rhube · 7 minutes
They also don't need you to actually be a woman, they just have to perceive you as one.
14th century doctors be like “i don’t know what’s wrong with you but you’re a woman so i diagnose you with witchcraft”
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rhube · 17 minutes
I don't know that organisers could have done anything to help me attend pride this year, but it really did bum me out not being able to go. Anything you can do to make Pride more accessible makes a difference.
Note: the absolute basic first step is everyone wearing masks. Yes, you are outside, but you are also in a crowd. A very large number of disabled people are effectively barred from society by the 'let it rip' policy.
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride moth celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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rhube · 3 hours
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rhube · 4 hours
It's 10 years old.
THE fanvid.
the unbreakable connection between me and a song I heard in a fanvid over ten years ago
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rhube · 5 hours
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rhube · 5 hours
Mr Blobby. The Myth. The Legend.
Mr Blobby is like... Gritty, for the 90s, OK? Gritty's dad.
He's genuinely beloved in that 'it's meant to be a bit shit and a bit terrifying' sort of a way that if you were alive in the 1990s you totally got.
So, imagine if Gritty had a theme park. It sounds sort of amazing, right? You'd probably want to go, in the abstract. But the reality is that there isn't that much TO Gritty except, like, wow, look at THAT!*
I mean, Mr Blobby did at least come with a setting: Crinkley Bottom, and Noel's 'House'. But they didn't make a Crinkley Bottom theme park. Or a Noel's House Party theme park, which legitimately could have had some fitting rides. The show did involve a bunch of (mostly gunge-themed) games, and even slides.
But this theme park wasn't set in Crinkley Bottom. It's just, like... where might this Creature Noel Edmunds created have come from? Somewhere WEIRD, we know that much. Yeah, let's make somewhere weird and say it was there.
Except that Mr Blobby already has an origin story: that he's a terrible children's entertainer. Literally a man in a slightly terrifying suit who falls over and fucks up a lot, until he takes his head off and reveals himself to be Noel Edmunds.
He's not meant to have a richer background than that. That is the full extent of the joke. And as far as it goes, it's surprisingly hilarious. That's why we loved him: because he's a bit shit.
You start inventing a world for him to inhabit and it gets a bit...
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Mr Blobby is a chaos monster. But the thing is that he only wreaks havoc for about 15mins (of which the audience at home sees maybe 1min) and then Edmunds reveals himself and we all have our relief.
You're not meant to look too long at him.
A part of me still wants to go, I must confess. But I get why families and *children* specifically, would not be able to find hours of fun in his world.
*I am not knocking Gritty here - really, the comparison to Mr Blobby is sincere admiration - I'm just saying you can't get a full theme park out of Gritty. Even Disney Land typically only has one ride per whole film!
hey girl uhhhh did you know that
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rhube · 6 hours
reblog if you remember what it felt like to walk into blockbuster
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rhube · 8 hours
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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rhube · 8 hours
There is no safe place left. The Israeli army is merciless and does not know humanity. Save us from certain death through support via PayPal wallet.
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rhube · 10 hours
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New Pride designs in my store this morning!
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rhube · 10 hours
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rhube · 10 hours
I need tumblr's help on this one because I only have 5 days left (until June 5) and it's not working out. I'm writing my master's thesis on the video game industry and I've distributed a survey around but barely have ANY answers. It should only take 5 minutes to complete. Please, at least reblog this to help me out I'm desperate.
link to the survey here
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rhube · 10 hours
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rhube · 10 hours
Instagram : krewkutz
This made me feel really happy ❤️
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rhube · 12 hours
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The thing about Cottagecore is that is a fetishized aesthetic of country life, divorced from labor and idealized by a primarily urban audience with a backward looking ethos of tradition. They are not prepared for the stresses of a rural life: farming; harvesting; tapping pumpkins to ensure none of them have been replaced with flesh; losing out on income by having to use one of your pigs in a blood sacrifice to paint protective sigils over your doors and windows; checking cracks and chimneys for the flesh-vines of the Pumpkin Lord; having to decide, before the Growth is complete, whether that's really your tradwife or an amassment of vines, leaves, and blood in the shape of your tradwife; ignoring their desperate pleas that "I'm me! No! No!" as you burn them alive, realizing too late you picked wrong; and the exploitative corporate nature of commercial farming in 2024. All seen through a deeply colonial lens, of course
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rhube · 14 hours
‘full movie watch free online’ was in the early 21st century a kind of prayer
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rhube · 14 hours
I love seasonal fruits they're like girl we're back lol
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