libby-for-life · 2 days
Shrunk Down
Adam accidentally comes across one of Lucifer's spell books and, well, shenanigans ensue~. Art by @breedtheseed
Adam knew he should have listened to Lucifer when he said to not go through his stuff without permission, but Adam, at the time, thought the Devil was just being dramatic. Now? He kinda wished he had listened.
Because he was currently shrunk down until he was four inches tall. He was lucky that his clothes shrunk too, or he would've been naked as well.
"Damn it, Lucifer is never going to let me live this down," Adam mumbled with a blush as he stood over the open book. "Maybe if I find a spell to reverse it I can—"
The sound of a door opening made him flinch and he turned to see Lucifer walk into the study. "Adam? Where are you?" Shit. Shit. This couldn't be happening. Of course, the Devil would choose now of all hours to come in when Adam didn't want him near him.
"Adam?" Lucifer called out, to be fair the place was huge, and Adam was hoping he could get away with the Devil not seeing him. He should have known that never would have worked.
Lucifer's eyes traveled to Adam, who was on the floor on an open spell book, and those red eyes widened when they spotted him. Adam could feel himself blush at the scrutiny.
Lucifer's gaze went from surprise to curiosity to finally landing on smug. "Oh~. Did someone get into something they shouldn't have~?"
Adam blushed harder and tried to run under the safety of the nearest bookcase when a sharp tug sent him flying into Lucifer's palm. "And running away? Naughty boy~." Lucifer tsked, his smug expression never leaving.
Adam blushed at the feeling of Lucifer's fingers wrapping around him, holding him so securely and easily.
"Now, didn’t I say not to go looking through my things?" Lucifer said as he brought his pet to his desk. Adam trembled in the Devil's grip. A light squeeze got him talking.
"Yes! You did!" Adam cried before the grip released him to a more comfortable position. "And? What did you do?" Lucifer asked, enjoying watching Adam squirm in his grip. "I—I disobeyed." Adam finally said with a red face.
"That's right. Those spells are dangerous and could easily kill you if you aren't careful. You're lucky shrinking was all it did." Lucifer swiped a finger and scratched Adam's head. His lamb melted into the touch making the lamb demon hum in in appreciation.
"But, I warned you, Adam. Do you remember what happens to naughty boys?"
Adam shivered with arousal and a bit of fear. He nodded making Lucifer grin, sharp teeth on display.
"They get punished~."
Adam was easily turned around, arms pinned back by fingers as Lucifer spanked him. Two fingers were all he needed, his hand was too big for a proper spanking, and Lucifer was quick to spank the squirming demon. He made sure to put a bit more power into his fingers so Adam would feel this punishment for days. Even slipped his pants down to show off his magnificent ass.
Adam cried out again as the fingers spanked him hard and fast, his ass already bruising from his punishment. "Aw, is my little lamb crying?" Lucifer asked, feeling tears fall on his hand. "I love it when you cry, little lamb."
"Ah! Ah!" Adam yelled as the fingers hit every inch of his ass. "I'm sorry!" He cried out.
"I know you are. But just a little longer." Lucifer purred. Soon, Adam was a teary and drooling mess, eyes glazed as he took his spankings without complaint.
The Devil knew it was time to stop. "There we go, little lamb. No more punishment. You did so well." He brought Adam up and Lucifer gently kissed the bruises that littered Adam's ass. He gently pulled his pants back on, for now at least, and gently rubbed Adam down.
Adam moaned at the contact as his muscles were worked and loosened. Lucifer frowned when his shirt kept getting in the way and made quick work of slipping it off.
Adam was a beautiful sight, with his chubby body on display for the Devil to see. Lucifer couldn't help but rub a finger over Adam’s mouth and to his delight, the lamb demon immediately sucked on the large finger.
Smirking, he poked a finger on Adam’s belly. He was so adorable like this. Just like all brats, they needed a firm hand so they could settle down. Adam was no exception to this.
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"Hm. So cute like this. Do you want to be rewarded, Adam?" Lucifer asked, pushing a finger deeper into the soft stomach. Adam whined but nodded, too out of it to really respond properly.
Those pants were slipped down and soon, Adam was naked, whimpering gently in his hold. Smirking at his pet, he opened his mouth and sucked Adam inside. Only the top of Adam's torso remained on the outside. On the inside of the Devil's wet cavern, his tongue licked, rubbed, and even wrapped around every inch of Adam's skin.
