reveluving · 4 hours
sorry for scaring y’all by disappearing, i was busy graduating/becoming an award winner filmmaker, yesterday.
i’m still not gonna be on here much but thanks for checking in 🫡
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reveluving · 19 hours
Ohhhhhh you got me going!!! I know you’ve written for reader to be married to Rick instead of Ben but how ‘bout the reverse??? Rick is jealous that she’s married to Ben and tries to pull rank but Ben is a Delta boy so he doesn’t give two shits about rank??!! 🤣
a/n: again, an ancient ask, tad shorter than usual too, but you know I could never say no to these two (love you, aria)!! 
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warnings: petty Benny vs pettier(?) Rick
j.k. m.list (series under 'rick flag vs the triple frontier boys'), or check out my full m.list!
Let’s face it—whether you’re married to Rick or Benny, our beloved Miller is not going to give a damn about his and Rick’s rank differences. 
So, when hears Rick say it for the first time, and Benny’s like “??? My guy, who gives a shit, I'm just trying to get some veggies, what does your rank have to do anything with her?” 🤨
He will definitely not say that if you were with him at the time, mainly because he knows you’d want him and Rick to get along, so Benny did the best thing he could do, and that was giving Rick the most crooked, most unsure smile like that one ‘hide the pain Harold’ picture and say “cool, man. real cool.” 
Rick’s not exactly proud of his past, so when he’s comparing ranks, it isn’t necessarily him boasting, but more so having fun, considering he’s heard plenty of stories about your knucklehead of a husband. Plus, it may or may not be tactic to see if Benny would break over something petty—just so he’ll know that you’re in good hands.
And in a way, Rick at least has to give it to him for maintaining his composure. Admittedly, he had his doubts about Benny at first, the man sounded like a handful for an angel like you.
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reveluving · 2 days
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joy; la rouge
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
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reveluving · 3 days
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THE EQUALIZER 2 (2018) THE MENTALIST (2008-2015) 6.16 "Violets" NARCOS (2015-2017) 2.03 "Our Man in Madrid"
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reveluving · 4 days
You're lying!! Sweetheart, you are in for a treat. The TF fics on this site are so kdjaklslajalajdl *chef's kiss*, and I'm talking about for ALL of the Delta boys! I hope you'll have one hell of a time discovering them ✋🏼😭❤️
And thank you!! This crossover ruined me when I first thought about it (in the best way possible!) 🫠
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I have another ideaaaa 👀 I imagine Santi and Benny being very flamboyant when it comes to showing their admiration for someone. Imagine Rick bringing lunch to reader’s unexpectedly just to see Santi bringing her flowers and Benny giving her the heart eyes. My poor flag baby might have a stroke just from the scene in front of hiiimmm!!
a/n: Aria, baby. it’s been a long ass time ✋🏼😔 BUT THE FIXATION IS BACK (kinda. largely because I’ve been reading fics after fics of Oscar & Pedro chars. RAAAAAH). so we’re here baby, after 1 ½? 2 years later???? ENJOY
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warnings: humour & fluff; poor Rick just wants to love you in peace.
j.k. m.list (series under 'rick flag vs the triple frontier boys'), or check out my full m.list!
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Oh, you know Rick’s eyes are TWITCHING. The paper bag in his hand, packed with lunch from your favourite stop, crumpling in his grasp, almost tearing at the top. Not the food though, he’s not trying to ruin his wife’s favourite. 
But he’s chill. Absolutely chill. He swears. 
Benny and Santi just had to stop by the same time he came home from work, both leaning against the white porch railing while you sat prettily on the bench. 
Benny was expressive in whatever he was talking about, likely his last boxing match from the way he was holding the air in a headlock before the three of you shared a laugh. As much of a troublemaker they were, they were your friends, after all. He’d chase them off his property or warn them with a glare any day if it meant cutting off any form of ‘allegiances’ with that horrible past, both yours and his.
Just when you were about to reply to God knows what they asked, you noticed Rick lingering by the mailbox. Your eyes lit up, and it didn’t take the duo any other hints to know that he was home.
“Rick!” You enthusiastically waved at your husband, beckoning him to sit on the bench next to you. Rick couldn’t help but smile back at you, walking over and ignoring the two until he reached the top step of the stairs.
“Boys.” He greeted them, going over to shake Santiago’s hand before Benny’s, flexing his hands as they shook to see if the other would break. None did, as usual, pulling away and somewhat putting the tension on hold in favour of you. Rick took a seat next to you, passing you the bag of food and a soft ‘there y’go, baby’ (but not really, he made sure the two would hear it). 
It took a few seconds, making sure he greeted you with a kiss before stretching his arm to lay on the backrest behind you.
“So, what’s the occasion?”
“The boys just came over to say hi. Gave me these flowers from the flower shop nearby,” You raised the calla lilies that were resting on your lap. Now, Rick was no flower specialist, but he has been to the shop countless times to buy you your own fix. 
And if he remembered correctly, they generally represented beauty.
Well played.
“And Santi was just telling me about this new Cuban restaurant just outside the neighbourhood.” You continued, turning to Santiago with an encouraging smile so he could tell Rick about it.
“Cuban restaurant, huh?” 
Santiago curtly nodded to his curiosity. 
“The best. Might even be your new favourite once you both try it.” He explained, only to glance at the paper bag Rick was holding—a look that was almost… Judgemental? Critical? All of the above? All Rick knew that the man before him was silently scoffing at his choice. 
And, well, Santi wouldn’t exactly deny that claim, either. 
Rick didn’t hide the scoff, only to pair it with a faux smile so you could take it as nothing more than a harmless banter, “Gotta be real good then. ‘Cause this here,” He cocked his head in the paper bag’s direction, “Is my wife’s favourite place. Our favourite place.”
Rick not only had to watch out for the bold claim Santi was making, but he also had to bear in mind the sight of Benny openly looking at you like a lovestruck puppy. The promising boxer didn’t even care about the passive-aggressive argument going on around him. He was just appreciating the beaut in front of him.
(Man’s just doesn’t give a shit atm).
“Hey, I’m not here to burst your bubble,” Santi huffed in amusement, raising his hands in a defensive way, “But I’m not trying to give the pretty girl any mediocre recommendations either. C’mon Flag, you, of all people, should know that we want the best for her.”
“Aw, Santi, you’re too kind.” You were touched and it showed, and Rick couldn’t argue with the statement. Without a doubt, he wants what was best for you, be it food, comfortable clothes, gourmet treats for the fucking neighbourhood cat you adore—anything. 
In the midst of their silent argument, you reached for Rick’s hand, holding his larger ones in between yours, “I’m sure Rick and I will enjoy it,” He mirrored the warm smile as you stared into each other’s eyes for a moment, only to break when you addressed the two, “And if it’s as good as you said it is, we might as well have a get together.”
You were growing concerned of the two’s silence, eyes darting back and forth and almost—almost asking what was wrong until Benny, as if snapped out of his trance, finally, spoke up. 
“Absolutely.” Benny raised his hand in a manner that a believer would in church. 
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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reveluving · 6 days
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 DEAN ☆ OFF-LINE (2022)
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reveluving · 7 days
“Keep moving your hips if you want, but don't scream again,” he warned, his deep voice rumbling from his chest as you breathed through your nose. “There’s time for that later.”
