levmada · 1 hour
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characters whose philosophy is “if i cannot be wanted, i will be needed and if i cannot be needed, let me be used until there’s nothing left of me.” thank you for everyone’s attention. falls off stage and dies
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levmada · 2 hours
Soft LVHN hour 🥺💚💜
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levmada · 3 hours
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I don't want to be here
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levmada · 4 hours
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levmada · 5 hours
collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
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levmada · 5 hours
A computer science student named Priyanjali Gupta, studying in her third year at Vellore Institute of Technology, has developed an AI-based model that can translate sign language into English.
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levmada · 7 hours
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dance with me
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levmada · 16 hours
levi and compliments to his lover, how would that go?
mm i have a couple ideas — (btw this is for canonverse levi :))
//gn!reader, fluff, hcs
When he gives you a task, direction, an order—especially if it was important, dangerous, or both.
On top of a hill fit for tents and not too steep with visibility several miles out was optimal in the first place, but the real detail that made the location priceless is a line of trees, straight and narrow tracking the decline—perfect environment for ODM gear, and perfect for Titans to slip down if the Survey Corps got attacked.
A few hours ago, a small squad was sent to scout out the area, and you’re on it. He’s suck waiting around a temporary camp in a grove, mostly surrounded by overgrown coppices; he imagines them like Titan hands thrust out of the ground with spindly, torn fingernails.
He rearranges his crossed arms, again, and looks out in the clearing. He hates to wait, especially while others might be fighting—and you’re among them. Erwin’s orders were to come right back if there was any Titan presence at all, but nothing is predictable when it comes to fighting them.
Just when he’d gotten to thinking too much, your group soon arrives back with easy expressions, and good news. What held you up was avoiding Titans on the way back here. Plenty gather to hear the news, and when the group disperses, you two are the last together.
He steps up to you and tells you candidly, “Good job.”
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He gives nicer? cuter? compliments when he’s comfy in your presence.
Levi looks more comfortable when you come sit down on the sofa with him after the nightmare he just had. He won’t admit it, of course.
It’s not that the dream bothers him as much as the sweaty fearing blanket over his bones after. He has tea to calm him down, which you hand to him before you sit, and, you.
He sips slowly as you squirm up next to him, your feet propped on the foot-table and arms crossed. As you rest against his side, and sip his tea, he slowly finds it within himself to breathe again and actually feel like he’s getting enough air.
He folds his legs and props his feet up the same as you, keeping his cup carefully cradled between his chest and knees. He turns his head, and you shift a little so he can rest it on your shoulder.
Just then, it occurs to him by an unknown source that he feels guilty about all this. There’s nothing he can do to make it leave, just ignore it.
He nestles into the crook of your neck a little more, and you hum. You showered earlier tonight (technically last night), like you do every night.
“You smell good,” he murmurs.
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this one is a no-brainer :)
On laundry days, you both have a system. Sometimes he’s the one ironing clothes and you’re folding and putting away, sometimes the other way around so you stay good at both. (You consider this one of Levi’s more relaxed routines.)
While you lay the next shirt over the ironing board, his fingers draw across flawless fold and cotton. It’s one of those things that make him smile.
“Nice job ironing these.”
(and every variation ;’)))
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when you impress him with your wit, attention to detail, instincts, etc.
Levi's voice comes from behind you. "This is a waste of time."
"It's still a good deed."
"I wonder if it being manipulation cancels out that fact. Weigh volunteer-work and blackmail on a scale."
You sigh, eyes dropping from the hilly field as far as the eye can see to the wind-tangled grass overgrown almost to your knees. Inside, Erwin is sweet-talking a noble; just an exceptionally inept one. One of the stablehands had burst in about a high-value stallion somehow escaping the fencing, and you both have been "volunteered" with looking out for it. It has bay roan coloring, which makes this a challenge.
He stubbornly stops following you after you went off the shaved path to the edge of the wood fencing. You shoot him a nagging look. He doesn't react.
With a dramatic sigh, accepting you're alone in this task, you idly go on your toes and squint out over the fields. There's roaming cattle, and plenty of it. But instead of dismissing them as obstacles, you silently examine portions of the field—if the horse is somewhere around here—divided into gatherings of cows.
"Oh, I think I see it."
