i got excited when tumblr said there's a new post alksksksks -🍷
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Hi there I can’t seem to open the master list link? Do perhaps know why?
OHHHHHHHHHHH lemme fix that
Soz about that hehe
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Working on it nowww~🤭
Summary of Taeyong, Johnny, and Nari in 'Cleaning Freak Brian':
Johnny and Nari vibing together while Taeyong and Brian are getting along
Nari finding Taeyong in cleaning mode very cute and attractive
Nari and Johnny being shook with how passionate the other two are with cleaning
Nari being Taeyong's biggest supporter/cheerleader
One could think how concerning it is for Nari to find Taeyong attractive when he's in the zone, but other people could see that they are meant for each other
Nari being exposed she is kinda messy while Taeyong is the clean one
Nari and Johnny teasing one another to clean more, accusing the other for not cleaning
Nari and Taeyong's shared homestyle being revealed
I definitely want to make a post on this video fjfjfnfng
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Summary of Taeyong, Johnny, and Nari in 'Cleaning Freak Brian':
Johnny and Nari vibing together while Taeyong and Brian are getting along
Nari finding Taeyong in cleaning mode very cute and attractive
Nari and Johnny being shook with how passionate the other two are with cleaning
Nari being Taeyong's biggest supporter/cheerleader
One could think how concerning it is for Nari to find Taeyong attractive when he's in the zone, but other people could see that they are meant for each other
Nari being exposed she is kinda messy while Taeyong is the clean one
Nari and Johnny teasing one another to clean more, accusing the other for not cleaning
Nari and Taeyong's shared homestyle being revealed
I definitely want to make a post on this video fjfjfnfng
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Omgoshhh ty for replying, it would be amazing if you wrote the Nari and Jisung angst ☺️ no wonder I couldn’t find it, I had looked through your entire blog💀💀
HAHAHHAHA no worriesss~
Yeahhh, I think I only mentioned it as a potential post in the later future, cuz all I know is that I wrote it in their profile, but that's it.
But yeah, I'll try writing it up at one point ^^
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Hiii!! I was just wondering if at one point on your old blog you had written about Nari and Jisung and how she loved giving him cheek kisses and eventually he got embarrassed and lashed out at her so she started to become distant until he apologized. I’ve been looking for the story but didn’t know if you had uploaded and then deleted or if it was another author. Tyyy
Oh daaannngggg...lowkey forgot about that scenario HAHHAHAA
I don't think I ever wrote it before, but was like, an idea I think?
But...I can write that scenario if you wanttt~~~
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☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it's time to spread positivity!
Even though I don't post a lot here yet, I'm touched you sent this here too hehehe
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Nari's Relationship With Jisung
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Summary: Closer look at Nari and Jisung's relationship
Mother & Son Duo
In short: just like how baby animals imprint on whoever they see first (usually the mother), when Jisung saw Nari it was an immediate imprint and ever since then, he has looked up to Nari and followed her around
Nari was a bit confused (and concerned) that Jisung would follow her from afar, always watching her when she talked to the older members and practising, etc. during pre-debut days
She thought he had a crush on her or something but realised he simply looked up to her cuz apparently to him, Nari looked like a very 'cool' person despite the slight language barrier they had
Nari also noticed how young he came to the trainee life so it was instinctual for her to watch out for him and look after him - especially when she saw how super shy and reclusive he was to everyone
So you'll see Nari taking care of him - whether it be feeding him, fixing his clothes/hair, giving him life tips or small performance tips, etc.
She is one of his emergency contacts outside of direct family
He looks up to and trusts her a lot - the same level as trusting his mother - so if he ever needs help, he'd go to Nari instantly. Ad cuz of that, he sometimes calls her 'Eomma' by mistake ksjgb
Has been there for him in all of his milestones - even when having solo work, she was there for him, sent him to the airport when he went on 'Why Not?' with Eunhyuck and Gikwang
She was super worried for him when he was going alone with no NCT members looolll
Whenever the Dreamies attended an award show when they were still minors, Nari was always at Jisung's side and would leave with them when it hit 10pm
Nari is the one who mainly updates Jisung's mother on what he's been up to - Nari is quite close with Jisung's mother
Who Do You Call?
