leighsartworks216 · 2 hours
As pride month begins, let us not forget our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 hours
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Happy Pride Month
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leighsartworks216 · 3 hours
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leighsartworks216 · 3 hours
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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leighsartworks216 · 3 hours
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*trying to socialize* so do you guys want to hear how i'd kill you
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leighsartworks216 · 4 hours
My Homophobic dog masterpost
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leighsartworks216 · 4 hours
Happy pride!! Remember that Gazans -- and Palestinians in the West Bank -- are being slaughtered every single day by israel, but that Israel will use this month to try and pinkwash their reputation. Do not let them.
Reminder that Israel claims to be suuuuuuuper LGBT+ friendly, unlike those """barbaric palestinians""" --- but if youre a gay in israel, you still can't even get married to your partner, because all marriages in israel are regulated by religious courts, and none of them recognise same sex unions.
Reminder that Queering the Map has a bunch of entries from queer people in Gaza, one of which is a message to their deceased partner, where they say if they had known that israeli bombs would one day kill their partner, they would have spent the time they had together telling the whole world how much they loved them, and they're sorry they didn't.
Do not let Israel con you into thinking that they're some kind of queer oasis in the middle of the hostile desert of the middle east. Do not let Israel con you into thinking they give a shit about anything other than their own military might. They will feed hets and queers and adults and children alike into a woodchipper if it meant stealing so much as a single extra inch of Palestinian land.
Happy pride, keep your eyes on Rafah. Keep your hearts with the innocent civilians that Israel is slaughtering. Keep your voices on the topic of Palestine.
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leighsartworks216 · 18 hours
I STILL GO FERAL FOR ALL OF THIS!!! Literally kicking my feet and holding my phone with both hands, I JUST LOVE THEM!!!!!
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Thinking About Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) x Gale...Again
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Astarion x Evie (Ace!Tav) Masterlist
A/N: Shoutout to @leighsartworks216 for letting me ramble to them about this AU. I have some more developed thoughts on their relationship and how it might come about. Consider this a 2.0 version of my previous headcanon.
So, first things first, I don’t think this relationship would develop until some years after the game
Astarion and Evie are much more stable in their relationship, maybe even married at this point
They’ve been adventuring, traveling all around Faerun and have made a habit of going to visit Waterdeep at least once a year
Gale made it clear that the tower is always open to them, even if at the beginning it was more for Evie’s sake than Astarion’s
As I've established in a few places, Gale was initially romantically interested in Evie, but she turned him down and they slipped into a very close, borderline queerplatonic relationship (although Gale does have some lingering feelings he chooses not to indulge in)
Also during this time, Gale and Astarion have gotten closer
While their bickering had never fully gone away, there is a much more playful tone to it
It's clear it's just how the pair of them communicate and any malice has faded years ago
Gale also can't help but notice how much Astarion has grown over the years, freedom suits him and there is no doubt Evie's influence has helped him expend the circle of what/who he decides to care for
Astarion too has finally admitted that Gale does have his charms, and has even confessed to missing him on occasion (only to Evie of course)
So picture this
Some years after the events of the game, Gale gets into a proper romantic relationship with somebody in Waterdeep. They love each other. Gale is his absolute attentive self, they think he's amazing, every thing is going great
Then, Evie and Astarion drop in for a visit
His partner knows about Evie and Astarion. Gale has talked about them plenty of times.
It's clear they're all very close, but Gale specifically mentions his relationship with Evie, while not romantic, still runs deep
Of course, at the time his partner said that it was fine. Why would they need to be jealous of a friend who is already happily married to somebody else? But then they see the pair of them together
Yes, Gale says it's not romantic, but the only person they're seen him drop everything for has been them...and now Evie
It shouldn't bother them, but it does. How is Astarion not saying anything? His spouse is standing in front of him just casually touching another man like it's no big deal!
Evie also has the audacity to be nothing but polite and kind the entire time while clearly caring for Gale
Gale is still Gale, but with both Astarion and Evie there, they feel like they've missed out on some deeper aspect to him only the pair of them fully comprehend
The worst is when they decide to all go for a night out
Evie ends up running a bit late for some reason leaving, Gale, his partner and Astarion making small talk, but to little success
They admittedly have not been getting on great with Astarion
Gale might assure them that he takes some time to get used to, but it seems the man is determined to be unpleasant
The only time his narrowed eyes seem to lighten at all is when Evie is in the room
It's the signal they've finally arrived, when Astarion lips turn into the first real smile of the evening
They then make the mistake of looking at Gale
He gaze turns and his expression just...melts
They know that look, they've seen that look, but the worst is how it shifts into something sadder, resigned, only to be pushed away just in time for Evie to slip in beside Astarion, seemingly oblivious
How in the hells are they supposed to respond to a display like that?
