misslauwie · 4 days
I have been going back and forth with myself on whether i should address this or not and finally decided to address it because it seems like even some jikookers are still confused about how some things work in the military and with those enlisted as Buddies so let’s clear up some misconceptions, shall we?
The Buddy System in the korean military is a system that allows close friends or relatives to enlist together, train together and be deployed to the same living unit where they will serve side by side, providing mutual support and companionship throughout their military duty until discharged.
This basically means that buddies spend the entire 18 months of military service together. Separating them defeats the whole purpose of the buddy system which is to provide mutual support and companionship through out the service.
Yes buddies can 100% have different Jobs but having different military jobs doesn’t mean they get separated from each other. As we all know, Jimin and Jungkook were deployed to the 5th infantry division after their basic training and under that division they joined one of the artillery battalions. The misconception that almost everyone had before was that Jimin and Jungkook could only work with machines just because they had been deployed to the artillery battalion but how it actually works is that, there are different jobs within the artillery battalion. Not everyone who is deployed to that battalion has to work with the machines. As we know Jungkook is a Cook or kitchen police in the artillery battalion where he and Jimin were assigned while Jimin works at the Fire direction Centre in the same battalion. People in the artillery battalion still need to eat and the military cooks are soldiers themselves so that is why in every unit or battalion in the military, you would see cooks, healthcare workers, people who work in maintenance, cleaning etc. There are plenty of different jobs within a unit but it is the exact same unit and the best way to explain this is by looking at two people who live in the same house and work in the same hospital but in different capacities. One could works as a lab technician while the other works as a chef in the hospital kitchen. They do different jobs but at the same place and still come home to each other at the end of the day.
So, not only do Jimin and Jungkook still see each other everyday, they also still sleep in the same dormitory because they enlisted as buddies. I have seen arguments about this with someone claiming that those who work in the kitchen sleep and work in a completely different area and i don’t know how true this is in regular military terms but terms and conditions apply with the buddy system ofcourse. So even if soldiers who enlisted alone have to abide by those rules, they would be obviously different for those who enlisted as buddies because they enlisted as buddies to provide mutual support to each other throughout their service so being separated defeats the purpose of the system they choose to enlist with.
This is another argument i have seen people make to explain why Jungkook enlisted with Jimin as Buddies and when he enlisted so i want to clear a few things up.
Every South Korean male is required to complete a mandatory military service once they turn 18 years old and from this point, any one can get called to service by their government at any time. Getting called to service means receiving a letter from the ministry of defense asking you to start preparations for your mandatory enlistment and this could be sent to you at anytime after one turns 18 years old. Usually, those who are ready to serve after they turn 18 years old accept the call and enlist but those who are not ready to serve yet can postpone their employment for a maximum of 5 times (5 postponement requests) and only until they turn 28. What this means is that any male in south korea can enlist anytime within the ages of 18-28 but cannot postpone their enlisted after 5 requests and after they turn 28 years old.
Terms and conditions still apply in this case because we know that Jin was able to postpone his enlistment until he was 30 years old but the only reason this was possible was because a law was recently passed which allowed all men who had received medals or recognition for helping to spread or elevate South Korea’s influence all over the world to be able to postpone till 30 and all BTS members got this medals and recognition in 2018. This made it possible for them to be able to postpone till 30.
I did mention South Korean men being able to request for their military service to be postponed for a period of 1-2 years per request and a maximum of 5 requests. So this means that one request for postponement can grant one up to 1-2 years and one can only put in a request to postpone a call-up for a maximum of 5 times. That is why when we usually got the notifications from bighit about the members enlistment, we saw something like this.
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Here it states that “Jhope of BTS has initiated the military enlistment process by applying for the termination of his enlistment postponement”
So Hobi had applied to postpone his enlistment because when the call up came, he wasn’t ready to enlist yet so when he eventually was ready to enlist, he applied for that postponement request to be terminated which meant that he was going to get called to enlist at any moment from then.
The reason i wanted to explain all this with great detail is to debunk all those claims that Jungkook was too young to enlist by himself so he could only go in with a buddy and to also debunk the claims that because of the reunion in 2025, he had to enlist with Jimin to get an earlier date else he could get called up much later which would have affected the reunion plans for 2025.
