hummingbird-of-light · 53 minutes
ART TRADE WITH @hummingbird-of-light and her ocs; Ms Farie and Aporal!!!
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I saw a lot of people making an introduction post on their blog so that people can get to know them. So...
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In Our Favor
Part 219
McCoy and Scotty followed behind Aporal and Jaylah who in turn were following behind his parents. McCoy couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Aporal’s hand holding on to Jaylah’s and at his side Scotty seemed to be having the same problem. He gave Scotty’s side a tiny nudge with his elbow. Their eyes met and McCoy could see Scotty’s surprise and amusement. McCoy knew his must look the same. They both tried to hide grins and held back laughter.
Mrs. Tallister was talking away in front of them and McCoy noticed the sideways glance Jaylah gave Aporal. McCoy had so many questions and it looked like Jaylah did too.
Outside the shuttle depot the older Tallisters stopped near a vehicle. Mrs. Tallister appeared to frown and tapped her husband’s arm.
“Oh,” he said. “Can we help you?” He was looking past McCoy and Scotty. A look over his shoulder showed McCoy that Andre had kept close by.
“I’m so sorry,” McCoy said in his most polite voice. “This is Andre; he’s our bodyguard.”
“Bodyguard?” Mrs. Tallister asked, puzzled.
“Leonard’s a prince,” Aporal said with a motion from his hand as if waving the words away.
“Aporal Tallister! You didn’t think that was important to mention?” Mrs. Tallister’s eyes had gone wide at her son.
“He’s not the heir,” Aporal shrugged.
“You’re the one from all the news last year,” Mr. Tallister said slowly, looking at McCoy.
“Yes sir, but please, I’m just a cadet in Starfleet like your son. Andre’s only here because of the recent events with my sister; for my parents peace of mind.” McCoy straightened himself up into his best posture.
“Prince Leonard of…,” Mr. Tallister paused. “Georgiares? Right?”
“Georgiares II,” McCoy replied with his best smile.
“Oh my,” Mrs. Tallister murmured. “We weren’t prepared for royalty, your highness.”
“No, no,” McCoy said quickly, putting up a hand. “Leonard is just fine.”
Mrs. Tallister glanced at her husband and still had a doubtful look in her eyes as she looked back at McCoy.
“You should have told us,” she scolded Aporal. He just shrugged again.
“He’s just a student. And a friend,” Aporal added after a pause.”
A short ride later and they pulled up a drive to a medium sized house hidden from the main road. McCoy and Scotty had spent the drive watching as the city went by and changed into what McCoy could only think of as suburbs, large houses with land between them.
As they exited the car McCoy admired the house and he knew Scotty was as well.
“Oh dear.” He heard Aporal’s mother muttering to herself. Scotty had grabbed their bag and McCoy saw Aporal grab Jaylah’s as well. He kept a smirk to himself.
“Welcome to our home,” Mr. Tallister said as he opened the front door. “Please make yourselves comfortable and let us know if you need anything.”
“I had rooms all made up,” Mrs. Tallister began, an embarrassed flush climbing her face. “But I wasn’t expecting another,” she glanced at Andre.
“It’s fine Mum,” Aporal said. “Andre can have whichever room you made up for Jaylah.”
McCoy could see Jaylah beginning to frown and getting ready to speak.
“Jaylah can stay in my room,” Aporal continued.
Mrs. Tallister looked at her son in disbelief. Jaylah also turned a tight smile at him, eyes burning.
“You- you are that serious?” Mrs. Tallister asked.
“Yes,” Aporal said firmly as he looked his mother in the eye. He stepped close to Jaylah and put an arm around her waist. “Very.”
Jaylah stiffened for a moment, then slowly relaxed into Aporal and put her own arm around him.
In a very short time everyone had been shown to their rooms and settled in. McCoy and Scotty dropped their bag on their bed then shared a look before leaving and walking down to Aporal’s room. A quick knock and the door opened. They entered and McCoy closed the door behind them again. Jaylah sat perched on a desk in the corner and Aporal stood next to his bed.
“What the hell is going on?” Scotty asked quietly, glancing from Aporal to Jaylah.
“Yes,” Jaylah agreed, getting to her feet and crowding towards Aporal. “What is this?”
Part 220
The eyes of everyone present were fixed on Aporal. Jaylah stood menacingly in front of him, her hands on her hips.
"How dare you pretend I'm your girlfriend!"
When Jaylah raised her voice, Aporal reacted for the first time.
"It would be really nice if you could keep your voice down. After all, I want my family to believe that we are a couple," he hissed.
"But why? I thought this was a trip between friends," Jaylah snapped at him, this time actually a little quieter. Scotty really wasn't sure if the blush on her cheeks was from anger or embarrassment.
"I'm sure my parents will try to set me up with some girl from the neighborhood. That's why I've taken precautions." Aporal shrugged, as if this was all perfectly normal.
"And you didn't think it might be better to tell Jaylah about it *beforehand*? Or us?" Leonard still didn't seem to believe it.
"It's no big deal. And you were all quick to play along."
Jaylah just shook her head as she heard Aporal's reply.
"Okay. That's enough! I'm going to go to your parents right now and clear things up. Because I'm definitely not going to sleep in the same room with you!" The alien girl started to move and it was only at this moment that Aporal seemed to realize the seriousness of the situation. He quickly grabbed Jaylah's arm and held her back.
"No, don't do that! P-please."
It probably surprised everyone in the room to hear Aporal asking for something, literally begging. Concern was in his gaze and Jaylah stopped.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do it," she demanded to know.
Aporal looked at her for a long moment before he sighed.
"I... don't want a girlfriend. Not after–" He quickly interrupted himself. Something seemed to be weighing heavily on his mind.
