oddsconvert · 3 hours
*is literally the one writing the character*
You fucking bastard
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oddsconvert · 6 hours
Trying to interact with the rest of your fandom as a whumper:
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oddsconvert · 2 days
Intimate Whumpers that bathe their Whumpee's in scents that they like 🌸 Whumpee's hair smells like milk and honey shampoo, their skin smells like vanilla and raspberry. Even if it makes Whumpee's nose crinkle in disgust, it doesn't matter. It's all for Whumper 💖
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oddsconvert · 3 days
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And the inevitable happened 😜 The villains neutralized the highest threat
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oddsconvert · 3 days
cw: implied/referenced abuse, mutual noncon
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"Go on." Vic's voice was heavy over his shoulder. "Put your money where your mouth is."
Benji could hear the smirk enter the man's tone as he added,
"Or just put your mouth where your mouth is."
He grimaced. He never should've opened his mouth, never should've challenged Vic. There was no backing out now.
"You think you can do better? Then show me."
"That isn't what I--"
"That's an order."
He tried to tell himself it was okay, that this was better. He knew he'd at least be gentler than Vic, but that didn't mean he wanted it. Not now, not... like this.
Benji clenched his fists around the bedsheets, eyes locked on the way they wrinkled between his fingers. Trying so, so hard to not let his gaze wander back to Sahota.
His trainer was naked, spread-eagled on the bed, and not by choice; each limb was tightly wrapped with some kind of thin cord. He could see the way it was cutting into his skin, drips of blood sprinkling the sheets here and there. The same cord was wound around Sahota's head, slipping between his teeth and biting into the corners of his mouth. His eyes were distant, fixed on a point on the wall. Despite the situation, his breathing was deep and even.
"Did I fucking stutter, Ruebin? Get on the bed before I change my mind."
Benji swallowed, climbing up, careful not to put any of his weight on Sahota as he crawled forward. He was aware of the way his breathing got faster, ever-so-slightly, as he moved up, stopping only when they were face to face. Now right above him, Benji hesitated. Fuck, he couldn't make himself do it, he couldn't---
Vic planted a kick in his backside, and his arms buckled. He collapsed onto Sahota, chest-to-chest, skin on skin.
Anything Vic does will be worse, he insisted to himself, as if it was a choice he was making for Sahota's benefit. As if he had any say.
Benji brushed back his hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered, hoping his voice was low enough Vic didn't hear. Only then did Sahota's eyes meet his. Not forgiving, just... resigned.
Before Vic could land another encouraging blow, Benji squeezed his eyes shut, planting his lips on Sahota's. The gag forced them apart, and he could taste blood there, either from where the cord cut too deep or from whatever the fuck Vic had done to him before Benji came barging in. Even with his eyes closed, he couldn't pretend this was anything good. Copper and cord felt like they were burning his tongue, and he could feel Sahota holding his breath, body rigid beneath him.
Benji pulled away, blinking back tears. Sahota's expression was as unmoving as the rest of him, but he could see the fear in his eyes. He couldn't--- didn't want to touch him like this, but he knew what would happen if he tried to walk away.
He could see what Vic would do, previous examples already imprinted on Sahota's body. Day-old bruises over days-old bruises, scabbed-over cuts. Older scars that he could no longer excuse as 'being from the job'.
Saying no, stopping, wasn't an option, but even if it had been, Benji wasn't sure he'd rather leave his trainer in Vic's hands than hurt him with his own.
He hesitated before dipping in for another kiss, his hand coming up to cup Sahota's cheek. It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but the other man seemed to almost flinch at the touch, his breath hitching slightly, and Benji was quick to pull away.
"Enough frills. Get on with it."
Benji didn't even look back. "Vic, I can't just--"
"You can't? All of a sudden?"
"No, that's not what I--"
"Then stop dragging your feet. Show me that you can do better. Fuck him."
His stomach turned to lead at the words, mouth drying up, even though he'd already known it would come to this.
And if he said no? If he couldn't?
Benji could imagine how that would go; all the worse things. He felt lightheaded, but still he pushed himself up, shuffled backwards on the bed.
"Untie him first," he mumbled. It was the only thing he dared to demand. If he had to do this, he'd make sure it hurt less.
"Untie him?"
"You really think he'll fucking run?," Benji spat, brushing away tears with the back of his hand. He wouldn't. Vic had seen to that.
He felt Vic move behind him, heard the small click of a switchblade flicking open, felt a little of the tension release from Sahota's legs as the cord that bound them was cut. Benji flinched as he felt the knife's edge graze the sole of his foot.
