lowkeywannakermit · 1 year
cannot stop thinking ab this caption i saw on fandom insta a while ago…
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lowkeywannakermit · 1 year
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lowkeywannakermit · 1 year
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i have neither a good imagination nor aphantasia, but a secret third thing
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lowkeywannakermit · 1 year
you mentioned you like the shadowhunter chronicles, so thoughts on clary and jace?!
okay firstly… thank u so much?!? for caring ab what i think? or at least being somewhat curious??? mind boggling truly…
eehhhh… i did not like the whole “they’re not siblings… and then they actually are siblings… but no they’re not” situation, but other than that i actually love them both and love their characters. the way that they had their whole “i know we’re maybe siblings… but i still like u :/“ moment did make me want to throw up a little bc come on guys, like, just ignore it. pretend it does not exist… how r u not embarrassed? but i’ve moved past that lol. (to be fair they were both young and stupid and their prefrontal cortexes were not fully developed so maybe their choices were… somewhat[?] justified…? maybe…?).
i think clary is an interesting character just because she is kind of the typical “i’m different” girl which at first i didn’t like, but as the character grows and changes, that becomes less prevalent. i like her intellect and her fierceness and her wit. i also love her relationships and interactions with the other characters, specifically magnus and jace.
jace, i have always liked. at first i did think that he was kind of weird, just in the way he was kind of an asshole in a teasing way and he was the “all that” boy and he kind of got away with anything, which was annoying and fairly stereotypical. however, he is so loyal and he cares so much about everyone all the time. pretty much i like them both a lot now that i’ve read all of her books and seen them grow and change from being like 16/17-ish to being adults so i like who they r now.
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
literally someone help me i am simply a gal who needs a sense of style now that i am no longer a child aka i graduated high school and realized that none of the things in my closet go together and idk what to do???? like i wanna dress with academia/downtown girl vibes but i’ve worn jeans my whole life? u get the vibe? yeah anyway so idk how to wear other things that r not jeans and like… a shirt or a sweater????
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
when you're second hand experiencing a fandom through your mutuals and you start to pick faves even though you have no idea who any of these people are
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
two characters who understand each other like no one else does and therefore hurt each other like no one else can
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
grieving as an adult is so funny it's like. im sobbing my eyes out i'm laughing like a maniac im pondering the mortality of everything around me. ok glad thats out of my system because i have a dentist appointment in an hour
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
there is a thing about photographers in the pacific northwest where they'll post a photo of some mossy trees and describe it with words like "primeval" or "primordial" or "old growth." and i, having grown up in a town that has an old sawmill that has been closed for longer than i have been alive, can look at those photos and see that each and every tree is one that i could put my arms around, even if my fingers wouldn't necessarily touch on the other side.
and there's just something about moss as the aesthetic bandage that covers over the sins of the pnw's colonial deforestation, the idea that people come in and take pictures and ooh and aah over the moss and sword ferns and tell themselves this is what Untouched Wilderness is/should look like, while a guy whose family got rich off that deforestation is presently the mayor of Oregon's biggest metropolitan area.
and i've said before (and will say again) that not all logging is bad, that there are times when it is even necessary (to control disease, to thin crowded stands) but the logging industry is one that came to be here and thrived here through vile means, and if you know what you're looking at there's not enough moss in the world to cover that up.
moss can't hide the photo of my great grandfather posing with his saw next to a felled tree with a diameter wider than he is tall. moss can't hide trees that are small enough that members of the crew that replanted them are probably still alive.
all the moss in those photos tells you is that for now, at least, it's still raining.
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
I hate tradwife girls on social media so so so so much
If youre really a tradwife then no more selfies or videos because men think its vain. And no more writing because your words arent more important than whatever a man has to say. And no coveting material items because its not your money anymore. And close your bank account. Transfer all possessions and power into your husbands name.
Most importantly, get diagnosed with womanly hysteria after telling your husband to wipe his ass, and receive an icepick lobotomy as treatment
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
one time in elementary school i was talking to a friend and i was asking her about god. she was very christian, and even growing up in a mormon house, i couldn’t understand how any of that kind of thing made any kind of logical sense. she was telling me how god made humans imperfect. then she told me about how jesus was god’s son and he was perfect. i stopped her then, at nine years old, and said, “not that can’t be. you just said that no one is perfect. that includes jesus.” she didn’t know what to say to me. she stopped going to church in 12th grade. i still don’t know whether to be relieved that she has her own freedom now, or heartbroken and sorry that she lost her safety net. even though we lost contact a long time ago, i am happy for her, and i think i’ll forever feel guilty.
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
Cannot over stress how much this is for the girls and gays. Especially the girls who are the gays
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
stop fucking using the word psychotic to describe bad behaviour and violence already god fucking damn it
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
men dressing sluttier does nothing for me bc i’m a lesbian but i still strongly support it bc bi women deserve good things
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
oh my god the accuracy of this post is phenomenal
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The true struggle of TSC-Swifties rn
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lowkeywannakermit · 2 years
this fandom is so mean sometimes when it comes to even the most basic of fandom shit like. i get it, ST is relatively mainstream, a lot of yall have never been in fandoms before, but the stuff folks call out as "cringe" behavior (or worse) in fandom is quite literally stuff that has always been a part of fandom and always will. people cosplaying, kinning characters, shipping characters who have barely spoken in canon, going to nerdy conventions, overanalyzing every scene w/ ur fave character in it, crying over characters, writing fanfiction and making art of whatever the fuck you want since you're doing it for free and for fun... this is fandom culture. if you dont like it you don't have to engage with it and its so easy to block/not interact with content you don't like.
tldr; stop bullying fans for doing fan things.
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