"Laddie?" Scotty gave him a worried look.
"Is it because of her?"
Surprised glances wandered to Leonard, who was looking at a holo on a nearby bookshelf.
Aporal followed the prince's gaze and clenched his hands into fists. He quickly stomped over and grabbed the picture, which showed him and a pretty Andorian girl.
"I told them I didn't want to see that picture again," he muttered, his antennae twitching angrily.
"Who is that?" Jaylah's voice sounded puzzled, but again a little softer than before.
"No one," Aporal replied and threw the holo into the trash can that stood next to his bed.
"Aporal-" Scotty began cautiously, but the Andorian shook his head angrily.
"No, Scottish boy! I don't want to talk about it." He turned his gaze to Jaylah. "Look, Jaylah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was planning before, but... I was afraid you wouldn't come with me if I did."
Jaylah simply stared at Aporal. She, too, seemed to realize that something was bothering the young man. She let out a long sigh.
"It... It's all right, Aporal. I forgive you and I... will play along with this."
Aporal's face brightened a little.
"But," Jaylah raised a finger, her face red, "I'm not going to sleep in a bed with you."
A wry smile formed on Aporal's lips and he nodded.
"Understood. You can have my bed and I'll sleep on the floor. A thick blanket should do the trick."
Scotty knew that his friend had certainly lain on harder surfaces before.
"I hope that you're hungry? I've prepared a few things for dinner," Mrs. Tallister said as her son and his guests entered the dining room.
She was clearly understating the case. The table was full of food. All sorts of dishes Scotty had never seen before.
"Aye, ma'am. It's been a few hours since the last meal," he replied politely and everyone quickly took their seats.
There was a strange silence at first before Mrs. Tallister turned to Jaylah.
"So, Jaylah... tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What are you studying? How did you and Aporal meet?"
Jaylah blushed slightly and opened her mouth to say something, but Aporal beat her to it.
"Mum, if Jaylah has something to tell you, she'll do it willingly. You don't have to interrogate her."
His mother's eyes wandered to him and she looked stern.
"Aporal! I'm not interrogating her. I want to get to know her better. And... I'm just... very surprised that you suddenly have a girlfriend. Especially someone who is so... different from Julika."
Aporal's grip on his fork tightened.
"Don't ever say that name again."
"Never again!"
Without another word, Aporal slammed his fists on the table and stood up. He wouldn't listen to any more of this.
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For my art trade with @simmeons : Have some Colt x Delilah on their wedding day! 🫶
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hummingbird-of-light · 12 hours
June of Doom 2024 Day 2 (@juneofdoom)
2. “It didn’t have to be this way.”            
| Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
"You know, it didn't have to be this way." The familiar and yet somehow strange voice reached his ear and Hikaru Sulu turned his head back and forth, but wasn't able to see the woman standing somewhere behind him. He tried to pull at the restraints that bound his upper body to a chair, but it simply didn't help. They were too tight.
"Shizuka, please, you're not yourself. You're infected."
The helmsman's heart skipped a beat as he felt a sharp, long blade slowly lay across his right shoulder. A katana.
"We were promised to each other, Hikaru. You and me. Forever and ever."
Slowly, Sulu shook his head, remembering how he had gotten into this situation.
A call for help from Starbase 45, colonists who suddenly seemed to be going crazy and turning on each other. Captain Kirk had immediately set off with the Enterprise to help the people.
The scientists' investigations had revealed that the brains of those affected had been infected by bacteria that had apparently entered their bodies via contaminated drinking water.
Commander Spock, Dr. McCoy and the other medics and scientists had immediately begun developing an antidote, but a few selected crew members had been assigned to mediate the disputes between the colonists and warn the residents about the water. Including those staying at one of the largest hotels.
And that's when it had happened. Sulu had met her again. Shizuka. She had recognized him immediately and before he could even react, she had pulled him into her room and dazed him with a phaser shot.
"Ever since we were children, our parents have said that we would get married one day. I loved you, Hikaru. I always dreamed that we would live together. But you ... you just ran away."
Slowly, the sharp blade lowered and Sulu felt it cut into his flesh. He clenched his teeth convulsively, suppressing a cry of pain. Hot blood began to flow from the wound.
"You left me, Hikaru. You destroyed everything."
Anger filled Sulu at those words.
"I've told everyone. My parents, your parents, you – I have no feelings for women!"
The helmsman had realized early on that he was not interested in the female sex. But neither his parents nor the rest of his family had understood. It was not without reason that he had fled his home country of Japan to America as soon as he was old enough. There – in a foreign country – he had finally been able to be who he wanted to be.
"I could never feel about you the way you feel about me, Shizuka. And even if I had been able to, I would never have agreed to an arranged marriage."
It was an old tradition that should be abolished! They were living in the 23rd century! No one should force young people to marry someone they had no feelings for. But his family would never have understood that either.
"I have found a man in America whom I love like no other. We are happy and have a family. And ... I wish you had found someone for yourself who loved you in the same way, but–"
Sulu cried out in pain as the blade of the katana suddenly rose, only to be lowered again a moment later with a slash.
"You were mine, Hikaru! You were everything to me!"
Shizuka's loud, angry voice drowned out the roaring in Sulu's ears. Blood spurted uncontrollably from the stump that was left of his arm.
"I would have loved you more than any man in this universe can!"
With a second blow, Shizuka also severed the left arm from the torso. She had set herself the goal of making Sulu pay for his actions ... and he clearly felt it.
The shock set in very quickly and Sulu was almost glad that he barely noticed the hellish pain.
Shizuka finally stepped in front of him, daring to look Sulu in the eye. But the helmsman hardly recognized her. Her face was strangely distorted, her eyes bloodshot. Her skin was pale, ashen. There was nothing left of the once pretty girl.
