natashxromanovf · 3 months
tw: sa
his love became mine
i wanted a gentle day's love
hand in hand on the street
kisses on the head
and flowers as a gift
he wanted a wild night's love
behind doors bolted closed
marks on the skin
and thrusts in each other
when i asked for mine
i was taken to a place unknown
with a promise of gentle love after
which never came my way
when he took his
i didn't have any left to give
for my softness was taken away
by broken promises of feelings unheard
so i became a shell
i gave and gave and gave
until wild was all i knew
and it's all i know
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natashxromanovf · 3 months
I'm doing pretty good! Got accepted to university last week! I'm just waiting to finish grade 12 now. I quit dance back in August before the season started after I broke my foot in May, lol. How have you been?
awh i’m sorry to hear about dancing :( but the university stuff is amazing!!! i’ve been pretty okay!! i’m on my winter break rn and school in general is going well i’d say. i’m slowly trying to figure out what to do in life cause i honestly have no idea haha :) maybe marketing but we’ll see!!
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natashxromanovf · 3 months
Hi Taja! Long time no talk! Hope you're doing well <3
HEY BETTY OMG!! how are you my love?? :)
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natashxromanovf · 3 months
drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️
i love you sm jacky 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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natashxromanovf · 3 months
Hey babe how have you been?
hey baby!! i’ve been pretty okay lately, what about you? 💋
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natashxromanovf · 4 months
go follow this amazing and incredibly talented human being !! 🫶🏼
hi guys, i've been thinking lately and i've decided to start a poetry blog! i'm a bit new to writing poetry but since i'm more used to writing longer prose or songs but i wanted to let you guys know about this in case anybody would be interested in something like that.
i've posted my first poem on @writxrinthedark
tagging some moots! please boost!!
@velvetcloxds @oliverwoodmarrymepls @moonlitmeeks @amourrs @sheraayasher @curseofaphrodite @sweetercalypso @leahsficemporium @saintlike78 @gxtitobxby @mendesxruel @gilmore-angel @natashxromanovf @pepper-up-potion @sereinegemini @wonderfilworld
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natashxromanovf · 4 months
they sentenced me to another 2 hours of looking at my phone in bed
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
y’all i almost forgot aaron taylor johnson was married to that old witch
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
✵ new lovers ~ send me a fic of yours and i will reblog it and tell you my fav parts about it! (also only applies for the fandoms i write for)
Finally worked up the courage to send this in-
thank you for sending this in!! i absolutely adored it <3
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
i love this so much!! i always was and still am a sucker for hurt/comfort and this was amazing!!
He felt his heart break into a thousand little pieces. Those eyes should never have known pain, it was unbearable to watch.
and this quote!! i love how it shows bucky’s love for reader :)
Just Stay
Summary: Bucky often turns up at your door in search of comfort, but this time it's the other way around.
Word Count: 0.9k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes × gn!reader
Warnings: Mention of reader having wisps of hair
A/n: My very first posted fic! Here we go<33
The quiet that blanketed the apartment was something almost tangible.
Disturbed by nothing but the occasional sighs of discomfort that left it’s sole occupant— who had found himself curled up uncomfortably on the living room sofa. The coffee table clock read 00:32 in a bright red that slightly messed up his eyes when he stared at it for too long.
The knock at the door was subtle, light. Almost as if it did not want to be heard. Bucky thought it probably would not have been, if not for his super soldier hearing.
With a grunt, he got up from the sofa and grudgingly dragged his feet to the door. For just a fraction of a second the thought of who the hell it might be flitted across his mind.
“Um....hey Buck.”
He thought his brain might have stopped working for a moment. Maybe he was dreaming again.
But when he clocked the way you kept picking at your nails as you tried to look anywhere but at him, it seemed to knock some sense into him.
“It’s late, doll. What’re you doin’ out at this time?”
You found yourself fiddling with the buttons of the coat you were wearing— it was Bucky’s. It still smelled like him.
Finally gathering the courage, you looked up at him. Trying your level best not to let the burning sensation behind your eyes win.