We can clearly see that there was no such thing as too young to enlist for Jungkook because he is well over 18 years old and if he wanted to get called to serve with enough time to make it for the reunion, all he had to do was to apply for his postponement request to be terminated and he was going to get a call to serve his country.
So no! Jungkook’s age didn’t affect who, where or when he enlisted or enlisted with. He could enlist by himself and wouldn’t have had a single problem doing so.
Another thing we have heard jikook antis say several times to invalidate Jikook enlisting together was them quoting what Jungkook said during the OT4 Wlive on December 5th 2023 where Jungkook said “I want to do special forces”
So what i want to clarify here is that the translation was correct. Jungkook did mention wanting to so special forces but what the translation didn’t do was give us better context. A lot of context is usually lost in translation and that is why only native korean speakers caught the nuance that we missed.
First of all, there’s more than one special forces. Special Forces is the unbrella term for different specialized units in the korean military just like we know that in the military we have the Army, Airforces, Marines which are all military but operate differently.
Taehyung joined one of the special forces units called 특임군사경찰 which is the Army Military Police Special Duty Team or SDT. The length of time for this is the regular 18 months. The special forces Jungkook mentioned on Live was 특전병 which is ROK-SWC or Republic of Korea Army Special Warfare Command whose term is about 4 years and 3 months. The application codes for both of these are different too and we know this thanks to K Army who were able to tell the difference that we missed with the translation. (These person is a Jungkook solo who doesn’t like Jimin so we know they had no reason to lie about this)
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Now, seeing as the term for the special forces Jk spoke about is over 4 years, it isn’t crazy to think that he was kidding when he said that because he knows that he will never be able to do that. Maybe it was just something Jungkook admired and while Tae spoke about his SDT, Jk mentioned it in the moment knowing fully well that it wouldn’t be a possibility.
I have seen jikook antis use this to try to claim that Jungkook’s first choice wasn’t BS with Jimin as if Jungkook hadn’t known for years that he couldn’t do the special forces either because of tattoos or because of the term. Besides, we have just seen proof that he could very well enlist on his own even if he couldn’t do special forces yet he still enlisted with Jimin.
While the BS has it perks, it is not without it drawbacks.
Some of the advantages of the buddy system include, having a buddy to go through the tough period with hence not doing it alone, but because those who apply for the buddy system are not going to be going through the whole thing alone, they are often sent to the harshest units and which are usually at the frontlines or the borders of South korea and North korea. Also, there was a risk of having to start the entire enlistment process all over again if Jikook were not selected for the Buddy System which might have delayed enlistment and caused them both not to be back on time for the reunion in 2025.
This has always been the milion dollar question and what everyone has used to try to debunk jikook.
There is no law that states that a gay couple cannot enlist together as buddies in the South Korean military. It literally isn’t mentioned anywhere so a gay couple choosing to enlist together are not breaking any laws by just enlisting together because there is no law against that. Where there is a problem is if two males are caught in any indecent sexual activity involving anal sex or penetration while they are on base. The military still discriminates against homosexual men but people who are not out cannot be discriminated upon can they? So as long as a gay couple are not out and are not caught having sex on base while in the military, they aren’t breaking any rules.
The only rule that mentions anything to this effect is article 92-6 which prohibits all active soldies from engaging into any sexual act with each other while enlisted with a punishment of up to 2 years imprisonment if caught. This rule wasn’t created to punish sexuality but the curb sexual assault which was rampant in the military consisted of mostly men. Up until 2022 it was forbidden for two enlisted men to have sexual intercourse even offbase but the supreme court ruled that this law cannot be applied to consensual acts which happened off base during off duty hours.
Some people have also claimed that gay couples who enlist together cannot come out even after service because they could still be arrested but this is definitely not true. As long as you are discharged from the military are back to being a civilian, the military cannot arrest you because you enlisted with your lover. This is even made evident by the fact that the new law which the supreme court passed back in 2022 doesn’t punish soldiers who have consensual sex off base during their off duty hours. So if this doesn’t carry any punishment then why on earth would two people who have been discharged from the military face consequences for coming out after their discharge?
As far as everyone, including the ministry of defense is concerned, Jimin and Jungkook are bandmates, friends and bros from the same town, Busan. If Jikook are a couple, that is something only both of them know.