"Shizuka! Stop that! You have to regain control!" Sulu looked at her desperately, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't stop them from flowing.
"You'll regret it! You'll regret not choosing me!"
The blade rose once more and Sulu knew that the next blow would sever his head.
He closed his eyes helplessly and thought of his family waiting for him in Yorktown. Ben. Demora. He tried to imagine their faces, because they would be the last thing he wanted to see. His gorgeous husband. His lovely daughter. They were his everything. And all he wanted was to hold them once more.
"You'll regret that–"
Shizuka didn't finish the sentence. She couldn't, because a phaser shot hit her in the back and caused her body to slump.
That voice. Sulu cautiously opened his eyes and a faint smile formed on his lips at the familiar sight of a crewman dressed in yellow. He was standing in the doorway, breathing heavily.
He had come to save him. Of course he had. What else had Sulu expected? Pavel was always there for him. He would never let him down.
The last thing Sulu saw before he fainted was his friend's face. And he was incredibly grateful for that.
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In Our Favor
Part 217
Sunday came and with it Jim’s planned outing for the group. McCoy sat at a corner table with Cora and Eugene watching the others play various games against each other. He sipped on a drink and reached for a fry from the basket they were sharing.
“How are you doing Leonard?” Cora asked him.
He frowned slightly in confusion at her.
“I’m fine,” he replied. “Not looking forward to midterms, but…” He shrugged.
“No, I meant—” Cora looked awkwardly at him before dropping her eyes to the table. “I meant cause it’s coming up on when everything happened to you last year. Are you doing alright?”
A faint smile touched McCoy’s lips and a warmth went through his chest at the girl’s concern. She hadn’t even known them when Khan and the Romulans had happened, yet here she was, looking out for him.
“So far,” he answered honestly. He breathed out a sigh. “I’ve been trying to not think about it, but it’s hard because I want to plan Scotty’s birthday too.” He glanced at Eugene. “It happened on his birthday.”
“Oh geez. That’s hard,” Eugene said sympathetically. “If you need any help, just ask.” He looked over at Cora, who nodded.
“I’ve got a few ideas and I guess I better get working on them quick.”
The next weeks flew by. Stress was rising on campus as midterms began to loom closer and closer. McCoy fluctuated between excelling in the simulator and failing disastrously. Each time left him exhausted and he wished that Scotty could be with him in person.
Scotty had a few projects and papers and was frequently with the other engineers in their group of friends, focused on finishing those. McCoy missed his husband when he was late, but he knew at some point his own schedule would start including very long hours at the campus clinic or Starfleet Medical itself.
McCoy was glad when he heard the door open behind him and Scotty walked in with a long sigh. The prince was packing the few things they’d need for the weekend away, but turned to embrace Scotty tightly.
“Aye,” Scotty said, hugging him back. “Just glad to have that last paper done. I don’t even care what I score at this point.”
“Yes you do,” McCoy chuckled, kissing Scotty’s forehead before letting him go. “And you’ll get a great score on it, just wait and see.”
Scotty sat heavily at his desk and pulled off his boots. “I hope so.”
“Get changed, then you can check if I packed the right things for you,” McCoy said, walking into the bathroom.
“Thank ye for doing that Len,” Scotty called after him.
McCoy returned to the room and looked over at his husband in the middle of changing. He grinned.
“Too bad we don’t have more time.”
Scotty grinned back, but just shook his head at McCoy. Quickly he changed and slipped his boots on again.
“We aren’t late are we?”
“We’ve got plenty of time,” McCoy reassured him. “Andre got in…” McCoy pulled his comm out of his pocket. “…five minutes ago. And we’ve got twenty. So if you’re ready…?”
Scotty grabbed up the bag from the bed and slung it over his shoulder.
“I was going to get that,” McCoy protested as he followed Scotty to the door.
“Ye can carry it later,” Scotty smiled.
Andre was waiting just inside the shuttle depot. Further in McCoy could see Aporal. And he was talking to someone McCoy couldn’t quite see.
“Did you have a good flight Andre?” McCoy asked as they greeted each other and began to move forward.
“Yes sir,” the guard replied.
“That’s Aporal up ahead. I don’t think you met him last time.”
“I didn’t.”
“He can be a bit much,” Scotty said softly, “but he’s a good person.”
“Yes sir,” Andre nodded at Scotty.
“Hey Aporal,” McCoy began to call as they got closer. “This is—” Finally he could see who the Andorian was talking to. “Jaylah? What are you doing here?”
The alien girl flushed as McCoy noticed the bag sitting by her feet.
Part 218
The Scott-McCoys stared at Aporal and Jaylah in surprise. What was the latter doing here? Was she going to travel somewhere, too?
"Oh, uhm, I told Aporal that I would be interested in meeting more Andorian people, so he asked me if I wanted to come with him." Jaylah glanced at the boy next to her with a stern look on her face. "Though I thought that he'd tell you about it." Aporal just shrugged.
"Nae, we didn't know, lassie," Scotty replied, not without smiling though, "but I'm sure it'll be fun. The more the merrier, right?"
Jaylah blushed even more.
"Scotty's right. It'll be great. Just the four of us for two days", Leonard said and placed a hand on Jaylah's shoulder to reassure her that everything was fine.
"And my annoying family," Aporal added with a groan. He rolled his eyes at the thought of his parents.
"I think we should head into the shuttle now, your highness," Andre's voice came from behind the boys and Leonard seemed to remember what he had been about to say before he'd seen Jaylah.
"Oh, yeah, right. Aporal, this is Andre. He's going to join us. Jaylah? You remember him?"
Jaylah hadn't been to the palace too often, but on their first day at the academy she had also seen Andre.
The girl nodded her head.
