lunavasques · 6 years
nice wood
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lunavasques · 7 years
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This Sunday Slice was colored by InLucidReverie. (nsfw contnet behind link, so be aware when entering:  lucid.reveriemotion.co.uk )
Full resolution here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8008000
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lunavasques · 7 years
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Adventure Time: Islands
Anime references are a past time for me. Especially when they seem to cross over so well. 
Probably about a 3 hour quickie session. I forget to time myself.
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lunavasques · 7 years
yo james!! do you have any favorite animes and/or video games?? :0
yes. I really like trigun and samurai champloo. I also watched shokugeki no soma recently and thought it was rad. Can’t wait for the next season/ I really enjoyed the phoenix wright series. Rayman origins/legends. I thought Braid was really cool. My favourite anime feature is hard to decide. I might just be super basic and say Spirited Away. I do think it’s lovely. I also really like gauche the cellist, night on the galactic railroad, kanashimi no belladonna, mind game, tokyo godfathers, millennium actress, my summer wirth coo, Pom Poko. Welcome to the Space Show.I dunno ,i’m just listing stuff.i like anime and video games though.
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lunavasques · 7 years
Have you been in love?
Yes. I can’t really say how many times. Each love was different. I don’t know what to class as love, whether it is based on my feelings looking back on the situation or the feelings that I felt during. I’ve felt very very strong feelings in the past that from an older lense seem really naive. On that note I think as an older person I am a lot more closed off to love. I want to learn to like myself more before I approach romance again. Spend some time trying to become a better person so I don’t drive someone to edge when I eventually do date again. I can be a handful and I’d rather not be. I do sometimes watch dating shows and get jealous and sad and just want romance though.
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lunavasques · 7 years
did you know that your lyrics are all over my school books?? because they are.
thats cool to know. I used to draw band logos and lyrics all over my school books. Along with mean things about townies.
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lunavasques · 7 years
How old are you and what's your birthday?
26. I have no birthday.
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lunavasques · 7 years
I have a friend who loves your band and he condones rape jokes, if he was talking to you right now what would you say?
I find this a bit of an awkward question to answer, I’m going to try anyway. Sometimes I struggle to confront things I disagree with, and on top of that sometimes I’m even unsure to what levels I disagree so I can’t say how I would react exactly. In some ways  I may agree with your friend. I think there are more kinds of rape jokes than just one. I think jokes that serve to normalize rape, or make light of rape or disempower victims are all horrible. In regards to your friend condoning jokes like that, I’d probably try and discuss with them why they where making those jokes. I’d try and get them to explain why they thought it was funny, and I’d try and highlight where the offence laid within the joke and their reasoning. I’d let them know I think jokes like that where bullshit.I do think it’s hypothetically possible for there to be a funny joke about anything though, and I’ve seen and heard funny jokes that are about rape before that certainly don’t support it in any way. I think a lot of people who speak about how ‘rape jokes aren’t funny’ have as well, and when they are saying ‘rape jokes’ they are specifically speaking of jokes that normalize rape and disempower victims. It would make sense that this would become the way people discuss the topic though when most jokes people hear on the subject are really fucking disgusting ones. There are jokes surrounding the subject by a number of different comedians and writers that serve to empower people, educate people and have a positive message behind them though. These are the jokes that tend to come from victims.  I get how what I’m saying probably won’t be very popular though, I just can’t deny that I’ve seen comedy on this topic which I’ve thought was positive. I’ve seen people tackle rape culture through humour in ways that I’ve considered to be respectful and positive (a recent example would be a lot of the signs at the women’s march that have been going viral, ‘specifically ‘pussy grabbing’ trump ones), it still is a ‘rape joke’, but it in no way normalizes or condones, in fact the opposite. Humour is nuanced and difficult. There are things like meta-bigots and anti-humour and it can be hard to understand intent at points. It’s where I would defend shows like ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ (not all the time, but often) but I wouldn’t defend a lot of 80′s teen movies. It could just be me being super contentious but I can’t write off any topic for humour, I will however stand against toxic humour.
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lunavasques · 7 years
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Doodled a small @jamescrywank Check out his music, it’s phenomenal!!
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lunavasques · 7 years
My very quiet cover of Dodie’s “Would You Be So Kind”
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lunavasques · 7 years
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These pockets are everything
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lunavasques · 7 years
i'm just a snail (gel)
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lunavasques · 7 years
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My current altar. I try to add to it everyday, even if it’s just sigils I create, or wands I work on. ✨🕯🔮
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lunavasques · 7 years
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lunavasques · 7 years
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lunavasques · 7 years
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<3 Pat The Bunny
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lunavasques · 7 years
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Someone who doesn’t watch Gravity Falls, explain this picture.
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