Calling Nari is almost a daily occurrence
He always calls her for help or just to talk mainly to ask for help because he's kinda clueless about most things
Times/Places he calls her: while on Vlive/IG live/Weverse live, before Dream goes on stage, when he needs advice for something
You know when Dream was doing that cooking competition on YouTube, and he had to clean the vegetables? He called Nari to see if he needed to use dishwashing soap (she was pretty concerned when he asked her that innocent question)
When he got the wrong order from the cafe during 'Why Not?', he was pretty upset cuz he practised his English a lot with Nari (even called her before he took the order just to be sure) so he felt like he failed Nari especially. He called her again, and rather than be scolded, Nari was comforting him and was rather angry at the cashier
"Let me talk to that lady -" "Noona, I don't think that's necessary..." "Nuh! You said what you wanted so clearly! What she did was not nice, so let me just talk to her and I'll -" "Noona, no!"
Basically, Nari is his go-to for calling - "Hang on, let me call Noona for help" "I think Noona knows about this, let me call her" "Noona would love this! Hang on, let me call her" "I bet you Noona will answer my call than yours"
SM tried to delete the scenes of Jisung calling Nari in most videos HAHAH but they couldn't take away all of the scenes, especially after the fans found out about this habit after a Vlive Jisung once did when he revealed his habit of calling Nari
They found it absolutely cute how he would call her and believe in what she says - cuz Nari never lies to him
Jisung must always talk to Nari before any performance
Since trainee days, he must always hear the same words of encouragement from her because for some reason it comforts him a lot and gives him confidence (and he believes it gives him luck)
So sometimes you'll see in the behind-the-scenes of music shows and such, you'll see him either on his phone with air, or she would physically be there and encouraging him - if for some reason she can't do either of those, there is a saved video and audio of her encouraging him (and the Dreamies)
Calls or Texts Goodnight Before Sleeping
This started before they debuted and the Dreamies started living in dorms together
Nari was worried for them (even though Kun lived with them for a while), so she wanted Jisung to text her whenever he's at home and is about to sleep at night
So it became a tradition for them, and if it doesn't happen, then Nari gets concerned and for Jisung it feels like he forgot to do something and feel quite empty
Him contacting her lets her know that he is safe and not somewhere dangerous
When parting ways, they kiss each other on the cheek
When the Dreamies were cute trainee babies, they were much more affectionate to the older members than they are now
So Jisung was very affectionate with Nari when he was a young trainee, and Nari was uwu for him back then and he brought out her soft side to return the sentiment
But as he grew older, he would get embarrassed and wouldn't want to do it (like Mark)
But he can see how it saddens her sometimes, so he would try to do it as subtle as possible if they are in front of fans - for example, he would hug her and then sneak a small kiss to her cheek
Nari still kisses him on the cheek in public, she doesn't care of the people - she raised that boi, so she is going to still express her love to him like a mother would
Fans noticed this tradition, however, and now have fun trying to find the small interactions to coo over (you see on YouTube, 'Jisung + Nari Cute Kissing Moments' sfbgks)
If they're just relaxing with close friends and family, Jisung would be more willing to do it (especially when he drank quite a bit), he's just shy and worried that people might send hate her way
Just because Nari is like a mother figure to him and always tries to protect him, doesn't mean he doesn't return the sentiment
As years pass, he's grown to want to protect her more
Even pre-debut he wanted to look after her (especially when he saw the pressure she was under by the company and all the hate she was getting as well as the group. He can see she blames herself for the added hate on the group cuz of her presence)
But as years passed, he grew taller and more mature and wanted to protect her more
So whenever they have a schedule together, or they go out together, he always tries to make sure she's okay - like when attending award shows he would be watching out for her from afar and if needed, would be at her side
Would give her his jacket, help her walk when she's in heels, open the door for her, etc.