"Hm, not even a small cut," Vic said, as if musing to himself. "See, this is why I didn't want to do that. A little rope and the blade's already gone dull."
The threat was pretty clear. Benji's teeth dug into his bottom lip as he moved his hands, fingers grazing Sahota's inner thigh. At least make it gentle. It's not any better, but it won't hurt him.
As he pushed his legs apart, as he wet a finger with his own spit, Sahota made a noise. It was small. Quiet. A whimper quickly bitten off. But it was enough to start the tears pouring down Benji's cheeks again.
He wished he could take it back. He wished he could unsay it.
"Get the fuck off of him! Stop!"
When he saw them, saw what Vic was doing, it had come out before he could even think. If he'd just left it at that, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe it wouldn't have come to this.
"Who do you think you are," Vic had backed him into a corner. "to tell me what I can do to him?"
He should've backed off. Should've just nodded and scurried away instead of trying to be brave. Benji tasted blood, this time his own, as he slipped a finger inside Sahota, tried to ignore the slight changes in his posture, his breath. The dooming words rang in his ears.
"He deserves someone who loves him."
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@darkthingshappen @starlit-darkness @whumpsday @whumpyourdamnpears @turn-the-tables-on-them
@pigeonwhumps @gala1981 , @pirefyrelight , @there-will-always-be-blood @echo-goes-aaa
@oddsconvert @lonesome--hunter , @morning-star-whump
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oddsconvert · 3 days
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I was trying to practice anatomy, but then it turned whumpy. So I thought, why not 😈
Meet my darling fave whumpee, not having any of this shit
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oddsconvert · 3 days
Hey, Chi!!! 💖👋 Welcome, Welcome! Your fave tropes are 🤌 spectacular 🤌 I look forward to seeing you around! And thank you so much for the tag!!!
Hello! 👋 Nice to meet you, you can call me Chi.
I've been into whump since I can remember and I'm excited to have found my people (❁´◡`❁)
♦️ Some of my absolute fave whump tropes include:
Touch starvation
PTSD and the like
Hiding problems till it blows up in their face
♦️ As for character types, I like a wide variety but these are just ✨ special✨ to me:
Living weapon whumpees
The most pathetic, soppy wet, morally questionable whumpees
Stoic, strong whumpees who can get wrecked beyond belief
Resilient whumpees who will do ANYTHING to survive
Hapless whumpers who WILL get one upped and feel like a failure
Reluctant, gruff caretakers
Well meaning but kind of incompetent caretakers, generating more angst before it actually gets better
I'm mostly into guy whumpees. Lady (or other) whump is fine but rarely gives me the same whumperflies. For whumpers and caretakers, anything goes!
This list will be updated as I remember things I also love! (my memory cannot be trusted ever)
📚 Some of my fave stories on here:
Demon’s Haven by @whumpwillow
things end | people change by @whumpcloud
A Taste of Your Own Medicine by @oddsconvert
Wildefire by @befuddled-calico-whump
Also, not a story, but @whump-side's and @demondamage's whump art!
I like to draw sometimes! For now I've only posted one whump scribble (here!), but I'd love to share more in the future ✧
If you'd like to interact, feel free to drop an ask!
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oddsconvert · 4 days
I'm writing a little ATOYOM drabble right now, and Ronan has caught Izaak doing a naughty (I won't spoil what the shit is doing this time nehehehe)
When Ronan finds him and sees, and needs to stop him ASAP, what should his kneejerk reaction be?
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oddsconvert · 4 days
Always sad to see someone deactivate, especially if you're close.
I wish all my mutuals who deactivated a good life and I hope they're okay ❤️
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oddsconvert · 5 days
what would take for josh to start developing stockholm syndrome?
Cool fact! In my first draft of Play Pretend, Josh had Stockholm syndrome! He wasn't just playing along, he was fully in it. Convinced he was in love and loved. He would even get overprotective and jealous of anyone who dared threaten his and Felix's relationship. But it wasn't really the vibe I wanted to go for in the end.
I think maybe if Felix focused more on positive reinforcement and small acts of kindness when Josh is good, rather than punishments when he's not, maybe Josh could have been more deluded into a false sense of gratitude and believing that Felix truly did have some love for him. Maybe Josh might have even felt sympathetic for him, like "aww, he's just lonely." But Felix leaves no wiggle room for any sympathy - he's greedy and cruel and just takes what he wants when he wants.
