linesonscreens · 5 days
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linesonscreens · 7 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – November 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
November 3 1955
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1) It’s interesting that laws requiring you to keep your dog from wandering the neighborhood apparently first started popping up in the mid 1950s.
2) Jesus Christ, Chuck.
November 6, 1955
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Apparently there were multiple versions of this strip made for various publications, which is why there’s that duplicate panel. The bottom one is actually the original version of panel 3, which you can see in the original newspaper run of the strip here:
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Linus’s face is way too small in the original version so I can kind of see why they wanted replace it when releasing a book collection. I have no idea why they felt the need to replace the top two panels though since they look fine to me (if a bit rough compared to the others). I do like the new panels though.
November 8, 1955
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Linus what the FUCK!?
November 10, 1955
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Linus’s blanket is literally the only thing keeping him from going on an imaginary killing spree.
November 13, 1955
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5 year old me would have killed a man for one of those pedal powered car things and I'm still kind of mad I never got one.
November 26, 1955
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Now that I think about it, how on earth does Disney not own Peanuts by now?
November 30, 1955
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Did we just discover the earliest incarnation of the meme?
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linesonscreens · 10 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – October 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
October 2 1955
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I like it! That kid gets things done.
October 4, 1955
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Why Are they in class together?
Why are they in class together!?
October 13, 1955
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I actually did a quick dig through the archives to see if Linus had ever interacted with snow up until now and couldn’t find anything. I might have just missed it, but Linus not knowing about snow is actually plausible.
October 16, 1955
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This is a bit of a red flag, right? I get that kids like to pretend shoot stuff but flipping out and unloading an imaginary M134 into the nearest source of his frustration seems to be his go-to reaction to stressful situations.
Just saying, if I were his dad I’d probably be keeping an eye on it.
October 18, 1955
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Another strip that's pretty cool for historical reasons. It's so weird to think about a world where going to the moon was some sort of fantastical pipe dream.
Also, like with the satellite program, the Soviets beat us to this one as well. The U.S. got the first ~manned~ mission, but the Soviet Union was the first one to to get ~any~ rocket to the moon in 1959 with Luna 2.
October 20, 1955
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Nice callback!
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October 31, 1955
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I love the idea of kids having Halloween turf like some kind of organized crime syndicate.
Wait a minute.
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The Peanuts "GANG”, you say?
My God... It's all starting to make sense.
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linesonscreens · 13 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – September 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
September 1, 1955
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God damnit Lucy, you said we were done with the fussbudget thing and now you’re you’re making MORE fussbudgets!?
September 2, 1955
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Another really cool glimpse into history as it was happening.
Not sure who “they” is in this case but if this ancient official NASA website that looks like it was made in 1997 is to be believed they might be talking about “Project Vanguard”, which was the name for the U.S satellite program. The project was announced broadly in July of 1955 and the specific proposal with the aforementioned name was chosen at some point in September of this year. I'm not sure what exact headline this strip might have been referring to considering that it was probably written like a month prior, but it makes sense that there would be a lot of buzz around the topic at this point.
Sadly (or hilariously, depending on your perspective on the world), the Soviets would beat the U.S. to the punch on October 4th, 1957 with Sputnik. Ah well.
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September 3, 1955
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He kicked it again!
I’m starting to think that the issue might be that Lucy and not CB himself.
September 11, 1955
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LMAO, Charlie Brown is only here (watching awkwardly from a nearby ditch for some reason) to explain the joke.
September 15, 1955
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Has Linus actually talked to another person before this? I think this might be the first time. He’s talked to himself before and has been talked ~at~ (sometimes with the implication that it’s part of an ongoing conversation) but this is the first time I’ve seen him directly speak to another character on-screen.
September 18, 1955
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Snoopy’s starting to look very Loony Toons-y lately.
September 25, 1955
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Honestly I’m just happy she’s taking a break from giving that poor kid PTSD.
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linesonscreens · 16 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – August 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
August 7, 1955
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It's interesting that Schulz's go-to technique for depicting objects in motion is to just draw tons of a thing in a row.
August 8, 1955
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I mean, I believe it. Most beloved American figures were huge pieces of shit.
