millaysmaeve · 6 days
aside from an andre mention the other thing i really think we were robbed was rick saying something about michonne's new hair style. i wish he had praised her hair, she looks soooo good
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millaysmaeve · 7 days
Spent a couple of days trying to explore the Bathena ship from 911 and…..well I’m starting to gather that 90% of the time on here it’s folks comparing them to another ship and constantly paralleling them to this Buddie ship which is just….everywhere you turn in the tag that is supposed to be dedicated to the ship I’m actually interested in.
It’s kind of surreal. I think this might be one of those times where I’ll need to enjoy this ship in solitude because here on Tumblr it is not allowed to take a single breath without someone interjecting “BUCK AND EDDIE THO RIGHT?!”
No thank you.
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millaysmaeve · 11 days
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ME AND MY HUSBAND, WE'RE STICKING TOGETHER - a mr & mrs howard webweave ft. written on the body / jeanette winterson, fallout (2024), love poem for an apocalypse / dave lucas, sax rohmer #1 / the mountain goats, no children / the mountain goats, crawl out through the fallout / sheldon allman, i love you, honeybear / father john misty, me and my husband / mitski, i bet on losing dogs / mitski, maybe / the ink spots, life eternal / ghost.
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millaysmaeve · 13 days
the ones who live season two but it's just the incredibles (2004) minus the marriage crisis plot...just the grimes living a quiet suburban life in commonwealth pretending they're a normal but actually they're trying to neutralize crm spys
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millaysmaeve · 14 days
i have a more controversial take: the so called team family was a thing after the terminus and before the SZA arc (and i personally think they weren't so close to call themselves like this, but that's my opinion) but let say they were...by the point they're at war against the saviors there were some many small groups that feels like they're more like acquintences than a family.
in season 9 there're the ones who live in alexandria, others in the hilltop and the kingdom, they mostly talk about things their comunity needs and less about each other lifes. yes i get that they fell apart because of the decision about negan, but this is my point! they aren't friends anymore because of that, they gave up on rick. they only ones who didn't were michonne cuz she cares about him and daryl that mostly feels guilt about the whole thing.
IF it has to be a reunion so at last let's adress that rick lost years with he's wife and children because of what maggie and daryl did, but since the dudebros and writers likes to ignores that (like they skip 6 years and no one talks about why out of nowhere rick was bleeding at the bridge full of walkers) their reunion is no longer important, daryl can get his closer by knowning that the grimes family is now complete. don't get me wrong i love s9A arc i just hate how such a interesting schism has like almost 0 consequences and was never adressed later.
anyway i'm sorry for the length..as for richonne yeah i hope you're right (and your points about andy, danai and gimple make so much sense) !!!
This may be a bit of an unpopular opinion but I'm going to say it anyway, I don't really care either way whether we get a big reunion with everyone or not. Sure, it would be nice to see them all together again but it's not high on my list of priorities and to be honest I don't think it's that high on the list for Rick and Michonne either at this point. I get that it's something many people want to see and I do think it will happen eventually, just not yet. What I don't like seeing is this idea that a reunion between Rick and Daryl is somehow more important than the reunion between Rick, Michonne and their kids. This is simply not true, Rick will always and forever put his wife and children above everyone else, including Daryl.
Now, as for the future of Richonne on-screen, I personally think there is a good chance we will see them again. The way Andy, Danai and Scott are very careful when answering questions regarding this tells me that there is hope. I personally believe that Andy and Danai especially would say if they were done, they wouldn't give such vague answers when I think they know how much the fans read into every word they say. From Andy saying he saw TOWL ep 6 as having a dot dot dot after it, to Danai mentioning in a video that she would like to work on getting to know more people on the crew of TOWL on the next one and then Scott saying he doesn't want this to be the last we see of Rick and Michonne and although all he has are dreams at the moment, he has ideas for at least two more stories and they do have a good track record of dreams coming true. Maybe it's just me being hopeful but these things do make me think something may be coming.
With the show being so incredibly successful, I think AMC would jump at the chance to greenlight another season of TOWL or even another spin off if/when the fabulous trio wish to come back But, they need to give Andy and Danai complete creative control again, I think that is something they feel is very important and it was proven to work perfectly in S1. If they have control then I know we will be in safe hands.
Obviously I have no idea what will happen and I could be wrong on all of this, it could just be me hoping beyond hope that Richonne will be back on my screen again at some point in the future or it could really be that they are planning something and to be honest I think the three of them already know if they're coming back or not by now and we will just have to wait.
Whatever happens, we have been truly spoilt with Richonne and I couldn't be more grateful to Andy and Danai for bringing us these amazing characters and this truly beautiful relationship. I began watching TWD for Rick and Michonne and though I came to love other characters, Richonne are always number one for me. And if I can see them again, see them on my screen being the ultimate power couple, happily married and raising their kids then it will just add to the overflowing feast we've already been gifted.
There is no other couple like Rick and Michonne, they really are the gold standard and a level of perfection that for me, has yet to be and likely never will be, emulated.