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oddsconvert · 5 days
Whumper and Whumpee being whumped by a worst Whumper and having to work together to escape like:
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oddsconvert · 9 days
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oddsconvert · 10 days
Let me just bullet point my favourite bits because I'm foaming like a rabid squirrel rn
The kick to the back that lands Luan on his knee. Bruh
The way Luan complies and let's himself be restrained at the end omg actual chefskisswhumperfliesthelothelpme
Holy mother of - Cyrus gives me the heebie-jeebies. Like we've only seen a snapshot of him but actual chills, he seems so deluded already and I'm so here for it.
In conclusion. Need more. Need now.
Catharsis #2: My Place
content: kidnapping, shock collar, electrocution, torture, doxxing, degradation
this one's also gonna be a non-chronological story, because that's the kind i like writing best. let's jump back.
Luan stared at his phone, his full name and address plastered over the comments, right under a missed call from his manager.
That streamer was way too annoying, that had been all. He was always all over Luan’s feed. It wasn’t even about blocking people, he’d already done that, it was that his stupid ads wouldn’t stop showing up. And he’d rather be dead in the ground than shelling out 30 bucks a month for ad-free.
After a long night at work forced to take preorders for his book from crowds of rude customers, just wanting to catch up on his feed and see what his mutuals were doing, the last thing he wanted was to see some streamer’s dumbass face plastered between every five posts, linking to a video that was basically a glorified advertisement for the same. Damn. Book. It was like the guy was determined to invade every facet of his life.
So he blabbed. His socials weren’t connected to his actual identity anyway, he wasn’t insane. There were hundreds of Kindle Booksellers stores across the country. He snapped pictures of the whole last chapter, absolute unreadable drivel about his rise to stardom, and posted them with an appropriately deriding caption. Maybe if people could see what they were actually throwing $89.99 away on, he’d have to deal with less of them in his store in a few weeks.
His comments were swarmed instantly. People laughing along with him. Asking for clearer pictures, more of the book. Warning fans about leaks. Chiding him for posting pictures. Threatening to find him and get him fired. Calling him every name under the sun.
Luan didn’t engage much, really, not when you really thought about it. A few responses here and there was nothing compared to the amount he was getting. It wasn’t not like he said anything worse than what they were saying to him, anyway.
When he woke the next morning, he was promptly informed that the West Hollywood store got copies more advanced than the rest. They were supposed to hold an event.
Whatever. He hated that job anyway. Maybe he could try to get out of retail this time.
Every time he looked at his phone, he felt sick. He didn’t call back.
He’d dreaded the first knock at his door. He figured there’d be someone, even as far from the actual store as he lived. Maybe they’d be here to try to make their own stupid video.
Luan groaned, rolling over on the couch. The knocking continued.
Not like it could get worse, right?
He flung open the door. The what’s your goddamn problem? died in his mouth, because there stood that same face.
“Luan?” Cyrus Mason asked, perfectly pleasant.
“Oh shit. Am I being sued?” He really should have called his manager back. “Listen, I already got fired. Probably. I’m sorry for the pics, it was stupid, I get it.”
Cyrus laughed. “Not at all. Actually, I came to apologize to you.”
“I’ve seen the things my fans are saying about you on my behalf. And doxxing you! Completely unacceptable. But I have a solution that will work for both of us.” Cyrus placed a gloved hand on Luan’s shoulder. “Why don’t you come back to my place and film a video with me? You get the public off your back, I get an excuse to market the book, and I’ll even pay you for the trouble. I only ask that you leave your phone at home. Sorry to say, but I can’t exactly trust there won’t be any more surprise pictures.”
Well. It wasn’t like he had work today.
Cyrus’s house was huge enough one could get lost in it. Luan followed his host to the back until he was met with a flight of stairs.
“My recording studio’s down here. Nice and quiet,” he explained, gesturing Luan forward.
Luan started down. It didn’t… look like a recording studio. The basement had none of the equipment he’d have expected it to have. It looked more like a normal basement than a recording studio, with a toolbox on a table and not much else, aside from a mattress at the bottom of the stairs. It wasn’t even finished. “Where’s the cameras and stuff?”
“You won’t need to worry about that.”
A hand pushed roughly at his back.
Luan’s knee exploded with pain as he fell forward, tumbling down onto the mattress at the bottom. “What the fuck!?” He grabbed his knee, his whole body aching.
“Wow, that was even easier than I thought it’d be.” Cyrus strolled down, landing a kick to Luan’s back that sent him to the hard floor.
Luan scooted back with his less-hurt leg, hand instinctively going to his pocket, only containing his wallet and keys. It froze there, his situation suddenly far too real. “What the hell. What do you think you’re doing? What is this? This isn’t fucking funny.”
“Oh, it’s not meant to be.” Cyrus kicked him again, this time in the stomach. As Luan curled to protect himself, he felt something cold and metal snap tight around his neck.