Bloodshot eyes met Bucky’s. Uncertainty and embarrassment swimming deep within. He felt his heart break into a thousand little pieces. Those eyes should never have known pain, it was unbearable to watch.
“Could I come in?” The words had made their way out of your mouth before you could bite them back.
With a fervent nod and a hand at your back which put a gentle pressure, Bucky led you inside.
Silently, he led you to the sofa where he sat down with you. The warmth from where he had spent the last few hours had not yet dissipated completely.
“Hey, hey.....look at me.” Bucky started softly as he tried to persuade your gaze to him.
You felt like you were about to break. An icy hand reached out from within you as it cruelly wrapped it’s palms around your heart and squeezed with all it’s might.
Tears raced down your cheeks, an unstoppable waterfall. Everything was blurry, even the baby blue eyes that seemed as though they were gazing right into your soul, filled with so much concern and pain at the same time that it made you wonder for just a moment how it was possible.
You gasped for breath as a chocked sob resounded within the room. Only after hearing the panicked ‘It’s okay doll, you're okay’s and ‘it’s okay, just breathe’s that seemed to last forever did you realise that the noise had come from you. You were crying. Sobbing so hard you were curling in on yourself.
And Bucky was pulling you towards his chest with an expression that suggested that maybe he'd been stabbed with a knife to his heart.
He rocked you back and forth for what seemed, at the same time, both like seconds and all of eternity, rubbing your back in what he hoped what a comforting pattern.
Once the small, panicked gasps had eventually died out, with the lightest pressure possible Bucky slowly pulled you back up to face him.
He greeted you with a quiet ‘Hey’ as he nudged the lone wisps of hair that had managed to fall over your face away with his fingers. “You wanna tell me what's on your mind?” Bucky proded lightly. Hoping, praying you would let him in on whatever it was that was bothering you because seeing you like this, so wounded and vulnerable— to say it broke his heart would be a dire understatement.
A broken ‘Buck—’ was all that could make it's way out before your voice broke, strained and your throat raw courtesy of your burst of emotion earlier.
This was all still very new to Bucky. Being on the other end of the line. The receiving end. It was you, who more often than not had the pleasure (or perhaps it was a displeasure, one that you never let show) of welcoming a teary eyed Bucky on the verge of a meltdown, into your apartment. And you would do whatever he needed to calm down and feel safe in that moment. Whether it was to just simply hold him or brew him a cup of the tea he loved and often associated with comfort, solely because it reminded him of you.
Now it was his turn to give. To hold you and whisper reassuring words into your temple as he offered to brew you a cup of the tea that had at this point in his life, become an unavoidable part of his it. Along with you.
You broke the heavy quiet that had settled over you both again, clearing your throat in an attempt to complete your sentence. “I’m sorry I—” But apologising turned out to be the wrong move, as Bucky immediately but firmly stopped you in your endeavour, dropping a barely-there kiss on your forehead. “You don’t need to apologise. Ever.”
“What can I do for you? Please, I want to help.” Bucky pleaded, desperate to find a solution, because now the universe was really screwing with him, messin’ with his girl like this.
“Just....stay with me.” Your answer came out muffled from where you had your face securely tucked into the curve of his neck.
His arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly close to himself.
“I’ll stay for as long as you need.”
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Thank you sm for reading!! 💕 Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated from the bottom of my heart :)
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
i missed you sm too monique 🫶🏼
taja’s 202 4 THE PLOT sleepover ও
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stupid name, i know but please bare with me, i suck at titles :) as i said in my previous post, this is an event to help me push myself back into writing!!
