vast majority of their "vices"? It's all going to be a moot point in the end from his point of view.
They want to know if William is homophobic
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He's not, but now he's thinking about mpreg and he's not happy about it
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rockymountainqueen2 · 25 days
The end of an era.
boosting this oldie for the discontinuation of paneras charged lemonade
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rockymountainqueen2 · 25 days
The hilarious thing is that Belos himself never expressed any homophobic beliefs in TOH.
Or acted racist, sexist, transphobic... Hell, he even respected Raine's pronouns.
Full disclosure: I headcanon that Belos did hold all of the awful prejudices that a 17th-century Puritan man would've been expected to hold.
And that he did attempt to spread those beliefs during his early "Traveler preaching against the perils of Wild Magic" years. IE: Before he took up the "Belos" moniker.
Then he dropped them, [Because they were why he kept getting chased out of town!], became "Belos", and decided to focus entirely on the "Wild Magic is Bad" part of his message instead.
And that's how Belos became "tolerant", lol.
They want to know if William is homophobic
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He's not, but now he's thinking about mpreg and he's not happy about it
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