invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: I intend to get on here later on to push out some starters <3 !
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invxlidheart · 6 years
@dragonaea  ||  Welcome Starter
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“Come on - take it nice and slow-” The young male attempted to soothe the injured bird in which he had discovered out in the wilderness; thankfully it had been found before it turned out to be a wild beasts lunch-time feast. Judging by the tag upon it’s ankle, it was one of the ranches birds; perhaps it had escaped some weeks prior - lucky it was still alive. Now healing and walking (limping, unfortunately-) close to the redhead, the bird kept its head low and it’s senses on a high level of alert. Unfortunate that it had become rendered to such a state but food, warmth and medicine lay in wait back at the post if only they could get there sooner.  Quite suddenly did the chocobo pause and ruffle it’s feathers, it’s eyes trained upon the distance where another figure seemed to pause. Well - Yoichi drew in a deep breath, felt incredibly uncomfortable and thus made the decision to carry on, attempting to encourage the bird further toward the road in which they could follow back to the post. “Hey uh - you alright?” He called when close enough, curious. 
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invxlidheart · 6 years
@appxssionato  ||  Welcome Starter
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It seemed as if there was no getting anywhere that evening; flights had been delayed across all the boards in which eyes had trained upon due to the adverse weather conditions outside. There would be no returning to his home to visit family for some time yet, thus feeling defeated did he sit himself within the departure lounge and hang his head within his hands. Intensely had the redhead been working over the summer in order to save the money to fly to Sweden - only to now be fiercely delayed. Weather reports were stating that the terrible storm would last for days and with the roads outdoors just as atrocious, Yoichi knew there would be no going anywhere for some time. To think, it had come out of nowhere.  Sitting. Waiting.  What more was there to do? In the least it was quiet enough so not to get a headache and warm enough to be comfortable. Restless was horrendous, however, and the male stood to wander near to some windows; “Looks like we’re not going anywhere for some time, huh?” There were a few folk sat nearby, perhaps any of them could reply if they so wished to.      
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invxlidheart · 6 years
@mortiferumhelianthus  ||  Welcome Starter
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“Guys, quit it, come on-” A tired drone swamped the males vocal tone, the warmth of the morning sun doing little to lift his spirits. Four chocobo were kicking up and acting out while being lead toward the paddock near to the races, their energy for the day far more obvious than that of their handler. Yoichi was perhaps not the best choice to do such a task, especially when one set of reins were tugged free from his hands while he fought to keep them all steady in lead; “Storm - come on - get back here-” He’s growing far more stressed by the moment and the poor youth could barely keep up with trying to catch the other while wrestling with the remaining three; “Hey!” He then called, spotting another male nearby; “Would you grab him for me?” It was the redhead’s only hope, after all.  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: I plan to get to some starters tomorrow! <3 Sorry its no sooner - I’m swamped with things to catch up on. 
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invxlidheart · 6 years
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                                   Y O I C H I   K A N E S H I R O
                                                            INDEPENDENT OC.                                                     VARIOUS UNIVERSES AVAILABLE                       || FREE! IWATOBI SWIM CLUB || PRINCE OF STRIDE || FINAL FANTASY XV ||  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
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                                   Y O I C H I   K A N E S H I R O
                                                            INDEPENDENT OC.                                                     VARIOUS UNIVERSES AVAILABLE                       || FREE! IWATOBI SWIM CLUB || PRINCE OF STRIDE || FINAL FANTASY XV ||  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: Revampting this blog again. Wanna get back on here so bad. 
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: I have some more stuff to get to here; a few starters; I have Thursday off so I’m hoping to get as much as I can done then <3
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invxlidheart · 6 years
                                  @whalesharx  ||  Discovered the Redhead
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The smell of chlorine was a bizarre comfort for he of whom always lingered close to the edge of the pool; offering drinks, taking down times for those looking for improvement, clicking stopwatches and pens alike. Certainly - he made as much use of himself as he could but there was always that pull in the very back of his mind that made him desperately want to join in, to get into the water, to swim like he used to when a child. But he couldn’t.  So continue to watch did the male, proving to be as much use as he could until the end of the session and it was only when clearing up that he dared to go against his doctors recommendations and take to the water while it was quiet.  With his waterproof shirt covering scarring did he dip below the surface of the water, the comfort and ease of which flooded his person so wonderful, within an instant was he relaxed; but only a single length was he able to swim even at a leisurely pace. At the end did he pause, gripped to the edge of the poor, heavily breathing to rid himself of discomfort. Oh yes - he should have followed recommendations.  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
♒ — Ever since he met Yoichi, Rin took it upon himself to keep a close eye on the foreign student. Especially knowing about his medical condition that prevented him to partake in their grueling training. But he also made sure to keep Yoichi active, not putting him on the benches and doing nothing. He was here for a reason, Yoichi was here…in Samezuka because he wanted to be here. And he will be damn well sure to help the boy with as much as he can with participating in their practice.