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millaysmaeve · 14 days
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❝ pull up the ladder when the flood comes...❞
@lgbtqcreators creator bingo: fave show (insp)
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millaysmaeve · 14 days
i don't even think that barb realised that she was being spied by her own husband. at least not during the meeting, what i got from her last scene was that she believed her boss, the shady figure above, was keeping an eye on her and that's why before she drops THAT line about the bombs she was checking her pip-boy (that was visibly on the listening mode) and looked directly to the figure. that meeting was her moment to impress her boss and probably (finally) secure a good vault for her family. that scene also made me think that cooper must have had spied some more cuz in the present he sure knows a lot about what vault tec was doing, he knows things that wasn't discussed in that one meeting (like he knows some vault tec members are alive 200 later, he wasn't astoned that hank was alive so he knows about the cryogenics tubes) which means either barb told him everything at some point or he kept recording her divice
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millaysmaeve · 17 days
IF a had money to spare i would bet that janey will show as an adult in the next season mostly because jonathan nolan has already done it 2 times (interestellar and westworld) and i think i would add more layers to their reunion. anyway for me it would be more interesting if janey and barb are already awke and aware about how the wastlands are than being the vault 31
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millaysmaeve · 20 days
since i made this post there were two great fanfics with outsider povs came out (the first link is about the gossip around rick's wife in the crm and the second is from rj pov, it's so cute!, both are great i enjoyed a lot): https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14354032/1/The-Famous-Rick-Grimes https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14353166/4/Days-Gone-By | (chapter 4 but the whole fic is fantastic )
okay expanding my previous post… here some outside povs that i would like to see about richonne: during the main show
deanna, she's the og richonne shipper i bet she had the most interesting thoughts on these two clueless love birds plus her relationship with her husband kinda mimicks richonne, she has a vision for alexandria and he built the wall to protect it, michonne writes the charter and rick the built the bridge
father gabriel, i know he's not a liked character but he was the only one to know that rick wanted to marry michonne imagine how many times he has heard rick said that? during towl
thorne, her thoughts realizing that dana is actually rick's wife, she would provably review all of their interections notincing small details even glances those two shared have a new meaning now
estaban, to expose the crm richonne must had needed a reporter and that's exactly what esteban's partener was and after hear so much about the infamous mrs grimes estaban would finally meet her in person after towl
rj or judith, cuz it's the first time ever these two got to see their mother truly in peace also they must have to learn to share her with their father
anyone from the flagship series that has doubted that rick was alive for obvious reasons
somone from connie's group or anyone who came after season 9 so they can meet the legend and see richonne being epic couple in love
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
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guys carrie already has her george t-shirt
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
that discussion on twitter about rick being taught how to properly fight after joining the crm got me thinking that he should probably pass his knowledge to his children and wife mostly cuz i think it would be perfect that rick and michonne would have a morning exercise routine involving they turning each other over
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
well i was unfortunately right about the ineligibility…still i do believe they have a better shot at the drama category even the article pointed that
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
i'm kinda glad that i won't see his reaction cuz it would be a really sad realisation and such mess to unpack! he had so much faith on anne and she was never honest with him, he will feel responsible or at least guilt a for everything that happened
okay expanding my previous post… here some outside povs that i would like to see about richonne: during the main show
deanna, she's the og richonne shipper i bet she had the most interesting thoughts on these two clueless love birds plus her relationship with her husband kinda mimicks richonne, she has a vision for alexandria and he built the wall to protect it, michonne writes the charter and rick the built the bridge
father gabriel, i know he's not a liked character but he was the only one to know that rick wanted to marry michonne imagine how many times he has heard rick said that? during towl
thorne, her thoughts realising that dana is actually rick's wife, she would provably review all of their interections notincing small details even glances those two shared have a new meaning now
estaban, to expose the crm richonne must had needed a reporter and that's exactly what esteban's partener was and after hear so much about the infamous mrs grimes estaban would finally meet her in person after towl
rj or judith, cuz it's the first time ever these two got to see their mother truly in peace also they must have to learn to share her with their father
anyone from the flagship series that has doubted that rick was alive for obvious reasons
somone from connie's group or anyone who came after season 9 so they can meet the legend and see richonne being epic couple in love
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
anyone else associates cowboy carter with richonne/the ones who live?? i don't know why but my brain decided they are related somehow...
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
okay expanding my previous post… here some outside povs that i would like to see about richonne: during the main show
deanna, she's the og richonne shipper i bet she had the most interesting thoughts on these two clueless love birds plus her relationship with her husband kinda mimicks richonne, she has a vision for alexandria and he built the wall to protect it, michonne writes the charter and rick the built the bridge
father gabriel, i know he's not a liked character but he was the only one to know that rick wanted to marry michonne imagine how many times he has heard rick said that? during towl
thorne, her thoughts realizing that dana is actually rick's wife, she would provably review all of their interections notincing small details even glances those two shared have a new meaning now
estaban, to expose the crm richonne must had needed a reporter and that's exactly what esteban's partener was and after hear so much about the infamous mrs grimes estaban would finally meet her in person after towl
rj or judith, cuz it's the first time ever these two got to see their mother truly in peace also they must have to learn to share her with their father
anyone from the flagship series that has doubted that rick was alive for obvious reasons
somone from connie's group or anyone who came after season 9 so they can meet the legend and see richonne being epic couple in love
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
patiently waiting for the day carrie coon will break internet "answering" morgan spector's infamous picture wearing a bertha shirt as she promesied here
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millaysmaeve · 1 month
guess i was wrong they are indeed submiting the series as limited, good luck for them, go get those emmys!
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