- check the fandoms i will write for in my navigation
- check request guidelines before requesting
- only sfw asks
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✵ bad decisions ~ send me a song and i will write a fic based on it
✵ parties ~ send me a prompt (and preferably also a scenario but not necessarily) and i will write a fic
✵ new lovers ~ send me a fic of yours and i will reblog it and tell you my fav parts about it! (also only applies for the fandoms i write for)
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tagging some of my moots: @pregnant-piggy @sheraayasher @sarahisslytherin @velvetcloxds @arkofblake @jackys-stuff-blog @sexysirius @asahisluvr @missheartbreakamericana @spring-picnics @leossmoonn @oliverwoodmarrymepls @f4irydaydreams @kimoralov3 @griffxnnage @cauliflowertree
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
Hello love, how’ve you been?
so for the 2024 plot to get back into writing I’m suggesting a song
Make you feel my love by Adele and if you can, can the blurb be a Sirius one?? It’s fine if tis anything else too ;)
Thank youu <33
of course!! thank you sm for this, can’t wait to write it 🩷
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
Anon from before,
Yes please! GIVE ME ANGST. (you HAVE to watch daredevil Mathew Murdock is babygirl)💗
okayyy 🫶🏼 and i will, as soon as i have some time!!
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
✵ bad decisions ~ send me a song and i will write a fic based on it
literally spent 5 minutes combing through my playlist for a non depressing song
super trouper by abba for one mr remus j lupin 😋
i love this!! can’t wait to write it :)
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
✵ bad decisions ~ send me a song and i will write a fic based on it
Would've Could've Should've by Taylor Swift?? (With Matt Murdock if u write for him, if not then Bucky please💗)
Only if it inspires love!!❣️
thank you for this request!! i will write it with bucky because i haven’t watched daredevil yet (please i need to watch it) and i have a question - can it be angst? :)
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
Do you write for all Marvel characters?? (it doesn't say in your navigation and i just wanted to clarify👉👈)
i do!! well i mean no character that i wouldn’t want to write for comes to mind so :)
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natashxromanovf · 5 months
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Forever mine
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JJ Maybank x fem!reader
WARNINGS: slight fighting (verbal, very mild), mentions of food, one swear word
REQUESTED: {x} by @arkofblake
SUMMARY: Yours and JJ’s relationship, from the day you met to the present time and what you learnt about each other throughout those years.
A/N: Thank you for requesting this babes! I loved writing it so much, I hope you enjoy reading it as well <3
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You vividly remember the first time your eyes laid on JJ Maybank. It was a sunny afternoon amid September, the weather surprisingly summer-like. Walking inside a restaurant, you were supposed to meet a friend of yours for brunch but she bailed on you at the last second, leaving you standing on the street all alone. You thought about going back to your dorm but decided otherwise. You were really hungry, already here and to be honest, you could use some peace and quiet to gather your thoughts. 
“What can I get for you?” a blonde boy questions you, giving you a warm smile. As you look up at him, the breath you were about to let out hitches in your throat and the words get stuck in your mouth. A moment passes by and you finally collect yourself again, already feeling the heat creep up your neck.  
“I’m sorry,” you laugh a bit, looking down at your hands. “Could I please get some pancakes with maple syrup?” you politely ask, returning him the smile. 
“Of course, ma’am, coming right up,” the guy says as he leaves, leaving you speechless. The blonde couldn’t have been much older than you, maybe a year or two but not more. And the fact that he’s really gorgeous didn’t slip past you either, because that is one of the finest men you have ever seen in your life. 
Before you know it he comes back with your food, placing a plate in front of you. You flinch a little when the plate collides with the table, as you aren’t aware of your surroundings. You quickly snap out of your thoughts though, as he starts speaking. 
“Can I get you anything else?” 
“Oh, no thank you, I think I got everything I need,” you reply, looking up at him once again. He nods and starts to walk away, as you gather the courage to do something the girl you were a week back would never do. “Except maybe,” you start, catching his attention once again. “What’s your name?”
He smirks before answering, letting you know that he was waiting for that question. “JJ,” he answers. “JJ Maybank.”
“What’re you thinking about there, babe?” JJ questions as he tucks your hair behind your ear, a gesture he learned you love very much. 
“About the day we met,” you honestly answer a small smile appearing on your face. 
“Oh, you mean about the day when you were literally at a loss for words when you first saw me?” he says cockily, earning a slight smack on the arm from you. 
