jcqlne-blog1 · 5 years
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❝ hey that’s JACQUELINE “JACK” MORAN from the isle, they’re the YOUNGEST child of MADAM MIM. they’re TWENTY TWO years old and always seem to remind me of DEVIOUS CACKLING AT A PARTY, BRIGHT RED LOLLIPOP, WHISPERING OF SPELLS UNDER THEIR BREATH. you’ll notice that they’re CONNIVING but also pretty AFFABLE too. i heard a rumor that their name WASN’T on the isle list. 
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hi i’m ELLE and i’m late to the party buT WHAT’S NEW jjksndjf i meant to post this intro right after i applied but i was playing sims and didnt realize that 10 hrs has passed so, that’s that. a lil disclaimer: it’s been a while since ive joined a group and intros aren’t my Specialty BUT IM TRYING i hope that picture of the vine kid doesnt scare u away from reading abt my daughter, the Mess that is Jack and if ure still here,,,, bless u
jus a smol refresher that mad madam mim is the villain from the movie ‘the sword in the stone’ (1963) about young arthur being taught by the great wizard merlin to reach his true potential. mim is allegedly suppose to rival merlin’s powers. my hc for madam mim is she’s some sort of a forgotten wizard and it annoys her to her core. she used to be very indifferent to how people see her as the opposite as she regards herself. she used to call herself ‘the magnificent marvelous madam mim’ but to the rest of the world she’s just,,,, mad madam mim skdnfkdsf she is obsessed with merlin and how he had outsmarted her. she hates being compared to him. 
YEP so that’s a lil insight abt jack’s mom! 
i feel like i’ll keep this whole intro short bc 1) jack is still on her early development stage and 2) my brain is fried
OK SO the whole basis of her character is she’s clever. she’s smart, one might dare say intelligent, but she uses her wit and capabilities for the worst things. 
elaborate pranks that no one needed to do? she’s to blame. plus, u kno how people used to say “inventors are lazy people"... maybe that’s her trope . she also could care less abt schooling lmfaoskjdnfd but in auradon, she’s sort of,,,, trying a lil. bc they’re actually teaching REal SCIENCE u kno? and not just, selfies 101kjndg her fave subjects back in the isle was evil schemes and, the infamous, weird science taught by yen sid
that said, jack is slightly obsessed with the notion of magic. her mother used to use magic all the time to make everything easier. jack and her sibling has heard stories of their mother making the worst out of everything she encounters when she used to have her powers. madam mim wasn’t much for world domination or grand schemes. she just likes things to be in chaos and hopes for the worst and, in a way, jack caught on to that desire.
growing up, jack has always felt unwanted. even residing in an island with most villains not wanting children to care for in the first place, jack was unwanted even before she was conceived. having one child was a nuisance, and then having her? jack essentially grew up in the streets, like most villain kids did. her older sibling was regarded to most of the time by their mom, but jack is just..... there. but it’s fine. she’s fine.  who needs love and attention anyways??? no one that’s who
jack is very much in denial of feelings and emotions like ? who are they she doesn’t knew them
jack also has little to no regard for her looks, except for a few sultry looks here and there but generally anything goes as long as she’s not cold. BUT her blonde her has bothered her to her core. she got green eyes from her mom, but her blonde hair from her father. so she dyes her hair lilac like her mom’s for idk, maybe in some way or form, to feel accepted by her? to reiterate: idk djsnfs
she’s a bit of a, uh, como se dice..... tramp. not to derogate but no other word has come to mind?? the word works for her in in both ways?? like tramp as in, tramps around with heavy steps and whatnot bc she CAN be loud ( in much simpler terms: annoying ) and tramp as in having many casual sexual relationships so like kjnddjf
onto her social skills! she can make friends pretty well??? which is weird bc anyone knows she’s gonna spread your dirt like wildfire jdknfg she’ll deny it but.......you know she did it. she’s an unapologetically a bad friendfdbvdfgs
wanted connections
flings/fwbs - wow are we surprised dkjng ok but this connection is open to more than one bc this is anything but serious. could be a “used to hit that” type of situation, or a currently and casually hooking up type of thing, or her first fling fwb? so many options tbh
childhood friend - arriving in auradon, could have probably fucked up their relationship, in one way or another. but anyone who can tolerate and be dragged by jack into her shenanigans when she was younger and vice versa, or an older sibling-y type of person she looks up to back in the isle, or alternatively a younger person who looks up to her (but whykdnf) and other stuff? yes? the good juice  
hateship - someone she genuinely hates but the sexual tension is palpable! could be a vk or an ak but i’d love it to be some history of their dislike for each other and would like to build up on this firsT? idk? hmu if ur muse could do a little hateship in their lives jack is here to be all up in their face
gang (aka friends sdfs) - she’s not loyal by any means, but even this dumb chick knows she has to have a crew bc no man is an island! esp with her name not being on the list, she feels that she needs a group of people that she can stick to avoid .... complications dkjfng
unlikely friends - maybe someone who’s really shy bc jack is a loud and unabashedly bold (?) so kdjns!! or someone with very different interests as jack !!! this could be really cute 
ex - just to make it angsty, maybe this connection could be the ONLY ex jack ever had jksndf we could plot this and whatnot bc obviously jack has commitment issues! kjdfn
others that i cant think of rn!! hit this post with a like and i’ll come to you to plot! <3 im v v excited to plot and write with you all !!
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jcqlne-blog1 · 5 years
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The Get Down S01E09
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