Me who just woke up, thinking I'd be able to read just a BIT of it then wash up, only to finish it all at once:
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NAVY. This was WAY beyond my expectations! I knew I chose the right answer during the recent poll 'cause FAWK 👁️👄👁 I know this is just the start but.... This might... be up there.... with Stud & Smartie.... 👉🏼👈🏼❤
Hold You Tight: Part 1
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: You encounter an unexpected visitor in your home.
Chapter Word Count: Over 2.8k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, breaking and entering, stalking, coercion, threats (not against reader), creepy and unhinged behavior, flashback, possessiveness, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: Welcome to the Turn It Up AU! Thanks to @starlightcrystalline for helping bringing this unhinged Bucky to life and @targaryenvampireslayer and @tavners for the support. Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You yawned as you flipped on the light switch in your apartment and set the keys on the table. It was early, but you were ready to settle in for the night after a busy shift. Maybe you could make a cup of tea and curl up with a book to unwind after dinner. Or maybe even a nice, hot bath and a glass of wine.
If only Addison could hear your thoughts now. She’d tease you for not living it up and enjoying the single life. Nothing new.
Your mouth fell open as you walked into the living room, but no sound came out as you skidded to a stop. Your heart nearly burst out of your chest and plummeted to your stomach at the same time as your phone fell from your hand. It was like you couldn't breathe. Because a man was sitting on your sofa.
And you lived alone.
“What…” you exhaled, no louder than a whisper.
The man didn't speak as he stared at you. He didn't even blink. The staring contest gave you a moment to take in his appearance. Intimidating even though he was sitting, his dark suit looked tailored to perfection on his broad frame. Dark brown hair framed his face and matched the stubble on his face, with the exception of a few gray hairs. The dangerous glint in his hard blue eyes did little to put you at ease, but there was something soft there as well.
In any other circumstance, you would've said he was handsome.
You bent down to pick up your phone before he let out a tsk, a subtle warning for you not to try anything. “Who are you? Why are you in my home?” You asked as you straightened up, hoping your tone didn't betray how terrified you were.
Nothing looked out of place. If he was there to rob you, there wasn't much worth taking. While you weren't struggling, you were far from rich.
He smirked and leaned back further into the cushion, his eyes roving over your body. You hadn't noticed right away, but the hand draped on the back of the sofa appeared to be metal. Or was it a glove? He didn't have to stand for you to know he was larger than you. If things got physical, you wouldn't stand a chance.
“Okay…” If he wasn't going to give you any sort of answer or clue as to who he was or why he was there, you’d just leave. You could go to a neighbor’s place or Addison’s to call the cops. But he didn't seem to like it when you took a step back since he pinned you with a glare and crooked his finger, beckoning you to go to him.
Your legs wobbled with the first step, but you righted yourself as you continued to move forward. If he noticed your misstep, he didn't acknowledge it. You swallowed, worried that bile would rise to your throat from how sick you felt when you stopped in front of him. That feeling only grew when he leaned in to grip your waist and roughly pulled you toward him.
A scream escaped this time around, but his hand clamped over your mouth to smother the sound. The cold fear that trickled down your spine would stick with you for days to come as he pulled you onto his lap and shook his head with another tsk. There was no mistaking the evident lust in his gaze as his eyes bore into yours.
What was he going to do to you?
You put your hands on his shoulders to push yourself away, but the hand on your hip held you tighter. You squirmed in his lap before you brushed against the outline of his cock, your body stiffening when he let out a low groan. With wide eyes, you decided moving wasn't a wise decision.
“Keep moving your hips if you want, but don't scream again,” he warned, his deep voice rumbling from his chest as you breathed through your nose. “There’s time for that later.”
Blood rushed to your ears as your heart pounded faster. You wished you could've stopped the tears from filling your eyes, but you weren't that strong. Was he going to hurt you? Kill you? If so, why?
The brunette cooed as a tear slid down your cheek. “I’m not going to hurt you, okay? But I will gag you if I remove my hand and you scream again,” he promised, his tone lighter than a moment ago. “Blink once if you promise not to scream.”
You blinked, another tear falling from your eye.
A pleased look crossed his face when he removed his hand and you complied. “Good girl,” he whispered and you ignored the new kind of shiver that rolled down your spine. “I didn't mean to startle you, but I couldn't wait any longer to see you.”
You exhaled as he used his thumb to wipe the tears away, your body still stiff as you focused on trying to stay calm. Couldn't wait to see you? You had never seen this man before in your life. “Who are you and what do you want?”
“My name is Bucky Barnes. And don't worry. I already know your name.” He smirked as he rested his hand on your cheek. You managed not to flinch at his calloused touch. “Did you have fun at my club?”
Confusion flickered in your gaze. “What?”
“My club, The 107th. I own it. Did you have fun?” He asked again, looking at you expectantly.
The 107th was the most luxurious and expensive nightclub in the city. Chic and glamorous in design with a friendly staff who waited on people hand and foot, you felt like royalty as you hung out in the VIP section. The upscale venue wasn't one you frequented often. In fact, you had only been once.
For Addison’s bachelorette party.
“Y-Yeah,” you replied, still confused as to what he wanted. “It’s a nice club.”
He hummed, his thumb brushing across your trembling lip. “I’m glad to hear it, but you didn't seem to have as much ‘fun’ as your friends. Did you?”
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You nursed your drink as you gazed out at the dancefloor from your seat. The place was packed, the strobe lights flashing over the crowd in various hues as they grinded to the beat. You adjusted the hem of your short black dress as you debated going out to dance. You decided against it since you weren't looking to hook up.
“Come on! Another shot!” Addison yelled, adjusting her tiara on her head. She was lucky the “bride to be” sash was still on straight. “Shot, shot, sh-sh-sh-shot!”
You giggled as she plopped down beside you. “I did a shot. I'm fine,” you hollered back.
Your best friend grumbled something you couldn't make out as she put her head on your shoulder. “But you aren't even driving.”
“I don't want to deal with a hangover tomorrow,” you argued, thanking the server as she brought another bottle.
“Ugh. If you won't drink, at least get laid,” Addison whined a little. “You're wearing a slutty black dress and everything.”
You looked around at the group. Addison was the only one in white since she was the bride. Everyone else wore black. They looked great, but you weren't dressed to get any sort of attention.
“Yeah! Get fucked!” Dana shouted.
“Is that encouragement or an insult?” You teased, glancing at the small blinking light in the corner of the VIP section. You didn't notice it before.
“Raise your hand if you think our girl should get laid!” Addison announced, raising her hand high and spilling some of her drink on the seat. “Whoops.”
The group raised their hands as you attempted to clean up the small mess. “I’m not hooking up with anyone tonight,” you said to their disappointment. “This night isn't about me and my love life.”
“Your love life? Babe, it doesn't exist!” Addison grabbed your left hand and held it up to stare at your bare ring finger. “I don't get it. You're the only one not engaged or married yet. And you're, like, the sweetest one in our group. And you're so pretty! It’s not fair that you don't have a man. You deserve one.”
“And sex!” Dana chimed in. “You deserve lots of sex!”
You gently pulled your hand away and pushed down the sadness that surfaced at the reminder that you were the only single one left of your friends. You didn't know why you hadn't met the right one yet. It wasn't like your standards were too high and you were a good, loyal partner. You wouldn't say you were supermodel gorgeous, but you were pretty. You knew how to have a good time.