All you need to know about the buddy system is on the official military website that you can trust so stop listening to people who don’t know what they are talking about. I brought this up again because i still see so many jikookers being confused about the whole things and because the cult and solos are determined to prove that Jikook are not together.
The official ministry website says buddies enlist and serve together side by side for the entire 18 months but Aloysius from Alabama who has never stepped foot in South Korea or said even a word in korean is busy telling people how Jikook are separated and never see each other. Besides one of the easiest ways you can tell is by looking at their foodtrays. Jimin and Jungkook having the exact same meals everyday, everytime and Aloysius claims Jimin is in the west and Jungkook the South.
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misslauwie · 6 days
I've done a lot of thinking. Kind of long thoughts. Sorry.
When we got news BTS was joining MS. I threw up at the thought of Jimin going & panicking on behalf of Jikook. I remember saying I don't think Jikook can go 2 years without each other are they gonna make it, more importantly is Jungkook gonna be okay? Spoiler alert. The answer is NO & we saw that with his breakdown when Jimin was in reach, but busy during Chapter 2. Had that man in a downward spiral knowing he was still seeing Jimin & could pop over, but not as much as he's use too & was not coping well and told us & showed us he wanted his Jimin. Then it was Jimin's turn to pout when Jk was busy. Made me sad but then we saw them making the best of 2023 spending alone vacations together & couple days, even days before enlisting. And I was like pheew, at least they're spending time together so maybe when separation comes, they'll be okay. Spoiler alert. Jikook said NO we won't be okay & pulled the biggest FU you aren't separating us move, that's ever been pulled. I be damn if they weren't behind the scenes making arrangements to not only be together, but share a bed, a unit, living area & in a buddy program that has it where they even take their vacation days together & see each other every day til discharge. Blew my damn mind, but at the same time not shocked cause of course Jikook would pull off something like that. Everyone should've seen it coming to be honest. JUST WOW. The real definition of "Screaming, I testify that we'll survive the test of time. They can't deny our love. They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time. I promise I'll be right here."
That said. This woman pulling this with Jimin or that woman with Jk. Doesn't matter. I know regardless of what happens behind closed doors, my duo are the closest no matter what anyone says. Its a real genuine bond no one can break, not even random women or men for that matter. They're the two who are spending time in their rooms when they could be with others, spending their vacations off camera alone cooking at their house or coming back home together from LA when others went off on their vacations & them spending couple days together over everyone else. Enlisting together & making life decisions together. Dropping honorifics to show their closeness & even their parents show constant support toward the other. Who make time for each other on their birthdays & really commit to it year after year. Say what you want but I'm at peace knowing how much Jikook truly love each other. Its not fake or baiting. They're genuinely close & comfortable with each other, esp enough to cross friendship boundaries. Whatever that means for them. Take that how you want. I haven't been stanning two people who are exaggerating & making their bond seem closer then what it is for the sake of the group or to entertain fans, when in reality they're off building a relationship & life with their real partner over each other & don't even spend significant holidays or birthdays or couple days together. NO. Instead, I'm stanning Jikook who always put each other first (over their own partners if they have them) for when it really matters, including on couple days & does it year after year & are consistent. Jikook have proven for years they're the closest & the military enlistment solidified that cause you only join with a buddy program with friends you are the closet too or with your actual partner. Take your pick, cause we know both can apply here and Jikook did that. And no one can take that away from them. And guess what they're still together today through all the bullshit and hate. And that matters to me & I support whatever they have. They have nothing else they need to prove to me. I get others need more validation, but I'm content & at peace & just happy knowing while all this melodramatic bullshit is going down, that Jikook have each other and Jimin is not dealing with this alone. They have each other to rely on through good and bad in there. So I sleep well at night knowing that. They'll never make me hate you or turn my back on your Jikook. Thanks for listening.
Been awhile I read something interesting in my Ask box so thanks for your thoughts.
The Jimin going away had us all too so I understand what you mean. We try not to victimize him and treat him like a fragile being but sometimes instincts override our every senses.
I wanna dwell on that a little bit to say things are going much better than I thought.
The anxiety and panic attacks thinking he can't take that isolation for long but bro went in there and dominated 💀
It's a fuck you to every single person who thought him a feeble weak submissive gay man. Don't you just love it when it's the stigmatized gay ones who end up setting the standard of the ever cherished male masculinty and who end up dominating the upper echelons of prized their male sports???
