moonbyulsstuff · 4 months
Gauken babysitters Headcanons kinda fluff but reality..of being the older sister age 17 of the Kazuma twins..you volunteered to be in the babysitting club so you could look after the twins and the other children and unlike a certain pink haired man who sleeps most of the time..you actually interacted with the children and took interest in their games and whatever they are interested in and even joining in if they asked (if it is appropriate and safe)..you did everything practically by yourself..you sorted out disagreements, you cleaned up tears, you stopped fights, changed Midori's diapers, cleaned up messes and so on..you were often exhausted but it was worth it. You are very protective of the children (no hitting!) and a certain teenage boy learnt that the hard way when you frightened him senseless when he hit his little brother..
You weren't a big fan of fanboys who spied on you because you were the daughter of a famous actor..
The little kids relationships with you especially your little brothers.
The other characters relationships with you. (The people who often came into the daycare..etc).
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Gakuen Babysitter Headcanons.
Female Reader.
Requested by: @the-letter-horror-lover
Request Rules.
The big sister of the Kazuma twins.
That's what you were usually called by your classmates.
You joined the babysitter club when you started high school.
Even though, there was an adult, well, more like a a lazy adult that sleeps all day. It more feels like you were the only person in the club.
Doing everything for the kids, usually Usaida does help, it's everyday, since he sleeps all the time.
You basically became the mother to the kids in the daycare.
Taking care of them, feeding them, changing their diapers, reading stories with them or to them, helping or joining them color.
Though the Kazuma twins do get jealous of how the other children were hoarding your attention, but they learn that they do get all your attention once they are home.
But taking care of the children and schoolwork, doesn't... well... mix well together...
You do get stressed, and Usaida does see that. So, usually he lets you take a day off.
Basically just banning you to go to the club for days if you are extremely busy with school works.
He will not let you back in until you are completely stress-free.
Even though Usaida may seems like he'es leeching off your desire to take care of your children, he does care for you and looks out for you.
He does help out when things get a little overwork for you, and wants to make sure you are not stress or in any pressure.
Usaida is kinda like a big brother to you.
And Inui... oh god, you have to scold that man many times.
Considering his crush towards Midori mother.
You never told him that Mrs. Yukari has a daughter who was in your care.
You don't want him coming to the daycare just to take care of Midori to impress Mrs. Yukari.
But you love him as a friend.
So, when you were a 2nd year, you met Hayato when he brought his brother to the daycare room.
You two were pretty awkward and just gave each other a greeting.
But you did scolded him whenever you saw him hit Taka in the head, which usually would make Taka run off to you and snitch.
But you saw that Hayato care and love his little brother even though he may not show it.
You sometimes have to keep Yagi away from the kids.
You were absolutely were weirded out when he had a nosebleed whenever he was around kids.
You thought he was just some kind of pedophiles, but no. he's just a guy who can't handle cuteness.
Everyday was full of ruckus, especially with the fanboys hanging around the club.
Making excuses to come in and spend time with you.
You, of course, refused their help since you don't want them overwhelming the children.
It was a little hard for you to deal with the children all by yourself especially since Usaida always sleep all the time.
But it became much easier when Ryuuichi came to the club, joining because of his brother and a deal with the headmaster.
You absolutely adore Ryuuichi because of how helpful, caring and kind he is.
And especially his little brother Kotaru.
You and Ryuuichi became friends the moment he stepped into the club.
You were glad you had someone around your age in the club.
And ever since Ryuuichi came into the club, you began to see more of Hayato, and then met Maria and Ushimaru.
It was quite obvious the two girls have a crush on him.
You sometimes help the two since you can't really bring yourself to support one girl to win Ryuuichi heart.
But along with those things, you also began to see more and more of Yagi and Nezu.
And you may or may not have develop a little crush on Nezu.
That's all I can think of right now HAHAHHAHA, I'm sorry I went so long without one single post.