If they're just chilling in public, Jisung would sometimes stand in front of her protectively or be at her side, one hand on her arm gently or holding her hand
There are also cute moments where he would hold his arm out in front of her when they're about to cross the road just in case she accidentally walks into traffic without checking (which she wouldn't do, but she finds it nice that he would look out for her)
He was also one of the members who helped Nari in the Korean language - like how he helps Chenle, he also helps Nari when she has a few language barriers
And we all know how protective Nari is of her loved ones, so she would do anything for him - even fight people if necessary. She wasn't too happy when he was on 'Dancing High' and went through a lot of stressful things there and spoke up about it
Jisung knows he can rely on her whenever he feels uncomfortable about something, he knows she'll be there ready to bring out her Mama Bear - cuz Jisung lowkey is one of the main reasons she lowered her walls in NCT and showed her care for them
Overall, their relationship is a cute mother and son duo that everyone finds super adorable. Although he's taller than her now, he's still the little boy Nari met back in their trainee days and raised.
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Tags: @multifandomania06 @stopeatread @sunflower-0180 @billboard-singer @alixnsuperstxr
If you want to be tagged, can let me know. If you don't want to be tagged anymore, you can also let me know ^^
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She smiled underneath her mask as she watched her boyfriend film his 'Ghost' performance video for his YouTube channel, pride oozing throughout her body seeing him in his element. Nari loved seeing Taeyong do what he loves.
What she doesn't like, however, is feeling jealousy.
She couldn't help it; he was dancing with two beautiful and talented women. And Nari was very insecure with her dancing (even though she's just as much of an ace as Taeyong). Also, she could see the way one of the female dancers looked at him when they weren't performing, and Nari could see that one of the women fancied Taeyong.
"You did great!" Nari beamed as soon as the director called cut, Taeyong automatically making his way to her after thanking the dancers that performed with him. "I'm so proud of you, honestly."
"Hey," he called to her gently and knowingly, bringing her into a tight hug she melted into instinctively. "You know you're the only one for me, right?"
"I have no idea what you're talking -"
"Ey, I know you just as much as you know me," he tutted, flicking her forehead lightly much to her dismay. "You have no reason to be jealous; you're the only one I want, and you're an amazing dancer already."
"I...I know..." she sighed, leaning her forehead on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist comfortably. "It's just my stupid thoughts and insecurities..."
"Do you know why I didn't ask you to participate with me in this performance like before in my 'Lonely' one?"
"I actually want our next performance to be just us two," he admitted shyly. "I'm still working on it, but in my next performance video, I want you to be with me - only us two."
"Yeah?" Nari couldn't help but smile brightly at that - a smile only Taeyong could see by the way her eyes squinted into eye smiles.
"Yeah," he smiled back. "I didn't want you to perform in this one, because there's a better one waiting for you."
"I mean, I could have still joined in this one -"
"And have you distracting me the whole time because of your beauty and talent when trying to perform with others? No way, I want you to distract me when it's only us."
"You're too good for me," she sighed dreamily, pulling him into another hug after pecking his pouty lips. "I love you so much."
"I love you too, very very much...so stop glaring at that one dancer over my shoulder."
"Babe, I can clearly see she has the hots for you and I don't -"
"You're the only one for me, baby, think of only that."
"...fine...but if she tries anything -"
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Seeing the cute and VERY drunk Doyoung made Nari smile softly behind the cameras. It was time for Doyoung to head home early so he could prepare for the 7am flight to the Philippines tomorrow (technically today since it was midnight), but at the moment, the young man didn't want to leave his seniors.
"I'm not drunk!" he protested with a huff and cute pout, the three senior idols cooing over him while at the same time trying to convince the main vocal to leave.