Rin stood by the entrance to the pool area, his eyes focused on Yoichi, watching him carefully in case something happened to him. With his own practice, having the pool to himself and taking his time, Rin noticed a big improvement in his form as he swam in the water. His strokes were a bit shaky but they were getting better with each time he worked on his performance. The light exercise were doing wonders for him, even though he couldn’t go too fast or his heart rate will start to increase. And that was a big danger to him if that happened.
He frowned as he noticed Yoichi catching his breath before he moved away from the entrance, heading towards him. His footsteps echoing around the empty area; Rin was barefooted and still with his own suit as he had planned on taking a dip himself after practice. But seeing the boy swimming on his own first, he decided to let him be alone for a while until he was ready to go to him.
           “You ok there? You should take a break once in a while.”
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In utter truth, the redhead felt utterly sick - the sudden exertion just from two leisurely lengths of the pool was apparently too much for his limbs; the aching within them made him feel like a dead weight in the water and if not for the grip on the side of the pool he was fearful he may have sank like lead.  Such terribly bleak thoughts were torn aside, however, when he heard bare feet pacing the damp floor, eyes raising upward to note the male - apparently now in his company - and indeed he was somewhat surprised. Had Rin been watching? He hoped not - Yoichi felt much like a spider in a drain compared to the sights the others were - so sleek and graceful. How embarrassing.  “Take a break-” He forced a laugh, attempting to make his arms upon the side of the pool appear more relaxed and at ease; “All I do is take breaks-” Only then did he pull himself to sit on the side, his aching body thankful for the moment of reprieve. But oh - he had to keep his mind straight: he couldn’t force himself to do more than his body could cope with and that alone was a bitter taste. “I... didn’t know you were watching-” Yoichi admitted quietly, taking a moment to slick his red hair back and away from his face, his deep breathing beginning to pay off - he could already feel his heart rate falling and a finger upon his pulse confirmed it.  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
By now most of the competitive energy between the two teams had died down. Haru and Rin, in particular, had had enough races with each other to satisfy themselves at least for now. There was always a chance something could happen that might set them off and spark another race between them. However, it was still unlikely that would happen by this point.
Currently, Haru was leisurely swimming laps across the pool. Though his pace was slower than it typically was, he was still able to complete a few before the redhead next to him finished his one.
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It wasn’t until he stopped that he noticed the other sitting on the pool’s edge. He hadn’t really spoken with him much, but Haru had learned pretty quickly that he didn’t swim, acting instead as more of a secretary than an actual member of the Samezuka team, so he was curious when he saw him resting up there after having clearly swam a lap himself. “You’re swimming today.” With the way Haru spoke, even he wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a question or a statement. It was just so rare to see the other doing something besides taking and recording others’ times.
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“I shouldn’t be-” Lighthearted was the comment offered in reply, the red-head’s smile offered brightly toward he of whom had spoken before his eyes had met their face. He knew exactly of whom he was speaking to - rumours were enough to go on alone but the male had been tracking times and whatnot ever since the two teams had been practising together, regardless of how rare the occasion when nearer exam periods or holidays. “I thought I’d treat myself-” His comment once again may have seemed entirely lighthearted but in truth the redhead shouldn’t have been swimming at all, not in his condition; but the odd time, just for the leisure of it, couldn’t hurt too much; at least it didn’t hurt as much as watching everyone around him progress and compete while he simply stood on the sidelines, dreaming. “You’re more relaxed today-” He then uttered, using fingers to comb through red hair in order to get it out of his face, stuck to skin from drenching water. “It’s good to see.” 
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invxlidheart · 6 years
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                                    Y o i c h i   K a n e s h i r o
                                                             Independent OC.                                                      Various Universes available                        || Free! Iwatobi Swim Club || Prince of Stride || Final Fantasy XV ||  
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: Guess what? I have a handful of icons so I’m going to be writing some starters - and replying to things from decades ago if anyone is still interested aha-
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: I still haven’t remade my icons. I’m in the process of - but remembering I had a commission kinda stopped me in my tracks. I’ll be over here soon, hopefully.
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invxlidheart · 6 years
OOC: I should be over here once I get my icons done- Then I’ll shoot out welcome starters n’ shizzle-
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invxlidheart · 6 years
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                                    Y o i c h i   K a n e s h i r o
                                                             Independent OC.                                                      Various Universes available                        || Free! Iwatobi Swim Club || Prince of Stride || Final Fantasy XV ||  
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