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moonbyulsstuff · 6 months
Howdy! Can i ask for a scenario where haru seong found out that his male s/o, who he thought was weak and couldn't fight (because his male s/o pretended to be weak) is powerful and a part of a influencial gang and haru found out about this when he's being gang up on and his s/o decide to intervene and manage to beat all of his attackers in 4 minutes and haru begin questioning his s/o on why did his s/o hide it from him. Ps can u add a backstory how haru and male s/o first meet? And also the male s/o martial arts are sambo and weapon based silat
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Male Reader.
Request Rules.
Haru always thought his lover couldn't fight, like at all. yeah, his boyfriend works out but he never really took up martial arts.
He never really told him, Haru always thought [Name] was a normal guy who just happens to work out a lot. So... why...?
So why? So why? Why? Why? WHY? WHY!??! WHY WAS HIS BOYFRIEND BEATING THE GUYS SO EASILY?! WHEN HE HAD DIFFICULTY FIGHTING THEM OFF?! HOW??! Haru just looked at his boyfriend in shock as he beat the four guys so easily, they passed out on the floor as [Name] finished. He was breathing heavily as he looked back and walked towards Haru, he kneeled down and looked at him worriedly. "Are you alright baby? Oh god, look at you..." He worriedly said as he held Haru up.
He continues to stare at him while [Name] checks Haru making sure there were no serious injuries.
"Le-" "YOU CAN FIGHT?!" [Name] flinched when Haru shouted and looked at his boyfriend who was in shock and in disbelief, [Name] nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "Y-Yeah..." He said as Haru mouth was wide open, he was in total shock that his boyfriend can fight at all. He never told him nor mention him about it?! Haru huffed and pulled himself away from [Name] grasp making the male looked at Haru confused and in shock.
"Haru? What's wrong?" [Name] asked looking worried as ever for his boyfriend who wasn't responding to him. "Haru?" He asked once more.
"Ho.. how long...?" "What?" Haru looked at him [Name]. "Since how long... were you able to fight..?" He asked as [Name] nervously chuckled. "Ummm.. since forever?" [Name] nervously said as Haru sighed and before he could say anything else, he was cut over by someone shouting for [Name].
"[Name]!!" [Name] flinched as he immediately looked over his shoulder and his face paled when he saw the person shouting for him, the person stopped in front of them, out of breath from running towards them.
"I saw what happened! Oh my god, I can't believe they would do that!!" "Shh! Shh! Shut your mout-" "They are newbies in our gang sir so I promise I will give them a lecture later!" "Gang?!"
Haru mouth and eyes widened when he heard as he looked at his boyfriend who was sweating bullets as the other person didn't notice the tension between the two and kept spewing out of his mouth.
[Name] having enough of it, gripped the person mouth and glared at them. "Look, I get it. So go back." He said as the they nodded frantically and ran back, [Name] sighed and slowly looked back at his boyfriend who was looking at him in shock and somewhat in disbelief.
".... You're in a gang..?" Haru asked as [Name] slowly nodded and scratched his head nervously. "Y-Yeah... and... I'm the-" "The leader? And... you didn't told me about this..?" Haru said as he crossed his arms as [Name] looked down in the ground, looking like a kicked puppy.
"It's just that... I didn't know how to... tell you.. or when to... tell you about it..." The maroon haired boy rubbed his face as he sighed and looked at [Name]. ".... so.. you can fight.. but also part of the gang? Not just a member but their leader?" "Yeaahh...." Haru shook his head and sighed, [Name] looked at him. "Are you mad?" He asked nervously. "Apart of me is, but also a apart of me is just in shock.." "Is that good?" "No." "Oh.."
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moonbyulsstuff · 6 months
Teeny-Weeny Barnaby 🐾✨🌀
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moonbyulsstuff · 6 months
I don't know if i should continue taking request for Yandere Simulator...
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moonbyulsstuff · 6 months
Have you seen the vampires diaries or the Originals or Legacies?
No, I haven't
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moonbyulsstuff · 7 months
I love your writing so much ❤️
If it's not too much problem can I request dating headcanons for kwak jibeom with a sweet reader like you did for Jihan?