August 13, 1955
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Aaaand they’re fighting again.
August 21 1955
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I really like panel 2. The lattice in the foreground adds a lot of depth to the drawing.
August 24, 1955
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There are Attack on Titan sized giants in Peanuts all over the place ~just~ off screen. This is canon.
August 27, 1955
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Kind of true, actually.
August 30, 1955
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~Charlie Brown sighs~ "Alright, I'll get the hose..."
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linesonscreens · 23 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – July 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
July 1, 1955
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Charlie Brown learns an important lesson about fandom culture.
July 4, 1955
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Is Schulz dropping the fussbudget bit!? It’s a 4th of July miracle!
July 7, 1955
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This is actually pretty consistent with how large adults have been shown to be up until now:
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July 9, 1955
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You’re thinking about it all wrong! Everybody is getting more unpopular together which is closing the gap and actually making you MORE popular relative to others!
Jul 17, 1955
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I thought he buried that thing.
Jul 21, 1955
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Ah yes, the running gag that ABSOLUTELY would not fly today.
Jul 31, 1955
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That panel of Charlie Brown hurling Snoopy to home plate is hilarious.
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linesonscreens · 28 days
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – June 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
June 1, 1955
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OK so for those of you who are younger, Davy Crockett was a folk hero, frontiersman and eventually a US Representative who died at the Alamo. I don’t know much about him and I’m not doing a bunch of research for a single blog post. Sorry (not sorry).
Anyways, he was VERY popular in the mid 50s thanks to a TV miniseries made by Disney and as a result the Davy Crockett coonskin cap was basically the [current toy that kid’s are willing to kill for] of it’s day.
Sam Snead was a golfer.
June 3, 1955
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There are a metric ton of Davy Crockett comics this month.
Also, what the hell is up with that toy gun? Is he shooting down fighter jets later?
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June 13, 1955
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Charlie Brown and Violet seem less antagonistic towards each other this month. Did they make up at some point?
I give it a month.
June 16, 1955
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First comic strip showcasing the Van Pelt family’s ability to communicate with the weather.
Not “control”, mind you. They can’t force the weather to do something it doesn’t want to do. But they can make a request and it will take it under consideration.
June 21, 1955
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Still milking that card tower I see.
June 22, 1955
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LMAO, get wrecked Lucy!
June 29, 1955
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Linus is finally walking (again)! He's people now!
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linesonscreens · 1 month
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – May 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
May 2, 1955
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She’s correct, just not in a literal sense.
May 10, 1955
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He’s into it.
May 17, 1955
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“I meant ~constructive~ criticism!”
“Oh... You you would be more successful if you were less stupid.”
May 19, 1955
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No, this is the correct move. Eating the clover gives a smaller stat boost than using it as an accessory but the bonus is permanent.
May 20, 1955
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Let the kindergartner write an editorial you cowards! It can’t be worse than what you let the adults submit!
May 22, 1955
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God I love it when he draws backgrounds.
May 30, 1955
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God damnit. Guess we're doing this thing again...
Okay, so ‘Pinky’ Lee was a children’s TV performer who hosted a popular kids show in the 50s called The Pinky Lee Show. It was your classic collection of skits, jokes, stunts, dance numbers, and hard-selling preschoolers on sponsored products and services. Basically, a black and white version of the Krusty the Clown show from The Simpsons. You can see an episode of it here.
Personally I find it to be an weird mix of obnoxious and off-putting and gave up on trying to get through it only a few minutes in. Kids apparently loved it though and it won some awards.
As an interesting side-note The Pinky Lee Show was one of the main inspirations for PeeWee’s Playhouse, another kid's show that was incredibly popular despite being insufferable. You can really see the similarities if you watch them back to back.
Anyway, Pinky’s run on the show would end about 4 months after this strip was published after having some sort of medical episode on-set which forced him to step down. Sad but hardly surprising considering the guy was either on some serious drugs or pushing himself WAY too hard.
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linesonscreens · 1 month
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – April 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE
April 3, 1955
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I think this is the first time we see Linus’s blanket treated as an addiction.
April 4, 1955
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And that is why Pig-pen shall never set eyes upon the kingdom of heaven.