Adam moaned, body trembling under Lucifer's administrations. The Devil gave a deep chuckle, the vibrations shaking Adam to his core.
He leaned back and sucked on Adam, his tongue gliding over Adam’s small dick before slowly entering the very wet hole. His little lamb could only hang there and drool as that massive wet tongue fucked him roughly.
Loud bleats mixed with moans and whimpers made Lucifer hard. The much taller demon let out a moan of his own as he felt his baby climax on his tongue. Making sure Adam was completely clean before gently taking him out, he gazed at his little lamb.
"Stay there clean and clean it up," Lucifer ordered before he returned to some paperwork that needed his attention.
He smirked at him, purring at the fucked out expression he had. Perhaps....he could keep him small? Just a bit longer. Besides, his dick needed attention as well. So, with a devilish chuckle, he opened his pants and dropped Adam in there. There was already a cocktail mess of jizz and musk that he just knew Adam would get drunk off. He buttoned up his pants, sealing Adam inside.
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libby-for-life · 3 days
Holy shit! Adam found the statue! Lucifer is never gonna recover! Hahaha! I loved the newest chapter by the way.
Keep on writing!
Hehe hehe. Yeah, Adam found it. Lucifer needs to give some answers to his little lamb. Glad you enjoyed chapter 18!
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libby-for-life · 4 days
Chapter 18 of Adam Dies is out now!
Hope you guys enjoy!
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libby-for-life · 5 days
Almost done with chapter 18 of Adam Dies! Sorry for not posting as much. I was in a bit of a writer's block and it kinda got me in a choke hold.
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libby-for-life · 8 days
This is beautiful.
Regretful Curses
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Sleeping Beauty
Once Upon a Dream
Guess what movie I’ve watching? I had my best friend watercolor this one for me. I believe it matches the film far better then my own.
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libby-for-life · 12 days
The Lust Potion
For 200 subscribers. A special thanks to @breedtheseed who did some wonderful art for this story. Check out their work! This is Adamsapple.
Adam was bored. Clubs in Hell, while great in theory, were so crowded and filled with sinners all trying to cop a feel of him and Angel Dust. He growled when he felt someone pull his sensitive tail. He had thought he had hidden that. Angel Dust seemed to like the attention but Adam wasn't in the mood.
He tried moving away for some fresh air, but a hand grabbed him and he was face-to-face with some wolf-looking demon. His smarmy grin made Adam shiver in disgust.
"Hey there lamby~." Ugh. Gag. Adam wrenched his hand free and glared at the wolf. "Leave me alone, asshat."
The wolf just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, slut." Adam bristled but stalked off. He just wanted to leave.
Angel Dust would be fine on his own. Stomping out of the club, a bit drunk but he was still capable of walking and speaking, he made his way to the limousine they borrowed from Charlie.
Getting inside, he sighed. God, this was a nightmare! This was supposed to be his reward for participating in Charlie’s dumb activities and 'working hard on self-improvement.' This didn't feel like a reward. He felt smothered and dirty from all the groping.
Sighing again, he decided to sleep until Angel Dust came back. He was about to close his eyes when something purple caught his eye. It was small and hidden under the seats, its glass reflecting off the pale red light of Hell. Adam smiled. Was this Angel Dust's secret stash of liquor? Nice.
Getting on his hands and knees, he pulled it out. The bottle was decorated with little black hearts, the inside glowing slightly pink. No label. No name. Oooh. The good stuff.
Adam decided to wait until he got home before drinking it.
Adam helped the spider inside and onto the couch. God, how much did he drink? "Why is he so drunk?!" Vaggie demanded, glaring up at Adam. "I'm not his babysitter, Vagina. He's a grown man in charge of his own choices. Why don't you ask him when he wakes up?" He left a fuming Vaggie as he climbed the stairs. He wasn't in the mood to deal with her sandy pussy.
His bedroom was cozy and he flopped onto his bed. Finally. Back for some peace and quiet.
Then he remembered the bottle of alcohol he had in his pocket. Damn, the stuff must be strong to only fill a small bottle. Sitting up, he took the bottle out and looked at the glowing pink liquid.