Who's your daddy
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Better say his name bitch
I feel yuh on the other stuff too
We riding till the wheels fall off
Old Town road style 😎
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misslauwie · 6 days
Mini moni music
What can I say?
I loved the show.
But it was sad to finally confirm that Nam hadn't been feeling great for more than a year, yet hopeful to see how making this album (RPWP) was a kind of catharsis for him—a healing, a way of expression…
Listening to him talk about the burden of being the leader of BTS for so many years, feeling that he was not the right person for that role (among other things), wanting to bring out his true self (he is a contradictory person), and at the same time admitting that he needed the necessary distance from the members was a bit heartbreaking. I think many people, like me, will look at his album differently now and understand some of its ups and downs (as he said).
The sensitivity of this moment of Namjoon's emotional baring could only be handled by someone like Jimin, who embodies pure emotional comfort within the band (although thousands of fans still don't get the message).
So no one could have hosted this show better than Jimin, who has always understood and seen his depths and contradictions.
🐨: Jimin isn't just a third party. He's a family member who is always by my side
🐥: He's someone I really need in my life and I hope he'll be by my side for a long time
As I read on twitter..."everybody say THANK YOU JIMIN for saying what Army and BTS want to say to our beloved Namjoon"
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misslauwie · 18 days
I miss him so so much.
Can you gush about Jimin ?
Love how you wrote about him.
Thank you so so much in advance.
Whenever you are free. No pressure.
Hi @misslauwie
When your ask came in weeks ago, something in my chest squeezed a little. Because god yes I miss him too. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is kinda 'off', like everything is 'wrong', like we're all stuck in a holding pattern of sorts... And for anyone who thinks that's too dramatic, no it's not. Look around you. The world is kinda fucked, and the reason is because Jimin isn't on stage right now seducing the crowd performing like rent is past due, dancing his heart out, and singing like the fallen angel he is.
It's hard for me to talk about him these days though... I mean, there's always so much to say when it comes to Jimin, but the words don't form quite right for me these days.
Is it alright for me to simply post some pictures I come back to when I miss him and jikook?
Assuming I have your permission, that's what this post is going to be about.
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(they cuddle)
There's this one from his last live before enlisting. Bare-faced, in an all black hoodie and beanie outfit looking hot as hell. It's the way he's giving 'Korean skaterboy who moonlights as a hacker', but at the same time he comes across as responsible, capable, and real. Cute too.
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But lol, maybe that's just what I see when I'm biased.
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Who else gets stuck looking at his eyes?
There's always so much to say about Jimin because literally everything about him could yield its own thesis. From the range and depth in his stage personas; to how pretty his body features are, before they morph into something more... deviant; to his voice that polarizes and entraps every audience. There's so much to talk about when it comes to Jimin, but I keep coming back to his eyes...
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(This gave you whiplash didn't it :))
He's always known exactly what to do and how to do it.
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Jimin is giving 70s cult leader in this shot and it's a fave. He's too modest to ever ask, but we all know we'd join a commune for him if he pulled that zipper down a little lower.
Anyway. Does anybody know why he likes this pair of shoes so much? I've always found them a bit ugly, but somehow, he makes it work. And it's clear he likes them a lot since he wears them all the time. But like... why?
Another picture I stare at on days when I miss jikook jikooking, is this one.
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It's the moon in the shot that does it. The lines and symmetry, the afterglow of the sunset, Jimin's wide curved back, Jungkook focused on him, Jimin focused on him too, the fact someone else saw them like this and took this picture. They could've been chatting about what they'd like to eat for dinner or some other mundane thing, but it's the care and focus they show for each other that comes through so clearly for me in this shot.
This one has a place in my gallery because it's peak jikook.
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As is this one:
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Down bad for Baby G.
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Imagine if PJM2 has a track like Set Me Free Pt 2 + Tony Montana... imagine the cataclysm it will cause in k-pop, imagine the havoc this cutie patootie pie will cause.
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One day, when I find the words, I'll try to write about all the ways he charms. I owe a kind person from Tumblr (KPFT) a post about him.
In 2025, he'll be a 30 year old man desperate to get back on stage. And lord, I just hope everyone is ready.
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This is the last one.