It's ok if you don't . Thank you very much ❤️❤️
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Dating Kwak Jibeom Headcanons.
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
Even though this man could be really intimidating, this could be softest person you would ever know.
He's absolutely smitten with you.
He can't help but be soft as a cake when he's around you.
Anything you want, anything you wish, he'll do it in a heartbeat.
Oh, he's the perfect warmer whenever winter rolls around.
His big and strong arms wrapped around you, it just makes you feel safe.
He's the best cuddlier!
Jibeom likes his hands on you, just anywhere on your body, his hands would be anywhere on your body.
He just likes to feel you.
You absolutely feed this man with every chance you get.
You cook for him and he swallows it all up and then ask for 2nds merely 12 seconds after getting it.
He absolutely likes your cooking.
You know, just everything about you, he adores.
Every little thing about you, he remembers.
The scars? He remembers where they are, their appearance, shape, and color.
The moles you have? He knows how many you have, and where they are at your body.
Oh, your hair. He absolutely likes your hair. He just likes sniffing your hair.
He wants you in his arm, he can't concentrate or he's just a mess when he can't have you in his arm even once throughout the entire day.
His brothers absolutely loves you, and likes teasing Jibeom by making him jealous.
Whenever one of them is with you and Jibeom is near, they will absolutely do shit with you that they know he'll get mad and be jealous of.
Jibeom absolutely can't hide his jealousy.
Whenever another is being too close with you or being all flirty with you, he gets angry and turns physical with the other guy.
He tries not to fight whenever he gets jealous but he absolutely can't help it.
Your his :(
He absolutely likes showing you off.
Whenever you visit, he proudly announces to the gang that you're his significant other.
Others may get tired of it, especially the older ones.
He just loves you to death.
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moonbyulsstuff · 7 months
I have one question before I request, do you write for the Yakuza in yandere simulator
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moonbyulsstuff · 8 months
Do you write for 1980s yandere simulator?
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moonbyulsstuff · 8 months
How do you feel about writing for gender bent characters?
I'm fine with it, if you guys wanna request genderbent characters. I'm totally cool with it
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moonbyulsstuff · 8 months
Do you still write for yandere simulator?
Yes, I still do write for Yandere Simulator. I just really like the concept of the game and it's characters even though the person behind is.... questionable and not good..
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moonbyulsstuff · 9 months
Me: I don't like him anymore! I like someone else! Also me, falls in love with him again after seeing him on the first day of school.
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moonbyulsstuff · 9 months
*Shows up in a car that looks like an apple*
Hey hey
Have you heard of... The greatest estate developer? 🧍🏽‍♂️In webtoon
*Drives away*
*Stares at the apple car as it drove away*
Uuhhh, nope! I haven't heard it of it! But now that you mention, I think I will check it out!
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moonbyulsstuff · 10 months
Hi there! Do you do child reader? If you do, may i request a female child reader in The Remarried Empress who gets adopted by Navier headcannons.
How would Navier take care of the child
How would the cast (Sovieshu, Rashta, Heinry, Kaisor, ect) would react to the child.
I imagine the child be around 7 years old and also a charming mischievous little girl who would play harmless pranks that simply just cause annoyance
How They Would React to Navier Taking of a Child Headcanons.
Child Female Reader.
Requested by: @thsparklinghikari
Request Rules.
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Navier had found you near her garden, all dirty and bruised up.
It ached her heart to see a child in a state like that, so she took you in and bathe you and clothe you and fed you food.
It was shocker for everyone after the news spread that the Empress was taking care of a child.
Sovieshu was in shock, he did scolded Navier but the Empress stood her ground.
But after awhile, Sovieshu kinda saw you as like a child that he and Navier would never had. (because he's infertile, but he doesn't know about that yet)
And after a few months, you were a mischievous little child. You liked to play pranks on people a lot.