The two of you were currently lying down on his couch, watching your favourite TV show, trying to unwind from your morning classes. “Do you remember the day when you first kissed me?” you ask, grinning wildly as the memory flashes across your mind.
“Of course I do,” JJ replies. “We were sitting on the beach in Outer Banks. It was the first time I took you there, to meet my best friends from high school. They all left and we were watching the sunset, it was particularly beautiful that day. You were talking about how much you like them all and I just decided right then and there that I wanna spend my whole life with you,” he finishes and you turn around, pressing a deep kiss against his lips. When you part you just stare at him for a few seconds, the biggest smile on your lips. He mirrors your expression, his fingers caressing your arm, barely touching you but still erupting goosebumps all over your body. 
“I love you,” you finally say, him returning the words. After that, you give him another pack and then you stand up, grabbing some clothes from the drawer in his bedroom. You stop for a second and realise you have your drawer at his place. You don’t know when it officially became your drawer, it just sort of happened. I mean, it was just a matter of time to be fair, you’re barely at your dorm anymore.
“Where are you going?” the blonde shouts from the living room, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“To take a shower,” you exclaim, closing the drawer. “I’m meeting with Amanda later,” you remind him, blowing a little kiss at him before closing the bathroom door. 
“What’s going on?” asks JJ as he enters the apartment, placing his keys on the cupboard near the door. 
“Bills,” you simply answer, your face still scrunched with confusion and a bit of anger. This has been a repeating problem for the past few months, something the two of you can’t get rid of. The apartment lease has gotten higher just around the time you started having money problems and the stupid landlord won’t give you a few extra days to pay for the place. “I get my pay in a couple of days,” you state as a matter of fact, more to yourself than to the man now standing next to you.
“Yeah I know but that bitch downstairs just doesn’t wanna give us a day or two more,” he almost shouts, silently praying your downstairs neighbour heard that. 
“Jesus JJ you can’t just scream like that!” you suddenly snap, catching him by surprise. He takes a slight step back, trying to figure out what the problem is right now. He has done this multiple times already and you always laugh at it. 
“Y/N,...” he starts but you shush him with your hand, taking a breath.
“I just can’t deal with this right now,” you say, grabbing your car keys and throwing the door open. Once you're outside you stop for a second, taking a deep breath of fresh air, trying to stop the tears that will inevitably come. To your surprise JJ follows you downstairs, stopping just a step or two behind you.
“Y/N what is going on?” he finally asks, stepping just a bit closer. 
“I don’t know,” you honestly reply, the first tear starting to roll down your cheek. “I don’t know, J, nothing’s wrong, everything’s wrong,” you murmur, a sob escaping your lips.
“Hey, hey, darling, shhhh,” he says as he wraps you in a tight hug, making you press your head to his chest. “We’ll figure this out, I promise,” he swears, softly caressing your back. You finally let yourself breathe, really breathe and take a moment to relieve some of the stress that has been building up in you for weeks now. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you start, your voice a bit muffled by his shirt. “I had a terrible day at work today and college is just too much right now and my Mom just called me with another one of her problems and now I saw the bill and I just,” you ramble, meanwhile JJ comforts you in the best way he knows how. “I really need to take a break,” you finish, finally letting go of the blonde. As soon as you look up at him he presses a reassuring kiss to your forehead, the forgiveness for shouting at him hidden in that gesture. 
“I know Y/N, and I will make sure you get the rest you need. And remember, just because we fight doesn’t mean we won’t work things out. We’re not your parents, love,” he whispers, pulling another sob out of you but this time a sob of relief. 
“I know, J, I know. I guess I just need a reminder from time to time,” you smile up at him. He softly wipes away your tears and when he’s done, he guides your lips into a comforting kiss.
“Good. Because you’re the best thing that’s ever been mine,” he mutters, putting his hand around your shoulders, and guiding you back inside the apartment.
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outer banks taglist: @hallecarey1 @lovelyjj @ilyjohnb
jj maybank: @velvetcloxds @tenaciousperfectionunknown
hope you enjoyed this! don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment, it really helps writers with motivation <33
taglist form
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