"Doyoung-ah~!" Nari called out to the man gently in a singing tone. "Come on sweetie, time to go home!"
"Noona!" Doyoung perked up. "Noona, you're here! Wait -" he blinked slowly. "Why are you here?"
"Our manager called me," she answered as she made her way to the four. "He knew I needed to come and help." Because drunk NCT members don't listen to anyone else except Nari for some reason.
"Oh, Nari-yah, hello!" Heechul greeted happily along with the other two senior idols. Nari greeted them back just as happily. "Do you drink well?"
"Uh, I'd say so, growing up in Australia and all!" she laughed bashfully. "But I don't really like drinking a lot in general..."
"That's why I'm here, Noona!" Doyoung slurred, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a sloppy hug. "So you don't have to do it. I'm working hard for us, Noona, see?"
"Yes, I can see, Doyoungie~"
"Y-You work so hard for us already, I wanted you to rest. I'll-I'll help Noona, okay?"
"Aww!" Everyone in the room cooed while Nari simply smiled a closed-lip smile.
"You see me Taeyong-hyung, Johnny-hyung, Yuta-hyung?" Doyoung called out to the camera again. He listed the other members' names over everyone's laughter. "We have to work hard for Noona so she doesn't overwork, ya hear me?"
"Okay, time to go to bed!" Nari announced, wrapping her arm around his waist to help support his weight. "Thank you, sunbaenims, for looking out for him."
"Of course! Of course!" the males nodded.
"Good luck in the Philippines!" Kangta smiled. "Make sure he rests well, yeah?"
"Oh don't worry, I'll look after him. Being their mother is part of the job," she joked dryly.
"Ey, Noona!" Doyoung whined, burying his face in her hair.
"And I hope your comeback goes well!" Xiumin added in with a chirp.
"Same goes to you too, sunbaenim!"
"Okay, you two should go now, I don't want you two to stay out too long," Kangta cut in worriedly, resting a hand each on the NCT members' shoulders. "Go home safely, okay?"
"Okay!" the two replied.
"Come on, you big baby," Nari cooed to the drunk Doyoung. "Let's go home."
"Okay...I love you, Noona~!"
"Aw, I love you too~"
"More than Haechan and Taeyong-hyung?"
"What is it with your feud with them two especially?"
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A/N: This was from my previous re-write blog; I found it lowkey kinda cute so wanted to post it here again before I delete the other re-write blog lol
Baby fever. Nari swore she was feeling baby fever as soon as 127 met their small fan, Mali (technically, he was Mark's fan, and 127 was Mali's fan, but specifics didn't matter).
Nair smiled and cooed along with the others, laughing and cheering at whatever Mali shyly mentioned to them or showed. She could tell everyone was smitten with this young boy - including herself.
"Do you want to be an NCT member?" Nari heard one of the members ask Mali. The boy nodded in reply.
"No, no, no," Haechan and Yuta denied. "It's dangerous."
It's dangerous...
Nari felt her heart break at the members' words, spotting the hidden worry and fear in their expressions at the thought of Mali becoming a member - or an idol in general.
She pursed her lips at the sight. She knew what they were thinking of; they were thinking of what she and other members went through from pre-debut until now...
The pressure she received from the staff to become the best of the best, the expectations they had on her because her parents were well-known business people, the hate from the public thinking they were going to flop, haters, sasaeng incidents, the mistreatment she and others would get from the few staff - she understood why the members said no to Mali becoming a member.
While most of them were distracted by hanging out with their young fan, Nari stood in between Haechan and Yuta, looping her arms through each of theirs while pressing a chaste kiss on their bicep. They didn't need any verbal words from her. They knew what Nari was trying to express.
After their fans left, Nari turned to the two again. "You okay?" she asked them.
"Yeah, we're okay," Haechan smiled small, giving her a side hug while Yuta clasped his hands in hers.
"It's just a bit sad how most of our fans don't understand how serious and hard it is to be an idol, the dangers you can get into," Yuta added, squeezing her hands lightly.