April 10, 1955
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Repeated joke from a while back but that panel of the glove floating away justifies it’s existence.
April 11, 1955
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April 13, 1955
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I am choosing to interpret this as Schroeder having actual fireworks and lasers and shit when he performs publicly.
April 19, 1955
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OK, yes. You’ve discovered Zipatone. You can stop now.
April 20, 1955
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See? SEE!? She noticed too!
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linesonscreens · 1 month
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – March 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
March 1, 1955
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Like a third of this month’s strips are dedicated to this LARPing as a martian bit.
March 9, 1955
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What the actual hell is this face Linus is making?
March 11, 1955
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Lucy has started yelling at insects. A recurring gag that will have a surprising amount of staying power.
March 13, 1955
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March 18, 1955
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Settle down, Beavis.
March 27, 1955
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God damn, Charlie Brown is getting fed up with Lucy’s bullshit.
March 31, 1955
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I appreciate the creative use of Zipatones in this one.
Is it just me or does Charlie Brown still seem a bit shell-shocked from last month’s existential beatdown by Patty? It’s like his entire personality suddenly got about 20% more deadpan at the start of this month.
Actually, it might be my imagination but the whole style of the strip seems to have shifted ever so slightly recently both in the type of emotional reactions we’re getting and in the way the kids are drawn. They’re just a smidge more… Rounded? Hefty? How do I say Charlie Brown looks kind of fat without offending anybody?
You can really see the difference if you compare this month’s strips to one’s from a couple years ago.
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I think a lot of it has to do with how small Schulz is drawing faces these days (which has the added effect of making them less expressive) as well as the general shape language he’s been using. The cast (especially Charlie Brown) we’re always a bit pear-shaped but they had fairly narrow shoulders which gave them a kind of triangle or cone shape overall. Recently though Schulz has been letting the shoulders stick out more as well as making everyone significantly wider overall. This has had the effect of changing that triangle into more of a rectangular box and is making everyone look just a wee bit more heavyset as a result.
It’s not necessarily a bad thing, though I'll admit I kind of prefer the earlier look. Mostly though, to me this shift kind of marks the final end of the scrappy chaos gremlin version of Charlie Brown we've seen up until now and the emergence of Charlie Brown as the universe's punching bag. He just doesn't push back at the world the way he used to going forward. Patty apparently owned him so hard in the marketplace of ideas that it fundamentally shifted his personality, and by extension, the way the universe is presented to us. Honestly, I'm impressed.
It's kind of sad because I liked those more active aspects of his character. Everybody dumping on him made a lot more sense when it was understood that he was kind of a jerk in his own way and ultimately the author of his own misery. But that's just the nature of art and long-form storytelling I suppose. It either moves forward and evolves or goes stale and dies. So it goes.
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linesonscreens · 1 month
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – February 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
February 1, 1955
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And that's the last we see of Charlotte Braun.
I feel like she might have worked as a character if Schulz had actually played up the angle of them looking so much alike. He could have used those parallels to draw attention to the ways that Charlie Brown interacts with the world and why he struggles so much (and why Charlotte doesn't). Or he could have played up the similarities in their personalities in order to make Charlie Brown deal with his own bullshit from the other side of things. It could have been a really good angle in the right hands.
Oh well.
February 5, 1955
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I was going to say something or other about how Snoopy is talking out loud here but then I got completely sidetracked by the fact that Charlie Brown's house is canonically purple.
February 9, 1955
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Hank Hill voice: “That boy ain't right...”
February 15, 1955
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...the hell?
OK, so apparently "parity" is a term in agriculture for a guarantee the government makes ensuring that a farmer will make back a certain percentage of their expenses. The government sets a “parity index” based on how much certain commodities cost to make at a certain point in time and then sets rules on minimum prices based on a percentage of that index price (in Charlie Brown's case, 90%). Doing this protects smaller farmers from getting undersold into extinction by larger organizations or regional cost differences.
And now you know!
February 22, 1955
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There will be ~so many~ strips of Snoopy pretending to be various animals. I hope you're prepared.
February 27, 1955
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Lucy, the Beethoven shrine should really be a wake up call that you might be dodging a bullet here.
February 28, 1955
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Holy shit, look at his eyes. She crushed this poor kid's soul.