"I think so. Why is he coming along?" Her eyes had a worried look in them as she possibly remembered what had happened to Leah not too long ago.
"Oh, you know," Leonard waved his hand in a soothing manner, "Georgiares' prince and his husband traveling to another planet. It's just a formality."
Jaylah narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but didn't say anything about it. She seemed to be satisfied with that answer.
"Well then... let's go," Aporal said with a sigh and soon enough they were all sitting in the shuttle, ready for the journey.
Leonard seemed much more relaxed on the flight and Scotty smiled to himself as he watched his sleeping husband next to him. Maybe the lessons in the simulator were actually helping him with his fear of flying. And the sessions with Dr. Cuthbert.
The Scotsman let his eyes wander back to the PADD in his hands. He had opened an article about engineering and had planned on finishing it during the flight, but tiredness was starting to get to him. His eyelids were getting heavy so he put the PADD back into his bag and snuggled closer to Leonard. A wee bit of sleep would surely do him some good.
However, as soon as Scotty closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think about his upcoming birthday. And the last one.
Memories started to fill his mind. Memories of sitting in a cell while flying through the vastness of space. Memories of the Romulans hurting him and making Leonard watch.
His heart started to race, stomach twisting, and he quickly opened his eyes again. Sweat was starting to form on his forehead so he took a few deep breaths to calm himself.
He'd get some sleep down on the ground. Everything would be okay.
Andoria was as fascinating as Scotty had always imagined it to be. With the surface being very cold and icy, the inhabitants had built their cities in the underground.
Even Andoria's shuttle depot was below the surface. Scotty was amazed by the futuristic architecture which was so different from Earth.
As soon as they stepped out of the shuttle, the small group was greeted by two Andorians. A male and a female.
"My baby!"
Arms were quickly wrapped around Aporal and he groaned as the people, who obviously had to be his parents, seemed to squash him.
"Hey mum. Dad," he eventually said and his parents let go of him.
"Oh, it is so lovely to see you! Was the flight okay? Was there any trouble? You were set to arrive five minutes ago!" Aporal's mother exclaimed, placing a hand on her son's cheek. Her eyes were wide.
"It's fine, mum. Just a little delay. Nothing special." Aporal turned his head to look at the guests he had brought with him.
"Mum, dad. Those are my friends Scotty and Leonard. And this," he glanced at Jaylah before taking her hand in his and smiling at her, "is my girlfriend Jaylah."
Both Scotty and Leonard looked taken aback by those words. Had they heard right? Aporal's... girlfriend?
Even Jaylah looked surprised for a moment, but then she smiled awkwardly. Apparently she was going to play along for the time being.
"Uhm, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Tallister. It is very nice to meet you."
Aporal's parents just stared at her for a long moment, before Aporal's mother started to smile. Quickly, Jaylah was pulled into a hug and she grunted in surprise.
The look she sent Aporal told more than a thousand words. He would need to explain a lot to her.
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It's time for June of Doom 2024 (hosted by @juneofdoom) ! This is how it goes this year: There'll be 10 different Star Trek characters and 3 arcs. Let's start with the first arc: Post-Beyond/Post-Canon! Please read the tags! They contain important warnings! Anyhow, let's go~ Please enjoy~
1. “Help me.”                                       
| Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |
His breath raced madly as Captain James T. Kirk ran through the rocky tunnels that he hoped would offer him a way out of his underground prison. After far too many days, he had finally managed to overpower one of the guards who brought him water every day and escape from the dungeon he had been locked in.
Every movement hurt his bruised and battered body, but Kirk knew that he couldn't stop. His escape would certainly be noticed soon enough and he didn't want to be caught and tortured for information again. He just wanted to get back to his beloved ship and its crew. Even now, Jim was still incredibly glad that at least Chekov and the rest of the landing party had managed to get back into the shuttle in time to escape from the planet.
A low curse escaped the captain's mouth as he reached another dead end. Why was this place such a bloody labyrinth! He quickly turned on his heel and was about to run back when he suddenly heard voices coming from the corridor he had come from.
"Shit, shit, shit," he breathed, running his hand through his sweat-soaked hair. He couldn't be caught! He had to get out of here! He —
His heart skipped a beat when Kirk suddenly discovered a hole in the wall. It was only very small, but if he wasn't mistaken, he should be able to squeeze in.
The voices came closer and closer. Jim knew that he didn't have much time left and so he decided to take the only option he could see.
The captain tried his best to keep his pain-filled groans as quiet as possible as he crawled as fast as he could through the narrow passageway behind the hole. It was another way out! Of that he was certain.
Inch by inch, the exhausted man crawled forward. His eyes quickly became accustomed to the darkness again. The larger tunnels of the prison had been lit with torches, but his cell had been in darkness. Just like this passage.
Relief flooded through the captain's body as the corridor widened a little and he made faster progress. His tormentors would certainly not suspect him in this part of their tunnels.
A triumphant smile crossed Kirk's lips at the thought that he might soon be free again. Up above, in the fresh air of the class M planet, he would surely find a way to contact his crew. The ion storm was surely long over and Scotty would be able to beam him aboard. Spock, who had probably done everything he could to find the captain, would be waiting for him in the transporter room. Bones would tend to his wounds and lecture him on the fact that the captain of a starship had to stay on board instead of leading landing parties. Well ... after the last few unbearable days, maybe Jim would even listen to his CMO for once.
The smile only widened when Kirk spotted a light not too far away. The end of the tunnel! He could hardly believe his luck. After days of torment, life finally seemed to be treating him well again.
Even though he was incredibly exhausted and his every muscle was screaming at him to rest, Jim quickened his pace once more. He could feel the walls closing in on him – the corridor was getting narrower again – but he wasn't going to let that stop him.