Addison's lip wobbled when she saw the look on your face. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m sorry. I didn't mean anything by it,” she rambled, hugging you from the side. “I just want you to have what Brady and I have. I want someone to love you.”
Guilt crept in before you shook your head and flashed your best smile. You know she wasn't trying to make you feel bad and you didn't want to ruin her night. “And one day, I will. Someone will love me the way Brady loves you and I’ll love him, too,” you assured her, giving the other girls a shrug and wishing they'd stop with the pitying stares. “Shots?”
Your eyes briefly went back to the blinking light before you put a small smile back on your face. Addison was having fun and that was what mattered. You could worry about yourself and your feelings tomorrow.
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“I’m sorry, but did my friends and I do something wrong?” You asked, dodging his question. You booked and paid for the section well in advance. Your group danced around in the area, and behaved overall and kept to yourselves. The server got a nice tip at the end of the night.
So what was the matter?
“Not at all,” he said, tilting his head. “I’m just sorry I couldn't introduce myself to you that night.”
“I don't understand. You broke into my home just so you could introduce yourself to me?” You asked as he traced small circles on your hips, the motion making your head spin a little. “How do you even know where I live?”
He chuckled, the corners of his eyes crinkling, before he got serious again. “I have my ways. And I can be a little intense and forward at times, but you’ll get used to it,” he said, your eyes wide again. What was wrong with this man?
“Okay, Bucky,” you said slowly, seeing something wicked flash in his eyes when you said his name. “Being intense and forward doesn't excuse breaking into my home. And since my friends and I didn't do anything wrong at your club and you formally introduced yourself, I think it's time for you to leave.”
A second passed before he shook his head. “No, doll. It’s time for you to get the love life and man you deserve.”
Fingers brushed your throat as you struggled to take your next breath. “What did you say?”
“I'm going to take you out to dinner tomorrow so you can get to know me and you’re going to wear the dress I bought for you,” he explained as if he didn't hear you, nodding toward the hall. “It’s waiting for you in your bedroom and, yes, it’s your size.”
How did this man have the nerve and how long had he been in your place? “You went into my room? You-”
“And I bought you that perfume you recently ran out of. I know how much you love it. I know everything about you,” he continued, running his nose along your neck as your blood ran cold. “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together.”
You moved back, desperate to get away as your stomach twisted. He didn't let you get far, easily yanking you close again. How did he know anything about you? How did you catch his eye?
The blinking light in the corner of the VIP section …
“And if I say no?”
Bucky pulled back, his eyes calculating as he studied you. “I’m not going to force you into going out with me. It’s your choice to say yes or no, but I want you to think carefully about that choice.”
Dread pooled in your gut. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I obviously know where you live and I can get in and out undetected,” he pointed out. You wondered now if this was the first time he had been in your place. “I also know where your friend Addison and her fiancé, Brady, live.”
A wounded sound escaped at the thought of anything happening to your friends. “Please, leave them alone.”
“And the shop you work at, I know where it’s located. Those floral arrangements you make are stunning. Your boss even gave you a raise recently. You should be proud,” he smiled.
Your eyes watered again. The man was certifiably insane. Maybe this was a sick joke or a bad dream. Soon you'd wake up in your bed.
But the iron grip on your body reminded you that this was very real.
He waved a hand dismissively. “But we both know you’ll make the right choice because you're a good girl… a smart girl,” he said like he hadn't just threatened your friends or livelihood. “Just take the night to think it over. Have a glass of wine and draw yourself a nice bath while you do.”
He surprised you by moving you from his lap to the sofa. His hands and eyes lingered on you momentarily before he released you and stood up. Towering over you, he gave you a tender smile as he buttoned his jacket.
“I’m going to lock the door behind me when I leave and I’ll be back tomorrow at 7pm so you can give me your answer. And if you try and tell anyone I was here tonight, I’ll know about it,” he said, grasping your chin when you tried to look away. “It’s taking all of my control not to drag you to bed, but I can wait a little longer.”
Fear prickled the back of your neck as you tensed up. “You couldn't just ask me out like a normal person?”
You almost regretted asking when he narrowed his eyes, but he huffed out a laugh. “Where's the fun in that?” He winked as you shrank back in your seat. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I won't hurt you. And you know what? I just thought of something. You still need a plus one for the wedding. I’m free. I’ll get a suit to match your bridesmaids’ dress. We’ll look perfect together. And Addison will be so happy that you aren't going alone.”
His tone was light and happy like it was a suggestion and not an order, but the ferocity in his gaze had you trembling. “Why are you doing this?” You asked above a whisper.
“Because I want you and I get what I want,” he said as a matter of fact, releasing your chin. “Like I said, it's time for you to get the love you deserve. And I know you'll give it to me in return.”
It was like your spirit floated out of your body as he bent down to kiss your forehead. You couldn't move or speak. Was this what shock felt like? Or was it complete and utter fear?
You stared ahead as he picked up your phone and unlocked it with your passcode. He knew that, too? “Can’t leave without giving you my phone number,” he smiled, putting his information in before he set the device down. You didn't respond. Once he was gone you could scream and cry. But you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of breaking down in front of him. “I’ll be back tomorrow night, 7pm. Get some rest. You'll need it.”
Even as he left you alone and locked the door behind him as promised, you didn't move from your spot as tears streamed down your cheeks. You didn't dare go to your bedroom to see the gifts he left for you, your hand shaking as you wiped at your face. The scent of his cologne lingered, as did his touch. It was like his shadow covered you, leaving you cold and afraid. Your home was no longer safe.
You weren't safe.
With his subtle threat looming over your head, you’d have no choice but to go out with him. Maybe he’d get bored of you quickly and move on. Or maybe not. You had no way of knowing. All you knew was that your average life was upheaved by the owner of The 107th.
And you were going to be his girl whether you liked it or not.
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Bucky isn't wasting time. Where is he taking you on your first date? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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reveluving · 7 days
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114 notes · View notes
reveluving · 8 days
Thinking about Stephen lately... I need him.
Includes: allusions to s~mut (minors DNI!), but really, pure fluff!
» j.k. m.list , or check out my full m.list!
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You need him.
The same way he needs you.
Kissing the nape of your neck and shoulders, brushing his facial hair along your skin. His hands roaming all over your pretty body, like the mere feel of a fabric, be it your bra or even the thinnest blouse, was enough to make him clench his jaw.
You don't know what's gotten into him. A case went wrong, someone giving him shit, hell, maybe even the gloomy weather. You weren't sure but nothing was going to stop you from giving him what he needed.
There was a smooch after each kiss, his pace a little quick but the passion remained, as if he was making sure the kisses would stay there. Every time you arched, almost squirming out of his hold at the ticklish sensation, he'd pulled you back in, closer than ever.
And when you turned your head to the side, he surged forward, pressing his lips onto yours and savouring your breathy exhale.
It all felt like a little dance, a sensual kind, his whispers ranging from the sweetest promises to the nastiest confessions into your ear. His heartbeat was palpable against your back, and so was his silver chain. The coldness sends shivers down your spine at every touch.
