purpleartrowboat · 3 minutes
"not all men" you're right. my gay English teacher would never.
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purpleartrowboat · 8 minutes
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purpleartrowboat · 18 minutes
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purpleartrowboat · 18 minutes
By the way, if you're a Les Mis fan who's going to be celebrating Barricade Day, you should have the UTMOST support and respect for the student encampents for Palestine that are going on in North American universities right now.
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purpleartrowboat · 19 minutes
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@ the people who think all nbs are teenagers
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purpleartrowboat · 20 minutes
I'm fascinated by how the formatting of different social media sites affect how text is read.
For instance, a line break on Tumblr indicates a new idea.
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purpleartrowboat · 40 minutes
Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation
Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply
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purpleartrowboat · 41 minutes
RABIES ALERT: New York, United States
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A Rabies-infected Stray Cat Attacked at Least One Person on Staten Island; NYC Officials Issue Warning
Shared from SILive | May 20th 2024
A rabies-infected stray cat recently attacked at least one person in Travis, and city officials now want residents to be on the lookout for other possibly-infected animals, a Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) spokesman said Friday.
A flyer being circulated by the Health Department shows a picture of the male brown tabby domestic shorthair cat that officials believe was living near Travis Avenue and Victory Boulevard for over a year.
The flyer recommends that anyone who may have come in contact with the cat before May 2 seek medical attention. Additionally, there may be other infected cats or wildlife in the area, so anyone scratched or bitten by a wild animal should also seek medical attention. People with pets who were bitten should also contact their veterinarian.
After authorities located the cat with the confirmed rabies infection, they caught it before later euthanizing the animal, according to the Health Department. Animals cannot be tested for rabies while alive, so the cat’s euthanasia was a necessary step.
The attacked individual received treatment after the exposure, and a human case of rabies hasn’t been reported in the five boroughs since 1947, according to the Health Department.
According to DOHMH, rabies is a fatal virus transmitted to people and other mammals through the bite of an infected animal. The virus can also be transmitted if a rabid animal’s saliva or nerve tissue gets directly into another animal’s eyes, nose, mouth or an open wound.
Most commonly found in raccoons in the five boroughs, only 600 animals have tested positive for the virus since the city began conducting surveillance in 1992, according the Health Department. Last year, only four raccoons and a cat tested positive for the virus, the Advance/SILive.com reported.
The city set up bait stations with rabies vaccines multiple times last year in the Island’s wooded and marshy areas.
Symptoms of rabies usually start to appear one to three months after exposure, but in rare cases, symptoms have not shown up for several years, according to the Health Department.
Modern post-exposure treatments for rabies using vaccines and antibodies have been almost universally effective in preventing death among humans in the Western Hemisphere.
According to a March 2023 report from the Infectious Disease Society of America, an 84-year-old Minnesota man became the first person to die in the U.S. from rabies in 2021 despite receiving those treatments. Scientists concluded that the failure of those treatments was most likely due to an unknown impaired immunity in the man.
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purpleartrowboat · 42 minutes
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peepaw chilchuck
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purpleartrowboat · 44 minutes
I never see positivity for transmascs and trans guys, so
I love transmasculine people! y'all are so awesome and so swag and so so strong despite how much transandrophobia exists online, and how many people may insist you're not trans
you all are so cool and I love trans guys! never doubt your masculinity for a second, you are undeniably trans and the world is a better place with you and other transmascs in it
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purpleartrowboat · 44 minutes
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purpleartrowboat · 45 minutes
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And who enforces this? Is it just a few bad apples, or is it all cops?
How hard is it for them to find cops willing to enforce this? Do they have to sift through hundreds of heroic cops who refuse until they find the one cop who's monstrous enough to enforce this, or do they easily find cops willing to enforce this because monstrous cops are everywhere and being a monster is part of the job?
"All cops are bad" is not a stereotype. It's literally a requirement for the job that every single one knew about.
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purpleartrowboat · 45 minutes
For this pride month, we shouldn't forget about the queer Palestinians that didn't get the chance to say goodbye to their partners/friends 🕊️🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸
May all of them rest in peace with their beloveds in the afterlife
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purpleartrowboat · 47 minutes
Honestly even as an alloromantic person, the phrase "love is love" has always struck me as lukewarm support that misses half the point. Like, I've only been in love once and it was a disaster. The vast majority of my experience as a lesbian is not about love, even romantic attraction isn't automatically equivalent to love. And you know, sometimes I am just...sexually attracted to someone, and there's nothing less acceptable or deserving of rights about that. Love is easier to prop up as this pure, innocent thing that people should be ashamed to oppose, but it's only part of queer experiences for anyone, and we all deserve to have our whole selves accepted. Like the phrase must really suck for aros to hear, but I'm not convinced it's all that supportive for anyone.
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purpleartrowboat · 47 minutes
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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purpleartrowboat · 48 minutes
A fascist is a leftist's second-worst enemy, right behind a leftist's true worst enemy, which is a slightly-different leftist who holds 94% of the same political views.
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purpleartrowboat · 49 minutes
it’s because you’re always on that damn plane
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