He would get out of here. He would escape!
The light was getting closer and closer, but Kirk couldn't see a real exit yet. His destination must be around a bend.
The captain gasped and coughed as he pushed on, getting closer and closer to his goal, and suddenly it happened.
Jim tried to crawl on, but his body wouldn't budge. The walls held him firmly in their grip. He was stuck!
Panic shot through Kirk as he realized this fact. Again and again, he tried to pull himself forward, but somehow his body had become entangled. With every attempt to free himself, he only seemed to make things worse.
"No, no, no," he muttered desperately. He could go no further. His point of destination was within reach, just around the bend, and yet he couldn't reach it.
Kirk made an attempt to push himself backwards somehow. Surely the locals had already left the tunnel he had been in before. If he managed to get back there, he could continue sneaking through the official corridors.
But this attempt also failed. The captain could neither move forwards nor backwards. He was trapped between the walls. Without any way of freeing himself.
Jim's breathing became faster and faster. His pulse and heart raced in a cruel unison. Cold sweat formed on his forehead. The feelings of panic that overcame him threatened to overwhelm him.
"Help." His voice was no more than a hoarse, piteous wheeze. Jim felt as if he was out of air, even though he could feel a thin breeze coming from the direction of the light. "Help me!"
Kirk began to scream for help as loud as he could. He was aware that his tormentors were the only ones who could hear him and free him, but he didn't care at that moment. All he wanted was to escape from this narrow, suffocating passageway.
But nothing happened. No one came to save him. No one got him out. Time passed and all the captain of the Enterprise could hold on to was the soft light of freedom. Freedom that he would never reach.
He thought of his ship. His crew. The vastness of space. How he longed to see the stars, to fly wherever he wanted.
Never again would he see distant galaxies. Never again would he discover new planets or meet other species.
He would remain trapped in this place for the rest of his life until the light in his blue eyes went out and the darkness swallowed him whole.
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In Our Favor
Part 215
Saturday morning dawned with the sound of pouring rain. McCoy rolled over and pulled the covers over his head as he heard a chuckle behind him. Scotty’s hand rubbed gently up and down his back.
“I suppose ye’d like to stay right here all day,” Scotty said softly, with humor in his still sleepy voice.
McCoy grunted out an affirmative noise and Scotty chuckled again.
“Then let’s do that.”
“Can we?” McCoy asked, pulling the covers back off his head.
“Who’s going to stop us?” Scotty asked.
McCoy rolled back over to face Scotty.
“What about meals? This isn’t the palace, I can’t call down and have breakfast brought up.” He smiled.
“Ye’ve got security don’t ye?”
“We have security,” McCoy emphasized, “and I don’t know if anyone would be happy with us using them as food delivery.”
Scotty pulled McCoy closer and kissed him on the forehead.
“Just once shouldn’t be a problem,” Scotty whispered.
McCoy grinned and gave his head a shake. “Why does that sound like what I would say? Ok,” he relented. “But breakfast only. We wouldn’t want to abuse the privilege.”
“Of course not your highness.” Scotty laughed as McCoy pinched at his side.
“Just for that I’m not answering the door when they bring it,” McCoy said and pulling the covers back over his head again, snuggled tight against Scotty’s side.
They made a very lazy morning of it. Sitting up in bed after they finally ate, they called each of their mother’s and had good long chats.
“I suppose it is time we got up,” McCoy said reluctantly as Scotty set the PADD aside from their chat with Francine.
“Probably,” Scotty agreed.
“Should probably start on homework too. I’ve got a paper to finish and a good handful of reading to get done.”
“Aye. I’ve got research to get done,” Scotty said as he stretched his arms over his head. “Come on love, we’ll get cleaned up, get some lunch and get our work done.”
“We won’t get many lazy mornings like this as we keep going along will we?” McCoy asked, getting to his feet.
“We’ll have to make the time for them then,” Scotty told him decidedly. He moved close to McCoy, kissed him, then gave him a gentle shove towards the bathroom.
Cleaned and dressed, McCoy and Scotty hurried through the rain to the dining hall.
“There you guys are,” Sulu said as they sat down. “You two eat early or just skip breakfast?”
“Skipped,” McCoy answered quickly. Sulu grinned, but said nothing more.
“Well you didn’t miss much,” Uhura told them. “Chris is off with Roger and Jim said yesterday they were going to the movies.”
“What do you think they are seeing?” Chekov asked.
“Who knows,” Jaylah said with an eye roll.
“What are ye doing this afternoon?” Scotty asked, looking around at their friends.
Part 216
It turned out that they all still had some homework to do. Only Uhura and Jaylah wanted to go into town later to do a bit of shopping. When Cora asked what they wanted to buy and Uhura replied that they wanted to go to some clothing stores, Jaylah seemed to blush slightly. Apparently they wanted to buy something for the alien girl.
"I know a good boutique nearby. If you want, I can show you," Cora simply said and the other girls immediately agreed.
"So... shopping isn't really our thing now, is it leannan?" Leonard turned to his husband with a grin and the Scotsman laughed.
"Nae, not really."
"Oh, you guys just don't know how to have a good time," Uhura replied, waving her hand.
"To each his own," Keenser grunted before a debate could begin and Scotty nodded in agreement.
"Aye, ye're right about that."
"I've got fencing practice later. So if you want to watch, you're welcome to drop by," Sulu offered and Scotty nodded.
"That sounds good. Maybe you can even teach us something."
As they walked to the gym in the late afternoon, Scotty and Leonard both knew they'd better confess to Sulu that they weren't going to visit the tournament.
Leah had called them shortly after lunch to let them know that they were allowed to accompany Aporal. Andre would arrive on the afternoon of departure and guard them.