I come back to this picture sometimes because back then, they really did just have eyeliner and a dream. He gave his all right from the start and has created life-changing art. It's endearing to know he's both a bit of a workaholic and can be lazy too... and to know he still sleeps the exact way - like this:
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...and this:
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..and this:
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@misslauwie I miss him too. Also miss Jungkook and the rest of the tannies. For Jimin, it makes me very happy that at least, Jungkook is with him.
He'll be back soon. 💜
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misslauwie · 1 month
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credits: @_truluvkookmin
857 notes · View notes
misslauwie · 1 month
I.miss you so damn much
I literally need a dose of you just to make my day better.
Praying for your wellbeing
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misslauwie · 1 month
Seeing other people posting on IG (yes, I have seen Tedros on my tl) is like another reminder of how different JM and JK's situation is. On one side, they are usually more private and updating social media hasn't really been their thing lately, but on the other side, it's like another proof on top of many others of how they chose what is more difficult. They are stationed in a much more isolated place and in harsher conditions. And all that could have been easily avoided if they had chosen to enlist on their own. Separately. They too could have been in a band or closer to Seoul and have their weekends at home.
I know we'll most likely only get the occassional message of "we're doing well, everything is fine, we'll come back" and I have grown accustomed to that, as much as I would selfishly want more. But it's also impossible not to think that they voluntarily chose really harsh conditions for a year and half simply because they wanted to be together. Everything has to be worth it for that.
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misslauwie · 2 months
I am thinking about 6-13-2013 debut Jimin and if he only knew that almost 11 years into the future, on April 5, 2024, about one year after his song becomes the first Korean solo song to reach #1 on the BBHot100, his first true solo single would reach 1 billion streams on Spotify and that it would be the 613th (!!!) billion-streams song in Spotify history. AND the fastest Korean-language song to reach that milestone.
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Jimin, you did well. The blood sweat and tears and mindset you had on this day back in 2013 have culminated into this tremendous accomplishment. SO FAR! I can't wait to see what you can accomplish in your career in the future!
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misslauwie · 2 months
The music that plays in your head watching them be domestic
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misslauwie · 2 months
Revisiting JK's Insta stories
I don't think we talk enough about how he responded this to the question "How should I confess my feelings to my crush?" when he still had Instagram.
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"Hey! Eat with me"
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Grab my hand, and got to the amusement park with me!
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All of GCF in Tokyo takes place in one day. He basically took Jimin to Tokyo for his birthday as well. And Jimin didn't know that he would make the video.
This is not confirmed, but it's pretty clear he took the idea of the composition of the video from this video from the channel videoclass, the thing is not that he took inspiration from another video, but the title which can be translated to “5 Tips in making a Special Video for your Girlfriend/Boyfriend” (I know a little bit of Korean and it's not a mistranslation the bg/gf part). The channel's owner even made a video analysis of it.
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Idk man, I just think these are too many coincidences (?). The fact that he says he always looks for lyric translations. I get really stuck on the line "When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper, I'll be loud for you". And isn't GCF Tokyo one of the loudest he's ever been?
You can also look at how he shot GCF Saipan, how Jimin, and only Jimin, appears when the lyrics say "I don't wanna lie no more, I don't wanna hide no more, what I found in you is so real". I don't really like to make the other GCFs so much about Jimin, but it makes you think.
For JK, the ideal way of confessing to your crush is going to eat with them, hold hands and then go to an amusement park, at least it was at the time he was responding us on Insta. It makes you reflect, doesn't it?
Ps: how he signed the actor part with "JM". And people really wanna gaslight me into thinking he didn't know what the J above the M would look like on his hand 🤨. Yes J for Jungkook, doesn't mean the J+M isn't Jimin, both can be true.
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misslauwie · 2 months
Legend has it that when Jimin first explained in Suchwita that "Letter" was a song for the fans, there was one fan who did not even need 24 hours to claim his position 😌
And they were happily eating rameyon (that the “fan” cooked) ever after 💛💜
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misslauwie · 2 months
Blow my mind
Personally, if I wasn't trying to do my bit for the streaming efforts, I would be listening to and watching Set Me Free Part 2 on a loop. Ten views, even fifty views aren't enough to fully appreciate the artistry of this intense and frenetic performance. It's been said a lot but there really is NO ONE doing what Park Jimin is doing right now.
