body acne positivity post:
I have acne all over my body. My chest, my back, my face, and sometimes I even get pimples on my thighs and armpits
Acne doesn't stop when you reach adulthood
I dont have the time or resources to see a dermatologist or buy "the best" skin care products.
it's summer now. it's hot. people with body acne deserve to be able to stay cool and show skin without feeling embarrassed or judged.
Acne should absolutely be considered in all body positivity posts
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I do feel like, if it’s hard for you to name any good rappers at all…. that says a lot. Cause I can only name like four fairly decent ones. That says way too much. It speaks volumes.
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Shit Only Rich People Say:
“no job is worth your physical & mental health” i hauve. Bills.
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People be like “things you’d be doing in your 40s” and I literally already do all of that and more. But then again I’m disabled. People keep calling me granny!!!
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i dont think whites understand how being white makes literally everything easier.
it effects everything.
being trans is easier when youre white.
being gay is easier when youre white.
being disabled is easier when youre white.
being a woman is easier when youre white.
being autistic is easier when youre white.
oppression is eased when you are white, as you get extra privileges, and your whiteness is seen as a positive characteristic that in some ways counter-balances your other forms of being a minority. whiteness controls everything.
you are automatically way more innocent in your own oppression as a gay, trans, disabled person because of your whiteness.
never forget this.
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fat white person compares body shaming to racism. more at 12
This ask tells me you don’t believe that systemic fatphobia is a real issue. It goes so, so much deeper than body shaming. I don’t compare fatphobia to homophobia, racism, etc to say that they are the same, they’re not, although they absolutely do intersect - I compare it to those things because it’s discrimination and we should treat it as such. people should be called out on it like they should with any other ism.
Although I would never equate the two, fatphobia is a form of anti-Blackness. Its roots are in white supremacy. The ideal thin body was constructed as a marker of Whiteness and ‘purity’ before any of this was ever made to be about health. Read Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings. Read Belly of The Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness.
This is the only ask like this I will answer. I’m not interested in playing oppression olympics.
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fat little girls deserve the world tbh society is so traumatizing to them
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I truly hate that I cannot simply have a conversation about the negatives when it comes to black culture, because as soon as I start criticizing something, I immediately have to deal with racists trying so hard to turn this into a rant about how they hate black people, how rap music is inherently violent, etc. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Nuance isn’t a thing when it comes to talking about black culture.
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Reblogging this because I’m tired.
Once again, people don’t actually care about black women. Because when it comes down to it, they will do everything in their power to shift the focus onto something else in order to ignore the truth.
“Rap making you uncomfortable doesn’t mean you have to avoid it” are you fucking serious? Black women CAN’T avoid it. We have to deal with misogynoir every single day and then hear about it in the majority of rap music. And then witness black women being beaten and nobody doing a damn thing about it. wtf is this shit. What you see as “just rap music” is the reality of MANY black women.
We are constantly raped, beaten, spat at, called all kinds of slurs, killed, and you want me to NOT be uncomfortable when I hear shitty rap music reinforcing violence against black women? Fuck you and fuck everyone who agrees with you.
EDIT May 29th, 2024:
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• Wasn’t long before some FUCKIN LOSER would reblog this ignoring what I said and instead talking about how all rap music is shit and isn’t art, so let me make this perfectly fucking clear, since nuance isn’t a thing any-fucking-more.
Fuck you too and all the rest of the racist trash you’re with. As a person who writes rap music myself, I criticize rap music because rap music is something I’m very passionate about, besides metal and rock, and I enjoy finding rap artists who aren’t bigoted. I criticize shit because I care and I want to see things change. Not because I think all rap music is trash. Tf??? I also find comfort in listening to rappers who don’t think my entire existence deserves violence, but whatever.
Criticizing a genre is not the same as declaring a whole entire genre trash, and it pisses me off that I always have to clarify shit because y’all just come out of the woodwork salivating at the chance to be racist and ignorant and just all around insufferable.