It's been a couple minutes. Levi, who unbeknownst to you had been looking, grunts. "See what?"
"The horse." You backstep so you don't lose it until you're back beside him as you point it out.
He grunts, this time with a little impress, you notice. The faint approval even shows on his face. "Good eye."
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When you show off your combat prowess.
Out in the training yard, if you’re in action Levi will usually find himself idly looking for you out of the corner of his eye.
For the sake of looking out for you—anything you can improve on, anything that will help keep you alive—and, just because he wants to. Nothing can be done to impress him, except occasionally what you do.
It’s a special moment when Levi can walk up to you and say almost blithely: “Remind me not to piss you off.”
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When you excel at something, especially something he can do, too.
There's a lot Levi's good at, but there are plenty of things he has never tried. If it’s the latter, he likes to observe you doing, with practiced, smooth grace, something he’s completely unfamiliar with. He would call it admiration, but that’s not scratching the surface.
He waits until an apparent easy point in your focus to say what’s on the tip of his tongue. He sort of turns his head, getting your attention by gently plucking your sleeve between his thumb and pointer finger.
“I don’t suppose you got a guidebook for that?”
Alternatively… if it’s something he’s well-experienced with, he’d huff and say, “Look at that. I see you don’t need my help.”
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When you feel insecure.
When you quietly express an insecurity about yourself, he doesn’t know how to make you see what he sees (if he even can), and more than that, he’s annoyed you see it as an undesirable about yourself (not that he’s annoyed by you, exactly).
“Don’t be stupid,” he softly murmurs, taking your cheek and giving you a once-over before flicking your ear. The way he gazes into your eyes tells you what he doesn’t know how to put into words.
You don’t know why, but he makes you laugh.
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levmada · 18 hours
imagine if these were the straps for 3MG in SNK
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levmada · 18 hours
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levmada · 18 hours
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Apologies for the bad quality. Instagram likes to ruin my pictures.
I didn’t know it was trans day of visibility until someone mentioned in on a Discord server I’m in. Natsuki is transfem coded, so of course she was my muse. The world has been scary recently with hate crimes towards trans people.
Please remember your existence is valid, and you are loved. You don’t have to pass to be valid. A lot of trans people can’t transition for different reasons, and that is okay ♥️
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levmada · 18 hours
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levmada · 18 hours
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i love him so much, it just turns to hate . . .
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i fake it so real, i am beyond fake !!
day 1 of @jiraidolls' event
“ a character you hate dislike from a media you love. ”
NATSUKI TUMBLR LAYOUTS! this was my first time making banners and i did pretty well i think.. ehehhee.... layouts can be used on other platforms but they were initially made for tumblr.
rambling under the cut. like/rb and credits appreciated!
NOW PLAYING: Doll Parts by Hole !!
another song that i previously wasn't familiar with until i discovered it in a character playlist!!! i like the song though. it reminds me of this friend of mine who likes hole. she once did a photoshoot similar to the album cover of this song i think.
OKAY ANYWAY. i crossed out "hate" to say dislike instead bc its not like i hate natsuki, not as much as i hate horropedia AHHAHAHHAHAH, but natsuki just... isn't a fave of mine. there's characters that i like more than her. tsunderes are just not my thing. but that's only when it comes to the canon game! she's really annoying in the game due to the nature of how it's written as a stereotypical dating sim. but i think she can be pretty cool when depicted in fanworks!
this was really fun and interesting to work on, since it was my first time creating banners from scratch and not using a photo i found online as a banner and editing it slightly and calling it a day. i kind of struggled trying to fill the space in the first banner and at first i didn't know what to do with it. also i'm not too satisfied with its colors but i don't really feel like changing it...
i did 2 kinds of pfps where it's a transparent sprite/photo and another where there's a frame. i think ones with transparent backgrounds are rather popular right now on tumblr so i wanted to edit those as well.
also, oh my god im listening to doll parts right now as i type this ramble and this song fits natsuki SO much?
lastly i joined this event quite late so ahahahha i hope i have enough time to complete the prompts, especially during such a busy week... why did i join 3 events again..............................
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levmada · 18 hours
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they have sm in common
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levmada · 21 hours
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levmada · 21 hours
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levmada · 22 hours
if it's not lightly raining at dusk as the streetlamps slowly flicker on and a gentle fog settles what even is the point
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