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It starts with him stalking, cat like through the throng of restless, twitching humanity. Even with all that movement, your eyes never leave him, despite the fact he isn't even looking at the camera.
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Then he is front and centre, hitting us hard with looks and lyrics with every action reflected back by the ensemble.
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And it's immediately clear this is going to be a no holds barred declaration of liberty attained. This is the true me. I have freed myself from my fears. I have slayed my demons. If you don't like it f**k you!
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He is ready to fly. The butterfly lyric mirrored in this effortlessly smooth and sexy move and the fact that he is flanked by two female dancers here just accentuates his appeal.
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Blown away by this powerful and dramatic forward travel, like a mob about to storm the Bastille. The final obstacle to a prisoners release will not stand against this force.
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Then suddenly, he is naked from the waist up and his torso is tattooed with the words of “Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen” by Rainer Maria Rilke. It is beautiful the coherence of the concepts and their carry through.
“I live my life in ever-widening circles that stretch themselves out over all the things. I won’t, perhaps, complete the last one, but I intend on trying. I circle around God, around the ancient tower, and I circle for thousands of years; and I don’t know, yet: am I a falcon, a storm, or a mighty song.”
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The combination of the sharp quick movements with the rapid fire delivery of the lyrics "Hey fool, just get out of my way, Shut up, fuck off, I'm on my way" is electrifying. He may be talking about not letting himself get in his own way but Jimin is also taking an opportunity to sweep away the haters.
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Finally he can reclaim the now for himself. He looks straight at the camera with his best diva stare and affirms this is his prime time. You better believe it - Park Jimin has arrived in all his glory. Accept it or get out of the way.
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He is lifted up by the throng and here people have noted the parallels to Lie and it is calming to think that Set Me Free Pt 2 resolves and brings closure to the emotions that inspired that song.
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His final emergence, dressed in white, standing tall with a calm expression on his face is the final confirmation of freedom attained.
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Park Jimin is truly a force to be reckoned with!
Post Date: 17/03/2023
265 notes · View notes
misslauwie · 2 months
Blow my mind
Personally, if I wasn't trying to do my bit for the streaming efforts, I would be listening to and watching Set Me Free Part 2 on a loop. Ten views, even fifty views aren't enough to fully appreciate the artistry of this intense and frenetic performance. It's been said a lot but there really is NO ONE doing what Park Jimin is doing right now.
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It starts with him stalking, cat like through the throng of restless, twitching humanity. Even with all that movement, your eyes never leave him, despite the fact he isn't even looking at the camera.
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Then he is front and centre, hitting us hard with looks and lyrics with every action reflected back by the ensemble.
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And it's immediately clear this is going to be a no holds barred declaration of liberty attained. This is the true me. I have freed myself from my fears. I have slayed my demons. If you don't like it f**k you!
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He is ready to fly. The butterfly lyric mirrored in this effortlessly smooth and sexy move and the fact that he is flanked by two female dancers here just accentuates his appeal.
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Blown away by this powerful and dramatic forward travel, like a mob about to storm the Bastille. The final obstacle to a prisoners release will not stand against this force.
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Then suddenly, he is naked from the waist up and his torso is tattooed with the words of “Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen” by Rainer Maria Rilke. It is beautiful the coherence of the concepts and their carry through.
“I live my life in ever-widening circles that stretch themselves out over all the things. I won’t, perhaps, complete the last one, but I intend on trying. I circle around God, around the ancient tower, and I circle for thousands of years; and I don’t know, yet: am I a falcon, a storm, or a mighty song.”
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The combination of the sharp quick movements with the rapid fire delivery of the lyrics "Hey fool, just get out of my way, Shut up, fuck off, I'm on my way" is electrifying. He may be talking about not letting himself get in his own way but Jimin is also taking an opportunity to sweep away the haters.
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Finally he can reclaim the now for himself. He looks straight at the camera with his best diva stare and affirms this is his prime time. You better believe it - Park Jimin has arrived in all his glory. Accept it or get out of the way.
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He is lifted up by the throng and here people have noted the parallels to Lie and it is calming to think that Set Me Free Pt 2 resolves and brings closure to the emotions that inspired that song.
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His final emergence, dressed in white, standing tall with a calm expression on his face is the final confirmation of freedom attained.
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Park Jimin is truly a force to be reckoned with!
