pansy2005 · 2 days
ah man… need to start looking into top surgery options and procedures… would love to have it done within a year altho i realize this is unlikely given i have never seeked out any type of gender affirming care…
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pansy2005 · 2 days
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one week.
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pansy2005 · 2 days
One time I was working as a waiter at a burger joint where the fries were tossed in salt and coriander and as I was bringing food over to the table for these two huge beefy guys one of them asks what the green stuff is so I go "it's coriander" and his friend goes very seriously "he can't have coriander" and I'm thinking shit ok maybe he's allergic and guy 1 starts pulling up his sleeve to show me something and I'm thinking shit shit shit he's probably breaking out in hives rn and it's my fault but he just shows me his arm and he has this huge cursive font tattoo that just says "I fucking hate coriander"
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pansy2005 · 2 days
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pansy2005 · 2 days
coming back on here after a year to post about a show that came out like six months ago. i want to gnaw on him like a chew toy. i’m sick
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pansy2005 · 2 days
new icon cuz i finally watched the scott pilgrim anime and it fucking ruled
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pansy2005 · 2 days
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you’re laughing. gaming and pizza with the bros has been cancelled, because of woke, and you’re laughing
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pansy2005 · 3 days
i loveeeeeee nonlinear storytelling. show me where we are. now show me how we got here. the end before the beginning. show me how it was inevitable or how many chances we had to change things(nothing was ever going to change). let's meet in the middle as all the puzzle pieces slide into place hell yeah that's the good shit.
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pansy2005 · 3 days
Mission School / Supergraphic Ultramodern / Wacky Pomo / Contempo Eclectic / Groovival / Cyberdelia / Neoclassical Pomo / Cassette Futurism / Pulp Fantasy / Radical Surrealism / Rad Dog aka Neon Surf / Whimsigothic
doing this because im very autistic about old design styles and im curious what other people who dont have as much knowledge on the subject prefer. more popular or relatively popular design styles like frutiger aero, vaporwave, global village coffeehouse etc have been excluded from this poll as theres already a lot of people who are aware of those design styles and favor them already. this is more to see what specifically current audiences prefer in terms of "nostalgic old aesthetics" and what could potentially be the next Big Trendy Aesthetic in online culture (or at least the makings of one) ^_^ feel free to rb
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pansy2005 · 3 days
fascinating tell me more
rimming is actually a form of baptism
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pansy2005 · 3 days
oh you think he never had gay sex cuz he’s a sneakerhead? how do you think he even GOT those new balances
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pansy2005 · 3 days
i’m soooooo old man who yells get off my lawn coded
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pansy2005 · 3 days
and soon i’ll kiss the verdant Mother, just another corpse • extinguished life turned litter kicked aside on morning walks 🪲
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pansy2005 · 3 days
and idk what the solution is really but i think a good place to start is asking urself more often why am i doing this and who am i doing it for? and then go from there
y’all i’ve been really trying to figure out why crowds suck at shows more than they used to and i have several theories but yesterday instagram showed me a reel that was a skit of two girls at a show and one of them was just complaining to the other about like… having to wait for the bands to come on and standing and the show being too long and people bumping them and every aspect and every single comment was like omg so true!!! concerts suck!!! i go and am miserable!!! so i guess the reason that crowds suck is because people who hate every aspect of a show keep going to them for some reason???? like. DONT GO THEN????
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pansy2005 · 3 days
unfortunately this is correct
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this has been more or less my primary theory as well. and there’s no way to say it without sounding like an asshole boomer but unfortunately the self-centered main character syndrome Quest For Content is a biiiiiiig part of the problem. i think growing up on social media, especially with covid turning it into ur main source of socialization, made it so a lot of (mostly younger*) people primarily view the world thru the social media lens—ur experiences aren’t real or meaningful if you can’t post them on instagram. and if you don’t have any real or meaningful experiences to post, you might as well not exist. and when you approach a show with that mindset it all becomes about Your personal Moment; the experiences of the people around you, experiencing a sense of community and connection with the other people in the crowd and the artist and the music—they’re all secondary at best. other fans are your competition, lest THEY get THEIR moment of self realization and attention and glory rather than you. you can’t even dance and sing because that will interfere with your videos, or worse, what if someone sees you and thinks you look stupid for having fun and films and posts you. it’s an inescapable web of self-judgement and judgement of others and performance and anxiety and selfishness and it makes me so so sad.
*i say mostly younger bcuz these are the people who for the most part did not know the world before social media and/or covid and are therefore more susceptible but it happens to plenty of older people as well who have similarly lost touch with reality and genuine feeling
y’all i’ve been really trying to figure out why crowds suck at shows more than they used to and i have several theories but yesterday instagram showed me a reel that was a skit of two girls at a show and one of them was just complaining to the other about like… having to wait for the bands to come on and standing and the show being too long and people bumping them and every aspect and every single comment was like omg so true!!! concerts suck!!! i go and am miserable!!! so i guess the reason that crowds suck is because people who hate every aspect of a show keep going to them for some reason???? like. DONT GO THEN????
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pansy2005 · 3 days
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i’m Begging you if you hate concerts this much please stay home….
y’all i’ve been really trying to figure out why crowds suck at shows more than they used to and i have several theories but yesterday instagram showed me a reel that was a skit of two girls at a show and one of them was just complaining to the other about like… having to wait for the bands to come on and standing and the show being too long and people bumping them and every aspect and every single comment was like omg so true!!! concerts suck!!! i go and am miserable!!! so i guess the reason that crowds suck is because people who hate every aspect of a show keep going to them for some reason???? like. DONT GO THEN????
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pansy2005 · 3 days
y’all i’ve been really trying to figure out why crowds suck at shows more than they used to and i have several theories but yesterday instagram showed me a reel that was a skit of two girls at a show and one of them was just complaining to the other about like… having to wait for the bands to come on and standing and the show being too long and people bumping them and every aspect and every single comment was like omg so true!!! concerts suck!!! i go and am miserable!!! so i guess the reason that crowds suck is because people who hate every aspect of a show keep going to them for some reason???? like. DONT GO THEN????
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