okkotsyuutas · 3 years
Hello, can I do a ask? ... Can you write a modern one to me? Uzui X female Reader. I would love a scenario ( you can choose) where they can flirt a lot, exploring his bright and fun personality, but in a beautiful way you know, before they finally get together. Thank you ☺
hi love i hope this is what you were looking for!
characters: uzui x f!reader
wc: 995
warnings: like,,3 swear words
Your relationship with Uzui Tengen had always been playful, friendly, and teasing for as long as you could remember. When you were six and tripped over your own feet as you sprinted to try and pet the puppy before it walked off, wailing as Uzui rubbed your cheeks and pinched your nose, making funny faces in an attempt to calm you down. At thirteen when you tried to paint your nails for the first time but ended up with clumps and dried paint on the edges of your fingertips, rolling your eyes and flicking his forehead when he teased you about your inability to colour inside the lines. When Uzui turned 18 and was gifted a secondhand car from his parents, as you held tight onto the seatbelt, Uzui in the driver’s seat laughing and telling you to don’t worry so much or you’re going to get frown lines.
You’d known Uzui since you were a child, so it wasn’t shocking to you that in all your years of knowing him, he only ever had three girlfriends, all of which were long-term. You, on the other hand, seemed to go on a date with a different person every other week. You’d meet someone at a café and hit it off, thinking that you were so lucky to have met someone so wonderful, only for them to send you a this isn’t going to work out text the day after your date. Everyone your friends set you up with, promising that you’re going to love them! ghosted you after the second date, if not the third.
Uzui had been with you after every date before you even knew that it was a failed one; he had been the one to help you pick out your outfits every time, after all. He’d been there for you every time, giving you a pat on the back and offering you a hot chocolate while you cussed up a storm, cursing out your friends for getting your hopes up again and again. He’d hold back on his teasing if he noted that you were particularly upset, which you were eternally grateful for, but when he knew that you were not bothered, he’d poke fun at you until you decked him in the face with your pillow.
Uzui had always been beside you and supported you every time you went on a date, so you were left confused when he didn’t even read your message. The small, italicized Delivered underneath your text glares back at you as you squint, urging it to change to the familiar Read you see every time you send Uzui a message. It doesn’t change. You shrug it off; it’s not like you couldn’t function without him anyway…
…Is what you would have liked to say. Throughout the entirety of your date, you found yourself distracted. Every buzz of your phone you’d check for Uzui’s name, only to be disappointed when it wasn’t. By the end of it, your date had made it clear they wouldn’t be seeing you again, saying that they felt as if you were too distracted with your phone. You shrugged it off, they weren’t wrong.
When you got home, you were surprised to see Uzui sitting on your couch, one of your game controllers in hand while the other one lay on the seat beside him. He barely gave you a glance before patting the seat with the controller. He doesn’t say anything for the first half hour, before finally speaking up, “So, how did the date go?”
“It was fine. We’re not seeing each other again,” you reply, eyes never leaving the screen. “You never replied to my text.”
He grins, “Oh? Were you worried about me? Is that why your date went bad?” Your character dies, and you take the chance to grab the cushion, swinging it at him.
“Yeah, I was worried, you dick! I thought something happened.” He catches the cushion, barking out a laugh, before he grows silent. He’s staring at you, brows furrowed, as if he’s thinking hard about what to say next. “What? Is there something on my face?”
“No, nothing. I was just thinking about how little sense it makes that you’ve never had a long-term relationship.” You should feel offended, really, but the way he looks at you makes you force your thoughts back. He takes your silence as his cue to continue, “I mean I’ve been in love with you for the past two years I don’t know how you never realized.”
“You’ve what? Tengen that’s not a funny joke.”
The shit-eating grin doesn’t leave his face even after you tell him to stop joking around. You think back over your memories of the past two years. Uzui had never given off the impression that he’d loved you in any way other than purely platonically, but you and him have been best friends since you were children. You realize that at one point you stopped overthinking everything he did for you and that it had become natural for him to sleep in the same bed as you, that every time he brought you a drink from the café down the street and kissed your forehead was something that you had assumed to be a friendly gesture.