He would 'overstimulate' at times; jerking each time he pressed you against him or nibbling on you just a tad bit harder than usual, his senses hit with a spark of joy whenever he realized he truly had you in his arms.
You would know, you could feel his smile against you each time.
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a/n: This piece has some Kali Uchis, Deantrbl, Lee Hi, Amy Winehouse-type shit?? ;; gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics ♡
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reveluving · 8 days
Your recent reblog being Stephen..... I miss him......
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Oh me tooooo me too. I’m working on something with him rn while doing a rewatch. He’s a mess but we love that about him (why are Joel’s eyes so pretty it’s not fair)
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reveluving · 8 days
I mean, I still have my Prime Video acc....
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when the fandom is so small that everybody knows everybody
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12K notes · View notes
reveluving · 9 days
With the Graves and Jeff series, what are the sleeping arrangements with reader? I feel like they would all share a bed and just sleep in a big cuddle pile all night.
make it double (headcanons ii) ; phillip graves x reader x jeff sadecki
First ask for the series (you don't know how happy I was when I first saw it, thank you!) and you’d be absolutely right, dear anon! ❤️
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Includes: tooth-rotting fluff!
Interested in more of the series? Find it here & here!
Now, obviously, you can’t do that at their mother’s house because there really isn’t any space for that, unless you count the couch in the living room. The one in the guest room is a single bed, and one extra man is enough to take up the entire space with you. The brothers’ beds are slightly bigger, and though their rooms are separate, you’d still have to pass by Mama’s room, and something about that has the ‘mama’s favourite’ in you to turn back around, too caring of her heart and you’d be damned if you were the one to give her a heart attack if she caught you. Even if the brothers would happily reassure you that if anyone’s getting the ‘Southern scolding’ for it, it’s them.
It'll be worth it, they said.
So in Mama’s house, for the most part, the brothers take turns each night on who gets to sneak and cuddle with you. Expect a bit of pettiness from time to time, with the brother who gets to hold you rubbing it in the other’s face, so you’re gonna have to give them extra kisses before bed. Some reassuring words that would at least keep them sane until the next morning.
You might think Phil is the petty show off-er (and you'd still be right!) but you'd be surprised how pettier Jeff would be once it's his turn to have you in his arms.
But, if there are ever opportunities where they could have a cuddle pile, they will take it without question. Be it at a hotel, a BnB, or the like, you are immediately assigned to sleep in the middle because ✨ balance and fairness. ✨ However you’re positioned to sleep after that is up to you because they’ll find a way to stay close to you. Literally.
If you’re on your side, say, facing Jeff and holding his hand, Phil will wrap his arms around you from behind. If you’re on your back, expect one arm on your right and another from the other brother on your left. A little jaw caress here, a forehead kiss there, you’re not going to crawl under the blanket and just not receive a little love or two before dozing off. Pillow talks or mundane stories are the key to good sleep because how could you not?
Have you heard their voices?
They’re not sleeping until you’ve actually fallen asleep, even if it means answering your cute unintelligible murmurs, with how your words trail off as you try to stay up for them.
They're just sweet like that ❤️
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reveluving · 9 days
You and me both, Navy! 🧎🏻‍♀️
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so many amazing thots in my inbox, including a bunch for benny!! before I go into depth tho, can I just leave you guys with a quick one of my own 👉🏼👈🏼
» fancy reading another triple frontier fic? check out the m.list!
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just imagine using your phone while laying on your stomach on the bed, occasionally talking and laughing with benny as he walks in and out of the bathroom to get ready for bed.
only, he's not necessarily ready to go to sleep.
your feel the bed dip at the foot of your bed, and as soon as you turn around, you're met with the sight of benny straddling your body, his frame easily hovering over yours with no issue.
"what're you watching, angel?"
"I... cat videos?" there was no way you could've responded without stuttering. he'd chuckle, nuzzling into your shoulder and letting out a sound of content like a feline of your own.
he'd place a hand on your back, not letting you turn your body around before whispering in your ear, "just keep watching."
like hell you could, but he wasn't going to continue unless you followed his orders, and so you did as you were told, though barely able to focus on the cute video or even the words on the screen.
he'd hold himself up with one arm, perched just beside your head while the other slowly slides under the hem of your shirt, feeling his smirk against your neck when his cold fingertips meet your body, undeniably heating up. he's already move your shirt up halfway, his hands alternating between rubbing your back and your sides.
his pesky hand couldn't deny moving further, not when he could feel the curve of your breast calling out to him. he eventually teases your nipple by flicking them, tutting when your arch your back before giving you what you want with a soft pinch.
but listen, this man's self control can only go so far, his limit finally reached when he hears your heavy breaths, too shy to ask him for more and instead, squirming and being the good girl you are. though, he'd rather lose to a lightweight than letting you come undone on the sheets.
knowing you're no longer focused on your phone, he'd turn it off, placing it on the nightstand before caging you to the mattress by your wrists, his lustful state finally taking over when he licks a stripe up your shoulder.
"let's play, angel."
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reveluving · 10 days
jaime reyes always gets so immensely flustered with shyness and gratitude when you massage his back like this.
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I am so so SO SO late but I have finally managed to indulge in it, and a much needed one, too, thank you very much! He sounds like he needs a whole lot of loving. Kisses, hugs, KISSES AND HUGS. Sounds like a sweetheart, and I love sweethearts. It's almost like you're stalking me 🧐❤️
no thoughts, only my beloved 💙🪲
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jaime reyes always gets so immensely flustered with shyness and gratitude when you massage his back like this.
he only manages to mumble the smallest “mi cielo, you don’t really have to…” in response to the firm but loving ministrations of your fingers.
he hums at the moist heat of wet towels as they circle and weave around his skin. it’s light brown, warm with a flush of embarrassment, and clearly irritated by the scarab that has wedged itself to his spine.
you’ve both found your own ways to love kaji-da; slowly but surely addressing its very surreal existence as part of your relationship. but like any part of a relationship, your love for it doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t be an annoyance at times.
particularly, at times like this where jaime has awkwardly stumbled into your room, late for a stay-at-home movie date with an embarrassed smile on his face and sweat soaking his mess of dark curls.
“class ran over and then well… see, there was a car crash and i thought the police had it handled, but then kaji pulled me and…”
he had rambled, you had sighed and soon any annoyance you might have felt was replaced with an amused shake of your head and an insistence that he sit down to rest.
“always gotta be a hero, huh, kaji?” you whisper and jaime shivers at the kiss you leave on his shoulder blade. you may be addressing the precocious bit of alien tech by name but jaime knows you’re really talking to him, teasing his propensity to always help out wherever and whenever he can.
and maybe, he asserts to himself mentally, that’s okay.
perhaps it’s alright to take pride in being the blue beetle and thrusting himself into danger with powers and gear that he still doesn’t fully understand.
but even more so, perhaps it’s okay to take a rest. to sit and listen to old boleros on the bed of the prettiest person he knows as their fingers cover him in the smoothness of hibiscus and coconut scented lotion. to let you bandage and tease him, help him destress. maybe it’s okay for him to moan out an ask that you work your hands higher to where the main point of the soreness is.
he’s stuttering and sweet; all too unused to asking for help and all too tired of kaji-da’s mentions that he’s experiencing a higher than average heart rate and blood flow. but he rolls his eyes and chuckles at the comments only he can hear.