The victims were of course the servants, but it was mostly harmless pranks so it wasn't an inconvenience whenever you did pranks
But of course, once Rashta came into the palace, she immediately became your number one victim.
You constantly pranked her much to her annoyance.
You didn't liked her as she made Navier sad and cry, so you would constantly play pranks on her.
And of course, Rashta really can't get mad because it were harmless pranks that you had done, and it would seem she was overreacting if she ever got mad at you.
And you were a child.
And whenever did Rashta complain to Sovieshu about your pranks, he would sigh and shook his head and tell her, "She's just a child, don't blame her too much."
Which annoyed Rashta to no end.
Heinrey? Oh, Heinrey absolutely loves you.
And you looked up to him as sorta of a big brother.
He would sometimes help you in your pranks, much to McKenna dismay.
And he would always back you up and defend you.
You two would also make trinkets to make Navier happy.
Of course, once Navier and Sovieshu divorced and Navier and him were going to get married. Navier was the one who took you.
You didn't want to stay with Sovieshu and Rashta and besides, it was Navier who did all of the caring of you.
Kosair? Oh boy.. you and Kosair were like a match made in hell.
You two liked Navier and would protect her everything.
You two would plan pranks on Sovieshu and Rashta but it would be you who would do it as they can't get mad at you.
Either way, he became like a uncle or a brother to you.
And Navier and Heinrey, sorta became like your parents.
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moonbyulsstuff · 10 months
HI! im the same person who asked for the mary kim reader! this one is quite simillar to that except what is mary kim had a cousin? romatic please, like reader dosent ackowladge them at all because their bullies (the gangbuk leaders) but is forced to. so its the Leader's of each school and west gangbuk gang please, reader also took interest in judo but also kickboxing she never fought outside the ring so imagine their surprise to see her fight utilizing judo and kickboxing and they feel like they just i dunno fell inlove, there arent many female fighters so its quite hard to fin anu who are willing so in short Baddassfem!reader who can kickass that they want to be friends and get acquitted (is that how you spell it?) with
My Type of Woman.
Female Reader.
Request Rules.
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"Shut the fuck up Vin Jin!" She yelled out as the blonde female only chuckled at the sight in front of her, [Name] groaned as she walked away from the two as Mary yelled out.
"Bye [Name]!" She waved back to the two and continued walking back to her home, she took out her phone and headphones and was about to play some music but got stopped when she heard a annoying voice call out to her.
She turned around and saw the blonde male walking towards her, she kissed her teeth in annoyance. "What?" [Name] asked as Jaeha smirked and leaned closer to her.
"So... when are you going to give a answer to my question?"
The female rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, I already gave you my answer from the guy, you ordered to ask for my answer." She said and walked away as Jaeha chuckled and followed behind her.
[Name] was not having a good day at all, mostly thanks to Vin Jin and now because of Jaeha. She really hated him, mostly because of he was just a bully and a leader of a gangster around in Gangbuk, it was annoying.
And Jaeha was the 2nd annoying unlike the other leaders except for Seok, who was absolutely way more annoying than Jaeha himself, which was a shocker as itself.
She sighed as she was finally be able to get Jaeha away from her, she continued walking home but then hit a hard and big chest. She stumbled backward and looked at front.
"Oi! What the hell!" [Name] complained as she looked up and saw Hanju, her lips formed into a line as she heard what had happened to him. Apparently he was beaten down by one guy who was not even experience in any fighting or whatsoever. She felt bad really, she looked down and pursed her lip, not knowing what to say to him.
"[Name]." "Yeah?" Hajun stared at her making her uncomfortable, she sweatdropped as she then heard a sigh from the male. "Never mind." Hajun walked away as [Name] was in a state of shock but then let it go and continued walking back to her home.
"So weird..." -
[Name] looked at Suhyeon in disbelief. "Are you stupid..." [Name] said to the man kneeling in front of her door, Suhyeon looked at her, confused. "HUh?"
She sighed as she kneeled down on Suhyeon height. "I said, are you fucking stupid?" Suhyeon was left speechless. "Umm....." [Name] sighed.
