rainbowcupcake94 · 2 years
I saw my life as an empty page so I decide to draw on it. So by the time everything started falling apart I was floating on paint.
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
dont be afraid to be free
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
grateful for...
this year i have so many things to be grateful for. it was the most emotional year ever. i recieve so much love and so much pain that i could ever imagine. i laughed until i couldnt breath and i cried my soul out. i loved and hated. ive been in love and cheated and even someone broke my heart but i put the pieces back together and gave it again. coz its worth is. life is worth it, cause even if i lost my world im builting  another on.  a better one, a happier one, a one that i finally except myself and love it in every each diffrent way when i hated it. the thing that matters the most to me is how ive walked though hell specially those lasts months (July, august, september, october) i survived and i found my way back to heaven. because its okey to be want to be nice its okey to smile through your pain. its okey to be weak and lost and not okey at all. but you are a human and its fine to be human. im grateful for it. im grateful for being young, alive, healthy and for having a roof above my head and a heart warming christmas tree. im gratefull for the memories ive made the good and the bad ones. im grateful for my friends, for my family, for the sweetest guy ever im so expecially grateful for my boyfriend who found me broke and teach me how to love again. even rhough my tears im grateful for my ex too u suck but you were my first lover and you make me strong through all the pains you cost me. im grateful for you the one whos reading this and im grateful for being me. i wish all the happiness and all the love and all those effections i felt to you too. i wish to found your self and gave your heart away this year. break it that fine. go out and live. happy thanksgiving yall and happy holidays. i love you. 
xoxo @rainbowcupcake94
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
whats life
i know i know u probably tired of seeing a 18 years old girl over analazing life but what is it? im so damn confuse. and the truth is for first time in my life i dont know what to do or even worst what too say. you know things are bad when a gemini is running out of words but here im speedless adviseless asking for you advise (and virgos are so bad at advising bruh u know it)  begging for a chat with you. im lost. and im afraid that i dont want to be found this time. 
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
you have a place in my heart no one will ever have
f.scoot fitzerland 
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
i remember once someone told me you only life once, i said no you only die once you life everyday inside of every little thing you do. you life inside of every smile every tear and every risk and thats the beauty of it. thats the beauty of being alive and in love with life herself. 
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
in the end the only thing you have is yourself dont lose it for no one
me <33
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rainbowcupcake94 · 4 years
I did that account when I was fourteen and I still don't know why I name it rainbow cupcake. But I'll post a lot of craps here.. Umm thought I meant. Whatevers follow if you want to lmao idc.
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