“kaji sayin’ something?” you surmise with a raised eyebrow.
“nada. don’t worry about it.” he shakes his head and leans back into your touch with that ever-delightful smile and absolute adoration in his wide brown eyes.
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reveluving · 10 days
Oh how he misses those hands. Without a word, Cooper shoves them into his coat pocket and turns around, wanting to get the hell out of there before you try and make more conversation. There’s no way it’s her.
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YES. YAY. HOORAY. ANYTHING SYNONYMOUS WITH THAT. H, my beloved, I wished I could've expressed the warmth I felt as it progressed, but even then, it doesn't change a thing (and it won't ever) as I finally come back to it now! I love it, I love this, and on behalf of your cowboy-addict readers, WE LOVE IT! ❤️
Feo, Fuerte y Formal (The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Summary: Cooper sees you again for the first time in over 200 years
Warnings: 18+ Strong Language, Sexual Suggestions, Divorce, Canon Typical Violence
Feo, Fuerte, y Formal. Words Cooper Howard spoke over 200 years ago back when he was at the height of his career. Back when he had a profitable career, a beautiful home, and a beautiful family. He had fame, wealth, and a future. Until it all came crashing down. When Vault-Tec had initially dropped him from their promotional team, he was relieved, glad to be done with the corporation that was planning the destruction of the world, but with Vault-Tec dropping him, Barb did too. Once Barb found out why her Pip-Boy was acting strangely, she had it double checked by the science division to confirm her suspicions before taking it to Cooper to confront him. His mistake was that he denied he had anything to do with it. If he had lied about this, what else has he been lying about? Yet, it was mutual. Both were caught destroying the very core of their marriage, trust.
The divorce was quick to follow. Despite having the best lawyer he could find, Barb had Vault-Tec, and Vault-Tec could buy out anyone, leaving him with a whopping sum of $30,000 - compared to his net worth of 2 million - and Roosevelt. 
Of course with the biggest name in the country dropping him from their team, his agent promptly dropped him, blacklisting him from Hollywood, ending his career. His one way of making money was no longer profitable. In a way, he was relieved. Hollywood wasn’t what it used to be. It used to be a beacon of hope, a place for everyone, the American Dream. What a load of bullshit. 
If there was anything to make it all tolerable, it’s the time he got to spend with Janey and you. You had come into his life when he wasn’t looking for it. Your bar had practically become his home, but when you got tired of seeing him drunk as all get out and passed out on the bar you quickly offered him a couch to sleep on at your place, and the rest was history. 
Until the bombs dropped, and everything changed. Again. Cooper doesn’t know exactly how he survived. He doesn’t know if it was sheer rage keeping his heart kicking, or if it was the drive to find you or Janey. He knew Janey was somewhere in a vault, safe with Barb, but had you been lucky enough to secure a spot in one, or were you part of the 90% that didn’t have the means to afford a spot.
200 years later and he still doesn’t know. 
Feo, fuerte, y formal. He has ⅔ of them on his belt. Ugly and Strong. Long ago are the days where he was dignified, not that he gives two shits. He did initially. His handsome features quickly hollowed out with his hair coming off in chunks, giving him a ghastly appearance. It took some time to get used to, but after 50 years, he learned not to care. Not like there were people lining up to be with him anyways. If anything, his ghoulish features gave him an edge in everything he does. No one really tries to mess with a 200 year old bounty hunter who has zero qualms about skinning you and eating you, alive or dead. Still, it’s lonesome walking the wasteland without anyone by his side, whether he likes to admit it or not.
The town is quiet by this time of night. From his best guess of the moon in the sky, it’s a little after 1 in the morning. Walking along the streets, he eyes the closed vendors, save for one on the corner. Piquing his interest, he stalks over to the stand, eyes focusing on the elder woman in a pair of dirty coveralls.
“Get lost Ghoul, before I kill ya.” It’s a threat that he doesn’t doubt that she’d act on. Taking a step closer to the stand, he raises his hands, eyes trained on the way she inches closer to the gun undoubtedly hiding below the counter. 
“I ain’t here to cause you any trouble. Was wondering if you had some vials.” Slowly, he places some caps on the counter. He still has four vials, but having more never hurts.
“I done told you,” the lady cocks her gun, pointing it at his head but he’s unfazed, “get lost ghoul.”
“Now Janet, is that any way we talk to customers?” The additional voice causes Cooper to freeze in his spot, his blood turning to ice. That voice, it sounds familiar. A woman moves from behind him to next to him, leaning against the counter. You’ve got to be kidding me. If his heart hasn’t beaten since everything went to shit, it sure is now. 
“We have strict rules, just because you’re special doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.”
Watching from the corner of his eyes, he rakes your body up and down as you sigh. You don’t look a day over the last time he saw you and you still have that radiant aura about you. He surely has to be hallucinating. 
“It’s your store, but wouldn’t you like more money? He’s obviously not feral, just help him out. For me?” Cooper watches as you bat your eyelashes with a smile while the older lady grumbles ‘fine’ and reaches into a bag, shoving vials onto the counter. 
“You owe me big time missy.” With a smile, you take a hold of the vials, nodding your head in appreciation.
“Of course Janet. Just let me know when you want to cash in that favor.” Grumbling again, Janet scowls at Cooper before slamming the window shut and turning off the light. “Here you are. Don’t normally see new folks around this area.” Cooper tilts his head lower, allowing the cowboy hat to cover his eyes as he takes the vials from your hands, your soft looking hands. Oh how he misses those hands. Without a word, Cooper shoves them into his coat pocket and turns around, wanting to get the hell out of there before you try and make more conversation. There’s no way it’s her. She’s been dead, long dead, he thinks to himself, footsteps making a quick pace but you catch up to him, stopping right in front of him with a hand to his chest, causing him to growl. “I understand you probably want to carry on for the night, but why don’t you rest for the night? I have a couch in my living room and some fresh water. I don’t know if ghouls drink water, but I have some.”
He halts for a minute, his hat still covering his eyes and he sincerely hopes that your hand can’t feel his heart beating through his chest. She’s still too pure for this world. “Ain’t you scared imma eat ya?” 
“Pfft no. If you do then oh well. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this world, it’s to take things as they come.” With each passing moment, he feels his resolve breaking. He’s spent years looking for you, and here you are, offering him a place to crash like the first time. Is he going to deny you this time? “Just for the night?”
Sighing, he thinks about it for a moment. He’s ugly now and burnt, there’s no way you would remember him. “If it’ll get you to shut the fuck up.” 
“Welcome to my humble abode. It’s not much, but with how shitty this planet is, I say it’s pretty nice!” Cooper takes a second to look around. It’s not like your previous apartment with sturdy colorful furniture and plants in the windowsill with Cash playing on the radio, but it’s still oddly, you. Barely noticing your disappearance, your reappearance in front of him causes him to lightly jump. How the hell did he not hear you? “Sorry to startle you. I brought some blankets.” “I don’t need blankets,” he grumbles, eyes still hiding behind his tipped hat, one that you wore from time to time when you would roleplay with him. From behind the rim, he watches as you shrug your shoulders, setting the blankets down on the couch before clapping your hands.