Licking his lips, he uncorked the bottle and sniffed. Sweet. Very sweet. Not really his style but considering Angel Dust preferred his sugary drinks, Adam wasn't surprised.
He took a gulp and winced at the sweetness of the pink drink. Ugh. Whatever. He was about to take another drink when he felt a warmth begin in his belly. Whoa. This stuff was strong!
He tried standing up, but his legs felt shaky for some reason. He fell to the ground, the alcoholic beverage falling to the floor. Why did everything feel so hot? He struggled to sit up but only managed that. Adam's cheeks flushed as the 'alcohol' took effect.
Everything was so warm and tingly. His body felt so sensitive. The clothes he was wearing felt itchy and Adam wanted them off.
He tried to paw at his shirt, but his hands were too warm and tingly to do anything but paw at them pathetically. He whined, the warmth in his belly spreading to his crotch. Adam was so hot and everything felt so sensitive. Why weren't his clothes coming off?!
"Adam? Charlie wanted me to—"
The lamb demon turned, looking at Lucifer who just entered his bedroom.
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Lucifer just stared at the demon on the floor. He tried ignoring the position he was in and asked, "What are you doing down there?" Adam didn't say anything coherent. A whimper left his plump lips. The devil tilted his head, confused by that response. Did Adan hurt himself?
That's when he noticed it. The flush in his cheeks, the shaking posture, the drool escaping Adam's mouth, and his glazed eyes glowing pink told Lucifer there was something wrong with the lamb demon.
He walked over and was about to call his name again when he kicked something. Looking down, he noticed the purple bottle on the floor, pink liquid spilling all over the wooden planks and its sweet scent filling the air. Picking it up, he examined it. Lucifer recognized it immediately. A Lust potion. Shit. Shit! How did Adam even get something like this?!
Lucifer was brought out of his thoughts by another whimper. The devil turned in time to see Adam nuzzle his crotch. He gasped in shock at the boldness. "Wait! Adam, you're—" He was cut off by another whine, a tear-filled glance up at him made Lucifer blush hard, and a part of his brain shut off. A more primal and lust-filled Lucifer took hold of his body.
His demon features poked through and he smirked at Adam’s pathetic attempt at rutting on the floor.
His poor lamb...did he have an accident? The poor thing. Did he need Daddy to help him? Kneeling, he gripped Adam's jaw and brought him close. The demon moaned at the contact.
"Oh, my little lamb. So cute and desperate like this. Want Daddy to take care of my needy little boy?" Adam whimpered and tried to get closer, his body shaking from the potion.
Lucifer chuckled and picked him up easily. Placing him on the bed, the devil ripped through his clothes, desperate to get to that supple flesh. Adam moaned as the cold air nipped at his exposed body.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" Lucifer said, kissing his jaw. The lamb demon squirmed as he was peppered with small nips and bites. "So beautiful for me." Letting his snake tongue out, he slurped Adam in for a kiss. They both groaned, tasting each other as they hugged each other close.
Lucifer was quick to take charge. He gripped Adam's hair and yanked, pulling more delicious noise from him. "That's it, my little lamb. So good for me." The devil muttered as he bit along Adam's neck before looking at the demon's chest.
His lamb's chest was so big and perky. Some of it was because he was chubby but Lucifer wondered how much of it was because Adam used to objectify those particular assets and that made his demon form more feminine-like as Hell's punishment.
Lucifer didn't care. He loved them. Taking a chosen mound, he bit its nipple and watched as Adam shook in pleasure, more drool escaping his gaping mouth.
"Aw, does my lamb like that?" Lucifer teased before sucking on it. He looped his tongue around the nub and pulled before biting again.
He let go with a pop before he licked the twin on the other side. Adam was crying, writhing under the devil's touch.
A hand snaked down and caressed his lamb's dick and the lamb almost came on the spot. "Sh. Don't go cuming right now, little lamb. Just lie there and take what Daddy gives you." With a wave of the hand, Lucifer placed some magic around Adam's hard-on. He wouldn't be cuming unless Lucifer allowed him to.
Smirking at the sight of Adam whining out pleases and tears, Lucifer shuffled down and licked the shaft of the pulsing meat before him. Just like everything about Adam, it was huge.
He licked and deep-throated the appendage while he felt Adam's hole, the ring fluttering at his gentle touches. When Lucifer felt hands in his hair, he snapped his fingers. Magic pinned Adam's wrist to the bed, making him whine in protest. The devil simply spanked his thigh to reprimand the naughty lamb.