They eventually confront Gale about it, much to Gale's confusion because he thought he explained it very thoroughly
And well yes, technically he did, his partner still can't wrap their head around it seeing it in action; and he absolutely failed to mention being in love with Evie
Gale adamantly denies it, but they can tell even he doesn't fully believe it
Gale, however, does confess that he met both Evie and Astarion at a very vulnerable point in his life
Evie especially helped him though a lot, so he's not about to let this relationship go or change its nature
Astarion had the benefit of witnessing it's inception so while he and Evie got together, and it took some adjusting on his part, he was able to more easily understand it
Gale then gives them an ultimatum of either accepting that Evie is always going to be part of his life or not
His partner decides to leave; while they do love Gale, they don't want to be placed second
Gale is gutted, but he can't bring himself to fully explain to Evie and Astarion why exactly he and his partner split, just that it apparently did work out
Evie can't bring themselves to leave Gale when he's in such a state, and Astarion agrees that a heartbroken Gale shouldn't be left to his own devices
It ends up being the longest they've all stayed together since the Absolute, and new and old feelings start to stir
Astarion for one, fully admits to not liking Gale's ex from the jump, even if he can't fully articulate why
It wasn't anything they did per say
He could point to the way they looked at Evie; with suspicion and frustration. But, even when Evie wasn't in the room, they annoyed him
Something about the way they buzzed around Gale made him prickle; Evie never spurred such a reaction, maybe he's just used to it
Of course Astarion was there when everything blew up and of course he was defensive of Evie and supportive of Gale, but there is also this odd relief
He feels like he should feel guilty about but just isn’t. It at the very least starts him really thinking about his feelings towards Gale. 
Astarion is also furious at himself once he realizes his feelings are romantic and he wants to kiss that wizard on his stupid face
He and Evie have also been discussing possibly opening up the relationship
Astarion has been wanting to experiment with sex again, and while they've developed their own forms of intimacy, he would never push Evie into anything she truly did not want to do
This has been sparking some of Evie's anxieties about past partners growing bored when they couldn't offer them sex, but Evie doesn't want to lose Astarion by outright saying no
Gale is already aware of his feelings toward Evie, and his guilt associated with it made only worse when he starts to feel those same feelings for Astarion, which admittedly have been growing for a few years now
Basically all of them have a lot of complicated histories with relationships and intimacy and it takes a while for them to get it all sorted out between them
Astarion and Gale would be the first to break, some of the same beats playing out with Astarion finally kissing Gale and the two of them going to Evie immediately after to talk it all out
Evie would feel like she’d need to keep her distance as Astarion and Gale work out exactly what their relationship is
A part of her is still so afraid she’s going to be the one pushed out. She loves them both so much, but they each can provide each other not just love but sex and so many other comforts in each other.
Meanwhile Astarion and Gale are just sitting their baffled like, “you do realize the main reason why we’ve tolerated each other long enough to start developing feelings is because we both loved you first”.
Gale might be the one to reach out first asking her to accompany him somewhere, just the two of them. It gives them time to talk, Gale to voice some of his anxieties about starting a relationship with Astarion and wanting to figure out the rules to make Evie comfortable.
It would also be the moment he confesses exactly why he and his ex broke up; yes, there were other issues, but it really came down to his relationship with her
Platonic, possibly romantic, whatever they want to call it in the moment, the love between them is real and now they have a chance to figure out just how deep it goes
Astarion is a little more of a mess, taking longer to accept that yes he does love Gale and no that doesn’t diminish his love for Evie, it’s just different. Evie taught him just how much love he was truly capable of. That itself was a lot to come to terms with, finding out he somehow has even more is nearly overwhelming.
He’d be boarder line paranoid of accidentally pushing Evie away to the point it may slow does his progress with Gale. Luckily Gale is the best person to understand just how important Evie is to Astarion. 
I've got a lot of other random headcanons of the three of them once they all settle into the relationship, but that's the basic set up. If you'd like to hear about some more fluffy rambles or even want some one-shots with the three of them, let me know!