"Hey, you guys actually came!" Sulu grinned broadly and waved to the boys as he saw them enter the hall.
"We couldn't turn down an offer like that," said Leonard as he and Scotty took their seats in the nearby stands.
"Well then, I guess I need to show you something, huh? Mark!" Sulu looked at another cadet who was practising a few moves in a corner of the hall. "Do you have time for a duel?"
The young man looked at Sulu and nodded.
"Sure. Why not?"
Scotty watched in fascination as Sulu and the redhead got into position and then began to fence with elegant movements.
It was more than just a sport or a fight. It was almost like a dance. And Sulu was a true master.
Scotty looked briefly at Leonard, whose eyes were fixed on the fencers. He wondered if Leonard knew how to fence as well. It seemed worthy of a prince to perform such sports.
The duel was quickly decided and it was no great surprise that Sulu emerged as the winner.
Scotty and Leonard both applauded and got to their feet to walk over to their friend, who was shaking hands with his opponent.
"You were pretty good, Mark."
"But apparently not good enough, Hikaru. I'll be better prepared for the tournament."
"I'm looking forward to it."
Mark went back to his corner of the hall and Sulu turned to Scotty and Leonard.
"So, what do you guys think? Do I have a chance of winning the tournament?" he asked and Scotty nodded.
"Definitely! You're the best fencer I know."
"Really, Scotty? And how many fencers do you know?"
That made the Scotsman laugh. He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.
"Well, at least two now."
Sulu just grinned.
"You were really good," Leonard agreed. "And I know a lot of fencers."
"Thanks, guys. I was really pleased that you came."
That was probably the cue to come clean.
"Ye know, Hikaru, we have a confession to make... We cannae be at the tournament to cheer ye on."
Surprise washed over Sulu's face as he heard Scotty's words.
"Oh... you can't?"
"Aporal asked us to accompany him to the family reunion. I... I think he needs us by his side." Even though Scotty didn't say anything specific, the look on his face revealed how important it was.
A moment later, Sulu just smiled and patted his Scottish friend on the shoulder.
"I see. Well then... I hope that when you come back, I'm a real winner."
Scotty grinned.
"There's no doubt about it."
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This post is very old, but I wanted to update you on the fact that I will sadly not be able to get a tattoo because I'm allergic to something that's basically in every color they use 😞
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*sigh* I really wanted to finish the first arc (Prompts 1 - 10) for June of Doom before June, but I don't know if I'll reach that goal. I've finished 1 - 8, but I (probably) won't get to write tomorrow because it's 'stupid Thursday' (@thesconesyard You know what I mean) and on Friday I'll be visiting a festival. Maybe I'll get to finish 9 and 10 tonight. We'll see.
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In Our Favor
Part 213
“You want to go where?”
McCoy huffed as he closed his eyes for a moment.
“Andoria,” he told his sister. “What part of my message wasn’t clear?”
“I’m trying to be thorough,” Leah huffed back.
“Aporal has to go home for a family member's birthday.” McCoy pinched the bridge of his nose. “He asked me and Scotty to go with him. So. Is this going to be a big problem or can undercover security finally leave?”
“Aporal is the one who caused the problems last week isn’t he?”
McCoy took a deep breath. He wished Scotty was back from classes; he’d keep McCoy calm through this conversation.
He scowled at Leah before answering. “He defended himself.”
“So then security should probably go,” Leah said firmly.
McCoy sighed again. He knew that was most likely to be the answer.
“Won’t it be suspicious if we go with Aporal and these new cadets also disappear that weekend?” He raised an eyebrow at his sister, feeling as if he had won a point. “They managed to fly under the radar after last weekend; we wouldn’t want to announce them now.”
“We’ll send Andre then. He’s already been seen with you, that won’t be out of place.”
A deep breath.
“Just Andre,” McCoy said.
“And his te—”
“Just Andre,” McCoy repeated.
“I can defend myself. Scotty’s been learning self defense. Aporal is the best fighter in their class. We’ll be safe.”
“I have to run this all past Father,” said Leah.
“Then go do it. Get it approved.”
“Father might want more security than just Andre,” Leah warned.
“I won’t take it. Look, Aporal has been through a lot. He’s starting to be more open about friends and he needs us,” McCoy told Leah in a quieter voice. “I know it had to take him a lot to come ask us, but he did and we’re going.”
“Ok,” Leah nodded. “I’ll talk to Father this evening and get back to you tomorrow.”
“Fine. Good,” said McCoy.
“Call Mother more often,” Leah said, pointing a finger scolding at him.
“I will,” he promised. “Take care Lee.”
“You too Lenny.”
McCoy ended the call and leaned back in his desk chair. Father had reminded him when McCoy had first said he didn’t want to be king that Leah would rule over him too. McCoy had joked she was his sister and had already done that his whole life. But now— now he really understood. For anything the rest of their lives that had to be done in the royal realm, he would answer to Leah. Her permission, her denials.
McCoy tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling. Answering to Father was easier. That was all they had ever known. If McCoy had become king, things would have been different. A smirk crossed his face; Leah would have reported to him.
As much as it rankled for the moment— having Leah in charge— he would much rather be where he was than still in line for the throne.
The door swished open, and McCoy dropped his head back to normal.
“Hey darlin’,” he smiled at Scotty.
“Mo ghràdh. Ye talked with Leah, didn’t ye?” Scotty set his things down, then leaned over to kiss McCoy.
“How could you tell?” McCoy chuckled.
“Ye’re still tense.”
McCoy laughed. “It’s a pain in the ass reporting to her! But,” he continued thoughtfully, “I wouldn’t want it to be me.”
“Aye love.”
McCoy knew Scotty understood he meant being king. He let himself be drawn up by the hands from his chair. Scotty led him to their bed.
