onedayamedic · 4 years
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golden hour + thesis writing! unfortunately i haven’t made as much progress as i’d hoped yet, had a rough couple of weeks but i feel like i’m getting back into it now. still very much motivated and still really enjoying it! all in all feeling stressful yet optimistic
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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thoracic spine impairments // the getty museum
listening to: different - woodz
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onedayamedic · 4 years
Blood Typing - ABO
A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood, based on the presence and absence of antibodies and inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). 
inherited from both parents. 
A total of 36 human blood group systems exist - ABO and the Rh determine someone’s blood type (A, B, AB and O, with +, − or null denoting RhD status) 
Typing is essential for suitability in blood transfusion
Antibodies in an individual’s plasma are directed against blood group antigens that their own RBCs lack
(this is confusing, it’ll take a while before you can look at blood typing stuff without having to think)
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The ABO blood group system involves two antigens and two antibodies found in human blood. 
antigen A and antigen B - on the RBCs
antibody A and antibody B - in the serum
All humans can be classified into 4 groups:
Antigen A with antibody B
Antigen B with antibody A
Antigen AB has no antibodies
Antigen nil (group O) with antibody A and B.
Agglutination (clotting) reaction occurs between similar antigen and antibody. This is a seriously dangerous reaction (essentially all your blood turns to jelly) - if a patient with A  antibody in their serum is given blood with A antigen on the surface, they could die.
Group O = universal donor –> has no antigens on the RBCs, can be given to anyone and no agglutination will occur because nothing to react with the antibodies in serum
Group AB = universal acceptor –> no antibodies in serum, so nothing to react with any antigens on RBCs that are introduced.
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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I’ve been receiving tonnes of questions on Note - Taking recently, so I’d thought I make a post. Plus, I had fun making these graphics.
There are three different methods that I prefer when it comes to note taking:
Notes written During the Lecture
I highly recommend taking notes during the lecture.
I also use abbreviations for quicker and more efficient note taking. Some examples of abbreviation that I use are:
w/ - With
w/o - Without
e.g. - For example
Notes written After the Lecture
As for notes written after the lecture, I tend to seek the help of Google Spreadsheets or Microsoft Excel. This way I am able to organise information learnt. I do this by dividing the information provided into two columns, one for keywords or questions and the other for definitions and answers. 
*Note: This method was adapted from the note taking method I’ve used during college. 
Rewritten Notes
I also rewrite my notes. My rewritten notes are arranged based on the order they appear in the syllabus unless there are pieces of information that are related to more than one topic.
I use a black pen or pencil for my written notes, as well as coloured pens and highlighters to highlight the key words and terminologies for emphasise.
Before writing them down, I tend to visualise the layout - alternating between words and pictures/diagram. This definitely helps me with remembering for exams. All I have to do is imagine that I’m looking at that page and I can remember where everything is.
Please click on the images for a much clearer view. 
Well, that’s all from me! I hope that you found this information helpful. And, don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you’re confused about this method of note-taking, or any other problems you might have. For more information of how to survive university, follow this page. And, for more medical school chronicles, follow me on IG. Follow my studygram for more content. 
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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Instagram: Kevinorozco404
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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Perfect Sunday combination- Anatomy , heavy rain outside , warm tea & piano in the background ❤️ 🎹
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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some of my newest Instagram posts!! follow me over there for daily updates, productivity tips, motivational quotes and q&a sessions!!
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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Some books I’m planning on reading again. Some books that have been here for way too long. The books I’m reading right now.
Lately I haven’t been able to read much because of university exams, so I turned to an easier ya fantasy book in German and to Feynman’s humor, which always reminds me why I love physics.
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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First Anatomy books arrived ! :) +  stopped to buy new stationery at Covent Garden  💕
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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“… what you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow.” ― Norton Juster
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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february 18, 2020
me: a chaotic mess, the bard: not giving one single frick
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onedayamedic · 4 years
A list of cliche things I’ve learned from writing the first draft of my novel:
- Don’t expect perfection. I spent about six months writing and rewriting the first chapter so I could make it ‘perfect.’ Eventually, I moved on. The first chapter didn’t even matter, because now I have to rewrite it. I learned more from finishing the book than wasting time on trying to perfect the hook sentence.
- The novel will go through changes, even as you write. So, I expected my story to be about people getting lost in the woods under mysterious circumstances. I had a better idea halfway through. It was more dynamic and it impacted my characters on a deeper level. So, what I thought was going to be the plot of my novel, became just a plot thread. It’s okay, be loose. You’re probably going to rewrite the whole thing anyway.
- Dedication is key, but don’t burn yourself out. I wrote every day, with the goal of writing 500 words a day on average over a month. Rather than setting a daily goal, I chose to average out my goal, just in case life got in the way. I found it super helpful considering I was working and going through school.