RIP to a real one.
She will be missed. By somebody. Probably.
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Only 45 more years to go!) – January 1955
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
January 9, 1955
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I'm pretty sure I gave myself a black eye doing this as a kid.
January 17, 1955
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Oh. She's still around. Fantastic.
January 22, 1955
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There are these little hints every now and then that Schroeder is some kind of professional piano wunderkind doing big shows when he's not on camera. I think that's a neat detail.
January 25, 1955
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The time shenanigans have begun.
Charlie Brown turned 4 years old on October 30th of 1950. Patty was significantly taller than CB was, which would mean she was at least 4½-5 years old at the time. If she's 5½ now that would mean that at most a year has passed in just over four years of strips.
Except that Schroeder was clearly around 1 year old when he was introduced in May of 1951, which should make him 2 at most now. But that doesn't make sense because he seems to be around the same age as Lucy (if not slightly older), who claims in this strip to be just over 4. That's at least 3-3½ years of time passing.
So either Schroeder and Lucy aging more quickly than they should be, or Patty, Charlie Brown, and the rest of the gang are aging more slowly.
Oh, but it gets weirder. In addition to looking much closer to 4 years old than 2, Schroeder being 4½ years old would mean that he's gotten 3½ years older in 3½ years of comics. An almost perfect match, which kind of implies that the Peanuts timeline is moving in sync with our own. But if that's the case then why are Patty and Charlie Brown not 7-8 years old at this point? Why were they still in elementary school in 1999? Are they trapped in some kind of time-anomaly, doomed to live eternally as children as the years slowly but inevitably weigh down upon their souls and sanity?
Yes. Yes they are.
Anyways, I guess my point is that trying to keep track of things like this in Peanuts is a recipe for madness and it only makes less sense from here.
January 26, 1955
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OK, you saw that right!? Snoopy was clearly thinking in panel 1 but in panel 2 he's using a normal speech bubble.
I'm just going to say it: This proves Snoopy can outright talk like a person. This is canon now.
Also apparently Charlie Brown just outright overheard him do it just now. Which explains a LOT about their relationship over the next several decades.
January 27, 1955
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Is... that an F-bomb joke?
January 31, 1955
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Actually, trying to sort out all of the stuff that doesn't make sense in Peanuts is incredibly fun. I highly recommend it
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Stuff I Watched in 2024 – Snoopy Presents: Welcome Home Franklin (TV Special):
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What is it?
Welcome Home Franklin is the latest in a recent series of Peanuts TV specials premiering exclusively on Apple TV+. This one is a retelling of how Franklin came to be a part of the Peanuts gang.
Things of Note:
Friendship ended with Linus. Now Franklin is Charlie Brown's best friend. No, really. That's canon now.
Gorgeous animation, good music, great performances, and lots of interesting references to black culture for the kids watching to learn about.
Lots of nods to the strip as well. They even threw in a wonderful little dig at the weird way they had him sitting apart from everybody in Thanksgiving special.
Okay, I know I joke too much about Peanuts characters being gay and I promise to knock it off going forward, but but I swear to God the creators may have actually been going for some kind of queer subtext here.
Questions about the nature of their relationship aside, Charlie Brown and Franklin actually work really damn well as friends. It turns out Peanuts really benefits from there being at least one character who's unambiguously in Charlie Brown's corner.
This shift in his character also solves the age old problem of the franchise not knowing what the hell to do with Franklin (“Make him rap maybe???”). As a result this is the first time he's has really felt like he belonged in the same main-character tier as Lucy, Linus, etc.
Speaking of Linus, what the hell man!? You ditch your main bro without even a word for Pigpen!? You sicken me!
Final Verdict:
I'd definitely recommend this one. The story is hardly reinventing the wheel but it's solidly written, beautifully drawn, and has a ton of heart to it. The Apple TV+ specials have really been knocking it out of the park lately and this one is probably the best of the bunch. Go check it out!
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(Happier Than The Sun by Stevie Wonder is playing while this gif takes place. Make of that what you will.)
Stuff I've watched so far in 2024:
Snoopy Presents: Welcome Home Franklin
Craig Before the Creek
Orion and the Dark.