"Look, I don't want to join you alright? Now, fuck off." She said going back inside her house and closing the door, Suhyeon stood up. "Well, if you ever change your mind. You know where to find us." Suhyeon shouted.
[Name] sighed as she heard Suhyeon walking away, she walked back to the living room and groaned. She can't believe that she got every leader in Gangbuk to ask her to join them.
All she wanted was a peaceful school life but now that was ruined... she sighed heavily and laid down back on her bed.
"Ugh!" The others stared in shock as the H/C haired woman appeared.
"[Name]?!" Suhyeon yelled out after realizing it was [Name] who turned to him. "What?" She let out as she punched another dude.
"I-I tho-" "Shut it Suhyok, be glad that I actually took up on your offer!" She said as kicking another dude as Suhyeon shut his mouth and just let it be as Seok chuckled as he saw [Name].
"I'm quite sadden that you didn't took up my offer [Name].." Seok said as [Name] sighed and shook her head as she did a trunk squeeze on another guy who tired to attack her.
"Oh, Suhyeon offer and situation was better."
"Better?" "Yup, at least he didn't sell drugs." [Name] kicked another guy on the ankles as Seok chuckled. "Well, that's sad." Seok said, quite irritated that [Name] didn't agree to join him.
Jaeha cackled as he heard the conversation, he already knew that [Name] wad not going to join Seok either way but was indeed irritated that [Name] joined Suhyeon and not his.
After the fight was finally over and they went their separate ways, with two other leaders feeling pissed that [Name] did not join them while the other was feeling ecstatic that he managed to make [Name] join which means he gets a card!!
But Suhyeon of course asked.
"But why did you join us [Name]?" He asked as [Name] just shrugged. "Nothing..." She said as the bright F/C color glared back at her face.
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moonbyulsstuff · 10 months
Hi, I don't really know if you accept requests, but yes! taehoon with a flirtatious reader maybe? SORRY BUT I THINK IT WOULD BE VERY FUNNY TO SEE A READER TOUCHING TAEHOON'S BUTT SAYING "damn boy😏"
Love me? Duh?
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
This is very short
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"Lookin' good today Taehun." [Name] said as Taehun sighed and opened his arms as they dived right into his arms, [Name] smiled cheekily and Taehun knew that they were up to something.
But he didn't question on what they were planning and watched the Tv, with them in his arms. Taehun ignored their creeping hands on his body as it was normal for [Name] to be touchy when they are cuddling.
He said glaring at them when he felt his ass cheeks getting squeezed, [Name] poked his tongue out. as they continued to squeeze his ass as Taehun felt his cheeks getting warm. Even though he won't admit, it was quite fascinating to see [Name] be obsessed with his ass.
"You really like squeezing my butt huh?" "Yeah, they're soft as hell!"
Taehun rolled his eyes and let [Name] do their thing, Taehun was now immersed in the show as he didn't felt [Name] hands at his ass anymore and they were now at his chest.
"Hehehehe." "{Name]!" Taehun sat up and glared at his partner as their hands squeezed his chest. "Seriously? My chest?" He said as [Name] chuckled.
"Not my fault your chest is big." Taehun sighed.
"What am I gonna do with you?
"Love me? Duh? "How about I smack you in the head? "You wouldn't.... right?" [Name] looked at Taehun but had their answer.
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moonbyulsstuff · 11 months
My reaction playing throughout "Sweetest Valentine" be like.
Me getting the first bad ending because I just wanted to help:
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Me getting a plot twist on one of the route:
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The unexpected love story:
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Me getting the 2nd? bad ending:
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Me getting the unexpected reveal because I chose the one choice that would have surely get me killed if it was any ordinary dating sim:
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Like sis- every turn was so unexpected but a refreshing concept unlike all the other dating sim 😭 like the Mc?!?!?!? Oh my God, the Mc is so interesting!
