lover-of-skellies 16 hours
Sans Fight Night - Final Round
Fight location: an empty AU. Think classic undertale, but completely empty. There's no one around, and our contestants can go ham without any consequences
Contestant 1: Fresh
Strengths: Has no emotions (therefore he can't possibly lose control of them), speed and teleportation, potentially makes portals, can sort of conjure up physical items to fight with, great at being a distraction, can still use skeleton magic, even if his body is destroyed, he'll survive (provided he finds a new host fast), highly unpredictable and hard to read, can fight from pretty much any distance
Weaknesses: Doesn't appear to take many things seriously, is vulnerable as soon as he (the parasite) is removed from the host body
Contestant 2: Reaper
Strengths: Can use magic, can fight from pretty much any distance, has an eternity's worth of experience, high intelligence, carries a weapon (his scythe), is the literal god of death, can kill people by touching them (if he touches anywhere that's not covered by clothing), probably has an insanely high HP, speed and teleportation
Weaknesses: He's always working and is probably hella tired, we don't know how he manages his emotions while fighting
As always, propaganda is welcome and encouraged! If you have some information that you think could help one of these guys win (or lose), feel free to reblog this post and include it!
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lover-of-skellies 1 day
Ok, so
I mentioned having extra Pok茅mon energy cards and some other miscellaneous Pok茅mon cards once a while back, and said that I was looking for a way to get rid of them. I'd considered giving them away on my Ko-Fi, but I'm not sure if I'd get in any kind of legal trouble for that, so I'm not going through Ko-Fi and taking the risk
Instead, I set up a whole eBay account, and I'm slowly uploading things over there. I'm not even sure if anyone really goes through eBay much anymore, and I feel weirdly old even just saying the name of the site, but yeah
So far, all I've got is 4 different types of energy cards listed. If anyone here likes Pok茅mon and is interested in acquiring energy (or other miscellaneous) cards, I'll grab a link to my account so you can take a look at what I have
More will be added later, I just wanted to put up a quick little thing about it before I forgot :P
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lover-of-skellies 1 day
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The baby. If I could've kept it, I would've called it something silly
Legit, the first name idea I had was "Raisin." Idk why Raisin, it just randomly popped into my mind
I am very strongly, very firmly a cat person. Cats have been, and will always continue to be my first choice, in terms of what kind of pet to have
I held a baby turkey today
It fell asleep repeatedly in my hand while I was petting it. There was no squirming, no trying to get away, it didn't even fuss or make any noise at me. The baby was totally chill and looked like it was in complete nirvana, and it was so unbelievably cute
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lover-of-skellies 1 day
I am very strongly, very firmly a cat person. Cats have been, and will always continue to be my first choice, in terms of what kind of pet to have
I held a baby turkey today
It fell asleep repeatedly in my hand while I was petting it. There was no squirming, no trying to get away, it didn't even fuss or make any noise at me. The baby was totally chill and looked like it was in complete nirvana, and it was so unbelievably cute
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lover-of-skellies 2 days
Dust x y/n Sus please
Firstly,, what do you mean by sus? That could be taken in multiple ways, and I'm a little confused
Second, again, I'm not taking requests, but I have at least one x reader thing with Dust somewhere in my pinned post! It's in a separate master list that I linked in the pinned one, for the sake of convenience
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lover-of-skellies 2 days
Nightmere x y/n
I'm not taking requests right now, but I think I have some x reader stuff with Nightmare in my pinned post, if you'd like to take a look at that instead :P
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lover-of-skellies 2 days
Sans Fight Night - Final Round
Fight location: an empty AU. Think classic undertale, but completely empty. There's no one around, and our contestants can go ham without any consequences
Contestant 1: Fresh
Strengths: Has no emotions (therefore he can't possibly lose control of them), speed and teleportation, potentially makes portals, can sort of conjure up physical items to fight with, great at being a distraction, can still use skeleton magic, even if his body is destroyed, he'll survive (provided he finds a new host fast), highly unpredictable and hard to read, can fight from pretty much any distance
Weaknesses: Doesn't appear to take many things seriously, is vulnerable as soon as he (the parasite) is removed from the host body
Contestant 2: Reaper
Strengths: Can use magic, can fight from pretty much any distance, has an eternity's worth of experience, high intelligence, carries a weapon (his scythe), is the literal god of death, can kill people by touching them (if he touches anywhere that's not covered by clothing), probably has an insanely high HP, speed and teleportation
Weaknesses: He's always working and is probably hella tired, we don't know how he manages his emotions while fighting
As always, propaganda is welcome and encouraged! If you have some information that you think could help one of these guys win (or lose), feel free to reblog this post and include it!
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lover-of-skellies 2 days
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We鈥檙e down to the final round, guys! I鈥檓 really looking forward to seeing who wins this, and I should have the poll for it out sometime later tonight! :D
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lover-of-skellies 3 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 31: Halloween
I was running out of steam by now, so...
Ink belongs to @comyet
Error belongs to @loverofpiggies
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lover-of-skellies 3 days
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Happy (belated) Birthday, Pale 馃
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lover-of-skellies 4 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 30: Megaphone
There's a joke that goes: "If you really hate someone, give their child a drum."
Ink belongs to @comyet
Dream belongs to Jokublog
Dust belongs to @ask-dusttale
Horror belongs to @horrortalecomic
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
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lover-of-skellies 5 days
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Ink dwess ink dwess uwu馃挄
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lover-of-skellies 5 days
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Trying outfits on this hobo
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lover-of-skellies 5 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 29: Bridge
Since I've already made a reference to Spyro for Day 22 (Clouds), I figured making a reference to Crash Bandicoot games would be fun.
So you get to see the gang brave the infamous Road to Nowhere/The High Road levels, which some people breeze through (Ink), some are barely holding on (Dream) and some cheese their way over the bridge by walking on handrails (Blue).
Ink belongs to @comyet
Dream belongs to Jokublog
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lover-of-skellies 5 days
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Tumblr, what is this
I genuinely do not understand what I'm looking at
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lover-of-skellies 7 days
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Inktobertale 2023 - Day 27: Poem
The lines come from Secrets of the Trade by Anna Akhmatova, though the translation is mine (because none of the English translations I've seen bothered to preserve the rhyme and rhythm of a poem, apparently).
Ink belongs to @comyet
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lover-of-skellies 7 days
Sans Fight Night - Round 5
Fight location: an empty AU. Think classic undertale, but completely empty. There's no one around, and our contestants can go ham without any consequences
Contestant 1: Fresh
Strengths: Has no emotions (therefore he can't possibly lose control of them), speed and teleportation, potentially makes portals, can sort of conjure up physical items to fight with, great at being a distraction, can still use skeleton magic, even if his body is destroyed, he'll survive (provided he finds a new host fast), highly unpredictable and hard to read, can fight from pretty much any distance
Weaknesses: Doesn't appear to take many things seriously, is vulnerable as soon as he (the parasite) is removed from the host body
Contestant 2: Epic
Strengths: Magic/teleportation, more intelligent than he appears at times, speed, can appear as clones/duplicates/copies, and I saw someone say that he functions like a Looney Tunes character. Normal logic simply Does Not Apply to him
Weaknesses: N/A
Note: My knowledge here is very limited. I've seen maybe a few pages of the Epictale comic and that was AGES ago, so I don't really remember it. Aside from that, the only other depiction of him I've seen was in Underverse, and even then, I don't remember much of what he did there
As always, propaganda is welcome and encouraged! If you have some information that you think could help one of these guys win (or lose), feel free to reblog this post and include it!
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