But if I criticize metal for its history of racism and misogyny (there are, apparently, still so many white supremacists in black/death metal, for example.), oh no, it’s only because of the people in it, not the genre itself. Funny how nuance shows up there but not in rap.
And rap music is, in fact, art. It is poetry like every other genre of music. It’s another way to make music, and every lyric written is a form of poetry. Always has been. To not recognize that is to be blatantly ignorant for the sake of being racist. The point is to not use rap as a way to promote shitty behavior, which bleeds into real life.
If you refuse to read the OTHER FUCKING POSTS (including one I made on my alt blog about how I became alternative) that I had mentioning a few rappers that I actually liked, as well as realize that I said majority rap and not all rap music, and instead decide to take the word nuance and shove it so far up your ass you forget it even exists, then you were already lost and I’m fucking tired. Nowhere did I say all rap music was trash. But I bet you already knew that and just wanted an excuse to be racist and generalize a whole entire genre.
Barkaa (Australian Blak Indigenous Rapper) (I especially love her songs For My Tittas, Blak Matriarchy, and Bow Down)
Cinnamon Babe (Black, Metal and Rap artist) (My favorite songs from her are The Man and Bad Dog)
Raja Kumari (Indian American Rapper) (My favorite songs are NRI, The DON, Goddess, City Slums, etc)
Tkay Maidza (Zimbabwean-Australian Rapper) (Beautiful singer and rapper)
ALT BLACK ERA (Black British Rappers, also teenagers)
Delilah Bon (White British Rapper) (My favorite song from her is WITCH, as well as many other songs like Dead Men Don’t Rape)
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Once you see it you cannot unsee it.
Also as a former “annoying” child (aka autistic), this hurts and still very much hurts. And it hurts me that another child has to go through what I went through, and I severely hate people who hate children and make it their entire personality.
Children's oppression and lack of humanization is one topic that makes my insides feel like they're rotting and I'll die on the hill of defending them and pointing out how fucking gross it is every single time people act like it's cool actually to hate a group of people who are the least able to defend themselves in any terrible situation
Y'all will scream "protect queer kids" "protect trans kids" "protect kids of color" then forget all that and proudly stand behind "well kids are fucking annoying in public actually so it's fine when I talk about wanting to have grocery stores and planes that are child free :)" individualism has killed humanity so deeply
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i think a lot of white queer/trans people need to hear that "breaking gender norms" isnt just wearing a dress while masc or dying your hair. its also unlearning the beauty standards that impose ideals of white beauty and attractiveness on non-white folks. yes you have a nose ring but i just heard you tell your black friend with meticulously cared for natural hair "you'd just look so nice with straight hair is all im saying..." why does your blog fetishizing i mean uh. appreciating trans women only feature skinny white women who pass. when societal gender norms are so inextricably tied to whiteness and emulating whiteness it is not enough to simply change your aesthetic. you need to defy the gender norms in your own head too.
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I love when people mention something trending and I’m like huh? Who? What is this? I love when people assume because you’re young, you MUST know about everything trending, and they’re just so disappointed when they realize I don’t. And most of the time I genuinely don’t. Like yeah, don’t do that shit to me. Treat me like a person and not an age group stereotype. Now fuck off.
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Imagine having a unique style and just doing the same skinny body and skinny face and upturned nose. I hate it. Like it’s in every single genre. Horror, fantasy, action, why the fuck is every woman suffering from same face and same body syndrome??? No matter what skin color they are??? Why is everyone thin??? Why??? All this talent and potential and you couldn’t even TRY??? Not even ONCE??? All this diversity in the details but not in the bodies. Pathetic.
This is the definition of missed opportunity and it pains me.
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make fatphobic shit cancelable 2024
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god i love fat people so much. i'm so tired of thinness being default and seen as innate to beauty. I want more fatness in art. I want more fat people to make art about themselves.
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Black Gay Love Throughout History 🤎💫
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