icedevilx766 · 1 year
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
One thing I kinda need to get off my chest is why some mlb fans be calling chat noir / Adrien a twink ??? That's a 14 year old boy...
It's just disturbing sorry
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
I personally don't think the writers hate him BUT the amount of wasted potential Adrien has is honestly baffling
He isn't as involved in the story as he should be. His father is literally HAWKMOTH and they *spoilers* don't even include him in the final battle
Much could be done with his character but NOOO the writers have to focus on other things *cough* making everyone in love with marinette *cough*
also the argument of "he's a male character they CAN'T hate him" is absolutely null and stupid???
If ANYONE sees Adrien's character "progression" they would know he isn't the writer's favorite. I don't think they hate but they clearly don't know what they're doing with him or are doing that on purpose
Adrien deserves WAY better than he gets and that doesn't have to be at the expense of any other character
The issue with ladybug and chat noir is that they paint them as equals and yet give all the attention to ladybug and only ladybug
The "Adrien/Cat Noir-deserves-better" speech starts from arguments that make sense and turns into spiteful criticism towards the female protagonist just because SHE IS the protagonist. If you think Adrien is the one writers hate/underestimate, I'm sorry, go rewatch the show.
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
Hold on a second…
Did Ladybug even know about the Season 4 LadyNoir conflict?
Did she ever actually learn why Chat was mad at her?
Because I absolutely may be forgetting some things but as far as I remember she was completely in the dark until he blew up on her in Kuro Neko about how she doesn’t trust him enough and then quit on the spot. And then she has Plagg yelling at her that she “broke his heart!” and then it becomes a matter of Ladybug not being in love with Chat Noir as a moral failing on Ladybug’s part? Outside of that the only thing she’s canonically been told at this point is that Chat ‘doesn’t feel like she trusts him’, but that’s incredibly generic and offers no solution; how could she prove her trust any more than she already has, barring exposing the identities of the other heroes regardless of their consent?
Was Marinette in the middle of a season-long conflict and never even really learned what the conflict actually was? I’ve GOT to be missing something, right?
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
What the writers are doing to Adrien/chat noir is absolutely unforgivable
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
What the actual fuck?
There are so many things wrong with this
So they're not only making marinette lie to him but also aren't having take any part in the final match against HIS FATHER? HIS ABUSIVE FATHER?
Oh well there goes my last connection to Canon
The way the re-written universe deadass undoes all the progress Adrien made regarding his father in the finale.
Adrien fought Gabriel as Nightormentor and finally was allowed to hold his father accountable for being the horrible person and villain he is even just as a civilian, but in the re-written universe Gabriel asked Marinette to make sure that Adrien only remembers him for the good things he did and she does. So now Adrien went from holding his father accountable for being the abusive and toxic father and person Gabriel is.. to viewing him as a great hero who helped Ladybug defeat Monarque on the expense of his own life.
You know, because Adrien himself COULDN'T be by her side. As Chat Noir. Because of his father. Who was MONARQUE!
Adrien even says he isn't sure how he could ever measure up to his father's greatness. Yeah, how nice that Marinette tells him he doesn't have to, but that doesn't make it any less fucked up that Adrien now went back to idolizing his abusive villain father AFTER Adrien was allowed to break free of him as Chat Noir.
How is any of this real? Who green-lit this???
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
I need to see Adrien use the bee miraculous NOW
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
Bold of you to assume that the moment plagg gets out of the ring and notices Adrien cornered by monerch the same monarch who's currently abusing tikki's powers, he wouldn't absolutely cataclysm the hell out of monarch
Can you imagine if Monarch managed to corner Chat until he transformed back into Adrien, and Adrien has nowhere to run and no way to stop monarch from taking off his miraculous, so Adrien just...
...swallows it.
He swallows his ring, and while Monarch is stunned and debating whether or not to vivisect his own son or wait it out, that's what gives Ladybug just enough time to save the day.
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icedevilx766 · 1 year
OK but Adrien needs more attention?? Both in the show and from the fandom??
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
I have no idea what happened but Adrien is my boy I love him and I WILL PROTECT HIM
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
What in the world did I just watch
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
Any fics where chat noir gets angry/fed up with ladybug??? PLEASE plagg too
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
They are 14 😭
Something like Jubilation but instead of seeing a vision of themselves getting married Ladybug and Chat Noir are magically compelled by the akuma to ACTUALLY run off and get married in the real world. After they snap out of it and defeat the akuma they realize that they did in fact get legally married and the city already knows about it and is celebrating and if they go get an annulment now they will surely break a LOT of hearts and lead to a lot of akumatizations. The natural solution of course is to continue “pretending” to be a happily married couple. They kiss for the cameras and hold hands any time they’re out together. Maybe a lot of hotel owners in the city try to gift them a honeymoon suite couple’s package and they accept out of kindness and of course there’s only one bed. Apply all the fake married tropes
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
When should the next miraculous episode come out?
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
We have nothing in common but holy shit we hate gruvia passionately and let's be friends
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icedevilx766 · 2 years
You can't tell me Gray doesn't have the best style in fairy tail LIKE LOOK??!?
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The leg bracelet ??!! Genuinely losing my shit
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Also this?? Everything about it is so GOOD
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