Day Job
A few more of these left to go still. I apologize if they're annoying but also I'm not going to stop posting them even if they are.
As always, let me know if there's anything particularly good out in the animation world that I should see. I'm always looking for new stuff to watch.
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yup, still at it) – December 1954
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
December 1, 1954
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The Charlotte Braun Saga continues. I'm just going to post as many of these strips as I can because she's only around for a bit and we should cherish her baffling presence while we can.
December 2, 1954
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December 3, 1954
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One personality trait. ONE!
December 4, 1954
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Is it possible for preschoolers to have strong “divorced” energy?
December 7, 1954
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SUCH a good character.
December 8, 1954
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OK, this one was actually decent.
December 23, 1954
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Also god damnit Charlie Brown just let that poor kid be gayweird!
Another year down! Let's see how some of our favorite weirdos have progressed, shall we?
Charlie Brown
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(October) 1950
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(December) 1950
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(September) 1952
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(December) 1952
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(October) 1950
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(December) 1950
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Not a huge shift in the art from last year as far as I can tell but there's still some evolution taking place.
The main difference I noticed is a reversal of the trend I saw between 1952 and 1953 where the kids were getting taller and their heads were getting smaller. Now they actually look shorter and with larger heads BUT the faces are getting smaller as well, which is a bit of an odd effect when you stop and stare at it. Additionally, I'm noticing some simplification in the kind of expressions he tends to work with. Yes, they've always been pretty simple but I think they're a smidge less nuanced than they were last year.
Now that I stop and really look at it the whole art style is getting a bit simpler. If you go back to the stuff in 52' and look for a character in an unusual pose you'll notice that the character's forms are all pretty complex and well-defined to the point where you could probably make a 3D model of the panel without much guesswork. That's still there for the most part but there are more drawing shortcuts being used than there used to be (probably for time/sanity purposes) which creates a slightly different feel. This can also be seen in many of the backgrounds which are still amazing when they want to be, but are now often fairly minimalist wit a single line representing grass or where the floor meets a wall.
Again, just to be clear I'm not saying the art is getting ~bad~, just more streamlined. It's kind of an inevitability when you work on a project like this for a long time because drawing is freaking exhausting and those little shortcuts can translate into hours of saved effort.
Art aside, this was a pretty cool year for the strip. We got Schroeder ascending to his final form as the person Lucy won't leave alone, Linus obtaining his blanket and developing superpowers, the golf tournament that went nowhere and taught us nothing, several of my all-time favorite strips, and the introduction of two equally timeless and beloved new characters. Good stuff.
Anyways that's it for 1954. Next time: 1955!
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Stuff I Watched in 2024 – Craig Before the Creek (Movie):
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What is it?
Craig Of The Creek is an animated series on Cartoon Network about a boy named Craig and his adventures in the titular creek. It's a bit hard to describe but basically think about the make-believe adventures you had with your friends as a kid, expand that to an entire secret society of children, and then have everybody be 110% committed to the bit at all times. It's charming as hell and I highly recommend it.
Craig Before the Creek is a prequel movie which explains how Craig became Of The Creek.
Things of Note:
If you like the show you will like this movie. In my case I liked it even more.
Might not be for everybody since it doesn't really care about or cater to any adults in the audience the way some shows like Gravity Falls or Adventure Time did.
The movie does a decent job reintroducing the premise and characters so you don't need to have watched the show to enjoy it.
Generally pretty well animated. There's some strong background paintings and expression work in this one. It kind of reminds me of Steven Universe a bit.
Everyone is good but Kelsey as a wandering mercenary for hire steals the entire movie.
I like that the villain actually makes an actual effort with her “join the dark side” speech/song. Way too often it feels like there's no way that anybody would ever go for what they're offering.
Sooo.... is magic real now? Normally it's pretty clear that the kids are just using their imaginations but CBTC really blurs the line.
No, really. I'm pretty sure the McGuffin actually started the apocalypse at one point.
Final Verdict:
A really solid prequel to a really solid show. Which is impressive if you think about it because good prequels are hard to make and kind of rare. If you like goofy kid's stuff then you'll probably enjoy this.
Which reminds me, I really need to finish watching Craig of the Creek at some point.