“Why don’t we relax a bit before we get started on homework?” Scotty suggested. “Tell me about your day and the call.”
Part 214
When they were sitting at the dining table, chatting about their plans for the upcoming weekend, Scotty couldn't believe how fast the week had passed them by. The incident with Aporal and the other guy seemed so far away, even though it had only been a few days. Time sure was running being a cadet at the academy.
"What are you guys up to?" Jim asked Scotty and Leonard after he had told everyone that Spock and him would go to the movies on Saturday.
"We don't have any plans yet. Maybe a bit of learning and calling our mums," answered Scotty. Leonard had told him about the talk he'd had with Leah and that she had basically ordered him to call Eleanor. She was right though. They really needed to call their mothers more often.
"Cool, cool. Maybe we can all spend some time together at the arcade on Sunday?" A hopeful look crossed Jim's face. He really seemed to want to keep their crew from slowly parting from each other.
Scotty was only slowly starting to realize that he actually didn't spend as much time with all of his friends as he had used to back at boarding school. They all had their own projects and classes and lives. Everyone was going their own way. It was an inevitable change, but it still felt kinda strange.
"Sure. Why not?" Leonard said with a shrug and one by one everyone else agreed too.
Jim grinned happily and clapped his hands.
"Then it's settled. We're gonna have an awesome afternoon guys!"
As Scotty and Leonard lay in bed later, the Scotsman was still thinking about how much their lives had changed in a very short time.
"What's on your mind? You seem so absent." Leonard gave him a worried look and put his hand on Scotty's cheek.
"I'm not sure, mo ghràdh. I'm just thinking that we're all kind of going different ways now. Some of us have very few classes together. We have a lot of studying to do and a lot of homework. It's all different from school," Scotty mused to himself and Leonard just smiled gently.
"And yet we all remain friends. Even though I hardly ever see Keenser, for example, I know that we'll always get on well and be there for each other. It's not the time we spend together that counts, but the deep bond we've created that connects us."
For a moment, Scotty and Leonard just looked at each other, then the latter just shook his head with a grin.
"Oh man! That... that was really cheesy, wasn't it?"
Scotty had to chuckle too and he ran a hand through his husband's hair before it came to a halt at the nape of the prince's neck.
"Aye. Aye, it was." He kissed Leonard lovingly before pulling his head back again. "But it was very nice, too. Thank ye."
Leonard nodded.
"Anything to cheer up my beautiful husband and take his mind off things," he said with a grin and then went in for another kiss.
Scotty's face mirrored the grin and one of his hands slowly slipped beneath Leonard's shirt.
"I suppose ye deserve a proper reward for helping me relax, don't ye?" the Scotsman asked in a husky voice before he started to press kisses down Leonard's jawline. The prince gave a soft moan.
"I– I would have cheered you up without a reward, but if you insist, then–"
A kiss to Leonard's mouth shut him up and it didn't take long for clothes to drop to the floor of the room.
They would forget all their worries for the night.
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My bad, y’all, I kinda forgot that I started to write the lyrics for 10’s song last night. So the above mentioned line is the last sentence of fanfic WIP and this is the actual last WIP.
Just be like me and you will see hope’s easy to resign.
Same tags as above 🙈
Tagged by @thesconesyard
Post the last line of your WIP and tag as many people as there are words. Make a new post; don’t reblog.
"Come on, ma'am, we both know that Vulcans are an endangered species and therefore much more valuable than any other species."
That's a hell lot of words 🙈🤣 (and maybe a spoiler? XD) Don't know that many people to tag, so I tag @simmeons, @l0vel3ss-l1nds3y, @hi-my-name-is-dotdotdot, @sawbones4117 and whoever wants to join~
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Tagged by @thesconesyard
Post the last line of your WIP and tag as many people as there are words. Make a new post; don’t reblog.
"Come on, ma'am, we both know that Vulcans are an endangered species and therefore much more valuable than any other species."
That's a hell lot of words 🙈🤣 (and maybe a spoiler? XD) Don't know that many people to tag, so I tag @simmeons, @l0vel3ss-l1nds3y, @hi-my-name-is-dotdotdot, @sawbones4117 and whoever wants to join~
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In Our Favor
Part 211
“So Aporal’s heading home,” McCoy said as he and Scotty strolled back towards their dorm after dinner.
“Aye,” Scotty said. McCoy could tell his husband was distracted and he looked over at him curiously.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
“Hmm? Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking about what the lad told me one time about his parents,” Scotty said, a chagrined smile on his face. “I wonder if he’ll have an easy time or not.”
“Are they not good people?” McCoy asked, his interest rising.
Scotty sighed. “I suppose, but it didn’t sound like they much understood that he’s changed from what he went through.”
They walked along in silence again, McCoy giving Scotty’s hand a squeeze. Their dorm got closer.
“Do you want to go in yet?” McCoy asked. He honestly wasn’t looking forward to settling in and reading his homework.
“Oh. I suppose we could walk a bit more,” Scotty said, glancing at McCoy. “Ye aren’t too cold are ye?” he asked slyly.
McCoy scowled over at Scotty’s grin.
“It’s fine,” he chuckled. “The breeze stopped for once.”
“And ye’ve got me of course,” Scotty said, giving McCoy’s side a nudge with his elbow.
“And that,” McCoy laughed, dodging away from the elbow.
Quietly they continued their walk. They wandered across campus and back before finally deciding they should really get the last of their homework done.
“Have you seen the Kelvin memorial?” McCoy asked as they came close to the short sidewalk that led to it.
“Aye,” Scotty said.
“I found it by accident one day,” McCoy told him. “Do you think Jim’s been there?”