- Love thy characters. You’re going to be spending a lot of time with them. Make them interesting, make them flawed, make them real. Love them… But love their pain more.
- Finishing may not feel so great. I spent months with these characters. I helped them along their journey, and writing gave me a sense of purpose. It was something I looked forward to every day, the only thing I could think about. One day, it was over. I didn’t know what to do with myself. But there is a silver lining…
- It’s not over. Writing is rewriting. I finally got to read my novel, after letting it sit for a few weeks. It’s terrible and I love it. All I could think about is rewriting it. Today is the day. 
Good luck on your writing journey.
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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Hey everyone! These are the skills I used to learn German in about two weeks! It takes a lot of work obviously but it’s so worth it. 💕⚡️
1. Use a language program like Memrise or Duolingo. I think that programs like these are super helpful for getting acquainted with the language you want to learn and for understanding basic grammar. I mostly use them as a break from the other work that I do but they are definitely good practice.
2. Make a list of the top 1,000 most common words and work on memorizing them in chunks. I worked on memorizing about 50-100 words a day. It sounds like a lot but many of the words are different verb tenses of the same word so it ends up being less work that you expect. Also, from using Memrise and Duolingo, a lot of the words were already familiar to me. I wrote a list of the words for the day each morning and during my breaks from school work I would quiz myself on them.
3. Watch lots of Youtube videos to study grammar and tenses. The internet is your friend when it comes to learning a new language so take advantage of the resources! I would google everything that confused me and watch videos on it until I felt like I really had a grasp. Doing this ensures that you have a strong foundation to learn new vocabulary.
4. Translate music from your main language into your target language and vice versa. This is a fun way that I would practice verb conjugations and my vocabulary recollection. Any word that I hadn’t learned already, I would look up and be able to add it to my vocab list. Also, this is really fun practice and the rhythm made it easier to remember what I was learning.
5. Keep a post-it note to write down any questions you have or things that you don’t understand. This way, you can remember to look up what was confusing you instead of forgetting what you don’t know. By keeping track of what I understood well and what I needed to continue practicing, I was more organized in my practice and spent my time better.
This obviously isn’t an easy way to learn a language but you defintiely get results based on the effort you put in. Message me if you have any other suggestions for langblrs, I’m always interested in learning more!
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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some of my recent Instagram posts, go check out my profile there if you’d like! today’s post features some of my favorite online study tools!
at least I got nice pictures out of my hours of anatomy and biochem despair :) trying out different study techniques is fun though!
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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051220 - 7/30 days of productivity
Today I failed in my first attempt at dalgona coffee (we don't have a proper whisker; most of the froth sank, and so did my heart). Surprisingly it still tasted good! It's still coffee anyway haha.
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onedayamedic · 4 years
some things i’ve learned while studying in quarantine
drink more water instead of more coffee.
weekly goals are bullshit. set yourself 3-day goals. you’ll be less laid-back.
don’t just mindlessly stare at words. before you start studying, know your approach to it. have a plan.
summarizing the concept in your own words is the key part of taking notes. don’t just copy things down, convert them into your own way of talking, your own vocabulary, no matter how dumb and unprofessional it sounds.
don’t let the “studyblr aesthetic” fool you. studying doesn’t have to be pretty. summaries and notes can be messy as long as they’re comprehensible. you can always rewrite and reorganize them later. (honestly, you better do. and you better keep them.)
don’t throw away the papers you’ve solved your problems in. staple them to the fucking textbook. you need to see them constantly. cause you’ll need reminders of how far you’ve came, when you’re feeling discouraged.
don’t be an armchair analyst for your issues. if you have an idea then act on it.
remember: the exact point where it becomes difficult, is where your growth begins. take a deep breath, and try to focus on the paragraph in front of you.
get off your high horse and understand that if you’re a zero, you won’t go to 100 in a couple of days. first, you’ll need to reach 30, then from 30 to 60, and then from 60 to 90. nobody is 100 everyday. that happens very rarely.
you need to have fun everyday. you need to have peaceful time every single day. even on exam night. especially on exam night, actually. so make sure you’ve studied enough so you can have some time to yourself.
once you’re on a roll and in need of some challenge to stay on track, start writing down your studying hours. tell yourself you’re not allowed to do less than 80% of what you did yesterday. whatever the hell it was, even just one hour. so if yesterday you really studied for like, say 8 hours, today your goal is to study for at least 6 and a half hours. if you can’t keep up with that, make it 70%, or 60%. 
be forgiving of yourself. be kind to yourself. even if you bounced back and lost your streak. start again. as slowly as you did before. take your time. it’s okay, you were there once you can get there again.
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onedayamedic · 4 years
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Source :  artsyaffirmations
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