janmisali · 5 hours
remixed end
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janmisali · 6 hours
unrelated to your recent mario video (amazing video by the way) but still related to mario:
what was your first thought/reaction when you saw that pannenkoek2012 was making main channel videos again?
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janmisali · 6 hours
Based on your claims about I Am A Teacher: Super Mario Sweater, do you also believe Microsoft Excel is a video game?
sure. why not
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janmisali · 20 hours
Made a remix of Remixed End by @janmisali
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janmisali · 20 hours
my flash music video knowledge is rusty, in remixed end, what's the OG song from between super paper mario and mega microgames?
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janmisali · 1 day
I feel like a god for knowing what Super Mario Sweater is before your video
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janmisali · 1 day
okay I didn't expect that to happen so fast. uh I'll wait until the two other work in progress ones I'm aware of have been posted. sure that works
thank you for the heaven studio shoutout!!!
that ending was amazing i like gasped multiple times at the song choices LOL
I think I'll give it its own upload once someone's made a rhythm heaven custom remix for it lol
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janmisali · 1 day
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And here's the final batch of assigned responses from the second Super Mario video by Jan Misali! Yeah neither are from the same section of the video but. they would say this.
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janmisali · 1 day
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Here's the second Batch! Featuring the frankly funny reactions to the existence of "I am a teacher: Super Mario Sweater", but with the Toxic Rats team instead! Except for B. He doesn't talk.
Source is the second Jan Misali video on how many Super Mario Games there are :p
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janmisali · 2 days
Trying to make a Remixed end in haven studio, whats the tempo of Remixed end(and at any tempo shifts if there are any, but i dont think there are)
same as remix 10 from super mario run
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janmisali · 2 days
if you don't love me at my I am a Teacher: Super Mario Sweater then you don't deserve me at my Super Mario Wonder for the Nintendo Switch ( 2023 )
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janmisali · 2 days
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my favorite joke from the latest jan misali video
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janmisali · 2 days
oh boy, i’m so glad the semester is over and i passed discrete math. i never have to think about set theory again. now let’s watch this 2 hour video on what counts as a mario game, which will surely have nothing relating to set theory in it-
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oh god damn it.
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janmisali · 2 days
Please tell me there is some way to still take the poll, I want to see what my own opinion on each of these games is and I think that would be easiest if I just had access to the poll instead of trying to find all 300+ games on my own (Also sorry that I copied pasted this from the youtube comments I'm just curious)
where were these types of comments during the six months the poll was open huh.
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janmisali · 2 days
less-so an ask and more-so something i think you'd be interested in: when you started discussing how youtubers often disagree with what games they consider to be part of the Super Mario series, it reminded me of "Ranking the Mainline Super Mario Games with Nathaniel Bandy" by Scott the Woz, which is a list that includes 36 Super Mario games as mainline, and they briefly discuss their rationale around 6 minutes in. it appears to be a superset of what they personally believe the Super Mario series to be, Scott states "I feel like there is a definitive thing that does count as a mainline Mario game... we can't just include all the Mario Advance games except for the middle child, Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island. Because of that we had to include the original Yoshi's Island, because of that we had to include Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3." this to me means he doesn't really consider these games to be mainline Mario games in his subjective opinion, but for the sake of objectivity included them. it does also imply that his subjective list of mainline Mario games includes all the Mario Advance games except for three. unfortunately he doesn't really discuss his reasoning for the other oddities on the list, but i still think you'd enjoy looking at it if you haven't come across it already. he shows the full list at the very start of the video so you don't need to watch the whole thing.
I haven't watched that video specifically because nathaniel bandy's "how x game TRIGGERS you" thumbnails gave me a very specific aversion to clicking on any of his videos
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janmisali · 2 days
Was it a conscious decision in “NOW” to try to keep on-screen text outside of the captions area, or just an artefact of how the edit went?
I did notice there were only a couple of times in NOW that I had to pause the video to remove the captions and then turn them back on, compared to in the original and some other videos where it was pretty frequent.
yeah, keeping important information away from the bottom of the screen was a priority for this one
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janmisali · 2 days
i mean no offense and am sorry if this has been asked before, but did you ever figure out why your voice has been processed in lower quality in recent videos? is it an export issue, a microphone hardware issue, or are we chalking it up to tech goblins? i'm especially confused bc it sounds fine in "how do we know what's mainline?" so was that recorded before or after the smash video? it's not hampering my enjoyment of the video btw, my ears have adjusted to it at this point, i'm just confused lol
that's just what I sound like idk what to tell you
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