Cyrus stepped away, looking on smugly  as Luan tried to pry it off, heart racing so fast he felt it might give up on him at any moment. The edges of his vision blurred.
Luan shrieked as white-hot pain arced straight into his throat, his hands recoiling from the shock. It was over almost as soon as it started, but he could practically feel the hum of it in his fingertips, in his neck.
“Oh, good, it works. Made that myself, you know,” Cyrus bragged, finger circling lightly over the remote he’d pulled out of his jacket.
“Stop!” Luan moved his hands protectively above his neck, as if that would somehow stop the signal from reaching the horrific device locked onto him. “What do you want? Money? Just, here!” He reached for his wallet, tossing his card at Cyrus’s feet.
“You really think I need your bookstore money? No, you’re not getting out of this. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, see, just needed the right person. And there you were.” Cyrus spread his hands, like Luan was a bounty offered just for him. “You disrespect me, your address is plastered all over my tag, and you already had a history of making stupid decisions. I don’t ignore signs. You were given to me for this.”
“You’re crazy.” Luan barely managed to get the words out before another shock rocked through him. The back of his head hit the floor, his hair now wet and copper-smelling.
“You’re going to learn your place. More importantly, you’re going to learn mine. From now on, I am the only thing that matters in your little world. Everything you get, you are given by me. I am your only source of food and water. The only break you have from isolation. I am the only one who can stop this.”
Another shock, longer this time. Luan wailed, desperately trying to pull the collar off even as his fingertips singed. He pulled in a choked breath when it stopped, seconds that felt like minutes later.
Cyrus stepped on his chest, pressing down, making every rise of his lungs a chore. “I am going to give you instructions and you are going to listen. Or else.”
“Okay!” Luan held his trembling hands up in surrender. “Okay! Just stop!”
“Lay on your stomach. Put your hands behind your back. Stay still until I tell you otherwise.”
Luan hastened to comply, even as his knee protested being pushed against solid ground. He clasped his fingers behind his back. A thin piece of plastic wrapped around his wrists, pulled tight, and stayed that way. The same happened to his ankles. Hands patted him down, fishing everything out of his pockets before stepping back.
Cyrus smiled down at him. “Good boy. You’re already learning.”
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oddsconvert · 10 days
Hi Shannon! How are you? It’s Declan Boyfriend Anon. So I was rereading Shattered (it’s my comfort read now) and your answer to one of my older questions. You said that Declan might have been able to evade Vince if he simply hadn’t gone back to his house as his scent would eventually have faded enough, and it got me thinking.
Would Vince have grabbed Declan in public? Hypothetically, if Declan had perpetually remained around a very big, public group of people (not, for example, his family in a private dwelling) where grabbing him would become a public spectacle, would Vince have risked that level or exposure? The humans obviously know about vampires and know enough to take precautions, so what kind of public response would that have caused?
EEK I always get excited to see you in my notifs! 💖 Hey! Thank you so much for re-reading my silly little story, it literally makes me smile from ear to ear 🥹
To answer your question, Vince would not risk kidnapping Declan in a crowded public setting! The risk of getting caught, captured, killed by hunters is too high and unfortunately he's not stupid enough to chance it. He would have turned his eyes to a new potential bloodbag if Declan was unattainable. I imagine if he was hunting with a few vampires though... maybe he'd try it?
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oddsconvert · 10 days
How and when did August stop fearing humans?
There's kind of two answers for this!
One point was when he was still a child, and his mother threw him into the dark cellar with all the mansions bloodbags as a punishment (knowing he would be petrified and hopefully scare him straight). August thought the humans would maul and kill him but instead they showed him kindness and cared for him through the night... much to his mother's furious disapproval 🙈 but that eased his fear of humans a little! But not entirely - he still feared humans as a whole, and understood why they might want revenge for what vampires have done to them.
But after he left the family home, he could finally have a mind of his own and he knew in his heart of hearts that he couldn't bear the treatment of humans. As he started to delve into his studies and medicine, and finally interacting with and helping vulnerable and fearful humans who haven't felt a gentle touch in years - he realised there was nothing to be scared of. And if ever a human was to hurt him, it would most likely be out of fear or to protect themselves 🤷‍♀️
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oddsconvert · 10 days
reblog if you're completely okay with me asking stuff about your wip in your inbox! <3
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oddsconvert · 13 days
Can you please write more “A taste of your own medicine”? I really love the series
Aww thank you! <333 and yes, totally! I've been meaning to get back into ATOYOM! It's half-term next week (which means a week off work for me yippee!!) so I've earmarked that week for writing for my series'!
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