"I said to lie there and take it, little lamb. Don't make me leave you here." An empty threat. Adam needed this lust potion out of the system or it would literally burn him from the inside. But, Adam didn't know that. The whimpers and cries were brought to a sniffle making Lucifer smirk. "Good boy~."
Kissing his thigh, he went back to deep-throating Adam's cock. His lamb took it well, shaking and crying but not fighting out of the magical restraints.
Letting go of the shaking dick, he blew it a kiss before slowly taking off his own clothes. Soon, he was naked as well. The devil's cock stood proudly and he preened when his little lamb drooled even more at the sight of it.
"You see this, little lamb? It's going inside you~." Lucifer teased before lifting Adam's thighs to the headboard. He slipped the head in. His lamb was so tight! Adam moaned high, the needy lamb shaking and thighs trembling as he took the large appendage.
"That's it! Take it! You were made for taking cock!" Lucifer yelled, pounding into Adam.
The bed rocked under their combined weight and the lamb let out squeaks and little bleats as he saw stars.
He let go of the magic surrounding Adam's dick so they could both cum together, Adam's eyes were losing that pink sheen to it.
One last thrust was all it took as Lucifer came deep inside his lamb. Adam screamed as he was finally allowed to cum. "Aaaahhh~!" The Devil looked at his little lamb who gazed back up at him.
He smirked and crawled back up to put one last mark on him. Biting his neck hard enough to draw blood, he licked at the wound while Adam groaned in pleasure and overstimulation.
"Good little lamb. Now everyone will know it was you was getting fucked tonight."
"Mmm." Was all Adam could say before passing out. Lucifer just chuckled before releasing his wrists from the magical restraints. He settled his head between Adam's chest and snuggled close. Sure, he needed to know how Adam even got that Lust potion but for now, he wanted a nap.
Hope you guys enjoyed it! When I hit 400 subs, I'll do another special!
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libby-for-life · 16 days
"Eh, does it have to be the 'nicest'?"
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"The nicest angel we have" said Heaven. Uh, okay.
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libby-for-life · 16 days
Alright! You guys wanted C. Lust Potion! The tallying is done and I'm getting to writing!
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Words cannot express how happy I am to have 200 followers. You guys are the reason I'm here and the reason I'm inspired to keep writing and creating content.
Now, for what we've all been waiting for. The special I've promised to write! And you guys get to choose!
Now, it will be between Lucifer and Adam, but you guys get to choose what happens to them!
A) Micro/Macro (Adam would get shrunk down to the size of Lucifer's palm and shenanigans ensue)
B) Crossdressing (Adam is either forced or willingly puts on something that is generally seen on a woman)
C) Lust Potion (Adam is fed a Lust potion and Lucifer has to deal with the problem)
Just type in the comments about what you want to be done, type the letter, and by the end of the week, the voting will be done and I can get to writing.
Seriously? I love you guys!
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libby-for-life · 22 days
Why you gotta make me cry like that, Riu? Why?
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And he kept the name.
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libby-for-life · 25 days
The first episode of TADC Jax: Hey, I'm an asshole.
Fandom: Aw!
The second episode of TADC Jax: Hey, I'm still an asshole.
Fandom: Why is he an asshole? This doesn't hold up in my head of how portrayed him!
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Alastor 🤝 Jax: Assholes who constantly have a smile on their face, have been shipped with like… EVERY character, sexualized, like watching others suffer, enjoy violence, may or may not have a tail, motivations not entirely understood, fandoms are very split about, have distinctive ears that are fun to watch, are one of the creator’s favorite, standoffish from rest of main cast, an absolute troll, and DEFINITELY deserve to be wherever they are (out of the main cast anyways).
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libby-for-life · 25 days
can we PLEASE get a part 2 of Adam being given to Lucifer and Lilith as a peace offering, maybe it would be about the two yandere trying to woo Adam, OH or maybe throwing a party for him introducing him as the second queen of hell
My my. You are a genius, my dear. Though I was thinking more Consort to the King and Queen. Read part one of the Deal.
Adam was confused, to say the least. Didn't they hate him? Didn't they leave him? Didn't they want him dead?