Pls give this dating sim a try, it's name is called "Sweetest Valentine" on Itch.io and it's free, and so good. It's not long, it's a short story and you could get all of the endings in one day.
And don't worry, I'll try to finally finish your guys request! Especially since school is finally over, like yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
But seriously, if you got nothing to do. Try this game! Like it's great! 9.5/10 on my book!
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moonbyulsstuff · 11 months
Hi hii can I request for viral hit boys x gyaru/beauty + fashion influencer? Gender neutral reader if possible!
I think the idea of them (esp Taehun) will be rlly interesting and cute! Thankyou!
Them Dating A Beauty and Fashion Newtuber.
GN Reader.
Request Rules.
Characters: Seongjun Baek, Taehun Seong, Yeonu Ji.
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Seongjun Baek:
A chef newtuber and a fashion + beauty newtuber dating?
It was definitely a hectik when everyone found out that the famous Seongjun Baek and [Name] [L.Name] are dating.
But it also lead to fans asking the both of you if you can appear at each other videos more often.
Which you both did.
He appeared on your channel first, mostly doing his makeup.
Which lead to a lot of "I wish it was me" comments from the fans.
You would use Seongjun as a face example for your videos like a lot.
And whenever you two go out, you would always make sure Seongjun goes out with a style.
You would always style his dress and he just goes along with it.
And you would style his hair a lot, pig tails, ponytails, and a lot of hairstyles.
He doesn't mind being pampered by his very own fashion designer.
Seongjun would always watch your videos, always in awestruck at your skills, and what you can do with a brush.
He would take you out for shopping and would help you looking at some makeup sets.
Or a new set of clothing.
He would spoil the hell of you.
You wanted that new set of makeup kit? He got it for you.
That new brushes? He has it for you ready.
That new Gucci shoes? Well he already bough it.
He will buy literally anything for you, if it helps your dream.
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Taehun Seong:
Oooohhh! This boy!
Your absolute of an boyfriend was the perfect modal for your make up and stylish clothing.
Considering this bastard is one hell of a devilish boyfriend, so it wasn't a wonder on why he was chosen.
You would post videos on doing his makeup and it gained a lot of views, and you would use that of course to your advantage but you had a limit.
Considering there were many people who wanted to be Taehun's partner which made you jealous.
Which he teased you about but also reassured you.
Even when you don't video to film. You would still be practicing on him.
You sitting on his lap as you did his make up
He would sometimes tease you, especially when he's looking at you with a smoky look leaving you flustered.
And his clothing?
We can see that he dress simple but of course, you being you. You would style the hell of his clothing.
Telling him to wear what you recommended and over time, he would wear what you told him looks good on him.
After all, he would trust his partner when it comes to a good fashion sense.
Even though when you two first met, he teased you about it.
He really didn't understand anything about you.
Taehun thought makeup was weird.
He always thought why you would put paint on your face?
But after seeing on how you enjoyed it and it brought you happiness.
It made him understand about makeup a little bit more.
Because to be honest, thanks to you. You made him much more hotter, so it was much more easier to tease and fluster you.
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Yeonu Ji:
This boy doesn't really know a lot about fashion, he only chose simple clothing just like Taehun.
So when he started dating you, his closet was full of clothing that you picked out for him.
You helped him style his clothing and would practice your makeup skills on him.
He likes being your model, he likes to see what you could do next.
And you two dated after he quit Newtube, finally being to do what he wants.
The first thing he did, was of course, dated you.
You would have Yeonu sometimes on your channel but only if he wanted to.
Considering he never really wanted it.
It always amazes him what you can do with makeup skills and fashion sense of style.
He was always curious and would sometimes watch you put on your makeup.
There was one time actually, where he wanted to do your makeup.
And it wasn't bad when he finished. Of course, you posted it on the internet.
And your fashion style?
Holy shit, it amazes what you can pair the type of clothing you have.
Like you wear something muted colors today and the next, you wear something bright.
And your shoes? He didn't know that those type of hands existed!
In overall, he's just amazed by what you do.
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