Post Date: 17/03/2023
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misslauwie · 3 months
Thank goodness I was "able to catch you" while your asks are still open. I'm new army (does being into bts for a year and half now count as "new"?) and I've noticed how armys or other members' solos seem to always have a problem with jimin specifically? Yesterday pjms were talking about how jimin was dragged last year for appearing on the big screen at yoongi's show only for it to turn out that Yoongi was the one who wanted it
Now I've noticed that it's always Jimin who gets such reactions. When he goes to support one of his members, they say he's an attention seeker trying to steal the other's shine. I saw the Hobipalooza reactions live, when it was reported that Jimin was on his way to see Hobi, people were so mad. They were sure he'd try to take over Hobi's stage and make the show all about him. Also when he was seen with Jk on the streets of New York, they called him a leech. And when Taehyung had a show (I can't remember what it was but it was when Taehyung had the silver hair) they said the same thing
I haven't been in the fandom that long I think but Jimin has never once struck me as the kind of person to be envious of others and deliberately take their spotlight or turn attention towards himself. Instead he is the one who supports his members the most and doesn't ever differentiate between them.
What breaks my heart the most is that you don't see such reactions when it's any other member visiting the others and supporting them. I've never seen others being accused of trying to steal a member's spotlight when they go to visit them while they are busy with a show. You might see a member being called a leech but it's only done in regards to a ship. "Oh he's just doing this to feed the delulu" but never the way Jimin is accused of doing.
All the members solos don't always have a problem with each other's faves. But when it comes to Jimin it's like they've all established that he's the enemy. Jjks and kths never hate on each other's faves the way they hate on Jimin. Rapline stans claim to have a disdain for Maknae Line for being privileged since debut and being overrated while their faves are overlooked, but if you see their hate tweets, it's all directed at Jimin while the other two seem practically non-existent to them. They were just vile and awful during FACE era accusing Jimin of payola and getting fraud achievements, they'd be at it for WEEKS, but when Jungkook actually got all that it was silence. The few who did speak out about did it with such a nonchalant vibe like they were obligated because they don't wanna be called out as hypocrites by pjms. And they only spoke of it once while for Jimin it looked like they didn't sleep just to keep the trend going.
It's just so bizarre and very sad. How there are so many people who are unable to see how Jimin is being treated, baffles me. Because even during my first week getting into BTS I'd find comments that would make me side eye. Jimin would be praised and armys would have a "okay can we move on" vibe about it and even comment "ooh you should see Hobi. Now that's dancing/JK has the most beautiful voice/Taehyung has the best stage presence" and the classic "ALL members are good on stage, ALL of vocal line have unique voices, ALL of BTS suppor each other not only one" but when any other member is praised they enthusiastically agree and even talk about more stuff said member is good at or their "iconic" moments, there's no comparison, no "but" no "all of them" comments. How does anyone else not see this?
Why is Jimin treated like a rival of BTS instead of one of its members? What did he do?
He didn’t do anything. People fear Jimin’s gravitational pull because it throws things off balance.
Rational people know Jimin has never been and isn’t an attention seeker. He’ll highlight and praise people ahead of himself (often at his own expense) because he’s humble. But irrational people find him the complete opposite and it’s not to any fault of his own, it’s just because people are naturally drawn to him. He’s an attention hogger. That’s what these people are really getting at. He doesn’t have to do much to have all eyes on him and that’s to the detriment of the other members whose stans feel like they’re superior to Jimin but don’t command that same interest as he does. (There’s even an older video of th calling him out on needing to tone it down) That’s why people think Jimin purposefully tries to upstage the other members, but it just turns out that way because he’s the best performer out the bunch. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Best example would be that same yg concert you mentioned. Jk went the day before Jimin and there wasn’t that much noise, (outside of armys). Then in comparison, when Jimin came the next day, the hype and anticipation was astronomical. Hit tweets everywhere. Everybody was talking about his LC stage and that Tony Montana pop up. And that’s where the insecurity started to seep through from different corners. Nobody had any reservations about Jk performing the day prior yet with Jimin all of a sudden it became an issue. Yg stans kept reiterating how jimin was at his sold out tour. Armys acting like jimin was a stranger that yg graciously allowed to perform, and of course jjk’s who were pissed because jimin’s day made more noise than jk’s did. (Also that the infamous “I heard you guys are having more fun today than yesterday line) I never took it as a direct jab at jk, obviously. He was referencing what yg said earlier I believe, but he still wasn’t wrong. You watch the vid of his LC performance and you listen to those fan chants? You can tell that they were it’s just the truth.
