ifindus · 6 days
moar kilts
moar kilts? 😳
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ifindus · 6 days
He looks so good!!! 😭😭💖💖 it's such a bright, happy, and good vibe work of art 🙏🙏
Art collaboration with @ifindus - Drawing each others' countries in outfits we chose for them!
It doesn't get much more Finnish than Marimekko, so of course, I had to take the opportunity to request it! Sketch by Findus, lineart and coloring done by me. It turned out adorable, even if I say so myself <3 Bright and summery
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In return, I sketched out my take on Norway and his typical gear, see the original sketch under the cut and finished drawing on Findus' blog!
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Thank you again for the fastest collaboration on the planet, haha. I definitely had a blast <3
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ifindus · 6 days
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Had the pleasure of working with @nordickies for a collab the last couple of days!! 💖 Such a fun project! 🤩 Here is the Norway we made together
We exchanged sketches of our respective countries with outfits inspired by a selection of pics we sent each other, and then lined and coloured them ✨
I'm super happy with the results!! 🤩
Anski's version here
Here's the sketch I did for their piece:
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ifindus · 6 days
seeing you in my dash is always a joy tbh
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ifindus · 8 days
Not a request but I just wanted to tell you that your blog always manages to cheer up my day! 🤗 Your art style is so whimsical and cozy, I love all the things you share about Norway and its culture, and the way you portray the characters! I really like your ScotNor content, you have made me a big fan of the ship! I hope everything went good with the job interview ❤️ Have the loveliest day, you deserve it!
Thank you so much 🥺💖 I really appreciate you taking time to tell me this, and I'm so happy to hear you like what I'm doing here 💖 You have a great day as well! ✨
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ifindus · 9 days
i dont know if you've already answered a similar question — but do you think that norway/denmark/sweden still speak/write/understand old norse well? or is it just iceland these days?
Probably just Iceland, because his language is the most similar to old Norse and he is very proud of his old saga literature, so he'd want to be able to read it in his old language and has constantly been maintaining it. The Scandi trio could probably make out some sentences and words and get the general gist of the contents, but if you haven't spoken it in a 1 000 years, you'll probably forget a lot of it, and they haven't bothered to maintain it as well as Iceland.
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ifindus · 10 days
The Nordics have had a long and complicated love affair with each other, which is why things like SuFin SuNor DenNor work so well. But what about DenSu? Can that work?
Absolutely! I don't see why not that could be equally as possible as the other pairings you mention. Personally, I'll always think of the Scandinavian trio as brothers / more brotherly bonds, but if you enjoy them as romantic interests they all have potential for relationships.
Sweden and Denmark have been closely connected to each other throughout history and are geographically closer than Denmark and Norway. There has always been tension between them as the two major powers in Northern Europe during the middle ages, and they are the two contires in the world with the most battles fought betweeen them. They do give off a bit of France/England vibe in that department, but it's closer and more personal because their heritages are so similar and connected to each others'. There is obvious drama regarding the Kalmar union as well, and the mellowing out in more modern times with closer collaborations as very good friends.
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ifindus · 13 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thanks, Rae!! 🥰 I rarely write fics now, but it was fun to look back on what I've manage to produce in the last 10 years 😅 the quality I fear varies greatly
The Sky Pirates Ship: FrUK Words: 61 802 Published: 13. May 2018 Summary: Francis finds himself a prisoner of a group of sky pirates. He's forced to join their adventures and the people he meets along the way change how he looks at the world. It requires teamwork to get out of it alive, but Francis manages to make a mistake that will cost him dearly.
Change Ship: SuNor (unfortunately not very shippy tbh) Words: 2 515 Published: 23. December 2023 Summary: Norway is not happy with being traded around like a piece of property and he is certainly not happy with his new "boss" ; Sweden. Over the years, his opinion does not change, but their personal relationship just might.
All you have to do is ask Ship: ScotNor Words: 3 468 Published: 30. December 2022 Summary: Sigurd keeps inviting all his friends to a café just befoe the holidays. Why has he become so sociable all of a sudden? Must be the excellent coffee and nothing to do with the handsome barista.
What Love? Ship: FrUK Words: 32 296 Published: 25. July 2016 Summary: France and England have had a thing going on for quite a while, but never talked to each other about it. However, their thoughts keep nagging them and somehow they end up as neither of them could have foreseen.
