queenofinys · 55 minutes
bertha / george + ravish from those prompts, if you feel like it <3
Look y'all I found another high-commitment ship with 20ish years of minimal-to-nonexistent backstory I can play with! Pre-canon by more than I planned, very vaguely nsfw, and also on ao3.
She shouldn’t want so much.
Bertha tries so hard to be perfect, to be the ideal society wife, and that should extend to what she does in her bed, that should-
Her husband has no such concerns, and she loves him for it.
He kisses the hollow between her breasts, and she knows that look in his dark eyes, how often she’s seen it these past five years. This is the first such encounter since the move – no real time for it in the past few weeks, really – but not unfamiliar, not-
She knows, in a way that few women ever do, that she is adored. She knows, as her husband feathers kisses on her skin, that this is what he wants most in the world right now. He is deliberate in the movement of their bodies as in everything else, and-
She won’t ask. She never does. He leaves the cares of the world in the pockets of his coat and-
“Are you enjoying this?”
Bertha laughs, and she is reminded that the warmth she feels around this man was a more significant part of her decisions than it should have been, and-
“Of course I am, darling. You are still on top of me. And frightfully slow about it…”
“Your lack of patience is endearing…”
If she didn’t want him quite so much, she’d pull him up for a decent kiss; as it is, she settles for her hands in his hair, just slightly pushing him lower. They both know where this ends, and-
He still takes his time kissing down her body, well aware which patches of skin make her responsive. She can feel how much he wants her, but this is not about that yet; if she is a distraction from something there is no need to speak of, who is she to argue with such succulent details, and-
There had been a point, not as far into the past as she would like to pretend, when it had seemed strange that her beloved wanted to tend to her in the ways that he does. They are past that now, but kisses in the space between her thighs are still-
This is significant, she reminds herself as her pleasure starts to build. This is a display of priorities. This is-
She can see the want of it in his eyes as he peeks up at her. This is them now, she thinks, and if all goes well they will have so much time, and-
When she shatters, all she can focus on is how unprepared the rest of the world may be for the way they love each other.
He crawls back up her body, no more kisses but still touching her, and she feels the delight of it. Here is a man who would move mountains for her happiness; here is a man who-
“Will you have me?”
She supposes someday she will stop being surprised by such a question, but for now-
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queenofinys · 1 day
this is such a minor detail but i love how marian always has the last piece of the puzzle that the russels need to make their plans work. in season 1 she tells george about his secretary's real name which saves his ass in court. in season 2 she tells larry that mr. mcallister is the one who bought off the duke which helps bertha strike back and secure him. paired with the fact that she was one of the few people who was supportive of them from the start i just feel like she already fits into their family so well <3
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queenofinys · 2 days
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Denée Benton as Peggy Scott in S2E07 of THE GILDED AGE
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queenofinys · 2 days
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queenofinys · 2 days
interviewers consistently insisting to rebecca ferguson that she'll be in dune: messiah is so funny. like yeah she might well be because villeneuve seems to like the character and she's been a standout figure in the first two films, but also she is NOT IN THE NOVEL
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queenofinys · 2 days
i very much like gracie so i do not mean this in a bad way, but in a modern au, gladys russell would be gracie abrams
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queenofinys · 2 days
i am working on a tumblr post that has the potential to get 2 or even 3 notes
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queenofinys · 2 days
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"To love someone is firstly to confess: I'm prepared to be devastated by you."
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queenofinys · 2 days
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you know the greatest loves of all time are over now
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queenofinys · 2 days
one year since ted lasso finale....
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queenofinys · 2 days
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"Perhaps I should cut straight to my reasons for asking you here."
— GEORGE RUSSELL and MR. GILBERT in The Gilded Age, 2x06, “Warning Shots” (2023)
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queenofinys · 2 days
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queenofinys · 2 days
why does eight-time tony nominee kelli o'hara never have anything real to do on the gilded age
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queenofinys · 2 days
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THE GILDED AGE (2022 - ) - Bertha and George Russell | 1.03 "Face the Music" - Marian Brook and Larry Russell | 2.08 "In Terms of Winning and Losing"
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queenofinys · 3 days
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"I hope you're pleased to see me." "Very. For several reasons."
— BERTHA & GEORGE RUSSELL in The Gilded Age, 2x02, "Some Sort of Trick" (2023)
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queenofinys · 3 days
can’t believe the gilded age season 2 did not deliver on my one very simple request (laura benanti kelli o’hara scene)
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queenofinys · 9 days
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— the oresteia
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