“Don’t blame ya. It’s hot as hell out there. Can I get you any food? Water?”  His eyes follow your frame as you pull out a chair from underneath the table, gesturing for him to sit while you grab food from the cupboard, fixing him what seems to be a PB&J? 
“Why are you being nice? Nice people get killed up here.”
“Believe me, I can handle myself. I’ve killed. It’s hard not to up here.” You set the plate down in front of him, taking the seat to his right. Picking up the sandwich, he inspects the bread, hesitantly taking a sniff before taking a bite, moaning softly as the creamy texture of peanut butter balances out with the fruity jelly. Did PB&J ever taste this good?
“Where the hell did you even get this stuff?” You shift in the seat next to him, crossing your arms while he munches on the sandwich. Fuck, he misses actual food. “Stole it from a vault.”
“A vault?” It’s abrupt. She’s been in a vault this whole damn time? 
He can tell that he struck a sore spot, but now he’s too intrigued. Seeming to notice that he won’t drop the subject, you let out a sigh, cracking your knuckles. “Yep. I was there when the bombs dropped. Went to my dad’s house to check on him but he dragged me with him to a vault and put me in a cryogenic pod. Woke up two years ago, found out some fucked up things, left with a shit load of food and weapons, never looking back. I mean… the stuff down in the vault… FUCKED up.” 
Cooper leans forward, swallowing the rest of his PB&J. “Go on.”
“Well, different vaults have different experiments. Mine was an interconnected vault but something always seemed off. Now I get being nice to your neighbors or whatever, but there is no reason the people in that vault were that nice. It’s like they were overly optimistic. So weird.”
Cooper huffs out a laugh, memories of you always supporting him no matter what flooding through his brain. “You were always optimistic.” The words slip out of his mouth causing the both of you to freeze. Internally cringing, Cooper wishes that he was strapped to the tip of a nuclear bomb and exploded, 20 times over.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?” He can feel your eyes raking over him, trying to make a connection and he wonders if you have yet or not.
“Not until today.” Shoving the plate aside, he quickly gets up and makes a move toward the door but he has to give credit where credit is due. You’re fast and standing in his way, gun cocked and aiming at his head.
“Not so fast cowboy, who the fuck are you and how do you know me?” He avoids making your gaze but you’re unrelenting. 
“I ain’t no one, you’d be wise to let me leave.” He tries to move past you again, but you block his path, using your gun to knock off his hat, revealing all of him to you, his hazel eyes meeting yours, causing you to gasp. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. She knows. “I can explain.”
The gun decocks with a soft click and drops to the floor, a pair of arms flinging themselves around his shoulders, dragging him into a soft body. She’s even softer than I remember. It takes everything in Cooper to not sink in your grasp. It takes everything in him to not take you in his arms and make up for lost time. 
“I thought you were dead.”
“I thought you were too. You still making it a habit of inviting strangers into your house?” His arms hang by his side, not daring to return the hug, afraid of what would happen if he did. Seeming to take the hint, you let go of him and he doesn’t miss the hurt in your eyes and he wishes he can take it away, but it’s better this way. You don’t want to mess with him. He’s a monster. It’s all he’ll ever be. The Cooper Howard that you know is long gone like the world that you both knew. You deserve someone who doesn’t eat ass jerky. You deserve someone who isn’t addicted to drugs. You deserve someone who doesn’t have one foot constantly in the grave. You deserve someone who is handsome, not ugly.
“Only handsome cowpokes like yourself,” he would smile at your jest, but now he’s insecure. 200 years of living on his own forges him to be as tough as steel, removing any feelings he may have had, but one hour in your presence? It has the old him rearing his head, but a thought creeps in his mind, and he runs with it. Surely you’re mocking him.
Sneering, he takes a step toward you, opening his posture to make him appear larger. “You can’t really mean that. You think it’s funny making fun of me?”
“Calling me handsome? I ain’t handsome.” He can tell that you can see right through him and his bravado. He knows that you can see his feelings behind his mask. 
He hesitates as you take a step toward him, hands reaching up to take his face between your palms while his breathing hitches. He hasn’t had tender affection in a while. “Cooper, it’s clear that time hasn’t been kind to you, but if you think that I really care about looks then you’re not as smart as I remember you. When have I ever cared about your appearance?”
“You digged my hair if I can recall.” He tries to play it off, but fails and you know it, so you call his bluff.
“If your skin is this rigid now, I can imagine how the rest of you must be.” He blushes, hard. “I’ve missed you.” He moans softly as you place a lingering kiss against his lips, his arousal growing rapidly in his pants. The kiss ends too soon and you’re pulling away, eyes blown wide as he gets a good look at you. 
“I’ve missed you too. More than you could know. What say we use that couch for reasons other than sleeping?”
“Sounds mighty fine.”
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reveluving · 10 days
“In fact, I would find a Witcher and make him turn me into a gecko so we could be together properly.”
Me if I were to see two geckos together after this masterpiece:
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I have never touched a gecko. But I do hope that in another universe, if I so happened to have two of them, I hope she names them Stud and Smartie. Truly. 😔 ❤️ Navy, dearest, you have blown up my heart in the best way once again! Maybe I'm just a teeny bit biased because this duo >>> But nonetheless, to my fluffy favourites, it goes!
Smartie: would you love me even if I were a gecko?
Stud: I would find a Witcher and make him turn me into a gecko and this would be us: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMVoXtHD/
BAHAHA. Nonnie, I burst out laughing watching this and reading the comments.
Like Animals
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You ask Bucky an "important" question and he gives you a thorough answer. Word Count: Over 1.2k Warnings: Humor, fluff, implied explicit sexual content, inner monologue, TikTok video, pet names, established relationship, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Apologies to geckos. A/N: Some Stud and Smartie for your Tuesday. Had to do it, @whisperlullaby and @targaryenvampireslayer! ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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A smile pulled at your lips when you saw Bucky relaxed in his chair, engrossed in his newest book. Soot and Alpine cuddled up together nearby, both letting your man have some peace as he read. Naturally, it was the perfect time to interrupt him. Because you had a very important question for him.
One that would shape the future of your relationship.
He’ll understand why I bothered him.
“Hey, Stud?” You asked as you took a seat on the sofa, his steel eyes peering up from the pages to gaze at you. Your heart would always skip a beat from that look. “I have something very important to ask you.”
He put his bookmark in to give you his undivided attention. “What’s up? Is it about the wedding?”
“No,” you smiled. You were aware that some men didn’t care about wedding planning, but Bucky was. He wanted it to be the perfect day for you. “But the question is kind of related to love and our relationship.”
His brows furrowed when you didn’t elaborate. “Okay. What’s the question?”
You inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Would you still love me if I turned into an animal?”
Bucky blinked once. Twice. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he didn’t smile or laugh. “An animal? What kind of animal?”
You huffed when he didn’t immediately say “yes”. That should’ve been his answer. “I don’t know! A gecko! Yeah. A gecko.”
I have to keep a straight face.
Amusement sparkled in his eyes, but he still tried to remain as stoic as he could. “A gecko? Why a gecko?”
“Because geckos are cool!” You replied, close to bursting out laughing at the absurdity of the questioning and logic. But wasn’t part of the fun of having a partner being able to discuss stuff like this? “They can climb walls, can live a long time, they make great pets-”
“You wanna be my pet, Smartie?” Bucky asked, his voice dropping an octave.
