liquidyinsect · 6 hours
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Been trying out skial servers and I’ve discovered this cosmetic is so goddamn talkative even more than scout like this is this guy is a lonely loser demanding attention
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liquidyinsect · 22 hours
Portal hlvrai crossover....au......
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SOME OF MY THOUGHTS AND IDEAS are under the cut!!
1) I always found it really funny how aperture has this insane amount of "what to do in case of an alien invasion" recordings. I mean...they had to record them BEFORE the actual invasion started right? They were completely delusional and ended up right. My idea was, that in this wild mix/ swap of Aperture and Black mesa, Black mesa decided to build a security system ai - Benrey. First to keep all the important stuff away from contenders (hence his obsession with identity verification), and then they upgraded the guy to keep the laboratory intact if some crazy alien shit starts to happen. And it did. Now, years in the future, recently awakened from his stasis Gordon has to make his way out of the Laboratory with Benrey on his tail. At first he helps him, but ..well...Gordon doesn't have his id and breaks company property in his attempts to escape so their "friendship" doesn't last long.
2) I also had an idea of making Gman a management core of the lab. He hires personal, keeps everything organised and technically runs the place. When everything went down he just put everyone to sleep to keep the company assets intact. Eventually he broke down, which transferred most of the control functions to Benrey and killed most of the people that were put in the stasis
3) Tommy is a reserve version of the management core. Gman was supposed to be replaced by him if anything went wrong with him, but...well...there were no conscious scientists to do that. To escape from the lab Gordon needs to transfer control of the lab from Benrey to Tommy.
4) They are followed by Coomer and Bubby, who were initially made as testing androids, but now think about themselves as scientists
5) my friend (@/mrrrcesare !!!!) and I joked about Tommy being an orphan that was raised by the turrets. You can call him...Tommy Turretta.... ANYWAYS, as he is a reserve piece of a really important technology, Black mesa saw fit to give him turret guns and fill him with bullets, so despite him not having any hands in this au, he still has a trigger finger
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liquidyinsect · 22 hours
spy tf2 as lady dimitrescu
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dad möther spy
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liquidyinsect · 2 days
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TF2 x Steven Universe ⭐️
guess who’s bacc with another crossover au that nobody asked for 😎
pls dont ask me about lore/story/drawing fusions i have no idea i just wanted to draw the mercs as gems lol
but id love to hear ur ideas!
edit: if you ever wanna draw about this go ahead! just tag me :)
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liquidyinsect · 2 days
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I was looking for art to redraw and found this guy.... @triptychofvoids got any idea what happened to him?
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liquidyinsect · 4 days
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liquidyinsect · 4 days
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It turned into a little AU with aliens...
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liquidyinsect · 6 days
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Another #savetf2 event to complain about the TF2 bot problem is coming up on June 3rd! They've set up a site with a petition to sign too to send to Valve to see if we can put enough pressure on them to actually DO SOMETHING. It might come to nothing, but I want to try at least. I had to fight tooth and nail against bots to do the Halloween event - some of the time I just had no choice but to fight bots to fill the contracts - and I couldn't do the Smissmas event at ALL because the bots were just so oppressive. >:( It's unacceptable! And it's so unfair because TF2 is STILL a good game after all this time, it holds up really well, so much love was put into it and it shouldn't be like this!
Anyway, sign the petition and post on the 3rd!
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liquidyinsect · 6 days
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My latest comic for The Nib was written by my friend Mike Thompson- it’s his first published comics work! 
The Nib has been a steady source of income and a huge support to me and many other indie cartoonists for years. They publish amazing work, but will be cut loose by their financial backer in July. You can read the official post about it from editor Matt Bors here.  They are still running their kickstarter-funded print magazine, but have to put digital publishing on hiatus until they figure out their next steps. If you’ve been thinking about supporting their membership program, now would be a good time. They have levels from $2 to $40 per month. I really don’t want this to be my last Nib piece! 
instagram / patreon / portfolio / the nib / etsy
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liquidyinsect · 6 days
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I love old women and their purse dogs
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liquidyinsect · 6 days
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fleshy squish
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liquidyinsect · 8 days
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a collection of hastily edited comic strips
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liquidyinsect · 8 days
The Dying Dog
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liquidyinsect · 10 days
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Donate to help get my friends out of jail here! Posting from this blog may be sparse as the protest continues.
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liquidyinsect · 10 days
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i think he would be really disoriented once they put his head back on his body. or once he died and respawned. he just wouldn't feel right anymore like his body wasnt his own. like his hands were too big and his feet were too small. he keeps burning himself on his cigarettes and bumping clumsily into the side of tables. the other mercs laugh when he trips over his own legs. he doesn't get what's so funny. he's in pain, and they laugh more as he tries to get back up. it makes him want to go run into the base's meat freezer and hide. at this point, the cold is more comforting than anything. at least he couldn't be poked or prodded in the fridge. at least he's safe from ridicule in the freezer. the cold made the cigarette burns hurt less too anyway. my commissions | my kofi
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liquidyinsect · 11 days
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liquidyinsect · 12 days
People keep saying Medic mains must suffer a lot but actually playing Medic is like being on crack. You get to borrow his god complex. The team would be lost without you. Their screams are music to your ears. Where was I going with this
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