Stuff I've watched this year:
Craig Before the Creek
Orion and the Dark.
Day Job
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yup, still at it) – November 1954
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
November 4, 1954
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Future homeowner's association material right here, folks.
November 14, 1954
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I love the hints of 50s décor you see in the backgrounds of some of these Sunday strips.
November 16, 1954
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It's weird to think about how Alaska and Hawaii becoming US states is actually a relatively recent development.
November 23, 1954
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That would be a good title for a TV special, actually.
Also, I felt compelled to make this because small children swearing is the height of comedy.
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November 25, 1954
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A good example of something Schulz does well, which is making a fairly complex point in a very simple and easy to understand way.
November 28, 1954
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Reading this and knowing that balloons make up like a third of all infant/toddler choking deaths is giving me anxiety.
November 30, 1954
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Oh shit she's here, people! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
OK, so where to even start with this one. You know how Pig-pen is essentially a gimmick character that was built around a single quirky trait? Well there were a few of them over the years and this latest one is Charlotte Braun, a Charlie Brown lookalike who is loud.
That's it. That is literally every single thing there is to know about her.
Why does she look like Charlie Brown? Hell if I know. Does she offer any interesting similarities or contrasts to Charlie Brown's personality? Nope! Is she at least likeable on her own terms? LMAO, I say to you. It's a completely baffling decision and the only explanation I can think of is that Schulz was throwing everything to the wall to see what stuck and Charlotte not only didn't stick but bounced back and hit him in the balls.
Naturally, everyone was confused and annoyed by Charlotte's introduction and in just barely over 2 months she was quietly dropped and never mentioned again after a fan (and probably many others, let's be honest) wrote Schulz to complain about it.
His response letter was pretty hilarious as well:
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Dear Miss Swaim, I am taking your suggestion regarding Charlotte Braun and will eventually discard her. If she appears anymore it will be in strips that were already completed before I got your letter or because someone writes in saying that they like her. Remember, however, that you and your friends will have the death of an innocent child on your conscience. Are you prepared to accept such responsibility?
Thanks for writing, and I hope that future releases will please you.
Charles M. Schulz.
~Chef's kiss~
In case I forget to mention it when it comes up (and I probably will) her last strip is on February 1st 1955. She makes a whopping 10 appearances in total.
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linesonscreens · 2 months
Stuff I Watched in 2024 – Godspeed (Cartoon Pilot):
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What is it?
Godspeed is a 30 min pilot that was Kickstarted by the guy who made Final Space, an absolutely wonderful show which is sadly now lost media (please consider pirating it from somewhere if you get the chance). It's about a young woman named Iris and her struggles to survive on a post-apocalyptic earth after any hope for rescue has long since gone.
Things of Note:
Available for free on YouTube so it's a real easy watch. I watched it on BluRay though because I helped fund it (Yes, my name is in the credits somewhere).
Content warning for some pretty bleak subject matter including grief and suicide. It's handled well for what it's worth.
I'm both really happy that Olan Rogers got this done and really impressed at how quick the turnaround was.
I really think that Final Space fans will like this one. It feels a lot like that show did in it's more serious moments.
Animation is a bit choppy but the colors are very nice and it's got a good atmosphere. I suspect a full show would look phenomenal.
You don't get much time with the characters but what you do get is fairly impactful.
It's a bit meh in the humor department, which is weird for an Olan Rogers deal, but humor is barely a focus so who cares. I can see a full show developing this aspect (specifically the robot friend) into something pretty good.
My biggest complaint is actually the DVD menu music. It's only ten seconds long which meant it looped in a very obvious way a LOT before I actually started the thing. Such a weird and obvious oversight.
No, you don't understand. I ~really~ think you will enjoy this if you were a fan of Final Space.
Final Verdict:
A solid start to what could be a pretty engaging show. I really want this one to succeed.
Stuff I've watched so far:
Orion and the Dark.
Day Job
I actually have a bunch of these I've been putting off doing so I'm going to try and just hammer them out over the next few days. Apologies in advance for people who are just here for the Peanuts stuff.
As always, let me know if there's anything particularly good out in the animation world that I should see. I'm always looking for new stuff to watch.
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