But as he was hugged by Lucifer and Lilith in the back of a limousine, he couldn't help but feel very confused. He shivered when he felt Lucifer's claws gently run through his hair and how Lilith's soothing humming filled the car.
"You're still so beautiful," Lucifer said, hugging him and Lilith brushed a hand over his toned stomach.
"Wait. Just wait." Adam gasped out as he felt hands roam over him. They stopped immediately and looked at him in concern. "Why are you acting like you want me all of a sudden? You made it quite clear in the Garden you didn't want me." Adam felt the hurt, bitterness, and self-loathing seep into his body.
They were quiet for a moment before he felt a clawed hand pull his face down to Lucifer's level. "Adam, we never wanted you to feel that way and we're sorry we did. We wanted you with us, but the moment we tried, Michael banned us from the Garden." Lucifer explained.
"Everything happened so fast," Lilith added. "And by the time we were banished to Hell, we had already lost you."
Adam refused to cry. What if this was a lie to lead him into a false sense of security? He had to be resilient. He had to be strong-willed. But as he felt hands caress him so lovingly, Adam felt himself melting. God forgive him, but he was a sucker for touch.
The next few months were filled with confusion and longing. He didn't trust Lucifer and Lilith but they were the only ones keeping him safe from the dangers of Hell. What if he refused them too much and he was kicked out of their home?
So when Lilith kissed his cheek, it took all of his self-control to not run away. She looked deep into his eyes and she frowned.
"I'm sorry. I went too far. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She didn't try to kiss him again but she also didn't stop saying she loved him. Neither of them did.
Slowly, but surely, Adam realized they weren't just keeping him as some sort of sick entertainment. No one could be this good at acting and not show any tells.
So, Adam allowed them to touch him. He allowed them to give him presents instead of refusing them. He allowed them to say the words, "I love you."
And one day, he said it back. Two years. It took him two years of them consistently loving him unconditionally, but when they ate breakfast together and Lucifer gave him some pancakes to eat, his favorite, the Devil told Adam that he loved him.
Asam smiled with a blush staining his cheeks and shyly replied, "I love you, too." Lucifer dropped his syrup and Lilith choked on her tea. "What?" Lucifer asked in a small voice.
"I love you. Both of you."
Lilith smiled and hugged him close while Lucifer teared up and clung to his side. "We love you. We love you so much, Adam."
Adam didn't notice the obsession growing in their eyes. He didn't notice how they held him possessively, demon features poking out. He just felt safe and protected.
"Are you sure this looks good on me? I'm not exactly...the right shape to be wearing this." Adam mumbled, embarrassed. He was wearing a short gold dress that hugged his chubby figure. Three years in Hell and he put on some weight from the treats and gifts through food he was given. He was by no means obese, but he was definitely chubby. He also grew more demonic, his soul becoming corrupted due to being exposed to Hell for so long. He now resembled a ram, with small curly horns, a fluffy black tail, hooves, and ram ears. Ears that Lucifer and Lilith loved playing with.
"Oh, Adam. You look beautiful no matter what size you are." Lilith said as she applied makeup to her lover. Adam smiled, blushing deeply at her comment.
"I agree. Besides, it just means more to hold." Lucifer said with a smirk before caressing a hand over his love handles. Adam squeaked and swatted his hand playfully.
They were getting ready for a big party. A party that was officially introducing Adam as the King and Queen of Hell's Consort. They wanted him to be their Queen as well, but Adam pointed out that was not how the ruling system worked. He read up on the ways of Hell's hierarchy and he did not want anyone rioting because the system wasn't being followed.
"This was the system you made, might I add," Adam said when Lucifer just said they could change it. "We want them to accept me. Not be angry because you don't follow your own rules."
They finally agreed to Adam being their Consort before making sure they knew he was still important and not less than them just because he wasn't a Queen with Lilith.
Adam honestly didn't care as long as he spent all his time with his lovers.
They walked into the Palace's ballroom where all of Hell's most important figures danced or talked with each other. They looked up and bowed before the King and Queen, but looked at Adam, confused as to why a sheep demon was walking alongside the most important figures in Hell.
"Everyone. Might I have your attention?" Lucifer said, gaining the room's attention. He brought Adam forward as he blushed under the attention. "This is Adam. He is Lilith's and mine's Consort." Several gasps had filled the room and some really looked at Adam, sizing him up.
Adam tried not to squirm under their piercing gaze.