Love Burns Ship: ScotNor Words: 2 649 Published: 15. October 2020 Summary: The second world war has begun and Norway had to flee his country with the Royal family. While they now are safe in England, he has taken the trip up to stay with Scotland as there is little he can do in London. Still, he longs to be back with his own people.
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ifindus · 15 days
Waiter, waiter!! More Viking Scotnor headcanons please! (If you have any ofc :3 )
Oh no!! Not my weakness!! 😳
Their relationship during the viking age was mostly very amicable, apart from a few minor fights and arguments later on. In contrast to England and Denmark, Norway and Scotland mostly co-existed peacefully beside each other and even developed a friendship. Norway has always been a traveller and would rarely stay in one place for long, but he would often spend his summers and occaionally autumns in his territories close to Scotland before moving along on his next adventure. During these months Norway and Scotland would hang out and Norway would tell Scotland stories about all his adventures out on the sea, exploring westward, as a hired soldier for the Byzantine emperor, helping out Denmark with his wars agaisnt England, and joining Sweden on his trips east. Scotland would think these were the coolest stories and always look forward to Norway's occasional visits. And sometimes Norway would even bring him exotic gifts he'd picked up on his travels.
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ifindus · 16 days
uhh Gratulerer med dagen! (yippi some of the only norwegian words ik from my mom!!)
Takktakk!! Gratulerer med dagen!! 🥳
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ifindus · 16 days
Ja da var det 17 mai! Jeg selv holdte meg hjemme og grillet. Håper de som var med i tog hvor en i landet man er hadde det fint
Gratulerer med dagen! Gilling hører hjemme på 17.mai 🥰 har selv sittet hjemme alene mens resten av fammen er på hytta/fjelltur 😅 óg laget en illustrasjon for bacheloroppgaven til søstra mi lol
Håper alle feiringer var bedre enn min egen! 🥳
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ifindus · 16 days
gratulerer med dagen!
Takk!! Gratulerer med dagen! 💖
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ifindus · 16 days
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Happy Birthday to Norway!!
- be me - announce my return after travelling and being sick for two weeks - only post two drawings - become obsessed with a game and not post for another week - become sick again - miss the national day celebrations - just well enough to draw a pic for Norway celebrations - :(((
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ifindus · 25 days
Norwegian Regions - Regional flowers and landscape.
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Østlandet (city) - Blåveis (anemone hepatica), county flower of Akershus. Low hills covered in forests and fields with many cities around the Oslo fjord.
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Østlandet (rural) - Skogstjerne (lysimachia europaea), county flower of Innlandet. Steeper hills and valleys with vast spruce forests.
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Sørlandet - Solblom (arnica montana), county flower of Agder. Beaches and islands and rocks, very coastal with inland forests.
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Vestlandet - Revebjelle (digitalis purpurea), county flower of Sogn og Fjordane. Fjords and steep, green mountainsides.
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Trøndelag - Reinrose (dryas octopetala) county flower of Trøndelag. Several valleys with forests and fertile farmland centrered around the Trondheims fjord.
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Nord-Norge - Rødsildre (saxifraga oppositifolia) county flower of Nordland. Steep mountains straight into the sea, less vegetation.
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ifindus · 26 days
Can we please see more of the regions,cause they’re really cool! Do you have any ideas for other countries regions?
So happy you like them!! 🤩 I actually have a work in progress with the regions right now, I just haven’t gotten around to finishing it yet. Might be the next thing I work on.
I’m afraid I’m not familiar enough with other counties’ regions to be able to accurately do any sort of interpretation of them, so it’ll probably just be the Norwegian regions for now ✨ those are stereotypes and differences I’ve grown up with and know very well after all. Especially since a lot if these kinds of stereotypes/cultures are hard to find online. It’s sort of something you just know from experience and exposure and making friends with people from all over the country. I imagine Norwegian regions aren’t very well known outside our borders so I’m happy to shed some light on them for people who are interested.
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ifindus · 26 days
have you been to Iceland? (is it expensive?)🫣
I have! It’s a couple of years ago now, but I remember the prices being very similar to Norway’s, though with slight variables where something was more expensive but other things cheaper. Still more expensive than other countries though 😅
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ifindus · 26 days
What do you think of NorFin?
I think it's a nice pairing! Not something I often explore myself as I don't really have a lot of personal experiences, connections, or references to Finland and there's not really that historical aspect that often draw me towards ship. However, Finns and Norwegians do have many common values and interests, especially when it comes to nature and outdoorsy life, so I can see how the ship is appealing to people. At the very least they are good friends in modern day.
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