“Look as much as I appreciate you admiring my face, I’m still waiting for an answer, you know.” Uzui’s rolling his eyes, but you can tell from the way his hands fidget that he’s nervous.
“Oh…Uhm, yeah,” you manage to stutter out. “I like you too.” His posture changes immediately; his back is straighter, his head tilted back ever so slightly.
“You couldn’t resist my charm, right? I hope your schedule is cleared for tomorrow because I got us reservations for tomorrow night.”
Your pillow hits him straight in the face.
“Tengen, what would you have done if I said no?”
“Well, hopefully they would have taken pity on me and given me free breadsticks.”
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okkotsyuutas · 3 years
Can I’m have kalim Floyd malleus x magical girl male reader who have one of those magical creatures that allow him to transform headcanons please
hi cutie so i wasn't certain what you meant by the magical creatures, but i based them off of the kwamis from miraculous ladybug if that’s ok (i’m not familiar with miraculous either, but i know enough to have a basic understanding of how it works)
characters: kalim, floyd, malleus x m!reader
wc: 374
oh he’d be so excited every time you transform! he’s your biggest fan, cheering you on every single time
if you wanted to keep your identity hidden, he’s not the best person to do that. he’s not very quiet, especially when it comes to how proud he is of you; it’s likely the entire school already knows about you given the parties he throws in your honour
(he’s not dumb or an airhead in any way, he just gets a little too excited sometimes)
definitely makes friends with your magical creature and spoils it as much as he possibly could. i’m talking feasts every night—your little friend will never go hungry as long as kalim can do something about it, much to jamil’s chagrin
he’d want to get matching accessories with you; any accessory you have during your transformation he’d want to get something to match (it’d be your little secret)
loud about it. your identity is not safe. don’t bother trying to keep it a secret if you tell floyd about it
gushing to everyone about how cool you are, people are not going to hear the end of it. azul’s been having a weeklong headache listening to floyd
his mood can change quite quickly suddenly so sometimes he’ll ask you to transform and he’ll get pouty and ignore you if you refuse for any reason
if you ever go to mostro lounge with your little magical creature while floyd is working he’ll likely ignore work to sit and eat with you
he finds your little magical creature funny--but be careful leaving them with floyd alone, you never know what could happen
amused and impressed at the same time
your little magical creature friend reminds him of his gao gao dragon kun
loves seeing your transformations, there’s something simply enticing about how you look so innocent yet hold so much strength at the same time
will spoil your magical creature just as much as he spoils you; whatever they want, they get
he won’t say it, but he adores it when you pick him up (it’s easy to ignore sebek’s yelling when malleus looks that happy)
will pick you right back up and nuzzle his face against your cheek
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okkotsyuutas · 3 years
what characters for ikerev do you write for? ^^
hi there!
as of right now the only characters i'm not totally comfortable writing for are mousse, dean, dalim, and seth
everyone else is fair game!
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okkotsyuutas · 3 years
hey there! my name's m, and i write fics for fun
currently i write for haikyuu, jjk, genshin impact, twisted wonderland, kny, and ikerev. feel free to send me requests! i write headcanons, scenarios, and fics
i've got some rules you can check out here!
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okkotsyuutas · 3 years
please follow these rules because i will delete asks if they aren't followed
if there's anything that you want clarified, send me an ask!
rules are subject to change at any given moment. i may alter or add to it in the future
i don't write dark content
i don't write character x character
i will not write anything romantic for 'children'/'kid' characters
i'm putting a 5 character limit for headcanons, a 3 character limit for scenarios, and a 1 character limit for fics
fandoms i write for (subject to change at all times)
haikyuu, jjk, genshin impact, twisted wonderland, kimetsu no yaiba, ikerev
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okkotsyuutas · 3 years
about me
name: m
age: 20+
pronouns: feel free to use he/she/they
timezone: est
recent hyperfixations
hikari shoumeiron by chico with honeyworks, thinking about buying a hanfu or two, cry baby by official hige dandism, keycaps
my kins
wwx, mamura, miyamura, chuuya, vil+leona+azul, kenma
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