“I’m sure the lad knows of it,” Scotty said thoughtfully. “But whether he’s been there or no…,” Scotty shrugged.
“Do you think many people around campus realize who he is?”
“Probably the same amount who realize ye’re a prince,” Scotty said with a soft smile.
“I think I’d rather they recognized me than Jim or bother him,” McCoy said firmly. “To be recognized for the terrible thing that happened at your birth that you had no control over… I can’t imagine how tough that would be.”
“Aye love,” Scotty agreed with another squeeze of McCoy’s hand.
They reached their dorm shortly, each lost in their own quiet thoughts. It was a surprise then, when the elevator doors opened on their floor to find Aporal facing them.
The alien boy seemed taken aback.
“What are ye doing here?”
Aporal’s face quickly moved from surprise back to a collected, aloof look.
“I was looking for you, Scottish boy,” he said, voice not giving anything away. “But you weren’t in.”
“We went for a walk,” McCoy said. He and Scotty stepped out of the elevator as Aporal stepped back.
“What do ye need?” Scotty asked.
Aporal shifted from one foot to the other.
“C’mon,” McCoy said quickly. “We’ll go talk in private.” He began towards their room and the other two followed.
Part 212
Once they had settled down in their room, both Scotty and Leonard gave Aporal, who was sitting at Scotty's desk, a curious look. There was something on the lad's face that Scotty couldn't quite put into words.
"Uhm... are you okay with me being here?" Leonard eventually asked when Aporal didn't say anything at first. The Andorian nodded.
"Yeah, sure, I... actually wanted to talk to the both of you," he admitted and Scotty's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"I see. Are you in trouble because of what happened last Saturday?" assumed Leonard, but Aporal shook his head.
"No. It's... actually about the visit I told you about during dinner. I wanted to ask you if you'd... come along?”
"Oh," Scotty said under his breath, eyes wide. He exchanged a quick glance with Leonard who looked just as surprised as him.
"I understand if you don't have time or don't want to. One of your best friends is participating in a tournament and I'm sure you want to cheer him on and –" Aporal was already getting up again from where he was sitting, but Scotty quickly shook his head.
"N-nae, laddie. I'm sure that Hikaru will understand if we're not there. It's just... a surprise that ye'd ask us to come along," explained the Scotsman, before glancing at his husband once more. "Right?"
Leonard gave a nod.
"Yes. We weren't expecting that. But we'd love to join you, if that's what you want. I mean... with everything that happened on Georgiares we probably have to ask my family if it's alright for us to visit another planet, but I doubt that they'll say no."
An expression of gratefulness washed over Aporal's face when he heard those words. He sat back down and looked at the couple.
"Thanks. You see, it's not like I can't do it on my own, but... I want my parents to see that I have found new friends in this place and that they don't need to worry about me," he said with a crooked smile.
Scotty had the feeling that there was even more to it, but he didn't ask. Aporal was making tiny steps into the right direction so he didn't want to push him.
“Then we’ll show them together,” Scotty said with a smile. He got up from where he was sitting on the bed and placed a reassuring hand on the Andorian’s shoulder, squeezing it.
“I still can’t believe it,” Leonard mumbled when they were snuggling in bed later that evening.
“Me neither. But I’m really glad the lad thought about asking us. He sees us as his friends.” The thought still made Scotty smile softly. Aporal was getting more and more into all the friendship stuff.
“I just hope that we can go with him. I already wrote a message to Leah, but she hasn’t answered yet.” Leonard rolled his eyes when he mentioned his sister’s name. He was obviously still annoyed by the fact that she was now responsible for him. And that she had said that it was an easy assignment.
“I’m sure we can. After all, we’re under the best protection with Aporal on our side,” Scotty returned with a sheepish grin and Leonard had to chuckle.
“Of course. You’re right. How could I forget about that?”
“It’ll be fine, mo ghràdh. I’m sure.”
Scotty snuggled closer to Leonard and it didn’t take long until the two of them fell asleep.
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20 Low effort meaningful comments to leave on fics when you can’t think of anything to say that most authors love and appreciate (and you will too).
1.) Thank you for writing this!
2.) This really helped distract me from the horrors of reality, thank you for writing it!
3.) I really really really loved this.
4.) <3
5.) Literal keyboard mash q3kjt2uh0erjiurjfnejkrgnkejoiiueirnf!!!!
6.) My favorite part was when they ____.
7.) I laughed at ____.
8.) How dare you! /affectionate.
9.) I am very excited to read this story in its entirety!
10.) I really enjoyed the first __ chapters, I cannot wait for more!
11.) This gave me everything I was hoping for!
12.) 10/10 fic, thanks for writing!
13.) I am going to be thinking about this fic for a long time, thank you for writing!
14.) This made me feel a lot of emotions and I cannot describe them, so thank you for that. I really enjoyed this.
15.) This was the best ride I haven taken in a long time, wow! Thank you for writing this.
16.) If I had the ability to bind this as a real book I would, I loved it so much.
17.) I'm not good with words but I just loved this so much.
18.) This is complete perfection.
19.) I am in awe of how you described ____.
20.) This means so much to me that you wrote this. Thank you.
The more you comment, the better you will get at it and the more enjoyment and fulfillment you will received out of saying thank you.
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So, I kinda have this story in mind that Maverick and Miss Farie both were on the same TV cooking competition once and they had to be on the same team and well... let's say they disagreed quite often 🙈
hello Ms Farie :D im offering either Maverick or David (both if you'd like) to be cooked into any fowl dish of ur choice :]
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Here you go, darling 💜 A nice delicious Maverick fricassee ~
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Posting it on main blog too
Opening art requests for Miss Farie's food chibis!
Want one of your OCs (or canon characters) as food chibi? Send in a picture and a dish you'd like to see.
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