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leighsartworks216 · 23 hours
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Alright everybody
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sitting here. unkissed. when will it end
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pride month soon!! if you treat bisexuality or asexuality as “lesser” queer identities, “basically straight”, or a “consolation prize”, die by my blade.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
Sometimes someone comes into your life and ruins certain songs for you and you gotta either live with never hearing those songs again (terrible, so many bangers lost forever) or changing their association and continuing to listen to them and risk thinking of that person for a dash of fun in your life (less terrible, sometimes both associations exist at the same time and make it Bad). And sometimes you just gotta keep doing option 2 until the good association outweighs the bad one even if you experience them at the same time
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
How To Adjust To Married Life
Harvey x gn!Farmer
My brain has been fighting with me to write something for Harvey. Man has absolutely consumed my mind and unfortunately I do not have the brain for writing right now. But I HAD to. Or else I'd like explode or something idk
Warnings: none
Word Count: 763
Harvey still couldn’t wrap his head around it. It seemed surreal to wake up everyday at the farmer’s side - at his partner’s side. To make them breakfast and dinner, and kiss them slow and soft. To feel their touch on his stomach and sides, tangling in his hair, drawing him closer and closer. All of it. How was it all reserved for him?
When they’d shown up to the clinic one day with a piping hot coffee for him, he brushed it off. One gift from someone who seemed to take great pleasure in pleasing everyone about town; nothing to overthink there.
But then it kept happening.
Coffee and pickles, twice every week like clockwork. They’d show up carrying something he enjoyed (even just a flower from the ground), set it on the counter with a smile and some small talk, and head off. If Maru was there, they’d hand her something she could use in her tinkering, and she never stopped them from heading in the back to pass on their goods if he was busy prepping the exam room.
He wasn’t exactly sure how long before he began to expect the visits, the gifts, the small talk. Maybe a few weeks, maybe a full season. Nor how long before the small talk drifted into light chatter about their interests and the goings-on of their lives. Or how much longer still before seeing them made his heart leap into his throat. Before he didn’t feel embarrassed to gush to them about getting in contact with a plane that flew overhead a few days ago.
Really he shouldn’t have been so surprised when they sought him out on one of his walks and produced a bouquet from behind their back. Or when they found him under the tree by the river, and held out a gleaming blue shell on a string. But he was.
He wasn’t blind to the obvious; he’d resigned himself to being a forever-bachelor long ago, perhaps even before he moved into town. There seemed to be a mountain of things against him. His age, for one. And being the town’s only doctor left some breaches of patient-doctor relationships. But he couldn’t deny how relieved he was that day, when he slipped the pendant over his head and they pulled him in for a kiss. The overwhelming, full-body realization that he wasn’t relegated to being a bachelor forever.
It still struck him sometimes, just how much he never expected it to happen. When he woke up in the morning to a warm body pressed against his. When he woke up late to a hot pot of coffee and his mug right by it. When he’d close up the clinic and realize he locked himself inside, as though he’d be sleeping upstairs in his apartment.
He never anticipated ever waking up to someone like that. Or having their care continue to persist after they’ve seemed to get everything they wanted out of him. Or being so ready to sleep alone, above his workplace, with a pitiful microwave dinner.
And they were… amazing. The first time he ordered a model plane to their house, he’d been wracked with a terrible nervous energy. The farmer had brought it in from the mailbox, wondering what he ordered as they set it on the table. He’d flushed and stammered about the plane, promising to keep it in his little sideroom. It was a hobby for the weird kids who sat out of playing games during recess. He really should have just sent it to his apartment and-
And then they grabbed his face. With the warmest smile he’d seen since their wedding. They didn’t have much to do on the farm that day, so they said if he’d let them, they’d love to help make it with him.
And all at once he felt silly for ever worrying about it.
He’d chuckled like all the air had been punched out of his lungs, and he offered to help them with their work, so they could get to making it even faster. He never imagined helping someone milk cows and water crops could feel so fulfilling.
The plane sat proudly on his table with the radio. Every rainy day when he checked in for a call, all the weather details ready to recite to the pilot, he looked over at it. Sure, the paint was a bit uneven and inaccurate. And the wing was glued down a little crooked. But it was perfect. The best damn plane he’d ever seen.
He couldn’t wait to order another.
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
Why yes I am going to have three paragraphs in a row start with "And" why do you ask
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
the moon is a lesbian and she hates terfs
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leighsartworks216 · 2 days
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who up wulbrening their bongle. this one coulda gone a lot of ways
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