"Now, if anyone has a problem, I don’t give a shit," Lucifer said with a grin. "Let the party begin!"
Adam was having fun! He danced with Lilith and Lucifer, ate good food, and even talked with some of the Hellborn Aristocrats but found them a bit judgemental.
It was a quarter to midnight when it happened. Adam was drinking some champagne and relaxing in a chair when he heard voices behind him.
"He doesn't look very pretty next to them. Far too fat next to the King and Queen of Hell."
"And so plain! Even makeup can't fix a fatass. A pig in a dress is still a pig."
"Do you think they even have sex with him?"
"Do you think he breaks the bed?"
Chuckles and whispers filled Adam's ears and he felt himself blush in shame. He knew it. He didn't deserve to stand next to demons so pretty and powerful.
"Adam? What's wrong?" Lucifer asked as he sat down next to him. "Nothing. Want to dance?" Adam tried to change the subject. He should have known Lucifer knew him too well to be swayed.
"Adam. You can tell me." Adam didn't say anything but Lucifer must have caught the whispering. His eyes turned red and he looked five seconds away from tearing them apart.
"Lucifer. Let it go. I don't want you killing them." Adam said firmly. Lucifer looked ready to argue but reluctantly agreed. "Fine. I won't kill them. But I want you to come with me." Adam was led away to a spare bedroom, but not before a quick mind message to Lilith was made.
'Some scum are insulting Adam. Take out the trash.'
Lilith smirked as an image of the demons responsible for making her lamb cry was revealed. She gently excused herself from the demon she was talking to before making her way over to the demons laughing in a corner. Time to make a public example.
Everyone turned when they heard screams fill the ballroom. They turned to see Lilith holding three decapitated heads in one gloved hand. She was smiling and looked at everyone as if she hadn't just brutally killed three powerful members of the Goetia Household.
"Now, these three died because they insulted my Consort. That simply won't do." She burnt the corpses and the heads in purple fire. "Anyone who insults my Consort will suffer the same fate. Are we clear?"
Everyone was quick to give them their reply while she laughed. "Wonderful! Have you tried the cake? Simply divine!"
"Ah~!" Adam moaned as he felt fingers dig into his hair and pull. He was always sensitive to touch like this.
"My beautiful lamb, I love you and your body." Lucifer purred and Adam moaned when a kiss was placed on his cheek. "Say you're the cutest lamb, my love. Say it."
"I'm the cutest lamb!" Adam cried when his neck was bitten. "Good boy~."
Lilith had told him that she had killed the demons who hurt Adam and even showed an image of their burnt ashes before it was cleaned up along with their blood.
No one could hurt Adam. No one.
"Ready to get out of this dress, my little lamb?"
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libby-for-life · 26 days
Hehehehehe. My bread and butter. I love your art style, @breedtheseed so good!
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Soon my pretties soon
I’ll put a real description for when I actually finish it but it should be out soon.
It’s going to have Top Lucifer Bottom Adam if anyone is interested in specific roles.
The comic is to help raise money for a new laptop y’all don’t gotta buy it to help, just sharing and liking the post will help plenty!! Thank you all for y’all’s support!!
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libby-for-life · 26 days
It's crazy enough to just work...
“You know Adam, under that mask you look like my second wife.”
“Fuck you. I don’t look like a fucking chick.”
“I was flirting.”
“… I’m trying to murder you and destroy your kid’s dumb hotel and her loser friends.”
“And I’m trying fuck you and give Charlie a stepmom. So, Adam, you look like my second wife.”
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libby-for-life · 26 days
Chapter 17 is out and this one will really hurt you in the feels.
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Hope you all enjoy!
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libby-for-life · 27 days
Hahaha! Lucifer being a tease is my bread and butter!!