“You’re…” you sighed when he ran his tongue along his lips. He was a sexy bastard and you would soon call him your husband. “You’re distracting me. Answer the question, please.”
“So, that’s a yes,” he smirked, pushing his hair back and causing you to stare a bit again. “You’re asking me if you were a gecko, would I still love you?”
“Yes,” you said, rolling your eyes to try and play it off as something silly. Which it was. “Would you love me even if I were a gecko?”
Bucky set the book on the table before he moved from his chair to the couch. Your heart raced when he took your left hand and kissed over your engagement ring. “Smartie. Doll. Baby. Love of my life, of course, I would,” he said, your cheeks warm when he smiled at you. “In fact, I would find a Witcher and make him turn me into a gecko so we could be together properly.”
Right answer, Stud.
“You would?”
“I would,” he promised, pressing his forehead to yours. “I don’t want to exist in a world where we can’t be together.”
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
“I don’t either,” you whispered, your heart full. “And no matter what, human, gecko, anything, I’m your Smartie and you’re my Stud.”
You knew if tomorrow you woke up as some different version of you, he’d love you. If someone tried to separate you, he’d find a way to get you back. He was your soulmate. You had the whole world because of him.
“Damn right,” he whispered, brushing his lips against yours before he pulled away. “Besides, if I ever found that Witcher, this would be us.”
“What would be us? I’m confused,” you said as he took out his phone and pulled up a video, cuddling close to you could both see the screen. “What is this?”
Bucky gently shushed you as he turned up the volume. “Just watch.”
You tilted your head as a rock came into view. “What are you showing me?” You questioned before your eyes went wide. Bucky’s arm over shoulders shook as he started chuckling. “Are those geckos fucking?!”
The decibel of your voice made the cats raise their heads, but they didn’t move since you weren’t in any sort of danger. “Yeah, they are,” your fiancé laughed. “Geckos in their semi-natural habitat.”
This wasn’t on my BINGO card for the year.
“Why do you have this?!” You asked, turning to look at him. “Wait, when did you start using TikTok?! Is this on your FYP? Is this a new kink you haven’t told me about? Because that’s a whole other conversation.”
He threw his head back and you couldn’t help but laugh with him. “You’re missing it.”
“Yeah, because gecko porn was the thing I was missing in my life. Everything makes sense now,” you teased, gesturing to the screen. “And, by the way, that’ll never be us.”
Bucky’s laughter came up short and, for a moment, sadness flickered in his eyes. “I thought you said we’d be together if we were geckos.”
“We would be,” you assured him, seeing happiness all over his face once again. “But look. He’s doing all the work and she looks bored as hell. That’s not me and that’s not our sex life.”
“So, I fuck you better?” He teased you.
Whatever kind of sex you had before you met Bucky didn’t even count to you. He ruined you so thoroughly that you didn’t even remember the first guy you kissed. It was as if he erased all other guys from your mind.
Love was a powerful thing and Bucky had it in abundance.
“Yes, so much better. I mean, come on, she looks like she’s thinking, ‘Did I leave the stove on?’”
The brunette burst out laughing all over again.
I love that sound.
“Seriously! I would never just be still like that and you know it. There’s a difference between being a pillow princess and a dead fish,” You smiled, cuddling closer so you could feel his chest rumble beneath your hand. “And just for making me look at that, I want you to try and keep a straight face the next time we have sex.”
“What? That’s not fair,” he groaned, making you shriek when he suddenly laid you out on the sofa, his phone forgotten. “I can’t keep a straight face when I’m inside you. Your pussy feels too good for that.”
He always looks gorgeous when he slides into me.
“So does your cock. I don’t think I could look bored if I tried,” you agreed, raising an eyebrow when he moved on top of you. “But seriously, how is it that you just happened to have that video when I asked about us being geckos? You didn’t know I was going to ask you that.”
He grasped your chin to give you a thorough kiss, the kind that drove every sane thought from your mind. “I guess the two of us are just in sync,” he said.
“I guess we are,” you smiled. “But no more gecko porn today, okay?”
“Okay,” he smirked down at you. “But I will fuck you like an animal.”
True to his word, that was exactly what he did.
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Oh, I adore them. 🥰 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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reveluving · 20 days
"I’m pretty sure her and my dad have a thing going on.”
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*record scratch* Uh, oh. Hank, Barb, I'm sorry, but y'all are on your own for this one 🚶🏻‍♀️
H, I hope you know, on behalf of your readers, that you cannot leave us hanging like this. PLEASE. I NEEDS THE GOOD STUFF. I NEED THIS MAN IN HIS ELEMENT. AND I NEED TO KNOW MY BABY LUCY GETS THE ENDING SHE DESERVE.
Blindsided (Mob Boss!AU Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List Part 1 || Part 2
Inspired by @ghoulcyamour's mob boss idea and requested by anon
Summary: After being kidnapped, Lucy demands answers, but is left heartbroken and with more questions than before.
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: 18+, kidnapping, alcohol, language, Mob elements
Author's note: So I typically don't write character x character fanfic (I'm much better with x reader), however I had a good idea for this one and so I hope it pays off. I definitely think it should be in two parts, and I plan on having the second out sometime this week!!!
“What do we do now?” A muffled voice asks in the darkness, the voice rough and unsure.
What seems to be another man sighs. “He’s not going to be happy.”
“When is he ever happy?” “Well shit, I don’t know, but he’s going to be extra mad when he finds out we kidnapped the wrong Maclean. She’s waking up.”
Lucy wakes up with a groan and a pounding headache. Either she drank too much last night, or she hit her head against something and blacked out. Her bet is on the latter. Trying to regain her consciousness, her eyes slowly open, wincing immediately at the bright light. Why on Earth is it so bright? Sitting up on the oddly stiff bed, Lucy cracks her neck a couple of times before her eyes properly open, letting out a yelp of surprise to see two men in her room. Scurrying off the bed, Lucy flees to a corner, back against the wall while she watches the two men who don’t make a move toward her. “Where am I? Who are you?”
One of the men steps forward, setting a box down on the bed before returning to his partner’s side, their cold eyes piercing yours. “You’re in no danger. For now. Put that on and fix yourself up. He wants to meet with you.” Lucy gulps, hazel eyes flicking between the box on the bed and the two men. It’s clear to her that she’s been kidnapped. She’s never met them before, and she hasn’t seen them before. One moves to open the door, slipping out while the other stares at her, eyes traveling down her body, lingering on the party dress that reveals a little too much. “We’ll be back in 10.” The man comments before stepping out of the room, closing the door, and locking it from the outside with a soft click. 
Once they are out of sight, Lucy begins hyperventilating. Who are these people and what do they want with her? She’s done nothing wrong. All she did was go out for a couple of drinks last night with her friends and now she’s here, in this room, with no answers. Looking down at the box, she runs her fingers along the edges before lifting the top, revealing a simple pair of ballet flats that lay on top of a simple black dress. Moving the flats to the side, Lucy lifts the dress, bringing it over to the mirror in the room and holding it over her body. It’s not her normal style, however it does have a certain elegance to it. Letting out a shaky sigh, Lucy looks at her reflection in the mirror, cringing at her slightly smeared makeup and appearance before looking down at the classy dress in her hands. “Okey Dokey.”