"I'm okay, guys. We're okay," she assured them, outing their hidden worry. "I'm going to be fine, you know why? Because I have you all with me, and I'm not going to shut you all out like I did before, I'll be open about my struggles."
"I know, and we're glad," Yuta grinned, leaning down to press a light kiss to her forehead. "Still, you're my best friend, I'm gonna worry about you. Just like how everyone is going to worry about one another."
"Yeah, of course, I'm going to worry over my Noona!" Haechan whined, trapping her in his hold so he could nuzzle his head on top of hers with a pout. Nari laughed at the slightly ticklish feeling from the nuzzle, instinctively shying away from it to no avail. Haechan tightened his arms around her so he could kiss the top of her head happily. Only then, did he let go of her.
"Understandable," she nodded, beaming at the two proudly. "I can't believe how mature the two of you became. And it was so cute to see you worry and care about Mali, that adorable boy."
"Is this what I think I'm hearing?" Haechan gasped dramatically. Before Nari could utter her confusion, the 127 maknae turned to Taeyong. "Hyung! Noona wants a baby!"
"Lee Donghyuck!" Nari yelped, red flushing through her face at her hidden desire.
Taeyong choked on the water he was drinking from across the room.
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Take care everyone during this time. Please send only love and comforting words to one another. Take all the time you need to mourn...
Condolences to all those grieving, especially the family, friends, and Arohas~
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I won't post anything this week in respect for everyone and for my own time to gather my thoughts and prayers...
Please take care of yourselves~🥺🙏
If I sound insensitive or disrespectful in any way in this post, I'm sorry and I don't mean any offence, my mind isn't working at the moment due to it being quite late for me now (3:54am) but I wanted to say my condolences...🥺🙏
Please take care of yourselves, look out for each other😭🥺🙏
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Discontinuing My Blogs~🥹
As you guys have read on my earlier asks in my Boyoung blog (maybe), I had thoughts of stopping my writing, and I decided completely that I'll stop writing my blogs now~🥺
Sorry for giving you guys hope on the recent incorrect post, I felt like it would be nice to end with something funny😅
I want to thank everyone who has been with me since the beginning, and those who joined along the way, I'm forever grateful to you guys 🙏🙏����
I'm still gonna write for Nari, but I'm still on semi-hiatus cuz of my back; I can't sit at my desk for long cuz of my back pain so that's why I haven't posted anything big, cuz my back needs to recover before I sit down and devote time to big posts 😭
I hope you guys fall for this, if not, then oh well🤣
But yeah, I ain't stopping officially anytime soon.
Peace out✌️
Stream Golden Hour when it comes out next week~~~
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Nari, driving with ChenJi: So how was your day?
Jisung: We almost got surprise adopted! :D
Nari: What?
Chenle: We almost got kidnapped :D
Nari: Ah, okay...
Nari: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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Hi Kitty Kat! I hope you are doing well. Can you add me to your Nari taglist and your Boyoung taglist??
I'm doing somewhat okay, I've mainly just been resting, trying to let my back recover and such. Trying to get adjusted to my new schedule in life as well cuz I got busier - but other than that, I've been doing okay 👍
Sure! I can add you to the tag lists! I don't think I have one for Boyoung so you'll be the first person lol
Hope you're doing well~
I'll get back on discord as soon as I have my life sorted kkkkkk
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Nari, giving czennies a pep talk: Now listen, if you are going to be petty, you have to do it properly. Listen to the master, okay?
Czennies: *nods*
Nari: If Jaehyun leaves you on read for three hours, then you leave him on read for three weeks.
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What If... Masterlist
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A/N: These posts are set in Alternate Universe of Nari's; not related to the main storyplot. These are all "what if..." posts that would happen in another universe.
✨Nari & Shoi-Ming Masterlist✨ -> All posts relating to if Nari was a Teen Mum
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Main Masterlist
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