Another non bts example is something that recently happened at a Dune premiere with Zendaya and Timothee where she got that really cool robot archive pull. There was a Timothee stan that got mad because Zendaya was the talk of the night and nobody was really paying attention to him. Calling her an attention seeker as well and claiming that she did it to get people to focus on her. But you see how crazy that sounds? Zendaya is known for her outstanding looks just like Jimin is known for his performances and stage presence. They don’t have to put any extra effort into getting seen. Everybody was already gonna be focused on them anyway because of who they are. Neither one of them can help that they’re impactful, but people take it as a negative because they believe that they’re taking up too much attention and they feel like the person they stan is getting left behind.
It’s just like in the initial years of when BTS was really blowing up and you’d see kpop stans every under hit tweet or YouTube comment. Trying to promote their own favs get some recognition. Or when they’d get mad when whenever somebody mentioned kpop all they’d know was BTS. Exactly why you have all these ex armys running around so resentful towards them because they were obsessed with the underdog story. BTS didn’t fit that mold anymore. They went to find a group that was unknown and realized they’ll remain that way because BTS and kpop still go hand in hand. Some people are adverse to super popular things. They always have to tear it/them down. Nitpick and find something to devalue it or claim they don’t deserve their spot because someone else does. That’s why people hang onto jimin’s vocals for dear life and over exaggerate their response to any mishap he may have. They need something to knock him down a peg and keep him at ground level. It’s basically a way to placate themselves by framing it like it “he might be popular but he’s still imperfect as a performer.”
Armys also don’t do the unanimous ”they’re all good” for BTS out of respect for them as a group, because (as we’ve seen) they have no issue speaking in hyperbole for other members. They just have to neutralize the praise jimin gets because it’s a way to take away from the spotlight put on him so he doesn’t shine as much. Another tactic kpop stans used to use, but armys conveniently act like they haven’t also acquired. They’ll use the guise of the OT7 umbrella to make it look like jimin getting his dues doesn’t bothers them, but realistically they know each bts member does not have equal talent. Some have their strong suits and in other areas they lack. With Jimin, people can talk about that encore all day and barring the unwarranted hate boner towards him, they still can’t truthfully say Jimin can’t sing at all because he can. His vocal color is unique and pretty. (people can have their preferences for others, not a problem.) and it caries a certain Je ne sais quoi that makes him that much more alluring.
Jimin’s just a powerhouse all on his own. Hybe knows it, armys know it and kpop stans know it. That’s why they all restrict, undermine or berate him at every turn (respectively). As long as Jimin is Jimin, he’s gonna be a threat and the anomaly, similar to how BTS was but on an individual level.
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misslauwie · 3 months
Just between you and me, canon fics are my guilty pleasure.
I wanted to share a collection of really good canon fics I've read lately...all set in Chapter 2 (love!)
I was recommended this one by a friend...and it was such a good read...had me feeling things...range of emotions. This story was suspenseful and gut wrenching and it might just have you throwing things at the screen....Definitely this one is going to my BEST list
Dishwater World They Said Was Lemonade - by Schloarlydanmei
Also by Scholarlydanmei is another gem set in chapter 2...a psychological, character driven story - Jimin focused. It is heavy, yet satisfying and Jungkook's love in this one is so strong. 
Infinite, Infinite, Begin Again -
littleflumes writes these soft and realistic stories about the guys during chapter 2. I really enjoy that the writer has jikook not an established pair and still figuring things out even 10 years in.
You wouldn't remember -
I'll Always look out for you -
I die every night with you -
You can find my BEST list HERE and my complete list of bookmarks HERE
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misslauwie · 3 months
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[banshee screaming crying noises]
(additional translations cr. verritaee)
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misslauwie · 3 months
This is yet another reminder that what we see on Twitter or the internet, in general, is not the absolute reality. Jimin is LOVED by millions of people in this fandom. Fans adore him. They respect and support him. This may not have been his concert, but these are his fans too. Jimin is cherished. Reality isn't confined to what happens on Twitter, and that's something we should always remember.
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