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Prison AU parts 5 and..... 6 is not safe for Tumblr at all lol
If you want to see this page uncensored + page 6 they're on Twitter! (You'll need to be logged in to view it)
Previous parts
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libby-for-life · 27 days
I have an idea what if Adam fell in love with the archangel of death Azrael not Lucifer not Michael instead the odd one out Azrael does not look anything like Lucifer or Michael, and before he died and came back to Eden he never really met him  Azrael x Adam
But now when he got killed by nifty and got reincarnated again, and Eden all over again,
Adam was walking around the forest in Eden gain away from Lilith and Lucifer. Then he looked around in the old place. He used to remember getting déjà vu then Adam heard humming he looked around. He walked to the humming he hurt, and there was a man near tree. The tree was a cherry blossom, and the man look like an angel like Michael he was the same height as Michael, but his wings were black for a second. Adam would mistake him as a demon but no, he knows that cloak before and near him was a spear it’s Azrael the archangel of death
Adam stopped in ponder what he should do next he never really talked to Azrael in his past life, but knowing that this is his second chance can do whatever the fuck he wants, and knowing Lucifer took Lilith from him honestly he’s not gonna fight with those fucking bastards can have each other, but if they can have their forbidden love, so can he Adam done, pondering he walked closer to the man
Adam: am Hello ?
Azrael : ua? Human, I didn’t mean to.
Adam: my name is Adam what’s your name you don’t look like who is for Michael? Are you a new angel
Azrael : no well well sure let’s say that I’m Azrael the arcangel of death it’s pleasure to meet you Adam
Adam: the pleasure is all mine Azrael 
Oh! I've actually never seen this ship! That's interesting! And has a lot of potential!
Adam cursed as he tripped because of a low-hanging vine. It had been a month. He couldn't believe that he had died and had been reincarnated back into Eden. The worst thing? Lilith was cheating on him right at this moment with that fuck boy Lucifer.
He grumbled and sighed. He supposed it didn't matter. He was prepared for their bullshit this time around and wasn't not going to be betrayed this time around.
Adam stopped moving around when he heard it. Humming. At first, Adam thought it was Lilith or Lucifer and was going to turn around when he really paid attention to the humming. It was different. The voice was a baritone like Lucifer and it wasn't the soprano that was Lilith. It was a soft tenor.
Curious, Adam walked towards the noise. He came across a clearing overlooking a pond. A figure he immediately recognized as an angel made him flinch. God, he looked just like Michael. In fact, he almost thought that it was Micheal until he noticed the wings. A deep ebony that looked soft to the touch.
He also looked stronger than Micheal if such a thing were possible. He had a dark cloak and black hair, and his eyes were closed as he hummed a song he didn't recognize. It hit him like a brick to the face. Azreal! That's who he was!
If Adam was remembering correctly, he was the angel of death. The same angel, under Michael's orders from God, took every firstborn in Egypt during the time of Moses. The children went to Heaven but Adam remembered being horrified to see so many children standing next to a dark-looking angel holding a scythe.
He never tried talking to him, not that he did before, and he actively avoided Azreal after that.
Now? He looked so...peaceful.
Should he talk to him now? This was his second chance at life. He could do whatever the fucl he wanted.
The angel jumped up, brandishing his scythe and Adam jumped away. Dammit, this angel was more trigger happy then Micheal!
Azreal seemed to realize that Adam was no threat and he stepped back. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
Adam watched as the Angel fumbled with his words and looked over him frantically. It was endearing in a way.
"Hey, it's fine. I'm sorry for startling you. Who are you? Look like Micheal but...not?" Adam mentally cringed at his words but he didn't want anyone getting suspicious of his knowledge. He knew WAY more than he should.
"Oh! I'm...Azreal. The Angel of Death." Azreal said, standing up much straighter. Adam smiled. "Adam. A pleasure to meet you."
Azreal blushed a gold color as he saw Adam naked and looked away a bit. Oh, yes. Adam was going to have a lot of fun with this one.
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libby-for-life · 27 days
There is so much untapped potential with this!!!
TW: Bad words, injuries, and a bit of blood (srry Adam)
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Cult AU :> Basically, Lucifer and Adam have been part of a cult since their childhood. Lucifer ran away with Lilith, but Adam stayed behind. 10 years later, Adam has been kicked out of his community, and now he has to adapt to literally a whole new world for him :] Adam ABSOLUTELY hates Lucifer, but doesn't know anyone else outside of the cult, so he's the best option he has :>
Idk if I'll develop this AU since I'm focused on another one (Sinner!Adam AU, Ik im so original lmaoo), but I'll do little draws or stories when I'll need to take a break (I don't even guarantee that I'll develop this any further since I'm very inconsistent :,3 but I'll do my best)
BTW IM WRITING MY MAGICIAN!LUCIFER HEADCANNON ESSAY, next post will be about it hopefully
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