“Where are you taking me?” The hands on her arms are firm, but not firm enough to leave any serious bruising. 
“Will you just shut up?” The man on her right comments, leading her through a series of hallways that maybe if she was paying closer attention she could map out. Wherever she is, whoever owns it must have a lot of money. The two men on her arms lead her through open double doors, revealing a large room with high elaborate walls and a large fireplace on one side while a library covers the other side. In the middle of the room sits a large oak table, filled with trays of food. At the sight of the food, her stomach grumbles as nausea sets in. She hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning and the alcohol is finally taking its toll. The two men forcibly sit her down on one of the chairs at the table before standing behind her. 
A set of doors open, gathering Lucy’s attention, watching a group of men walk in and in the middle stands a man with a cigarette hanging loosely between his fingers. Looking him over, Lucy takes note of the way he holds himself. Straight posture, pressed suit, neat, combed back hair, sharp eagle like eyes that don’t seem like they would miss anything, and a persona that radiates boss energy. Lucy’s breath hitches in her chest. Aside from him being older than her, she can’t deny how attractive the stranger is.
Taking a seat across from her, the man snuffs out his cigarette, motioning for a waiter to pour wine into Lucy’s cup before moving to the man, filling his glass with the red liquid. 
“Uh- hello?” The man tilts his head, eyes squinting at her, the gears in his head visibly turning. Leaning forward, the man rests his head on his clasped hands, eyes remaining on Lucy, making her squirm. 
“I bet you’re wondering why you’re here.” At the mention of finally getting some answers, Lucy’s eyes light up. 
“Yes actually! Among other things,” she smiles, stomach growling but she pays no mind to it. “Like who are you? What is this place? What do you want from me? I mean this is all so much and I’m not sure exactly what I’ve done to be kidnapped or why you gave me this dress and this food! I mean there’s so much! Can I start eating?" Lucy’s rambling causes the man to smirk in amusement. Gesturing for the food, he watches as she piles food onto her plate, immediately taking a bite and moaning at the taste, causing him to raise an eyebrow. 
“Does your daddy starve you or something?” 
Lucy stops chewing, instead turning her attention to the man across from her before swallowing her food. “You know my dad?” The room erupts in laughter, including the man in front of her, a puzzled look gracing her features.
As the laughing quiets down, the man in front of her takes the glass of wine and swirls it before taking a sip. Closing his eyes, he savors the liquid before swallowing, smacking his lips and setting the glass down on the table. “Now that is some fine wine. I’m personally more of a scotch man, but this brand is hard to beat. So little lady, down to business. Your dad owes me a lot of money. My boys were supposed to grab your brother, but I guess you’re just as good.”
“I think you’re thinking of someone else; my dad is a legitimate businessman. How can he owe you money?”
Letting a chuckle fall from his lips, the man puts some food on his plate, using his fork to shovel the food in his mouth, building suspense. “Your dad is not who you think he is. He took my wife, and he costed me a fuck ton of money, so I am going to put a price on your pretty head in hopes that he pays up.”
Lucy stands up abruptly, eyes wide in suspense as the two men behind her take a step closer, ready to step in when the moment is called. “You can’t do that! I’m going to call the police!” 
“Sit your ass down,” one of the men forces Lucy down onto the chair as the man in front of her takes another bite of food, chasing it down with wine. “I get that you might not know of your dad’s business, but the police ain’t gonna help, not when they’re in my back pocket.” Gulping, Lucy grabs the wine, downing it in hopes that it will ease her nerves. She’s known that her dad runs a very lucrative business, but she didn’t know how lucrative, and if it’s anything like this man suggests, then she might be in for a shock. 
“Who are you?”
“Name’s Cooper Howard,” he scoots back from his seat, briefly standing up and fixing his suit before walking over to Lucy, handing her a phone. “Your daddy took something from me, and I want collateral. You’re going to use this phone and you’re going to call Hank, tell them that Cooper Howard has you and he wants his wife back along with the 3 million he stole or else you will be killed, and believe me, I am not above killing a pretty little thing such as yourself.”
He drags a finger down her cheek as a tear falls down Lucy’s porcelain skin. Just what has her dad done that could get him in such a mess. Reluctantly, she takes the phone from Cooper, flipping the screen up and silently pray, hoping that her dad will come to her rescue. “What’s your wife’s name?”
“Barbara.” Lucy’s head snaps up, recognition flooding her brain. Surely, he can’t mean the same Barbara that’s been living with them. If so, her dad kidnapped her? She doesn’t seem to be kidnapped, if anything, she seems happy, free. Not like how Lucy is feeling right now.
“Dark skin, brown hair? Really pretty?” Cooper’s head tilts, brows pushing together at Lucy’s question. 
“That’s her. How do you know her?” 
“She lives with my dad, brother and I. Makes some good hot chocolate.” Cooper’s eyes widen as a scowl form on his lips. Reaching forward, he grabs Lucy’s chin, as he leans in, his breath fanning against her face. 
“What the fuck do you mean she’s living with you?” Cooper’s eyes burn with rage as the gears in his head turn. Lucy chooses her next words carefully.
“She said she needed to get out of her marriage, so she moved in with us. I had no clue that she was kidnapped. She seemed happy, never complained about anything, always laughing at jokes, and telling us stories. I’m pretty sure her and my dad have a thing going on.” It slips out of Lucy’s mouth before she realizes what she said and to who. The man in front of her growls, bringing up a hand and slapping her across the face as she lets out a gasp, pain tingling against her cheek. 
“You’re a fucking liar,” he steps back, fists clenching and unclenching. There’s no way that she’s right, right? Sure, he and Barb went through a divorce, but he thought that they had come to an understanding, especially given that Janey was still in school. After pacing for a minute, he shoves the phone into Lucy’s hands. “Call him. Tell him he better give me 6 million now or else it’s going to be your head on a platter to his front door.”
Not wasting any time, Lucy ignores the pain on her face as she dials Hank’s phone number, hoping that he picks up. “Hello Dad? ... I’ve been kidnapped, and he’s demanding Ms. Barbara and 6 million dollars… Some guy named Howard.” Cooper’s foot taps impatiently as a hand runs over his mouth. This can’t be real right now. “Dad no. NO PLEASE! Just give him what he wants! I wan-“Lucy is cut off, tears welding in her eyes as she holds the phone against her ear, disbelief setting in. How has her whole life been a lie? How could her dad say, ‘good luck I’ll see what I can do’. 
Noticing her sudden shift in demeanor, Cooper turns his attention back to the young girl. “Well, what did he say girl.”
“He said ‘go to hell you bastard’ and ‘you’ll never get her back’ and-“Lucy chokes back a sob, resisting the urge to break down in tears, “and he said that you can keep me.” The room goes silence as Cooper processes the words. He honestly didn’t think Hank was that bad of a guy, but leaving his daughter out to dry is something that not even he would do. Motioning to the two men behind her, he grabs the phone out of Lucy’s hands as they escort her out of site, the girl too emotionally wrecked to even fight back. Sitting down on his sofa by the fireplace, he sips on a scotch brought to him by one of the servants. 
“What do you want to do boss?”
“We’re going to make him pay.”
Part 2??? I think so. Let me know how you guys like it in the comments!
Tag List: @reveluving @mariedork @palesatan @atttck @therighteousmanisdead
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